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Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 1 of 16

Getting Started: Workday Basics

Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 2 of 16


COMMON WORKDAY TERMINOLOGY.................................................................................................................... 3

ICON GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
NAVIGATE THE HOME PAGE .................................................................................................................................. 9
CONFIGURE WORKLETS ........................................................................................................................................ 9
COMMON WORKLET MENU .................................................................................................................................... 9
ERROR AND ALERT MESSAGES .......................................................................................................................... 10
USE RELATED ACTIONS AND THE PROFILE ICON ............................................................................................. 10
NAVIGATE USING SEARCH ................................................................................................................................... 12
CHANGE YOUR ACCOUNT PREFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 12
GUIDED TOURS ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
VIEW YOUR INBOX ................................................................................................................................................ 13
DELEGATE YOUR INBOX ...................................................................................................................................... 14
WORKDAY MOBILE ................................................................................................................................................ 14
CONTACT INFORMATION...................................................................................................................................... 16
Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 3 of 16


Term Definition
An event that gives you the opportunity to change your benefit elections. These include staffing changes (such as getting
Benefit Event
hired or promoted) and life events (such as getting married or having a child.)

A business process in Workday includes tasks that you can initiate, act upon, and complete in order to accomplish a
desired business objective. Business processes are created using a combination of Actions, Approvals, Approval Chains,
To Dos, and/or Checklists. An Action can be a single task or sub process, which is also a combination of Actions, To Dos,
Business Process and/or Checklists. Within the process, conditions can be defined which will identify whether a step will be initiated.
Notifications can also be created to let a Workday user know that a step has begun, completed, or that a particular
review response was selected.
Examples of business processes include Hire, Change Job, Request Compensation Change, Terminate Employee etc.
Headcount The number of workers in an organization.
Life Event A benefit event that occurs in your personal life, such as getting married or having a child.

A visual depiction of the structure of an organization. It outlines the roles, responsibilities, and relationships between
Org Chart
individuals within an organization.
Any event that changes your position or job, such as a hire, transfer, or promotion. Staffing events usually trigger an
Staffing Event
opportunity to edit/modify benefit elections.
Supervisory organizations group workers into a management hierarchy and are the primary organization type in
Supervisory Workday's HCM. All workers are hired into supervisory organizations. Organization assignments such as company, cost
Organization center, and region can be configured for supervisory organizations, and unique business processes can be configured for
them as well.

Worker Profile Your continuously updated page which provides a quick view of your position and contact information.

A compact report displayed as an icon (a tile or a bubble) on any landing page, providing easy access to tasks and
information that are used regularly. Examples: My Leadership Roles, Open Positions, and Anniversaries.
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Term Definition Icon

The main menu displayed on the home page that displays

your profile photo with a blue icon for pending Notifications
and a red count badge for Inbox items, and these menu
• View Profile - displays your worker profile.
• Home - displays the Home landing page.
• Inbox - displays a count for your action items and takes you
to your Inbox.
• Notifications - displays a count for your new notifications
and takes you to your Notifications page.
• Favorites - a configurable list of favorite tasks, reports,
business objects, and custom and shared custom reports
Main Menu
available to you, sorted by category (secured to the Favorites
domain in the System functional area). Use the Manage
Favorites task to configure this list.
• My Reports - a virtual drive where you can store generated
reports (secured to the W: Drive domain in the System
functional area). This is not a mapped drive on your
• My Account - provides access to these account
management tasks:
- Change Preferences
- Switch Accounts (if you are a delegate)
• Sign Out
Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 5 of 16

Term Definition Icon

A field on the home page that enables you to find tasks, reports,
and people within your organization. Search allows you to narrow
results by categories including Common, Organizations, and All of
Search Workday. Search also allows you to filter results by specified
For example, if you select the Find Jobs task, you can sort results
by Organization, Location, Worker Type, etc.

Workday Displays your home page. This icon can also be used to navigate
Logo back to your home page.

Actions and Buttons for commonly grouped tasks and reports. Accessed
View through worklets.

A clickable button that lets you add additional information to any

Add Button

Soft warning message that alerts you about system limitations

based on configuration. This message enables you to continue
your work without resolving the issue.
A clickable icon that opens the page to additional areas that can be
edited. Also referred to as the More icon.
Attachments A clickable icon that lets you attach .pdf files, Word, and Excel
Icon documents to a task.
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Term Definition Icon

Back Button A clickable button that returns you to the previous page.

Calendar A clickable icon that opens a calendar to select a date.

Cancel Button A button that disregards a change.

Chart A clickable icon used to view a report as a chart.

Comments A clickable icon used for you to leave comments for yourself
Icon and/or other users for a particular page or task.
A clickable icon on the home page where you can configure the
worklets that appear on your home page. Depending on your
organization's configuration, some worklets may be required,
while others are optional. This icon can also be used as a Settings
Continue A clickable button that advances you to the next page or the next
Button step in your tasks process.

