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Civil Engineering Faculty Publications Civil Engineering

January 2005

Shear Stress in Smooth Rectangular Open-

Channel Flows
Junke Guo
University of Nebraska - Lincoln, [email protected]

Pierre Y. Julien
Colorado State University

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Guo, Junke and Julien, Pierre Y., "Shear Stress in Smooth Rectangular Open-Channel Flows" (2005). Civil Engineering Faculty
Publications. 1.

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Shear Stress in Smooth Rectangular Open-Channel Flows
Junke Guo1 and Pierre Y. Julien2

Abstract: The average bed and sidewall shear stresses in smooth rectangular open-channel flows are determined after solving the
continuity and momentum equations. The analysis shows that the shear stresses are function of three components: (1) gravitational; (2)
secondary flows; and (3) interfacial shear stress. An analytical solution in terms of series expansion is obtained for the case of constant
eddy viscosity without secondary currents. In comparison with laboratory measurements, it slightly overestimates the average bed shear
stress measurements but underestimates the average sidewall shear stress by 17% when the width–depth ratio becomes large. A second
approximation is formulated after introducing two empirical correction factors. The second approximation agrees very well (R2 ⬎ 0.99 and
average relative error less than 6%) with experimental measurements over a wide range of width–depth ratios.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2005)131:1(30)
CE Database subject headings: Open channel flow; Boundary shear; Shear stress; Secondary flow; Velocity.

Introduction determine the shear stress and velocity distribution. Chiu and his
associates (Chiu and Lin 1983; Chiu and Chiou 1986) investi-
The problem of separating the bed shear stress and the side-wall gated the complex interaction between primary and secondary
shear stress is very important in almost all studies of open- flows, shear stress distribution, channel characteristics (rough-
channel flows. For example, one must know boundary shear stress ness, slope, and geometry), and other related variables in open
to study a velocity profile (Guo and Julien 2001; Babaeyan- channels. The difficulty is that the calculation of boundary shear
Koopaei et al. 2002). One must separate the bed shear stress from stress requires the knowledge of velocity profile.
the total shear stress to estimate bed-load transport in open- Keulegan (1938) and Johnson (1942) contributed to the early
channel flows. Similarly, to study channel migration or to prevent development of this subject, and Einstein’s (1942) hydraulic ra-
dius separation method (Chien and Wan 1999, p. 266) is still
bank erosion, one must know the side-wall shear stress. More-
widely used in laboratory studies and engineering practice. Ein-
over, a side-wall correction procedure is often needed in labora-
stein divided a cross-sectional area into two areas Ab and Aw, as
tory flume studies of velocity profiles, bedform resistance and
shown in Fig. 1. He assumed that the downstream component of
sediment transport (Julien 1995; Cheng 2002; Berlamont et al.
the fluid weight in area Ab is balanced by the resistance of the
2003). Wall shear stress measurement techniques were also re-
bed. Likewise, the downstream component of the fluid weight in
cently reviewed by Bocchiola et al. (2003). This paper aims at area Aw is balanced by the resistance of the two side walls. There
determining the average boundary shear stress in smooth rectan- is no friction at the interface between the two areas Ab and Aw. In
gular open channels from continuity and momentum equations. terms of energy, the potential energy provided by area Ab is dis-
Seven decades ago, Leighly (1932) proposed the idea of using sipated by the channel bed, and the potential energy provided by
conformal mapping to study the boundary shear stress distribution area Aw is dissipated by the two side walls. Following this idea,
in open-channel flows. He pointed out that, in the absence of Yang and Lim (1997, 1998) recently proposed an analytical
secondary currents, the boundary shear stress acting on the bed method to delineate the two areas. However, their method is in-
must be balanced by the downstream component of the weight of convenient for applications because of its implicit and segmental
water contained within the bounding orthogonals. This idea has form (Guo 1999) except without considering the effects of sec-
not rendered any conclusive results (Graf 1971, p. 107), though ondary currents.
Lundgren and Jonsson (1964) extended the logarithmic law to a Since the 1960s, several experimental studies have been re-
parabolic cross-sectional open channel and proposed a method to ported by Cruff (1965), Ghosh and Roy (1970), Kartha and
Leutheusser (1970), Myers (1978), Knight and Macdonald
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Nebraska– (1979), Knight (1981), Noutsopoulos and Hadjipanos (1982),
Lincoln, PKI 110 S. 67th St., Omaha, NE 68182; and, Affiliate Faculty, Knight et al. (1984), Hu (1985), and others. Knight and his asso-
The State Key Lab of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering ciates collected a great deal of experimental data about the effect
Sciences, Wuhan Univ., Wuhan, Hubei 430072, PRC. of the side walls at different width–depth ratios. With these data,
Professor, Engineering Research Center, Dept. of Civil Engineering, they proposed several empirical relations which are very helpful
Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 80523. E-mail: pierre@ in the studies of open-channel flow and sediment transport. Starting with the continuity and momentum equations for a
Note. Discussion open until June 1, 2005. Separate discussions must
steady uniform flow, the objective of this paper is first to formu-
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. late a theoretical basis for the boundary shear stress in rectangular
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible open channels. As a first approximation, the boundary shear stress
publication on January 29, 2002; approved on August 9, 2004. This paper will be solved by using conformal mapping, after neglecting sec-
is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 1, ondary currents and assuming a constant eddy viscosity. A second
January 1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/2005/1-30–37/$25.00. approximation is then presented by introducing two lumped em-


