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Getting DataOps Right

Andy Palmer, Michael Stonebraker,

Nik Bates-Haus, Liam Cleary,
and Mark Marinelli

Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo

Getting DataOps Right
by Andy Palmer, Michael Stonebraker, Nik Bates-Haus, Liam Cleary, and Mark
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June 2019: First Edition

Revision History for the First Edition

2019-05-22: First Release

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
DevOps and DataOps 2
The Catalyst for DataOps: “Data Debt” 2
Paying Down the Data Debt 3
From Data Debt to Data Asset 4
DataOps to Drive Repeatability and Value 4
Organizing by Logical Entity 5

2. Moving Toward Scalable Data Unification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

A Brief History of Data Unification Systems 7
Unifying Data 8

3. DataOps as a Discipline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
DataOps: Building Upon Agile 14
Agile Operations for Data and Software 17
DataOps Challenges 22
The Agile Data Organization 25

4. Key Principles of a DataOps Ecosystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Highly Automated 30
Open 30
Best of Breed 31
Table(s) In/Table(s) Out Protocol 31
Tracking Data Lineage and Provenance 33
Conclusion 35

5. Key Components of a DataOps Ecosystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Catalog/Registry 38
Movement/ETL 38
Alignment/Unification 39
Storage 39
Publishing 41
Feedback 41
Governance 41

6. Building a DataOps Toolkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Interoperability 43
Automation 47

7. Embracing DataOps: How to Build a Team and Prepare for Future

Trends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Building a DataOps Team 51
The Future of DataOps 55
A Final Word 57

iv | Table of Contents

Andy Palmer

Over the past three decades, as an enterprise CIO and a provider of

third-party enterprise software, I’ve witnessed firsthand a long series
of large-scale information technology transformations, including
client/server, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, the cloud, and Big Data. One of the
most important but underappreciated of these transformations is
the astonishing emergence of DevOps.
DevOps—the ultimate pragmatic evolution of Agile methods—has
enabled digital-native companies (Amazon, Google, etc.) to devour
entire industries through rapid feature velocity and rapid pace of
change, and is one of the key tools being used to realize Marc
Andreessen’s portent that “Software Is Eating the World”. Tradi‐
tional enterprises, intent on competing with digital-native internet
companies, have already begun to adopt DevOps at scale. While
running software and data engineering at the Novartis Institute of
Biomedical Research, I introduced DevOps into the organization,
and the impact was dramatic.
Fundamental changes such as the adoption of DevOps tend to be
embraced by large enterprises after new technologies have matured
to a point when the benefits are broadly understood, the cost and
lock-in of legacy/incumbent enterprise vendors becomes insuffera‐
ble, and core standards emerge through a critical mass of adoption.
We are witnessing the beginning of another fundamental change in
enterprise tech called “DataOps”—which will allow enterprises to
rapidly and repeatedly engineer mission-ready data from all of the
data sources across an enterprise.

DevOps and DataOps
Much like DevOps in the enterprise, the emergence of enterprise
DataOps mimics the practices of modern data management at large
internet companies over the past 10 years. Employees of large inter‐
net companies use their company’s data as a company asset, and
leaders in traditional companies have recently developed this same
appetite to take advantage of data to compete. But most large enter‐
prises are unprepared, often because of behavioral norms (like terri‐
torial data hoarding) and because they lag in their technical
capabilities (often stuck with cumbersome extract, transform, and
load [ETL] and master data management [MDM] systems). The
necessity of DataOps has emerged as individuals in large traditional
enterprises realize that they should be using all the data generated in
their company as a strategic asset to make better decisions every day.
Ultimately, DataOps is as much about changing people’s relationship
to data as it is about technology infrastructure and process.
The engineering framework that DevOps created is great prepara‐
tion for DataOps. For most enterprises, many of whom have adop‐
ted some form of DevOps for their IT teams, the delivery of high-
quality, comprehensive, and trusted analytics using data across
many data silos will allow them to move quickly to compete over the
next 20 years or more. Just like the internet companies needed
DevOps to provide a high-quality, consistent framework for feature
development, enterprises need a high-quality, consistent framework
for rapid data engineering and analytic development.

The Catalyst for DataOps: “Data Debt”

DataOps is the logical consequence of three key trends in the

• Multibillion-dollar business process automation initiatives over

the past 30-plus years that started with back-office system auto‐
mation (accounting, finance, manufacturing, etc.) and swept
through the front office (sales, marketing, etc.) in the 1990s and
2000s, creating hundreds, even thousands, of data silos within
large enterprises.

2 | Chapter 1: Introduction
• The competitive pressure of digital-native companies in tradi‐
tional industries.
• The opportunity presented by the “democratization of analytics”
driven by new products and companies that enabled broad use
of analytic/visualization tools such as Spotfire, Tableau, and

For traditional Global 2000 enterprises intent on competing with

digital natives, these trends have combined to create a major gap
between the intensifying demand for analytics among empowered
frontline people and the organization’s ability to manage the “data
exhaust” from all the silos created by business process automation.
Bridging this gap has been promised before, starting with data ware‐
housing in the 1990s, data lakes in the 2000s, and decades of other
data integration promises from the large enterprise tech vendors.
Despite the promises of single-vendor data hegemony by the likes of
SAP, Oracle, Teradata, and IBM, most large enterprises still face the
grim reality of intensely fractured data environments. The cost of
the resulting data heterogeneity is what we call “data debt.”
Data debt stems naturally from the way that companies do business.
Lines of businesses want control and rapid access to their mission-
critical data, so they procure their own applications, creating data
silos. Managers move talented personnel from project to project, so
the data systems owners turn over often. The high historical rate of
failure for business intelligence and analytics projects makes compa‐
nies rightfully wary of game-changing and “boil the ocean” projects
that were epitomized by MDM in the 1990s.

Paying Down the Data Debt

Data debt is often acquired by companies when they are running
their business as a loosely connected portfolio, with the lines of
business making “free rider” decisions about data management.
When companies try to create leverage and synergy across their
businesses, they recognize their data debt problem and work over‐
time to fix it. We’ve passed a tipping point at which large companies
can no longer treat the management of their data as optional based
on the whims of line-of-business managers and their willingness to
fund central data initiatives. Instead, it’s finally time for enterprises
to tackle their data debt as a strategic competitive imperative. As my

Paying Down the Data Debt | 3

friend Tom Davenport describes in his book Competing on Analytics,
those organizations that are able to make better decisions faster are
going to survive and thrive. Great decision making and analytics
requires great unified data—the central solution to the classic
garbage in/garbage out problem.
For organizations that recognize the severity of their data debt prob‐
lem and determine to tackle it as a strategic imperative, DataOps
enables them to pay down their data debt by rapidly and continu‐
ously delivering high-quality, unified data at scale from a wide vari‐
ety of enterprise data sources.

From Data Debt to Data Asset

By building their data infrastructure from scratch with legions of
talented engineers, digital-native, data-driven companies like Face‐
book, Amazon, Netflix, and Google have avoided data debt by man‐
aging their data as an asset from day one. Their examples of treating
data as a competitive asset have provided a model for savvy leaders
at traditional companies who are taking on digital transformation
while dealing with massive legacy data debt. These leaders now
understand that managing their data proactively as an asset is the
first, foundational step for their digital transformation—it cannot be
a “nice to have” driven by corporate IT. Even for managers who
aren’t excited by the possibility of competing with data, the threat of
a traditional competitor using their data more effectively or disrup‐
tion from data-driven, digital-native upstarts requires that they take
proactive steps and begin managing their data seriously.

DataOps to Drive Repeatability and Value

Most enterprises have the capability to find, shape, and deploy data
for any given idiosyncratic use case, and there is an abundance of
analyst-oriented tools for “wrangling” data from great companies
such as Trifacta and Alteryx. Many of the industry-leading execu‐
tives I work with have commissioned and benefitted from one-and-
done analytics or data integration projects. These idiosyncratic
approaches to managing data are necessary but not sufficient to
solve their broader data debt problem and to enable these compa‐
nies to compete on analytics.

4 | Chapter 1: Introduction
Next-level leaders who recognize the threat of digital natives are
looking to use data aggressively and iteratively to create new value
every day as new data becomes available. The biggest challenge
faced in enterprise data is repeatability and scale—being able to find,
shape, and deploy data reliably with confidence. Also—much like
unstructured content on the web—structured data changes over
time. The right implementation of DataOps enables your analytics
to adapt and change as more data becomes available and existing
data is enhanced.

Organizing by Logical Entity

DataOps is the framework that will allow these enterprises to begin
their journey toward treating their data as an asset and paying down
their data debt. The human behavioral changes and process changes
that are required are as important, if not more important, than any
bright, shiny new technology. In the best projects I’ve been involved
with, the participants realize that their first goal is to organize their
data along their key, logical business entities, examples of which
include the following:

• Customers
• Suppliers
• Products
• Research
• Facilities
• Employees
• Parts

Of course, every enterprise and industry has its own collection of

key entities. Banks might be interested in entities that allow fraud
detection; agricultural firms might care more about climate and
crop data. But for every enterprise, understanding these logical enti‐
ties across many sources of data is key to ensuring reliable analytics.
Many DataOps projects begin with a single entity for a single use
case and then expand; this approach connects the data engineering
activities to ROI from either selling more products or saving money
through using unified, clean data for a given entity for analytics and
decision making.

Organizing by Logical Entity | 5

For each of these key entities, any chief data officer should be able to
answer the following fundamental questions:

• What data do we have?

• Where does our data come from?
• Where is our data consumed?

To ensure clean, unified data for these core entities, a key compo‐
nent of DataOps infrastructure is to create a system of reference that
maps a company’s data to core logical entities. This unified system of
reference should consist of unified attributes constructed from the
raw physical attributes across source systems. Managing the path‐
ways between raw, physical attributes, changes to the underlying
data, and common operations on that data to shape it into
production-readiness for the authoritative system of reference are
the core capabilities of DataOps technologies and processes.
This book gets into much more detail on DataOps and the practical
steps enterprises have and should take to pay down their own data
debt—including behavioral, process, and technology changes. It
traces the development of DataOps and its roots in DevOps, best
practices in building a DataOps ecosystems, and real-world exam‐
ples. I’m excited to be a part of this generational change, one that I
truly believe will be a key to success for enterprises over the next
decade as they strive to compete with their new digital-native
The challenge for the large enterprise with DataOps is that if it
doesn’t adopt this new capability quickly, it runs the risk of being left
in the proverbial competitive dust.

