Sensodyne Compaign Review, Group E

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Sensodyne Pakistan

Campaign Review

Institute of Business Administration (IBA)

Instructor: Mr. Najeeb Agrawalla
Course: Marketing Management (2112)
Group E – EMBA 16
* Amber Aslam -18217
* Maria Hameed-15348
* Syeda Madiha Rizvi-18254
* Tooba Siddiqui-18237
* Yousuf Mehmood-15577

1. Executive Summary........................................................................................ 2
2. Introduction ................................................................................................... 4
a. Theme and concept ................................................................................. 4
b. Demonstration.......................................................................................... 5
c. Message Execution ................................................................................... 5
3. Offerings ........................................................................................................ 7
a. Product & brand ....................................................................................... 7
b. Stage in product life cycle ......................................................................... 7
c. Market Share ............................................................................................ 8
4. Communication objectives ............................................................................ 9
5. Target Audience ........................................................................................... 10
6. Message Design ........................................................................................... 12
a. Appeal .................................................................................................... 12
b. Structure ................................................................................................. 12
c. Format .................................................................................................... 13
d. Source ..................................................................................................... 13
7. Media .......................................................................................................... 14
a. Placement ............................................................................................... 14
b. Time/date/day etc. ................................................................................. 19
c. Costs ....................................................................................................... 20
8. Critique ........................................................................................................ 22
a. Positive ................................................................................................... 22
b. Negative ................................................................................................. 22
c. Recommendations .................................................................................. 22
9. Bibliography ................................................................................................. 23

Sensodyne Rapid Action

1. Executive Summary

Do you get twinges when you eat or drink certain foods? If yes, did you know that
about 42% of people in Pakistan suffer from sensitivity and do nothing about it? To
ease their pain, what people do is that they change their lifestyle and change their
eating habits, thinking that it is the food that they are consuming is causing them
tooth ache. But what they don’t know is that sensitivity is the problem, and a
simple solution is to change their toothpaste.

It is observed that people usually take coffees and tea during day time specially in
busy schedules to relieve stress, whereas ice cream and cold beverages specially in
summers. Accordingly, the use of hot and cold food together leads to sensitivity
which sometime can occur at one intake and sometimes with recurring use of a

To seek remedy, people change their life style by avoiding and reducing
consumption of such food items as precautionary measures rather than diagnosing
the main problem. Sensodyne Rapid Action is based on this theme to help people
make aware and cure their problem of sensitivity, and make them change their
toothpaste rather than changing their lifestyle.

Sensodyne is a product of GSK Consumer Sensodyne is considered to be the No.1

Healthcare Pakistan limited Dentist Recommended Brand for sensitive
teeth in Pakistan. It offers a range of
The company started local manufacturing toothpastes which are clinically proven to
of Sensodyne in Pakistan in 2004, entering provide sensitivity relief with twice daily
into Oral Care with one of the top brushing.
toothpaste in the sensitivity sector world-

Sensodyne Rapid Action


The product portfolio of Sensodyne includes 8 variants of toothpastes, a mouth

wash and toothbrushes which are suitable for people with sensitive teeth.

Sensodyne Rapid Action

2. Introduction

Sensodyne is a range of toothpaste produced by GSK around 30 years back,

however, Sensodyne Rapid Action was introduced in 2012 based on company’s
vision that states:

“We're dedicated to creating a future where every life is sensitivity-free

As GSK is a health care organization, therefore every product is science based and
has scientific reason for solving the problem.

Sensodyne Rapid Action has its proposition that is gives relief from sensitivity,
which is a unique selling point. Whereas it is a daily use toothpaste, and packaging
also mentions to use it twice a day for good oral hygiene and gives an additional
point of combatting sensitivity.

Its Tagline/Slogan is - World’s no1 sensitivity toothpaste

In January 2018, GSK relaunched Rapid Action in Pakistan, which is the largest
variant in terms of volume. It was a 360 holistic campaign.

a) Theme and concept:

The theme and concept is to link is to create awareness in both segments that are
consumers and dentists. In Pakistan, 42% of the population suffers from the
problem of sensitivity and they do nothing about it.
It gives a 60 seconds claim and fast solutions to sensitivity as people are busy don’t
have time.
Dentists were doing a good job of letting people know they have a sensitivity pain,
however more needs to be done. Sufferers were blaming food and drink, not teeth,
so weren’t mentioning it to their Dentist. And so Dentists weren’t aware that so

Sensodyne Rapid Action


many people suffered. Sensodyne needed to target both Dentists and sufferers, to
create a two way environment of better awareness of this oral health condition.