Fig. 1. Partition of cross-sectional area for bed shear stress and side-wall shear stress

pirical correction factors for the effects of secondary currents, ⳵共␳uv兲 ⳵共␳uw兲 ⳵␶yx ⳵␶zx
variable eddy viscosity and other possible effects. Both approxi- + = ␳gS + + 共3兲
⳵y ⳵z ⳵y ⳵z
mations will be compared with the existing experimental data.
Finally, the implication to flume velocity profile studies will be The corresponding volume integral equation to the above equa-
briefly discussed. tion is

Theoretical Analysis 冕冋
⳵共␳uv兲 ⳵共␳uw兲
dV = 册 冕 V
␳gS dV + 冕冉 V
⳵␶yx ⳵␶zx


Consider steady uniform flow in a rectangular open channel. The 共4兲

flow direction defines the axis x, and the cross-sectional plane
y – z is shown in Fig. 2. Accordingly, the main flow velocity in the in which V = arbitrary volume with surface A. Applying Gauss’s
axis x is denoted as u, and the secondary currents in the plane y – z theorem to the left-hand side and the second integration on the
are v and w, respectively. One can show that the corresponding right hand side results in

冕 冉 冊 冕冉 冊
continuity and momentum equations in the flow direction x are
⳵y ⳵z ⳵y ⳵z
⳵v ⳵w ␳u v +w dA = ␳gVS + ␶yx + ␶zx dA 共5兲
+ =0 共1兲 A ⳵n ⳵n A ⳵n ⳵n
⳵ y ⳵z
in which ⳵y / ⳵n = cosine of the angle between the axis y and the

冉 ⳵u
␳ v +w

= ␳gS +
⳵␶yx ⳵␶zx
normal vector n pointing outside of the control volume; and simi-
larly ⳵z / ⳵n = cosine of the angle between the axis z and the normal
vector n. The left-hand side of the above equation is the net
in which ␳ = mass density of water; g = gravitational acceleration; momentum flux out of the control surface A. The first term of the
S = channel slope; and ␶yx and ␶zx = shear stresses in the flow di- right-hand side is the gravity component of the control volume,
rection x applied on the z – x plane and the y – x plane, respec- and the second term of the right-hand side is the shear force on
tively. The convective accelerations on the left-hand side of Eq. the control surface A. Eq. (5) will be used to formulate the bound-
(2) account for secondary currents. The first term on the right- ary shear stress equation.
hand side is the gravity component in the flow direction, and the
other two are net shear stresses applied on a differential element
Average Bed Shear Stress Equation
of fluid. The momentum equation in terms of shear stress is used
since this study focuses on boundary shear stresses instead of Consider a control volume BCHGB in Fig. 1 that has a unit length
velocity distributions. in the flow direction x. The delimitations BG and CH are sym-
Multiplying Eq. (1) by ␳u and adding it to the left-hand side of metric with respect to the axis z. The momentum flux in Eq. (5) is
Eq. (2) gives then

Fig. 2. Coordinate system in open-channel flows


冕 冉
␳u v
dA = 冊 冕 冕 冕 冕 BC
+ +
共6兲 冕 冕 冕冉
+ ␶zx
dA 冊
冕冉 冊
⳵y ⳵z
in which = ␶yx + ␶zx dl
CH ⳵n ⳵n

