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Report Writer

Course Manual and Activity Guide

This booklet is for the personal use of only the individuals who have enrolled in this specific workday training course. You may make copies only as
necessary for your own use. Any distribution, even within your organization, is strictly prohibited unless workday has authorized such distribution in

© 2016 Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday, the Workday logo, Workday Enterprise Business Services, Workday Human Capital Man agement,
Workday Financial Management, Workday Resource Management and Workday Revenue Management are all trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other
brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Version 26.1 (June 2016)
Report Writer for Workday 26

Report Writer for Workday 26 .............................................................................................. 8

Description ......................................................................................................................... 8

Goal & Objectives ............................................................................................................... 8

Proxy Access in Training Tenants ........................................................................................ 9

Chapter 1 – Reporting Overview ........................................................................................ 10

Overview .......................................................................................................................... 10

Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 10

Workday Reporting Overview ............................................................................................ 11

Finding Reports in Workday .............................................................................................. 12

Scenario ........................................................................................................................... 13

Workday Standard Reports ............................................................................................... 13

Demo – Explore Standard Reports ................................................................................. 15

Activity 1.1 – Run a Standard Report .............................................................................. 18

Copying a Standard Report ............................................................................................... 20

Modifying Report Columns ................................................................................................ 21

Saving Prompt Filters ........................................................................................................ 22

Hiding Standard reports .................................................................................................... 23

Demo – Copy a Standard Report .................................................................................... 24

Activity 1.2 – Copy a Standard Report ............................................................................ 27

Activity 1.3 – Leverage Standard Reports ....................................................................... 30

Using Report Tags ............................................................................................................ 31

Activity 1.4 – Add Report Tags to Custom Reports .......................................................... 32

All Custom Reports ........................................................................................................... 34

Chapter 2 – Building Custom Reports ............................................................................... 35

Overview .......................................................................................................................... 35

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Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 35

Reporting Terminology ...................................................................................................... 36

Importance of the Report Data Source ............................................................................... 37

Class Report Fields........................................................................................................... 41

Activity 2.1 – Explore a Custom Report ........................................................................... 42

Determining the Primary Business Object and Data Source ................................................ 44

Business Object Details Report ......................................................................................... 44

Data Sources Report......................................................................................................... 49

Demo – Explore the Business Object Details and Data Sources Reports ......................... 50

Scenario ........................................................................................................................... 52

Activity 2.2 (Walkthrough) – Determine the Primary Business Object and Data Source ..... 55

Contextual Reporting ........................................................................................................ 58

Demo – Use Report Fields and Values ........................................................................... 60

Creating a Custom Report ................................................................................................. 61

Adding Fields from Related Business Objects .................................................................... 65

Activity 2.3 – Create a Custom Report ............................................................................ 66

Chapter 3 – Sorting and Filtering ....................................................................................... 67

Overview .......................................................................................................................... 67

Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 67

Scenario ........................................................................................................................... 68

Activity 3.1 – Determine the Primary Business Object and Data Source ........................... 69

Sorting ............................................................................................................................. 70

Demo – View the Sort Options ....................................................................................... 73

Activity 3.2 – Sort the Data on a Report .......................................................................... 75

Scenario ........................................................................................................................... 78

Filtering ............................................................................................................................ 78

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Demo – View the Filter Options ...................................................................................... 82

Activity 3.3 – Filter the Data on a Report ......................................................................... 83

Using Worktags for Filtering .............................................................................................. 85

Chapter 4 – Prompting ....................................................................................................... 87

Overview .......................................................................................................................... 87

Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 87

Scenario ........................................................................................................................... 88

Prompting ......................................................................................................................... 89

Demo – View the Prompt Options ................................................................................... 93

Activity 4.1 – Add Filter Prompts ..................................................................................... 94

Where Can Prompts Come From? ..................................................................................... 96

Demo – View Where Prompts Can Come From .............................................................. 97

Activity 4.2 – Add a Field with a Built-in Prompt ............................................................... 98

Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 100

Runtime Date Prompts .................................................................................................... 101

Activity 4.3 – Run a Report with a Runtime Date Prompt ............................................... 103

Scenario (On Your Own) ................................................................................................. 104

Activity 4.4 – Create a Custom Report (on Your Own) ................................................... 106

Chapter 5 – Totaling, Grouping, and Outlining ................................................................ 107

Overview ........................................................................................................................ 107

Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 107

Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 108

Totaling .......................................................................................................................... 109

Grouping ........................................................................................................................ 110

Outlining ......................................................................................................................... 112

Report Output ................................................................................................................. 113

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Activity 5.1 – Configure Totals, Grouping, and Outlining ................................................ 114

Summary Reports ........................................................................................................... 119

Chapter 6 – Report Security............................................................................................. 121

Overview ........................................................................................................................ 121

Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 121

Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 122

Workday Security Model ................................................................................................. 123

Sharing Reports .............................................................................................................. 127

Demo – Sharing and Security ....................................................................................... 129

Activity 6.1 – Share a Report ........................................................................................ 133

Common Report Access Issues ....................................................................................... 136

Who Can Create, Edit, Copy, and Delete a Custom Report?............................................. 142

Transferring Ownership of a Report ................................................................................. 142

Demo – Copying a Shared Report ................................................................................ 144

Chapter 7 – Scheduling Reports ...................................................................................... 145

Overview ........................................................................................................................ 145

Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 145

Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 146

Scheduling a Report ....................................................................................................... 147

Scheduled Future Processes ........................................................................................... 152

Process Monitor .............................................................................................................. 153

Activity 7.1 – Schedule a Report ................................................................................... 154

Chapter 8 – Introduction to Matrix Reports ..................................................................... 157

Overview ........................................................................................................................ 157

Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 157

Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 158

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Matrix Report Functionality .............................................................................................. 159

Configuring the Matrix Report .......................................................................................... 160

Demo – Matrix Reports ................................................................................................ 165

Activity 8.1 – Create a Matrix Report............................................................................. 167

Charts ............................................................................................................................ 170

Activity 8.2 – Add a Chart ............................................................................................. 174

Chapter 9 – Working With Calculated Fields ................................................................... 176

Overview ........................................................................................................................ 176

Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 176

Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 177

Calculated Fields Overview ............................................................................................. 178

Characteristics of Calculated Fields ................................................................................. 179

Access to Calculated Fields............................................................................................. 181

Format Date ................................................................................................................... 183

Demo – View Format Date ........................................................................................... 185

Reporting on Journal Lines .............................................................................................. 186

Activity 9.1 – Build a Format Date Calculated Field ....................................................... 187

Working with Related Business Objects ........................................................................... 190

Lookup Related Value ..................................................................................................... 191

Activity 9.2 – Build a Lookup Related Value Calculated Field ......................................... 192

Chapter 10 – Report Performance ................................................................................... 194

Overview ........................................................................................................................ 194

Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 194

Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 195

Use Cases ...................................................................................................................... 196

Factors that Impact Performance ..................................................................................... 197

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Testing and Debugging ................................................................................................... 200

Activity 10.1 – Compare Report Performance................................................................ 204

Appendix A – Activity Answer Keys ................................................................................ 207

Activity 1.1 – Run a Standard Report ............................................................................ 208

Activity 1.3 – Leverage Standard Reports ..................................................................... 209

Activity 1.4 – Add Report Tags to Custom Reports ........................................................ 211

Activity 2.1 – Explore a Custom Report ......................................................................... 212

Activity 2.2 – Determine the Primary Business Object and Data Source ......................... 213

Activity 3.1 – Determine the Primary Business Object and Data Source ......................... 215

Activity 4.3 – Run a Report with a Runtime Date Prompt ............................................... 218

Activity 4.4 – Create a Custom Report .......................................................................... 219

Activity 5.1 – Configure Totals, Grouping, and Outlining ................................................ 222

Activity 6.1 – Share a Report ........................................................................................ 223

Activity 8.1 – Create a Matrix Report............................................................................. 225

Activity 10.1 – Compare Report Performance................................................................ 226

Appendix B – Reporting Security Domains ..................................................................... 227

Appendix C – Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................... 229

Delivered Reports ........................................................................................................... 229

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Custom Reports ............................................................... 230

Sharing Custom Reports ................................................................................................. 231

Running Custom Reports ................................................................................................ 232

Managing Reports .......................................................................................................... 233

Appendix D – Helpful Resources ..................................................................................... 234

Standard Reports............................................................................................................ 234

Tasks ............................................................................................................................. 235

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Report Writer for Workday 26



This course introduces you to the Workday Report Writer tool. You will learn how to leverage
Workday business objects and data sources to access the report data you need. You will also
learn how to build custom reports to meet business requirements from various functional areas.

This course will cover the following topics:

 Reporting Overview
 Building Custom Reports
 Sorting and Filtering
 Prompting
 Totaling, Grouping, and Outlining
 Report Security
 Scheduling Reports
 Introduction to Matrix Reports
 Working with Calculated Fields
 Report Performance


In this class, you will be stepping into the roles of two workers at Global Modern Services.
Logan McNeil, the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), is the report writer for the HCM
side of the business. Teresa Serrano, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), is the report writer for the
financial side of the business. Throughout this class, you will be given a set of business case
scenarios in which Teresa and Logan will be required to create reports with specific
requirements. You will help them build custom reports using the Workday Report Writer tool.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

 Create a custom report using the Advanced report type that sorts, filters, prompts,
groups, and totals the data.
 Create a basic matrix report that summarizes the data and uses drillable fields.
 Use the tools in Workday to determine the appropriate primary business object and data
source for a report.
 Create a basic calculated field to display data from a related business object on a report.
 Troubleshoot why a user cannot access a report or see certain data on the report.
 Explain the performance considerations when creating a custom report.

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Throughout this class, you will use proxy access in your training tenants to make it easy to test
reports as other users. Proxy access can only be enabled in training, sandbox, and other non-
production environments. In order to use proxy access, a proxy access policy must be
configured in the tenant.

You can use the Start Proxy task to act as another user in the tenant.

1 - Start Proxy

When acting as another user, you will see “On behalf of:” in the top right corner of the screen.

2 - On Behalf of Another User

You can use the Stop Proxy task to act as yourself again.

3 - Stop Proxy

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In this chapter, you will become familiar with the Workday Report Writer tool. You will learn how
to run standard reports and manipulate the output of a report. You will also learn how to use
these standard reports as a starting point for creating custom reports.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Describe the high-level reporting capabilities in Workday.

 View Workday standard reports.
 Run a standard report and explore the output.
 Copy a standard report to create a custom report.
 Create a report tag and associate it with custom reports.
 Determine if a standard report can be copied and used as the starting point for a custom

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4 - Graphical representation of reporting capabilities and applications in Workday

Reports in Workday are designed for the functional user and have an easy-to-use, consumer-
friendly interface. Reports are built in to the application, which allows users to take action on the
report output directly from the user interface. By being built-in and not bolt-on, reports in
Workday also leverage your security configuration. This allows you to access real-time, relevant

You can build custom reports using the Report Writer tool. You can embed reports in your
business process transactions to provide relevant data for decision-making at the time of
decision. You can also enable reports as worklets and display them on dashboards. In addition,
you can use scorecards to display a snapshot of important metrics for a specific organization for
a particular period. These metrics are sometimes called KPIs (or key performance indicators).

Reports can be used in outbound integrations (Reporting-as-a-Service) and accessed from

mobile devices.

Workday allows you to associate layouts with your custom reports, which it uses to generate
PDF files. In Workday, these designs are known as business form layouts. You can define a
business form layout using the Report Designer (BIRT) tool in Workday Studio.

You can use Big Data Analytics to analyze data from both Workday and external sources.

Workday helps you automate your Excel processing and formatting when exporting a Workday
custom report. Excel Templates reduce the time and effort needed to deliver Excel workbooks
based on Workday custom reports, especially in cases where you export a report on a regular
basis and then reformat the data in Excel. This feature supports any macros, calculations, and
formatting you defined in the associated workbook template.

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You can use the Search box to find and run reports in Workday. In the Search Results, you will
see two sections of results. The Tasks and Reports section returns matching results you can
run. The All of Workday section returns matching object definitions. You can use an object
definition’s Related Actions icon to take action on the given object. For a custom report, you can
use the object definition’s related actions to edit the report. You can use the Categories along
the left-hand side to further refine the results.

5 - Searching for Reports in Workday


You can use search prefixes to limit the search results. Type ? in the Search box to see a list of
supported search prefixes. To search using a search prefix, type <search prefix>: <specified
string> in the Search box. For example, type rd: expense to search for custom reports using a
search string.

The following table lists common reporting search prefixes.

Search Prefix Search Results

rd Searches for custom reports using a search string.
rdt Searches for custom report definitions using a report tag.
field Searches for fields (including report fields) using a search string.

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Teresa Serrano needs to create a report that identifies

expenses without a receipt.

These are the fields she needs to display in the report:

Expense Expense Cost Worker Expense Currency Extended Receipt

Report Report Center Item as Amount Attached
Date Worktag
EXP- 1/9/15 71200 Neal Airfare USD $576.69 No
00004948 Jackson
EXP- 1/9/15 10000 Steve Meals USD $39.49 No
00004950 Morgan
EXP- 1/16/15 41200 Betty Liu Parking USD $117.00 No

If there is a Workday standard report that is close to what Teresa needs, she can copy and
modify it.


You can use the Workday Standard Reports report to view Workday-delivered reports. When
you run this report, it asks you to select the category whose reports you want to list. You can
select as many categories as you want.

Security Notes:
 The report shows all standard reports and all categories, even if you do not
have security permissions to access the menu category or the report.
 You must have access to the Custom Report Administration security domain
to run the Workday Standard Reports report.

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6 - Workday Standard Reports

These are the columns displayed in the report.

Column Description
Category The category for the standard report.
Report Related actions you can take on the standard report.
Name Name of the standard report.
Description Description of what is displayed in the report.
The type of report, either XpressO or Report Writer.
XpressO reports are created using a proprietary programming tool that
provides special capabilities for building reports. You cannot copy and
Type then modify these reports using the Report Writer tool.
Report Writer reports are created using the same Report Writer tool that is
available to you. You can make a copy of a Report Writer report, change it
any way you want, and then save it.
Schedulable Indicates whether a report can be scheduled.
Shows the name of the domain in which the report is secured. Users must
have access to one of the security domains to run the report.

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to find standard reports using the Workday
Standard Reports report. You will also learn how to run a standard report and explore the
report output.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Type Work Stan Rep in the Search box and press Enter.

2. Select Workday Standard Reports in the top portion of the Search Results.

3. Type worker in the Report Categories field and press Enter. This will show you all
Report Categories that include the word “worker.”

4. Select Worker Data and Worker Data History.

5. Click OK to view the report.

a. Which report lets you find workers in a supervisory organization and filter
based on Degree and School?

b. Which report cannot be scheduled? (Hint: Scroll to the bottom of the report.)

c. Which reports are XpressO reports?

6. Click the Find Workers report’s Related Actions. Hover over Standard Report and
notice that you can run this standard report. Click Related Actions again to close
the pop-up.

7. Click the Beneficiary Change Summary report’s Related Actions. Why can’t you
access Standard Report > Run?

8. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.


1. Click the Back arrow next to Workday Standard Reports to select a different report
category to view.

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2. Click X next to Worker Data and Worker Data History to remove them as selected

3. Select Expenses as the new Report Category and click OK.

4. Click the Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed report’s Related Actions and
select Standard Report > Run. This report prompts the user for information.

5. Enter the following information in the report prompts:

Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA)

Date Loaded From 01/01/2015

Date Loaded To 12/31/2015

6. Click OK.


1. Click the Billing Date column and then select Sort Descending. This will sort the
data by the most recent date.

2. Click the Billing Date column and then select Remove Sort.

3. Click the Corporate Credit Card Account column and then select GMS USA Amex
Account (Corp) and GMS USA Visa Account (Corp) in the Value field.

4. Click Filter. This will display only credit card transactions for corporate credit cards in
the USA.

5. Click the Corporate Credit Card Account column and then select Remove Filter.

6. Click the Filter icon that is just above the grid on the far right and click Add. This is
another way that you can filter by a column in the report.

7. Click Cancel.

8. Click the Export to Excel icon that is just above the grid on the far right and view the
resulting output.

9. Click the Export to Excel icon that is near Teresa’s name (upper right corner) and
view the resulting output. What is the difference between the two Excel files?

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10. Click the Expand/Collapse Chart icon that is just above the grid on the far right to
view a chart of the data.

11. Click the Configure icon and change the chart type to Clustered Bar.

12. Click the Expand/Collapse Chart icon that is just above the grid on the far right to
hide the chart.

13. Click the Select to show/hide columns icon that is just above the grid on the far

14. Clear the Transaction Currency and Managers checkboxes.

15. Click Done and verify that the report does not display the Transaction Currency and
Managers columns.

16. Click the View Printable Version (PDF) icon that is near Teresa’s name and view
the resulting output.

17. In the Corporate Credit Card Account column, click GMS USA Amex Account
(Corp)’s Related Actions. Notice that there are several related actions you can take
for this corporate credit card account right from this report.

18. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

19. Click the Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed report’s Related Actions. Notice
there are several related actions you can take for this standard report, including
creating a copy.

20. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

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Business Case: Teresa Serrano needs to create a report that shows expense report line items
without a receipt. She needs to display these fields in the report:
 Expense Report
 Expense Report Date
 Cost Center
 Worker
 Expense Item as Worktag
 Currency
 Extended Amount
 Receipt Attached
She needs to see if there is a Workday standard report that meets her needs.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Type Work Stan Rep in the Search box and press Enter.

2. Select Workday Standard Reports in the top portion of the Search Results.

3. Select Expenses in the Report Categories field.

4. Click OK.

5. Scroll down in the list of reports and find the Expenses Without Receipt report.

a. Based on the Description field, does this report show expense report line
items without an attached receipt?

b. Is this a Report Writer report?


1. Click the Expenses Without Receipt report’s Related Actions and select Standard
Report > Run.

2. Enter the following information in the report prompts:

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Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA)

Expense Report Date From 01/01/2015
Expense Report Date To 12/31/2015
Reporting Currency USD

3. Click OK.

4. Compare the fields displayed in the standard report with the fields that Teresa wants
in her report. These include: Expense Report, Expense Report Date, Cost Center,
Worker, Expense Item as Worktag, Currency, Extended Amount, and Receipt

a. Are any of the desired fields missing from the standard report? If yes, which

b. Are there fields in the standard report that Teresa does not want displayed?

c. Can Teresa use the standard report as is, or will she need to copy and modify


1. Click the Expense Report Date column and then select Sort Descending. This will
sort the data by the most recent date.

2. Click the Expense Report Date column and then select Remove Sort.

3. Click the Expense Item as Worktag column and then select both Airfare and Meals
in the Value field.

4. Click Filter. This will display only expense report lines items for airfare and meals.

5. Click the Expense Item as Worktag column and then select Remove Filter.

6. In the Worker column, click Neal Jackson’s Related Actions. Notice that there are
several related actions you can take for Neal Jackson right from this report.

7. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

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There are two ways to copy a standard report:

1. From the standard report’s Related Actions, you can take the Standard Report >
Copy related action.

7 - Standard Report > Copy Related Action

2. You can use the task Copy Standard Report to Custom Report.

8 - Copy Standard Report to Custom Report

Note: You can only copy Report Writer reports, not XpressO reports.

Security Notes:
 By default, a custom report is not shared with other users. This means only
the owner can see and run the report.
 You must have access to the Custom Report Creation security domain to
copy a standard report and create a custom report.

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9 – Modify Report Columns

When editing a custom report, you can modify the fields that will be displayed as columns in the
report via the Columns tab.

 Use the + and – icons to add or remove a row.

 Use the up and down arrows to reorder the rows.
 Select the field you want to display.
 Optionally, override the field name displayed on the report.
 Select from a variety of numeric formats (masks).
 Select options for how the data should be displayed.

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When editing a custom report, you can Enable Save Parameters on the Advanced tab.

10 - Enable Save Parameters

Enabling this option lets you save and reuse prompt filter values when you run a report.

11 - Saving Prompt Filters

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12 - Hide Workday Delivered Report

The Hide Workday Delivered Report task makes standard reports no longer searchable. This
eliminates confusion with your users when you create a custom report that should be run
instead of the Workday-delivered report.

When you hide a standard report, it is no longer available in search results, in menus, or as a
related action.

Hiding standard reports is typically performed by someone at the central organization level. This
person needs to understand the full impact of this change across the entire organization.

Security Note: You must have access to the Setup: Tenant Setup - General security
domain to hide standard reports.

Note: When moving reports from Sandbox to Production, Workday does not move
the hidden report settings. You will need to use the Hide Workday Delivered Report
task in production to hide any reports that you have hidden in the Sandbox.

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to copy a standard report and modify the columns
displayed in the report.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Type credit card trans not in the Search box and press Enter.

2. Select the Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed report in the top portion of the
Search Results.

3. Enter the following information in the report prompts:

Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA)

Date Loaded From 01/01/2015

Date Loaded To 12/31/2015

4. Click OK.

5. Click the Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed report’s Related Actions and
select Standard Report > Copy.

6. Change the report name to WICT RW Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed and
click OK.


1. Click the Move Row Up arrow to move the Employee field before the Corporate
Credit Card Account field.

2. Click the Move Row to Top arrow to move Worker’s Manager(s) to the top. Then
click the Move Row Down arrow to move Worker’s Manager(s) to just below

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3. Click the Remove Row icon to remove Credit Card Transaction Load Date and
Credit Card Billing Date.

