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Appropriate Care in the Appropriate Facility 11
Leadership in Specialized and Specialty Care 11
Assistance to LGU Health Management 11
Strengthening of Public-Private Cooperation 12
Manpower 13
Physical Plant, Equipment and Materials 13
Finance 13
Systems 13
Community Linkage 14
Monitoring and Evaluation 14




Heart and Lung Centers 30
Kidney and Transplant Centers 32
Oncology Centers 34
Orthopedic Centers 36
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Centers 38
Centers for Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine 40
Brain Centers 42
Psychiatry Centers 44
Eye Centers 46
Dermatology Centers 48
Diabetes Control Centers 50
Trauma Centers 52
Burn Treatment Centers 54
Biomarine Poisoning and Toxicology Centers 56
Centers for Traditional and Alternative Medicine 58
Women’s Health Center 60
Neonatology Centers 62
Geriatric Centers 64
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health


“All for Health towards Health for All”


The Philippine Hospital Development Plan (PHDP) supports the national agenda of health
sector reform through the establishment, development and enhancement of the edificial and
operational aspects of hospitals as integral to the overall healthcare delivery. The PHDP
was first developed in 2000as a ten-year plan to address the transition scenario of the
devolution of health service delivery by virtue of R.A. 7160, or the Local Government
Code of 1991.

Health facilities development, particularly the upgrading of hospitals in the periphery,

including provincial and district hospitals, was defined as a Department of Health (DOH)
policy thrust in A.O. 18 s. 1998, which articulated the vision of “quality health care
available to every Filipino especially the poor.” The Health Sector Reform Agenda
(HSRA), per A.O. 51 s. 1999 further defined areas of reform that included upgrading
critical capacities of public hospitals to improve quality of services, improve efficiency,
and adopt revenue enhancement measures.

The PHDP sought to contribute in enabling a responsive hospital system that ensures
equitable quality health care. Its objectives included providing policy direction and
technical support in health service planning, upgrading of hospitals to meet standards
according to respective service capabilities, developing specialty and sub-specialty centers
among the DOH regional hospitals, and establishing the Philippine Center for Specialized
Healthcare as end-referral, training and research facility.

In 2000, the total estimated resources required for investments in health infrastructure,
medical and information technology equipment amounted to 46.8 billion pesos for ten
years. The estimates covered for 250 provincial and district hospitals, 15 city hospitals, and
72 DOH hospitals. Between 2001 and 2006, capital outlay funds from the national
government were only minimal and sporadic, and some hospital upgrading projects
depended on foreign-assisted projects. Income retention in DOH hospitals became a special
provision in the General Appropriations Act, FY 2003.

A.O. 2005-0023 provided for the implementation of FOURmulaONE for Health (F1 for
Health), the medium-term framework for health reforms from 2005 to 2010. To achieve
the end goal of a more responsive health system, and striving to ensure access to and
availability of essential and basic health packages, one strategy under health service
delivery was the upgrading of health facilities and strengthening of corresponding human
resource capability in order to comply with licensing and accreditation requirements, as
well as to assure the quality of both basic and specialized health services. In 2007, the
PHDP expanded to include other hospitals under the government agencies such as the
Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine National Police, and those under State
Universities and Colleges (SUCs). In 2008, the plan further expanded to include health
facilities such as barangay health stations, rural health centers, health laboratories, blood
service facilities, among others. The PHDP served as the macro plan for the Health
Facilities Enhancement Program (HFEP).

The HFEP‟s objectives included upgrade of priority RHC‟s and BHS‟s to provide basic
obstetrical and neonatal care (BEmONC) services; upgrade of levels 1 and 2 government
hospitals to provide BEmONC and help decongest large tertiary hospitals; upgrade of
level 2 and tertiary government hospitals to provide Comprehensive Emergency
Obstetrical and Neonatal Care (CEmONC) services; and upgrade of DOH medical
centers and hospitals to provide specialty and sub-specialty services. HFEP sources of
funding were mainly from the national government – in the GAA, including
Congressional initiatives, “Katas ng VAT”, and selected programs of the DOH.

