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Contents - The Scorching of Khemri

 Introduction
 Building your army
 Additional army rules
 The story so far...
 The Teams
 The Missions
 The War of Attrition
 New Magic Items - The Deserts Treasures
 Campaign Special Characters
 Winning and Prizes
 Legion Armies
 Scheduling
 Event hall location details

Welcome to The Scorching of Khemri Campaign weekend event pack. Let me introduce
myself, my names is James Lammin and I will be organising the event; if you have any questions that
were not covered by this pack please do not hesitate to contact me on:

[email protected]

To start with I'd like to briefly run through some general principles which will help you to
understand what this event is and how it will be run:

 This is a two day event for Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8th edition using 2500 point armies
 It is being held at the Wayland Games Gaming Centre in Hockley Essex (All details of the
venue can be found at the bottom of this pack)
 FYI the venue has a bar!
 We aim to have as much of an 'out of the box' event as possible; although we have made
one or two changes to certain rules/ clarifications to attempt to make this event as
enjoyable as possible for everyone.
 The event will be using a roll call comp system; all of which is included in this pack.
 Tickets are £15 per head (when bought in advanced) and can be purchased from
 Food is available to buy from the centre including burgers, hotdogs, nachos, etc.
 Unpainted armies are allowed but please be aware that this campaign weekend awards
points for painting as well as gaming, so if you want the best score possible get those
brushes working!
 There will be an award for the best painted army on the day

What can I use?

The following factions and army lists will be allowed at this event:

 All the final Warhammer 8th edition Armies books (Beastmen, Bretonnia, Daemons of
Chaos, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, High Elves, Lizardmen, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs and Goblins, Skaven,
The Empire, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos and Wood Elves)
 The Legion of Azgorh (Chaos Dwarfs) from the Tamurkhan book
 The Great Host of Chaos list from the Tamurkhan book is NOT allowed; however the units
from it may be taken in their relevant armies as indicated in their relevant army section.
 The following End Times lists: Undead Legions, Legions of Chaos, The Host of the Phoenix
King, The Host of the Eternity King, The Host of Aestyrion and The Grand Legion of the
 The Warhammer Formations presented in End Times: Thanqual and End Times: Archaon
are not allowed.
 Battle Scrolls, Scrolls of Binding and Monsterous Arcanum are allowed, IF indicated in your
relevant army section or in the Monsters Compendium for this event .
Third party models and Proxy models or Conversions are allowed as long as it is clear to your
opponents what the model is now representing; in short if you have made an effort to do something
cool it will probably be fine. If you are at all unsure if your model will be allowed please send a photo
or two to [email protected] and I will confirm if we are happy to let the model(s) be

What should I bring?

 Your army
 Dice, tape measure, and any gaming aids needed by your army
 Movement trays for any unit of 3 or more models
 Warhammer 8th edition rulebook
 The latest edition of your army book and any supplement books you require
 2 printed copies of your army list
 Any FAQs you will be relying on – if you don’t have it and a copy can’t be found, expect to be
ruled against!

Building your Army:

Ok, so now the fun starts, getting your army together. This is a 2500pts event. Please be
aware that all army lists for this event will need to have the following:

 Your Name at the top

 The name of the faction you are intending to use
 Unit (points), General/magic lore, Upgrades (points), Total points
 Your Armies total points cost
 Your list will need to be submitted to [email protected] by SATURDAY 5th
OCTOBER 2019. Late submission will cause issues with organising teams and balancing this
campaign, everyone else taking part is relying on you to submit on time.

The event will use the 25% Lords and Heroes allowance as per The Original Warhammer
Fantasy 8th Edition Rulebook, (please ignore the change to this is the last FAQ). THE ARMY

All Special Characters Will be allowed, this does include the End Times Characters (Obviously only
those which fit into the 25% allowance).



Finally One model in a unit may benefit from a look out sir roll against the following spells;
Dwellers below, Final Transmutation and The Dreaded 13th.
Additional Army rules:

The following are some additional rules about how certain armies work in this event, if your army is
not mentioned simply ignore this section.


Beastmen armies may select marks of chaos for their units as described in the End Times: Archaon
supplement, however Beastmen do not pay the additional points cost for these marks. Marks of
chaos are free for Beastmen armies.


The following Bretonnian units gain the Devastating Charge special rule; Lord, Paladin, Knights of the
realm, Knights errant, Questing knights, Pegasus knights, Grail knights & The Green Knight.