b) Demonstration:
Though the advertisement of 30 seconds, the target was to achieve following
 To define a problem by associating it with food types and by stating that:

“You are about to feel about real people experiencing the sensitivity

In this statement, the company wants to emphasize not a people from

particular profession as in earlier advertisement, where doctors were stating
that “As they feel sensitivity, so they use Sensodyne and as its works for them
that is why they are recommending it to masses”
 To highlight the product’s competitiveness and result by stating claim of relief in
just 60 seconds.
 To associate the results with statement” Beat sensitivity pain Fast”. The words
highlighted in the advertisement shows that the product is providing you a
solution with distinction over other that are TO BEAT (solution) and FAST(
distinction over others).
 To substantiate the outcome and product’s performance by clinically proven

c) Message Execution:
The message was executed through a 30 seconds when it shows people are
suffering from sensitivity reflected by their expressions and after that doctors are
recommending them Sensodyne rapid action for relief. It starts silently with white

Sensodyne Rapid Action


background and shots of individuals and then it followed by voice of cold water to
build up the sense of pain it cause when you have it.

Traditionally, advertise starts from claim and lot of noise and gets silent towards
the end. The reasons for reversing the pattern of advertise is to draw more
attention towards advertise that why their television becomes silent all of sudden
and thus another tactic for bringing their attention towards the advertisement.

Sensodyne Rapid Action

3. Offerings

a) Product and Brand:

Sensodyne is a premium toothpaste brand among others such as Colgate Sensitive,
Oral B, and Medicam etc. The reason is basically the formula for specific purpose
which differentiates it from others and it justifies on ground of additional
innovation and research carried out by manufacturer. That is why Sensodyne rapid
action is 3 times more expensive than other brands.

There are 8 variants of Sensodyne which are divided into three main categories
and are categorized on their scientific benefits:
 Basic Range – e.g. Sensodyne Original
 Medium Range – e.g. Deep Clean, with additional features of mint and
brushing experience
 Advanced Range – e.g. rapid action, gives relief in 60 seconds; repair and
protect sensitivity - build a layer on enamel
Sensodyne rapid action is available in various SKUs (product items):
 30 gm for Rs. 75
 70 gm for Rs.180
 100gm for Rs. 195

b) Stage in product life cycle:

Sensodyne rapid action is in introductory stage moving towards growth phase
where it is focusing to bring awareness among consumer through its proposition.
Its share is rapidly rising as people become aware, and considers Sensodyne better
than its competitors such as Colgate Sensitive and Colgate Pro-relief. Another
advantage that Sensodyne has in this domain is that Sensodyne positioned brand
in sensitivity area predominantly whereas for Colgate Sensitive is not a main
stream product but a line extension.

Sensodyne Rapid Action


As moving towards growth stage, company is doing intensive distribution and

trying to take more shelf space and market share. Moreover GSK is doing lot of
promotion activities to push it in market to maximize market share, cognitive of
the fact that its product is crucial in terms of promotion and distribution because
it’s not toothpaste for mass market of regular users but is for special purpose
under certain circumstances.

c) Market Share:
Sensodyne is the third largest brand in Pakistan in Oral Care Sector with Colgate
being the first and Medicam on second. Total oral care market is of Rs.13 billion
with 3.5% annual growth.
It captures almost Rs. 1.7 billion 12.8% of the market share of Pakistan.

Sensodyne Rapid Action

3. Communication 9


GSK contended to have below communication objectives from Sensodyne rapid


 To enter into sensitivity segment of oral care in Pakistan after having strong
global presence and taking the advantage as no player in oral care segment
in Pakistan has such dominance.
 It worked on AIDA model (Awareness-Interest-Desire-Action model). In first
phase of introduction, Sensodyne created awareness regarding causes of
sensitivity pain.
 Second phase was to create interest and then was successfully met by
associating it with the science and dentist give assurance. Their qualifications
based on 9 out of 10 doctors are recommending Sensodyne.
 Third objective is to create desire and for that it was catered with claim of
pain relief in 60seconds which attracted target audience directly, as the
source was aware that its target audience is time conscious and need quick
solutions and remedies. Moreover company creates the desire through
intensive distribution and promotion as well.
 Company keeps on changing advertisement like the recent one with ad
clutter technique to grab the attention of customers in order to retain
presence in long term memory of customer.

Sensodyne Rapid Action

4. Target Audience

Sensodyne rapid action was introduced to target audience of 25 years and above
as it’s a premium product and for niche class and Urban areas.

