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Kordahi ME, Rapp RJ, Stix RK, Sheridan S, and Irish OB, (SubCom), Wall D and Waterworth
G (Alcatel Submarine Networks, Nozay, France), Perratt B, Wilson S, and Holden S (Global
Marine Systems Ltd, Chelmsford, UK)
Email: [email protected]

SubCom, 250 Industrial Way West, Eatontown, New Jersey, USA,

Abstract: This paper is written on behalf of the Submarine Cable Improvement Group (SCIG).
Fault data from undersea systems continues to be collected by several cable system supplier
organizations. The paper analyzes and presents historical cable fault data to assist with
designing and improving new cable routes advancing cable protection of undersea systems,
enhancing cable system reliability, and planning and budgeting of cable spares and a
maintenance program. Data from three independent suppliers are used in the analysis to obtain
results with statistical significance. This analysis highlights recent system faults and provides a
continuation of previous studies which were presented in 2016, 2010, 2007, 2004, 2001, and
1997. Global trends are reported with a focus on data from the last three (3) years.
Observations with respect to fault causes, water depth and regional differences are described.

1. FAULT DATA SOURCES AND repairs and vessel mobilization time to

METHODOLOGY initiate repairs, shown by country. This
dataset is believed to be the most
The reliability of submarine cable networks
representative of fault data which shows that
continues to be largely influenced by cable
there are over 200 faults per year on average
breaks caused by external aggression.
and the number is growing as more
Route planning with a focus on cable
kilometers (km) of cable are installed.
protection is crucial to ensuring un-
While the data from the three author
interrupted service of undersea
companies do not record 200 faults/year, the
communication. Understanding these cable
data shown as a percent of total are
break events and the resulting faults are the
indicative of the whole dataset within our
underlying reasons for this fault study so
margin of error.
that new routes can be designed with the
knowledge of the historical fault record. We again note that the industry continues to
place great focus on cable routing, burial,
Collected data on cable faults from three
armoring, cable awareness, and Automatic
submarine cable marine operators have been
Identification System (AIS) programs to
used to provide an industry update on cable
improve protection and reduce fault rates.
fault statistics. While none of the three
companies claim to have data on all faults In addition, many new systems have been
that have occurred, the comparison between installed in the last three (3) years since we
the three datasets is nevertheless last reported. These new systems are often
illuminating and indicative of the primary subject to higher risk until nautical charts
fault causes. The paper also references an are updated and mariners become aware of
annual report issued on behalf of the their locations.
International Cable Protection Committee As in previous reports, this 2019 analysis is
(ICPC) [1][2] that provides statistics on based on SubCom’s, Alcatel Submarine

Copyright © SubOptic2019 Page 1 of 7

Networks’, and Global Marine Systems as shown in Figure 1, where External
Ltd.’s individual databases. Aggression faults continue to represent the
dominant category. There are only slight
In general, the three databases compare well
differences (within 5%) between the data
over the three-year focus period from 2016
sources despite many non-overlapping
to 2018. Fault data have been separated into
faults. External Aggression faults range
three general categories: External
between 87% and 92%, whereas
Aggression, Manufacturing, and Other. As
Manufacturing-related failures are in the
in the paper presented three years ago, in
range of 5% to 12%, and Other range
instances where faults could not be
between 0% and 2%, depending on which
allocated, these data points were assigned to
database is considered.
a fourth special category of “Unknown” and
are not included in the statistics.
Within the External Aggression category,
data were further subdivided into Fishing,
Anchors, Abrasion, Geological, and Others.
Faults where a sub-category or cause could
not be determined or was not recorded
(Unknown) were not included in the
statistics. We believe that the overall
conclusions within the study are unaffected
by these allocations.
As in previous reporting, the data are Figure 1: Overall Causes of Fiber Optic
presented in two sections. First, the total Cable Failure
number of faults throughout the world, as The variation of fault data among the
reported in the three (3) databases, is companies is small and well within our
presented from an absolute (percentage) ability to categorize faults. We also note
point of view. Second, the data is that no one company has a complete set of
normalized using the total number of all faults.
systems and their associated lengths.
Length-normalized fault rates are presented External Aggression faults are further
in units of ‘faults per 1000 km per year’, separated into sub-categories in Figure 2a,
calculated as the sum of the number of which include both human activity (anchors
faults divided by the total length of cable and fishing) and natural causes (geological
known to the respective organizations. The and abrasion). These are also presented by
data is further separated into two depth data source.
ranges – cable in less than 1000 meters(m) For External Aggression faults recorded by
(shallow water) and cable in greater than the three companies, eight out of ten (80%)
1000m (deep water). are attributable to human activity, either
from fishing or from anchor (i.e. dropping,
2. ABSOLUTE FAULT ANALYSIS dragging, etc.). This percentage is a slight
Faults are grouped into three major increase from previous years showing 74%
categories, including External Aggression, (2007-2009) and 72% (2010-2015),
System Manufacturing, and Other (i.e. that respectively.
do not fit the first two) and are compared by We note a higher percent of fishing faults in
data source: SubCom, ASN, and GMSL. the GMSL data. As is often the case, some
The overall fault trend corresponds well of the faults attributed to fishing may have
with previous studies [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] been caused by anchors (or vice versa). This