6 | Chapter 1: Introduction
Moving Toward Scalable Data

Michael Stonebraker

The early users of data management systems performed business

data processing—mostly transactions (updates) and queries on the
underlying datasets. These early applications enabled analytics on
the current state of the enterprise. About two decades ago enterpri‐
ses began keeping historical transactional data in what came to be
called data warehouses. Such systems enabled the use of analytics to
find trends over time; for example, pet rocks are out and Barbie
dolls are in. Every large enterprise now has a data warehouse, on
which business analysts run queries to find useful information.
The concept has been so successful that enterprises typically now
have several-to-many analytical data stores. To perform cross-
selling, obtain a single view of a customer, or find the best pricing
from many supplier data stores, it is necessary to perform data unifi‐
cation across a collection of independently constructed data stores.
This chapter discusses the history of data unification and current

A Brief History of Data Unification Systems

ETL systems were used early on to integrate data stores. Given the
required amount of effort by a skilled programmer, ETL systems
typically unified only a handful of data stores, fewer than two dozen
in most cases. The bottleneck in these systems was the human time

required to transform the data into a common format for the desti‐
nation repository—it was necessary to write “merge rules” to com‐
bine the data sources, and additional rules to decide on the true
value for each attribute in each entity. Although fine for small opera‐
tions, like understanding sales and production data at a handful of
retail stores or factories, ETL systems failed to scale to large num‐
bers of data stores and/or large numbers of records per store.
The next generation of ETL tools offered increased functionality,
such as data cleaning capabilities and adaptors for particular data
sources. Like the first generation, these ETL tools were designed for
use by computer programmers, who had specialized knowledge.
Hence, they did not solve the fundamental scalability bottleneck: the
time of a skilled software professional. These ETL tools form the
bulk of the unification market today; however, most large enterpri‐
ses still struggle to curate data from more than a couple dozen sour‐
ces for any given data unification project. The present state of affairs
is an increasing number of data sources that enterprises want to
unify and a collection of traditional ETL tools that do not scale. The
rest of this book discusses scalability issues in more detail.

Unifying Data
The benefits to unifying data sources are obvious. If a category man‐
ager at Airbus wants to get the best terms for a part that their line of
business (LoB) is buying, that manager will typically have access
only to purchasing data from their own LoB. The ability to see what
other LoBs are paying for a given part can help that category man‐
ager optimize their spend. Added up across all of the parts and sup‐
pliers across all Airbus LoBs, these insights represent significant
savings. However, that requires integrating the LoB supplier data‐
bases for each LoB. For example, GE has 75 of them, and many large
enterprises have several to many of them because every acquisition
comes with its own legacy purchasing system. Hence, data unifica‐
tion must be performed at scale, and ETL systems are not up to the
The best approach to integrating two data sources of 20 records each
is probably a whiteboard or paper and pencil. The best approach for
integrating 20 data sources of 20,000 records each might very well
be an ETL system and rules-based integration approach. However, if
GE wants to unify 75 data sources with 10 million total records, nei‐

8 | Chapter 2: Moving Toward Scalable Data Unification

ther approach is likely to be successful. A more scalable strategy is
Unfortunately, enterprises are typically operating at a large scale,
with orders of magnitude more data than ETL tools can manage.
Everything from accounting software to factory applications are
producing data that yields valuable operational insight to analysts
working to improve enterprise efficiency. The easy availability and
value of data sources on the web compounds the scalability
Moreover, enterprises are not static. For example, even if Airbus had
unified all of its purchasing data, its acquisition of Bombardier adds
the data of another enterprise to the unification problem. Scalable
data unification systems must accommodate the reality of shifting
data environments.
Let’s go over the core requirements for unifying data sources. There
are seven required processes:

1. Extracting data from a data source into a central processing

2. Transforming data elements (e.g., WA to Washington)
3. Cleaning data (e.g., –99 actually means a null value)
4. Mapping schema to align attributes across source datasets (e.g.,
your “surname” is my “Last_Name”)
5. Consolidating entities, or clustering all records thought to rep‐
resent the same entity (e.g., are Ronald McDonald and R. Mac‐
Donald the same clown?)
6. Selecting the “golden value” for each attribute for each clustered
7. Exporting unified data to a destination repository

Plainly, requirements 2 through 5 are all complicated by scale issues.

As the number and variety of data sources grows, the number and
variety of required transforms and cleaning routines will increase
commensurately, as will the number of attributes and records that
need to be processed. Consider, for example, names for a given
attribute, phone number, as shown here:

Unifying Data | 9
Source Attribute name Record format
CRM-1 Tel. (xxx) xxx-xxxx
CRM-2 Phone_Number Xxxxxxxxx
DataLake Phone_Number xxx-xxx-xxxx

To consolidate the two CRM sources into the DataLake schema, you
need to write one mapping: Phone_Number equals Telephone. To
standardize the format of the number, you need to transform two
different formats to a third standard one.
Now let’s do this for six data sources:

Source Attribute name Record format

CRM-1 Tel. (xxx) xxx-xxxx
CRM-2 Phone_Number Xxxxxxxxx
Excel-1 Phone (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Excel-2 Telephone Number
POS-1 Cell Xxx xxx xxxx
DataLake Phone_Number xxx-xxx-xxxx

We now have five different names for the same attributes, and one of
these attributes (Cell) might require some expertise to correctly map
it to Phone_Number. We also have four formats for phone numbers,
requiring four different transformations into the DataLake format.
In this simple example, we’ve gone from three rules to unify three
data sources to eight when doubling the amount of attributes.
Hence, the complexity of the problem is increasing much faster than
the number of data sources. Rules are problematic at scale because:

• They are difficult to construct.

• After a few hundred, they surpass the ability of a human to
understand them.
• At scale, they outstrip the ability of humans to verify them.

The first and second generations of ETL systems relied on rules.

Creating and maintaining rules, in additional to the verification of
the results of those rules, constitutes the bulk of the human time
required for rules-based ETL approaches. This is an example of why
traditional ETL solutions do not scale. Any scalable data unification
must obey the tenets discussed in the next section.

10 | Chapter 2: Moving Toward Scalable Data Unification

Rules for Scalable Data Unification
A scalable approach therefore must perform the vast majority of its
operations automatically (tenet 1). Suppose that it would take Airbus
10 years of labor to integrate all of its purchasing systems using a
traditional, rules-based approach. If we could achieve 95% automa‐
tion, it would reduce the time scale of the problem to six months.
Automation, in this case, would use statistics and machine learning
to make automatic decisions wherever possible, and involve a
human only when automatic decisions are not possible. In effect, we
must reverse the traditional ETL architecture, whereby a human
controls the processing, into one in which a computer runs the pro‐
cess using human help when necessary.
For many organizations, the large number of data sources translates
into a substantial number of attributes; thousands of data sources
can mean tens or hundreds of thousands of attributes. We know
from experience that defining a global schema upfront, although
tempting, inevitably fails, because these schemas are invalid as soon
as requirements change or new data sources are added. Scalable data
unification systems should be discovered from the source attributes
themselves rather than defined first. Therefore, scalable data unifi‐
cation must be schema-last (tenet 2).
As mentioned earlier, ETL systems require computer programmers
to do the majority of the work. Business experts are sometimes
involved in specifying requirements, but the people who build and
maintain the data architecture are also responsible for interpreting
the data they are working with. This requires, for example, a data
architect to know whether “Merck KGaA” is the same customer as
“Merck and Co.” Obviously, this requires a business expert. As a
result, scalable data unification systems must be collaborative and
use domain experts to resolve ambiguity, thereby assisting the com‐
puter professionals who run the unification pipeline (tenet 3).
Taken together, these three tenets lead us to a fourth one, which is
rules-based systems will not scale, given the limitations outlined ear‐
lier. Only machine learning can scale to the problem sizes found in
large enterprises (tenet 4).
However, machine learning–based solutions do have some opera‐
tional complexities to consider. Although a human can look at a set
of records and instantly decide that they correspond to a single
entity, data unification systems must do so automatically. Conven‐

Unifying Data | 11
tional wisdom is to cluster records into a multidimensional space
formed by the records’ attributes, with a heuristically specified dis‐
tance function. Records that are close together in this space are
probably the same entity. This runs into the classic N**2 clustering
problem, and the computational resource required to do operations
with complexity N**2, where N is the number of records, is often
too great. Scalable unification systems must scale out to multiple
cores and processors (tenet 5) and must have a parallel algorithm
with lower complexity than N**2 (tenet 6).
Given the realities of the enterprise data ecosystem, scalable unifica‐
tion systems need to accommodate data sources that change regu‐
larly. Even though running the entire workflow on all of the data to
incorporate changes to a data source can satisfy some business use
cases, applications with tighter latency requirements demand a scal‐
able unification system to examine the changed records themselves
and perform incremental unification (tenet 7).
Scalable data unification must be the goal of any enterprise, and that
will not be accomplished using traditional ETL systems. It is obvi‐
ously the foundational task for enterprises looking to gain “business
intelligence gold” from across the enormous troughs of enterprise

12 | Chapter 2: Moving Toward Scalable Data Unification

DataOps as a Discipline

Nik Bates-Haus

DataOps, like DevOps, emerges from the recognition that separating

the product—production-ready data—from the process that delivers
it—operations—impedes quality, timeliness, transparency, and agil‐
ity. The need for DataOps comes about because data consumption
has changed dramatically over the past decade. Just as internet
applications raised user expectations for the usability, availability,
and responsiveness of applications, things like Google Knowledge
Panel and Wikipedia have dramatically raised user expectations for
the usability, availability, and freshness of data.
What’s more, with increased access to very usable self-service data
preparation and visualization tools, there are also now many users
within the enterprise who are ready and able to prepare data for
their own use if official channels are unable to meet their expecta‐
tions. In combination, these changes have created an environment
in which continuing with the cost-laden, delay-plagued, opaque
operations used to deliver data in the past are no longer acceptable.
Taking a cue from DevOps, DataOps looks to combine the produc‐
tion and delivery of data into a single, Agile practice that directly
supports specific business functions. The ultimate goal is to cost-
effectively deliver timely, high-quality data that meets the ever-
changing needs of the organization.
In this chapter, we review the history of DataOps, the problems it is
designed to address, the tools and processes it uses, and how organi‐
zations can effectively make the transition to and gain the benefits of

DataOps: Building Upon Agile
DataOps is a methodology that spans people, processes, tools, and
services to enable enterprises to rapidly, repeatedly, and reliably
deliver production data from a vast array of enterprise data sources
to a vast array of enterprise data consumers.
DataOps builds on the many decades of accumulated wisdom
received from Agile processes. It is worth taking a moment to high‐
light some key goals and tenets of Agile, how they have been applied
to software, and how they can be applied to data. Agile software
development arose from the observation that software projects that
were run using traditional processes were plagued by the following:

• High cost of delivery, long time to delivery, and missed dead‐

• Poor quality, low user satisfaction, and failure to keep pace with
ever-changing requirements
• Lack of transparency into progress toward goals as well as
schedule unpredictability
• Anti-scaling in project size, where the cost per feature of large
projects is higher than the cost per feature of small projects
• Anti-scaling in project duration, where the cost of maintenance
grows to overwhelm available resources

These are the same frustrations that plague so many data delivery
projects today.

