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Physiology of

the nerve
Transmembrane potential
Action potential
Relative and absolute refractory period
The all-or-none law
Hoorweg – Weiss curve
Du Bois – Reymond principle
Types of nerve fibres

Practical tasks
Virtual physiology of the nerve (PC programme)
Figure 8.2-2 ESSENTIALS – Neuron Anatomy

Parts of a neuron

Nucleus Axon Axon (initial Myelin sheath Postsynaptic

hillock segment) neuron

Synapse: The
region where an
Presynaptic Synaptic Postsynaptic axon terminal
axon terminal cleft dendrite communicates
Cell with its
Dendrites body postsynaptic
target cell

Integration Output signal

- connection: neuron-neuron or or neuron -effector (muscle, gland)
- allows to pass signal to another neuron or to the effector

Draw a scheme of a neuron and indicate its parts

Types of neurons

Pseudounipolar Bipolar Anaxonic Multipolar

Pseudounipolar Bipolar neurons Anaxonic CNS Multipolar CNS

neurons have a have two interneurons interneurons are highly
single process relatively equal have no apparent branched but lack long
called the axon. fibers extending axon. extensions.
During development, off the central
the dendrite fused cell body.
with the axon.
Receptive and conductive membranes
Dendrites and the cell body
- receptive and integrative region of the neuron
- receptive membrane - receives incoming signals
- detect the intensity of a stimulus, sum up, code or integrate, the incoming signals.
- send them toward the axon

- the transmitting or conductive region of the neuron
- conductive membrane - generates an action potential (an outgoing signal /a
nerve impulse) and conducts it to the next cell.

- the receptive
and conductive
membranes differ
in their properties
Membrane (transmembrane) potential
• is the voltage difference between the interior and exterior of a cell
(can be masured by electrodes – one INSIDE/ one OUTSIDE the cell)
• electrical potential exists across the membranes of all cells in the body
• the interior of the cell is more negative than the exterior
• typical values of transmembrane potential are -30 mV to -90 mV
• changes in the transmembrane potential – basis og the funvtion of excitable tissues

- 90 mV
Nerve and muscle

• nerve (and muscle) = excitable tissues

– they react to stimulation by a change of the membrane potential
• depolarization – membrane potential becomes less negative (or even positive)

• hyperpolarization - potential becomes more negative

– change in membrane potential is the principle of their function

• nerve – signal transmission

• muscle – contraction



- 90
• is the membrane potential of nerves when they are not transmitting nerve
signals (they are at rest)

• normal value -90 mV: due to unequal concentration of Na+ and K+ in

intracellular fluid (ICF) and extracellular fluid (ECF)
ECF Na+ 142 mmol/l K+ 4 mmol/l
ICF Na+ 14 mmol/l K+ 140 mmol/l

A nerve ECF:
cell K+

Na +

K+ -90mV

• unequal ion distribution is generated by:

1. activity of Na+- K+ pump (3 Na+ pumped out of the cell for 2 K+ into the cell)

2. presence of large negatively charged protein molecules

inside the neuron - cannot pass the membrane (attract positively charged ions)

3. different permeability of the cell membrane for ions

• permeable for K+
– K+ is attracted inside by the negative protein ions
– K+ tends to leak in the concentration gradient – outwards
– Until a balance between chemical and electric gradient is established
• impermeable for Na+ (leaks through the membrane only in very small

Protein- Na+
K+ K+
K+ K+
• a stimulus (e.g. electric current) - may cause a change of membrane potential
and elicit the action potential (AP)
• AP are transmitted along the nerve fibres (axons)

When transmembrane potential is measured:

• unstimulated nerve – resting membrane potential – shows a straight line
• after stimulation – action potential – shows a curve with a typical shape:

ACTION POTENTIAL of a nerve – the curve and its parts
• curve of action potential has a typical shape and involves following parts:
1. depolarisation (comes after stimulation)
- quick increase of the membrane potential - overshoot (transpolarization) to
positive values
2. repolarisation
- the membrane potential decreases
3. hyperpolarisation (after-potential)
- the membrane potential becomes more negative than in resting state
4. resting membrane potential

What is the cause of the voltage changes?