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is particularly true if AIS data is not conducted using various combinations of
available for a vessel or a region. We are the three data sources, as we have
more confident that the cause of the fault is established equivalency among the three
reasonably accurate when the particular databases.
vessel involved is identified. When a vessel
has not been identified, the fault cause is
determined by a judgement based on
available circumstantial findings such as
cable damage, water depths, burial depths,
fishing intensity, and anchorage proximity.
The identification and categorization of
faults is not infallible.

Figure 2b: Comparison of Faults

by Category (all water depths)
from 2007 to 2018
All External Aggression faults as a function
of water depth are presented in Figure 3a
and compare SubCom and GMSL datasets.

Figure 2a: External Aggression Faults for

all Water Depths
The SubCom data show higher geological
faults likely due to the bias of the number of
repairs performed in areas where there are
known turbidity currents. [9] The higher
percent of abrasion faults reported by ASN
may be due to the number of deep-water
repairs they have completed.
Figure 3a: Depth Distribution (m) of all
Figure 2b shows the comparison with
External Aggression Faults
previous reporting periods. The SubCom
data show an increasing trend in the percent Most of the External Aggression faults
of fishing faults from 31% to 41% from the occur in water depths of 100m or less. This
2007-2009 period to the current period, water depth range is where between 71%
2016-2018. Anchor faults range between and 83% of faults occur. Approximately
40% and 45%. Geological faults continue to 5% to 10% of faults are recorded in the 100
show a slightly higher percentage attributed to 200-m water depth bin. A few faults
to earthquakes and turbidity slides. show up in the 400 to 700-m depth ranges.
Just under 20% of external aggression faults
Natural causes include such faults as earth
occur at depths greater than 1000m.
movement and chafe/abrasion. Abrasion
failures, remaining less than 10% in the Figure 3b shows that faults vs. depth is quite
2016-2018 period, have averaged about consistent over all reporting periods. The
10% over the three data sets. For SubCom data show small increases in deep-
expediency, the rest of the data analysis is

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water faults from 10% to 16% over the three range, due to the deeper 3-m burial of new
reporting periods. systems in areas where warranted and where
seabed conditions allow for it. Fishing
faults in the 300-800-m range have
increased slightly. This may be explained
by fishing activity moving into deeper
water—as fishing sources have been
depleted inshore in many areas.
Figures 4b and 4c present Anchor faults and
Combined Fishing & Anchor faults,
respectively. Figure 4b shows some anchor
activity beyond what is considered normal
anchor deployment (i.e. < 100m).