Recognizing the gains from the implementation of the HSRA and F1 for Health, but
emphasizing that the country still needed a breakthrough in the equity and access to critical
health services of poor Filipino families, A.O. 2010-0036 first enunciated the DOH agenda
towards achieving Universal Health Care, or KalusuganPangkalahatan. The agenda‟s
approaches included expanding the capacity of government owned and operated hospitals
and health facilities to provide quality services to help attain the health-related targets of
the Millennium Development Goals, attend to traumatic injuries and other types of
emergencies, and manage non-communicable diseases and their complications. As also
provided, the HFEP shall leverage funds for improved preparedness of targeted facilities.

Between 2010 and 2014, HFEP provided infrastructure funding to 1,199 hospitals and
infirmaries for 11.7 billion pesos, and to rural health units (RHU) and city health offices
(CHO) for 5.2 billion pesos. Funding for medical equipment of 1,092 hospitals and
infirmaries was worth 6.3 billion pesos and 2.9 billion pesos for 3,154 RHU‟s and CHO‟s.
Infrastructure funding amounted to a yearly average3.4 billion pesos, and equipment
funding to 1.8 billion pesos.

Aligned to the country‟s long-term vision enshrined in AmBisyonNatin 2040, A.O. 2016-
0038 defined the Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022 (PHA), committed to make every
Filipino‟s right to health tangible, in line with the promise of real positive change thepeople
can feel. Of the three guarantees of the PHA, health facility development serves to
contribute in the access to health interventions through functional service delivery
networks, where facilities in the network are ensured fully-equipped and staffed, and
primary care networks are linked to Level 3 hospitals and centers that provide specialty
care. The PHA guidelines also provide for the transformation of select DOH hospitals into
facilities with multi-specialty training capabilities and reference laboratories.

The DOH‟s Health Facility Development Bureau (HFDB), in pursuit of its mission to
provide leadership and technical expertise for the continuous development of health
facilities as effective and dynamic providers of quality care, is mandated to develop plans,
policies, programs, projects and strategies related to health facility development, planning,
operation and maintenance. It is in this context that the HFDB took the initiative and
facilitated the review and update of the PHDP as consistent with the PHA, AmBisyonNatin
2040, as well as the country‟s commitment to the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. The PHDP 2017-2022 purposefully focuses on the further development of
DOH and other government hospitals as intended in the HSRA, and

currently in the PHA, and its framework is expected to pave strategic direction and
consistent, complementing focus to the development needs of the larger spectrum of health
facilities in the Philippines.


The PHA, marching under the banner of Healthy Philippines 2022, trumpeting the clarion
call “All for Health towards Health for All,” and taking stock of the milestones and
persisting challenges in the last thirty years of the pursuit of health sector reform,
recognizes issues that the sector needs to address to meet our guarantee in responsiveness,
or in the promotion and delivery of healthcare through means that respect, value and
empower clients and patients as they interact with the health system. The addressing of
needs in the development of hospitals and other health facilities should step up to the
challenge, resolve the lingering perception of poor quality and undignified provision of
care as indicated by long queues and waiting times, poor keeping of and irretrievable health
records, overcrowding and under-provision of care, among others. These are echoes from
when the PHDP was formulated in 2000 to address the irrational distribution of services in
the Philippine Hospital System due to the devolution of health services, and the DOH only
retaining seven percent of the facilities.

The implementation of the PHDP had a sluggish start in getting the needed resources for
hospital development, but the last medium term was able to provide the most capital
investing seen in decades through the HFEP, buoyed also by allocations from revenues in
the implementation of R.A. 10351 or, the Sin Tax Law. As ofyear2015, 70 DOH hospitals,
685 LGU hospitals, 2,626 rural and urban health centers, and 2,862 barangay health stations
have benefited from the HFEP. The update of the PHDP in line with Healthy Philippines
2022 should be able to improve the rational allocation of resources to stay the course of the
developmental direction envisioned and aspired for the hospitals, and for other facilities.

Towards the end-term of the KalusuganPangkalahatan, through A.O. 2015-0033, the High
Impact Five Strategy campaigned to intensify patient-centered activities, extend access to
medical and surgical services to anti-poverty program areas, ensure availability of
medicines, and implement model plans for service delivery networks (SDN). Per A.O.
2014-0046, the SDN is an instrument to strengthen service delivery, and ensure continuity
of services across population health interventions and primary care, emergency, medical
and surgical interventions in general hospitals, and referral to specialty hospitals and other
facilities. For Healthy Philippines 2022, the SDN is expected to comprise well-equipped
and fully-staffed facilities, to tightly link primary care networks to level 3 and specialty
hospitals, and to fulfil the full breadth of quality services at closest proximity to families
and communities. The PHDP needs a strategic pace that will nurture and ensure inherent
strengths of the facilities in the networks, including (and especially) the end-referral,
tertiary care providers. This would mean not only infrastructural and equipping processes,
but also developmental processes such as planning and technical assistance consistent with
standards in licensing, the National Health Insurance Program, and even, organizational
and staffing patterns per DBM-DOH Joint Circular 2013-1.