Remove the 0-1 selection limit to the following units; Grail reliquae, Pegasus knights & Grail knights.

The Story so far...:

Many thousands of years ago, when the Kingdom of Khemri was at its most powerful the
mighty God of the dead Anubis became restless. The stability of the rule of the Kings was leading to
prosperity, success and most importantly long lives for the inhabitants of the desert. This was Anubis'
problem, no more disease, famine or war meant the stream of souls into the underworld was barely
a trickle; something had to be done. Anubis decided he must create some cataclysmic event,
something that would bring him the souls he so craved; but the God of the dead had a problem.
Balance. The scales of Anubis must always be of equal weight, and so if Anubis was to have his wish,
the destruction of a full half of Khemri then someone must have their greatest desire fulfilled also.
Anubis petitioned his brothers and sisters but none of the deities would listen; none would accept his
bargain. So Anubis decided he would offer his deal to mere mortals, knowing that in the end one of
them would be foolish enough to accept this barter. To do this he needed to build a key to the
underworld, an item that when touched would link the bearer and Anubis to fulfil both their wishes.
So he forged a simple brass Ankh, functional and small. When Ptra learnt of the Ankh he acted
swiftly, he stole it and placed it inside powerful magical wards, burying it in the heart of the Eternal
Necropolis. He then tasked the dynasty of the Tomb King Setep of Bhagar to forever guard the Ankh
and presented him with a mighty weapon to do it with.

Thousands of years past, the mortuary cult did their work, the dynasty of Setep dutifully
guarded the Ankh and an infamous name in the history of the Tomb Kings began to make his moves
for power. Nagash studied the legend of the Ankh, he knew where it was but could not fathom how
to break Ptra's enchantments; and so he moved on, to the path which lead to the fall of Khemri and
the death of the Great Necromancer himself. However Nagash did not forget about the Ankh and
how he could use it to restore his throne and destroy Khemri; both parts somewhat enjoyable for the
Great Necromancer. With his return to the unlife Nagash has finally found a way to bring the Ankh
into his possession, but there are many steps on the winding path ahead. First Nagash has cast a
great spell, one that moves the very plates under the earth. This spell has shifted the sands of Khemri
and broken the seals inside the Eternal Necropolis, allowing the Ankh to be accessed. However the
wards of Ptra are not so easily slipped and the spells in the necropolis have shattered the Ankh and
scattered it across the desert. So the second phase of Nagash's road is now at hand. Whether
through whispered dreams, malign promise or dreadful portents Nagash has got all armies marching
on the land of the dead. The coming campaign should see the Ankh returned to the gates of the
Eternal Necropolis, here it will re-forge itself but in the hands of a mortal rather than in the sanctum
as before, then Nagash will strike and take it for himself...

The Teams:

Players will play 5 games to determine whether the Armies of Preservation or the Raiders of
Khemri are triumphant. Players for this event will be divided into two teams; then a week before the
event you will receive confirmation of which side you are fighting for. The teams will be:

 Armies of Preservation; Fighting to return the Ankh of Anubis to the Eternal Necropolis of
 Raiders of Khemri; Fighting to take the Ankh of Anubis to release its ancient power

The teams will be largely divided along the lines of the Warhammer background and the narrative of
this event and will be as follows (unless team balance becomes a very big issue!):

Armies of preservation - Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Lizardmen, High Elves, Empire, Bretonnia,
Wood Elves and Orcs and Goblins.

Raiders of Khemri - Skaven, Dark Elves, Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Ogre
Kingdoms, Beastmen and Dwarfs.

The Missions:

The following are the 5 missions that you will play for the Campaign weekend. Each of the
first 4 missions will see the players battling over pieces of the Ankh of Anubis, with the final mission
battling to bring all 4 parts together and either return it to the Necropolis or take it from Khemri. As
you will see the Victory conditions for each game changes based upon which team has collected the
greatest number of pieces of the Ankh of Anubis.

The team who's players win the most games in each round will claim the piece of the Ankh available
in each round.

We will begin the event with the story of the campaign and then after each game we will explain
where the narrative has gotten to after the last set of games and where it is going to next. The story
will be different depending on which side is ahead. If neither player achieves their mission in a game
the game is a draw.

'The Ankh is a dimensional door, the more pieces of it you have the harder it is to control. Collecting
all four sections and returning them to the Eternal Necropolis will be no easy task. No sacrifice is too
great; Ptra demands your service!'
Setep, King of Bhagar
The War of Attrition:

Fighting wars is as much about understanding your surroundings as it is your enemies.