4. Use the Add Row icon to add a row at the end.

5. Select Credit Card Transaction Type Code for the Field.

6. Enter Transaction Type Code in the Column Heading Override field.

7. Locate the Credit Card Extended Amount row, and in the Options field select Valid
Options > Show Currency Symbol.

8. Click the Advanced tab and verify that Enable Save Parameters is selected.

9. Click OK.

10. Click Run.

11. Enter the following information in the report prompts:

Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA)

Date Loaded From 01/01/2015

Date Loaded To 12/31/2015

12. Enter Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed 2015 in the Untitled Filter box.

13. Click Save.

14. Click OK to run the report and verify the changes to the columns.

a. Are Credit Card Transaction Load Date and Credit Card Billing Date
displayed on the report?

b. Does the Extended Amount column show the currency symbol?

c. What is the name of the last column?

15. Type wict rw credit in the Search box and press Enter. Notice that the custom report
appears in the search results twice. Clicking the report link on the top will run the
report, while the report link on the bottom allows you to view or take action on the
report definition.

16. Select the WICT RW Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed report in the top
portion of the Search Results.

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17. Select 1 Saved Filters > Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed 2015. This will
populate the prompt values with your previously saved values.

18. Click OK to run the report.

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Business Case: Teresa Serrano needs to copy the Expenses Without Receipt standard report
and modify the columns displayed in the report. She needs to display these fields:
 Expense Report
 Expense Report Date
 Cost Center
 Worker
 Expense Item as Worktag
 Currency
 Extended Amount
 Receipt Attached

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Type exp without in the Search box and press Enter.

2. Select Expenses Without Receipt from the top portion of the Search Results.

3. Enter the following information in the report prompts:

Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA)

Expense Report Date From 01/01/2015
Expense Report Date To 12/31/2015
Reporting Currency USD

4. Click OK.

5. Click the Expenses Without Receipt report’s Related Actions and select Standard
Report > Copy.

6. Change the report name to WICT RW Expenses Without Receipt.

7. Click OK.

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1. Click the Remove Row icon to remove the following fields:

Field Name

Expense Report Line Date
Email – Work
Worker’s Manager(s)
Expense Report Status
Expense Report Worker Payment Status

2. On the Expense Report Date row, click the Add Row icon.

3. In the new row, select Cost Center for the field.

4. On the Reporting Currency row, click the Add Row icon.

5. Enter the following information in the new row:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Receipt Included and Attached

Column Heading Override Receipt Attached
Options Valid Options > Show No When False

6. Click the Move Row Up arrow to move Reporting Currency before Extended Amount
in Reporting Currency.

7. For the Extended Amount in Reporting Currency row, select Valid Options > Show
Currency Symbol in the Options field.

8. Click the Advanced tab and verify that Enable Save Parameters is selected.

9. Click OK.


1. Click Run.

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2. Enter the following information in the report prompts:

Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA)

Expense Report Date From 01/01/2015
Expense Report Date To 12/31/2015
Reporting Currency USD

3. Enter Expenses Without Receipt GMS 2015 in the Untitled Filter box.

4. Click Save.

5. Click OK to run the report and verify the changes to the columns.

6. Type wict rw exp with in the Search box and press Enter. Notice that the WICT RW
Expenses Without Receipt custom report appears in the search results twice. The
top occurrence is the report and the bottom occurrence is the report definition.

7. Select the WICT RW Expenses Without Receipt report in the top portion of the
Search Results.

8. Select 1 Saved Filters > Expenses Without Receipt GMS 2015. This will populate
the prompt values with your previously saved values.

9. Click OK to run the report.

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Business Case: For each scenario, determine if there is a standard report you can use as a
starting point. If yes, what modifications would you make?

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


(Hint: Use Workday Standard Reports.)

1. You need a report that displays journal lines by company, year, and period. The
report should display the journal, company, status, accounting date, source, ledger,
currency, ledger account, ledger debit amount, ledger credit amount, and worktags.
(Hint: Financial Accounting report category)

Can you use a standard report as a starting point? If yes, what modifications would
you make?

2. You need a report that lists the benefit plans in which a worker is eligible to enroll.
The report should display the health care coverage plans, health savings account
plans, spending account plans, insurance coverage plans, and defined contribution
(Hint: Benefits report category)

Can you use a standard report as a starting point? If yes, what modifications would
you make?

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You can use report tags to easily categorize and find reports.


When editing a custom report, you can create a new report tag by selecting Create Report Tag
from the Report Tags field.

13 - Report Tags

Security Note: You must have access to the Report Tag Management security
domain to create report tags.


When you search for a report tag name, all associated reports will be displayed. You can use
the rdt prefix to only display custom report definitions in the search results.

14 - Searching Using Report Tags

Security Note: When using reports tags to find custom reports, users will only see
reports of a given tag that are shared with them.

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Business Case: Teresa Serrano wants to be able to easily search for the expense report she
just created.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Type wict rw exp with in the Search box and press Enter.

2. Click the WICT RW Expenses Without Receipt report definition’s Related Actions
and select Custom Report > Edit.

3. Select Create Report Tag in the Report Tags field.

4. Enter Training Reports in the Report Tag field.

5. Click OK.

6. Select Expenses as an additional report tag.

7. Click OK.


1. Type ? in the Search box and press Enter. This shows you the list of Search
Prefixes you can use to limit your search results.

2. Filter the To Find… column to only show values that contain report. Notice that there
are two prefixes you can use to find custom reports: rd and rdt. The rd prefix
searches for custom reports using a search string. The rdt prefix searches for custom
report definitions using a report tag.

3. Type rdt: training reports in the Search box and press Enter. Does the WICT RW
Expenses Without Receipt report definition appear in the search results?

4. Type rdt: expense in the Search box and press Enter.

a. How many items are returned in the search results?

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b. Does the WICT RW Expenses Without Receipt report definition appear in the
search results?

5. Access the Start Proxy task.

6. Select Logan McNeil in the Act As field and click OK.

7. Type rdt: expense in the Search box and press Enter.

a. How many items are returned in the search results?

b. Does the WICT RW Expenses Without Receipt report definition appear in the
search results?

8. Access the Stop Proxy task.

9. Select the Confirm checkbox and click OK.

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You can use the All Custom Reports report to view all custom reports in the tenant. You can
leverage these custom reports as a starting point for new custom reports.

15- All Custom Reports

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In this chapter, you will learn common terminology used in reporting. You will use the tools in
Workday to determine the appropriate primary business object and data source for a report. You
will also learn how to create a custom report using the Advanced report type, and add fields
from the primary and related business objects.

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Define common reporting terminology.

 View the fields, related business objects, data sources, and reports for a business
 View the delivered data sources.
 Use contextual reporting to view report fields and values.
 Create a custom report using the Advanced report type.
 Add fields from the primary and related business objects to a custom report.

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Workday stores your data in business objects, which can be thought of as database tables or
worksheets in Excel. Just as a database table or worksheet has columns and rows, a Workday
business object has fields and instances.

The report data source provides the view into the primary business object (PBO). This object
gives you access to class report fields (CRFs), as well as links to related business objects

16 - Graphic representation of the relationship between Data Sources, Class Report Fields, and Business Objects

Term Definition
Primary Business The main business object for the report. It holds the data that will be
Object displayed in your report.
Objects that are associated with the primary business object. These
Related Business can have a 1:1 or 1:M relationship with the primary business object.
Object A field on the primary business object links the two business objects
Workday delivers data sources for some business objects. You can
think of the data source as the ‘view’ or ‘starting filter’ for reporting on
Report Data Source
the given primary business object. This is the first and most
important step in developing a custom report.
When working with Workday custom reports, you can select
Class Report Fields available fields (depending on your security). These fields can be
Workday-delivered fields, calculated fields, or custom fields.

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Instances of a business object in Workday are like rows in a table or

Instances spreadsheet. Each instance represents a unique occurrence of that
type of object, such as a given organization or worker.


Data sources are defined and delivered by Workday. Workday delivers zero, one, or multiple
data sources for business objects. The report data source is the view or selection of instances
of a given primary business object; this is essentially the starting data for your report.

With the exception of Composite reports, you must select a single report data source when
creating a report. This will determine the primary business object for the report. The report
displays one row for each instance of the primary business object.

Let’s take a look at an example. If you create a report with All Active Employees as the report
data source, then the primary business object for the report will be Employee. The report will
show one row for each instance of Employee. Notice that Alain DuBois only appears once in the
table. His dependents are listed as “sub-rows” and grouped under the Dependents heading.

17 - Report with All Active Employees as the Data Source

If you create a report with All Dependents as the report data source, then the primary business
object will be Dependent. The report will show one row for each instance of Dependent. Notice
that Alain DuBois appears twice in the table (once for each dependent).

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18 - Report with All Dependents as the Data Source

Both data sources let you access the same information, but the information is displayed
differently. You need to understand how users want to view, sort, and filter the data in order to
pick the best report data source for the report.

Each data source associated with a primary business object has its own security. The access
defined for a data source controls whether a user can create or run a custom report based on
that data source. Each data source has a list of permitted security groups. You must have
access to a permitted security group to create a report using the data source or run the report.
In addition, you can only share a report with users who have access the report’s data source.

There are two types of data sources: Standard and Indexed. Let’s take a look at the difference
between the two types.


Most data sources in Workday are standard data sources. A given Workday business object can
have several standard data sources associated with it, each representing a different filter or
selection into instances of that object. Think of the data source as a starting filter. You should
choose the data source that returns the smallest data set that still includes all needed data. This
is more efficient than using a data source that returns a larger data set and applying filters to
only display a subset of the data.

A data source can contain all instances of the primary business object (e.g., All Workers), or it
can have built-in filtering logic defined by Workday (e.g., All Active and Terminated Workers). If
it has built-in filtering, the filter comparison value(s) can either be built into the data source (e.g.,
All Active Employees) or designed so the user is prompted for the comparison value when
running the report (e.g., Employees by Organization).

The following example shows different standard data sources for the Worker and Employee
business objects. The All Workers data source will return all active, terminated, and future
workers. The All Active and Terminated Workers data source will return active and terminated
workers, but not future workers. The All Active Employees data source will return active
employees, but not contingent, terminated, or future workers. For optimal performance, choose
the data source that returns the smallest data set that contains all needed data. If you are only

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interested in active employees, then choosing the All Active Employees data source will result in
a more efficient report.

19 - Chart displaying data sources with the most, fewer, and lease amount of instances


Indexed data sources are a special type of data source optimized for performance, aggregation,
and faceted filtering on large volumes of data. It is recommended that you use these whenever
possible to get the best performing reports.

When you create a custom report based on an indexed data source, a prompt enables you to
select from a list of predefined filters (if available for that indexed data source). Data source
filters are secured so users will only be able to use filters to which they have access.

To gain the performance benefits of indexed data sources, use indexed delivered fields. Non-
indexed fields can be used but will not realize indexing benefits. Additionally, fields may be
indexed for different purposes. The biggest impact to performance would be using a field for
grouping, aggregation, or filtering that is not indexed for those purposes. Non-indexed fields in
detailed reporting do not have as great an impact to the overall performance.

Resource: You can find more information about report performance on Community:

The following is a sample list of indexed data sources available in Workday.

 Indexed Workers  Purchase Orders

 Indexed External Payroll Results  Purchase Order Lines
 Indexed Worker for Professional Profile  Project Scenarios

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 Trended Workers  Project Scenario Assignments

 Expense Reports for Company  Project Scenario Assignment Allocations
 Expense Reports for Worker  Indexed Report Run History
 Expense Report Lines for Company  Supplier Invoices
 Expense Report Lines for Worker  Supplier Invoice Lines
 Payroll Inputs  All Time Blocks
 Journal Lines  All Time Clock Events
 Journal Lines for Financial Reporting

Just like with standard data sources, a given Workday business object can have multiple
indexed data sources associated with it. Each indexed data source provides a different filter into
instances of that object. For example, the Journal Line business object has two indexed data
sources: Journal Lines and Journal Lines for Financial Reporting. The Journal Lines data source
will return more instances than the Journal Lines for Financial Reporting data source. For
optimal performance, you should choose the data source that returns the smallest data set that
contains all needed data.

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Each data source has many Class Report Fields (CRFs). When creating custom reports, you
can display, sort, filter, and create prompts for Workday-delivered fields, calculated fields, and
custom fields.

Class report fields (CRFs) can be simple types or object types. Simple types are not actionable
and appear as black text. Object types are actionable and appear as blue text. Access to class
report fields is controlled by security.

The following table shows the field type icons and their definitions.

Icon Definition

Text – Represents a simple text field, such as First Name.

Rich Text – Represents a rich text field, such as Overall Comment – Manager.

Numeric – Represents a numeric field, such as Employee Count.

Currency – Represents a currency field, such as Base Pay.

Date – Represents a date field, such as Hire Date.

Time – Represents a time field, such as End Time.

DateTimeZone – Represents a date and time (in a specific time zone) field, such as
End Date/Time.

Boolean – Represents a True/False field, such as Active Status.

Single instance: Represents a one-to-one (1:1) relationship between two objects.

For example, one Employee can be associated with one Pay Group.
Multi-instance: Represents a one-to-many (1:M) relationship between two objects.
For example, one Worker can have multiple Dependents.
Self-referencing instance: A reference back to itself. For example, a self-
referencing instance of worker identifies the worker and allows you to drill into the
details and access related actions.

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Business Case: You need to understand how the primary business object and data source
control what can be displayed on a custom report.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Type rd: wdinst rw in the Search box and press Enter.

2. Click the WDINST RW Employee Details report definition’s Related Actions and
select Custom Report > Edit. What is the report data source, data source type, and
primary business object for this report?

3. On the Columns tab, view the Business Object and Field columns. Which class
report fields are from the primary business object and which are from the related
business object?

4. In the Business Object column, click the Dependents’ Related Actions.

a. What is the Field Type for this field?

b. What is the Related Business Object for this field?

5. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

6. In the Field column, click the Hire Quarter’s Related Actions. Is this a Workday-
delivered field, calculated field, or custom field?

7. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

8. Click OK.

9. Click Run.

a. How many instances of the primary business object (Employee) are


b. For Alain DuBois, how many instances of the related business object
(Dependent) are returned?

c. For Alex Grossman, how many instances of the related business object
(Dependent) are returned?

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10. In the Employee column, click Alex Grossman’s Related Actions. Note that this field
is actionable because it is a single instance field.

11. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

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When creating a custom report, you need to determine the primary business object and data
source for the report. There are several questions you should ask:

 Which business object(s) contain the fields needed in the report?

 If there are multiple business objects:
o Are these business objects related?
o Which should be the primary business object?
o Which should be the related business object?
o Which field links the two business objects together?
 Which data source should be used?


The Business Object Details report can help you understand and navigate the Workday object
model. Knowing how business objects relate to each other and which data sources are available
is invaluable when building reports. We recommend starting with this report first to get an idea
of what objects you might want to use in your custom report. You can also use this report to get
a list of data sources.

When running this report, you must select which business object you want to view.

20 - Business Object Details Report

This report contains up to four tabs: Fields, Related Business Objects, Data Sources, and
Reports. If the business object does not contain data for one of these tabs, the tab will be

This tab shows all available delivered, calculated, and custom fields for the business object. You
can filter by a column in the report to narrow down which fields are displayed. For example, you
might filter the Field Source field to only show calculated fields.

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21 - Business Object Details Report - Fields Tab


This tab shows information about the relationships between this business object and other
business objects. The tab displays two sections of information. On the left hand side, you can
see the list of business objects that this business object links to. On the right hand side, you can
see the list of business objects that link to this business object.

22 - Business Object Details Report - Related Business Objects Tab

Note: Depending on the width of your browser, the Links to Related Business Objects
grid may appear above the Links from Related Business Objects grid, instead of

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You can click on the number in the Number of Links column to see which fields link the business
objects together. In the following example, there are three fields that link from the Expense
Report business object to the Employee business object.

23 - Links between Objects


This tab shows available data sources for the business object. You can also view more general
data sources and more specific data sources.

Note: If you don’t see the Data Sources tab, then there are no delivered data sources
for the business object. This means the business object cannot be used as the
primary business object for a report. Consider using a related business object to
access the data you need.

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24 - Business Object Details Report - Data Sources Tab

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This tab shows if there are reports in the tenant (both standard and custom) that use the given
business object. You can use these reports as a reference when writing reports for this business

You can click the Reports Displaying Business Object at Second Level button to see the reports
that include this business object as a related object.

25 - Business Object Details Report - Reports Tab

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Another useful report for research is use the Data Sources report. This report helps you

 Whether a data source is standard or indexed.

 If the data source includes built-in prompts.
 Permitted security groups for the data source.
You can filter the report by category to narrow down the data sources.

26 - Data Sources Report

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to leverage the Business Object Details and Data
Sources reports.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Business Object Details report.

2. Select Expense Report in the Business Object field.

3. Click OK.

4. View the Fields tab. How many fields are on the Expense Report business object?

Note: Your training tenant includes calculated and custom fields. The
Expense Report business object in your tenant will contain a different
number of fields.

5. View the Related Business Objects tab.

6. In the Links to Related Business Objects table, filter the Business Object field by

7. Click 7 in the Number of Links column.

a. What field types are these fields?

b. Which field(s) on Expense Report can return more than one worker?

8. Close the pop-up box.

9. In the Links from Related Business Objects table, filter the Business Object field by
Expense Report Line.

10. Click 2 in the Number of Links column. Which fields link the Expense Report Line
business object to the Expense Report business object?

11. Close the pop-up box.

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12. View the Data Sources tab. How many data sources are available for the Expense
Report business object?

13. View the Reports tab.


1. Access the Data Sources report.

2. Filter the Primary Business Object field by Expense Report. Does the Expense
Report business object have both Indexed and Standard report data sources?

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Logan McNeil needs to create a report that shows the last

base pay increase for all active employees by organization.

These are the fields she needs to display in the report:

Employee Employee ID Base Pay - Base Pay - Effective

Current Proposed Date
Adam Carlton 21237 50,488.66 52,508.20 04/01/2015
Adrian Martin 21104 124,848.00 126,720.72 04/01/2015
Aidan Mitzner 21142 90,032.90 92,283.72 04/01/2015

She looked for a standard report, but didn't find one that meets her needs. So she will need to
create a custom report. First, she will determine the primary business object and data source for
the report.

Based on the scenario, Logan needs to report on all active employees. These are some of the
different Workday business objects that let you report on workers:

 The Employee business object contains regular employees.

 The Contingent Worker business object contains contractors.
 The Worker business object contains both regular employees and contractors. It is all
the workers in the Employee business object plus all the workers in the Contingent
Worker business object.

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27 - Graphical representation of instances in the Employee and Contingent Worker BOs. All of these instances are
included in the Worker BO.

Based on the scenario, Logan needs to report on the current base pay, proposed base pay, and
effective date of the last base pay increase. She needs to understand what business objects
contain this information.

Workday data is commonly updated via business process transactions, or ‘events,’ that are
captured in your tenant as of an effective date. This allows you to future date or past date a
given change, such as a compensation change.

28 - Graphical represenation of action event data sources from general to specific.

Workday provides data sources allowing you to report on these business process transactions.
The Action Event business object captures overall information about your transactions. You can
use data sources to report on the Action Event business object more generally.

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Workday also provides specific data sources for specific types of transactions. For optimal
performance, use targeted data sources to report on specific types of events. Below are some
more specific event objects that contain information about compensation events.

 The Employee Compensation Event business object contains the before and after
values for compensation changes for each employee.
 The Employee Compensation Events for Compensation Plan Adjustment business
object contains more specific data about employee compensation changes.
You can report on events directly or you can get to the event data from another business object,
such as Employee. It all depends on how you need to display, filter, group, and sort the data.

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to create a custom report that shows the last base pay
increase for all active employees by organization. She needs to display these fields in the
 Employee
 Employee ID
 Base Pay – Current
 Base Pay – Proposed
 Effective Date
She needs to determine the primary business object and data source for the report.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Business Object Details report.

2. Select Employee in the Business Object field.

3. Click OK.

4. Filter the Field Name column by Dependents and Position. Are these fields for the
Employee business object?

5. Click the Related Business Objects tab.

6. In the Links to Related Business Objects table, filter the Business Object field by
Employee Compensation Event.

7. Click 11 in the Number of Links column. This is the number of fields that link to the
Employee Compensation Event business object. Which field contains the business
process for the last compensation change, with a base pay change for the
employee? (Hint: Look at the Description column.)

8. Close the pop-up box.

9. Hover over the Employee Compensation Event link.

10. Right-click and select See in New Tab.

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11. Filter the Field Name column by Base Pay – Current, Base Pay – Proposed, and
Effective Date. Are these Workday-delivered fields for the Employee Compensation
Event business object?

12. Close the tab for the Employee Compensation Event business object.

13. Click the Data Sources tab for the Employee business object.

14. Expand the More General Data Sources section. Use the following table to
compare the All Active Employees, Employees by Organization, and Indexed
Workers data sources. Hint: Two of these data sources are in the chart at the top
and the other is in the More General Data Sources section.

