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Design and Development of 3- Cylinder: 75 kW/liter, 2011-26-0033

High Power Density Diesel Engine for Passenger Car Published on

19th-21st January
Application to Meet Euro IV/V Emission Norms 2011 SIAT, India
S S Ramdasi, S K Mulay, P P Chitnis, N H Walke, K Ganesh Babu, M A Patwardhan,
N B Dhande and N V Marathe
Automotive Research Association of India, India

Copyright © 2011 SAE International and Copyright © 2011 SIAT, India

ABSTARCT as well as LCV segment. In order to meet stringent emission

norms by maintaining best possible fuel economy and at the
To meet the latest trends in internal combustion engines same time to have maximum power to weight ration and
pertaining efficiency, emissions and durability, downsizing to achieve compactness, downsizing became an essential
of the engine has become the key focus area. This paper requirement. Fig. 1 shows the cluster which portraits the
describes about a robust, reliable and an integrated approach specification arrived for stage 1. These are the borderline
used in design and development of state of art high power specification which can be used either for passenger car or
density/ high speed engine developed from the concept, which LCV.
can be adopted for passenger car and LCV application.

A three-cylinder, 1.5 liter displacement diesel engine, fully

balanced is being designed with an objective to produce
115kW @ 4200 rpm, delivering a specific power output over
75 kW/liter, which is at par with a contemporary class of
specification in it. In the first stage, a derated version of 75
kW (50 kW/liter) with Euro-IV and Euro-V specifications
is targeted aiming at smaller car and light motor vehicle
segment and a prime-mover for hybrid application. Figure 1. Engine Benchmark Data
This paper outlines various technologies applied in developing
Further study revealed the need of high end specification
this engine to achieve high power density, low exhaust
which will be most suitable for high performance, high
emissions, and low noise and vibration characteristics.
speed passenger car application. The stage-2 specification
Major thrust has given on mechanical design and of specific power: 75kW/ltr is an outcome of extended
manufacturing aspects and have been discussed in this paper. survey, technology available for fuel injection equipment,
turbo charging, after treatment devices and limiting factor
INTRODUCTION of 200 bar peak firing pressure at max torque condition.
This leads to max BMEP of 26 bar. With this specification
A work in developing a state of art high power density / and optimistic and challenging target on minimum bsfc
high speed DI diesel engine is undertaken, which can be 190gm/km is aimed. Fig. 2 shows the peak firing pressure
adopted for passenger car as well as for LCV application trends due to a move towards extreme downsizing.
for meeting EURO IV / V emission norms.
Fig. 3 depicts galaxy of features used in this high performance
A detail survey is carried out to arrive at contemporary engine.
specification which will be suitable for passenger car segment

Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

 Target dry engine weight ~ 150 kg (with Al cylinder

head, plastic components viz front cover, intake manifold,
oil sump etc. and without secondary balancers).

Figure 2. Peak Firing Trends in Latest Technology

Figure 4. 3 Cyl, DI, Diesel High Power Density Engine:
First Prototype

By implementing above mentioned design features and

an integrated approach, (integration of statistical/empirical
database, classical methods supported by advanced simulation
and FEA tools, experimental validation on component level)
first prototype engine is build. Fig. 4 shows the picture
of proto engine developed which is ready for combustion
optimization trails [1-3].

Brief engine specifications are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Engine Specifications

Figure 3. Engine Design Features

Technical Features
 4 Valves/Cyl with central piezoelectric valve operated
 Third generation CRDI (> 1600 bar for Stage-1 and
>1800 bar for Stage-2) with multiphase injection
 Variable Swirl
 Powertrain designed for 200 bar peak firing pressures.
 OHC valve train for controlled dynamics and NVH
 CGI Material for cylinder head and block with optimum
jacket water volume
 Fully balanced primary and secondary couple
 Variable flow turbocharger (Stage 1), Turbo-compounding
(Two stage TC, Stage 2)
 Multi-layer head gasket for better seal and bore
deformation control
 After treatment devices for PM and NOx control
 CAE optimization for bore deformation, NVH and
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