Immediately, the above-stated need also implies a more finely tuned harmonization and
synchronization of planning, advisory and technical assistance across the full spectrum of
programmatic responses that primarily the HFDB extends to clients and partners, from

Integrated Hospital Operations and Management to Patient Safety to Hospitals Safe from
Disasters and Emergencies (as will be detailed in the section “Hospital Institutional

The guarantees of Healthy Philippines 2022 are inextricably linked – universal health
insurance at the demand side, and SDN‟s at the supply side are complementary and
mutually beneficial to contribute in achieving the best health outcomes. We have steadily
progressed in our gains to decrease maternal, infant and under-five mortality rates, and
even in bringing down tobacco consumption, but still short of the targets. Life expectancy
improved, but comparably still lagging in the region. The Philippine Hospital System – and
the whole health sector – needs more formidable game changers to win over the triple
disease burden across all life stages. The PHDP 2017-2022 will need its goals, objectives
and strategies positioned towards a future that is healthy, stable and upwardly mobile for
Filipinos today and the next.


The policy direction of the Department of Health is guided by the knowledge on the
distribution of hospital facilities. Cognizant of this, the DOH through the Health Facilities
and Services Regulatory Bureau (HSFRB) – then the Bureau of Health Facilities and
Services – conducted a research project to get an overview of the typology of the existing
hospital classification which shows variations in the service characteristics of hospitals not
only among the different categories but also within the same category. In order to address
inconsistencies and come up with a more homogenous category of health facilities, A.O.
2012-0012, or the Rules and Regulations Governing the New Classification of Hospitals
and Health Facilities in the Philippines was issued on July 18, 2012. An amendment to this
was issued on September 3, 2015 though A.O. 2012-0012- A.

Currently, hospitals in the Philippines are classified according to ownership, scope of

services and functional capacity. Each has well defined roles, functions, capabilities,
facilities, organizational structure and staffing standards. The rules and regulation for
hospital classification are promulgated to protect and promote the health of the public by
ensuring a minimum quality of service rendered by hospitals and to ensure safety of
patients and personnel. This is an efficient model because it is designed to treat patients at
the appropriate levels.

The Philippine Hospital System is composed of government and privately owned hospitals.
These hospitals are classified into general (Levels 1, 2 and 3) or specialty and either trauma-
capable or trauma-receiving. Based on the 2015 data of HFSRB, there are a total of 1,161
hospitals in the country, 405 of which are government owned. In comparison, there are
more privately owned hospitals (756) than government owned. The table below shows the
distribution of licensed government general hospitals and bed capacity by service
capability by region in the Philippines.

Table 1
Distribution of Licensed Government General Hospitals and Bed Capacity by
Service Capability by Region in the Philippines
I 28 858 5 475 3 700 36 2,033
II 24 975 2 400 1 500 27 1,875
III 41 2,067 3 634 4 1,358 48 4,059
IV-A 51 2,035 3 450 2 484 56 2,969
IV-B 13 920 0 - 0 - 13 920
V 15 391 4 400 2 700 21 1,491
VI 28 1,362 2 200 3 1,000 33 2,562
VII 16 848 2 450 1 600 19 1,898
VIII 19 1,150 2 200 1 450 22 1,800
IX 9 384 2 246 1 400 12 1,030
X 16 899 6 858 1 300 23 2,057
XI 8 170 2 200 2 600 12 970
XII 10 773 0 - 2 400 12 1,173
NCR 13 1,557 8 1,425 15 6,600 36 9,582
CAR 9 565 2 225 1 400 12 1,190
ARMM 12 395 2 250 0 - 14 645
CARAGA 6 325 3 350 0 - 9 675
PHLIPPINES 318 15,674 48 6,763 39 14492 405 36,929
Source: Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau/Regional Office, DOH, August 2016

Furthermore, distribution of hospital beds by ownership is significantly higher in private

hospitals (51,465) than government hospitals (36,929) as shown in the table below.