All Active Employees by Indexed

Employees Organization Workers

Does the data source

return active employees
or active workers?
What is the primary
business object for this
data source?

The Indexed Workers data source returns all active workers (including both employees and
contingent workers). Therefore, you should focus on the All Active Employees and Employees
by Organization data sources. This will limit the number of instances returned and improve


1. Access the Data Sources report to do some additional research.

2. Filter the Data Source field by All Active Employees and Employees by

3. Use the following table to further compare the All Active Employees and Employees
by Organization data sources.

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All Active Employees by

Employees Organization

Is the data source

standard or indexed?
Does the data source
include built-in prompts?
If yes, what are they?

The Employees by Organization data source will return fewer instances than the All Active
Employees data source, because it includes built-in prompts. This will result in better report
performance. Since Logan’s report needs to show data for all active employees by organization,
you can use the Employees by Organization data source.


Based on your research, here are the some questions to help you determine the primary
business object and data source.

1. Based on the business object details you’ve seen in this activity, which business
object(s) contain the fields needed in the report detailed in the business case for this

2. Are these business objects related?

3. Which should be the primary business object?

4. Which should be the related business object?

5. Which field links the two business objects together?

6. Which data source should be used?

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You can use contextual reporting in Workday when you know the data you want to report on,
but you don’t know the business objects and report fields for that data.

Contextual reporting can be used to create and view related reports directly from the context of
a given business instance. It can enhance your knowledge of fields, business objects, and data
sources associated with a given instance. It also allows you to view existing related reports that
may be repurposed or customized all in the context of a given business object.

Many Workday business objects, such as a worker or supplier invoice, allow you to create a
custom report directly from them in the context of where you are in the application. This enables
you to quickly build a report using data that is familiar to you.

When viewing the data you’re interested in, such as a given employee or given expense report,
you can select Reporting from the Related Actions. These are the contextual reporting options:

Option Description
Used to create a custom report from the context of where you are in
Create Custom the application. Workday automatically restricts the data sources
Report from Here available for the report to those that are based on the selected
business object.
Used to view the standard and custom reports that use this business
Related Reports object as the primary object on the report. You will only see a list of
related reports to which you have security access.
Used to display all the report fields and values related to the selected
Report Fields and business object and instance. It only displays fields that you are
Values allowed to view. For each field, you can also see data sources that
include those fields for reporting.

The following example shows the pay change history for an employee. You can either (1) create
a custom report about compensation changes, (2) see related reports that are about
compensation changes, or (3) see all the report fields and values around a compensation
change event.

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29 - Contextual Reporting

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to leverage the Reporting > Report Fields and
Values option when designing and building your reports.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the worker record for Adam Carlton.

2. Select Compensation > Pay Change History to see a list of compensation


3. In the Compensation Action field, click the Merit Compensation Change’s Related

4. Select Reporting > Report Fields and Values. Notice that the business object is
Employee Compensation Event for Compensation Plan Adjustment.

5. Filter the Field column by Base Pay – Current, Base Pay – Proposed, and
Effective Date. Notice that you can see the values for these fields for Adam Carlton.

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Before building a custom report, there are several questions you should ask to help you design
the report:

 Where is the data I need?

 What view of the data do I need?
 What fields should be displayed?
 How should the data be grouped and sorted?
 How should the data be filtered?
 How should the output be displayed?
 Who is this report for? Who should report be shared with?
 Is there an existing report that can be used as a starting point?
You can use the Create Custom Report task to create a custom report. When creating a report,
you must specify the Report Name, Report Type, and Data Source. You can also select the
Temporary Report and Web Service Enable options, which will be discussed later in this

30 - Create Custom Report

Reminder: A user’s access to data sources drives data source selection for the

Note: Selecting the data source determines the primary business object for the
report. Once a report is based on a primary business object, you can only change the
report’s data source to another data source on the same primary business object.
You cannot change the primary business object for a report.

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As a best practice, you should establish a naming convention to make your reports easy to find.

Report Writer provides the following report types for creating custom reports. In this course, we
will cover the Advanced and Matrix report types.

Option Description
Allows you to display data from the primary and related business objects.
You can also sort and filter the data, show groupings, display subtotals and
a grand total, add charts, enable the report as a worklet, share the report
with other users, and enable the report as a web service.
Allows you to combine several existing Matrix or Advanced reports into one
Composite report. Each report is considered a sub-report and each report can have its
own data source. It also provides advanced formatting options.
Forms the foundation for custom analytics. It allows you to group data,
Matrix summarize the metrics for each grouping, and drill into the summarizations
for further analysis.
nBox Counts the data and displays the results in a two-dimensional matrix.
Displays search results based on values selected for facet filters on the
Provides straightforward design options for the beginning or occasional user
Simple to create reports quickly and easily with limited options. It allows you to
display, sort, and filter data from the primary business object.
Interchanges the rows and corresponding columns on the report. This
allows you to create reports that enable side-by-side comparisons.
Similar to a matrix report, but with a time period element. It is commonly
Trending used to report and analyze trended worker data, like headcount and attrition,
over time.

When creating a custom report, one of the most important decisions is selecting your report’s
data source. This data source drives the primary business object for your report as well as the
‘view’ of that data. Data sources provide the starting filter for your report. You can search on
data sources by name, category, business object, or a combination of category and business

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 62

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You can mark a report as Temporary, which means that the report has a defined period of time
before it expires and becomes eligible for deletion in the tenant. By default, a report will expire
after seven days. For reports that are not the Simple report type, you can change the expiration
information on the Advanced tab.

The Delete Temporary Report Definitions task is used to delete temporary reports in a tenant
that have expired and are eligible for deletion. This task can be scheduled to run once or on a
daily, weekly, or monthly recurrence. This process will permanently purge expired reports from
your Workday tenant.

Security Note: You must have access to the Custom Report Administration security
domain to schedule reports for deletion.

Note: If you create a custom report and then cancel the report, or if your session
times out, your report will be saved as a temporary report. Be sure to either delete
the report or change the report options so it is no longer a temporary report.

You may not want to give all Report Writers the ability to create permanent reports that
consume system resources indefinitely. Therefore, Workday enables you to restrict specific
Report Writer users so that they only have the ability to create temporary report definitions.
Report Administrators can still access these temporary reports to mark them as permanent or
change the expiration dates as needed.

Security Note: Users associated with security groups configured for the Ability to
Create Only Temporary Reports security domain will be limited to just temporary
reports. This access can support ad-hoc reporting needs and can help separate
groups of report writers in the tenant.


To use a custom report in an outbound integration (Reporting-as-a-Service), select the Web
Service Enable checkbox. Selecting this checkbox also makes the report available to the
Business Intelligence Reporting Tool (BIRT) and the Big Data Analytics tool. You can set
additional web services options on the Advanced tab.

63 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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When creating a custom report using the Advanced Report type, you can configure the report
using these tabs:

Option Description
Specify the fields to include on the report and the sequence in which they should
be displayed. The columns grid contains one row for each field that should
appear as a column on the report. Each row in the grid defines the business
Columns object, field, column heading overrides, and options for how the field should be
Security Note: You can only add fields that you have access to.

Control the order in which data will be presented and grouped. This tab controls
sorting data on the primary business object and sub sorting data on related
business objects.
Sort You can also specify options for displaying subtotals, grand totals, and outlines.
If no sorting or grouping criteria is specified, the report will sort the data based on
the first (leftmost) column associated with the primary business object and the
data will not be grouped or totaled.
Specify how you want to filter the primary business object. A filter consists of one
or more filter conditions, defined as rows in the filter grid.
Specify how you want to filter the related business objects. You can add
Subfilter subfilters for multiple related business objects. Each subfilter row corresponds to
filter conditions for the particular related business object you select.
Specify prompt-related data about your report, including populating undefined
prompt values. You can set default values for prompts so users do not have to
enter values when running a report. You can also hide prompts that have default
values, so users do not see them at runtime.
Override the default output options, including output type, worklet options, and
help text. By default, a custom report is rendered as a table. You can change this
to display the report as a chart, chart and table, or gauge. By default, a custom
report is not enabled for use as a worklet, but you can change this setting.
Share the report with other users or groups. By default, a custom report is visible
only to its owner. You can only share a report with users who have access to the
Share report data source. Sharing a report with other users allows them to run and
copy the report. Once they have copied the report, they can edit and share their
Define additional report options, such as enabling save parameters, enabling a
Advanced report as a web service, or changing the expiration information for temporary

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 64

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You have already seen how to add fields from the primary business object. Depending on the
report type, you can also add fields from related business objects. On the Columns tab, you
specify the Business Object and Field for the related data. A given custom report definition can
include fields from more than one related business object. Additionally, you can select a field
that links the PBO and RBO together. In the following example, we see the Last Base Pay
Increase field linking a report using the Employee PBO to the Employee Compensation Event
RBO. This allows you to pull fields from the RBO into your report as well.

31 - Adding Fields from Related Business Objects

Note: When building a report using the Advanced report type, you can only access
fields from related business objects that are one level deep. To access fields from
RBOs that are more than one level deep, you will need to create a calculated field.

65 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Business Case: Now that Logan McNeil knows which primary business object and data
source to use, she can create her custom report.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Create Custom Report task.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Report Name WICT RW Employee Last Base Pay Increase

Report Type Advanced
Data Source Employees by Organization

3. Click OK.

4. Add four additional rows to the Columns section and enter the following information:

Business Object Field

Employee Employee
Employee Employee ID
Last Base Pay Increase Base Pay – Current
Last Base Pay Increase Base Pay – Proposed
Last Base Pay Increase Effective Date

5. Click OK.

6. Click Run. These are the report prompts that are built-in to the Employees by
Organization data source.

7. Select Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA) in the Organization field.

8. Click OK and verify the report results.

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In this chapter, you will learn how to further configure your custom reports to just display the
data you need. You will learn how to sort and filter the data in a report.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Sort and sub sort the data on a report.

 Filter the data on a report using filters and subfilters.
 Leverage custom reports as a starting point for new custom reports.

67 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Logan McNeil needs to create a report that shows expense report

data for all active workers.

The following table shows the fields she needs to display in the report.

Expense Reports – All Statuses

Worker Location Locale
Organization Expense Expense Expense
Report Items on Report
Expense Total
Report Amount
Salim Call Center Mulhouse fr_FR
Boris Consulting Munich de_DE EXP-4960 Airfare €1,380.14
Muller Hotel
Carol Consulting Chicago en_US EXP-3916 Hotel $731.50
EXP-3598 Airfare $1040.50

The report output should be sorted first by the supervisory organization and second by the
worker. The expense reports for each worker should be sorted by the total amount.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 68

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to create a custom report that shows expense report
data for all active workers. She needs to display these fields in the report:
 Worker
 Supervisory Organization
 Location
 Locale
 Expense Report
 Expense Items on Expense Report
 Expense Report Total Amount

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

Use the Business Object Details and Data Sources reports to determine the primary business
object and data source for Logan’s report.

1. Which business objects contain the fields needed in the report?

2. Are these business objects related?

3. Which should be the primary business object?

4. Which should be the related business objects?

5. Which field links the primary and related business object together?

6. Which data source should be used?

(Hint: The Location business object contains the Locale field. If you get stuck on a question, see
appendix A for the answer key)

69 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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By default, a custom report is sorted by the left-most column of the primary business object. The
Sort tab on the report definition allows you to control the order in which data will be presented
and grouped.

In the Sort and Group grid, you can specify which fields from the primary business object should
be used to sort the data. The first field determines the highest level sort, the second field
determines the next level sort, and so on.

In the following example, the report will sort by Supervisory Organization and then by Full

32 – Sorting first by Supervisory Organization, and then by Full Name

Sorting on simple field types performs better than sorting on object field types, because object
field types access additional data in the background. In the example above, we are sorting by
Full Name instead of Worker. Full Name is a text field, so it will perform better than Worker,
which is a self-referencing field.

Note: Fields used for sorting do not need to be displayed on the report output.


In addition to sorting data from the primary business object, you can also sort data from related
business objects. In the Sub Level Sort section, you can specify which fields from a related
business object should be used to sort the related data. If you do not configure sub level sorting,
related instances are sorted by the left-most column of the related business object by default.

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Related business objects and fields used for sub level sorting do not need to be displayed on
the report output.

In the following example, the report will sort instances of the Expense Reports – All Statuses
related business object by the Expense Report Total Amount field.

33 - Sub Level Sorting

You can use the Add button to sort data from additional related business objects on your report.


Most fields in Workday can only be sorted alphabetically (either or ascending or descending).
However, certain fields in Workday are enabled for logical sort order (either ascending or
descending). These fields have a logical predefined order. By default, if a field is enabled for
logical sort, the logical sort will be used. You can search Community for “logical sort order” to
see a list of fields enabled for logical sorting.

The following example shows the Period field which is using in financial reports. This field has a
logical sort order of January, February, March, etc.

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34 - Logical Sort Order options

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to sort a report by fields on the primary business
object and on a related business object.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Copy the WDINST RW Worker Expense Reports custom report.

2. Change the report name to WICT RW Worker Expense Reports Demo and click OK.

3. In the Business Object column, click the Location’s Related Actions. What is the
Field Type?

4. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

5. In the Business Object column, click the Expense Reports – All Statuses’ Related
Actions. What is the Field Type?

6. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

7. Click the Sort tab. Notice that that the report is sorted by two fields from the primary
business object: Supervisory Organization and Full Name.

8. Click the prompt in the Sort Direction field. It is set to Alphabetical – Ascending.
Notice the only other option is Alphabetical – Descending.

9. Click somewhere on the report to close the pop up box.

10. Scroll down to the Sub Level Sort section.

11. Click the Add button.

12. In the Business Object field, add the Expense Reports – All Statuses related
business object.

13. Add a row and select the Expense Report Total Amount field.

14. Click OK.

15. Click Run. Verify that the report is sorted first by Supervisory Organization and
second by Worker.

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16. Scroll down to worker Dylan Shaw and verify that his expense reports are listed from
lowest to highest amount.

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to create a custom report that shows expense report
data for all active workers. She needs to display these fields in the report:
 Worker
 Supervisory Organization
 Location
 Locale
 Expense Report
 Expense Items on Expense Report
 Expense Report Total Amount
The report output should be sorted first by the supervisory organization and second by the
worker. The expense reports for each worker should be sorted by the total amount.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Create Custom Report task.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Report Name WICT RW Worker Expense Reports

Report Type Advanced
Data Source Indexed Workers

3. Click OK.

4. Add seven rows to the Columns grid and enter the following information:

Business Object Field Column Heading Override

Worker Worker
Worker Supervisory Organization
Worker Location
Location Locale

75 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Expense Reports – Expense Report

All Statuses
Expense Reports – Expense Items on Expense Items
All Statuses Expense Report
Expense Reports – Expense Report Total Total Amount
All Statuses Amount

5. Select Show Currency Symbol in the Options field for Expense Report Total

6. Click OK.

7. Click Run.

Note: By default, the data is sorted alphabetically by the leftmost column of the
primary business object (Worker).


1. Use the report’s Related Actions to select Custom Report > Edit. This is how you will
edit custom reports throughout the course.

2. Click the Sort tab.

3. Add two rows to the Sort and Group grid.

4. In the first row, select Fields on Report > Supervisory Organization for the Field.
Notice that the Sort Direction defaults to Alphabetical – Ascending.

5. In the second row, select Full Name for the Field.

Note: Sorting by the Full Name text field will perform better than sorting by the
Worker self-referencing field.

6. In the Sub Level Sort section, click Add.

7. Select Business Objects on Report > Expense Reports – All Statuses in the
Business Object field.

8. Add a row to the Sub Level Sort grid.

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9. Select Fields on Report > Expense Report Total Amount for the Field.

10. Click OK.

11. Click Run. Verify that the report is sorted first by Supervisory Organization and
second by Worker.

12. Scroll down to worker Carol Abbott and verify that her expense reports are listed
from lowest to highest amount.

77 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Logan McNeil needs to filter her report to only show workers from
London. For each worker, she wants to show expense reports that
contain Airfare and have a total amount greater than 1000.

Expense Reports – All Statuses

Worker Location Locale
Organization Expense Expense Expense
Report Items on Report
Expense Total
Report Amount
Dylan Consulting London en_GB EXP-4920 Airfare £1,048.30
Shaw Services Hotel
EXP-4739 Airfare £1,357.97
Oscar Bell Facilities Group London en_GB EXP-4985 Airfare £1,951.86
EXP-2668 Airfare £2,162.95


The Filter tab allows you to filter the primary business object. A filter consists of one or more
filter conditions, defined as rows in the filter grid. You can filter on any field from the primary
business object or Global business object (global fields). Fields used for filtering do not need to
be displayed on the report output.

35 – Filtering on your report definition

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These are the options available when defining a filter:

Option Description
Enables you to specify how multiple filter conditions should be evaluated.
Select And to indicate that each business object instance must satisfy all
And/Or conditions specified in your filter criteria in order to be included in the report.
Select Or to indicate that each business object instance must satisfy at least
one of the conditions in order to be included in the report.
Some report types, like Advanced, allow you to use any combination of And
and Or conditions within a filter. You can use parentheses to group
conditions together and control the sequence in which conditions are
Field Specifies the field to be evaluated.
Specifies the logical operator that should be used in the filter condition. The
available choices depend on the field type.
Specifies how the field should be compared. The options are:
 Value specified in this filter – This option allows you to explicitly
specify a value to filter on.
 Value from another field – This option allows you to compare the
value of one field to another.
 Prompt the user for the value – With this option, the prompt value is
Type required for filtering and whatever value is entered will be used to
filter the report.
 Prompt the user for the value and ignore the filter condition if the
value is blank – This option configures an optional prompt, so if
nothing is entered at the prompt (i.e., blank value), the report will
ignore the filter condition. The report will only use the value to filter
on if not blank.
Specifies the value that will be compared to the Field value, or the particular
Comparison prompt used to prompt the user for a value. The ability to enable this field
Value and available choices depend on the Field type, the Operator, and the
Comparison Type.

As discussed previously, you should select a data source that filters unnecessary data from the
report. Once the data source has narrowed down the data, you can apply filter criteria to further
narrow the results.

Keep in mind that filters can impact the runtime of a report. Both the number of filters and the
order of filters can slow a report down. Whenever possible, use a data source with a built-in

79 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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filter. In addition, you should place filters that exclude the greatest amount of instances from the
report at the top of the filter grid.

In addition to filtering data from the primary business object, you can also filter data from related
business objects. On the Subfilter tab, you can specify which fields from a related business
object should be used to filter the related data. Related business objects and fields used for
subfiltering do not need to be displayed on the report output

36 – Subfiltering on your report definition

It is important to understand how your report filter and subfilter interact. For a given instance of
your primary business object, the subfilter logic is executed first, then your filter logic.

Let’s take a look at an example where Worker is the primary business object and Expense
Report is the related business object:

 For a worker on the Worker primary business object, the subfilter looks on the Expense
Report related business object to see if the worker has corresponding expense reports.
 If the worker has corresponding expense reports, the sub filter applies the “Amount >
1000” logic and returns expense reports that meet the criteria.
 Next, the process moves back to the primary business object.
 The filter determines if the worker lives in London and returns workers that meet the
 Note that workers who live in London but do not have expense reports will also be
returned on the report.

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Note: You should include the condition “RBO not empty” in your filter. This will filter
out instances of the primary business object that do not have related data.

37 - Graphical representation of filter logic using the Worker PBO and Expense Reports RBO

81 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to filter a report by fields on the primary business
object and on a related business object.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Edit the WICT RW Worker Expense Reports Demo custom report.

2. Click the Filter tab. Notice that the report is filtered to only display workers whose
Location is London.

3. Click the Subfilter tab. Notice that the report is subfiltered by Expense Report Total
Amount greater than 1000 and Expense Items on Expense Report includes Airfare.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Run. Verify that the report only shows workers from London. Also verify that
the report only shows expense reports that contain Airfare as an expense item and
whose amount is greater than 1000. Notice that the report also displays workers from
London who do not have any expense reports. Let’s filter out those workers from the

6. Edit the custom report.

7. Click the Filter tab.

8. Add another row to the bottom of the grid and enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Fields on Report > Expense Reports – All Statuses

Operator Frequently Used > is not empty

9. Click OK.

10. Click Run. Verify that the report no longer shows workers from London who do not
have any expense report.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 82

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to modify her custom report. She needs to filter the data
to only show:
 Workers from London.
 Expense reports that contain Airfare as an expense item.
 Expense reports whose total amount is greater than 1000.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Edit the WICT RW Worker Expense Reports custom report.

2. Click the Filter tab.

3. Add one row to the grid and enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Location
Operator in the selection list
Comparison Type Value specified in this filter
Comparison Value London

4. Click OK.

5. Click Run. Verify that the report only shows workers from London.


1. Edit the custom report.

2. Click the Subfilter tab.

3. Click Add.

4. Select Business Objects on Report > Expense Reports – All Statuses in the
Business Object field.

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5. Add two rows to the grid.

6. Enter the following information in the first row:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Expense Report Total Amount

Operator greater than
Comparison Type Value specified in this filter
Comparison Value 1000

7. Enter the following information in the second row:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Expense Items on Expense Report

Operator any in the selection list
Comparison Type Value specified in this filter
Comparison Value Airfare

8. Click OK.

9. Click Run. Verify that the report only shows expense reports that contain Airfare as
an expense item and whose amount is greater than 1000. Notice that the report also
displays workers from London who do not have any expense reports. Let’s filter out
those workers from the report.