The Agile Manifesto

In establishing an approach that seeks to address each of these
issues, the Agile community introduced several core tenets in an
Agile Manifesto:
We value:

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
4. Responding to change over following a plan

14 | Chapter 3: DataOps as a Discipline

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the
items on the left more. Let’s review these briefly, their impact on
software development, and the expected impact on data delivery.

Tenet 2: Working software

I’ll start with tenet 2, because it really should be tenet 1: the goal of
software engineering is to deliver working software. Everything else
is secondary. With working software, users can accomplish their
goals significantly more readily than they could without the soft‐
ware. This means that the software meets the users’ functional
needs, quality needs, availability needs, serviceability needs, and so
on. Documentation alone doesn’t enable users to accomplish their
Similarly, the goal of data engineering is to produce working data;
everything else is secondary. With working data, users can accom‐
plish their goals significantly more readily than they could without
the data. Ideally, data engineering teams will be able to adhere to
principles of usability and data design that make documentation
unnecessary for most situations.
The other three tenets are in support of this main tenet. They all
apply equally well to a data engineering team, whose goal is to pro‐
duce working data.

Tenet 1: Individuals and interactions

Software is written by people, not processes or tools. Good processes
and tools can support people and help them be more effective, but
neither processes nor tools can make mediocre engineers into great
engineers. Conversely, poor processes or tools can reduce even the
best engineers to mediocrity. The best way to get the most from your
team is to support them as people, first, and to bring in tools and
processes only as necessary to help them be more effective.

Tenet 3: Customer collaboration

When you try to capture your customers’ needs up front in a
requirements “contract,” customers will push for a very conservative
contract to minimize their risk. Building to this contract will be very
expensive and still not likely meet customers’ real needs. The best
way to determine whether a product meets your customer’s needs
and expectations is to have the customer use the product and give

DataOps: Building Upon Agile | 15

feedback. Getting input as early and as often as possible ensures
course corrections are as small as possible.

Tenet 4: Responding to change

Change is constant—in requirements, in process, in availability of
resources, and so on—and teams that fail to adapt to these changes
will not deliver software that works. No matter how good a plan is, it
cannot anticipate the changes that will happen during execution.
Rather than invest heavily in upfront planning, it is much better to
plan only as much as necessary to ensure that the team is aligned
and the goals are reasonable and then measure often to determine
whether a course correction is necessary. Only by adapting swiftly to
change can the cost of adaptation be kept small.

Agile Practices
The preceding has described the goal and tenets of Agile, but not
what to actually do. There are many variations of the Agile process,
but they share several core recommendations:
Deliver working software frequently
In days or weeks, not months or years, adding functionality
incrementally until a release is completed.
Get daily feedback from customers (or customer representatives)
Gather feedback on what has been done so far.
Accept changing requirements
Be prepared to do so even late in development.
Work in small teams
Work in teams of three to seven people who are motivated, trus‐
ted, and empowered individuals, with all the skills required for
delivery present on each team.
Keep teams independent
This means each team’s responsibilities span all domains,
including planning, analysis, design, coding, unit testing,
acceptance testing, releasing, and building and maintaining
tools and infrastructure.
Continually invest in automation
You should aim to automate everything.

16 | Chapter 3: DataOps as a Discipline

Continually invest in improvement
Again, automate everything, including process, design, and
These practices have enabled countless engineering teams to deliver
timely, high-quality products, many of which we use every day.
These same practices are now enabling data engineering teams to
deliver the timely, high-quality data that powers applications and
analytics. But there is another transition made in the software world
that needs to be picked up in the data world. When delivering hos‐
ted applications and services, Agile software development is not
enough. It does little good to rapidly develop a feature if it then takes
weeks or months to deploy it, or if the application is unable to meet
availability or other requirements due to inadequacy of the hosting
platform. These are operations, and they require a skill set quite dis‐
tinct from that of software development. The application of Agile to
operations created DevOps, which exists to ensure that hosted appli‐
cations and services not only can be developed, but also delivered in
an Agile manner.

Agile Operations for Data and Software

Agile removed many barriers internal to the software development
process and enabled teams to deliver production features in days,
instead of years. For hosted applications in particular, the follow-on
process of getting a feature deployed retained many of the same
problems that Agile intended to address. Bringing development and
operations into the same process, and often the same team, can
reduce time-to-delivery down to hours or minutes. The principle
has been extended to operations for nonhosted applications, as well,
with similar effect. This is the core of DevOps. The problems that
DevOps intends to address look very similar to those targeted by
Agile software development:

• Improved deployment frequency

• Faster time to market
• Lower failure rate of new releases
• Shortened lead time between fixes
• Faster mean time to recovery (MTTR) (in the event of a new
release crashing or otherwise disabling the current system)

Agile Operations for Data and Software | 17

We can summarize most of these as availability—making sure that
the latest working software is consistently available for use. To deter‐
mine whether a process or organization is improving availability,
you need something more transparent than percent uptime, and you
need to be able to measure it continuously so that you know when
you’re close, and when you’re deviating. Google’s Site Reliability
Engineering team did some of the pioneering work looking at how
to measure availability in this way, and distilled it into the measure
of the fraction of requests that are successful. DevOps, then, has the
goal of maximizing the fraction of requests that are successful, at
minimum cost.
For an application or service, a request can be logging in, opening a
page, performing a search, and so on. For data, a request can be a
query, an update, a schema change, and so forth. These requests
might come directly from users (for example, on an analysis team)
or they could be made by applications or automated scripts. Data
development produces high-quality data, whereas DataOps ensures
that the data is consistently available, maximizing the fraction of
requests that are successful.

DataOps Tenets
DataOps is an emerging field, whereas DevOps has been put into
practice for many years now. We can use our depth of experience
with DevOps to provide a guide for the developing practice of Data‐
Ops. There are many variations in DevOps, but they share a collec‐
tion of core tenets:

1. Think services, not servers

2. Infrastructure as Code
3. Automate everything

Let’s review these briefly, how they affect service availability, and the
expected impact on data availability.

Tenet 1: Think services, not servers

When it comes to availability, there are many more options for mak‐
ing a service available than there are for making a server available.
By abstracting services from servers, we open up possibilities such
as replication, elasticity, failover, and more, each of which can enable
a service to successfully handle requests under conditions where an

18 | Chapter 3: DataOps as a Discipline

individual server would not be successful, for example, under a sud‐
den surge in load, or requests that come from broad geographic
This should make it clear why it is so important to think of data
availability not as database server availability, but as the availability
of Data as a Service (DaaS). The goal of the data organization is not
to deliver a database, or a data-powered application, but the data
itself, in a usable form. In this model, data is typically not delivered
in a single form factor, but simultaneously in multiple form factors
to meet the needs of different clients: RESTful web services to meet
the needs of service-oriented applications; streams to meet the need
of real-time dashboards and operations; and bulk data in a data lake
for offline analytic use cases. Each of these delivery forms can have
independent service-level objectives (SLOs), and the DataOps orga‐
nization can track performance relative to those objectives when
delivering data.

Tenet 2: Infrastructure as Code

A service can’t be highly available if responding to an issue in its
infrastructure depends on having the person with the right knowl‐
edge or skills available. You can’t increase the capacity of a service if
the configuration of its services isn’t captured anywhere other than
in the currently running instances. And you can’t trust that infra‐
structure will be correctly deployed if it requires a human to cor‐
rectly execute a long sequence of steps. By capturing all the steps to
configure and deploy infrastructure as code, not only can infrastruc‐
ture changes be executed quickly and reliably by anyone on the
team, but that code can be planned, tested, versioned, released, and
otherwise take full advantage of the depth of experience we have
with software development.
With Infrastructure as Code (IaC), deploying additional servers is a
matter of running the appropriate code, dramatically reducing the
time to deployment as well as the opportunity for human error.
With proper versioning, if an issue is introduced in a new version of
a deployment, we can roll back the deployment to a previous version
while the issue is identified and addressed. To further minimize
issues found in production, we can deploy infrastructure in staging
and user acceptance testing (UAT) environments, with full confi‐
dence that redeploying in production will not bring any surprises.

Agile Operations for Data and Software | 19

Using IaC enables operations to be predictable, reliable, and
From the DataOps perspective, this means that everything involved
in delivering data must be embodied in code. Of course, this
includes infrastructure such as hosts, networking, and storage, but,
importantly, this also covers everything to do with data storage and
movement, from provisioning databases, to deploying ETL servers
and data-processing workflows, to setting up permissions, access
control, and enforcement of data governance policy. Nothing can be
done as a one-off; everything must be captured in code that is ver‐
sioned, tested, and released. Only by rigorously following this policy
will data operations be predictable, reliable, and repeatable.

Tenet 3: Automate everything

Many of the techniques available for keeping services available will
not work if they require a human in the loop. When there is a surge
in demand, service availability will drop if deploying a new server
requires a human to click a button. Deploying the latest software to
production will take longer if a human needs to run the deployment
script. Rather, all of these processes need to be automated. This per‐
vasive automation unlocks the original goal of making working soft‐
ware highly available to users. With pervasive automation, new
features are automatically tested both for correctness and accept‐
ance; the test automation infrastructure is itself tested automatically;
deployment of new features to production is automated; scalability
and recovery of deployed services is automated (and tested, of
course); and it is all monitored, every step of the way. This is what
enables a small DevOps team to effectively manage a large infra‐
structure, while still remaining responsive.
Automation is what enables schema changes to propagate quickly
through the data ecosystem. It is what ensures that responses to
compliance violations can be made in a timely, reliable, and sustain‐
able way. It is what ensures that we can uphold data freshness guar‐
antees. And it is what enables users to provide feedback on how the
data does or could better suit their needs so that the process of rapid
iteration can be supported. Automation is what enables a small
DataOps team to effectively keep data available to the teams, appli‐
cations, and services that depend on it.