During the Scorching of Khemri your armies will have to battle not only enemy combatants but also
the fell conditions of the land of the dead! As your games progress the following effects will apply to
your armies;
Armies of the living: (Beastmen, Bretonnia, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarfs, High Elves, Lizardmen,
Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs and Goblins, Skaven, The Empire, Warriors of Chaos and Wood Elves)

All of these affects are cumulative

 Round 1: Fresh Combatants - No additional effects

 Round 2: Shifting sands - All units must subtract 1" from any pursuit or overrun rolls
 Round 3: Sand Storms - Subtract 3" from the maximum range of all shooting weapons
 Round 4: Withering heat - Subtract 3" from the range of your Generals Inspiring Presence
 Round 5: Campaign fatigue - All units must subtract 1" from all flee rolls

Armies of the unliving: (Daemons of Chaos, Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts)

All of these affects are cumulative

 Round 1: Freshly animated - No additional effects

 Round 2: Shifting sands - All units must subtract 1" from any pursuit or overrun rolls
 Round 3: Sand Storms - The movement value of the Fly special rule is reduced to 9". (This
also affects units which hover)
 Round 4: Withering heat - Subtract 3" from the range of your Generals Inspiring
 Round 5: Unravelling animation - All units suffer 1 additional casualty as a result of
Daemonic Instability and the unstable special rules

Magic Items: The Deserts Treasures

The writhing magical winds of Nagash's malefic spells have stripped back thousands of years
of sand revealing long lost artefacts of Ancient Nehekara .Those with a sharp eye can spot the truly
unique items from the mundane scrap and harness the power of some of the deserts most prized

To add another layer of depth to this evolving campaign we have created a batch of magic
items which you can take in your games. Select them exactly as you would any other magic item you
normally have access to. Dwarf armies do not select these items but instead may select from the
runic treasures at the end of this list. They are not a compulsory choice, but are intended to give you
something fun to try out for a weekend of gaming!

Desert Bow of Asaph – 30 pts (Magic Weapon)

It is said that it was with this ancient bow the Tomb Prince Ramses killed the feral manticore
Goremaw. The prince slew him with a single shot to the heart through a raging sandstorm.
The Desert Bow of Asaph is a bow with the following rules;
Range: 24"
Strength: 5
Special rules: Multiple shots (2), Multiple Wounds (D3), Carried on desert wind.
Carried on desert wind: Shots from this weapon always hit on a roll of 4+ regardless of the BS of the
bearer or any to hit modifiers of any kind.
The Daggers of Lybaras – 35 pts (Magic Weapon)
The home of these daggers is the city of Asaph itself and like its famous Queen Khalida the snake
Gods venom runs through their keen edges.
Pair Weapons. Poisoned attacks, Armour Piercing. The bearer of these daggers also has a 5+ parry

Armour of the Golden Age – 75 pts (Magic Armour)

The Armour of the Golden Age hails from the time before Nagash's great ritual, when the Tomb Kings
were flesh and bone. Haunted by the spirit of its last owner, it is said to fill its wearer with the vigour
of Old Nehekara. So long as they can resist the voices...
Heavy Armour. The bearer of this armour gains +1 Weapon Skill, Strength and Initiative and has the
Regeneration (5+) and Stupidity Special rules.

The Scarab Shield – 20 pts (Magic Armour)

This shields round design is particularly peculiar, as the warriors of Khemri favour larger squarer
shields . This gave rise to the theory that it was not of Nehekaran craft at all. After the vampiric
horrors of Lhamia many dynasties sought to distance themselves from anything which may seem to
break with tradition and The Scarab Shield was buried in the shifting sands never to be seen again...
or so it was thought.
Shield. The bearer and any unit he joins are -1 to be hit by missile weapons.

Soul Staff of Anubis – 50 pts (Arcane Item)

The Nehekaran God Anubis created this staff as a way of harvesting the souls of greedy wizards. The
more powerful the user, the more of their soul is cosumed...
At the start of the game this item generates one counter for each wizard level its bearer has.
At any point during the game when the bearer makes a cast or dispel attempt you may expend a
counter to re-roll a single dice. You may expend more than one counter at a time but you can only
expend each counter once per game.

