Handouts For Arts 7

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Lesson 1: Arts and Crafts of Luzon Lesson 2: Cordillera Autonomous Region Folk

Ilocos Region Folk Arts
CAR – is the only land locked region in the Philippines
Ilocos Region is comprised of 4 provinces: Ilocos and home of indigenous tribes collectively called
Norte, Ilocos Sur, Pangasinan and La Union. Ilocanos IGOROTS. They are hillside dwellers with most of
are known to be thrifty and perservering people who them are “farmers” because the fertile soil and cool
engage in weaving, creating blankets, towels, table climate in the region. Igorot’s artistic expressions also
cloths, bags,etc. The Ilocanos are among the largest created the tinalik baskets made from rattan.
ethno-linguistic groups in the country. The Ilocanos
are highly influenced by Christianity. Benguet – It is the homeland of 3 tribes: (the Ibaloi),
 Ilocos Norte – the capital of Ilocos Norte is (the Kankanai), & (the Kalanguaya). Their main source
Laoag City. of income is through wood carving, basket making,
 Ilocos Sur – Vigan, the capital of Ilocos Sur, is weaving and flower growing.
known for having preserved much of its
Hipanic colonial character, particularly its grid Kalinga - The people of Kalinga are also great
street pattern and historic urban layout. It is weavers. Their cloth weaving and basketry are among
the best preserved example of the planned the finest products in the region. Kalinga textiles are
Spanish colonial town in Asia established in characterized by dominant red stripes and motif’s of
the 16th century with architecture that reflects geometric patterns as well as nature symbols
the different cultural elements. interfaced with white, yellow, and black fibers.
 They are known for their ILOCO or Inabel
fabric. This especial fabric is made from Ifugao
cotton which undergo the pains taking  The term Ifugao means people from
binatbatan or beating of the cotton balls using the hills that is why non-Cordilleran's
bamboo sticks to separate the seeds during called them Igorots. Their arts and
the initial stage. The traditional threads are culture revolves around rice.
dyed from the sap of black plum called Sag-ut.  The Ifugaos weave a loincloth called
 Ilocanos are also noted for their foods such as Ikat which is actually an Indonesian
the dininding and pakbet. Two of the most term, meaning to bind together. Their
loved dishes in our country today. motif is characterized by diamond
 Another folk art that Ilocanos produce are the stripes of white and red stripes. The
BURNAY JARS. It is used for tea drinking, dominant color is blue.
storage for salt, brown sugar, water, local  The Ifugaos are also great basket
wine and fermented fish paste (bagoong). weavers. They are also known for
Nowadays, some people buy jars just for amulets that are made of beads, gold,
home decoration. bronze and other materials. This
amulets are called lingling - o or
Pangasinan dinumug used as fertility symbols and
Pangasinan is known as the salt capital of the region worn around the neck.
during the pre-Hispanic times. Arts and crafts include Mountain Province
the smoothly waved Bolinao mats made from buri or It is located in the Cordillera Central Mountain
raffia leaves, the bamboo crafts of San Carlos, and known for its hanging coffins and mummified
bagoong and the tasty Tapang bangus. bodies. They employed special burial techniques that
could equal the techniques of mummification in
La Union ancient Egypt. The humid air and atmosphere in
In La Union, it is a tradition for all household Mountain province caves helped preserved bodies.
members to sit together and create hand crafted The province is also known for their
potteries and dalikan or cooking stoves. La Union is kadangyan burial cloth for rich people.
also known for its SOFT BROOM INDUSTRY made of Tattoo art is another form of folk arts in
natural corn fibers. Mountain Province. Tattoo is part of clothing and is
considered decoration.

Bontoc - The Bontocs are known for their different

types of baskets such as the bobo and suklang.

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