Table 2
Distribution of Licensed Hospitals and Bed Capacity by Ownership
by Region in the Philippines
I 36 2,033 50 1,922 86 3,955
II 27 1875 32 1,421 59 3,296
III 48 4,059 117 5,743 165 9,802
IV-A 56 2,969 151 8,363 207 11,332
IV-B 13 920 10 457 23 1,377
V 21 1,491 29 1,490 50 2,981
VI 33 2,562 28 3,111 61 5,673
VII 19 1,898 33 3,643 52 5,541
VIII 22 1,800 21 865 43 2,665
IX 12 1,030 31 1,416 43 2,446
X 23 2,057 40 2,952 63 5,009
XI 12 970 41 3,325 53 4,295
XII 12 1,173 44 3,142 56 4,315
NCR 36 9,582 105 12,189 141 21,771
CAR 12 1,190 11 686 23 1,876
ARMM 14 645 5 176 19 821
CARAGA 9 675 8 564 17 1,239
PHILIPPINES 405 36,929 756 51,465 1,161 88,394
Source: Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau/Regional Office, DOH, August 2016

In assessing the adequacy of hospital services, the bed population ratio is usually used as a
rough indicator. Using the standard bed to population ratio of 1:500 set by the World Health
Organization (WHO), the Philippine target is 1:1,000. As of 2015 statistics, the Philippine
bed to population ratio is 1:1,142. While the target may have been achieved in few regions
of the country, most of the regions still need improvement in terms of resource allocation.
These statistics may be used in the allocation of Health Facility Enhancement Program
(HFEP) funds. To summarize the hospital bed to population ratio by region, refer to the
table below.

Table 3
Hospital Bed to Population Ratio by Region in the Philippines
I 86 3,955 5,026,128 1 : 1,271
II 59 3,296 3,451,410 1 : 1,047
III 165 9,802 11,218,177 1 : 1,144
IV-A 207 11,332 14,414,774 1 : 1,272
IV-B 23 1,377 2,963,360 1 : 2,152
V 50 2,981 5,796,989 1 : 1,945
VI 61 5,673 7,536,383 1 : 1,328
VII 52 5,541 7,396,898 1 : 1,335
VIII 43 2,665 4,414,131 1 : 1,656
IX 43 2,446 3,629,783 1 : 1,484
X 63 5,009 4,689,302 1 : 936
XI 53 4,295 4,893,318 1 : 1,139
XII 56 4,315 4,545,276 1 : 1,053
NCR 141 21,771 12,877,253 1 : 591
CAR 23 1,876 1,722,006 1 : 918
ARMM 19 821 3,781,387 1 : 4,606
CARAGA 17 1,239 2,596,709 1 : 2,096
PHILIPPINES 1,161 88,394 100,981,437 1 : 1,142
Source: Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau/Regional Office, DOH and Philippine
Statistics Authority, August 2016

The government hospital delivery system involves a network of national and local
government hospitals. The Department of Health has retained a total of 70 hospitals all
over the country. These are distributed into specialty centers, special hospitals, regional
hospitals or medical centers, and sanitaria. To date, there are 4 corporate specialty level III
hospitals (Philippine Heart Center, Lung Center of the Philippines, National Kidney and
Transplant Institute and Philippine Children‟s Medical Center) and 8 sanitaria.


The PHDP 2017-2022 is intended for the guidance and use of the DOH, its hospitals and
other health facilities, its attached agencies, other facilities in the healthcare delivery
system, and partners and stakeholders in the private sector, civil society and development
assistance. These guiding principles consistent with prevailing mandates, policies and
standards are applied in the PHDP‟s formulation, and will apply to its reviews and
succeeding planning.

1. Leadership: The DOH shall lead in the provision of appropriate, adequate, accessible,
and equitable quality health services for all Filipinos.

2. Hospital System Organization: The Philippine Hospital System shall be designed in

accordance with the DOH mission, goals and objectives.

3. Hospital Strategic Planning: The hospitals together with the widest representation of
concerned sectors shall formulate strategic plans for a five-year horizon, statuses of
implementation reviewed collectively and updated annually. Strategic plans shall be
based on population needs, operational standards, technical developments, staff
capabilities, and financial constraints.