Figure 3b: Depth Distribution of

all External Aggression Faults
Comparing (3) Time Periods
Figure 4a focuses on fishing faults alone
with respect to water depth and compares
the data from the three company databases.
Similar to all external aggression faults,
fishing faults are correlated with depth. All
of the companies’ data generally agree and
show more faults recorded in shallow water
(80% to 88% shown by SubCom and
Figure 4b: Water Depth Distribution (m)
GMSL). The ASN data show a trend within
of Anchor Faults
the 100 to 200-m depth range likely due to a
bias of their area of maintenance operations. It is possible that these anchor faults were
due to stow net anchors related to fishing

Figure 4a: Water Depth Distribution (m)

of Fishing Faults Figure 4c: Water Depth Distribution (m)
of Fishing & Anchor Faults
However, the latest period (2010-2015)
shows a slight decline in the 100 to 200-m As expected anchor faults are most
prevalent shallower than 100m while fishing

Copyright © SubOptic2019 Page 4 of 7

faults can extend much deeper. This is Annual fault rates for all External
reflected in the plots when comparing Aggression causes are presented in Figure
Figures 4a, 4b, 4c. 6. The average rate of 0.27 faults per year
per 1000 km remains in decline over the last
3. LENGTH NORMALIZED DATA eight years with the shallow water rate
Fault occurrences normalized by cable reaching an average of about 0.18 faults per
length deployed around the world and by year per 1000 km in the last three years.
year provide a very useful metric for easily
predicting fault rates on new routes based
simply on cable length.
This reference unit is only useful in a global
sense, since it could be misleading if one
uses it locally where fishing, and/or
geological trends are significantly different.
Length-normalized fault rates per year
(from 2010 on), in shallow and deep waters,
are presented in Figure 5. The fault rate has
been decreasing overall, and steadily
declining over the last several years. Note
that 2018 is incomplete since some known
2018 faults have not been characterized and Figure 6: Length-Normalized External
entered into the SubCom database. Aggression Faults in less than 1000-m
Water Depth
Figure 7 presents fishing faults only. Over
the last eight years, the average has
decreased from about 0.11 to about 0.06
faults per year per 1000 km for the last three
It is slightly lower than usual as some
historically counted fishing faults are now
properly binned as anchor faults. As we
reported in 2010, the overall low rate is
certainly due to systematic cable burial and
cable awareness throughout the world.
Figure 5: Length-Normalized Overall Figure 8 shows the absolute number of
Fault Rates for Depths < 1000m and deep-water faults per year. This average
Depths > 1000m rate is less than 1 fault per year over the last
The rates indicate about 0.04 faults per year
per 1000 km in deep water (> 1000m). For
shallow water (< 1000m), there is a trend of

declining rates of faults over the last eight Absolute fault rates shown in Figures 6
years with the last three years averaging through 9 are lower than in Figure 5
0.26 faults per year per 1000 km as due—in part—to the fact that “unknown”
compared with 0.40 (eight-year average). faults (those not attributed to external
aggression) were not included. The trend
The rest of the data analysis concentrates on over time is the relevant metric.
fault trends in shallow water.

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eight years with no faults recorded in the Interestingly, the North Pacific had a higher
last two years. percentage of Anchor faults as compared to
the Atlantic. Whereas, the Atlantic had a
higher percentage of Fishing faults.
In the South Pacific, only Abrasion faults
were recorded in this time period (hence the
100% bar in that category).

Figure 7: Length-Normalized Fishing

Faults in less than 1000-m Water Depth
The second largest category of external
aggression faults, in less than 1000-m water
depth, is that of anchor faults. Figure 9
shows an average of about 0.12 per year per Figure 9: Length-Normalized Anchor
1000 km over the last eight years and about Faults in less than 1000-m Water Depth
0.10 in the last three years.
As mentioned earlier, these statistics show
These anchor faults are mainly concentrated how global data could be somewhat
within busy harbors and ship traffic areas misleading if applied to regional locations
which are hard to patrol and protect. We where anchoring, fishing, and/or geological
believe that the decrease in anchor faults is trends are significantly different.
due to better awareness through AIS
monitoring and notifications aimed at
commercial vessels.