20 | Chapter 3: DataOps as a Discipline

DataOps Practices
The role of the operations team is to provide the applications, serv‐
ices, and other infrastructure used by the engineering teams to code,
build, test, package, release, configure, deploy, monitor, govern, and
gather feedback on their products and services. Thus, the operations
team is necessarily interdisciplinary. Despite this breadth, there are
concrete practices that apply across all these domains:
Apply Agile process
Short time-to-delivery and responsiveness to change (along
with everything that comes with those requirements) are
mandatory for the DataOps team to effectively support any
other Agile team.
Integrate with your customer
The DataOps team has the advantage that the customers, the
engineering teams they support, are in-house, and therefore
readily available for daily interaction. Gather feedback at least
daily. If it’s possible for DataOps and data engineering to be
colocated, that’s even better.
Implement everything in code
This means host configuration, network configuration, automa‐
tion, gathering and publishing test results, service installation
and startup, error handling, and so on. Everything needs to be
Apply software engineering best practices
The full value of IaC is attained when that code is developed
using the decades of accumulated wisdom we have in software
engineering. This means using version control with branching
and merging, automated regression testing of everything, clear
code design and factoring, clear comments, and so on.
Maintain multiple environments
Keep development, acceptance testing, and production environ‐
ments separate. Never test in production, and never run pro‐
duction from development. Note that one of the production
environments for DataOps is the development environment for
the data engineers, and another is the production environment
for the data engineers. The DataOps development environment
is for the DataOps team to develop new features and

Agile Operations for Data and Software | 21

Integrate the toolchains
The different domains of operations require different collec‐
tions of tools (“toolchains”). These toolchains need to work
together for the team to be able to be efficient. Your data move‐
ment engine and your version control need to work together.
Your host configuration and your monitoring need to work
together. You will be maintaining multiple environments, but
within each environment, everything needs to work together.
Test everything
Never deploy data if it hasn’t passed quality tests. Never deploy a
service if it hasn’t passed regression tests. Automated testing is
what allows you to make changes quickly, having confidence
that problems will be found early, long before they get to
These practices enable a small operations team to integrate tightly
with data engineering teams so that they can work together to
deliver the timely, high-quality data that powers applications and

DataOps Challenges
DataOps teams, particularly those working with Big Data, encounter
some challenges that other operations teams do not.

Application Data Interface

When integrating software packages into a single product, software
engineers take advantage of application programing interfaces
(APIs), which specify a functional and nonfunctional contract. Soft‐
ware subsystems can be written to provide or consume an API, and
can be independently verified using a stubbed implementation on
the other side of the API. These independently developed subsys‐
tems then can be fit together and will interoperate thanks to the
contractual clarity of the API. There is no such equivalent for data.
What we would like is an application data interface (ADI), which
specifies a structural and semantic model of data so that data pro‐
viders and data consumers can be verified independently and then
fit together and trusted to interoperate thanks to the contractual
clarity of the ADI. There have been multiple attempts to standardize
representation of data structure and semantics, but there is no
widely accepted standard. In particular, the Data Definition Lan‐

22 | Chapter 3: DataOps as a Discipline

guage (DDL) subset of SQL specifies structure and constraints of
data, but not semantics. There are other standards for representing
data semantics, but none have seen broad adoption. Therefore, each
organization needs to independently select and employ tools to rep‐
resent and check data model and semantics.

Data Processing Architecture

There are two fundamental modes for data: snapshots, represented
in tables, and transactions, represented in streams. The two support
different use cases, and, unfortunately, they differ in every respect,
from structure, to semantics, to queries, to tools and infrastructure.
Data consumers want both. There are well-established methods of
modeling the two in the data warehousing world, but with the
ascendency of data lakes, we are having to discover new methods of
supporting them. Fortunately, the data warehousing lessons and
implementation patterns transfer relatively cleanly to the technolo‐
gies and contexts of contemporary data lakes, but because there is
not yet good built-in tool support, the DataOps team will be con‐
fronted with the challenge of assembling and configuring the vari‐
ous technologies to deliver data in these modes.
There are now multiple implementation patterns that purport to
handle both snapshot and streaming use cases while enabling a
DataOps team to synchronize the two to a certain degree. Promi‐
nent examples are the Lambda Architecture and Kappa Architec‐
ture. Vendor toolchains do not yet have first-class support for such
implementation patterns, so it is the task of the DataOps team to
determine which architecture will meet their organization’s needs
and to deploy and manage it.

Query Interface
Data is not usable without a query interface. A query interface is a
type of API, so data consumers can be written and verified against
an abstract interface and then run against any provider of that API.
Unfortunately, most query interfaces are vendor or vendor/version
specific, and the vendors provide only one implementation of the
query interface, so much of the benefit of writing to an API is lost.
SQL is an attempt to create a standard data query API, but there is
enough variation between vendor implementations that only the
simplest of queries are compatible across vendors, and attaining

DataOps Challenges | 23
good performance always requires use of vendor-specific language
Thus, even though we want to focus on DaaS, independent of any
particular vendor platform, the current reality is that the vendor and
version of most query interfaces must be transparent to end users,
and becomes part of the published interface of the data infrastruc‐
ture. This impedes upgrades, and makes it nearly impossible to
change vendors.
This problem is compounded by the fact that different data consum‐
ers require different kinds of query interface to meet their needs.
There are three very different modes of interacting with data, and
the DataOps team needs to provide interfaces for all of them:

• A REST interface to find, fetch, and update individual or small

groups of records
• A batch query interface that supports aggregation over large col‐
lections of data
• A streaming interface that supports real-time analytics and

The infrastructure, technology, and design of systems to support

each of these kinds of query interface is very different. Many ven‐
dors provide only one or two of them and leave much of the com‐
plexity of deployment up to the DataOps team. The DataOps team
needs to take this into consideration when designing their overall
data processing architecture.

Resource Intensive
Even moderate-scale data places significant demands on infrastruc‐
ture, so provisioning is another DataOps challenge. DataOps needs
to consider data storage, movement, query processing, provenance,
and logging. Storage must be provisioned for multiple releases of
data as well as for different environments. Compute must be provi‐
sioned intelligently, to keep data transfers within acceptable limits.
Network must be provisioned to support the data transfers that can‐
not be avoided. Although provisioning to support resource-
intensive loads is not unique to DataOps, the nature of data is such
that DataOps teams will have very little runway relative to other

24 | Chapter 3: DataOps as a Discipline

kinds of teams before they begin to run into difficult challenges and

Schema Change
Vendors change data with every release. Analysts require data
changes for every new analytic or visualization. These modifications
put schemas, and therefore ADIs, in a state of perpetual change.
Each change might require adjustment to the entire depth of the
associated data pipelines and applications. Managing the entire
DataOps ecosystem as versioned, tested code, with clear separation
between development and production environments, makes it pos‐
sible to respond quickly to these changes, with confidence that
problems will be caught quickly. Unfortunately, many tools still
assume that schemas change slowly or not at all, and the DataOps
team must implement responsiveness to schema change outside
these tools. Good factoring of code to centralize schema definition is
the only way to keep up with this rapid pace of change.

Regulations from both government and industry cover data access,
retention, traceability, accountability, and more. DataOps must sup‐
port these regulations and provide alerting, logging, provenance,
and so on throughout the data-processing infrastructure. Data gov‐
ernance tools are rapidly maturing, but interoperability between
governance tools and other data infrastructure is still a significant
challenge. The DataOps team will need to bridge the gaps between
these toolchains to provide the coverage required by regulation.

The Agile Data Organization

DataOps in conjunction with Agile data engineering builds a next-
generation data engineering organization. The goal of DataOps is to
extend the Agile process through the operational aspects of data
delivery so that the entire organization is focused on timely delivery
of working data. Analytics is a major consumer of data, and Data‐
Ops in the context of Agile analytics has received quite a bit of
attention. Other consumers also substantially benefit from DataOps,
including governance, operations, security, and so forth. By combin‐
ing the engineering skills that are able to produce the data with the
operations skills that are able to make it available, this team is able to

The Agile Data Organization | 25

cost-effectively deliver timely, high-quality data that meets the ever-
changing needs of the data-driven enterprise.
This cross-functional team will now be able to deliver several key
capabilities to the enterprise:1
Source data inventory
Data consumers need to know what raw material is available to
work with. What are the datasets, and what attributes do they
contain? On what schedule is the source updated? What gover‐
nance policies are they subject to? Who is responsible for han‐
dling issues? All of these questions need to be answered by the
source data inventory.
Data movement and shaping
Data needs to get from the sources into the enriched, cleaned
forms that are appropriate for operations. This requires connec‐
tivity, movement, and transformation. All of these operations
need to be logged, and the full provenance of the resulting data
needs to be recorded.
Logical models of unified data
Operations need to run on data models of entities that are tied
to the business and are well understood. These models need to
be concrete enough to enable practical use, while maintaining
flexibility to accommodate the continuous change in the avail‐
able and needed data.
Unified data hub
The hub is a central location where users can find, access, and
curate data on key entities—suppliers, customers, products, and
more—that powers the entire organization. The hub provides
access to the most complete, curated, and up-to-date informa‐
tion on these entities, and also identifies the provenance, con‐
sumers, and owners of that information.
At time of use, data quality issues become extremely transpar‐
ent, so capturing feedback at point of use is critical to enabling
the highest quality data. Every data consumer needs a readily

1 For more on this, see “DataOps: Building a Next Generation Data Engineering Organi‐
zation” by Andy Palmer and Liam Cleary.

26 | Chapter 3: DataOps as a Discipline

accessible feedback mechanism, powered by the Unified Data
Hub. This ensures that feedback can be incorporated reliably
and in the timeliest manner.
Combining DataOps with your Agile data engineering organization
will allow you to achieve the transformational analytic outcomes
that are so often sought, but that so frequently stumble on outdated
operational practices and processes. Quickly and reliably respond‐
ing to the demands presented by the vast array of enterprise data
sources and the vast array of consumption use cases will build your
“company IQ.” DataOps is the transformational change data engi‐
neering teams have been waiting for to fulfill their aspirations of
enabling their business to gain analytic advantage through the use of
clean, complete, current data.

