GF54.21-W-0009H Central Gateway (CGW) Control Unit, Component Description 12.04.2019

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GF54.21-W-0009H Central gateway (CGW) control unit, component description 12.04.


Model 963, 964

The central gateway (CGW) control unit (A2) is in the electronics
compartment on the passenger side.
A2 Central gateway control unit (CGW)


Task Network management

The central gateway (CGW) control unit forms the central interface of The central gateway (CGW) control unit is responsible for selectively
the network and is connected to the following bus systems: waking up the connected control units and making them sleep. All
Exterior CAN (CAN 1) control units are woken up if a message is sent to a bus system. Sleep
Interior CAN (CAN 2) is initiated only when all control units have signaled sleep readiness.
Frame CAN (CAN 3) As a result, synchronization occurs at sleep time.
Telematics CAN (CAN 9) Bus termination resistors
Diagnostic CAN (CAN 10) Bus termination resistors are used to avoid reflections that would lead
to the falsification of actual information. The characteristic impedance
Routing data
of the electrical line is the determining factor for the bus terminating
The main task of the central gateway (CGW) control unit is to route
individual CAN messages between the connected CAN bus systems.
This means, for example, messages from the interior CAN are placed The bus terminating resistors of the following bus systems are installed
on the frame CAN. The central gateway (CGW) control unit only knows in the central gateway (CGW) control unit:
which messages are to be routed to which CAN bus, but not which Frame CAN
control unit has to receive the individual messages. Telematics CAN
Control unit monitoring Diagnostic CAN
The central gateway (CGW) control unit monitors all control units for Virtual control units
failure, except itself and the components of the electronic brake Virtual control units are not equipped with their own housing. They are
system (EBS). In the process, it checks whether a control unit is integrated into the hardware and software of other control units.
actively participating in the bus traffic. If a control unit does not send a However, they appear as independent control units in the diagnosis.
message for a long period of time, it assumes there is a failure and The following control units are implemented as virtual control units in
issues a corresponding fault code. In addition, depending on the the central gateway (CGW) control unit:
equipment installed, the failure is displayed as follows: Central data memory (CDS) (A2 a1)
Vehicles before model generation 5 Communications interface (COM) control unit (A2 a2)
In the instrument cluster control unit (ICUC) (A1) Maintenance system (MS) control unit (A2 a3)
Vehicles as of model generation 5
In the instrument cluster control unit (ICUC) (with code J6A (Classic
In the instrument cluster screen (ICS) control unit (A153) (with
code J6B (Multimedia cockpit) or with code J6C (Multimedia
cockpit, interactive))

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