Figure 10: Comparison of External

Aggression based on Atlantic, N. Pacific,
and S. Pacific Ocean Regions for 2016-
Figure 8: Absolute Fishing Faults in 2018
greater than 1000-m Water Depth
This year, we are including a snapshot of
All External Aggression Faults based on Global analysis of undersea system fault
three oceans: Atlantic, North Pacific, and data from the last three (3) years shows
South Pacific for the 2016 to 2018 period. trends that are both consistent among the

Copyright © SubOptic2019 Page 6 of 7

major suppliers’ databases and a continuing [1] Palmer-Felgate A, ‘A Global
trend of decreasing faults as seen in the Comparison of Repair Commencement
analyses done for previous years. Times: Update on the Analysis of
Cable Repair Data’, ICPC 2018 Plenary
Normalized fault rates, for the length of
Meeting, 10-12 April 2018, Cape Town,
cable deployed, show annual external
South Africa.
aggression fault trends continue to be
[2] Irvine N, ‘A Global Comparison of
extremely low.
Repair Commencement Times: Update
Most faults continue to occur in less than a on the Analysis of Cable Repair Data’,
200-m water depth. External aggression ICPC Plenary 28-30 April 2015, Hong
remains the primary cause of faults (87% to Kong.
92%), and fishing faults constitute the [3] Kordahi ME, Stix RK, Rapp RJ,
majority of those (~49%) followed by Sheridan S, Lucas G, Wilson S, and
anchoring (~35%). Where both fishing and Perratt B, ‘Global Trends in Submarine
anchoring are prevalent, there is correlation Cable System Faults’, SubOptic 2016,
with higher percent of faults in 0 to 100-m April 2010, Dubai, UAE.
water depth. Fishing faults occur out to [4] Kordahi ME, Shapiro S, and Lucas G,
1000-m water depth; deep water (> 1000m) ‘Global Trends in Submarine Cable
fishing faults continue to be rare. System Faults’, SubOptic 2010, May
Continued uncontrolled anchoring, fishing 2010, Yokohama, Japan.
pressure, greater use of the seabed, and [5] Kordahi ME, Shapiro S, and Lucas G,
geological events pose the primary risks to ‘Trends in Submarine Cable System
cables. We believe 3-m burial on new Faults’, SubOptic 2007, May 2007,
systems where warranted and when seabed Baltimore, MD, USA.
allows for it, is improving protection in [6] Kordahi ME, and Shapiro S,
shallow water. ‘Worldwide Trends in Submarine
Cable System Faults’, SubOptic 2004,
Natural hazards such as typhoon induced May 2004, Monte Carlo, Monaco.
turbidity slides continue cause a slight rise [7] Featherstone J, Cronin A, Kordahi ME,
in deep water geological faults. Although and Shapiro S, ‘Recent trends in
there is continued exposure of older cables, Submarine cable faults’, SubOptic 2001,
new systems avoid these deep canyons and May 2001, Kyoto, Japan.
are less prone to turbidity slides. [8] Shapiro S, Murray J, Gleason R, Barnes
These conclusions provide global trends. S, Eales B and Woodward P, ‘Threats
Regional and local rates vary significantly. to Submarine Cable’, SubOptic’97,
May 1997, San Francisco, USA.
5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [9] Frantz R, Bubel G, and Wagner E,
‘Recent Trends in Submarine Cable
The authors would like to thank their
Failures’, ICPC, April 1996, Marlow,
colleagues at SubCom, LLC. (formerly
Tyco Electronics Subsea Communications
[10] Carter L, Gavey R, Talling PJ, and Liu
LLC or TE SubCom), Alcatel Submarine
JT, ‘Insights into Submarine
Networks, and Global Marine Systems Ltd
Geohazards from Breaks in Subsea
(GMSL) for their help in preparing this
Telecommunication Cables’,
paper, which was written on behalf of the
Oceanography 27(2):58–67, 2014.
Submarine Cable Improvement Group.
[11] Palmer-Felgate A, Booi P, ‘How
6. REFERENCES Resilient Is the Global Submarine
Cable Network’, SubOptic 2016, Dubai,

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