The Agile Data Organization | 27

Key Principles of a DataOps

Andy Palmer

Having worked with dozens of Global 2000 customers on their data/

analytics initiatives, I have seen a consistent pattern of key principles
of a DataOps ecosystem that is in stark contrast to traditional “single
vendor,” “single platform” approaches that are advocated by vendors
such as Palantir, Teradata, IBM, Oracle, and others. An open, best of
breed approach is more difficult, but also much more effective in the
medium and long term; it represents a winning strategy for a chief
data officer, chief information officer, and CEO who believe in max‐
imizing the reuse of quality data in the enterprise and avoids the
oversimplified trap of writing a massive check to a single vendor
with the belief that there will be “one throat to choke.”
There are certain key principles of a DataOps ecosystem that we see
at work every day in a large enterprise. A modern DataOps infra‐
structure/ecosystem should be and do the following:

• Highly automated
• Open
• Take advantage of best of breed tools
• Use Table(s) In/Table(s) Out protocols
• Have layered interfaces
• Track data lineage

• Feature deterministic, probabilistic, and humanistic data inte‐
• Combine both aggregated and federated methods of storage and
• Process data in both batch and streaming modes

I’ve provided more detail/thoughts on each of these in this chapter.

Highly Automated
The scale and scope of data in the enterprise has surpassed the abil‐
ity of bespoke human effort to catalog, move, and organize the data.
Automating your data infrastructure and using the principles of
highly engineered systems—design for operations, repeatability,
automated testing, and release of data—is critical to keep up with
the dramatic pace of change in enterprise data. The principles at
work in automating the flow of data from sources to consumption
are very similar to those that drove the automation of the software
build, test, and release process in DevOps over the past 20 years.
This is one of the key reasons we call the overall approach

The best way to describe this is to talk about what it is not. The pri‐
mary characteristic of a modern DataOps ecosystem is that it is not a
single proprietary software artifact or even a small collection of arti‐
facts from a single vendor. For decades, B2B software companies
have been in the business of trying to get their customers “hooked”
on a software artifact by building it into their infrastructure—only
to find that the software artifact is inadequate in certain areas. But
because the software was built with proprietary assumptions, it’s
impossible to augment or replace it with other software artifacts that
represent “best of breed” for that function.
In the next phase of data management in the enterprise, it would be
a waste of time for customers to “sell their data souls” to single ven‐
dors that promote proprietary platforms. The ecosystem in DataOps
should resemble DevOps ecosystems in which there are many best
of breed free and open source software (FOSS) and proprietary tools
that are expected to interoperate via APIs. An open ecosystem

30 | Chapter 4: Key Principles of a DataOps Ecosystem

results in better software being adopted broadly—and offers the
flexibility to replace, with minimal disruption to your business,
those software vendors that don’t produce better software.

Best of Breed
Closely related to having an open ecosystem is embracing technolo‐
gies and tools that are best of breed—meaning that each key compo‐
nent of the system is built for purpose, providing a function that is
the best available at a reasonable cost. As the tools and technology
that the large internet companies built to manage their data goes
mainstream, the enterprise has been flooded with a set of tools that
are powerful, liberating (from the traditional proprietary enterprise
data tools), and intimidating.
Selecting the right tools for your workload is difficult because of the
massive heterogeneity of data in the enterprise and also because of
the dysfunction of software sales and marketing organizations who
all overpromote their own capabilities, i.e., extreme data software
vendor hubris.
It all sounds the same on the surface, so the only way to really figure
out what systems are capable of is to try them (or by taking the word
of a proxy—a real customer who has worked with the vendor to
deliver value from a production system). This is why people such as
Mark Ramsey, previously of GSK, are a powerful example. Mark’s
attempt to build an ecosystem for more than 12 best-of-breed ven‐
dors and combine their solutions to manage data as an asset at scale
is truly unique and a good reference as to what works and what does

Table(s) In/Table(s) Out Protocol

The next logical questions to ask if you embrace best of breed is,
“How will these various systems/tools communicate? And what is
the protocol?” Over the past 20 years, I’ve come to believe when
talking about interfaces between core systems that it’s best to focus
on the lowest common denominator. In the case of data, this means
tables—both individual tables and collections.
I believe that Table(s) In/Table(s) Out is the primary method that
should be assumed when integrating these various best of breed
tools and software artifacts. Tables can be shared or moved using

Best of Breed | 31
many different methods described under Data Services. A great ref‐
erence for these table-oriented methods is the popularity of Resilient
Distributed Datasets (RDDs) and DataFrames in the Spark ecosys‐
tem. Using service-oriented methods for these interfaces is critical,
and the thoughtful design of these services is a core component of a
functional DataOps ecosystem. Overall, we see a pattern of three key
types of interfaces that are required or desired inside of these sys‐

Three Core Styles of Interfaces for Components

There are many personas that desire to use data in a large enterprise.
Some “power users” need to access data in its raw form, whereas
others just want to get responses to inquiries that are well formula‐
ted. A layered set of services and design patterns is required to sat‐
isfy all of these users over time.
Here are the three methods that we think are most useful (see also
Figure 4-1):

• Data access services that are “View” abstractions over the data
and are essentially SQL or SQL-like interfaces. This is the
power-user level that data scientists prefer.
• Messaging services that provide the foundation for stateful data
interchange, event processing, and data interchange
• REST services built on or wrapped around APIs providing the
ultimate flexible direct access to and interchange of data.

32 | Chapter 4: Key Principles of a DataOps Ecosystem

Figure 4-1. The layered set of data access services, messaging services,
and REST services

Tracking Data Lineage and Provenance

As data flows through a next-generation data ecosystem (see
Figure 4-2), it is of paramount importance to properly manage this
lineage metadata to ensure reproducible data production for analyt‐
ics and machine learning. Having as much provenance/lineage for
data as possible enables reproducibility that is essential for any sig‐
nificant scale in data science practices or teams. Ideally, each version
of a tabular input and output to a processing step is registered. In
addition to tracking inputs and outputs to a data processing step,
some metadata about what that processing step is doing is also
essential. A focus on data lineage and processing tracking across the
data ecosystem results in reproducibility going up and confidence in
data increasing. It’s important to note that lineage/provenance is not
absolute—there are many subtle levels of provenance and lineages,
and it’s important to embrace the spectrum and appropriate imple‐
mentation (i.e., it’s more a style of your ecosystem than a

Tracking Data Lineage and Provenance | 33

Figure 4-2. Data pipeline patterns

Data Integration: Deterministic, Probabilistic, and

When bringing data together from disparate silos, it’s tempting to
rely on traditional deterministic approaches to engineer the align‐
ment of data with rules and ETL. I believe that at scale—with many
hundreds of sources—the only viable method of bringing data
together is the use of machine-based models (probabilistic) + rules
(deterministic) + human feedback (humanistic) to bind the schema
and records together as appropriate in the context of both how the
data is generated and (perhaps more importantly) how the data is
being consumed.

Combining Aggregated and Federated Storage

A healthy next-generation data ecosystem embraces data that is both
aggregated and federated. Over the past 40-plus years, the industry
has gone back and forth between federated or aggregated
approaches to integrating data. It’s my strong belief that what is
required in the modern enterprise is an overall architecture that
embraces the idea that sources and intermediate storage of data will
be a combination of both aggregated and federated data.
This adds a layer of complexity that was previously challenging, but
actually possible now with some modern design patterns. You

34 | Chapter 4: Key Principles of a DataOps Ecosystem

always make trade-offs of performance and control when you aggre‐
gate versus federate. But over and over, I find that workloads across
an enterprise (when considered broadly and holistically) require
both aggregated and federated. In your modern DataOps ecosystem,
cloud storage methods can make this much easier. In fact, Amazon
Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Google Cloud Storage
(GCS) specifically—when correctly configured as a primary storage
mechanism—can give you the benefit of both aggregated and feder‐
ated methods.

Processing Data in Both Batch and Streaming Modes

The success of Kafka and similar design patterns has validated that a
healthy next-generation data ecosystem includes the ability to simul‐
taneously process data from source to consumption in both batch
and streaming modes. With all the usual caveats about consistency,
these design patterns can give you the best of both worlds—the abil‐
ity to process batches of data as required and also to process streams
of data that provide more real-time consumption.

Everything presented in this chapter is obviously high level and has
an infinite number of technical caveats. After doing hundreds of
implementations at large and small companies, I believe that it’s
actually possible to do all of it within an enterprise, but not without
embracing an open and best-of-breed approach. At Tamr, we’re in
the middle of exercising all of these principles with our customers
every day, across a diverse and compelling set of data engineering

Conclusion | 35
Key Components of a DataOps

Andy Palmer

There are many ways to think about the potential components of a

next-generation data ecosystem for the enterprise. Our friends at
DataKitchen have done a good job with this post, which refers to
some solid work by the Eckerson Group. In the interest of trying to
simplify the context of what you might consider buying versus
building and which vendors you might consider, I’ve tried to lay out
the primary components of a next-generation enterprise data eco‐
system based on the environments I’ve seen people configuring over
the past 8 to 10 years and the tools (new and old) that are available.
We can summarize these components as follows:

• Catalog/Registry
• Movement/ETL
• Alignment/Unification
• Storage
• Publishing
• Feedback

I provide a brief summary of each of these components in the sec‐

tions that follow.

Over the past 5 to 10 years, a key function has emerged as a critical
starting point in the development of a functional DataOps ecosys‐
tem—the data catalog/registry. There are a number of FOSS and
commercial projects that are attempts to provide tools that enable
large enterprises to answer the simple question, “What data do you
have?” Apache Atlas, Alation, and Waterline are the projects that I
see the most in my work at Tamr and discussions with my chief data
officer friends. I’ve always believed that the best data catalog/registry
is a “vendor neutral” system that crawls all tabular data and registers
all tabular datasets (files and inside of database management systems
[DBMS]) using a combination of automation and human guidance.
The problem with vendor-specific systems is inevitably their imple‐
mentation devolves into wars between vendor-oriented camps
within your organization and you end up not with one catalog/
registry, but multiple—which sort of defeats the purpose. If the ven‐
dor providing the catalog system is more open and interoperable
(per Chapter 4 on the principles of a DataOps ecosystem), it’s likely
OK. This is not an impossible thing to build yourself—I’ve seen two
to three built in the past few years that function well—but it is prob‐
ably just a matter of time before something like Apache Atlas
evolves to provide the basics in vendor-neutral systems that are
highly open and interoperable.