The Black Shard – 40 pts (Arcane Item)

A tiny shard of Nagash's infamous black pyramid. The black shard reflects no light and its eerie
presence is said to have a particularly acute effect on those versed in the magical arts.
One use only. At the start of the enemy magic phase select an enemy wizard within 18" of the
bearer. The selected wizard will suffer the effects of a miscast on a roll of any double in this phase.
Please note that the enemy wizard only suffers the effects of the miscast and does cast the spell
with irresistible force unless they roll a two or more 6's.

Mask of a thousand Mirages – 35 pts (Enchanted Item)

When the desert sun strikes this golden mask a thousand different images are reflected in all
directions. The bearer becomes a sea of mirages, confusing all who behold them.
When fighting in close combat the bearers weapon skill is always treated as being one point higher
than the enemy unit attacking them and the enemy unit they are attacking.

Sun Scorpion – 20 pts (Enchanted Item)

Stored within a canopic jar, sun scorpions are extremely rare, their sting causing a rapid death. Most
scholars assume that it is excruciatingly painful, but no victim has lived long enough to describe the
One use only. The bearer of this item may exchange all of their attacks for one attack with the sun
scorpion. Roll to hit using the weapon skill of the bearer. The attack is strength 5 and has the
multiple wounds (D6) special rule.
Jade Jackal – 40 pts (Talisman)
This beautiful jade sculpture has a calming influence upon the raging winds of magic.
The bearer and any unit they have joined have Magic Resistance (2). Friendly units within 6" of the
bearer also gain Magic Resistance (1).

Brooch of Shyish – 20 pts (Talisman)

This brooches amethyst stone hungers for the Wind of Shyish, consuming it at every opportunity .
The bearer of this item has a 2+ ward save against wounds caused by spells from The Lore of Death.

The Quicksand Standard – 25 pts (Magic Standard)

The ancient hieroglyphics upon this standard are a powerful enchantment, capable of creating a pool
of hungry desert . Only flesh and bone can quench its thirst.
One use only. Declare you are using this banner immediately after the bearers unit is declared as the
target of a charge. Every model in the enemy units attempting to charge the bearers unit this phase
must take a dangerous terrain test.

The Standard of Ptra – 35 pts (Magic Standard)

The effigy of the God Ptra is emblazoned upon this mouldy banner; his vengeance bleeding into those
standing behind it.
The bearer of this Standard and any unit that they are joined to gain the Fight in Extra Ranks special

Runic Treasures

Runic Treasures are treated as unique runic items, you cannot add any additional runes to these
items and they may only be selected once per army. These items may only be selected by Dwarf

The Bone Grinder – 30pts (Runic Weapon)

This runic hammer was forged to seek vengeance against Settra the Imperishable, for the killing and
shaving of 25 dwarf rangers. Unfortunately for Thane Grimlock, he met the same fate as his former
brothers when he caught up with the undying king .
Hand weapon. Attacks made with this weapon have +1 to wound rolls and Flaming attacks.
Furthermore the bearer has the Hatred (Tomb Kings) special rule.

Rune of the Ironskin – 40 pts (Runic Armour)

This rune was lost to the desert. Its bearers armour grows stronger the harder it is hit, unfortunately
the bright steel grows hot in the desert sun and ultimately cooked its last owner.
Gromril armour. The bearer of this item treats its toughness value as one higher than the strength
value of the attack which is hitting it, up to a toughness of 10.

Rune of the Trueflight – 45 pts (Runic Standard)

The power of this runic standard carries projectiles over far greater distances.
The bearer of this item and any unit they join may add 6" to the range of their shooting weapons.
Campaign Special Characters:

During the Scorching of Khemri characters of great infamy and noble bearing will rise up to
fight over the Ankh of Anubis. To represent this in the following section you will find rules for a slew
of brand new special characters designed to help drive the narrative of this campaign and most
importantly, be an exciting new set of options for your games of warhammer!
Each of these characters will be presented with a short narrative about who they are or how
they came to be, some of them are famous names you may have heard before, others are something
totally new. What they all have in common however is that every one of them allows you to upgrade
or unlock a new option for your Warhammer army; for example if I take Elyria Coldeye I can then
upgrade one of my units of Black arc corsairs to be strength 4 for the points indicated. This helps
drive the theme of armies forward. Please note that these are upgrades and that you must still pay
the basic points cost for the unit in addition to the points presented in the army upgrade section
below each character.
You don't have to take any of these special characters, they are just another option for you
to enjoy.
PLEASE NOTE that we have worked very hard to ensure that these characters are interactive,
unique and balanced; hopefully you will find them in as we intended!
Some of the Characters presented here have original models from previous editions which we are
very happy for you to use. If you aren't planning on using one of these models or one was never
produced, then we expect you to convert characters to represent the characters below. This is a
hobby event and just using your usual lord won't cut the mustard! Some of the models will have
recommended models to use instead, these are just ideas. It's all about doing something cool!
Beastmen Upgrade options:

If your army includes a version of Gardach Threehorn then you may upgrade one unit to be
Gardach's Blood Brothers, do this as follows:

Gardach Threehorn, Devoted of Khorne: One unit of bestigor with the Mark of Khorne in your army
may be upgraded to strength 5, if they do so they must also exchange their great weapons for
Halberds. Cost: 1pt/model

Gardach Threehorn, Devoted of Slaanesh: One unit of bestigor with the Mark of Slaanesh in your
army may be upgraded to WS 5. Cost: 1pt/model

Gardach Threehorn, Devoted of Nurgle: One unit of bestigor with the Mark of Nurgle in your army
may be upgraded to have Regeneration (5+). Cost: 1pt/model

Gardach Threehorn, Devoted of Tzeentch: One unit of bestigor with the Mark of Tzeentch in your
army may be upgraded to have a 6+ Ward save (Which when you include the bonus from the Mark
of Tzeentch will give them a 5+ Ward save in total). Cost: 1pt/model
Bretonnia Upgrade options:

If your army includes Duke Albrec then you may upgrade one unit to be Albrec's Company, do this
as follows:

Albrec's Company: One unit of Knights of the Realm in your army may be upgraded to have +1 to hit
in close combat. Cost: 2pt/model
Chaos Dwarfs (Legion of Azgorh):
Chaos Dwarf (Legion of Azgorh) Upgrade options:

If your army includes Astragoth Ironhand then you may upgrade one unit to be Obsidian Guard,
do this as follows:

Obsidian Guard: One unit of Infernal Ironsworn in your army may be taken as a core unit. Cost:
Daemons of Chaos:
Daemons of Chaos Upgrade options:

If your army includes one of the Greater Daemon characters presented above then you gain access
to the relevant upgrade option below:

Ka'bandha: Knights of Hell: One unit of Bloodcrushers in your army may have their Scaly Skin (6+)
save upgraded to a Scaly Skin (5+) save. Cost: 3pts/model

If your army only includes Daemons of Khorne then all units of Bloodcrushers may purchase this

N'Kari: Only the best: One unit of Daemonettes of Slaanesh may be upgraded to have the Always
Strikes First special rule. Cost: 1pt/model

If your army only includes Daemons of Slaanesh then all units of Daemonettes may purchase this

Bolothrax: Mischief Makers: One unit of Nurglings may be taken as a core unit. Cost: 3pts/model

If your army only includes Daemons of Nurgle then all units of Nurglings may purchase this upgrade.

Sar'tir: Fire Fiends: One unit of Flamers of Tzeentch may add the Quick to Fire special rule to their
Flames of Tzeentch ability. Cost: 3pt/model

If your army only includes Daemons of Tzeentch then all units of Flamers may purchase this upgrade.

We recommend making these greater daemons out of the new Games Workshop Greater
Daemons, they're bigger size is a great way to represent these larger stronger models. Plus they
are cool models!
Dark Elves:
Dark Elves Upgrade options:

If your army includes Elyria Coldeye then you may upgrade one unit to be Coldeye's Cutthroats, do
this as follows:

Coldeye's Cutthroats: One unit of Black arc corsairs in your army may be upgraded to strength 4.
Cost: 1pt/model
Dwarfs Upgrade options:

If your army includes King Kazador then you may upgrade one unit to be The Pride of Azul, do this
as follows:

The Pride of Azul: One unit of Dwarf warriors in your army may be upgraded to strength 4.
Furthermore whilst King Kazador is in their unit they gain the Stubborn special rule. Cost: 2pt/model
Empire Upgrade options:

If your army includes Emmanuelle Von Liebwitz then you may upgrade one unit to Iron Guard, do
this as follows:

Iron Guard: One unit of Greatsword in your army may be upgraded to +1 Toughness. Cost:
High Elves:
High Elves Upgrade options:

If your army includes Hothar the Fey then you may upgrade one unit to Silver Guard, do this as

Silver Guard: One unit of Sword Masters of Hoeth in your army may be upgraded to Warrior Elite:
This unit can re-roll all failed to hit rolls in close combat. In addition the only character that can join a
unit of Silver Guard is Hathor the Fey. Cost: 2pt/model
Lizardmen Upgrade options:

If your army includes Lord Ulha'up then you may upgrade one unit to be Stone scale guard do this
as follows:

Stone Scale Guard: One unit of Kroxigor in your army may be upgraded to Toughness 5. Cost:
Ogre Kingdoms:
Ogre Kingdoms Upgrade options:

If your army includes Brute Scargut then you may upgrade one unit to be The Menagerie do this
as follows:

The Menagerie: One unit of Yhetees in your army may be upgraded to have Regeneration (5+).
Cost: 5pt/model
Orcs and Goblins:
Orcs and Goblins Upgrade options:

If your army includes Grotbag Da Lucky then you may upgrade up to 2 Arachnarok spiders to be
Arachno-roka and Arachno-rolla. You may chose whether to upgrade one or two units. You may
do this as follows:

Arachno-roka or Arachno-rolla: Up to two Arachnarok spiders in your army may be upgraded to

have Natural Armour (3+) (Instead of the usual 4+). Cost: 10pt/model
Skaven Upgrade options:

If your army includes Iksha Fastclaw then you may upgrade one unit to be Iksha's Meatshields, do
this as follows:

Iksha's Meatshields: One unit of Nightrunners in your army may be upgraded to have the Poisoned
Attacks special rule. Cost: 1pt/model
Tomb Kings:
Tomb King Upgrade options:

If your army includes Setep of Bhagar then you may upgrade any number of units to be the
Golden Column, do this as follows:

Golden Column: Any number of units of Skeleton Chariots in your army may be upgraded to have +1
Toughness. Cost: 3pts/model
Vampire Counts:
Vampire Counts Upgrade options:

If your army includes Neferata then you may upgrade one unit to be Medjay Guard do this as

Medjay Guard:

One unit of Grave Guard in your army may have their heavy armour (5+ save) upgraded to Gromril
armour (4+ save). Cost: 2pt/model


One unit of Black Knights in your army may have their heavy armour (5+ save) upgraded to Gromril
armour (4+ save). Cost: 2pt/model
Warriors of Chaos:
Warriors of Chaos Upgrade options:

If your army includes Egrimm Van Horstman then you may upgrade any number of units to be
Hardened Zealots, do this as follows:

Hardened Zealots: One unit of Chaos Marauders may be upgraded to have +1 Toughness. Cost:
Wood Elves:
Wood Elves Upgrade options:

If your army includes Thalandor Doomstar then you may upgrade any number of units to be
Warpainted, do this as follows:

Warpainted: Any number of units of Warhawk Riders in your army may be upgraded to have a 5+
Ward save. This ward save is increased to 4+ against magic spells or shooting attacks. Cost:
Winning and Prizes:

This event will have the following awards:

 Best Campaign Army

 Best Campaign Special Character
 Best Player
 Campaign winning Team
 Best Armies of Preservation player
 Best Raiders of Khemri player

The Campaign winning Team is simply the side which has won the most rounds of the
Campaign; if the round wins are somehow drawn then the team with the most individual player wins
will be the Campaign Winning Team. Everyone on this team will receive a certificate.

The Best Armies of Preservation and Raiders of Khemri player will be established using the
scoring for this event; which we will work out as follows:

 You gain 10 Campaign points for winning a game

 You gain 6 Campaign points for drawing a game
 You gain 2 Campaign points for losing a game
 You gain 5 Campaign points for having a fully painted and based army

These campaign points are used to make your personal score. At the end of the event your personal
score will be calculated with the above points to give you a total Campaign point score. Then the
players with the highest Campaign point score on each side will be awarded the Best Armies of
Preservation and Raiders of Khemri players respectively, along with a prize.

Now we move onto the 3 big awards for this campaign:

On Sunday lunchtime you will be able to display your army for the Best Campaign army
award. This will be judged by the gaming centre staff, and is the best painted and modelled army at
the event. The army they select will be the recipient of this award and a prize too.

On Saturday evening after game 3 you will be able to enter the Best Campaign Special
Character competition. You can enter one model which represents one of the special characters
from this event pack. The model must be converted and fully painted to be considered. It will be
judged by the centre staff and myself, for theme and overall finish. The winning character will also
receive a prize.