DESIGN PROCESS power, Torque, BSFC, A/F ratios etc. of the proposed engine.
Fig. 6 shows schematic mathematical simulation model with
Fig. 5 narrates the process followed in developing this engine. twin turbocharger [4-5].
Entire process began with layouting of cylinder head, engine 1D simulation model is developed for a 3 cylinder 75 kW/l
block and crankshaft. The major governing dimension for diesel engine incorporating twin turbocharger characteristics.
engine layout is the centre distance between cylinders which 1-D analysis also provided best estimated valve timing events
should be in the range of (1.2/1.25) * bore of engine. for giving best breathing efficiency. Intake system and valve
Centre distance of 100 mm is selected by considering future timings were optimized for maximizing air flow to get desired
Upgradation to accommodate 84 mm bore diameter. Air fuel ratios by considering EGR effects. Gas exchange
study was carried out to analyze instantaneous pressures in
intake port, cylinder and exhaust port vis-à-vis mass flow
rate through intake and exhaust ports, respectively, during
EVO to IVC. Fig. 7 shows results of transient simulation
for pressure and mass flow traces in ports for optimizing
valve timing events.

Figure 5. Design Approach for 3-Cyl Engine

Integral type cylinder head with two separate intake ports

(one helical and other feeder port) and simaged exhaust ports
with vertical injector position and with OHV configuration
is designed with optimised cooling water jacket. Cylinder
head bolting pattern and no of bolts are decided based on Figure 6. Thermodynamic Simulation Model of
cylinder head design features such as port layout, kind of 3-Cyl Engine
construction viz integral/modular and peak firing pressure
load to be shared by each bolt.

By considering the application intended for engine under

consideration, parent bore is first choice. However by looking
at the other application thought for LCV, it is decided to
go for dry force fit liner recommended from serviceability
point of view.

Due to high speed application and stringent NVH requirement,

block plus bed frame kind of structure is chosen. Being as
a three cylinder engine all unbalanced couples are present.
Attempt is made to go for 100% balancing with the help of
primary and two secondary balancer shafts.

A rear timing chain drive is designed to drive valve train as

well as CRDI fuel pump to take benefit of reduced torsional
vibrations at flywheel end. Power train which includes piston,
connecting rod, crankshaft, bearings etc. is designed for the
peak gas loads corresponding to 200 bar.

1D Thermodynamic simulation software is used to predict the Figure 7. Pressure and Mass Flow Traces in Ports at
peak pressure built in the system and the performance viz Rated Power Condition
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

Fig. 8 shows prediction of peak cylinder pressures over crank of M14X1 are ensuring the gas tight interface between head
angle for entire cycle. and block with the help of MLS gasket.
Peak firing pressure of 200 bar is observed at Max torque
condition. Which became base for design of load bearing

Figure 9. Final Port Layout

Manufacturing Aspect
Based on final port layout developed with 4 valve
Figure 8. Prdicted P-Theta Curve at Max Torque configuration and optimised cooling water jacket, prototype
Condition cylinder head is developed. Fig. 10 shows pictures of fully
machined cylinder head.
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Head design is a part of complicated configuration
whose construction and principal dimensions are dependent
on the size of inlet and exhaust valves, fuel injector
positioning and mounting, port layout and cooling jacket
requirements. Design of head is carried out within several Figure 10. Fully Machined Cylinder Head
design, assembly and manufacturing constraints such as
to maintain a specific cylinder centre distance, four valve In order to handle the gas loads corresponding to 200 bars,
layout, internal EGR passage, incorporation of various system cylinder head is developed using Compact Graphite Iron as
components, viz. manifolds, thermostat housing , cam carrier, a material. Fig. 11 shows a typical microstructure of CGI
glow plugs integrated with pressure transducer. which is mainly responsible to get very high UTS and
fatigue strength.
One direct and other helical port has been designed for inlet
and a simaged direct port for exhaust system. The developed
ports are optimized on flow test bench for swirl and flow
coefficients. Table 2 shows comparison of port performance.
Fig. 9 shows the final port layout for inlet and exhaust.

Due care and attention is given for water jacket core design,
thermostat position, and water transfer from cylinder heads,
and bottom deck thickness requirements. 6 bolts/ cylinder

Tabel. 2 Swirl and Flow Target Achieved

Figure 11. Properties and Micro Structure of CGI

Material Used for Head and Block
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

Fig. 12 shows the pattern equipment and core boxes oil flow required for the complete lubrication circuit was
developed for casting purpose. Ten no of prototype castings calculated using lubrication analysis algorithm. The total oil
are developed and machined with desired accuracy. After flow is estimated and an oil pump is designed to satisfy the
pouring, castings were scanned completely and superimposed requirement.
with 3D model for dimensional and feature wise inspection.
Refer Fig. 13 for the same. Water jacket core is optimised with the help of CFD
simulation for flow, pressure and temperature distribution.
Total water flow is accounted for cooling of an additional
heat load required for oil and EGR cooler.