Delete Row A clickable icon that removes the current row from a grid.

A clickable icon that opens additional information relating to your


Done Button A button that closes a confirmation screen.

A clickable icon that enables the user to add and remove

Edit Icon
information on the page.
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Term Definition Icon

Hard warning message that alerts you when there is a critical
error. An error must be corrected to move forward in a process or
to enable your configuration.

A clickable icon used to view a page as an Excel file. This can be

restricted using the domain Export to PDF and Excel.

A clickable icon used to narrow down data. Clicking this icon will
Filter create a row on your report where you filter data to display from
one or more columns.
Guide Me Guides you through the fields and sections of a task toward
Button completion.
Location, Located in the Worker Profiles. Location is location of the worker,
Phone, Email email is email address of the worker, and phone is the phone
Icons number the worker has on file.
A button that displays several additional choices based on the
More Button
business process.
A clickable button that advances you to the next page or the next
Next Button
step in your tasks process.

OK Button A clickable button to accept and save your changes.

Open Button A clickable button to open the desired task.

A clickable icon used to view a page as a printable PDF file. This
can be restricted using the domain, Export to PDF and Excel.
Version PDF

Add Row A clickable icon to add a row to the current grid.

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Term Definition Icon

The bar tracks your progress working through a task. Allowing you
Progress Bar
to move forward or return to a previous page within the task.
A clickable icon that enables the user to perform additional actions
Related for an object. Possible actions include viewing your current benefit
Actions elections, editing your contact information, and requesting time
A clickable icon that deletes an area.
A clickable button to request absence from the Request Absence
A field with a red asterisk indicates you must enter a value for this
field before saving or submitting the page.

Save Button A clickable button to save the item you may be working on.

Save for Later

A button that saves the item in your Inbox until action is taken.
Sign Out
A clickable button to sign out of the Workday system.
Submit A clickable button to accept and submit your changes, while
Button advancing the business process to the next step.
Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 9 of 16

NAVIGATE THE HOME PAGE Click the Remove Row icon to remove a worklet from the
In Workday, data can be entered using “tasks” and viewed using
“reports.” The Workday Home page displays worklets that provide Click the Move Row Up arrow or Move Row Down arrow to
access to tasks and reports. Because the Home page is highly reorder the worklets on the page. To move a worklet to the first or last
configurable, your organization may display different worklets. position, use the Move Row to Top or Move Row to Bottom
arrows .

Click OK and Done.


After selecting a worklet, you may see a page layout similar to the
screenshot below:

Additional worklets can be added to your Home page.

From your Home page:

Click the Settings icon in the upper-right corner. The Configure

Worklets page displays. This is a common layout for worklets. There are Actions and View
sections containing buttons. Buttons under the Actions section link to
Click the Add Row icon to add a new worklet. tasks you can perform. Buttons under the View section link to reports
you can view.
Click the Prompt icon to select from the list of existing worklets.
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Error and alert messages display in the upper-right corner of the
page. They typically identify a specific field(s) where information is
missing, entered incorrectly, or in conflict with a rule established by
your organization.

Errors prevent you from completing a task until the error is fixed.


The Profile icon contains links to the Home page, Inbox, and
Favorites, to name a few.

Alerts notify you of potential problems on a page, but do not prevent

the task from being completed. Alerts also display the location of
missing or problematic information within the task, report, or business
Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 11 of 16
Related Actions display next to an object when they can be used to
access other relevant actions. For example, the Related Actions next
to your name accesses tasks, reports, and data related to your worker
record (like viewing or changing your benefits). In Workday, there are
multiple ways to get to the same tasks, reports, or data. Most of the
actions available through Related Actions are also available through
worklets or the search bar. Three common types of Related Actions
can be seen in the following images:

Similarly, you can find Related Actions while viewing tasks and
reports in the header.

Note: As an option, you can detach the menu from the

Related Actions icon by clicking and dragging the icon
at the top of the Available Actions menu.
Related Actions may appear when hovering your cursor next to a
business object or link.

Related Actions in the header of your worker profile is an Actions

button that serves the same function.
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Workday makes it easy to search for people, tasks, reports, and You can easily change your account settings in Workday. Click the
business data using the Search field. Profile icon in the top-right corner and select My Account and then
select Change Preferences. Here you can change your preferences
for search category (we recommend you select “All of Workday”),
alerts and business process notifications.

You can also use this to switch accounts if you are a delegate.
For example, to find a worker, type their name into the Search field
and press Enter. From the search results, click People to filter the
results to only display workers in your organization. Search categories
are used to filter your search for faster, more accurate results.