There are so many options for data movement that it’s a bit mind
numbing. They range from the existing ETL/extract, load, and
transform (ELT) vendors (Informatica, Talend, Oracle, IBM, Micro‐
soft) to the new breed of movement vendors (my favorites are
StreamSets, Data Kitchen, and KNIME) and the cloud data platform
vendors such as Google GCP/DataFlow, Microsoft Azure, Amazon
Web Services (AWS), Databricks, Snowflake, and the dozens of new
ones that every VC in the Bay Area is funding by the month.
The most interesting dynamic here, in my opinion, is that most
large enterprises use Python for most of their data pipelining, and
the idea of broadly mandating a single pipelining tool for their users
seems like a bit of a reach. Python is so easy for people to learn, and
if you use an orchestration framework such as Apache AirFlow, you

38 | Chapter 5: Key Components of a DataOps Ecosystem

get significant control and scale without all the overhead and restric‐
tions of a proprietary framework. If you need massive ingest perfor‐
mance and scale, I think that something like StreamSets is your best
bet, and I have seen this work incredibly well at GSK. However,
most large companies will have requirements and heterogeneity
among their pipelines that makes Python and AirFlow a better fit as
the lowest common denominator across their enterprise.
One of the benefits of having a more open, interoperable, and best-
of-breed approach is that as you need high-performance movement
tools, you can adopt these incrementally. For example, you can use
Python and Airflow as the baseline or default across your organiza‐
tion and then titrate in high-performance tools like StreamSets as
required where you need the scale and performance. In the long
term, this enables your ecosystem of tools to evolve gracefully and
avoid massing single vendor lift-and-shift projects, which are prone
to failure, despite the expectations that any single vendor might
want to set along with an eight-figure-plus proposal.

The tools required to create consistency in data need to be strongly
rooted in the use of three key methods: rules, models, and human
feedback. These three key methods, implemented with an eye
toward an Agile process, are essential to tame the large challenge of
variety in enterprise data. Traditional tools that depend on a single
data architect to a priori define static schema, controlled vocabulary,
taxonomy, ontologies, and relationships are inadequate to solve the
challenges of data variety in the modern enterprise. The thoughtful
engineering of data pipelines and the integration of rules, active
learning–based probabilistic models of how data fits together, and
the deliberate human feedback to provide subject matter expertise
and handle corner cases is essential to success in the long-term
alignment and molding of data broadly.

The biggest change in data systems over the past 10 years has been
the evolution of data storage platforms—both cloud and on-
premises. When my partner Mike and I started Vertica back in 2004,
the database industry had plateaued in terms of new design patterns.
At the time, everyone in the enterprise was using traditional “row

Alignment/Unification | 39
stores” for every type of work load—regardless of the fundamental
fit. This was the gist of Mike and Ugur Cetintemel’s “‘One Size Fits
All’: An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone” paper and my Use‐
nix talk in 2010. Overall, the key next-generation platforms that are
top of mind now include the following:

• AWS: Redshift, Aurora, et al.

• GCP: BigTable, Spanner
• Azure: SQL Services et al.
• Databricks
• SnowFlake
• Vertica
• Postgres

The capabilities available in these platforms are dramatic and the

pace of improvement is truly exceptional. I’m specifically not
putting the traditional big vendors on this list—IBM, Oracle, Tera‐
data—because most of them are falling further behind by the day.
The cloud platform vendors have a huge advantage relative to the
on-premises vendors in that the cloud vendors can radically
improve their systems quickly without the latency associated with
slow or long on-premises release cycles and the proverbial game of
“telephone” that on-premises customers and vendors play—a game
where it takes at least quarters and more often years and decades to
get improvements identified, prioritized, engineered, and delivered
into production.
The pace of change is what I believe will make the cloud-oriented
platform vendors more successful than the on-premises platforms in
the medium term. The best customers who are doing on-premises
now are configuring their infrastructures to be compatible with
cloud platforms so that when they migrate, they will be able to do so
with minimal change. Those smart, on-premises vendors will have
the advantage of a healthy abstraction from cloud platform vendors’
proprietary services that could “lock in” other customers who start
with that cloud platform from scratch.

40 | Chapter 5: Key Components of a DataOps Ecosystem

When data is organized and cleaned, providing a mechanism to
broadly publish high-quality data is essential. This component deliv‐
ers both a machine and human-readable form of dynamic datasets
that have been broadly and consistently prepared. This component
also has methods to recommend new data (rows, columns, values,
relationships) that are discovered bottom up in the data over time.
These methods can also be instrumented broadly into consumption
endpoints such as analytic tools so that as new data becomes avail‐
able, recommendations can be made dynamically to data consumers
who might be interested in consuming the continuously improved
and updated data in the context of their analytics, operational sys‐
tems, and use.

This is perhaps the most impactful and least appreciated component
of a next-generation DataOps ecosystem. Currently, data in most
enterprises flows unidirectionally from sources through determinis‐
tic and idiosyncratic pipelines toward data warehouses, marts, and
spreadsheets—and that’s where the story stops. There is an incredi‐
ble lack of systematic feedback mechanisms to enable data to flow
from where data is consumed back up into the pipelines and all the
way back to the sources so that the data can be improved systemati‐
cally over time. Most large organizations lack any “queue” of data
problems identified by data consumers. At Tamr we’ve created
“Steward” to help address this problem, providing a vendor-neutral
queue of data consumer–reported problems with data for the

Governance is a key component of a modern ecosystem—the evolu‐
tion of data privacy has raised governance up to the top of the prior‐
ity list—driven by a need to comply to many important new
regulations. My belief is that the best governance infrastructure
focuses on the automation of information access policy and the
prosecution of that policy across users in the context of key roles
that are aligned with policy. Focusing on governance in the context
of information use helps avoid boiling the infinite proverbial ocean

Publishing | 41
of data source complexity. Having a codified information access pol‐
icy as well as methods for running that policy in real time as users
are consuming data should be the core goal of any governance infra‐
structure initiative.

42 | Chapter 5: Key Components of a DataOps Ecosystem

Building a DataOps Toolkit

Liam Cleary

The DataOps cross-functional toolkit is not a single tool or platform

—nor can it ever be. Rather, it is part of a framework that prioritizes
responding to change over following a plan. This means that the
toolkit is inherently a collection of complementary, best of breed
tools with interoperability and automation at their core design.

Interoperability is perhaps the biggest departure in the DataOps
stack from the data integration tools or platforms of the past.
Although a good ETL platform certainly appeared to afford intero‐
perability as a core principle, with many out-of-the-box connectors
supporting hundreds of data formats and protocols (from Java Data‐
base Connectivity [JDBC] to Simple Object Access Protocol
[SOAP]), this, in fact, was a reaction to the complete lack of intero‐
perability in the set of traditional data repositories and tools.
In practice, if your ETL platform of choice did not support a native
connector to a particular proprietary database, enterprise resource
planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), or
business suite, the data was simply forfeited from any integration
project. Conversely, data repositories that did not support an open
data exchange format forced users to work within the confines of
that data repository, often subsisting with rigid, suboptimal, worst-
of-breed, tack-on solutions. The dream of being able to develop a
center of excellence around a single data integration vendor quickly

evaporated as the rigid constraints of the single vendor tightened
with increasing data variety and velocity.

Composable Agile Units

Just as an Agile development team comprises members covering
each talent necessary for full feature development, so the Agile Data‐
Ops toolkit comprises each function necessary to deliver purpose-fit
data in a timely manner. The Agile DataOps toolkit not only allows
you to plug-and-play a particular tool between different vendor,
open source or homegrown solutions, it also allows greater freedom
in deciding the boundaries of your composable Agile units.
This is key when trying to compose Agile DataOps teams and tools
while working within the realities of your available data engineering
and operations skill sets. Whether your data dashboarding team
member is a Tableau or Domo wizard does not determine which
record matching engine you use. If your dashboarding team can
work across many different record matching engines, then your
record matching engine should be able to work across many differ‐
ent dashboarding tools. In stark contrast to the single platform
approach, DataOps thrives in an environment of plug-and-play
tools and capabilities. DataOps tools aspire to the mantra of doing
one thing exceptionally well, and thus when taken together present a
set of nonoverlapping complementary capabilities that align with
your composable units.

Results Import
In practice, however, even DataOps tools can, and often must, over‐
lap in capability. The answer to this apparent redundancy reveals
one of the unique hallmarks of interoperability in the DataOps
stack, namely the tool’s ability to both export and import its results
for common overlapping capabilities. In composing your DataOps
pipeline, this allows your team to decide where best the artifacts and
results of a particular common ability should be natively generated
or imported.
Consider that a data extract tool, a data unification tool, and a data
catalog are each capable of generating a basic dataset profile (record
count, attribute percentage null, etc.):

44 | Chapter 6: Building a DataOps Toolkit

• The data extract tool has direct connectivity to the raw sources
and can use and extract physical properties and even metrics
where available, producing a basic data quality profile.
• The data unification tool, although capable of generating a pro‐
file of the raw data it sees, might not have the same visibility as
the extract tool and would benefit from being able to import the
extract tool’s profile. This same imported profile then sits along‐
side any generated profile, for example of a flat file to which the
unification tool has direct access.
• The data cataloging tool, capable of profiling myriad file for‐
mats, catalogs both the raw datasets and the unified logical data‐
sets, and benefits by importing both the extract tool dataset’s
profiles and the unification tool dataset’s profiles, presenting the
most informative view of the datasets.

Although each tool in the just-described DataOps toolkit is capable

of generating a dataset profile, it is the ability of each tool to both
export and import the dataset profile that is key. This ability allows
the DataOps team great flexibility and control in composing a pipe‐
line, designing around the core nonoverlapping ability of each com‐
ponent, while taking advantage of their import and export
functionality to afford the interoperability of common abilities.