10. Edit the custom report.

11. Click the Filter tab.

12. Add another row to the bottom of the grid and enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Expense Reports – All Statuses

Operator is not empty

13. Click OK.

14. Click Run. Verify that the report no longer shows workers from London who do not
have any expense reports.

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Worktags are a key aspect of financial reporting. They classify transactions and supporting data
to make their business purposes clear. For financial reporting, they provide a readily available
method of accessing information, filtering searches to focus results, and analyzing information in
aggregated and summarized reports. Worktags can be assigned to any line item that generates
a financial update.

Resource: Workday delivers many worktag types that you can use to tag your
business transactions and supporting data. You can search Community for “worktag
types” to see a list of delivered worktag types.

In the following example, each expense report line is tagged with a number of worktags that you
can use to access and filter the data in a report. This expense report line contains worktags for
Cost Center and Region, as well as Division and Location.

38 - Worktags on an Expense Report Line

85 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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You can create a report that filters on worktag values. In the following example, the report filters
the data to show only worktags that contain the cost center 36300 Consulting Services - EMEA.

39 - Report Filtered by Worktags

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In this chapter, you will learn how to configure prompts and define default prompt values.
Prompts provide more flexibility because users can specify the criteria for the report each time it
is run.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Configure prompts and explain where prompts can come from.

 Describe the functionality and use cases of runtime data prompts.

87 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Logan McNeil needs to modify her report to prompt users for values
instead of hard-coding filters and subfilters.

The following example shows the data filtered by Location = London, Expense Items on
Expense Report includes Airfare, and Expense Report Total Amount > 1000.

Expense Reports – All Statuses

Worker Location Locale
Organization Expense Expense Expense
Report Items on Report
Expense Total
Report Amount
Dylan Consulting London en_GB EXP-4920 Airfare £1,048.30
Shaw Services Hotel
EXP-4739 Airfare £1,357.97
Oscar Bell Facilities Group London en_GB EXP-4985 Airfare £1,951.86
EXP-2668 Airfare £2,162.95

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 88

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Instead of hardcoding filter values, you can use prompts in your filters and subfilters. Prompts
provide more flexibility because users can specify the criteria for the report each time it is run.


On the Filter and Subfilter tabs, you can control which fields should prompt the user for a value
when the report is run.

40 - Prompting the User for a Value in Filters and Subfilters

When defining a filter or subfilter condition, there are two comparison types that you can use to
prompt the user for a value.

Comparison Type Description

Workday will use whatever prompt value is entered to
Prompt the user for a value filter the report. If this prompt value is left blank, then the
report will be filtered by a blank value.
Prompt the user for a value and
With this option, if the prompt value is left blank, the
ignore the filter condition if the
report will ignore the filter condition.
value is blank

89 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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On the Prompts tab, you can configure the prompt settings.

41 - Prompt Settings

The Instructions field lets you specify information to display to the user. When a user runs a
report, the user will see your instructions when they are prompted for input.

42 - Instructions When Prompting a User for Input

Some fields in Workday come with default prompts that will automatically be added to your
report if you add the field to your report definition. In the Prompt tab, the Populate undefined
Prompt Defaults checkbox lets you quickly populate any prompt defaults. When you select this
checkbox, any undefined prompts are automatically added to the Prompt Defaults grid.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 90

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43 – Use the populate Undefined Prompts checkbox in the Prompt tab to add any default prompts to the Prompt Defaults
section in this tab.

The Display Prompt Values in Subtitle checkbox lets you show or hide the prompt values at the
top of the report output. In the Prompt Defaults grid, you can use the Do Not Include in Subtitle
setting to exclude specific prompt values from displaying in the subtitle.

44 - Display Prompt Values at the Top of the Report Output

In the Prompt Defaults grid, you can specify options and default values for your prompt fields.

45 - Prompt Defaults Grid

These are the options available when defining prompt defaults:

Option Description
Field Specifies the field for which you want to enter prompt data.
If you have defined a data range or a data set prompt for this field, you
Prompt Qualifier must choose the Prompt Qualifier to identify which prompt you want to
Label for Prompt Overrides the label displayed for this prompt when you run the report.

91 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Determines the default values to use when the report is run. The options
 No default value – Specifies that no default value is defined for
the field. When the report runs, the user is prompted for a value.
 Specify default value – Specifies that the default value(s) entered
Default Type
in the Default Value field are displayed to the user in the report
prompt field.
 Determine default value at runtime – Uses the field specified in
the Default Value field to determine the default value(s) to display
in the report prompt field.
Used with the Specify default value and Determine default value at
Default Value runtime options. This field specifies the default value(s) or field to use to
determine the default prompt.
Specifies that a prompt field value is required and the field cannot be left
blank when the report runs.
Suppresses the display of the prompt for this field. Any default values
Do Not Prompt at are used automatically, skipping any interaction for the prompt for this
Suppresses the display of the selected prompt values from the final
Do Not Include in report display. By default, any values the user selects from prompts
Subtitle appear below the report title (above the detail data) when the report is

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 92

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to prompt users for filter values.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Edit the WICT RW Worker Expense Reports Demo custom report.

2. Click the Filter tab.

3. Locate the Location field, and in the Comparison Type field select Common >
Prompt the user for the value.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Run.

6. Leave the Location blank and click OK. Notice that the report does not return any

7. Edit the custom report.

8. Click the Prompts tab.

9. Select the Populate undefined Prompt Defaults checkbox. This will add any
undefined prompts to the Prompt Defaults grid.

10. For the Location field, enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Default Type Specify default value

Default Value London
Required Select checkbox

11. Click OK.

12. Click Run.

13. Click OK. Verify that the report only shows workers from London.

93 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to modify her custom report again. This time she needs
to replace the hard-coded filters with prompts.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Edit the WICT RW Worker Expense Reports custom report.

2. Click the Filter tab.

3. For the Location field, select Common > Prompt the user for the value in the
Comparison Type field.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Run.

6. Leave the Location blank and click OK. Notice that the report does not return any

7. Edit the custom report.

8. Click the Prompts tab.

9. Enter Please select values for this report. in the Instructions field.

10. Select the Populate undefined Prompt Defaults checkbox. This will add any
undefined prompts to the Prompt Defaults grid.

11. Select the Required checkbox for the Location field.

12. Click OK.

13. Click Run.

14. Click OK and notice that you get an error message that Location must have a value.

15. Select London in the Location field and click OK. Verify that the report only shows
workers from London.

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1. Edit the custom report.

2. Click the Subfilter tab.

3. For the Expense Report Total Amount field, select Common > Prompt the user for
the value in the Comparison Type field.

4. For the Expense Items on Expense Report field, select All > Prompt the user for
the value and ignore the filter condition if the value is blank in the Comparison
Type field.

5. Click the Prompts tab.

6. Select the Populate undefined Prompt Defaults checkbox.

7. For the Expense Items on Expense Report field, enter Expense Items (optional) in
the Label for Prompt field.

8. For the Expense Report Total Amount field, enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Default Type Specify default value

Default Value 1000
Required Select checkbox

9. Click OK.

10. Click Run.

11. Enter the following prompt values:

Field Name Entry Value

Location London
Expense Items (optional) Leave blank
Expense Report Total Amount Leave the default value

12. Click OK. Verify that the report only shows workers from London. Also verify that the
report only shows expense reports whose amount is greater than 1000.

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In addition to defining prompts in filters and subfilters, prompts can come from other places. You
can set the defaults for these prompts on the Prompts tab.

Location Example
The Employees by Organization data source has these built-in prompts:
Data Source Include Managers, Include Subordinate Organizations, and
Data Source The Journal Lines for Company data source filter has nine built-in
Filter prompts, including Company, Year, and Period.
The Expense Report Total Amount in Reporting Currency field has a
built-in prompt for Reporting Currency.
Calculated Field You can create a calculated field using the Prompt for Value function.
You can create a prompt set to group prompt field values. For example,
when a report group or a composite report contains multiple reports all
Prompt Set prompting on the same field, a prompt set will allow you to enter the
prompt field value once and then will feed the one value to the multiple
uses of the field.

Note: When possible, you should use a data source with built-in prompts rather than
manually creating filters and prompts on a more generic data source. This will result
in a more efficient report.

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to use the Business Object Details and Data
Sources reports to determine which data sources, data source filters, and fields contain built-
in prompts.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Business Object Details report.

2. Select Journal Line in the Business Object field.

3. Click OK.

4. Filter the Field Type field by Currency.

5. Scroll down to the Capitalized Costs field. Does this field have built-in prompts? If
yes, which ones?


1. Access the Data Sources report.

2. Filter the Data Source field by Billable Project Transactions. Does the Billable
Project Transactions data source have built-in prompts? If yes, which ones?

3. Filter the Data Source field by Journal Lines. Does the Beginning Balance
Translation Amounts data source filter have built-in prompts? If yes, which ones?

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Business Case: Logan McNeil wants to change her custom report so that expense report
amounts are all displayed in USD.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Edit the WICT RW Worker Expense Reports custom report.

2. On the Columns tab, change the Expense Report Total Amount field to Expense
Report Total Amount in Reporting Currency.

3. Select Show Currency Symbol and Show Currency Code Column in the Options
field for Expense Report Total Amount in Reporting Currency.

4. On the Subfilter tab, change the first row in the grid to the following:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Expense Report Total Amount in Reporting Currency

Operator greater than
Comparison Type Prompt the user for the value
Comparison Value Default Prompt

5. Click the Prompts tab.

6. In the Prompt Defaults grid, change the Expense Report Total Amount field to
Expense Report Total Amount in Reporting Currency.

7. Set the Default Value to 1000.

8. Select the Populate undefined Prompt Defaults checkbox. This will add the
Reporting Currency field to the Prompt Defaults grid. Remember that you did not add
this field as a filter. This prompt is coming directly from the Expense Report Total
Amount in Reporting Currency field.

9. Enter the following values for the Reporting Currency field:

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 98

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Field Name Entry Value

Default Type Specify default value

Default Value USD
Do Not Prompt at Runtime Select checkbox

10. Click OK.

11. Click Run. Notice that you are not prompted for the Reporting Currency. This is
because you selected the Do Not Prompt at Runtime checkbox.

12. Select London and Singapore for the Location field.

13. Click OK. Verify that the report shows the total amount in U.S. Dollars.

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Logan McNeil needs to create a report that shows the hire date and
annual salary for active employees. She needs to run the report as of
an effective date to show salary information as of that date.

The following example shows the salary information as of January 1, 2011.

Employee Hire Date Total Base Pay Annualized - Amount

Adam Carlton 06/14/2010 44,000.00
Aidan Mitzner 01/01/2000 84,000.00
Ajay Mokashi 01/04/2010 140,000.00

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Many Workday business objects allow you to specify an effective (or "as of") date when you
create or edit an instance. This allows you to set an effective date that is different than the data
entry date. This is useful when you need to hire a worker retroactively to the first day of this
week, or to create a new organization to become available on the first day of next year. When
creating or editing an instance, you are not prompted for an entry date. This information is
automatically stored in the system.

You can report on historical (or future-dated) data using Runtime Date Prompts in your report.
On the Prompts tab, you can specify options to prompt the user for the Effective Date and Entry
Date. By default, the runtime date prompts use the current date and time.

Note: You cannot use Runtime Date Prompts with indexed data sources.

46 - Runtime Date Prompts

The Effective Date options are:

 Prompt for effective as of date

 Prompt for effective as of date and time
 Use date and time at runtime (default)

The Entry Date options are:

 Prompt for entry date

 Prompt for entry date and time
 Use date and time at runtime (default)

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The following table shows the entry date and effective date for hiring three employees.

Transaction Entry Date Effective Date

Hire Employee A June 5, 2014 June 1, 2014
Hire Employee B June 1, 2014 July 1, 2014
Hire Employee C July 1, 2014 June 1, 2014

Which rows would be returned if the following dates are used in the Runtime Date Prompts?

 Effective Date = June 20, 2014

 Entry Date = June 20, 2014

 Entry Date and Effective Date = June 20, 2014

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs a report that shows the hire date and annual salary for
active employees. She needs to run the report as of an effective date to show salary
information as of that date.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Run the WDINST RW Employee Salary Info as of Date custom report.

2. Enter today’s date for the Effective as of Date field.

3. Click OK and view the report output.

a. How many instances are returned?

b. What is Adam Carlton’s annual salary?

4. Rerun the report and use 01/01/2011 for the Effective as of Date.

a. How many instances are returned?

b. What is Adam Carlton’s annual salary?

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Teresa needs to create a report showing approved supplier invoices

that are unpaid or partially paid. The report should prompt the user
for which spend categories to display and ignore a blank value.

These are the fields she needs to display in the report:

Supplier Invoice Lines

Supplier Document
Due Amount in Supplier Spend Extended
Invoice Company Supplier Payment
Date Base Invoice Category Amount
Document Status
Currency Line in
11735 GMS (USA) Corp. 12/21 $25,000 Unpaid 23250 Office $25,000
Express Supplies
11738 GMS (USA) Office 12/24 $30,000 Unpaid 3246 Office $13,000
Depot Supplies
3575 Office $17,000

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Based on the scenario, Teresa needs to report on the approved supplier invoices that are
unpaid or partially paid. In Workday, you can create a supplier invoice that contains information
about the invoice as well as the individual invoice lines.

47 - Supplier Invoice header and line information

Workday stores the data in the following business objects:

 Supplier Invoice – Contains information about the invoice, including Invoice Number and
 Supplier Invoice Line – Contains information about a single invoice line, including Line
Number and Spend Category.
The Supplier Invoice business object has a one-to-many (1:M) relationship to the Supplier
Invoice Line business object.

Note: The Supplier Invoice business object does not have any data sources available
for use in reporting. However, the Supplier Invoice Document business object has the
Supplier Invoice data source necessary to retrieve invoice data. You will use this
Suppler Invoice data source in your next activity.

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Business Case: Teresa Serrano needs to create a report showing approved supplier invoices
that are unpaid or partially paid. The report should prompt the user for which spend categories
to display and ignore a blank value.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Create a custom report.

a. Use Advanced as the report type and Supplier Invoices as the data source.

b. Use Supplier Invoices Filter as the data source filter.

2. Add fields.

a. Fields from the Supplier Invoice Document business object: Supplier Invoice
Document, Company, Supplier, Due Date, Invoice Amount in Base Currency,
and Document Payment Status.

b. Fields from the Supplier Invoice Lines business object: Supplier Invoice Line,
Spend Category, and Extended Amount in Company Base Currency.

3. Add filters.

a. Filter by Document Payment Status contains Partially Paid or Unpaid.

b. Filter by Invoice Status contains Approved.

c. Filter by Supplier Invoice Lines is not empty.

4. Add subfilter. Subfilter by Spend Category contains value from prompt (ignore if

5. Populate undefined prompts.

6. Run the report.

Note: The solution report is in the tenant under WDINST RW Unpaid Supplier

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In this chapter, you will learn how to configure totaling, grouping, and outlining. When building a
custom report using the Advanced report type, you can display subtotals, grand totals, headers,
groupings, and collapsible and expandable outlines.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Display subtotals and grand totals on a report.

 Group the data on a report.
 Enable collapsible and expandable outlining.

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Teresa Serrano needs to create a report that totals

expense items for a worker by cost center and region.

The report should display the following information:

 Total amount of expense items by cost center

 Total amount of cost center expense items within a region
 Grand total of expense items
 Expandable and collapsible groupings to easily visualize the data
These are the fields, headers, groupings, and totals that she needs to display in the report.

Cost Center/Region Worker Expense Expense Expense Count

Item as Report Line Amount
Worktag in USD
US – West (Region)
71200 Field Sales
(Cost Center)
Rodrigo Meals EXP-5047 $570.85
Rodrigo Airfare EXP-5047 $998.59
Rodrigo Lodging EXP-5047 $1,092.29
71200 Field Sales $2,661.73 9
(Cost Center)
US – West (Region) $2,661.73 9
Grand Total $98,687.65 205

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When building a custom report using the Advanced report type, you can display subtotals and a
grand total. These are the steps to set up totaling.

1. On the Columns tab, select a numeric or currency field (or fields) to aggregate. You
can select Average, Maximum, Minimum, or Sum in the Options field. You can only
select one aggregation option per row.

2. (Optional) Add the Count global field as a column in the report. The report will
display the count of instances for each subtotal and the grand total.

48- Setting up Totaling on the Columns Tab

3. On the Sort tab, select which sort levels on the report should display a subtotal for all
their instances.

4. Select if the report should include the group name in subtotals. In the following
example, either Region or Cost Center will appear in the subtotal rows.

5. Select if the report should include the word “Total” in subtotal rows.

6. Select if the report should display a grand total for all instances in the report.

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49 - Setting up Totaling on the Sort Tab

 If the aggregation type is Sum, subtotals and the grand total will show the
sum of the data.
 If the aggregation type is Average, subtotals and the grand total will show the
average value of the data.
 If the aggregation type is Maximum, subtotals and the grand total will show
the maximum value of the data.
 If the aggregation type is Minimum, subtotals and the grand total will show the
minimum value of the data.

When building a custom report using the Advanced report type, you can add groupings to easily
visualize the data. These are the steps to set up grouping.

1. On the Columns tab, add the Group Name global field to the top of the Columns grid.
You can also override the column heading for this field.

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50- Setting up Groupings on the Columns Tab

2. On the Sort tab, select which groups should have a header line at the top of the

3. Select if the report should include the group name in headers. In the example below,
either Region or Cost Center will appear in the header rows.

51 - Setting up Groupings on the Sort Tab

111 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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When building a custom report using the Advanced report type, you can enable outlining to
expand and collapse groupings. On the Sort tab, you can select the Enable Outlining based on
Grouping checkbox.

52 - Enabling Outlining on the Sort Tab

Note: In order to use outlining, all fields on the report must be from the primary
business object.

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The following image shows how the totaling, grouping, and outlining options map to the report

53 - How Totaling, Grouping, and Outlining Options Map to Report Output

These are the totaling, grouping, and outlining options.

Option Description
Field to Aggregate Field used in subtotals and grand totals.
Displays the count of instances for each subtotal and the
grand total.
Display Subtotals Shows the total amount for selected groupings.
Display Grand Totals Shows the grand total.
Shows headers for selected groupings to make the data
Display Headers
easier to read.
Include Group Name in
Shows the name of the grouping in heading and subtotals.
Headers and Subtotals
Include “Total” label in
Shows the word Total in subtotals.
Enable Outlining bases on
Allows you to expand and collapse groupings.

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Business Case: Teresa Serrano needs to create a report that totals expense items for a
worker by cost center and region. The report should include expandable and collapsible
groupings, subtotals, and a grand total.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Access the Copy Custom Report task.

2. Select WDINST RW Expense Report Lines for Date Range in the Report Name
field and click OK.

3. Rename the report to WICT RW Expense Report Lines for Date Range.

4. Click OK. Notice that this report uses an indexed data source.

5. Click the Filter tab. Notice that this report will prompt the user for a start and end
Expense Report Accounting Date.

6. Navigate to the Advanced tab.

7. Select the Enable Save Parameters checkbox. This will allow you to save the
prompt values when running this report.

8. Click OK and then click Run.

9. Enter the following information in the report prompts:

Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services (USA)

Starting Expense Report Accounting Date 01/01/2015
Ending Expense Report Accounting Date 12/31/2015

10. Enter GMS 2015 in the Untitled Filter box and click Save.

11. Click OK and view the results.

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1. Edit the custom report.

2. Select Show Currency Symbol and Sum in the Options field for Expense Line
Amount in USD. This is the field you will aggregate for subtotals and the grand total.

3. Click the Sort tab.

4. Add two rows to the Sort and Group grid. You will add the Region and Cost Center
fields to this grid, since you want to display subtotals at these levels.

5. Enter the following information in the first row:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Fields on Report > Region

Sort Direction Alphabetical - Ascending
Display Subtotals Select checkbox

6. Enter the following information in the second row:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Fields on Report > Cost Center

Sort Direction Alphabetical - Ascending
Display Subtotals Select checkbox

7. In the Grouping and Totaling Options section, select the Display Grand Totals

8. Click OK and then click Run.

9. Select 1 Saved Filters > GMS 2015.

10. Click OK.

11. Scroll down to the bottom of the report.

a. For the US – Southeast Region, what is the total expense line amount for the
71200 Field Sales – North America cost center?

b. What is the total expense line amount for the US – West region?

c. What is the grand total expense line amount?

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1. Edit the custom report.

2. Add a row to the bottom of the columns grid.

3. Select Count for the Field.

4. Click OK and then click Run.

5. Select 1 Saved Filters > GMS 2015.

6. Click OK. Notice that the report displays the count of instances for each subtotal and
the grand total.

7. Scroll down to the bottom of the report.

a. In the US Southeast region, how many expense reports are included in the
subtotal for the 71200 Field Sales – North America cost center?

b. How many expense reports are included in the subtotal for the US – West

c. How many expense reports are included in the grand total?