Who qualifies as the target audience?

a. Consumers


* Age- 25 above
* Gender- Male and female
* Education-Well educated
* Income Range- Fairly affluent
* Lifestyle- Modern, Busy
* Race and ethnicity- All races


* Perception- Consumers who are concerned about their oral health and
* Mostly well settled and well to do income generating consumer. People less
than 25 years are not considered because they are mostly dependents, nor
do they make decisions for themselves. People 25 years and above are
definitely not dependent and mostly salaried people who do their grocery
alone and go for expensive brand for quicker relief.

b. Dentists

Irrespective of their demographics dentists are also targeted to spread the

message across about the benefits from using Sensodyne to combat sensitivity.

Sensodyne Rapid Action


c. Shop Keepers
They are an important target audience as they connect the company with the

How large the audience is?

Sensodyne is a mid-priced variant and targets the following Socio Economic

Classification (SEC) of Pakistan

* SEC A – It is the most educated and affluent group in urban Pakistan, they
are the chief earners, professionals and this class is the heaviest consumer of
packaged goods and media. The largest SKU (100gm) is targeted to this class.
* SEC B – exhibits the characteristics of an upper-middle class and SKU of 70
gms is targeted to this class
* SEC C – exhibits the characteristics of Lower Middle class and SKU of 30 gms
is targeted to this class

The above classes constitute around 33% or Pakistan’s population.

GSK advertises throughout the year. For Sensodyne Rapid Action, the campaign
started in November 2018 and it started its advertisement from December 2018.

The target audience is located in Urban Areas

Sensodyne Rapid Action

5. Message Design

a) Appeal
Appeal of advertisement is real consumer faces so that it relates directly to a
common person and not with any celebrity or any character. This is to gain
attention of the people watching TV. It is also known as clutter breaking. TVC
started in January 2019.

Clinically proven to relieve sensitivity pain in just 60 seconds
Rapid relief and long lasting protection

Its theme and art works are designed to support the claims. Like a bullet shape to
represent the speed of pain recovery. Color combination is vibrant (Purple and
blue) and linking with the consumer on the basis of expression.
Appeal of advertisement is real consumer faces so that it relates directly to a
common person and not with any celebrity or any character. This is to gain
attention of the people watching TV. It is also known as clutter breaking. TVC
started in January 2019.

b) Structure:
Structure of message is conclusive that is problem and remedy along with
associated people imagery. First it represents the problem that people relate it
well with their own eating habits and then solution is provided with strong claim
that it relief sensitivity in just 60 sec and its clinically proven. Strong argument is
given in end due to regency effect.

TVC starts with silence and the background is pure white. Then the sound of
drinking water starts, its clutter breaking and then again it becomes silent. The
silence is to divert the consumer’s attention to wonder what happened.

Sensodyne Rapid Action


c) Format:
Message contains simple words, images with expressions and support with no
voice due to clutter effect. No dialogues and discussions for good and bad to divert
attention, instead simplicity and calmness were adopted in the message to
communicate the problem in first stage and then claim to provide remedy.

d) Source:
The source of message is selected based on brand’s image and its scientific
background and which is expert’s opinions. The reasons being that there is culture
of believe in Pakistan especially on doctor’s recommendation even if they are not
viable and reasons behind this are lack of knowledge and awareness. In this case,
definitely expert opinion is backed by giant pharmaceutical statistical data so
source credibility is very high.

Sensodyne Rapid Action

6. Media

GSK uses both Above the Line (ATL) and Below the Line (BTL) advertising to
promote its products.

ATL is where mass media is used to promote brands and reach out to the target
audience. These include conventional methods such as Television Commercials
(TVCs), Radio Advertising, print media as well as internet.

Below the line advertising is more one to one and involves distribution of
pamphlets, promotions, brochures placed at point of sale, product demos,
sampling at busy places like malls, market places, etc.
Total spend of media campaign is given below:

BRAND Spends (Rs) Index GRPs CPRP

Sensodyne 25 to 30 million 1,836 14,878

a) Placement:
(1) Above the Line

GSK employees various Advertising Agencies for production of its TVCs and its main
Media buying agency is Ad-Com that buys and monitors its TVC, Radio spots and
for print media.

ATL caters to all target audiences whether they are consumers, dentists or

Sensodyne Rapid Action


 Television:
When a product is launched, a longer version of TVC is first made of
approximately 30 Seconds for the 1st month. Then for the second month, TVCs
of 15 seconds are shown and then alternate of 15 and 6 seconds adapts.