FE Analysis: (Stress Flow/Bore Deformation/NVH)

Fig. 14 shows assembly and sectional view of
head+block+bedframe used for carrying out FEA analysis.
This analysis is mainly intended for assessing stress flow
path under pretension condition, bore deformation study and
to optimize NVH related predictions and to design control

Figure 12. Pattern Equipment for Cylinder Head

Figure 14. FE Mesh Assembly and Pre-Tension Applied

Static FE analysis is used to optimize internal ribbing and

adjustment of section moduli of various sections to give
better rigidity. Non-linear Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is
carried out using ABAQUS to asses bore deformation of
engine block in pre stressed condition when we apply bolt
and main bearing torques for making and engine assembly.

Bore Deformation Analysis:

Bore deformation causes non conformance of piston rings
Figure 13. Casting Inspection Protocol with reference to liner diameter. This induces formation
of pockets between ring and liner. This increases oil
consumption and leads to increase in HC and particulate
Engine Block and Bedframe emissions. One of the major inputs for this analysis is Gasket
Engine Block is that vital component which has to meet several Pressure Closure Curve as shown in Fig. 15. This curve is
design requirements such as strength, durability, controlled experimentally generated during loading and unloading of
bore deformation and NVH aspects. A comprehensive design multilayer gasket [7-11]. Fig. 16 shows cumulative deformed
and manufacturing strategy is adopted while development of shape of liner at various heights measured from top. Fast
engine block. Two piece constructions resulted in bedframe Fourier Transformation is applied to get various deformation
kind of structure for housing lower main journal bearings. orders (Refer Fig. 17).

Block design is mainly governed by type of liner, timing Fig. 18 shows Encho meter setup for bore deformation
gear layout, position details of various drive accessories, measurement.
bearing support design, lubrication and water cooling circuit.
Fig. 19 shows deformed shape of liner generated by Encho
Adequate lubrication system is routed during layouting An meter study experimentally.
additional gallery is provided for piston cooling jet. Entire
lubrication circuit is optimized by simulating the flow It is observed that both predicted and measured bore
network in Flowmaster 1D simulation software and the total deformation values are in close agreement. Cumulative value
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

comes to be max 22 microns at the top of liner which is

below than the allowable limit of 25 microns diametrically.

Figure 17b. 3rd and 4th Order Cylinder Bore

Deformation (Diametrical)
Figure 15. Gasket Pressure Closure Curve

Figure 18. Experimental Setup for Bore Deformation


Figure 16. Predicted Bore Deformation by FE

Figure 19. Experimentally Measured Bore Deformation

Figure 17a: Cylinder Bore Deformation Contour

Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

NVH block casting. Fig. 23 shows fully machined engine block

and bedframe for this application.
In predicting radiated Sound Power Level (SPL) of engine
assembly using Boundary Element Approach (BEA), rules
used in ISO 3744 are directly applied. Sound Power is
calculated from limited number of field points (microphone
positions), these are shown by half hemisphere. BEM Case
set up replicates physical test set up of Anechoic Room (AR)
measurements where engine is mounted on test bed and SPL
is measured using microphones.

Fig. 20 shows acoustic domain created around the engine

assembly for prediction of SPL. By using simulated peak Figure 22. Pattern Equipment of Engine Block
firing pressure data, crank train load information is generated.
Bearing loads are extracted and applied in time domain for
NVH analysis.

Figure 20. Predication of Sound Power in SYSNOISE


Surface vibrations are predicted on engine block surface

by applying max main bearing force excitations at bearing
locations as described above. These vibrations are used as an Figure 23. Fully Machined Block and Bedframe
input for acoustic simulation in SYSNOISE environment. [12]

Various iterations are carried out in fixing external ribbing

pattern on block and bedframe to get SPL in frequency
Power Train Components[1,2,3,5,11,12]
domain of 200-3000 Hz. Fig. 21 shows the optimised Piston and Ring Pack
outcome of this exercise which is inline with design targets.
For combustion pressures more than 200 bar and piston
temperatures around 400 0C, a gallery cooled piston is
designed with Ni-resist top ring carrier, which is made with
aluminum alloy and undergone double heat treatment. The
ring pack is made compact, composed of nitride keystone
top compression ring, phosphate coated 2nd compression ring
and an oil control ring.