1. Edit the custom report.

2. Add a row to the top of the Columns grid.

3. Select Group Name for the Field.

4. Click OK and then click Run.

5. Select 1 Saved Filters > GMS 2015.

6. Click OK.

7. Scroll down to the bottom of the report.

a. For the third to last row, what information is captured in the Group Name

b. For the second to last row, what information is captured in the Group Name

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c. For the last row, what information is captured in the Group Name column?

8. Edit the custom report.

9. Remove the Region and Cost Center fields from the Columns grid, since this
information is now captured in the Group Name column.

10. Enter Region/Cost Center in the Column Heading Override field for Group Name.

11. Click the Sort tab.

12. In the Sort and Group grid, select the Display Headers checkbox for the Region and
Cost Center fields.

13. In the Grouping and Outlining Options section, select the Include Group Name in
Headers and Subtotals and Include “Total” label in Subtotals checkboxes.

14. Click OK and then click Run.

15. Select 1 Saved Filters > GMS 2015.

16. Click OK.

17. Scroll down to the Headquarters – Corporate (Region) header. Notice that the group
name (Region) is included in the header.

18. Scroll down to the 10000 Office of CEO (Cost Center) Total subtotal. Notice that the
group name (Cost Center) is included in the subtotal name. Also notice that the word
“Total” is included in the subtotal name.


1. Edit the custom report.

2. Click the Sort tab.

3. In the Grouping and Totaling Options section, select the Enable Outlining based on
Grouping checkbox.

4. Click OK and then click Run.

5. Select 1 Saved Filters > GMS 2015.

6. Click OK.

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7. Expand and collapse the groupings to view the details of the report.

8. Click the Export to Excel icon at the top of the grid.

9. Open the exported Excel file. Notice that you can expand and collapse the groupings
in Excel.

10. Click the View Printable Version (PDF) icon at the top of the page.

11. Open the exported PDF file. Notice that the file only shows the top level of the

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 118

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When building a custom report using the Advanced report type, you can also generate summary
reports. These reports only show totals, without any of the detail data. The following example
shows the report summarized by the Region Field.

54 - Summary Report

These are the steps to configure a summary report.

1. On the Sort tab, select the Summarize Detail Rows checkbox. Only the last row in
the Sort and Group grid can have the Summarize Detail Rows checkbox selected.

55- Setting up Summary Reports on the Sort Tab

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2. Remove fields from the Columns tab that are not used to sort or aggregate the data.
You will get an error message if the Columns tab includes additional fields

56 - Setting up Summary Reports on the Sort Tab

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In this chapter, you will learn how security domains and security groups control access to
reports and report data. You will also learn how to share custom reports with authorized users
and troubleshoot report access issues.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Describe the security features that control access to reports and report fields.
 Share a report with other users.
 Troubleshoot report access issues.

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Logan McNeil needs to share an employee audit report with


Employee Supervisory Total Base Hire Date SSN Age Emergency

Organization Pay Contacts
in USD -
Nathan Accounts 85,692.03 01/01/2000 342-10- 42 Alice Moore
Moore Payable 2843 Robert Moore
Jerome Accounts 80,832.55 01/01/2000 344-20- 37 James Williams
Williams Payable 0127 Ruth Williams
Ian Murray Accounts 58,349.50 02/01/2013 567-34- 28 Samantha Murray
Payable 9819

Betty Liu is the manager of the Payroll Department. She is also the payroll administrator for the
tenant, which gives her additional access to certain data. Jack Taylor is the manager of the IT
HelpDesk Department. They both need to run the report and see which reports fields and data
they can access.

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The Workday security model controls access to reports and report data.

57 - Graphical representation of the relationship between security domains, security domain policieis, and security groups

A security domain is a predefined set of related securable items that include reports, tasks,
report fields, data sources, and data source filters. The securable items that make up a domain
cannot be changed. The example shows the Worker Data: Active Employees security domain.
This security domain contains three securable items:

 Active Employees, which is a report.

 Employee Talent Analysis, which is a report.
 All Active Employees, which is a data source.
A security group is a collection of users. Membership is determined by explicitly identifying
individual users or indirectly identifying users by their information, such as by the role
assignment on their position, job details such as management level, or by their geographic
location. In the example, the HR Partner security group has one member, Logan McNeil. This
security group identifies users whose positions are assigned to the HR Partner role.

Each domain has its own domain security policy that controls access to the securable items in
the domain. Users in the security group can have view or modify access to the securable items.
In this example, Logan will be able to:

 Run the Active Employees and Employee Talent Analysis reports.

 Run a report that uses the All Active Employees data source.
All delivered items, including data sources, report fields, delivered reports, and tasks, are
secured to domains. To access an item, users must belong to a security group with access to
the domain securing the item. The security administrator can configure the domain security
policies and add or remove security groups as needed.

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The following table shows examples of using security domains and permitted security groups to
control access to reports, tasks, data sources, and report fields.

Securable Item Security Permitted Security Impact

Domain Groups
Standard Report: Process: Accountant Members of these
Find Journal Lines Journals Accounting Manager security groups can
run this standard
Company Financial Analyst
Finance Auditor
Financial Management
Task: Create Custom Report Implementers Members of these
Custom Report Creation Manager (Unconstrained) security groups can
create custom
Report Writer
Setup Administrator
Temporary Report Writer
Data Source: All Set Up: Payroll Implementers Members of these
Customer-Owned (Calculations - Payroll Administrator security groups can
Deductions Payroll Specific) create and run
Payroll Auditor
reports that use this
Payroll Calculations data source
(assuming the report
Payroll Partner has been shared with

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Report Field: Process: Billing Accountant Members of these

Billing Schedule Accounting Manager security groups can
access this report
Billing Specialist
field and create
Cash Analyst reports with it.
Cash Manager
Company Financial Analyst
Customer Contract
Customer Contracts System
Finance Auditor
Revenue Specialist


A security group can be unconstrained or constrained. Users in an unconstrained security group
have access to all data for a given item. Users in a constrained security group have contextual
access to a subset of data for a given item. For constrained security groups, a user’s access to
specific data is controller either by their individual role or their organization.

In the following example, Betty Liu is a member of both the Payroll Administrator and Manager
security groups. Jack Taylor is a member of the Manager security group. Let’s assume that both
the Payroll Administrator and Manager security groups have access to the Base Pay Amount
report field. Betty can see all data for this report field, since she belongs to an unconstrained
security group with access to the report field. Jack can only see his employee’s (Jeff Gordon)
data for this report field, since he belongs to a constrained security group with access to the
report field.

Security Note: A user can be a member of many security groups. A user’s access is
the union of all their security group access.

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58 - Unconstrained security groups have access to all data for a given item, while constrained security groups only have
access to a subset of data.

The most common security group types are user-based and role-based security groups. User-
based security groups are unconstrained security groups that are manually assigned to users.
User-based security groups are often used for administrators that need to see and set up data
in the tenant for a given area. Role-based security groups are commonly constrained and allow
you to identify members based on role-assignment as well as constrain members to target
access in organizations assigned to the role.

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By default, custom reports are not shared. A custom report is visible only to its owner (and to
users who have access to manage all custom reports). The Share tab lets you share a custom
report with authorized users. You can share a custom report with all users who have access to
the report data source, or you can share a report with specific groups and users who have
access to the report data source. The domain securing the custom report’s data source
determines which security groups you can share the custom report with.

59 - Sharing Options

Security Note: You can control if report writers can use the different sharing options.
Report writers must have access to these security domains to use the sharing
 Domain: Report Definition Sharing – All Authorized Users
 Domain: Report Definition Sharing – Specific Groups
 Domain: Report Definition Sharing – Specific Users

When a report is shared with users, they can run the report but they can’t edit the report. Only
the report owner (and those who can manage all custom reports) can edit their own custom
reports. However, a shared user can view the report definition and copy the report definition if
the shared user is also a report writer.

Note: You can use the Start Proxy task to easily test the report as a shared user.
This lets you verify that a user can see the appropriate data in the report.

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A user running a Shared report will see the report results based on their security to the data
source and report fields. The following example shows the report output when Jack Taylor runs
a shared report.

60 - Report Output when Jack Taylor Runs a Shared Report

The Workday security model determines what Jack can see on the report:

 He only sees 2 instances (rows) based on his access to the data source. Jack can only
see employees in his organization (IT HelpDesk Department).
 He cannot see the Social Security Number for his employee Jeff Gordon. Jack has
constrained access to this report field, so he can only see his own Social Security
 He cannot see his own base pay amount. Even though Jack has access to this
information in Workday, he has constrained access to the report field. On the report, he
can only see his employee’s base pay.
 He cannot see the Age and Emergency Contacts report fields at all in the output. Jack
does not have any access to these report fields.

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Introduction: This demo will show you the how to share a report with authorized users. You
will also see how security impacts what users see.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Copy the WDINST RW Employee Audit by Organization custom report.

2. Change the report name to WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization Demo and
click OK.

3. Click the Prompts tab. Notice that the Organization field is defaulted to Global
Modern Services, Inc. (USA). Also notice that the Include Managers and Include
Subordinate Organizations fields have default values and are hidden from the user.

4. Click the Share tab and verify that the report is not shared with other users.

5. Run the report.

a. How many instances does Logan see?

b. Does Logan see all fields in the report? If no, which fields are missing?

c. Does Logan see data in all the cells? If no, what data is missing?


1. Access the Start Proxy task.

2. Select Betty Liu in the Act As field and click OK.

3. Search for the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization Demo report. Why can’t
Betty see the report in the search results?

4. Access the Stop Proxy task.

5. Select the Confirm checkbox and click OK.

129 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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1. Edit the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization Demo custom report.

2. Click the Share tab.

3. Select the Share with specific authorized groups and users checkbox.

4. Select Manager in the Authorized Groups field.

5. Click the Output tab and expand the Help Text section.

6. Enter Manager Report – auditing information for active employees in the Brief
Description field.

7. Click OK.


1. Access the Start Proxy task.

2. Select Betty Liu in the Act As field and click OK.

3. Access the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization Demo report. (Notice that
the help text displays in the Search Results.)

4. Run the report using Global Modern Service, Inc. (USA) as the Organization.

a. How many instances does Betty see?

b. Does Betty see all fields in the report? If no, which fields are missing?

c. Does Betty see data in all the cells? If no, what data is missing?

5. Access the Stop Proxy task.

6. Select the Confirm checkbox and click OK.


1. Access the View Security Groups for User report.

2. Select Betty Liu (Employee) in the Person field.

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3. Click OK. Here you will see a list of the security groups that Betty is a member of.

Security Note: Betty Liu will have access to the report based on all security
groups that she is a member of.

4. Use the View Security Groups report to fill out the following table.

Security Group Constrained or Unconstrained?

Management Chain
Payroll Administrator
Payroll Interface Partner
Payroll Partner

5. View the report definition for the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization Demo
report. (Note: Do not view the report definition in edit mode.)

6. Click the Employee by Organization data source’s Related Actions.

7. Hover over the Security action.

8. Right-click on View Security and select See in New Tab.

9. Click the More links to view all permitted security groups. Betty is a member of the
Management Chain, Manager, Payroll Administrator, Payroll Partner, and Employee
as Self security groups. These are all permitted security domains for this data
source. Since Betty belongs to an unconstrained security group (Payroll
Administrator), she can see all employees.

10. Close the tab and the Related Actions’ pop-up.

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11. Use the Security > View Security Related Actions for each of the following report
fields to fill in the following table. (Hint: Use the table from the earlier step to see
which security groups Betty belongs to.)

Report Field Which permitted security What data can Betty see
groups does Betty belong to? for this report field?

Total Base Pay

Annualized in
USD - Amount
Social Security
Number –



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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to share an employee audit report with managers.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Copy the WDINST RW Employee Audit by Organization custom report.

2. Change the report name to WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization and click OK.

3. Click the Share tab.

4. Select the Share with specific authorized groups and users checkbox.

5. Select Manager in the Authorized Groups field.

6. Click OK.


1. Access the Start Proxy task.

2. Select Jack Taylor in the Act As field and click OK. Jack is the manager of the IT
HelpDesk Department and he has one employee, Jeff Gordon.

3. Access the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization report.

4. Click OK to run the report and notice that you get an error message. Jack cannot run
the report for the Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA) organization. He can only run
the report for his own organization.

5. Select Organizations > IT HelpDesk Department in the Organization field and click

a. How many instances does Jack see?

b. Does Jack see all fields in the report? If no, which fields are missing?

c. Does Jack see data in all the cells? If no, what data is missing?

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6. Access the Stop Proxy task.

7. Select the Confirm checkbox and click OK.


1. Access the View Security Groups for User report.

2. Select Jack Taylor (Employee) in the Person field.

3. Click OK. Notice that Jack is a member the following groups.

All Employees Management Chain

All Managers' Managers Manager
All Project Members Manager's Manager
All Users Manager (Job-Based)
Any Organization Role (Leadership or Manager (Unconstrained)
Canada and the United States (WD9 Manager for Majority of Event
Cost Center Manager Manager - Integrations
Cost Center Manager Chain Manager Pay Component Visibility
Dallas – All Workers Primary Manager
Documents - Manager Categories Primary Manager's Manager
Employee As Self Project Member as Self
Employee As Self (Canada and the Restricted Spend Category / IT
United States - WD9 Conversion) Equipment
Employee Pay Component Visibility Unrestricted Expense Items / All
IT Workers Unrestricted Spend Category / All

Security Note: Jack will have access to the report based on all security
groups that he is a member of.

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4. Use the View Security Groups for User report to fill out the following table.

Security Group Constrained or Unconstrained?

Management Chain

5. View the report definition for the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization
report. (Note: Do not view the report definition in edit mode.)

6. Click the Employee by Organization Data Source’s Related Actions.

7. Hover over the Security action.

8. Right-click on View Security and select See in New Tab.

9. Click the More links to view all permitted security groups. Jack is a member of the
Management Chain, Manager, and Employee as Self security groups. These are all
permitted security domains for this data source. Since Jack belongs to constrained
security groups, he can only see employees for his organization.

10. Close the tab and the Related Actions’ pop-up.

11. Use the Security > View Security related actions to fill in the following table. (Hint:
Use the table from the earlier step to see which security groups Jack belongs to.)

Report Field Which permitted security What data can Jack see
groups do Jack belong to? for this report field?

Total Base Pay

Annualized in
USD - Amount
Social Security
Number –



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The following table shows common report access issues that users face when running a shared

Issue Root Cause

A user can’t run a standard The user doesn’t have access to a domain securing the
report. standard report.
A user can’t run a custom report. The custom report hasn’t been shared with the user.
A user can’t see report field data The data is missing for these instances or the user
for certain instances. belongs to a security group that has constrained access to
the report field.
A user can’t see a report field at The user doesn’t belong to a security group that has
all. access to the report field.
A user sees a different number The user belongs to a security group that has constrained
of instances than another user. access to the data source or to report fields used in filters.
When running a report, a user The user doesn’t belong to a security group that has
gets an error that they don’t access to a report field used to generate the report, such
have access to a report field. as in a filter or subfilter.

Below are the basic steps you should take when troubleshooting report access issues.

1. Verify that the user should have access to the report or data.

2. Determine which domains secure the standard report, data source, or report field
and the permitted security groups.

3. Determine which security groups the user belongs to.

4. Add the user to a security group that already has access to the domain or edit the
domain security policy to include a security group to which the user belongs.

You will need to work with your security team to view security groups, view security domains,
and change the domain security policy. The security team can use these Workday standard
reports to troubleshoot report access issues:

Standard Report Description

View Security for Securable Shows the security policies and permitted security groups
Item for a securable item, such as a data source or report field.
View Security Groups for User Shows which security groups a user belongs to.

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Below are the specific steps you can take to troubleshoot each report access issue. Remember
to first check that the user should have access to the report or data.


Root Cause The user doesn’t have access to a domain securing the standard report.

1. Run the View Security for Securable Item report to identify the
security domains and permitted security groups for the standard
report. (Note: The standard report name is the securable item.)

2. Run the View Security Groups for User report to identify which
security groups a user belongs to.

3. Add the user to a security group that already has access to the
domain or edit the domain security policy to include a security
group that the user belongs to.

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Root Cause The custom report hasn’t been shared with the user.

1. View the Share tab of the custom report definition to see which
authorized users and groups the report has been shared with.

2. Share the custom report with the user or with a security group that
the user belongs to. If the report can’t be shared with the user,
then the user doesn’t belong to a security group that has access
to the custom report’s data source.

3. Using the data source’s Related Actions, select Security > View
Security to identify the security domains and permitted security
groups. (Note: You can also run the View Security for Securable
Item report for the data source to get this information.)

4. Run the View Security Groups for User report to identify which
security groups a user belongs to.

5. Add the user to a security group that already has access to the
domain or edit the domain security policy to include a security
group that the user belongs to.

6. Once security has been configured, share the custom report with
the user or with a security group that the user belongs to.

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The data is missing for these instances or the user belongs to a security
Root Cause
group that has constrained access to the report field.

1. Have a user with unconstrained access run the report and verify
that data exists for these instances.

2. Using the report field’s Related Actions, select Security > View
Security to identify the security domains and permitted security
groups. (Note: You can also run the View Security for Securable
Item report for the report field to get this information.)

3. Run the View Security Groups for User report to identify which
security groups a user belongs to.

4. See which security group gives the user access to the report field.

5. Verify that the security group is constrained, and confirm that the
data should be hidden based on this constraint.

6. Edit the domain security policy for the report field to give the user
unconstrained access.


The user doesn’t belong to a security group that has access to the report
Root Cause

1. Using the report field’s Related Actions, select Security > View
Security to identify the security domains and permitted security
groups. (Note: You can also run the View Security for Securable
Item report for the report field to get this information.)

Resolution 2. Run the View Security Groups for User report to identify which
security groups a user belongs to.

3. Add the user to a security group that already has access to the
domain or edit the domain security policy to include a security
group that the user belongs to.

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The user belongs to a security group that has constrained access to the data
Root Cause
source or to report fields used in filters.

1. Run the View Security Groups for User report to identify which
security groups a user belongs to.

2. Using the data source’s Related Actions, select Security > View
Security to identify the security domains and permitted security
groups. (Note: You can also run the View Security for Securable
Item report for the data source to get this information.)

3. See which security group gives the user access to the data

4. Verify that the security group is constrained, and confirm that the
data should be hidden based on this constraint.
5. Using the report field’s Related Actions, select Security > View
Security to identify the security domains and permitted security
groups. (Note: You can also run the View Security for Securable
Item report for the report field to get this information.)

6. See which security group gives the user access to the report field.

7. Verify that the security group is constrained, and confirm that the
data should be hidden based on this constraint.

8. Edit the domain security policy for the data source and/or report
fields to give the user unconstrained access.

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Below is an example error message that a user gets when running a report where they don’t
have access to a field used in a report filter.

61 - Error Message

The user doesn’t belong to a security group that has access to a report field
Root Cause
used to generate the report, such as in a filter or subfilter.

1. Read the error message to determine which field is causing the


2. Using the report field’s Related Actions, select Security > View
Security to identify the security domains and permitted security
groups. (Note: You can also run the View Security for Securable
Item report for the report field to get this information.)
3. Run the View Security Groups for User report to identify which
security groups a user belongs to.

4. Add the user to a security group that already has access to the
domain or edit the domain security policy to include a security
group that the user belongs to.

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Users with access to the Custom Report Creation security domain can create a custom report.
Security domains control access to data sources and report fields. When creating a custom
report, you must have access to:

 A security domain for the data source you want to use.

 Security domains for the report fields you want to add.
Prompts will only show the data sources and report fields that you have access to.

The report owner and users with access to the Manage: All Custom Reports security domain
can edit and delete a custom report. You can’t delete a custom report definition if it is used
anywhere, such as a worklet on a dashboard.


You can use the Transfer Ownership of Custom Reports task to change the owner of one or
more reports to a different user. This is useful when people leave the company or change jobs.
The new owner must have access to the report’s data source and report fields and have access
to the Custom Report Creation security domain.

62 - Transfer Owner of Custom Reports Task

Security Note: You must have access to the Custom Report Administration or
Manage: All Custom Reports security domain to transfer ownership of reports owned
by other users.

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You can run the Custom Report Exception Audit standard report to view warnings and errors for
custom reports. This can be helpful when transferring ownership of a report to another user.
You can transfer a report to another user as long the new owner has access to the data source.
However, the new owner will get an error when they try to edit the custom report if they don’t
have access to all of the report fields. Running this report will identify these errors ahead of

63 - Custom Report Exception Audit

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to copy a shared report. You will also see how
security issues can causes errors on a report.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Start Proxy task.

2. Select Betty Liu in the Act As field and click OK.

3. Access the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization Demo report.

4. Run the report using Global Modern Service, Inc. (USA) as the Organization.

5. Click the custom report’s Related Actions.

6. Hover over the Custom Report action.

a. Can Betty edit the custom report?

b. Can Betty copy the custom report?

7. Click Copy.

8. Change the report name to WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization Demo Betty
and click OK. Notice that you get one error message. Since Betty does not have
access to the Emergency Contacts report field, she cannot include them in her

9. Remove the Emergency Contacts report field from the Columns grid.

10. Click OK and run the report.

11. Access the Stop Proxy task.

12. Select the Confirm checkbox and click OK.

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In this chapter, you will learn how to schedule a report to run immediately, at a specific time in
the future, or on a recurring basis. You will also learn the significance of sharing report output
with other users.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Describe the options available when scheduling a report.