冕 冕 冉
␳u v
dA = 0 冊 共7兲 冕 =
共␶yx dz − ␶zx dy兲 共14兲

because dz = ⳵y / ⳵n · dl and −dy = ⳵z / ⳵n · dl; and

because v = w = 0 (no-slip condition), ⳵y / ⳵n = 0, and ⳵z / ⳵n = −1 at
the channel bed
冕 冕冉
+ ␶zx

dA = 0 共15兲

冕 冕 冕 冉
␳u v
dA 冊 because ⳵y / ⳵n = 0, ⳵z / ⳵n = 1, and ␶yx = ␶zx = 0 at the free surface.
Substituting Eqs. (13)–(15) into Eq. (12) gives

冕 冉 =
␳u v
dl 冊 冕冉 A
+ ␶zx

dA = − ¯␶bb + 2 冕CH
共␶yx dz − ␶zx dy兲 共16兲

冕 ␳u共v dz − w dy兲 共8兲

Substituting Eqs. (10), (11), and (16) into (5) produces

冕 冕
2 ␳u共v dz − w dy兲 = ␳gSAb − ¯␶bb + 2 共␶yx dz − ␶zx dy兲
because dz = ⳵y / ⳵n · dl, −dy = ⳵z / ⳵n · dl, dA = dl · 1 = dl, in which CH CH
dl = differential length along delimitation CH, shown in Fig. 1, 共17兲
“1” means a unit length in the flow direction x, and the symmetric
condition has been used for the integration over the curve GB; which results in

冕 冕
␳gSAb 2 2
¯␶b = − ␳u共v dz − w dy兲 + 共␶yx dz − ␶zx dy兲
b b b

冕 冕 冉 冊
⳵y ⳵z 共18兲
= ␳u v +w dA = = 0 共9兲
HG HG ⳵n ⳵n
This is the theoretical equation of the average bed shear stress.
because ⳵y / ⳵n = 0, ⳵z / ⳵n = 1, v ⫽ 0, and w = 0 at the free surface. The first term of the right-hand side describes the gravitational
Substituting Eqs. (7)–(9) into Eq. (6) yields component. The second term is associated with secondary cur-
rents and the last term represents the shear stress at the interface

冕 冉 A
␳u v
dA = 2 冊 冕 CH
␳u共v dz − w dy兲 共10兲
Average Side-Wall Shear Stress Equation

The gravity term in Eq. (5) becomes Similarly, the average side-wall shear stress ¯␶w can be formulated
by applying Eq. (5) to the control volume BGEB or CFHC in Fig.
1. However, a short way to derive the average side-wall shear
␳gSV = ␳gSAb 共11兲 stress is to consider the overall force balance in the flow direction.
That is
in which V = Ab · 1 = Ab that is the flow area corresponding to the
channel bed. ¯ b = ␳gbhS
¯ w + b␶
2h␶ 共19兲
The term of shear force in Eq. (5) becomes in which the first term on the left-hand side is the shear force on
the two side walls, the second term is the shear force on the

冕冉 冊 冕 冕 冕 冕
channel bed, and the right-hand side is the component of water
⳵y ⳵z gravity in the flow direction. Applying Eq. (18) in Eq. (19) gives
␶yx + ␶zx dA = + + + 共12兲
A ⳵n ⳵n BC CH HG GB the average side-wall shear stress as

in which ␳gbhS − b␶
¯␶w =

冕 冕冉
+ ␶zx

dA = − ¯␶bb 共13兲 =
␳gSAw 1
冕 CH
␳u共v dz − w dy兲 −
冕 CH
共␶yx dz − ␶zx dy兲

because ⳵y / ⳵n = 0, ⳵z / ⳵n = −1, ␶zx =¯␶b (note that ␶zx is positive in
the negative direction of a negative plane y – x, according to the in which Aw = bh − Ab has been used.
sign conventions of shear stresses) that is the average bed shear To summarize Eqs. (18) and (20), one can see that the bound-
stress, and the area of the channel bed is A = b · 1 = b ary shear stress consists of three components: the first term is the


gravity contribution, the second term is the effect of secondary
currents, and the third term is the effect of fluid shear stresses
that, in turn, reflect the effect of eddy viscosity in turbulent flows.
= exp −
冉 冊 共25a兲

The first term is the dominant term with small contributions from or
the second and third terms on the right-hand side of Eqs. (18) and
(20). Note that although Eqs. (18) and (20) are here derived for
smooth rectangular open channels, they are valid for all types of
= tan−1 exp −
冉 冊 共25b兲

cross sections as long as BG and CH are symmetrical. which is shown in Fig. 1.

