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Move Workers (Supervisory)

Training for HR Analysts

6 March 2017
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Today’s Topics
• Workday Definitions and Parameters
• Checking Your Security Roles
• What is a Supervisory Org
• What is a Manager
• Supervisory Orgs and Managers
• Danger Signs (Don’t Do This)
• Move Worker
• Move Worker Examples
• Creating a Useful Ticket
• Questions
Checking Security Roles

These HR Analysts can

do a Move Workers for
Tech Services
What is a Supervisory Org
• A supervisory organization is the core
fundamental building block of Workday
• It creates the outline of the org chart
• It is identified by the “orange box” and has a
name describing the organization’s function

• A supervisory org is assigned a “boss” (supervisor,

manager, director…) who will “manage” the org and the
subordinate worker(s)
• If a manager is not assigned to the supervisory org, the
supervising manager will “inherit” the supervisory org
What is a Manager?
• A manager is an employee who supervises other
employees – they are the “boss” of the organization (a
supervisor, a manager, a director…)
• The “Manager” is a security role in Workday
• The manager security role is assigned to a worker to
manage a supervisory org
• This is independent of the manager’s position (people
manage supervisory orgs, not positions)
Supervisory Orgs & Managers
• Think “People are bosses, not positions”
• The Workday HRIS team is responsible for assigning the manager role
to a “boss”
• First, we make sure the boss is in the right spot on the org chart (they
should be reporting to their assigned boss) > Then we assign them the
manager role for the supervisory organization they need to manage

Drew reports to Julie – Drew We assign Drew the Manager Role to

should be the boss of “Parks make him the boss of “Parks
Greenhouse Team 1” Greenhouse Team 1”
What is “inheritance”?
When a supervisory org does not have a boss (an
employee assigned to the manager role), the boss
above the supervisory org “inherits” the manager role
Move Workers
Move Workers (Supervisory)
• The “Move Workers (Supervisory)” task is now
• Allows the HR Analyst security role to move “workers”
(positions/employees), not managers, to a new
manager/supervisory org
• Replaces the previous PeopleSoft “Updates Reports
To” process
• Routes to the BMO Partner for review/approval
• Job Aid is available on
Job Aid is Here

“Without thinking about it, somebody could

really mess up Workday by doing this wrong.”
-- Chris Longshore
“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.”
-- Uncle Ben Parker
Move Workers
When NOT to use Move Workers (Supervisory)
Do not use this task to move a worker who is managing a
supervisory org - Please complete a SupportNow ticket
for this request
Do not use this task in place of moving an employee to a
new position which should be completed through Job
Change > Transfer, Promote or Change Job
Do not use this task to temporarily move an employee to
a new supervisor while the managing position of their
organization is vacant
Do not use this task to move a vacant position with an
existing job requisition - The order should be “fix then fill”
Move Workers
When TO use Move Workers (Supervisory)
• With Care!
• Just like you used the PeopleSoft “Update Reports To”
• To permanently update a position/employee’s
manager/supervisory org

• HR Analyst Security Role can launch the action
• Managers and other Security Roles will not have this
Tricky Moves
Plan to talk to the HR Admin team
if any of these happen:
• Manager doesn’t have a Supervisory Org
• Agency Reorganization
• Shift Bid
• Layoff
• Creation of a New Office
Prior to Moving Workers
• Confirm where the position/employee is currently
• Move Workers pushed employee out
• Does not pull employees in
• Confirm that the moving employee is not a “boss”
• Confirm that proposed manager is in fact a manager
• We receive a ticket that Elizabeth Johnson now
reports to Joseph Richardson
Jack completes the “Move Worker
(Supervisory)” task to move Elizabeth from
Darnell Brooks to Joseph Richardson
Move Workers or
Assign Boss?
Move Workers or Assign Boss?
Wrong Way: Move Workers

Request: Create and Move

I = Inherited Org
Move Workers or Assign Boss?
Wrong Way: Move Workers

Request: Create and Move

1. Create new Org for

I = Inherited Org
Move Workers or Assign Boss?
Wrong Way: Move Workers

Request: Create and Move

1. Create new Org for
I 2. Move Workers to new
Supervisory Org

I = Inherited Org
Move Workers or Assign Boss?
Wrong Way: Move Workers

Request: Create and Move

1. Create new Org for
2. Move Workers to new
Supervisory Org
3. Inactivate inherited
Supervisory Org

I = Inherited Org
Move Workers or Assign Boss?
Wrong Way: Move Workers

Request: Create and Move

1. Create new Org for
2. Move Workers to new
Supervisory Org
3. Inactivate inherited
Supervisory Org
4. Reconnect to Superior

I = Inherited Org
Move Workers or Assign Boss?
Wrong Way: Move Workers Right Way: Assign Boss

Request: Assign Boss to Supervisory Org

I = Inherited Org
Move Workers or Assign Boss?
Wrong Way: Move Workers Right Way: Assign Boss

Request: Assign Boss to Supervisory Org

1. Assign Manager Security Role to
2. Done
I = Inherited Org
SupportNow Tickets
The Good…
The Bad….
The Tricky…
How to submit a ticket
• To assign an employee the manager role:
• You will need the employee and the name of the
supervisory org the employee should be the boss of
• “Assign Drew Barber to manage ‘Parks Greenhouse Team
1’ effective 3/6/2017”
• To create a new organization and assign a manager:
• Need to know the superior org name, confirm the proposed
manager is in the right spot, propose name for new org
• “Create new org under Dana Williams (OED WD Training
(Dana Williams (115274)) - named ‘OED WD Training
Interns’ and assign Madeline Williams as the manager”
Audience Questions
Working to Make Workday Work for Denver

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