 Schedule a report and share the output with specific users.

145 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Logan McNeil needs to schedule the employee audit report and

share the output with managers.

Employee Supervisory Total Base Hire Date SSN Age Emergency

Organization Pay Contacts
in USD -
Nathan Accounts 85,692.03 01/01/2000 342-10- 42 Alice Moore
Moore Payable 2843 Robert Moore
Jerome Accounts 80,832.55 01/01/2000 344-20- 37 James Williams
Williams Payable 0127 Ruth Williams
Ian Murray Accounts 58,349.50 02/01/2013 567-34- 28 Samantha
Payable 9819 Murray

As a manager, Jack Taylor needs to view the output of the report.

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You can use the Schedule a Report task to schedule a report or report group to run. Report
groups allow you to run multiple reports as a single unit.

You can set the run frequency to run now, run once in the future, daily recurrence, weekly
recurrence, or monthly recurrence. Scheduled reports run in the background.

64 - Schedule a Report Task

Note: You can also get to this task from the report’s Related Actions.

147 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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On the Report Criteria tab, you must define default values for prompts that are visible to users
when running the report.

65 - Report Criteria tab

These are the report criteria options.

Option Description
Select whether you want to specify a value for the prompt field or have
Value Type
the value calculated at runtime based on the value of another field.
When the Value Type field is Specify Value, select the prompt value to
use when the report is run.
When the Value Type field is Determine Value at Runtime, select the
field that should determine the prompt value when the report is run.

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If you are scheduling a report to run later, define the schedule on the Schedule tab.

66 - Schedule tab

The schedule options will vary depending on the run frequency.

Run Frequency Schedule Criteria

Run Once in the
Specify the Start Date, Start Time, and Time Zone.
Set the Recurrence Type to Recurs Every Weekday or Recurs Every x
Day(s). If you select Recurs Every x Day(s), enter a number between 1
Daily Recurrence and 366 to specify the number of days between recurrences.
Specify the Start Time, Time Zone, Start Date, and End Date.
In the Recurs Every x Weeks(s) field, enter a number between 1 and 52
to specify the weekly frequency.
Weekly In the Day(s) of the Week field, select one or more days of the week to
schedule each recurrence.
Specify the Start Time, Time Zone, Start Date, and End Date.

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Set the monthly recurrence criteria to Every Month or Month(s). If you

select Month(s), specify one or more months to schedule each
Monthly recurrence.
Set the Recurrence Type to Day(s) of the Month or Day of the Week.
Specify the Start Time, Time Zone, Start Date, and End Date.

Note: Workday lets you to select an End Date that allows 5 executions of any
recurring report beyond December 31st of the following year.

On the Output tab, you define the report output options.

67 - Output tab

These are the report output options.

Option Description
Output Type Select Excel or Report (PDF).
Report Tags Associate report tags with the report output to make the file easy to find.

File to be Deleted Specify how many days Workday should keep the report output before
After (Days) deleting it.
Select this option to suppress the creation of an empty file on the W:
Do Not Output an Drive if there is no report output and eliminate the corresponding email
Empty Report

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On the Share tab, you can share the report output with authorized users and security groups.

68 - Share tab

These are the sharing options.

Option Description
Report output is not shared. Only the user scheduling the
Don’t share report output
report can see the report output file.
Report output is shared with any combination of Authorized
Users and Security Groups that you specify.
Share report output with
You must also select the “I agree to the statement above”
other users
checkbox to acknowledge that you understand the
implications of sharing report output with other users.

Important: By sharing report output you are specifically authorizing the specified
users the right to view the report and its data exactly as you see it, regardless of their
Workday security.

Security Note: You must have access to the Report Output Sharing security domain
to share scheduled output and bypass security.

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Users can access the report output from their Inbox, from the W: Drive, or by running the My
Report Output task. When running the My Report Output Files task or viewing More Reports on
the W: Drive, users can search for report output using report tags.


The Scheduled Future Processes report allows you to view all background processes that are
scheduled to run but have not yet done so. The report includes integrations, batch processes,
and reports that are scheduled to run either once in the future or on a recurring basis.

From the request name’s Related Actions, you can use Schedule Future Process to:

 Edit or delete a scheduled request.

 Suspend or activate a scheduled request.
 Transfer ownership of a scheduled request (if someone leaves the company).

69 - Scheduled Future Processes Report

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You can run the Process Monitor report to view all background processes that are running or
have run.

70 – Process Monitor Report

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to schedule the employee audit report and share the
output with managers.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Schedule a Report task and enter the following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Report WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization

Run Frequency Daily Recurrence

2. Click OK.

3. On the Report Criteria tab, select Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA) in the Value
field. You must define default values for prompts that are visible to users when
running the report.

4. Click the Schedule tab and enter the following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Recurrence Type Recurs Every Weekday

Start Time Select the closest available next time to the
current time in the Pacific Time zone
Time Zone Pacific Time (Los Angeles)
Start Date Today’s date
End Date One month from now

5. Click the Output tab and enter the following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Output Type Excel

Report Tags Training Reports
File to be Deleted After (Days) 1

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6. Click the Share tab and enter the following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Report Output Sharing Options Share report output with other users
Security Groups Manager (Unconstrained)

7. Read the statement on this tab and select the I agree to the statement above

8. Click OK.


1. Access the Scheduled Future Processes report.

2. Verify that the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization report displays in the
Background Processes grid.

3. In the Request Name column, click the WICT RW Employee Audit by Organization’s
Related Actions and hover over Schedule Future Processes. These are the
actions you can take on your schedule.

4. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.


1. Once the scheduled time is reached, access the Process Monitor report.

2. Select Report in the Process Types field and click OK. Verify that the process


1. Click Logan McNeil’s picture in the upper right and select W:Drive.

2. Click the file name and open the report output Excel file. Notice that the report
shows all data for all users.

3. Close the Excel file.

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4. In the File column, click the Related Actions and hover over Repository
Document. From here you can maintain the tags and shared users for this file.

5. Click Related Actions again to close the pop-up box.

6. Sign out as Logan McNeil.

7. Log back in as Jack Taylor. Users can access the report output from their Inbox, the
W: Drive, or by running the My Report Output Files task.

8. Access the My Report Output Files task.

9. Select Training Reports in the Report Tags field and click OK.

10. Click the file name and open the report output Excel file. Notice that the report
shows all data for all users.

Important: Since Logan scheduled the report, her security was used to
generate the report output file. When Jack opens the shared output Excel
file, he sees the report data from Logan’s point of view. He can see all data
for all users since Logan has unconstrained access.

11. Close the Excel file.

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In this chapter, you will learn how to create matrix reports to group, summarize, and drill into
data. You will also learn how to add a chart to visualize the data. This will only be a brief
introduction to matrix reports and charts.

Additional Training: If you are interested in learning more, check out the Advanced
Reporting and Analytics course in the Workday Learning Center.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Describe the capabilities of the Matrix report type.

 Create a matrix report that groups the data by rows and columns.
 Summarize the data in a matrix report.
 Configure the drillable fields and detail data in a matrix report.
 Add a chart to a matrix report to visualize the data.

157 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Logan McNeil needs to create a matrix report that analyzes the base
pay for employees by hiring source and location.

Report Requirements:

 Average base pay and # of employees by hiring source and location

 Rows for the three hiring sources with highest average base pay
 Columns for the three U.S. locations with highest average base pay
 Drillable fields for Compensation Package, Cost Center, Hiring Source, Location, and
Hire Quarter
 Detail data for Employee, Worker’s Manager, Total Base Pay Annualized – Amount, Is
Manager, and Supervisory Organization
San Francisco Boston New York Other Total
Source Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg.
Count Count Count Count Count
Base Base Base Base Base
Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay
Employee $138K 25 $88K 7 $135K 9 $99K 20 $119K 61
Head- $85K 8 0K 0 $106K 2 $120K 7 $102K 17
LinkedIn $94K 14 $203K 3 $91K 7 $89K 15 $100K 39
Other $108K 20 $77K 5 $82K 7 $82K 30 $90K 62
Total $114K 67 $107K 15 $105 25 $92K 72 $103K 179

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The Matrix report type provides the foundation for custom analytics and interactive reporting in
Workday. It allows for grouping, aggregation, and interactive drilling across different dimensions,
enabling the user to gain new insights into the data and take action on the results.

Matrix reports are ideally suited for:

Modifying rows
Aggregating / Drilling into Taking
and columns at
summarizing summaries action on
runtime for a
numeric data and details insights
different view

71 - Matrix reports are used for aggregating data, modifying rows and columns at runtim, drilling into summaries and
details, and taking action on insights

The main construct of a matrix report involves:

 Grouping: Group instances of the primary business object by defining the row and
column groupings.
 Summarizing: Define aggregations for each grouping.
 Drilling: Drill into the summarizations for further analysis. Report users can view the
data by other fields and access detail data behind the summarizations.

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When configuring a matrix report definition, you must first define the row groupings, column
groupings, and summarizations under the Matrix tab.

You must specify at least one row grouping and one summarization. You may group by more
than one dimension, which is referred to as nested levels. You can have a maximum of six row

For each grouping, you can specify a sort option. By default, groupings are sorted based on
totals in descending order. Alternatively, you can sort alphabetically, based on a logical sort, or
based on a defined field value group.

You can control the maximum number of row grouping values to display in the report output
using the Maximum Number of Rows field. The report displays the number of rows defined in
this field in the output; any additional row grouping values are aggregated into a row labeled
“Other” in the report output. The default Maximum Number of Rows is 250. Keep this in mind
and check for the “Other” row grouping if your report output appears to be missing data.

In the following example, the matrix report uses the Hiring Source field for the row grouping. The
maximum number of rows is set to three. The report output will display a maximum of three
hiring sources. If there are more than three hiring sources, they will be aggregated as "Other."

72 - Row Groupings

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Column groupings are optional. You can have a maximum of two column groupings.

You can control the maximum number of column grouping values to display in the report output.
The maximum number defined displays in the output while any other column grouping values
are aggregated as “Other”. The default number of columns is 20.

In the following example, the matrix report uses the Location field for the column grouping. The
maximum number of columns is set to three. The report output will display a maximum of three
locations. If there are more than three locations, they will be aggregated as "Other."

73 - Column Groupings

The Matrix tab allows you to configure summarizations for your report’s numeric or currency
data. The Summarization Type enables you to specify the aggregation method applied to the
field. The results of the aggregation method are displayed in the matrix cells of the report output.
The default summarization type is Count. The first summarization is used to sort Group By

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74 - Fields to Summarize

Summarization options include:

Term Definition
Count Counts the number of values (instances) for defined grouping.
Sum Sums the values of a field for defined grouping.
Average Averages the values of a field for defined grouping.
Minimum Displays the minimum value of a field for defined grouping.
Maximum Displays the maximum value of a field for defined grouping.
Creates your own arithmetic calculations on the other summarizations
generated in the report. For example, using a calculation, you can subtract
the Minimum summarization value generated from the Maximum
summarization value generated. Matrix report summary calculations are
unique to the report and can be maintained and edited similar to report-
specific calculated fields.

Note: If using an indexed data source, when choosing fields to summarize, use the
View Indexed Fields for Data Source report to see if a given field is indexed for
Aggregation. If not, you will see a performance warning (not error) in the report.

Security Note: If you create a matrix report and share it with a user who is not
authorized to view the row grouping, column grouping, or summarization field, a
runtime error appears when the user attempts to run the report.

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A matrix report displays the data as an aggregate of the row and column groupings. Drillable
fields let you view the data by additional dimensions. You can view the data by up to two
additional dimensions to further define the data in each cell.

You can control what fields are drillable under the Drill Down tab. There are default drillable
fields, but it is best practice to configure specific drillable fields (so that the fields remain

75 - Drillable Fields

When viewing the output of a matrix report, you can drill down on a summarization using a drill
down field. Users will only see fields that they have access to.

76 - View By Drill Down Field

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You can configure Detail Data on the Drill Down tab. This lets users view the details behind a

77 - Detail Data

When the user clicks on a summarization metric, they will see the detail data fields you defined.
Users will only see fields that they have access to.

78 - View Details

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Introduction: This demo will show you how to interpret the output of a matrix report.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Run the WDINST RW Recruiting Analysis by Hiring Source and Location custom
report. Notice that the columns display locations and the rows display hiring sources.

2. In the bottom right corner of the report, hover over the average total base pay
amount for the report.

3. Click the arrow and select Location as the View By field.

a. What location reports the highest average salary?

b. How many employees work at this location?

4. Close the pop-up window.

5. At the bottom of the San Francisco column, hover over the average total base pay
amount in the Total row.

6. Click the arrow and select Cost Center as the View By field. What Cost Center has
the highest average salary in San Francisco?

7. Close the pop-up window.

8. In the Total column of the Employee referral row, hover over the average total base
pay amount.

9. Click the arrow and select Compensation Package as the View By field. What
Compensation Package has the highest average salary for the Employee Referral
hiring source?

10. Close the pop-up window.

11. In the cell for Employee referrals in San Francisco, hover over the average total base
pay amount.

12. Click the arrow and select View Details.

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13. Sort the Total Base Pay Annualized – Amount field in descending order. What is
the total base pay for Oliver Reynolds? Is he a manager?

14. Close the pop-up window.

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to create a matrix report that analyzes the base pay for
employees by hiring source and location. The report needs to display:
 Average base pay and # of employees by hiring source and location.
 Rows for the three hiring sources with highest average base pay.
 Columns for the three US locations with highest average base pay.
 Drillable fields for Compensation Package, Cost Center, Hiring Source, Location, and
Hire Quarter.
 Detail data for Employee, Worker’s Manager, Total Base Pay Annualized – Amount, Is
Manager, and Supervisory Organization.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Create Custom Report task and enter the following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Report Name WICT RW Recruiting Analysis by Hiring Source and Location

Report Type Matrix
Data Source All Active Employees

2. Click OK.

3. In the Row Grouping grid, select Hiring Source in the Group by Field.

4. Enter 3 in the Maximum Number of Rows field.

5. In the Column Grouping (Optional) grid, select Location in the Group by Field.

6. Enter 3 in the Maximum Number of Columns field.

7. Add a row to the top of the Define the Field(s) to Summarize grid, and enter the
following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Summarization Type Average

Summarization Field Total Base Pay Annualized - Amount

167 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Format Thousands > #,##0,”K”

Options Show Currency Symbol


1. Click the Drill Down tab.

2. Add five rows to the Drillable Fields grid, and add the following fields:

Field Name

Compensation Package
Cost Center
Hiring Source
Hire Quarter

3. Add five rows to the Detail Data grid, and add the following fields:

Field Name

Worker’s Manager
Total Base Pay Annualized - Amount
Is Manager
Supervisory Organization


1. Click the Filter tab.

2. Add a row to the grid, and enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Location Address - Country

Operator in the selection list
Comparison Type Value specified in this filter

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Comparison Value United States of America


1. Click OK.

2. Click Run.

3. Drill down into the summarized data to answer the following questions:
(Hint: Hover over a summarization value and click the arrow to drill down.)

a. What hiring source reports the highest average salary?

b. What Cost Center has the highest average salary in New York?

c. What Compensation Package has the highest average salary for the
Headhunter hiring source?

d. What Hire Quarter has the highest average salary for Employee Referrals in
San Francisco?

4. View the details of the summarized data to answer the following questions:
(Hint: Hover over a summarization value and click the arrow to view details.)

a. Which employees in Boston are managers?

b. How many employees in San Francisco report to Betty Liu?

c. Did the Tax Department supervisory organization find employees using the
Headhunter hiring source?

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With one set of data, you can create a wide variety of charts. Workday makes it easy to
experiment with different variables and chart types to tell a visual story to report users.

Charts can be presented alongside a table or on their own. When chart is specified as the
Output Type, a variety of Chart Options will be available:

 Pie
 Line
 Bubble
 Column (clustered, stacked, 100%)
 Bar (clustered, stacked, 100%)
 Area (overlaid, stacked, 100%)
In the following example, we want to analyze and compare the average base pay across
location by hiring source. The report definition has two dimensions (Hiring Source and Location)
and two summarizations (Average Total Base Pay Annualized - Amount and Count).

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This is what our chart will look like on the report output:

79 - Average Total Base Pay by Location by Hiring Source

You configure the Chart Options on the Output tab. The Chart Options available depend on the
configuration of the report definition and the Chart Type specified.

In the following example, the Chart Type is Column - Clustered. The Horizontal Axis is set to
Column Grouping, which is Location. The Legend is set to Row Grouping, which is Hiring
Source. The Metrics to Include is set to Metric 1, which is Average Total Base Pay Annualized –

80 – Chart Options

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Note: Metric 1 is the first row in the Define the Field(s) to summarize grid. Metric 2 is
the second row in the grid. Metric 3 is the third row in the grid, and so on.


After executing a report with a chart configured, Workday allows you to interact with the report
output to gain further insight.

Chart legends are interactive so users can focus on a specific metric or dimension. Users can
also zoom in and pan their view of a report output.

81 – Chart Output

The Configuration Panel offers the ability to make modifications in the chart view. Adjust
variables such as the Horizontal Axis, Legend, and Metrics. These options are useful when the
report has multiple metrics that can interact in different ways.

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Access the Configuration Panel using the following steps:

1. Click the Configure icon . Choose a different chart type if needed.

2. Click Configure.

3. Interact with Variables to view data from different perspectives.

4. Click Show Advanced to further interact with the report output.

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to add a chart to the recruiting analysis matrix report.
The chart should display the average base pay by location and hiring source.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Edit the WICT RW Recruiting Analysis by Hiring Source and Location custom

2. Click the Output tab.

3. Change Output Type to Chart and Table.

4. Expand Chart Options, and enter the following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Chart Type Column - Clustered

Horizontal Axis Column Grouping
Legend Row Grouping
Metrics to Include Metric 1


1. Click OK.

2. Click Run. View the chart at the top of the report.

3. Click the Employee referral bar for San Francisco.

4. View by Compensation Package. (Note: You can also get to this information by
drilling down from the table.)

5. Close the pop-up window.

6. Click the Configure icon in the top right corner of the chart.

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7. Change the chart type to Stacked Column. Notice that the bars for each hiring
source are now stacked on top of each other.

8. Change the chart type to Clustered Bar. Notice that the locations are now along the
vertical axis.

9. Change the chart type back to Clustered Column.

10. Select Configure and select the following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Horizontal Axis Hiring Source

Legend Location
Metrics to Include Average of Total Base Pay Annualized - Amount

11. Close the pop-up window. Notice that the chart now displays the hiring source along
the horizontal axis and the location as the legend.

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In this chapter, you will learn about calculated fields and how they can help you with reporting.
Calculated fields are new configurable field definitions that allow you to manipulate, transform,
retrieve, and derive values based on existing data. This will only be a brief introduction to
calculated fields.

Additional Training: If you are interested in learning more, check out the Calculated
Fields course in the Workday Learning Center.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Explain the purpose of calculated fields and how to control access to calculated fields.
 Create a calculated field using the Lookup Related Value function to display data from a
related business object on a report.
 Create a calculated field using the Format Date function to display in a specific format.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 176

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Teresa Serrano built a matrix report that shows the revenue by

company. She needs to modify the report to show the revenue by
company org code instead. She also needs to display the
accounting date in a different format.

The report should display the following information:

 Summed total of all Journal Lines for a given company in both a chart and a table
 Totals organized by the Company Organization Code
 Details for individual journal lines including the Fiscal Year and Period.
The matrix report should display this information:

Company Organization Code Actual

GMS USA 155,958K
GPS 22,490K
GMS UK 22,006K

The report should display these fields when a user views details for a summarization:

Business Fiscal Year Division Customer Ledger/Budget

Document – Period Amount for Natural
Debit or Credit
Customer Invoice: 2013 – Jan Technology Cyberdyne 638,000.00
9551 Systems LTD
Customer Invoice: 2013 – Mar Financial Bluestar LTD 812,000.00
9580 Services

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Calculated fields are new configurable field definitions that allow you to manipulate, transform,
retrieve, and derive values based on existing data. As you will see in this course, you can use
calculated fields to:

 Perform date calculations and formatting.

 Perform math calculations.
 Manipulate text with concatenate, substring, and formatting functions.
 Convert currency fields.
 Derive range bands from numeric or currency fields.
 Determine if a condition is true or not.
 Drilldown and lookup levels and values in hierarchies and organizations.
 Sum, count, and aggregate information across related instances.
 Lookup values in related objects.


Calculated fields are frequently used in reporting to deliver data that would otherwise be
unavailable from the primary business object of the report. However, calculated fields can be
used in a variety of ways:

 Reporting:
Use Example
Creating new fields to add to a Creating a Date Difference calculated field to
custom report determine how overdue an employee’s performance
review is.
Creating custom prompts or filters Creating a True/False Condition calculated field to
to affect the report output. only display workers with a “Regular” or “Full-Time”
status and exclude contract workers.
Accessing data from the Primary Moving data from an Related Business Object (RBO)
Business Object to the PBO for use in specific report types and
functions, as well as in other calculated fields.

 Business Processes:
Use Example
Controlling condition steps in a Creating a Text Length calculated field to determine
business process how many letters are in a new hire’s name. Add it as a
condition to the Hire business process so that if the
new hire’s name is more than 20 characters, a request
for a custom nametag will be submitted.
 Integrations:

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 178

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Use Example
Used with connectors and in Using a Format Text calculated field to format
reports that may be used to employee first names into uppercase to align with the
collect data for either document needs of the external system in the integration.
transformation or EIBs.