First Approximation Without Secondary Currents Average Bed Shear Stress

With reference to Fig. 1, after considering symmetry with respect
To estimate the boundary shear stresses from Eqs. (18) and (20), to the channel centerline, the area Ab can be estimated as follows:

冕 冕 冉 冊
one must know the main velocity u and secondary currents v and h h
w, the shear stresses ␶yx and ␶zx, and the integration path CH. On 4b ␲z
Ab = 2 ydz = tan−1 exp − dz 共26兲
the other hand, to solve for velocity field, one must know the 0 ␲ 0 b
boundary shear stresses. This interaction between velocity and
shear stress makes the solution of boundary shear stresses or ve- Expanding the integrand of Eq. (26) in terms of exp共−␲z / b兲 and
locity profiles very complicated, as shown by Chiu and Chiou integrating it yields
(1986). As a first approximation, one may neglect the effects of
secondary currents and the fluid shear stresses. Thus, Eq. (18)
Ab =

− 共t − 1兲 +
t3 − 1 t5 − 1 t7 − 1
− 2 + 2 − ¯
5 7

␳gSAb 4b2 t2n−1 − 1
¯␶b =
共21a兲 = 2
␲ n=1

共− 1兲n
共2n − 1兲2

or in which t = exp共−␲h / b兲. Substituting Eq. (27) into Eq. (21b)

gives the average bed shear stress as
¯␶b Ab
= 共21b兲 ⬁
␳ghS bh ¯␶b 4 b t2n−1 − 1
= 2
␳ghS ␲ h n=1
共− 1兲n 兺
共2n − 1兲2
and Eq. (20) becomes
␳gSAw which is the first approximation of the average bed shear stress.
¯␶w = 共22a兲
Average Side-Wall Shear Stress
The area Aw corresponding to the side walls can be found by
¯␶w Aw
= 2 共22b兲 Aw = bh − Ab 共29兲
␳ghS 2h
Substituting Eq. (27) into the above gives that

冋 册
The remaining problem is to find the areas Ab and Aw, which is
equivalent to find the delimitations BG and CH in Fig. 1. ⬁
4 b t2n−1 − 1
Aw = bh 1 − 2
␲ h n=1
共− 1兲n 兺
共2n − 1兲2
Delimitations BG and CH
Furthermore, the average side-wall shear stress ¯␶w from Eq. (22b)
The first approximation assumes that: (1) secondary currents are

冋 册
neglected; and (2) the eddy viscosity ␯t is constant. Applying
these two assumptions to Eq. (2) gives ⬁
¯␶w Aw b 4 b t2n−1 − 1
⳵ 2u ⳵ 2u gS
= 2=
␳ghS 2h 2h
1− 2
␲ h n=1
共− 1兲n
共2n − 1兲2
兺 共31a兲
+ =− = const 共23兲
⳵ y 2 ⳵z2 ␯ + ␯t

冉 冊
in which ␶yx = ␳共␯ + ␯t兲⳵u / ⳵y; ␶zx = ␳共␯ + ␯t兲⳵u / ⳵z; and ␯ = water ki-
¯␶w b ¯␶b
nematic viscosity. The above equation is the Poisson equation and = 1− 共31b兲
can be solved by a conformal mapping method (White 1991, p. ␳ghS 2h ␳ghS
115). That is, the orthogonals of the velocity contours can be used in which ¯␶b / 共␳ghS兲 is estimated by Eq. (28).
to delineate BG and CH in Fig. 1. Although the solution of Eq.
(23) gives a laminar velocity profile, the orthogonals provide a
first approximation of the boundary shear stress. According to the Second Approximation with Correction Factors
Schwarz–Christoffel transformation (Spiegel 1993, p. 204), the
delimitation CH is found as (Guo 1998; Guo and Julien 2002) The first approximation also implies that the maximum velocity
␲y ␲z occurs at the water surface. However, experiments (Tracy 1965;
sin cosh = 1 共24兲 Imamoto and Ishigaki 1988; Nezu and Nakagawa 1993, p. 98)
b b
and numerical simulations (Naot and Rodi 1982) showed that in
which is identical to narrow channels, the maximum velocity occurs below the water


To ensure the validation of the above two equations in both
narrow and wide channels, one can choose one condition from
narrow channel and one-condition from wide channel to deter-
mine the values of ␭1 and ␭2. According to Knight et al. (1984),
for b / h = 2 (narrow channel), the experiments showed that the
average bed shear stress ¯␶b is approximately equal to the average
side-wall shear stress ¯␶w. Thus, one assumes
¯␶b = ¯␶w at b/h = 2 共37兲
On the other hand, according to Knight et al. (1984), when b / h
→ ⬁ (wide channel), one has
= 0.61 共38兲
To incorporate the condition Eq. (38), one can consider Eq.
(36) for the case b / h → ⬁. Since