Finally we have the Best Player award. When you enter your results for game 5 you will be
given a voting slip for best player. The player you choose should be your favourite game of the entire
campaign; you should consider, the players conduct, how much fun you had, the theme of the
armies, the quality of the painting and modelling. This award is what this narrative event is about so
please take your time to vote. The person who receives the most votes in this category is the winner
of the best player award and also receives a prize.

All prizes will be gift vouchers for the Wayland Games Gaming Centre.
Legions Armies:

If you wish to take a Legions army presented in The End Times supplements the following changes to
these army lists will apply.

Undead Legions-

 No additional restrictions

Legions of Chaos-

 Legions of Choas armies WILL NOT benefit from the REIGN OF CHAOS rules presented in End
Times: Glotkin. In this campaign Legions of Chaos armies will not use any Reign of Chaos
chart at all; even if the army includes Daemons. We will just assume that the Chaos Gods are
elsewhere, or that the Daemons presence is not enough to draw the God's attention.
 Legions of Chaos armies still benefit from the Eye of the Gods special rule, as per End Times:
Glotkin's guidelines, however you use the chart presented in the Warriors of Chaos Army
Book, NOT the Glotkin book.

Grand Legion of The Everchosen-

 Grand Legion of the Everchosen armies WILL NOT benefit from the REIGN OF CHAOS rules
presented in End Times: Glotkin. In this campaign Grand Legion of the Everchosen armies
will not use any Reign of Chaos chart at all; even if the army includes Daemons. We will just
assume that the Chaos Gods are elsewhere, or that the Daemons presence is not enough to
draw the God's attention.
 Grand Legion of the Everchosen armies still benefit from the Eye of the Gods special rule, as
per End Times: Glotkin's guidelines, however you use the chart presented in the Warriors of
Chaos Army Book, NOT the Glotkin book.

The Host of Aestyrion-

 No additional restrictions

The Host of the Phoenix King-

 No additional restrictions

The Host of the Eternity King-

 Host of the Eternity King armies DO NOT benefit from the sharing of special rules between
units. In other words, all units in the army only have the special rules that are presented in
their parent army books, models with Martial Prowess for example DO NOT GAIN
Murderous Prowess in addition and Vice Versa. Wood Elf Units keep the rules presented in
their parent army books also.


The scheduling for the event will be as follows:


• 10:00 Venue open & registration

• 10:15 - 12:30 Round 1
• 12:30 – 13:00 Break
• 13:00 – 15:15 Round 2
• 15:15 - 15:45 Break
• 15:45 – 18:00 Round 3


• 10:00 Venue open

• 10:30 - 12:45 Round 4
• 12:45 – 13:30 Break & Best painted army judging
• 13:30 – 15:45 Round 5
• 16:00 Awards

Event hall location details:

The Scorching of Khemri will be held at the Wayland Games Gaming Centre on 26th/27th
October 2019.