 Scheduling Recurring Processes:

Use Example
Determine dynamic run time Using an Increment or Decrement Date calculated
parameters for recurring field to determine the date parameters necessary to
scheduled processes. run a specific report for each day from today through
two months ago.


All calculated fields are resolved at runtime. The value can be calculated based on other
Workday-delivered fields, other calculated fields, and/or available custom fields. Calculated
fields are resolved at runtime because the values of the other fields used to determine the value
of the calculated field can vary from day to day or even moment to moment. These field and
object instance values are retrieved as of the moment you run the report or execute the
condition rule that uses the calculated field.


Calculated fields are associated with a business object (BO). This BO determines which fields
are available for use within your calculated field. Any calculated fields you create for a business
object appear and behave just like any other Workday-delivered fields for the business object.
The business object also controls when the calculated field appears in prompts and reports.

Example: A calculated field built on the Worker business object would be based on
the existing fields on the Worker object. That calculated field would become a new
field on Worker and could be used wherever other fields on Worker are used.

In addition to the data available on the calculated field’s business object, any data from fields
associated with the Global business object are available for use in all calculations and reports.

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Calculated fields are based on data already existing within the tenant. Their value is not stored,
but instead is pulled from existing fields at runtime. This means that calculated fields will not be
affected by changes to the underlying objects and fields used in the calculation.

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To create, edit, or delete system-wide calculated fields, you must be assigned to a security
group that is authorized for the Custom Field Management domain. To ensure control and
consistency and avoid duplicate field definitions, access to that domain should be limited to key
individuals in your organization.

The following domains control who can access and create calculated fields:

 Custom Field Management (for system-wide calculated fields)

 Private Calculated Fields Management (for report-specific calculated fields)


Once defined, only users with access to the underlying secured fields can access and see the
values for calculated fields. Underlying secured fields are Workday-delivered report fields,
custom fields, or other calculated fields. Workday-delivered report fields and custom fields are
secured to domains. Users must have access to the domain(s) for these underlying fields in
order to have access to any calculated fields that are based on them. Security access to a
calculated field definition is therefore “derived” from its underlying secured fields. In other words,
if you can access the field(s) that the calculation is built on, you can access the calculated field.

You can view the security for a calculated field using the field’s Related Actions, select
Calculated Field > View Security Groups. Here, you can see the underlying secured fields and
configured security groups.

82 - View Security Groups for Calculated Field

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To determine which domains/domain security policies can be configured, use the Calculated
Field’s Related Actions to select Security > View Security. Here, you can see the underlying
domains/domain security policies.

83 - View Security for Calculated Field

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The Format Date function extracts the year, year-quarter, and year-month from a date and
formats it as a text field. It can also extract and format fiscal period, fiscal year, fiscal year-
period, and date-time fields.

This function enables you to determine higher level time periods from a date. For example, you
could use this function to group and summarize headcount activity by month or generate a list of
promotions by quarter. You can also use it to extract date components based on an employee's
hire date, determine who is going to have an anniversary next month, or extract the month and
date from an employee's birth date.

Year returns a four character field. Quarter returns Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4. Month and Day returns a
two-character field with a leading zero as necessary. The calculation assumes the first day of
the week is Sunday.

When using the Format Date function, you can select from pre-defined Formats (some of which
are shown below), or provide your own Format Mask using the legend of valid values.

84 - Format Date pre-defined formats

Format Mask provides additional date formatting flexibility beyond the predefined formats. It
allows you to construct a formatting mask using the options shown below. The mask options are
case sensitive and can be combined with each other, along with spaces and other characters.
For example, a format mask such as h:m a would produce a result such as "9:28 PM". In
addition, you can add other text, even if the text contains these reserved characters, provided

183 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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that you wrap the text in single quotes, such as: 'Hello, the time is:' h:m a. This
would produce a result like "Hello, the time is 9:28 PM".

85 - Format Date format mask options

The following are examples of tasks you can perform using Format Date:

 Group and summarize headcount activity by month

 Produce a list of promotions by quarter
 List employees who have a birthday this month
 Based on an employee's hire date, determine who is going to have an anniversary next
 Extract the month and day from an employee's birth date
 Return the fiscal year and period in which an employee was hired
 Group supplier purchases by quarter

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Introduction: This demo will explore the format date calculated field.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)

1. Type cf: year-month in the Search box and press Enter.

2. Click the first search result for Year-Month to view the calculated field. This function
formats the Expense Report Line Date field to display as year-month.

3. Click the Year-Month field’s Related Actions and select Calculated Field > Edit.

4. Delete the value in the Date Field.

5. Click the prompt and select All to view the date fields available for the business
object specified.

Note: All date fields available on the business object display, regardless of the
security of the worker creating the calculated field.

6. Click the drop-down arrow in the Format field and select Format Mask.

7. Hover over the Format Mask field to view the valid values for configuring the date

8. Click Cancel.

185 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Journal lines work similarly to the supplier invoice lines you saw earlier. Each journal contains
information on the entire journal (journal header) as well as information on the individual journal

 The Journal Header business object contains information about the journal as a whole,
such as who created it, total debits and credits, period, and ledger.
 The Journal Line business object contains information about specific journal
transactions, such as ledger account, debit/credit amount, associated cost center, and

86 - Journal header and line information

In Workday, there are multiple data sources for the Journal Lines business object:

 Journal Lines – Returns all journal line transactions associated with the required data
source filter. This is the data source that Teresa is using in her report.
 Journal Lines for Financial Reporting – Only contains information about journal lines on
journals that have a Posted or Proforma status. This automatically excludes Cancelled,
In Error, or Draft status journals.
Note: There is one additional data source on the Journal Lines business object called
Journal Lines (Do Not Use). Data sources, reports, and fields labeled with “Do Not
Use” shouldn’t be used in your reports or calculated fields.

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Business Case: Teresa Serrano built a matrix report that shows the revenue by company.
She needs to modify the report to show the revenue by company org code and she also
needs to display the accounting date in a different format. Start by copying the report and
creating a format date calculated field.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Access the Copy Custom Report task.

2. Select the WDINST RW Revenue by Company Org Code report.

3. Rename the report WICT CF Revenue By Company Org Code and click OK to save.

4. Review this report’s definition.

a. The PBO is Journal Line

b. The Data Source is Journal Lines and the Data Source Filter is Journal Lines
for Company.

5. In the Matrix tab, notice that the rows are grouped by Company. This means that
journal lines will be grouped by Company.

6. In the Define Field(s) to Summarize section, note that the Translated Amount for
Natural Debit or Credit is summed.

7. In the Drill Down tab, review the Group By Fields and the Detail Data sections.

8. In the Filter tab, notice that there are no filters defined.

9. In the Prompts tab, notice that there are many Prompt Defaults. This is because the
Journal Lines data source has a number of built-in prompts. Here you can preset
some default values to save data entry at run time. Note that all of the prompts here
have the Do Not Prompt at Runtime checkbox selected. This means that this report
will automatically run using the defaulted values for these prompts. Users will not
have to enter any information when running this report.

10. In the Output tab, notice that the Output Type is set to Chart and Table.

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11. Save and then run this report. Notice that the summarizations in the chart and table
are grouped by company.

12. Click the number in the Actual column for the GMS CAN organization. Notice that
Accounting Date is one of the details included. In this activity, Teresa will need to
replace this information with the Fiscal Period for this accounting date. To do this,
you will need to use the Format Date calculated field function.


1. Run the Create Calculated Field task and enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Name WICT CF Accounting Date Fiscal Period

Business Object Journal Line
Function Format Date

2. Click OK and then enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Date Field Accounting Date

Format Fiscal Year-Period
Fiscal Schedule Standard Corporate Schedule
Fiscal Period Return Type Fiscal Period

Note: Selecting Fiscal Year-Period as the Format will make the next two
fields appear.

3. Click OK to save this field.


1. Edit the WICT CF Revenue by Company Org Code report.

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2. In the Drill Down tab, locate the Detail Data section and replace the Accounting Date
field with WICT CF Account Date Fiscal Period.

3. Click OK to save these changes.

4. Run the report.

5. Click the Actual amount for GMS CAN organization. Now you can see the Fiscal
Year-Period combination defined in the calculated field.

189 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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With Advanced reports, you can include fields from related business objects directly in your
report without needing a calculated field. Advanced reports let you include fields from RBOs that
are “one level deep" or in other words directly related to the primary business object. However,
when you are creating a Simple or Matrix report, or if you want your Advanced report to access
data from a related business object of your report's related business object, or “two levels
deep," you will need to use a calculated field.

The calculated field function Lookup Related Value allows you to retrieve a value from an
instance on a related business object and “promote” it to your primary business object. This is
useful in cases where you need the value from the RBO to be available from your PBO. For

 When you need to perform an arithmetic calculation between two fields that exist on
separate business objects.
 When you need to report on a field that your reports primary business object can’t
directly access.
 When you need to include a field in a business process condition rule, but it isn’t
available given the context of the rule.

87 - Visual representation of the Worker business object and its one level deep relationship with the Position business
object, and two levels deep relationship with the Position Restriction business object.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 190

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The Lookup Related Value function retrieves a value from a field on a related business object
and promotes it up one level, making it available for use in calculated fields, rules, or reporting.

Here are some examples of looking up a value on a related business object:

 Promote a value from an RBO to a PBO to make it available for a matrix report.
 Promote a field from an RBO to the PBO to make it available for grouping and totaling
on an advanced report.
 Promote a field from an RBO to a PBO to use it in combination with a field on the PBO to
create a calculated field.
 Make a field available for a business process condition rule.
In order to use the Lookup Related Value calculated field function, there must be a 1:1
relationship between the PBO and RBO.

In the example below, we extract W orker’s Manager on the Worker business object for a report
based on the Competency object.

88 - Example of a Lookup Related Value field


As previously mentioned, the two business objects used in your Lookup Related Value
calculated field must have a 1:1 relationship. If you are unsure of the relationship between the
two objects, you can use the Business Object Details report to determine whether the
relationship between your two objects is 1:1 (single instance) or 1:M (multi-instance).

191 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Business Case: Now that Teresa has copied the matrix report and formatted the
accounting date, she needs to modify the report to show the revenue by company org
code using a lookup related value calculated field.

Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Run the WICT CF Revenue by Company Org Code report you created earlier.

2. Click the Global Modern Services BV (Netherlands) company.

3. Move to the Details tab. Notice the company Code here: GMS NLD. This code exists
on the Company business object. In order to use it in the WICT CF Revenue by
Company Org Code report, you will need to create a calculated field to promote this
field to the Journal Lines business object.


1. Run the Create Calculated Field task.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Field Name WICT CF Company Org Code on Journal Line

Business Object Journal Line
Function Lookup Related Value

3. Click OK.

4. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

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Lookup Field Company

When selecting the Lookup Field, notice that
there are two Company fields available. Use
the Related Actions for each of these fields for
more information about each and select the one
on the Financial Line business object.
Return Value Code

5. Click OK to save this field.


1. Edit the WICT CF Revenue by Company Org Code report.

2. In the Row Grouping section, remove Company as the Group by Field and replace it
with the WICT CF Company Org Code on Journal Line field.

3. Click OK to save the report definition.

4. Run the report. Notice that the data in the chart and table is now grouped by the
company code instead of the company name.

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It is important to keep performance in mind when designing your custom reports. In this chapter,
you will learn the different factors that impact performance. You will also learn how to use report
logs to test and debug report performance issues.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

 Describe the factors that impact report performance.

 Identify best practices for building reports that perform well.
 Log and view the performance of a report.

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Logan McNeil needs to compare two versions of the Employee Base Pay
Increases report to see which version is more efficient. The reports show
the base pay increases for active employees by organization between a
user-specified start and end date.

The “before” version of the report uses the All Workers data source and the Worker primary
business object. If we use the All Workers data source, we need to filter out inactive workers
and workers who are not employees (i.e., contingent workers). We need to add a filter prompt to
prompt the user for the Organization since the data source doesn’t contain any built-in prompts.
We also need to filter out empty Worker Events - Completed instances.

The “before” version of the report uses the Worker Events – Completed related business object
field. This field gives us access to all worker events, not just base pay increases. We need to
filter out completed worker events that did not result in a base pay increase. The Worker Events
– Completed field contains built-in prompts for the Start Date and End Date prompts, so we do
not need to add them.

89 - Information included in the Before version of the report

The after version of the report uses the Employees by Organization data source and the
Employee primary business object. Since we are using the Employees by Organization data
source, we don’t need to filter out any workers. This data source already gives us all active
employees. We also don’t need to add a filter prompt for Organization, since the data source
contains a built-in prompt for Organization. We will need to filter out empty Compensation
History – Base Pay Changes Only instances.

The after version uses the Compensation History – Base Pay Changes Only related business
object field. This field gives us access to only base pay increases. We need to filter out the initial
base pay change (the change from 0 to the initial salary). We need to add filter prompts for the
starting date and ending date, since the Compensation History – Base Pay Changes Only does
not contain any built-in prompts.

195 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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90 - Information included in the After version of the report


The following list shows example reports that may have performance issues.

 A report on > 8K workers without an indexed data source

 Executive dashboard with turnover report NOT on Trended Workers for > 100K workers
 An integration that searches through all worker history for each worker to find an
effective date
 A report using the All Workers data source on hundreds or thousands of workers
 Any report that attempts to search through or return large amounts of data
 An advanced report on the Journal Line BO that uses a large number of Lookup Related
Value calculated fields to pull in different field values from an RBO
As a report writer, you need to anticipate performance issues and design effective reports. You
also need to determine which data source will deliver the needed data while minimizing the
number of instances that will be returned in the report output.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 196

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This following table summarizes the factors that impact performance when creating a custom

Resource: Search Community for Optimizing Report Performance for more

information on performance considerations.

Term Description
The data source is the biggest factor for your report’s performance. Select
the data source that will return the smallest data set. When possible, use an
Data Source
indexed data source since it is optimized for performance. Additionally,
report data sources with built-in prompts will typically perform faster.
When displaying data from related business objects, select the field that
Report Fields returns the smallest data set whenever possible, especially when you then
use a subfilter to reduce instances.
Using a large number of calculated fields will affect your report performance.
Calculated Using very complex calculated field definitions could adversely affect your
report performance as well.
When configuring your report filters, order your filters so that the first filter
listed reduces the data set by the most rows possible. This will ensure that
Filtering subsequent filters will evaluate the fewest number of instances possible,
which will increase your report’s performance. Also consider the complexity
of your filters, as more complex filters can affect performance.
Sorting on simple field types performs better than sorting on object field
Security affects the performance of your custom report. Workday
determines accessibility field by field. The more fields you include in your
report and the more complex the security, the longer it takes Workday to
return results.

The data source is the biggest factor for your report’s performance. Data sources that return a
smaller data set perform better. The following diagram shows three data sources.

197 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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91 - Visual representation of the All Workers, All Active Employees, and Employees by Organization data sources from
least to most specific.

 All Workers – Returns the most instances.

 All Active Employees – Returns fewer instances (doesn’t include contingent, future, or
terminated workers).
 Employees by Organization – Returns the fewest instances (only shows active
employees for the specified organizations).
You should choose the data source that returns the fewest instances and still includes all
needed data.

Data sources with built-in prompts are more efficient than adding filters. For example, using the
Employees by Organization data source is more efficient than adding a filter prompt to All Active
Employees data source.

Indexed data sources are already optimized for performance, aggregation, and filtering large
volumes of data. Here are some commonly used indexed data sources:

 HCM: Indexed Workers, Trended Workers

 Financials: Budget Lines, Journal Lines, Customer Invoices, Supplier Invoices
Be careful with adding calculated fields to a report that uses an indexed data source since they
can significantly slow the performance. You can run the View Indexed Fields for Data Source
report for a list of indexed fields and the type of indexing used by each field on the data source.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 198

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When displaying data from related business objects, use the field that returns the smallest data
set. The following example shows several fields that access worker base pay change event

92 - Worker Events - Completed, Work History Summary, Compensation History, Compensation History - Base Pay
Changes Only fields listed from most to least amount of data returned

The Worker Events – Completed field returns the most data and the Compensation History –
Base Pay Changes Only field returns the least data. The before report uses the Worker Events
– Completed field, so we need to filter out events that are not base pay increases. The after
report uses the Compensation Events – Base Pay Changes Only field, so the data set only
includes base pay increases.

When working with calculated fields, using complex calculated fields increases the processing
time. Workday determines the value of a calculated field at the time it’s used, which requires
processing time. When your calculated field performs a simple operation like removing a portion
of the text, Workday completes the transaction quickly. But when your calculation involves other
calculated fields, Workday takes longer to return a value.

To improve report performance:

 Order your filters so the first filter removes the most instances and subsequent filters
don’t have to iterate on as many instances.
 Use simpler filter logic, since complex filters take longer to run.
 Try to use a pre-filtered data source that is already optimized for performance (such as
All Active Employees).
 Use the Prompt the user for the value and ignore the filter condition if the value is blank
comparison type instead of configuring two conditions.

Effective sorting increases the performance of your custom report. Workday automatically sorts
results by the first column unless you specify other criteria. When you select complex sorting
criteria, it takes longer to sort the results. You can optimize the processing time by sorting your
results by simple field types (Text, Date, Numeric, etc.) instead of object field types (Single

199 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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instance, Multi-instance, and Self-referencing instance). Sorting by object field types is slower,
because object fields access additional data in the background.

The security group type impacts report performance. The following diagram shows different
security group types.

93 - Security group types listed from fastest to slowest performance

 User-Based or Unconstrained Role-Based – These are the fastest security groups for a
 Constrained Role-Based – These are slower because each instance has to be evaluated
as to whether it is supported by the security of the report user.
 Intersection – These are comprised of one or more security groups, and include users
who are in all of the groups. This security group is the slowest because it is a
combination of security groups.


You can log and view report performance of specific reports using Edit Report Log Settings and
View Report Log. Workday creates three types of logs for the specified report definition:

 Customer Log – Allows you to view performance data and use it to optimize report
 Support Log – Provides additional performance data for Workday's support team to help
them resolve performance issues.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 200

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 Internal Log – Provides even more detailed performance data that Workday developers
can analyze if needed.
By collecting and analyzing reporting statistics, you can assess and compare report designs and
make adjustments to come up with the optimal design. Note that timings in the logs are in


You can use the Edit Report Log Settings task to log timings for specific reports. You can
specify when to stop logging the report.

94 - Edit Report Log Settings task


Once you have enabled logging for specific reports, you can use the View Report Log report to
view the timings for a specific report.

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95 - View Report Log task


Report logs contain several different timings that you can use to improve the performance of
your report. The following table shows different timings that are included in the report logs.

Report Timing Meaning

Shows the total time it takes to run the report. Use this time to
compare the overall effect of different changes you try in the
Total Execution Time
report. Keep in mind that timing may vary due to other factors in
the tenant.
Shows how long it takes the data source to run. If this time is high,
Data Source Time
try using a different data source.
Shows how long it takes to filter the data. If this time is high, try
Top Level Filter Time reordering the filters, simplifying the filter logic, or using a data
source that requires less filtering.
Shows how long it takes to sort the data. If this time is high, try
Top Level Sort Time
sorting by simple field types instead of object field types.
Identifies which fields are running slower than others. If the slow
Field Timings field is a calculated field, try making improvements to make it

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 202

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Compares the number of instances in a data source before and

DataSource Instance after filtering is applied. If there is a large delta between these two
Count vs. Post Filter counts, try using a data source that requires less filtering. When
Instance Count displaying data from related business objects, use the field that
returns the smallest data set.

203 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Business Case: Logan McNeil needs to compare two versions of the Employee Base Pay
Increases report to see which version is move efficient. The reports show the base pay
increases for active employees by organization between a user-specified start and end date.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. View the WDINST RW Employee Base Pay Increases - Before custom report

2. Use the different report tabs to confirm the following information:

Setting Value

Data Source All Workers

Primary Business Worker
Related Business Worker Events - Completed
Sort None
Filters AND Active Status = True
AND Worker Type = Employee
AND Organization Membership = Value from
Prompt – Organizations and Subordinate
Organizations field
AND Worker Events – Completed is not empty
Subfilters AND Base Pay – Current ≠ 0
AND Base Pay – Proposed > Base Pay - Current

3. Click the Prompts tabs. The Organizations and Include Subordinate Organizations
prompts come from the Prompt – Organizations and Subordinate Organizations field,
which is used in a filter condition. The Start Date and End Date prompts come from
the Worker Events – Completed field.

4. Run the report.

5. Use the default prompt values and click OK.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 204

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a. How many instances are returned in the report?

b. Who is the last worker listed on the report?


1. View the WDINST RW Employee Base Pay Increases - After custom report

2. Use the different report tabs to confirm the following information:

Setting Value

Data Source Employees by Organization

Primary Business Employee
Related Business Compensation History – Base Pay Changes Only
Sort None
Filters AND Compensation History – Base Pay Changes
Only is not empty
Subfilters AND Base Pay – Current ≠ 0
AND Effective Date >= Starting Prompt
AND Effective Date <= Ending Prompt

3. Click the Prompts tabs. The Organization, Include Managers, and Include
Subordinate Organizations prompts come from the Employees by Organization data
source. The Starting Prompt and Ending Prompt come from the subfilter conditions.