Fig. 24 for piston cooling gallery analysis. The cooling

gallery is made variable cross-section for better cooling of the
piston. This cooling gallery is supplied with lubricating oil
with the help of a cooling nozzle provided inside the engine
block, directing 80% of the oil into cooling gallery openings
and 20% to the under crown of the piston. Piston cooling
Figure 21. Predicted Sound Power Level in Frequency gallery temperature analysis contour is shown adjacent
Domain with determining the safety factor (Thermal loading) of the
gallery. Further, kinematic study of the piston is carried out
Manufacturing Aspect to estimate piston speed, required oil jet speed from piston
Compact Grey Iron (CGI) is used for block to withstand cooling nozzle to reach upto the gallery at all positions of
200 bars peak firing pressures. However SGI is preferred for the piston throughout the working cycle at all speeds. Fig.25
Bedframe. Fig. 22 shows developed pattern equipment for for the piston speed variation and its position.
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

Piston pin boss geometry is analyzed to accommodate stepped

fractured type connecting rod to keep stresses in piston pin
boss at acceptable level. .

Crankshaft is designed with high strength micro alloy steel
material to withstand the high torque of 307 Nm at 2000
rpm corresponding to 200 bar peak firing pressure. Web
sections are designed for optimal bending and torsional
stiffness and further the crank train is tuned for its torsional
vibration characteristic with the use of tuned rubber Damper.
The crankshaft is designed and analyzed for its strength and
bearing performance. The crankpin and main bearings are
made with sputter coating in order to with stand minimum
oil film thickness 0.7m at crankpin. With use of steel having
high ultimate tensile and endurance strength, the strength
analysis of the crankshaft resulted in Maximum 335 MPa
combined (bending and torsion) stress at Main Journal with
Figure 24. Design of Piston Cooling Gallery, Cooling Jet minimum factor of safety 1.9 at crankpin, the maximum
& Simulated Temp Distribution combined stress observed is 266 MPa with minimum factor
of safety 2.3. The results produced below are generated at
Max torque condition (Refer Fig.27).

Figure 25. Piston and Cooling Jet Travel Study

The piston is analyzed with both mechanical loading Figure 27. 3 Cylinder Engine Powertrain
and thermal loading and it is observed 3990C maximum
temperature at bowl rim with a maximum stress of 13.85MPa
at bowl edge. The contact pressure is observed as maximum Material of Crankshaft – Micro Alloy steel.
26.5 MPa at thrust side and 21.8 MPa at anti-thrust side of Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) – 1400 MPa
the piston (Refer Fig. 26).
Endurance Limit – 650 Mpa.

Design Summary

Figure 26. Contact Pressure on Skirt at Thrust and Anti

Thrust Side
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

Torsional Vibration The timing chain drive system is installed on flywheel end
of the crankshaft to minimize transfer of torsional vibrations
The torsional vibrations of the engine are tuned in order to
to timing system. A comparison plot (Fig.30) showing the
reduce its effect on both auxiliary belt drive and also the
variation of 6th order (with rubber dampers) amplitude at
timing chain drive system. Torsional vibration analysis of 3
pulley and flywheel end is shown. Torsional vibrations and
Cylinder engine with primary and secondary balancer shaft
speed irregularities at low speeds of the engine are also
is performed to obtain order response and torsional Vibration
tuned in order to avoid the belt slippage and belt flapping
in the speed range 800 to 4200 rpm. The emphasis is always
improving the dynamic performance of the belt.
on to control torsional vibration amplitudes not to exceed
than 0.2 deg for individual orders. It can be seen that with
use of rubber damper 7.5th order resonance is suppressed
effectively (Fig. 28 and 29).

Figure 30. Advantage of Rear Timing Drive

Valve Train
3-Cylidner High Performance engine’s valve train consists
of Twin Overhead Camshaft with HLA (Fig. 31). The valve
train is designed for a over speed of 6200 rpm. The drive for
the camshaft is taken from rear side of the engine through
chain [1-5,11,12].

Figure 28. Torsional Vibration Analysis

Figure 31. Valve Train Layout for High Power Density


Following criteria have been used in the design of new

valvetrain system:

1. Air flow and gas exchange requirements (volumetric

efficiency and residual gas contents etc.)

2. Kinematics requirements (controlled acceleration and

decelerations, max. cam velocity etc.)
Figure 29. Rubber Damper for Torsional Vibration 3. Dynamic requirements (contact forces, valve jump,
Control bounce phenomenon, cam wear, etc.)
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

Parametric study is carried out for different valve timing

events and max lifts in order to satisfy the flow requirements
at maximum torque and rated power speed points. Iterative
calculations are performed to satisfy kinematic and dynamic
design considerations simultaneously. Attempt is made to
achieve linkage stiffness as high as possible with lower mass
of valve train components to maximize natural frequency of
system / valve train.