• changes of membrane potential are caused by opening or closing of membrane

voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, that cause changes in permeability for Na+, K+

1. depolarisation - Na+ voltage-gated channels open causing flow of Na+ into the cell
2. repolarisation - the Na+ channels get inactivated – Na+ influx stops
- voltage-gated K+ channels open - K+ ions exit out of the the cell
3. after-hyperpolarisation
- K+ channels are inactivated slowly and only gradually
- this allows prolonged efflux of small amounts of K+ that causes hyperpolarization
4. resting membrane potential

Response of a SINGLE NERVE FIBRE to a stimulus
All or nothing principle (law)
• only a stimulus with sufficient intensity can elicit an action potential (AP)
• threshold stimulus – stimulus with minimum intensity that elicits action potential
• subthreshold stimulus – stimulus with too low intensity – does not elicit AP

• All or nothing principle: the stimulus may elicit either

– full response of the nerve fibre (action potential)
– no response of the nerve fibre (no action potential)
– no graded response (i.e. stronger stimulus – stronger response) of the nerve fibre is

subtheshold threshold suprathreshold

stimulus stimulus stimulus

nerve fibre (axon)

no response full response full response

Response of a NERVE to stimulation – the compound AP
• a nerve = a bundle of nerve fibres (axons)
• individual fibres differ in sensitivity to stimuli = they have different threshold
• a nerve shows graded response (fibres respond to the stimulus gradually
depending on their sensitivity)
• the higher the stimulus, the higher the response
• the curve of AP is composed of response of individual fibres = compound AP

no response

Response of the
nerve fibres

subthreshold threshold supramaximal

stimulus stimulus maximal stimulus stimulus
Minimal threshold stimulus - minimum strength of stimulus that initiates the
response of the most sensitive nerve fibres

Maximal threshold stimulus - strength of stimulus that initiates also the response of
the least sensitive fibres, i.e. of all fibres

A nerve fibre - responds according to all or nothing law

A nerve (bundle of nerve fibres) - does not respond according to the all or nothing
law, it shows a graded response

no response

Response of the
nerve fibres

subthreshold (minimum) threshold supramaximal

stimulus stimulus maximal stimulus stimulus
Hoorweg – Weiss curve
• the term rheobase is used for the minimum threshold stimulus
• a stimulus can elicit an action potential if it has sufficient duration
• intensity and duration of the electric stimulus and have an inverse relation
• chronaxy is defined as: the minimum interval of time necessary to
electrically stimulate a muscle or nerve fiber, using twice the minimum
current (rheobase) needed to elicit a threshold response

intensity of the
stimulus (mV)

Hoorweg – Weiss curve

• shows the inverse
relationship between
intensity and duration of an
electric stimulus 2r
ch duration of the stimulus (ms)
Du Bois – Reymond principle
• initiation of action potential requires a fast and sudden change
• if the intensity of stimulus is increasing slowly - no action potential is
• the membrane gets accomodated to slowly increasing change (Na
channels are inactivated)

Response: Response:
mV mV
yes (AP) no (AP)

intensity of the stimulus – intensity of the stimulus

fast and sudden increase - gradual increase

time time
Absolute and relative refractory period
• during the period of action potential the ability of nerve to respond to next
stimulus is diminished
• due to change in ion distribution

• absolute refractory period

(immediately after depolarization) ARP RRP
– no response to the next stimulus
– the Na channels are inactive after
previous depolarization
• relative refractory period – the
nerve responds to the next stimu-
lus, but is more difficult to excite
(follows the absolute refractory period)
– requires a stronger stimulus
– the response may be weaker
– some of the Na channels are
recovered and already active
Types of nerve fibres in nerves of mammals

Type Function Diameter (mm) Speed of AP

A a proprioception, motor functions 12 – 20 70-120
b touch, pressure 5 – 12 30-70
c 3–6 15-30
d pain, heat 2–5 12-30
B preganglionic autonomic fibres 3 3-15
C dorsal pain 0,4 -1,2 0,5-2
sympa- postganglionic sympathetic 0,3 -1,3 0,7-2,3
thetic fibres

The fibres differ in myelinization, diameter and speed of transmission

the thicker the fibre, the faster the transmission
 velocity of nerve impulse transmission – higher in myelinated nerve fibres
(A, B) than unmyelinated (C fibres) -

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