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Dear Mr./Ms. _______________;

This formalizes in writing your employment status, terms and


Effective [date] and upon confirmation of the terms and conditions

enumerated below, your employment status with the [Company] will be
based on the details below:


[Specify position] [Specify project to work on]

Employment Status
Project based employee, co-terminus with the existing [specify project]

Terms and Conditions of Project Employee Status

It is understood that your employment is dependent upon the existence
of the project for which you were hired to work on. Upon the completion of
the project or the completion of the project phase for which you were hired,
whichever is applicable, your employment is automatically terminated due
to end of contract.

Project completion shall mean end of contract between the company

and the client for whatever reason.

Subsequent offer by the company to work on the same project under a

new employment contract shall not be construed to mean continuance of
your previous employment contract or change of your status to a non-project
based employee.

Transfer to another project shall terminate this employment contract

and shall be covered by a new employment contract. It is understood that
every new project based employment contract is separate from the previous
one, if any.
Hours of Work
The normal hours of work will be [days, time]. Nothing however in
this agreement shall be construed as in anyway diminishing or affecting our
sole right to require overtime work, changes in shifting work schedules and
or/work on rest days or holidays and to effect such other personnel-related

Salary and Allowance

Effective [date], your basic salary shall be [the daily minimum wage
prescribed by law] or [specify amount agreed upon]

Other Benefits
• SSS, Pag-ibig, Philhealth and all other government mandated
• Thirteenth Month Pay
• (e.g. Health Card upon regularization)
• (e.g. Trainings)
• (e.g. Office uniform allowance)

Vacation Leave and Sick Leave

You shall be entitled to [#] working days of Vacation Leave (VL)
upon [specify conditions for entitlement]

You will also be entitled to [#] working days of Sick Leave (SL)
[specify conditions for entitlement]. SL may only be availed of for actual
sickness, which must be supported by proper documents to be filed with the

[Optional: specify if unused leaves are convertible to cash or carried

over to next term, etc.]


[Terms if applicable]

Intellectual Property
All intellectual property relating in any way to our business activities,
including all works, system and procedures, inventions, techniques, ideas,
concepts, designs, developments and improvements made during the course
of your employment or with the use of any of our time, materials or
facilities, whether made or conceived by you alone or with others, is our
property, You must promptly disclose to us all such intellectual property.
You must execute all documents and do all such things as may be
necessary to confirm or perfect our right or title to or interest in such
intellectual property, provided that we will bear all associated cost and

Post Employment Restraint (optional)

You will not for a period of [# of days/weeks/months] after the
termination of your employment with the [company] for any reason:

i. Seek employment or be employed in any capacity in the existing

project where you are assigned/hired;

ii. Apply or accept a position, either on a contractual, job order, or

consultancy of any nature or kind, with a company in direct
competition with [company] when the work involved is similar or
directly or indirectly connected with your work in the [company].

iii. Solicit or deal with any existing or prospective customer of the

company or any of its client/s with whom you have had dealings
during the course of your employment, either on a direct, indirect
or sub-contractor basis, or by referral from a third party;

iv. Loiter or visit the client’s premises except for purposes of work/job

This post-employment restraint shall commence from the last working

day actually attended or as soon as cleared.

In the event of violation of above stated conditions, [state penalties or

legal repercussions].

Other Terms of Employment

Other terms of your employment are set out in the Company Manual
(which may vary from time to time), which is part of your Contract of

Due to the nature of your employment and work/services being

delivered to our client, your employment may be ended by you by filing a
written resignation at least [#] days prior to the effectivity of your intended
date of cessation. [Specify penalty in case of failure give notice of
resignation within the specified number of days].

Your services or employment may be terminated by us or by our

client at any time or be pre-terminated immediately for justifiable and
authorized causes provided by law or as may be provided in existing and
future contracts/agreements, and existing or future rules and regulations, the
following shall also constitute grounds for termination:

i. Breach or violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement;

ii. Your consistent failure to meet the performance standards agreed
upon with our client/your superior and you
iii. Written request/directive of our client-Contracting Party
iv. Loss of Confidence;
v. Any case of indiscretion arising from any amount of money or
property handled;
vi. Direct or Indirect solicitation of Cash or any form of gift or
gratuity from client/s and their principals;
vii. Failure to disclose in writing any receipt or acceptance of any cash,
tip/s, gift/s or equivalent kind received from any client/s;

viii. Providing confidential information, unauthorized written or

unwritten reports to any party and such other acts that may violate
the contract with the client/s;

ix. If you are accused, charged, or convicted of any criminal offense,

which in our or our client/s opinion affects the integrity and
reputation of our or our client/s company and/or your performance
and position.

x. Violation of rules, regulations such as but not limited to excessive

absenteeism and tardiness and other guidelines that may be
imposed by the company.

xi. Other cases analogous to the foregoing.

Performance Standard Criteria

[Specify the criteria for which the employee’s performance will be
based upon] [Include tasks, responsibilities, deliverables, and expectations
for the position]

This Contract of Employment and the Company Manual supersedes

all previous agreements, contracts or letters of offer made about your
employment and, unless otherwise provided, embodies the entire agreement
between us.

In accepting the foregoing terms and conditions of employment, you

acknowledged that you have not relied upon any prior or concurrent
undertaking, representation, warranty or agreement, oral, written or
otherwise, other than as provided.
We look forward to a productive and mutually rewarding relationship
with you.



I, ______________________ have read and fully understood the

foregoing terms and conditions of my employment with the [COMPANY]
including those stipulated in its company manual or handbook. I hereby
conform, agree and accept the said nature, terms and conditions of my

I sign at __________________, on _______________this ____ day of

______________ 20__.

Project Based Employee

[project name]



-----------------------------------) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of _____________,

personally appeared:

Name ID/CTC No. Date/Place Issued

Known to me and to me known to be the same person who executed the

foregoing instrument which is an employment contract and acknowledged
that the foregoing nature, terms and conditions of employment have been
accepted and made voluntarily of his own free act and voluntary deed.
____________ 201_ at _____________.

Doc. No.: ___

Page No.: ___
Book No.: ___
Series of 20__.

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