Sensodyne was launched in November 2018 and the TVC started appearing
from December 2018. The company first tries to grow organically, through its
distribution channel and increase its reach to the consumer at every corner so
that it’s highly visible to the consumers. Once it has reached the market, then
they assess the consumers and response. Then to enhance the demand,
company assesses that currently how much they are getting and how much
they can get from advertisement and thus they allocate their budget

On television, commercials were run on various TV channels some of which are

mentioned below mentioned channels:

Entertainment News Sports Music

ARY Digital Geo News Geo Sports ARY Music
Hum TV TV one

Sensodyne Rapid Action


 Radio:
In radio, Sensodyne has largest share in oral care sector.

Target audience stays the same in this channel as well. It contain 10 seconds
voice over that talks about Sensodyne’s claim and features. It is a totally
functional message and it is strategic decision to spend more on Radio
advertisement, whereas its competitors doesn’t spend that highly on Radio.

 Print Media:
Article and posters are printed on Dental Journal, dental newsletters. As the
target audience are Dentists, the articles talk about science and formulation
behind the product and its effects from daily use. The advertisements take the

Sensodyne Rapid Action


premium place in the journals / newsletters i.e. the first, last or the middle page
of the journal.
Below are newspaper in which Sensodyne rapid action advertised:
* Dental news
* Ummat
* Express Tribune
* The News.

 Digital Media
Sensodyne Facebook page and Instagram pages very actively update about all its

Sensodyne Rapid Action


(2) Below the Line

BTL is targeted to specific audience.

 Karachi Eat and Lahore Eat

Kiosks were set up January, with 3 days full of activities, celebrity hosts and
* Hina Altaf was invited to be he celebrity host
 Activation in 16 markets and 10 cities, in which company was giving prizes.
 Sponsored Plays by Copy Kat in “Naach Na Janay” and there was setup of

Sensodyne Rapid Action


GSK sponsored events like dental conferences that targeted dentists.

Engagement with different trade channels high selling marts like Hypermarts,
Carrefour, Imtiaz, etc. where dedicated trade tools are placed. These different
shops and marks are shortlisted based on volume, Place different tools for
consumers with claims and communications so that the product proposition stands
out in front of buyer and that communication and decision making is easier for the

Other ways they have targeted shopkeepers are through Trade allowance, sales
promotions, etc.

b) Time

GSK advertises throughout the year to its targeted products. Prime time is the
most important and most is spent on prime time compared to non-prime. Prime
time is considered to be (7pm to 10pm)

Sensodyne Rapid action

Peak Non Peak

52% 48%

Share on Spend Share on voice

Sensodyne Rapid Action


* % for January 2019

c) Cost: Medium wise spend

Company informs the media buying agency about the presence it requires and the
budget it has. Afterwards, it’s the job of media buying agency to plan accordingly
based on channel rating. Normally spots are planned on CPRP (cost per rating
points and channels rating at any given period).

In case of Sensodyne, spending on spots increased during World Oral Health Day,
and on News channels in February – March 2018 when Pakistan-India Dispute
arose. People were more interested to watch news channels instead of
entertainment or sports channels, hence spend increased on news channels.

On average, Sensodyne had spending of PKR 25 to 30 million per month on ATL

advertising. The largest spent was on TVCs, followed by BTL advertising and then
on Ratio and Print Media (10 to 15%)

The largest spent is on Entertainment channels followed by News and other.

Radio Print
10% 5%



Sensodyne Rapid Action


Sensodyne Rapid Action

Entertainment News Sports Music



4% 6%
2% 1%

Share on spend Share on Voice

Sensodyne Rapid Action

7. Critique

Sensodyne gives a functional message which is very different from others products
that gives emotional message such as “Tazgi ka ehsaas”. It is however, very realistic
and bit monotonous, talking about sensitivity and its cure and that’s its solvable.

a) Positives
 Science driven, always work; based on research and study
 9 out of 10 dentists recommend it for sensitivity and daily use.

b) Negatives

* A general perception is that people use Sensodyne as a medicine and not

daily use toothpaste.
* It has only 12% market share compared to Colgate or Medicam which is very
* People generally don’t want to appear sick or ill.
* This is very temporary solution although one has to visit dentist for
consultation if sensitivity exists as it does not treat it.

c) Recommendations
We believe that Sensodyne should also bring in more attractiveness to move
away from its perception of medicinal toothpaste. This will help them cater
larger market and help more people in combatting the problem of sensitivity.

Moreover Sysnsodyne needs to pitch the brand via strong appeal in message
and advertisement; recommendation is to take any celebrity to make it
attractive for masses. Advertisement should show after use effects on people to
show endorsement regarding brand uniqueness.

Sensodyne Rapid Action

8. Bibliography


Sensodyne Rapid Action

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