Metadata Exchange
The ability of the DataOps team to rapidly compose, build, and
deploy data unification, cataloging, and analytics pipelines, with
plug-and-play components, seems to present a formidable systems
integration challenge. In DataOps however, the focus of interopera‐
bility is not the need for closer systems integration—for example,
with each tool possessing native support for each other tool—but
rather the need for open interoperable metadata exchange formats.
This objective reveals the second unique hallmark of interoperabil‐
ity in the DataOps stack, namely the ready exchange and enrich‐
ment of metadata.
To illustrate, consider a data element richly decorated with the fol‐
lowing metadata:
Data type: numeric
Description: Total spend

Interoperability | 45
Format: X,XXX.XX

• To a data extraction tool, the data type is immediately valuable

because knowing the data type might allow for faster extraction
and removal of unnecessary type casting or type validation.
• To a data unification tool, the description is immediately valua‐
ble because the description, when presented to an end user or
algorithm, allows for more accurate mapping, matching, or cat‐
• To a dashboarding tool, the data format is immediately valuable
in presenting the raw data to an analyst in a meaningful,
consumer-friendly manner.

To realize these benefits each of our DataOps tools requires the abil‐
ity to both preserve (pass through) this metadata, and the ability to
enrich it. For example, if we’re lucky, the source system already con‐
tains this metadata on the data element. We now require our extrac‐
tion tool to read, preserve, and pass this metadata to the unification
tool. In turn, the unification tool preserves and passes this metadata
to the cataloging tool. If we’re unlucky and the source system is
without this metadata, the extraction tool is capable of enriching the
metadata by casting the element to numeric, the unification tool is
capable of mapping to an existing data element with description
Total spend, and the dashboarding tool applies a typical currency
format X,XXX.XX.
In flowing from source, through extraction, to unification and dash‐
board, the metadata is preserved by each tool by supporting a com‐
mon interoperable metadata exchange format. Equally important to
preserving the metadata, each tool enriches the metadata and expo‐
ses it to each other tool. This interaction is in stark contrast to data
integration practices espoused by schema-first methodologies.
Although metadata pass-through and enrichment are certainly a
secondary requirement to that of data pass-through and enrichment
(which even still remains a challenge for many tools today), it is cer‐
tainly a primary and distinguishing feature of a DataOps tool and is
an essential capability for realizing interoperability in the DataOps

46 | Chapter 6: Building a DataOps Toolkit

One simple paradigm for automation is that every common UI
action or set of actions, and any bulk or data-scale equivalent of
these actions, is also available via a well-formed API. In the DataOps
toolkit, this meeting of the API-first ethos of Agile development
with the pragmatism of DevOps means that any DataOps tool
should furnish a suite of APIs that allow the complete automation of
its tasks.
Broadly speaking, we can consider that these tasks are performed as
part of either continuous or batch automation. Continuous automa‐
tion concerns itself with only a singular phase, namely that of updat‐
ing or refreshing a preexisting state. In contrast, in batch
automation, we encounter use cases that have a well-defined begin‐
ning (usually an empty or zero state), middle, and end, and automa‐
tion is required explicitly around each of these phases. The suite of
APIs that facilitate automation must concern itself equally with con‐
tinuous and batch automation.

Continuous Automation
If the primary challenge of the DevOps team is to streamline the
software release cycle to meet the demands of the Agile develop‐
ment process, so the objective of the DataOps team is to automate
the continuous publishing of datasets and refreshing of every tool’s
results or view of those datasets.
To illustrate continuous automation in a DataOps project, let’s con‐
sider a data dashboarding tool. We might ask the following ques‐
tions of its API suite. Does the tool have the following:

• APIs that allow the updating of fundamental data objects such

as datasets, attributes, and records?
• APIs to update the definition of the dashboard itself to use a
newly-available attribute?
• APIs to update the dashboard’s configuration?
• A concept of internally and externally created or owned objects?
For example, how does it manage conflict between user and API
updates of the same object?
• APIs for reporting health, state, versions, and up-to-dateness?

Automation | 47
The ability of a tool to be automatically updated and refreshed is crit‐
ical to delivering working data and meeting business-critical timeli‐
ness of data. The ease at which the dataset can be published and
republished directly affects the feedback cycle with the data con‐
sumer and ultimately determines the DataOps team’s ability to real‐
ize the goal of shortened lead time between fixes and faster MTTR.

Batch Automation
With most tools already providing sufficient capability to be contin‐
uously updated in an automatic, programmatic manner, it is easy to
overlook the almost distinctly Agile need to spin up and tear down a
tool or set of tools automatically.
Indeed, it is especially tempting to devalue batch automation as a
once-off cost that need only be paid for a short duration at the very
beginning when setting up a longer-term, continuous pipeline.
However, the ability of a tool to be automatically initialized, started,
run, and shut down is a core requirement in the DataOps stack and
one that is highly prized by the DataOps team. Under the tenet of
automate everything, it is essential to achieving responsiveness to
change and short time to delivery.
To illustrate, let’s consider batch automation features for a data uni‐
fication tool. Does the tool have the following:

• APIs that allow the creation of fundamental data objects such as

datasets, attributes, and records?
• APIs to import artifacts typically provided via the UI? For
example, metadata about datasets, annotations and descriptions,
configuration, and setup?
• APIs to perform complex user interactions or workflows? For
example, manipulating and transforming, mapping, matching,
or categorizing data?
• APIs for reporting backup, restore, and shutdown state? For
example, can I ask the tool if shutdown is possible or if it must
be forced?

A tool that can be automatically stood up from scratch and exe‐

cuted, where every step is codified, delivers on the goal of automate
everything and unlocks the tenet of test everything. It is possible to
not only spin up a complete, dataset-to-dashboard pipeline for per‐

48 | Chapter 6: Building a DataOps Toolkit

forming useful work (e.g., data model trials), but also to test the
pipeline programmatically, running unit tests and data flow tests
(e.g., did the metadata in the source dataset pass through success‐
fully to the dashboard?). Batch automation is critical to realizing
repeatability in your DataOps pipelines and a low error rate for
newly published datasets.
As the key components of the DataOps ecosystem continue to
evolve—meeting the demands of ever-increasing data variety and
velocity and offering greater and greater capabilities for delivering
working data—the individual tools that are deemed best of breed for
these components will be those that prioritize interoperability and
automation in their fundamental design.

Automation | 49
Embracing DataOps:
How to Build a Team and Prepare
for Future Trends

Mark Marinelli

So far, we’ve covered the catalyst behind and need for DataOps, the
importance of an Agile mindset, principles and components of the
DataOps ecosystem, and what to expect from a DataOps tool.
But for an organization looking to build a DataOps team, where do
you start? And what are the major trends expected for the future
that your organization should prepare for?

Building a DataOps Team

Technology is undeniably important, but people are also a vital cor‐
nerstone of the DataOps equation. A high-performance DataOps
team rapidly produces new analytics and flexibly responds to mar‐
ketplace demands. They unify the data from diverse, previously
fragmented sources and transform it into a high-quality resource
that creates value and enables users to gain actionable insights. A
key aspect of embracing a DataOps mindset is for data engineering
teams to begin thinking of themselves not as technicians who move
data from source A to report B, but rather as software developers
who employ Agile development practices to rapidly build data appli‐
cations. This requires a combination of skills that might or might
not already exist within your organization, and it requires an organ‐

izational structure that formalizes some new functions and resour‐
ces them accordingly.
We begin by identifying the key functions in the DataOps team. If
you’re versed in data management, the functions might sound famil‐
iar, but the DataOps methodology calls for different skill sets and
working processes than have been traditionally employed, just as the
DevOps approach to software development restructured existing
development teams and tooling. The focus on agility and continu‐
ous iteration necessitates more collaboration across these functions
to build and maintain a solid data foundation amid constantly shift‐
ing sources and demands.
Every large company buys lots of products and services to run their
business, and all of them would like to improve the efficiency of
their supplier relationships, so let’s use supplier data as an example,
looking at three of these functions.

Data Supply
Who owns your internal supplier management systems? Who owns
your relationships with external providers or supplier data? The
answer to these questions, typically found in the CIO’s organization,
is the data source supplier, of which you probably have dozens. As
we transition from database views and SQL queries to data virtuali‐
zation and APIs, from entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) and data
dictionaries to schema-less stores and rich data catalogs, the expect‐
ations for discoverability and access to these sources have increased,
but requirements for controlled access to sensitive data remain. In a
DataOps world, these source owners must work together across
departments and with data engineers to build the infrastructure nec‐
essary so that the rest of the business can take advantage of all data.
A great data supplier can confidently say: “Here are all the sources
that contain supplier data.”

Data Preparation
End users of corporate data don’t care about physical sources, they
care about logical entities: in this case, suppliers. So, they need
someone to prepare data for them that combines raw data from
across all available sources, removes duplication, enriches with val‐
uable information, and can be easily accessed. Effective data prepa‐
ration requires a combination of technical skill to wrangle raw

52 | Chapter 7: Embracing DataOps: How to Build a Team and Prepare for Future Trends
sources and business-level understanding of how the data will be
used. DataOps expands traditional preparation beyond the data
engineers who move and transform data from raw sources to marts
or lakes to also include the data stewards and curators responsible
for both the quality and governance of critical data sources that are
ready for analytics and other applications. The CDO is the ultimate
executive owner of the data preparation function, ensuring that data
consumers have access to high-quality, curated data.
A great data preparation team can confidently say: “Here is every‐
thing we know about supplier X.”

Data Consumption
On the “last mile” of the data supply chain, we have everyone
responsible for using unified data for a variety of outcomes across
analytical and operational functions. In our supplier data example,
we have data analysts building dashboards charting aggregate
spending with each supplier, data scientists building inventory opti‐
mization models, and data developers building Supplier 360 portal
Modern visualization, analysis, and development tools have liber‐
ated these data consumers from some of the constraints of tradi‐
tional business intelligence tools and data marts. However, they still
must work closely with the teams responsible for providing them
with current, clean, and comprehensive datasets. In a DataOps
world, this means providing a feedback loop so that when data
issues are encountered, they aren’t merely corrected in a single dash‐
board but are instead communicated upstream so that actual root
causes can be uncovered and (optimally) corrections can be made
across the entire data community.
A great data consumer can confidently say: “Here are our actual top
10 suppliers by annual spend, now and projected into next year.”

So Where Are They?

Having defined the categories of roles we need, where do we find the
right people? Often, this will require a combination of internal and
external talent. And it’s important to note that some of these roles
are still evolving, so there are no job descriptions that can easily
serve as guidelines.