Fig. 3. Comparison of model delimitation with measured delimita-

tion where b / h = 2 [line ABM is measured according to Nezu and
4 −1

tan exp − 冉 冊
→ tan−1 1 −

冉 冊
Nakagawa (1993, p. 98), and dashed line ABC is first approximation]
→ 冉
4 ␲ ␲h

␲ 4 2b
冊 共39兲

surface, shown in Fig. 3. This is called the velocity dip phenom- and

冉 冊
enon that is caused by secondary currents (Graf 1971, p. 107;
Chiu and Chiou 1986). The second approximation aims at im- ␭ 1h ␲␭2h ␭ 1h
exp − → 共40兲
proving upon the first approximation by introducing two lumped b b b
empirical correction factors in the first approximation. substituting the above two relations into Eq. (36) gives
Substituting Eq. (26) into Eq. (21b) gives

␳ghS ␲ h

tan exp −
dz冉 冊 共32兲

冋 冉 冊 册
1− 1−

␭ 1h
= 1 − ␭1
Combining Eq. (38) and Eq. (41) yields
Applying the theorem of integration by parts to the above gives

¯␶b 4
= tan−1exp −
␳ghS ␲
+冉 冊 冕

z exp共− ␲z/b兲
1 + exp共− 2␲z/b兲
␭1 = 0.78 ⬇
Applying the condition Eq. (37) in Eqs. (35) and (36) at b / h = 2,

共33兲 one has

Considering that 1 艋 1 + exp共−2␲z / b兲 艋 2, one may approximate
the second term of Eq. (33) as
4 −1

tan exp −冉 冊


+ exp −
冉 冊 共43兲

冕 冕 冉 冊
h h
z exp共− ␲z/b兲 ␲z in which Eq. (42) has been applied. Solving the above equation
dz ⬃ z exp − dz
1 + exp共− 2␲z/b兲 b gives
0 0

冉 冊
⬃ h · 共␭h兲exp −
共34兲 ␭2 = 0.316 ⬇


in which the mean value theorem for integrals has been applied Finally, with Eqs. (42) and (44), the second approximation of the
and 0 ⬍ ␭ ⬍ 1. average bed shear stress Eq. (35) reduces to

冉 冊 冉 冊
To include the effects of secondary currents, variable eddy
¯␶b 4 ␲h ␲h h
viscosity and other possible effects, two lumped empirical correc- = tan−1 exp − + exp − 共45兲
tion factors ␭1 and ␭2 are introduced in Eq. (34). In other words, ␳ghS ␲ b 4b b
from Eqs. (33) and (34) one can assume and the side-wall shear stress Eq. (36) reduces to
¯␶b 4
= tan−1 exp −
␳ghS ␲
冉 冊
␭ 1h
exp −
冉 冊 共35兲 ¯␶w
␳ghS 2h
1 − tan−1 exp −

− 冉 冊
exp −
冉 冊册 共46兲

Substituting Eq. (35) into Eq. (31b) gives the second approxima- One can demonstrate that for a very wide channel where b / h
tion for the average side-wall shear stress → ⬁, the second term of Eq. (45) vanishes and tan−11 = ␲ / 4,
␳ghS 2h
b 4

1 − tan−1 exp −


␭ 1h
冉 冊
exp −
冉 冊册 which reduces Eq. (45) to ¯␶b → ␳ghS. This coincides with the
result in a two-dimensional flow. However, the average side-wall
shear stress Eq. (46) for large width–depth ratios is not zero,
共36兲 which can be clearly seen from Eq. (41).