Considering all necessary requirements, the analysis of valve

train (of both Intake and outlet) is carried out. The results of
the same are shown in Fig. 32 and 33. Harmonic Amplitudes
of In. Valve Lift is shown in Fig. 34.
Figure 34. Harmonic Amplitudes of In. Valve Lift

Chain Drive
In order to drive OHV all possible options which includes
belts and chain drive are studied and analyzed.

Detail study is carried out for selection of either belt or

chain drive for driving timing gears. Below is the summary
on which decision has taken.

Timing Belt vs Timing Chain:

· Toothed belts are having better damping characteristics
than timing chains. Hence, it has positive effect on the
engine acoustic behaviour.
· Toothed belts are able to absorb dynamic load peaks
without being subjected to irreversible, wear induced
· Toothed belts offers very low friction between belt and
toothed pulley as compared to friction between chain
and sprocket. Hence there are chances to reduce CO2
emission from the engine.
Figure 32. Cam Lift Data, Velocity and Acceleration · System resonance and vibrations caused because of the
Curve for Intake chain drive system are reasonably on higher side than
that of toothed belt system.
· If the working environment is oily, then toothed belts
may causes slip while running over pullies and timing
purpose is obstructed. This problem does not happen
with the timing chains.
· In spite of this, most of the recent engines are using
chain as a timing drive system. This is due to reduction
in space with the use of relatively sleek chain and
sprocket system as against grooved pulley and belt
system also chain drive has upper hand on durability
Most of the automotive engines are fitted with chain drive at
fan end of the engine. Considering transfer of low torsional
vibrations, it has decided to have a chain drive system at
the flywheel end of the engine.

Several layouts are worked out for checking feasibility of

Figure 33. Hertz Contact Stress Distribution for Intake the system. Out of them, two are projected here. One with
Cam single chain drive system for driving camshaft and FIP and
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

other with two chain drive system driving cam shaft and Finalized layout is having following salient features:
FIP separately.
· Two separate chains are used:
· Fig. 35 shows single chain drive system.
 One from driving sprocket (mounted on driven gear)
· In order to increase chain wrap angle at FIP, idler to the camshaft sprocket
sprocket is introduced.
 Other from driving sprocket to the FIP sprocket
· Due to which, chain bending is very sharp and acute.
· Driving sprocket is made duplex. Minimum number of
· There were space constraints for mounting the idler teeth is selected in order to minimize the chordal action.
sprocket also on the block.
· Separate oil supply is provided to both the hydraulic
tensioner having different strokes.

· Two different lubrication jets are used for both cam

driving chain and FIP driving chain.

Static Analysis
Static analysis of the chain drive system includes calculation
of chain pull, chain forces, tension at tight and slack side
and static factor of safety. Flowchart (Fig. 37) below shows
design procedure. Static factor of safety is well above the
desired limit.

Figure 35. Timing Chain Drive Option-1

This layout is not found suitable from durability and NVH

point of view.

· Fig. 36 shows timing chain drive system with two

separate chains.

· Chain acute and sharp bends are totally eliminated in

this double chain layout Figure 37. Chain Drive Flowchart

· This layout is found better option from durability and

NVH point of view. Dynamic Analysis
The dynamic analysis of the chain drive system is carried out
to estimate: chain elongation and wear chain slack friction in
the chain drive system stresses distribution along the guide

After static, kinematic/dynamic requirement design is frozen

for manufacturing.

For a Three cylinder engine whose crankshaft have a phase
of 120 degrees, the total sum of unbalanced inertia forces
occurring in each cylinder will be counter balanced among
the remaining two cylinders (Ref. Fig. 38, 39 and 40).
However inertia forces generated at different locations axially
along the crankshaft, causes the primary and secondary
moment in a vertical plane. In case of 3 cylinder engine, the
Figure 36. Timing Chain Drive Layout Finalized status of inertia force and couple is given in below Table-3:

Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

Rotory couple balancing issue is dealt in crankshaft design

stage by adopting the counter weight opposite to crank pin
of the crankshaft.

The moment generated by inertia forces cause pitching of the

engine and hence pitches of vehicle in vertical plane. This
drawback with 3Cylinder engine is the basic reason why 3
cylinder engines are poor in terms of balancing.