Keep in mind that searches find exact matches. If you misspell the
search text, you will likely not see any results. You can shorten words
to find more matches. Use longer search terms to improve the
accuracy and reduce the time to return results. For example, if you
are searching for the Maintain Project Worker Roles task, the search
string “main pro work” returns more relevant results than the search
string “Maintain Project”.

Search prefixes restrict the search results to a particular type of

Workday object. Search prefixes are lowercase letters, followed by a
colon (:). For example, “bp:” returns all business process definitions.
To see a list of all search prefixes available to you, enter a question
mark (?) in the search field.
Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 13 of 16


Product tours provide contextual and informative text to guide you Your Inbox includes notifications of tasks, approvals, due dates, and
through a task with field-level tool tips. This tenanted text is only other items sent to you as part of your organization’s business
available for certain tasks and may vary depending on your processes. You can access your Inbox using your desktop/web
organization’s configuration. browser or mobile device.

To activate a product tour, click the question mark in the top-right 1. Click your Profile icon in the upper-right corner.
2. Click Inbox.

3. Click the Actions tab to view your business process tasks,

approvals, and to dos.

4. Click the Archive tab to access the status of any business

process in which you have been involved.
Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 14 of 16

DELEGATE YOUR INBOX 7. Select a Delegation Rule if you are delegating a business process.

Workday allows you to delegate your Inbox items to a colleague if 8. Click Submit. A confirmation displays. The delegation will go to
you’re unable to perform the actions yourself due to time off or a leave your manager to approve.
of absence. 9. Click Done.
From your Inbox:
Note: Select the Business Processes Allowed for
1. Click the More arrow and select My Delegations. Delegation tab from your My Delegations page to view
which business processes you can delegate.

You will need the following information while setting up your Workday
mobile application.

Company ID: montclair

*The company ID is case sensitive.

Web Address:

2. Click Manage Delegations.
3. Enter the Begin Date and End Date for the delegation.
Get the Workday Mobile application on your device and set it up to
4. Select a user to delegate your tasks to in the Delegate field. access your account.

Note: If you are only delegating Inbox tasks, leave the ANDROID
Start On My Behalf field blank. This option is for To install Workday on your Android device:
delegating the initiation of business processes.
1. From your device, navigate to the Google Play Store.
5. In the Do Inbox Tasks On My Behalf field, select whether to 2. Tap Search and enter Workday.
delegate all business processes, specific business processes, or
none of the above. 3. Tap Install.

6. Select the Retain Access to Delegated Tasks in Inbox 4. Tap Open to launch the Workday app.
checkbox to view and modify your Inbox while delegated. 5. Tap the Let’s get started button
Getting Started: Workday Basics Page 15 of 16
6. Complete initial setup steps, including agreeing to license 2. Search a keyword like Time. Suggested Workday tasks will
agreements and entering company settings. display.
IPAD AND IPHONE 3. Select a task and you are taken to the action in Workday.
To install Workday on your iPad or iPhone:
10. From your device, navigate to the App Store.
11. Enter Workday in the search field and select Workday from the
search results.
12. Tap Get and Install.
13. Tap Open, once the app has downloaded.

Note: There are two methods in entering your company’s

credentials for the Workday native app. This document
will cover the Settings method, but feel free to attempt the
intuitive mobile setup instructions through the app and
use these instructions as a second option. If successful,
skip corresponding setup instructions in this document.

14. Tap Settings and enter your company’s tenant name.

15. Enter your company’s Workday web address and tap Save.
16. Enter your Netid and password and tap Sign In. 3D TOUCH (IPHONE 6S AND 6S PLUS OR NEWER)

17. Tap OK to enable push notifications. For users with iPhone 6s and 6s Plus devices, Workday displays
Quick Actions from the Home screen that can be accessed with a
Search for commonly used tasks in the Workday app, and they will 1. Press the Workday app icon from the home page firmly to quickly
display in the Top Hits. You must be logged in to Workday for the access the first four icons.
feature to work.
2. Select the app you’d like to use.
1. Tap your home screen in your iOS device and swipe right to open
Spotlight Search (depending on your iOS version you may need to If you reorder the icons on the home page, Quick Actions are updated
swipe down). to reflect the new top four.
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3D Touch learns your preferences over time, based on usage, and will 2. Scroll down and click Edit.
display the top four most commonly used tasks.
3. Tap the plus icon next to the Workday app icon to add it to the
Today View.
4. Tap Done.
If you reorder the icons on the Home page within the Workday app,
the Today view is updated to reflect the new top four icons.
The Today View learns your preferences over time, based on usage,
and will display the top four most commonly used tasks.


The Today View is displayed in the Notification Center and contains For assistance, contact the Workday Help Desk at 973-655-7971 and
helpful widgets to see how your day is shaping up. The Workday select option 4 OR send an email to [email protected].
widget provides quick access to the first four icons from the Home
From the top of your Home page:
1. Swipe down to display the menu bar (depending on your iOS
version you may need to swipe right).

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