4. Run the report.

5. Use the default prompt values and click OK.

a. How many instances are returned in the report?

b. Who is the last worker listed on the report?

c. Do both reports return the same data?

205 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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1. Access the Edit Report Log Settings task, and enter the following values:

Field Name Entry Value

Report Name WDINST RW Employee Base Pay Increases – Before

WDINST RW Employee Base Pay Increases – After
Log Name Employee Base Pay Increases Performance Log
Log Data Until One hour from now

2. Click OK.

3. Run the WDINST RW Employee Base Pay Increases – Before and WDINST RW
Employee Base Pay Increases – After reports using the default prompt values.

4. Access the View Report Log task.

5. Click View Customer Log to review the timings. Review the log files created for
each report and note the timings (in milliseconds) in the following table.

Report Timings WDINST RW New Hire WDINST RW New Hire

Base Pay Increases – Base Pay Increases –
Before After

Total Execution Time

Initialization Time
Data Source Time
Top Level Filter Time
Top Level Sort Time
Processing Time
DataSource Instance Count
Post Filter Instance Count

Important: The after report performs better, because the Employees by Organization
data source returns a much smaller data set. This means there are fewer instances
to cycle through for filtering.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 206

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This section contains answers to questions posed throughout the activities in this course. It also
contains the step-by-step solutions for activities that only contain the high-level requirements.

207 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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5a. Based on the Description field, does this report show expense report line items
without an attached receipt? Yes

5b. Is this a Report Writer report? Yes


4a. Are any of the desired fields missing from the standard report? If yes, which ones?
Yes, the standard report is missing the Cost Center and Receipt Attached fields.

4b. Are there fields in the standard report that Teresa does not want displayed?
Yes, she does not need the Company, Expense Report Line Date, Email Address,
Managers, Status, Payment Status, and Memo fields.

4c. Can Teresa use the standard report as is or will she need to copy and modify it?
She will need to copy and modify the standard report so it contains the fields she

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 208

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Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


(Hint: Use Workday Standard Reports.)

1. You need a report that displays journal lines by company, year, and period. The
report should display the journal, company, status, accounting date, source, ledger,
currency, ledger account, ledger debit amount, ledger credit amount, and worktags.
(Hint: Financial Accounting report category)

a. Access the Workday Standard Reports report.

b. Select Financial Accounting in the Report Categories field.

c. Click OK.

d. Scroll down to the Find Journal Lines report and read the description.

Can you use a standard report as a starting point?

Yes, based on the description you can use this standard report as a starting

e. Click the Find Journal Lines report’s Related Actions and select Standard
Report > Run.

f. Enter the following information for the report prompts:

Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA)

Year 2015

209 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Period Jan

g. Click OK and review the fields displayed in the report.

If yes, what modifications would you make?

To meet the requirements, you would remove these fields: Journal Number,
Intercompany Initiating Company, and Line Memo.

2. You need a report that lists the benefit plans in which a worker is eligible to enroll.
The report should display the health care coverage plans, health savings account
plans, spending account plans, insurance coverage plans, and defined contribution
(Hint: Benefits report category)

a. Access the Workday Standard Reports report.

b. Select Benefits in the Report Categories field.

c. Click OK.

d. Scroll down to the Benefits Eligibility by Worker report and read the

Can you use a standard report as a starting point? If yes, what modifications
would you make?
Although the report description matches the requirements, you cannot use
this standard report as a starting point because it is an XpressO report.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 210

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3. Does the WICT RW Expenses Without Receipt report definition appear in the search
results? Yes

4a. How many items are returned in the search results? 45

4b. Does the WICT RW Expenses Without Receipt report definition appear in the search
results? Yes

7a. How many items are returned in the search results? 17

7b. Does the WICT RW Expenses Without Receipt report definition appear in the search
results? No, because this report had not been shared with Logan.

211 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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2a. What is the report data source? All Active Employees

2b. What is the data source type? Standard

2c. What is the primary business object? Employee

3a. Which class report fields are from the primary business object?
Employee, Job Title, Hire Date, Hire Quarter

3b. Which class report fields are from a related business object? Name, Age

4a. What is the Field Type for this field? Multi-instance

4b. What is the Related Business Object for this field? Dependent

6a. Is this a Workday-delivered field, calculated field, or custom field?

Workday-delivered field

6b. What is the Field Type for this field? Single instance

8a. Is this a Workday-delivered field, calculated field, or custom field?

Workday-delivered field

8b. What is the Field Type for this field? Date

10. Is this a Workday-delivered field, calculated field, or custom field? Calculated field

13a. How many instances of the primary business object (Employee) are returned? 416

13b. For Alain DuBois, how many instances of the related business object (Dependent)
are returned? 2

13c. For Alex Grossman, how many instances of the related business object
(Dependent) are returned? 1

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 212

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4. Are these fields for the Employee business object? No

7. Which field contains the business process for the last compensation change, with a
base pay change for the employee? Last Base Pay Increase

11. Are these Workday-delivered fields for the Employee Compensation Event business
object? Yes

14. Use the following table to compare the All Active Employees, Employees by
Organization, and Indexed Workers data sources.

All Active Employees by Indexed

Employees Organization Workers
Does the data source Active Active Active workers
return active employees or employees employees
active workers?
What is the primary Employee Employee Worker
business object for this
data source?


3. Use the following table to further compare the All Active Employees and Employees
by Organization data sources.

All Active Employees by Organization

Is the data source Standard Standard
standard or indexed?
Does the data source No Yes; Include Managers,
include built-in prompts? If Include Subordinate
yes, what are they? Organizations, Organization

213 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Based on your research, here are the answers to the questions that help you determine the
primary business object and data source.

1. Based on the business object details you’ve seen in this activity, which business
object(s) contain the fields needed in the report detailed in the business case for this

The Employee business object contains the Employee and Employee ID fields.

The Employee Compensation Event business object contains the Base Pay –
Current, Base Pay – Proposed, and Effective Date fields.

2. Are these business objects related? Yes

3. Which should be the primary business object? Employee

4. Which should be the related business object? Employee Compensation Event

5. Which field links the two business objects together? Last Base Pay Increase

6. Which data source should be used? Employees by Organization

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 214

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Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


1. Access the Business Object Details report.

2. Select Worker in the Business Object field.

3. Click OK.

4. Filter the Field Name column by Worker, Supervisory Organization, and Location.
Verify that these are Workday-delivered fields.

5. Click the Related Business Objects tab.

6. In the Links to Related Business Objects table, filter the Business Object field by
Expense Report and Location.

7. Click 6 in the Number of Links column for Expense Report. Notice that the Expense
Reports – All Statuses field is a multi-instance field that contains all expense reports
for the worker.

8. Close the pop-up box.

9. Click 28 in the Number of Links column. Notice that the Location field is a single
instance field that contains the location for the worker.

10. Close the pop-up box.

11. Hover over the Expense Report link.

12. Right-click and select See in New Tab.

13. Filter the Field Name column by Expense Report, Expense Items on Expense
Report, and Expanse Report Total Amount. Verify that these are Workday-
delivered fields.

14. Close the tab for the Expense Report business object.

15. On the tab for the Worker business object, hover over the Location link.

215 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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16. Right-click and select See in New Tab.

17. Filter the Field Name column by Locale. Verify that this is a Workday-delivered field.

18. Close the tab for the Location business object.

19. Click the Data Sources tab for the Worker business object.

20. Filter the Data Source column by All Workers and Indexed Workers. Both of these
data sources will return only active (not terminated) workers.


1. Access the Data Sources report to do some additional research.

2. Filter the Data Source field by All Workers and Indexed Workers. Notice that All
Workers is a standard data source and Indexed Workers is an indexed data source.
Logan should use the Indexed Workers data source, since indexed data sources are
optimized for performance.


Based on your research, here are the answers to the questions that help you determine the
primary business object and data source.

1. Which business objects contain the fields needed in the report?

The Worker business object contains the Worker, Supervisory Organization, and
Location fields.
The Location business object contains the Locale field.
The Expense Report business object contains the Expense Report, Expense Items
on Expense Report, and Expanse Report Total Amount fields.

2. Are these business objects related?


3. Which should be the primary business object?


4. Which should be the related business objects?

Expense Report

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 216

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5. Which field links the primary and related business object together?
The Location field links the Worker business object to the Location business object.
The Expense Reports – All Statuses field links the Worker business object to the
Location business object.

6. Which data source should be used?

Indexed Workers

217 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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3a. How many instances are returned? 335

3b. What is Adam Carlton’s annual salary? 52,508.20

4a. How many instances are returned? 218

4b. What is Adam Carlton’s annual salary? 44,000.00

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 218

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Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano)


1. Access the Create Custom Report task.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Name Entry Value

Report Name WICT RW Unpaid Supplier Invoices

Report Type Advanced
Data Source Supplier Invoices

3. Click OK.

4. Select Supplier Invoices Filter for the Data Source Filter field.


1. Add the following information to the Columns grid:

Business Object Field Options

Supplier Invoice Document Supplier Invoice Document

Supplier Invoice Document Company
Supplier Invoice Document Supplier
Supplier Invoice Document Due Date
Supplier Invoice Document Invoice Amount in Base Show Currency
Currency Symbol
Supplier Invoice Document Document Payment Status
Supplier Invoice Lines Supplier Invoice Line
Supplier Invoice Lines Spend Category

219 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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Supplier Invoice Lines Extended Amount in Show Currency

Company Base Currency Symbol


1. Click the Filter tab.

2. Add three rows to the grid and enter the following information:

Field Operator Comparison Type Comparison


Document in the selection list Value specified in Partially Paid

Payment Status this filter Unpaid
Invoice Status in the selection list Value specified in Approved
this filter
Supplier Invoice is not empty


1. Click the Subfilter tab.

2. Click the Add button.

3. Select Supplier Invoice Lines for the Business Object field.

4. Add a row to the grid and enter the following information:

Field Operator Comparison Type Comparison


Spend Category in the selection list Prompt the user Default Prompt
for the value and
ignore the filter
condition if the
value is blank


1. Click the Prompts tab.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 220

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2. Select the Populate undefined Prompt Defaults checkbox. Notice that Company is
added to Prompt Defaults grid. This prompt comes from the Supplier Invoices Filter
for the Supplier Invoices data source.


1. Click OK.

2. Click Run.

3. Enter the following information in the report prompts:

Field Name Entry Value

Company Global Modern Services, Inc. (USA)

Spend Category Office Supplies

4. Click OK and verify the data on the report.

221 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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11a. For the US – Southeast region, what is the total expense line amount for the 71200
Field Sales – North America cost center? $6,788.39

11b. What is the total expense line amount for the US – West region? $2,661.73

11c. What is the grand total expense line amount? $98,687.65


7a. In the US Southeast Region, how many expense reports are included in the subtotal
for the 71200 Field Sales – North America cost center? 20

7b. How many expense reports are included in the subtotal for the US – West region? 9

7c. How many expense reports are included in the grand total? 205


7a. For the third to last row, what information is captured in the Group Name column?
The grouping for the subtotal, which is the 71200 Field Sales – North America cost

7b. For the second to last row, what information is captured in the Group Name column?
The grouping for the subtotal, which is the US – West region

7c. For the last row, what information is captured in the Group Name column?
The text “Grand Total”

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 222

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5a. How many instances does Jack see? 2

5b. Does Jack see all fields in the report? If no, which fields are missing?
No, Jack does not see all the fields in the report. He cannot see the Age and
Emergency Contacts fields. He does not have access to these fields.

5c. Does Jack see data in all the cells? If no, what data is missing?
No, Jack cannot see data in all cells. He cannot see the Social Security Number for
his employee. He also cannot see his own base pay amount. He has constrained
access to these fields.


4. Use the View Security Groups report to fill out the following table.

Security Group Constrained or Unconstrained?

Management Chain Constrained by Roles - Supervisory

Manager Constrained by Roles - Supervisory

11. Use the Security > View Security related actions to fill in the following table.

Report Field Which permitted security What data can Jack see
groups do Jack belong to? for this report field?

Management Chain The base pay amounts for

Total Base Pay
Manager his employees, since Jack
Annualized in
belongs to constrained
USD - Amount
security groups.
Employee as Self His own Social Security
Social Security Number, because the
Number – Employee as Self security
Formatted group only lets users see
their own data.

223 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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None He cannot see the field at

all, because he doesn’t
belong to a security group
with access to the field.
None He cannot see the field at
Emergency all, because he doesn’t
Contacts belong to a security group
with access to the field.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 224

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3a. What hiring source reports the highest average salary? Employee referral

3b. What Cost Center has the highest average salary in New York? 50000 Office of CFO

3c. What Compensation Package has the highest average salary for the Headhunter
hiring source? Executive Compensation Package

3d. What Hire Quarter has the highest average salary for Employee Referrals in San
Francisco? 2000-Q1

4a. Which employees in Boston are managers? Angela Bianchi, Jake Lee, Jamie Stone,
and Patrick O’Brien

4b. How many employees in San Francisco report to Betty Liu? 3

4c. Did the Tax Department supervisory organization find employees using the
Headhunter hiring source? Yes

225 © 2016 Workday, Inc.

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5a. How many instances are returned in the report? 116

5b. Who is the last worker listed on the report? Yolanda Torres


5a. How many instances are returned in the report? 116

5b. Who is the last worker listed on the report? Yolanda Torres

5c. Do both reports return the same data? Yes


5. Review the log files created for each report and note the timings (in milliseconds) in
the following table.

Report Timings WDINST RW New Hire WDINST RW New Hire

Base Pay Increases – Base Pay Increases –
Before After

Total Execution Time The Before report takes about 7 seconds longer
than the After report.
Initialization Time About the same
Data Source Time About the same
Top Level Filter Time The Before report takes about 5 seconds longer
than the After report.
Top Level Sort Time About the same
Processing Time The Before report takes about 1.5 seconds longer
than the After report.
DataSource Instance Count 387 28
Post Filter Instance Count 27 27

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 226

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Domain security policies control which security groups have access to a given security domain.
The following table describes common security domains that control access to reporting

Security Domain Description

Ability to Create Only Controls which users can only create temporary custom
Temporary Reports reports. Users must also have access to the Custom
Report Creation domain.
Composite Report Preview Enables users to preview composite report functionality.
Custom Report Administration Allows users to control characteristics of any report,
such as whether it appears on the menu.
Custom Report Creation Allows users to create reports and view, edit, and delete
custom reports they own. It also allows users to copy
standard and custom reports that they can view.
Export to PDF and Excel Controls which users can download files from the user
interface to PDF or Excel. The View printable version
(PDF) and Export to Excel icons will be hidden from the
user interface for users who don’t have access to this
Facet Range Management Enables users to create, edit, delete, and view facet
Formatting Style Management Provides access to create, edit, delete and view
formatting styles.
Maintain Excel Template Allows users to attach an excel template to a report
Manage: All Custom Reports Allows users to view, edit, and delete all custom reports,
regardless of who owns the report.
Outline Structure Management Provides access to managing outline structures for
composite reporting.
Report Background Processes Allows users to view all report background processes.
Report Definition Sharing – All Allows users to share report definitions with all users
Authorized Users who have access to the report data source.
Report Definition Sharing – Allows users to share report definitions with specific
Specific Groups groups who have access to the report data source.

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Report Writer for Workday 26

Report Definition Sharing – Allows users to share report definitions with specific
Specific Users users who have access to the report data source.
Report Output Sharing Allows users to share the output of reports scheduled to
run in the background.
Report Prompt Set Management Allows users to create, edit, and delete prompt sets.
Report Tag Management Allow users to create report tags.
Reporting Audits Allows user to audit changes to custom report
Reporting Functionality This domain is a parent domain, which includes child
policies. Users with access to this domain will inherit
access to all child policies. The child policies in this
parent domain are:
 Ability to Create Only Temporary Reports
 Composite Report Preview
 Facet Range Management
 Formatting Style Management
 Maintain Excel Template
 Outline Structure Management
 Report Definition Sharing - All Authorized Users
 Report Definition Sharing - Specific Groups
 Report Definition Sharing - Specific Users
 Report Output Sharing
 Report Prompt Set Management
 Report Tag Management

Scheduled Report Processes Allows users to schedule a report to run in the

background. It also allows users to review, modify, and
transfer ownership of scheduled report processes.

Resource: For more information on configuring security using security domains and
security groups, search Workday Community for configurable security.

Additional Training: You can sign up for Workday’s Configurable Security

Fundamentals class to learn more about this topic.

© 2016 Workday, Inc. 228

Report Writer for Workday 26




Run the Workday Standard Reports report. You must have access to the Custom Report
Administration security domain to run this report.


Delivered reports are secured to domains. Users must belong to a security group that has
access to one of the report’s security domains to run the delivered report. You can run the
Workday Standard Reports report to see which domains secure each delivered report. (Note:
You can also run the View Security for Securable Item report to get this information.)


No, you cannot directly edit a delivered report.


You can only copy a delivered report if the type is Report Writer. You can’t copy a delivered
report if the type is XpressO.


No, you can’t view the report definition for an XpressO report. You can only run an XpressO

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Report Writer for Workday 26


To create a custom report, users must have access to the Custom Report Creation security
domain. Users must also have access to the security domains for the report data source and for
the report fields they want to add.


You don’t belong to a security group with access to the domain securing the data source.


You don’t belong to a security group with access to the domains securing the report fields.


Run the Custom Reports for Person standard report.


The report owner and users with access to the Manage: All Custom Reports security domain
can view, edit, and delete a custom report.


You can’t delete a custom report definition if it is used anywhere, such as a worklet on a


From the custom report’s Related Actions, select Audits > View Audit Trail. (Note: You can also
run the All Custom Reports standard report and view the Last Updated field to see this


No, custom reports can only have one owner.

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Report Writer for Workday 26


The report owner and users with access to the Manage: All Custom Reports security domain
can share a custom report. A user must have access to these security domains to change the
sharing options:

 Domain: Report Definition Sharing – All Authorized Users

 Domain: Report Definition Sharing – Specific Groups
 Domain: Report Definition Sharing – Specific Users


A custom report can be shared with groups and users who have access to the report's data
source. Users must belong to a security group with permissions to the domain securing the data
source. From the report data source’s Related Actions, select Security > View Security to see
the list of permitted security groups.

Create a custom report using the All Custom Reports data source and Advanced report type.
Include these fields on the report: Custom Report, Report Owner, Sharing Option, and
Authorized Users.

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Report Writer for Workday 26


The report owner and users who the report has been shared with can run a custom report.


No, any user can run a report to which they have access. You only need access to specific
security domains if you need to view and modify custom report definitions.


Run the Schedule a Report task or use the Custom Report > Schedule related action.


Run the Scheduled Future Processes standard report. From the Request Name’s Related
Actions, select Schedule Future Process > Edit or Schedule Future Process > Suspend.


Only scheduled reports allow a user to see report output using another user’s security. You can
schedule a report and share the output with users. Users will see the output file generated using
the schedule owner's security.

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Report Writer for Workday 26

Run the Report Run History standard report. Click on the number in the Count column to see
detailed information about each time the report was run.


Run the All Custom Reports standard report.


Run the Transfer Ownership of Custom Reports standard report. The new owner must have
access to the report’s data source and report fields and have access to the Custom Report
Creation security domain. You must have access to the Custom Report Administration or
Manage: All Custom Reports security domain to transfer ownership of a custom report.


Users with access to the Report Tag Management security domain can create report tags.


Users with access to the Custom Report Creation security domain can assign report tags to
their custom reports.


Copy the All Custom Reports standard report, and add the Areas Where Used report field to
your copy of the report.


You can use Solutions or OX to migrate a custom report definition.


The Custom Report > Translate related action lets you to translate label overrides for columns,
sorts, prompts, etc. The Translation > Translate Instance related action lets you translate text
information about the report instance itself, such as the brief description or more information.

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Report Writer for Workday 26


This appendix contains some helpful standard reports and tasks that you can use when creating
and managing custom reports.


Report Description
Workday Standard Reports Displays all Workday delivered reports.
All Custom Reports Displays all custom reports in the tenant.
Displays the fields, related business objects, data sources,
Business Object Details
and reports for a business object.
Displays information about the delivered data sources,
including whether a data source is standard or indexed, if the
Data Sources
data source includes built-in prompts, and permitted security
groups for the data source.

View Security for Shows the security policies and permitted security groups for
Securable Item a securable item, such as a data source or report field.
View Security Groups for
Shows which security groups a user belongs to.
Scheduled Future Displays all background processes that are scheduled, but not
Processes yet run.
Displays the reports that are running or have run in the
Process Monitor
View Report Log Shows the timings for a specific report.
Shows all the system-wide calculated fields your company has
Maintain Calculated Fields defined in Workday. It can also be used as the control center
for tasks related to system-wide calculated fields.

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Report Writer for Workday 26


Task Description
Transfer Ownership of Custom Changes the owner of one or more reports to a different
Reports user.
Schedule a report or report group to run now, at a
Schedule a Report
specific time in the future, or on a recurring basis.
Edit Report Log Settings Log timings for specific reports.
Create calculated fields for use in reports, rules, or
Create Calculated Field
additional fields.

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