Wayland Games Gaming Centre

17-19 Eldon Way
01702 868040

 All current WFB FAQ's available from Games Workshop/ Forgeworld will be used at this
event alongside this document. If this FAQ or comp pack contradicts any rules found in one
of those FAQ's this document takes precedent.
 Khaine Magic will NOT be used.
 True line of sight will be used.
 Open ground does count as terrain for the purposes of the Curse of Anraheir spell.
 Birona's Timewarp cannot increase a unit’s movement value above 10, so max march would
be 20 inches.
 The wizard who miscast cannot get a Look out Sir from damage from a miscast template.
 Units cannot swift reform and garrison a building in the same turn.
 All buildings (Including Fozzriks Folding Fortress, Rock of inevitability etc) may be garrisoned
by a MAXIMUM OF 20 WOUNDS worth of models and are always counted as having two
 Cannon balls MUST be able to see the spot where they are being placed when firing.
 Cannons cannot be fired at a target that cannot be seen (if you can't see it, then you don't
know its hiding there!)
 Cannon balls cannot bounce through impassable terrain or buildings. The cannon ball will
however inflict hits on any unit garrisoning a building as normal.
 Cannons mounted on chariots, such as the Ironblaster, Skullcannon and steam tank may not
pivot in the shooting phase and like all other cannons must shoot in a straight line forward
from the barrel.
 A model in a challenge cannot be affected by any enemy breath weapons or impact hits
done by models from outside the challenge.
 A Character model may make way at the start of any round of close combat.
 Ironcurse Icon works against all Weapons that fire like a War Machine.
 Immunity to Killing Blow also gives immunity to Heroic Killing Blow.
 A model with Always Strike First and with equal or higher initiative than an enemy model
with Always Strike First and Always Strike Last will get to re-roll attacks in close combat
against that model.
 If the general character model is killed but his mount survives you still receive the +100vp for
killing the general, and the fortitude points for slaying the general; although you do not
receive the victory points for the cost of that model.
 If 2 characters have incompatible base sizes to the unit they are joining then they are placed
on either side of the unit. A 3rd character with an incompatible base size may not join the
 The item Chalice of Blood and Darkness cannot be used between casting and dispelling a
 All mounts, except ridden monsters, are ignored for leadership purposes for the Spell
Treason of Tzeentch. In the case of chariots the creatures pulling the chariot and the
chariot’s leadership are ignored.
 The Tally of Pestilence has no affect while Epidemius is held in reserve.
 Only 1 character may charge out of a unit per phase.
 Virtual Pivoting is NOT allowed.
 The Battle Standard Bearer may take mundane items available to normal heroes of their
 The -1S from the Blizzard Aura special rule for Frostheart Phoenixes does not stack.
 The High Magic Lore Attribute increases all Ward Saves as well as all conditional Ward Saves
a model may have. If a model only has conditional Ward Saves then it also receives a 6+
Ward Save.
 The army list does not need to state any Lores for Alarielle. She chooses her Lore(s) at the
start of each game as per her special rules.
 The army list must state if Teclis is using High Magic or Battle Magic. If you are choosing
Battle Magic then Teclis may pick his spells at the start of every game.
 Models with the Predatory Fighter rule may benefit from it when fighting from the second
or subsequent ranks.
 Piranha Blade only gives Multiple Wounds (D3) Special Rule while being used in close
 Burning Alignment and The Deliverance of Itza target all enemy units within the specified
distance of the spells. This applies even if the enemy unit is engaged in close combat or in
the rear/flank arc of the model casting the spell.
 Tiktaq'To may join units of Terradon Riders.
 Daemonic characters with more than 1 magic weapon can only benefit from the effects of 1
weapon at a time. They must declare at the start of the player turn which weapon the
character is using; any other magic weapons have no effect whatsoever for the duration of
that turn.
 The Cauldron of Blood does not allow re-rolls on ranged attacks or spells.
 The army list does not need to state any Lores for Morathi. She chooses her Lore(s) at the
start of each game as per her special rules.
 A model with Hatred (High Elves) has Hatred against all models taken from the High Elf Army
 The Skaven Spell Cracks Call may be cast into combat and through friendly units as it does
not have a target.
 Other Skaven Spells may not be cast into combat unless they specifically say so or mention it
in their description.
 A charging Skaven unit that has moved forward d6 inches as a result of a Screaming Bell
allows no charge reactions.
 The army list does not need to state any Lores for a Skaven Grey Seer or Verminlord as they
can freely mix Spells of Plague and Ruin as per their special rules.
 A Hellpit Abomination that has had its strength reduced or increased will use the new
strength when working out any of its special attacks.
 When making their special movement attack, Hexwraith models measure distance moved
from starting point, to enemy unit they are attacking and back to a legal position. The
distance moved cannot exceed their movement value or double this if they marched. They
may reform inside an enemy unit.
 Death Shriek and Ghostly Howl are not considered shooting attacks.
 Any wizard may take the Lore of Undeath as presented in End Times: Nagash
 Characters Summoned using the spell Kandorak the Harbinger from the Lore of Undeath
may not select magic items OR vampiric powers; other upgrades can be selected normally.
 Units Summoned using the Lore of Undeath may not select magic items, i.e. a magic sword
on a champion or a magic flag; other upgrades can be selected normally.
 You must show your opponent your 'pool' of summonable models at the start of each game;
you may not share models or borrow from a friend during the game.
 Summoned units are NEVER scoring units.
 Wood Elves armies may duplicate their enchanted arrows across more than one unit.
 Soul Feeder may NOT be used to gain wounds back from both Stomps and Breath weapon
 The Toad Dragons 'Tongue lash attack' must roll to hit (and if applicable) wound as normal
and the enemy model must be successfully hit by the attack for it to suffer the -1 to hit rolls
Any other business:

I would like to hope that as a team we have covered almost all the eventualities and
questions above, however if you are unsure of anything please just drop me and email on
[email protected].

I would like to thank the Crimson Hunters for their feedback and help with creating what we hope is
a dynamic and exciting event pack.

On behalf of myself and my partners in crime, thanks and I look forward to seeing you at the event.


James Lammin

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