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Higher Projectile Motion Questions

1. a) Name the two components of motion in projectiles.

b) What is the acceleration on Earth for each of these two components.

2. A pencil case is dropped vertically from a height at rest and hits the ground 0.5 seconds later.
a) What vertical velocity did the pencil case hit the ground with?

b) What horizontal velocity did the pencil case hit the ground with?

3. A stone is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 12ms-1. Calculate or find:

a) How long it took the stone to reach its maximum height.

b) Maximum height reached by the stone.

4. A balloon is climbing vertically upwards with a constant velocity of 4.2ms-1.

A sandbag is dropped from the balloon and hits the ground 3.6 seconds later.

Calculate or find:

a) Velocity of the sandbag as it hits the ground.

b) Height of the sandbag at the instant that it is dropped.

5. A slate is projected horizontally from a building roof, which is 6.5m above the ground.
It hits the ground after travelling a horizontal displacement 4.2m from where it was projected.

Calculate or find:

a) The time that the slate is in flight.

b) The horizontal velocity that the slate is projected with.

6. A stunt motorcyclist attempts to jump a river which is 5.1m wide. The bank from which he will
take-off is 2m higher than the bank on which he will land, as shown below.

Calculate the minimum horizontal speed he must achieve before take-off to avoid landing

in the river.

7. A stone is thrown horizontally with a speed of 12ms-1 over the edge of a vertical cliff.
It hits the sea at a horizontal distance of 60m out from the base of the cliff.

Calculate the height from which the stone was projected above the level of the sea.

8. A helicopter is descending vertically at a constant speed of 3ms-1.

A sandbag is released from the helicopter and hits the ground 5 seconds later.

Calculate the height of the helicopter above the ground at the time the sandbag was released.
9. A golfer strikes a golf ball which then moves off at an angle to the ground.
The ball follows the path shown below.

The graphs below show how the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of the

ball vary with time.

Calculate the resultant velocity of the ball as it hits the ground. (Vectors M + D’s !!!)

10. A ball is projected horizontally from a cliff with a velocity of 15ms-1.

If it takes 3.6 seconds to reach the ground, then calculate or find:

a) Horizontal velocity of the ball just before it hits the ground.

b) Vertical velocity of the ball just before it hits the ground.

c) Height of the cliff above the ground.

d) Horizontal range of the ball.

11. A motorcycle stunt involves crossing a ravine from P to Q.
The motorcycle is travelling horizontally when it leaves point P as shown below.

Calculate the time taken for the motorcyclist to cross from P to Q.

12. A projectile is fired with a velocity of 20ms-1 at an angle of 25° above the horizontal.
Any air resistance can be ignored.

a) Calculate or find:
i) The initial vertical component of the projectiles velocity.
ii) The initial horizontal component of the projectiles velocity.

b) The maximum height reached by the projectile at point X.

c) The horizontal range achieved by the projectile on hitting the ground.

13. A javelin is thrown at 60° to the horizontal with a speed of 20ms-1.

The javelin is in flight for 3.5 seconds and air resistance is considered negligible.

Calculate the horizontal distance travelled by the javelin.



18. A basketball is projected at 40° from the horizontal with a velocity of 7.5ms-1.

Calculate or find:

a) Initial horizontal and vertical components of velocity of the basketball.

b) Horizontal and vertical components of velocity of the basketball after 1.6 seconds.

c) Resultant velocity of the basketball after 1.6 seconds.


20. A tennis player strikes a ball with his racket just as the ball reaches the ground.
The ball leaves the racket with a speed of 6.0ms-1 at 50° to the ground.

a) i) Calculate the initial vertical component of velocity of the ball.

ii) Calculate the initial horizontal component of velocity of the ball.

When the player hits the shot they are 2.0m from the base of the net, which is 0.90m high.

(It would be useful to draw a sketch here labelled with the information given!!!)

b) i) Calculate the time taken for the ball to travel the 2.0m to the net after leaving the racket.

ii) The net is 0.90m high in the centre of the court.

Show by calculation whether the ball will go over the net.

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