From above we can observe that maximum primary

Figure 38. Inertial Balancing Status without Balancer unbalanced couple produced by reciprocating components is
Shaft more that 2000 N-m and maximum secondary unbalanced
couple produced by reciprocating forces is more that
500 N-m. Frequency with which secondary imbalanced
couple acts is twice that of primary imbalanced couple and
amplitude of Secondary imbalance couple is 1/4th of primary
imbalanced couple.

Primary Balancing
In our design single primary balancer shaft rotating with
the same speed of crankshaft but with opposite direction of
crankshaft is developed. To nullify horizontal couple induced
due to eccentric weight of balancer shaft, eccentric masses
on crank pulley and flywheel are added to cause opposite
scene couple in horizontal plane. Fig. 40 shows the effect
of primary balancer shaft on cancelling the induced primary
Figure 39. Balancing Layout
Secondary Balancing
Two secondary balancer shafts are designed with same
distance from vertical plane and rotate with twice the
speed of crankshaft in the direction opposite to each other.
Secondary balancer shafts are housed in bed frame which
is mounted bellow the crankcase. As already mentioned
above, secondary imbalanced couple is of lower amplitude
and impact on dynamic performance by these couple is
less. Any time secondary balancer shafts can be eliminated
and bed plate design shall be modified accordingly to gain
reduction in weight of the engine. Fig. 41 shows the effect of
secondary balancer shaft on cancelling the induced secondary

Figure 40. Inertial Balancing Status

Table 3. 3 Cylinder Engine Balancing Status

Figure 41. Secondary Couple Balancing

Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011


Before ECU calibration exercise, it is essential to assess the
System Specification selected combustion package hardware for its performance.
Fig. 42 shows adaptation of CRDI fuel injection system For meeting Emission norms, various options of nozzle
along with speed / phase sensors and EGR circuit. High through flow, No of holes, spray cone angle, NTP, swirl,
pressure common rail fuel injection system used for this bowl options, and compression ratios etc are estimated for
application is capable of delivering injection pressure upto the key operating area of speed and load during execution
1800 bar with 5 injections per cycle (servo valve driven by of cycle. Fig 45: common rail and piezo electric injector
peizo actuated injectors) shown in Fig. 43. High pressure
fuel pump on this engine runs at 3/4th of engine speed driven
by rear chain drive. Variable Nozzle type turbocharger for
stage I application. (Fig. 43) High Pressure cooled Electric
EGR system H bridge controlled with EGR bypass valve
will be the strategy for NOx control. Fig. 44 shows VNT
Turbocharger for Stage 1.

Figure 44. VNT Turbocharger for Stage 1

Figure 42. FIE and EGR Layout on Engine Assembly

Figure 45. Common Rail and Piezo Electric Injector

Basic maps like injection timing, injection pressure, multiple

injection quantity, separation, boost pressure, EGR quantity
etc will be carefully optimized by design of experiment
technique using online adaptive DoE on a transient test bed
for complete range of speed and load. Fig. 46 shows the
proposed after treatment layout which comprises DOC and
cDPF located in exhaust system. A suitable transmission
system and vehicle parameter will be decided and applied
for emission optimization by vehicle cycle simulation on a
transient test bed with high speed data acquisition. Fig. 47
shows the calibration flow chart prepared for combustion
optimization trails.

On similar lines combustion tuning strategy for meeting

stage II targets complying EURO V norms will be worked
out with the use of compound Turbo charging to achieve a
stiff target of 75 kW/ltr power density.
Figure 43. CRDI FIP
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

· NVH and Durability trails are scheduled on component

basis as well as on engine test basis.

· Use of an integrated approach proved important in

engine design process by narrowing the design options
and selection of optimal design parameters.

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Figure 47. Calibration Flow Chart for Combustion
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8. Shizuo Abe and Makoto Suzuki, “Analysis of Cylinder
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· Downsizing has resulted in compact layout but at the Cylinder Bore Deformation of Dry liner in Engine
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· Present weight of 189 kg can be substantially reduced in - “Analytical and Empirical Methods for Optimization
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cylinder head, use of plastic components viz front cover, 2001-01-0569, 2001
chain cover, rocker cover, oil sump etc., by eliminating
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· The first prototype of the engine will be subjected 01-2719
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Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2011

The Authors would like to thank The Director, Automotive Mr. S S Ramdasi
Research Association of India, Pune for his support and Assistant Director
granting permission to publish this paper. The Authors would PTE - ARAI
like to thank colleagues from Powertrain engineering, CAE Pune 411 038
and, Structural dynamics lab for their esteem co-operation [email protected]
during carrying out this work.

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