Building a DataOps Team | 53

Within the data supplier function, everyone’s already in the build‐
ing; you just need to be deliberate about nominating the right source
owners and communicating to the rest of the organization who they
are. A data catalog that has a single user who is accountable for pro‐
viding access to each source and who should be the primary point of
contact regarding issues with the quality of each source is a solid
Data preparation can be more of a challenge because it’s rare when a
single person combines technical skill with data management and a
clear understanding of the business requirements of data. So, you’ll
need to seek out the most business-savvy members of your data
engineering/ETL team and the most tech-savvy members of your
business teams and pair them up. Stand up a project to build an ana‐
lytical application to solve a well-bounded business problem, and
get them started on assembling the necessary data pipelines in col‐
laboration with the consumers of this data.
After you’ve identified the team that can build this pipeline, you
now need to nominate an owner of the output of that preparation
asset. Who is a primary stakeholder in the quality and governance
of this new source? Who knows enough about its usage to improve
quality and enforce governance? When you’ve found your answer,
you’ve found a data steward. Add to this a person who should be
responsible for maintaining information about this source in a data
catalog, so that others know where to look for the best data to solve
a particular problem, and you have a data curator as well.
Data consumption, like data supply, is already everywhere in your
organization. A goal of DataOps is to ensure that these data con‐
sumers can concentrate on the analytical and operational problems
that they want to solve, unencumbered by the difficult work of get‐
ting the useful data they need. You’ve hired some bright (and expen‐
sive) data scientists, and you’d like to hire more, but if they’re
spending the majority of their time wrangling data instead of build‐
ing analytical models, no one is happy. With a robust DataOps data
supply chain behind them, you can free up these skilled users to do
the work for which you hired them. Not only will your data analysts
or other users become more productive, but you can also expand the
set of users who can actually use your data for transformational out‐

54 | Chapter 7: Embracing DataOps: How to Build a Team and Prepare for Future Trends
The good news: filling these roles is becoming easier. The skill set of
the average data professional is increasing. More college students are
learning data analytics and data science, and more traditional infor‐
mation workers are upskilling to include data analytics and data sci‐
ence in their repertoire.

The Future of DataOps

As the challenges associated with Big Data continue to increase
along with enterprises’ demands for easily accessible, unified data,
what does the future of DataOps look like? In the following sections,
I outline four important trends you should expect to see.

The Need for Smart, Automated Data Analysis

Internet of Things (IoT) devices will generate enormous volumes of
data that must be analyzed if organizations want to gain insights—
such as when crops need water or heavy equipment needs service.
John Chambers, former CEO of Cisco, declared that there will be
500 billion connected devices by 2025. That’s nearly 100 times the
number of people on the planet. These devices are going to create a
data tsunami.
People typically enter data into apps using keyboards, mice, or fin‐
ger swipes. IoT devices have many more ways to communicate data.
A typical mobile phone has nearly 14 sensors, including an acceler‐
ometer, GPS, and even a radiation detector. Industrial machines
such as wind turbines and gene sequencers can easily have 100 sen‐
sors; a utility grid power sensor can send data 60 times per second
and a construction forklift once per minute.
IoT devices are just one factor driving this massive increase in the
amount of data enterprises can use. The end result of all of this new
data is that its management and analysis will become more difficult
and continue to strain or break traditional data management pro‐
cesses and tools. Only through increased automation via artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning will this diverse and dynamic
data be manageable economically.

Custom Solutions from Purpose-Built Components

The explosion of new types of data in great volumes has demolished
the (erroneous) assumption that you can master Big Data through a

The Future of DataOps | 55

single platform (assuming that you’d even want to). The attraction of
an integrated, single-vendor platform that turns dirty data into val‐
uable information lies in its ability to avoid integration costs and
The truth is, no one vendor can keep up with the ever-evolving
landscape of tools to build enterprise data management pipelines
and package the best ones into a unified solution. You end up with
an assembly of second-tier approaches rather than a platform com‐
posed of best-of-breed components. When someone comes up with
a better mousetrap, you won’t be able to swap it in.
Many companies are buying applications designed specifically to
acquire, organize, prepare, analyze, and visualize their own unique
types of data. In the future, the need to stitch together purpose-built,
interoperable technologies will become increasingly important for
success with Big Data, and we will see some reference architectures
coalesce, just as we’ve seen historically with LAMP, ELK, and others.
Organizations will need to turn to both open source and commer‐
cial components that can address the complexity of the modern data
supply chain. These components will need to be integrated into end-
to-end solutions, but fortunately they have been built to support the
interoperability necessary to make them work together.

Increased Approachability of Advanced Tools

The next few years of data analysis will require a symbiotic relation‐
ship between human knowledge and technology. With more data in
a variety of formats to deal with, organizations will need to take
advantage of advancements in automation (AI and machine learn‐
ing) to augment human talent.
Simultaneously, knowledge workers will need to improve their tech‐
nical skills to bridge the gaps that technology cannot fill completely.
Only through the combination of automation and increased human
knowledge can organizations solve the problem of getting the right
data to the right users so that they can make smarter, more benefi‐
cial decisions.
As more graduates who have studied data science and/or data engi‐
neering enter the workforce, and as existing knowledge workers
upgrade their skills, the supply of data-proficient workers will
increase. As we see more data management tools package AI/

56 | Chapter 7: Embracing DataOps: How to Build a Team and Prepare for Future Trends
machine learning in cleaner user interfaces, abstracting away the
arcana of their underlying algorithms, we’ll see the barriers to adop‐
tion of these newer techniques lower. These factors combine to form
a powerful dynamic that will accelerate progress in the domain.

Subject Matter Experts Will Become Data Curators and

Organizations will need to think about crowdsourcing when it
comes to data discoverability, maintenance, and quality improve‐
ment. The ultimate people required to make data unification truly
effective are not data engineers, but rather highly contextual recom‐
menders—subject matter experts—who, if directly engaged in the
unification process, can enable a new level of productivity in data
Data consumers—nontechnical users—know customer, sales, HR,
and other data by heart. They can assess the quality of the data and
contribute their expertise to projects to improve data integrity. How‐
ever, they are too busy to devote their time to the focused tasks of
data curation and stewardship. There will be a huge opportunity for
improvement as more people are allowed to work with the data that
they know best and provide feedback on whether the data is accu‐
rate and valuable from within their existing tools and workflows.
Incorporating this data feedback systematically instead of having it
locked up in emails or possibly never provided at all will produce
dramatic gains in the ability to focus data quality efforts on the right
problem sets, to correct issues with source data, and ultimately to
prevent bad data from entering the enterprise in the first place.

A Final Word
Traditional data management techniques are adequate when data‐
sets are static and relatively few. But they break down in environ‐
ments of high volume and complexity. This is largely due to their
top-down, rules-based approaches, which often require significant
manual effort to build and maintain. These approaches are becom‐
ing extinct, quickly.
The future is inevitable—more data, technology advancements, and
an increasing need for curation by subject matter experts. Data uni‐
fication technology will help by connecting and mastering datasets

A Final Word | 57
through the use of human-guided machine learning. The future is
bright for organizations that embrace this new approach.

58 | Chapter 7: Embracing DataOps: How to Build a Team and Prepare for Future Trends
About the Authors
Andy Palmer is cofounder and CEO of Tamr, a data unification
company, which he founded with fellow serial entrepreneur and
2014 Turing Award winner Michael Stonebraker, PhD, adjunct pro‐
fessor at MIT CSAIL; Ihab Ilyas, University of Waterloo; and others.
Previously, Palmer was cofounder and founding CEO of Vertica Sys‐
tems, a pioneering Big Data analytics company (acquired by HP).
During his career as an entrepreneur, Palmer has served as founding
investor, board of directors member, or advisor to more than 50
startup companies in technology, health care, and the life sciences.
He also served as global head of software and data engineering at
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) and as a mem‐
ber of the startup team and chief information and administrative
officer at Infinity Pharmaceuticals. Additionally, he has held posi‐
tions at Bowstreet,, and Trilogy.
Michael Stonebraker is an adjunct professor at MIT CSAIL and a
database pioneer who specializes in database management systems
and data integration. He was awarded the 2014 A.M. Turing Award
(known as the “Nobel Prize of computing”) by the Association for
Computing Machinery for his “fundamental contributions to the
concepts and practices underlying modern database systems as well
as their practical application through nine startup companies that he
has founded.”
Professor Stonebraker has been a pioneer of database research and
technology for more than 40 years, and is the author of scores of
papers in this area. Before joining CSAIL in 2001, he was a professor
of computer science at the University of California Berkeley for 29
years. While at Berkeley, he was the main architect of the INGRES
relational DBMS, the object-relational DBMS POSTGRES, and the
federated data system Mariposa. After joining MIT, he was the prin‐
cipal architect of C-Store (a column store commercialized by Ver‐
tica), H-Store, a main memory OLTP engine (commercialized by
VoltDB), and SciDB (an array engine commercialized by Para‐
digm4). In addition, he has started three other companies in the Big
Data space, including Tamr, oriented toward scalable data integra‐
tion. He also cofounded the Intel Science and Technology Center for
Big Data, based at MIT CSAIL.
Nik Bates-Haus is a technology leader with more than two decades
of experience building data engineering and machine learning tech‐
nology for early-stage companies. Currently, he is a technical lead at
Tamr, a machine learning–based data unification company, where
he leads data engineering, machine learning, and implementation
efforts. Prior to Tamr, he was director of engineering and lead archi‐
tect at Endeca, where he was instrumental in the development of the
search pioneer, which Oracle acquired for $1.1 billion. Previously,
he delivered machine learning and data-integration platforms with
Torrent Systems, Thinking Machines Corporation, and Philips
Research North America. He has a master’s degree in computer sci‐
ence from Columbia University.
Liam Cleary is a technical lead at Tamr, where he leads data engi‐
neering, machine learning, and implementation efforts. Prior to
Tamr, he was a post-doctoral associate at MIT, researching quantum
dissipative systems, before working as an internal consultant at Ab
Initio, a data integration platform. He has a PhD in electrical engi‐
neering from Trinity College Dublin.
Mark Marinelli is a 20-year veteran of enterprise data management
and analytics software. Currently, Mark is the Head of Product at
Tamr, where he drives a product strategy that aligns innovation in
data unification with evolving customer needs. Previously, Mark
held roles in engineering, product management, and technology
strategy at Lucent Technologies, Macrovision, and most recently
Lavastorm, where he was Chief Technology Officer.

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