Fig. 4. Comparison of first approximation and second approximation Fig. 5. Comparison of first approximation and second approximation
for average bed shear stress with experimental data for average side-wall shear stress with experimental data

In terms of the side-wall shear stress, comparison between the

Comparison with Experimental Data first approximation Eq. (31a) and the measurements of Knight et
al. (1984) is shown in Fig. 5. Unlike those of the average bed
The existing experimental data in smooth open channels have shear stress, the first approximation, denoted with the dashed line,
been well documented by Knight et al. (1984). This data set in- is 17% less than the experimental data when the width–depth
cludes those of Cruff (1965), Ghosh and Roy (1970), Kartha and ratio becomes large. This shows that the first approximation is not
Leutheusser (1970), Myers (1978), Knight and Macdonald good for the average side-wall shear stress. However, the second
(1979), and Noutsopoulos and Hadjipanos (1982). In terms of the approximation Eq. (46) improves the first approximation greatly,
average bed shear stress, comparison between Eq. (28) and the as denoted with the solid line in Fig. 5.
experimental measurements is shown in Fig. 4 with the dashed
line. One can see that the first approximation Eq. (28) slightly
overestimates the average bed shear stress. This demonstrates that Implication to Flume Velocity Profile Study
except for gravity, the effects of secondary currents and interface
shear stress should be considered at least empirically. The second Traditionally the bed shear velocity is determined by fitting the
approximation Eq. (45), denoted with the solid line, agrees very near bed velocity profile to the logarithmic law when studying
well with the experimental data. The correlation coefficient be- turbulent velocity profiles in flume experiments (Nezu and Naka-
tween Eq. (45) and the data is about 0.994. If one defines the gawa 1993). Eq. (45), which is independent of velocity profiles,
relative error as can simplify this process in smooth rectangular flumes. Table 1

err = 冏 calculated − measured

冏 共47兲
examines this application where the measured values were re-
ported in literature (Coleman 1986; Lyn 1986, 2000; Muste and
Patel 1997), and the calculated values are from Eq. (45) according
then the average relative error is about 5.6%. If the three largest to u*b = 冑¯␶b / ␳. Note that the three data sources are independent of
relative errors are excluded, then the average relative error re- those in Fig. 4. One can see that the measured shear velocities are
duces to 3.1%. slightly larger than those from Eq. (45). This is because the mea-

Table 1. Comparison of Calculated Bed Shear Velocities with Measurements in Smooth Flumes
Coleman’s Lyn’s (1986, 2000) Muste and Patel’s (1997)
Parameter Run 1 C1 C2 C3 C4 CW01 CW02 CW03
Slope S 共⫻10 兲
2.00 2.06 2.70 2.96 4.01 0.739 0.768 8.13
Temperature T (°C) 21.1 18.7 21.3 21.0 21.3 18.4 17.2 17.4
Depth h (cm) 17.2 6.54 6.53 5.75 5.69 13.00 12.8 12.70
Average velocity V (m/s) 1.050 0.658 0.772 0.734 0.868 0.624 0.628 0.634
Hydraulic radius R (cm) 8.75 4.39 4.38 4.02 3.99 10.10 10.00 9.90
Reynolds numer R = VR / ␯ 共⫻104兲 9.17 2.73 3.41 2.96 3.50 6.00 5.80 5.80
Froude number F = V / 冑gh 0.80 0.82 0.97 0.97 1.16 0.55 0.56 0.57
Width–depth ratio b / h 2.00 4.08 4.09 4.64 4.69 7.00 7.10 7.16
Bed shear velocity u*b (cm/s), from Eq. (45) 4.14 3.05 3.49 3.50 4.06 2.78 2.82 2.89
Measured shear velocity u*b (cm/s) 4.10 3.10 3.70 3.60 4.30 2.92 2.92 2.98


sured values are local shear velocities while the calculated are the x ⫽ coordinate of downstream flow direction;
average bed shear velocities. In general, the calculated values are y ⫽ coordinate of lateral direction;
considered comparable with those reported in the literature. z ⫽ coordinate that is perpendicular to flow direction x
and lateral direction y;
␤ ⫽ angle between coordinate z and normal vector n
Summary and Conclusions pointing outside of control volume;
␪ ⫽ angle of channel slope S = sin ␪;
This analysis defines the average bed and sidewall shear stresses ␭,␭1,␭2 ⫽ correction factors;
for steady uniform flow in smooth rectangular channels. An ␯,␯t ⫽ kinematic viscosity of water and eddy viscosity,
analysis of the continuity and momentum equations yields a for- respectively;
mulation for average bed shear stress in Eq. (18) and average ␳ ⫽ mass density of water;
sidewall shear stress in Eq. (20). Both formulations show the ¯␶b,␶
¯ w ⫽ average bed shear stress and side-wall shear stress,
importance of three main terms in the shear stress analysis: (1) a respectively; and
gravitational term; (2) a secondary flow term; and (3) a shear ␶yx,␶zx ⫽ shear stresses in flow direction x applied on z – x
stress term at the interface. An analytical solution is possible for plane and y – x plane, respectively.
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