4. Hospital Management and Supervision: The DOH shall nurture an environment

where hospital personnel will be able to harness their potentials to achieve managerial
and supervisory positions in the organization, in accordance to the highest standards of
professionalism and noblest spirit of service to the Filipino people.

5. Human Resources for Health: The DOH shall undertake a comprehensive health
human resource development program that is closely connected and commensurate to
scale of national hospital development.

6. Health Technology: The DOH, in recognition of the immense benefits from the use of
technology in health service delivery, shall assure that acquisition and use of
technology remains “need-driven,” and a major component in health facility

7. Hospital Health Information Management: The DOH hospitals shall implement the
Electronic Health Record, and shall maximize its application for the clinical
management of patients, decision-making, and health records management.

8. Hospital Financial Management: The DOH shall provide policies and mechanisms
to ensure maximized use of income, including reimbursements from the Philippine
Health Insurance Corporation, to support the operation, maintenance, and sustainability
of government health facilities.

9. Service Delivery Network: The DOH shall strengthen the delivery of health services
in the periphery, and particular to this plan, shall ensure that DOH and LGU hospitals
are well-built, well-equipped and fully staffed to perform effectively and efficiently
within their respective SDN‟s, even in events of emergency, calamity and disaster.

10. Hospital Public-Private Cooperation: The DOH shall develop linkages between
government and private hospitals in order to improve the productivity and quality of
the healthcare delivery system.

11. Monitoring and Evaluation: The DOH shall establish mechanisms for the monitoring
and evaluating of the implementation of plans and programs to ensure the achievement
of its missions, goals and objectives, including those relative to health facilities

Consistent with AmBisyonNatin2040, the Department of Health envisions that the health
and wellness of the Filipino people across all life stages are equitably and universally
promoted, protected and sustained by a system of assured accessible, continuously
improving hospitals and health facilities that provide quality and effective promotive,
preventive, curative, rehabilitative and restorative services.


The Philippine Hospital System as a cohesive system of multiple capacities shall provide
quality and dignified promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and restorative care to
the Filipino people in order to fulfil the guarantee of Healthy Philippines 2022 on a
responsive healthcare system where clients and patients are respected, valued and


1. Ensure that all hospitals are granted Licenses to Operate (LTO) by the Department of
Health and are accredited by Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth)

2. Develop and upgrade select DOH hospitals and medical centers as regional counterparts of
national apex specialty and sub-specialty centers practicing gatekeeping and utilizing
telemedicine to expand services across the country

3. Guarantee as expressed in the PHA the complete functionality of well-equipped district or

level 1 or level 2 hospitals in the primary care networks (PCNs) linked to level 3 hospitals
delivering tertiary and specialized services through Service Delivery Network (SDN), also
in conjunction with the Human Resources for Health (HRH) development plan of the DOH
Health Human Resources Development Bureau (HHRDB)

4. Transform select DOH hospitals in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao into mega-hospitals and
or hospitals with multi-specialty training capabilities and reference laboratories, consistent
with the PHA‟s specific guidelines in advancing quality, health promotion and primary care

5. Harness collaboration between private hospitals, DOH hospitals and other government
hospitals in terms of sharing of expertise, technical assistance and research


1. Appropriate Care in the Appropriate Facility

National and local government owned hospitals that are well-built, well-equipped and
fully staffed will be competent and assured within their level classifications to provide
appropriate, satisfactory care as expected in their participation in the service delivery
network. This cluster of strategies will serve to operationalize the intents of Objectives
1 and 3 of this plan.

 Completion of infrastructural and equipping requirements of existing client

national and local general hospitals

 Improvement in the rational distribution of public investments in new client

hospitals for establishment and enhancement

 Results-based hospital development planning and operational and managerial

capacity building of national and local government hospitals

 Establishment of standards and capacity building in priority clinical practices of

national and local government hospitals, as consistent with the PHA‟s specific
guidelines in advancing quality, health promotion and primary care

 Closing the gap in bed-to-population ratio, maintaining the country standard of 1

bed : 1,000 population, considering the current population of 101.8 million, and
upgrading functional capabilities of 326 government-owned infirmaries to Level 1
hospitals with at least 50 bed capacities each

 Upgrading of provincial hospitals to level 2 functional capability with

corresponding increases to bed capacities in order to further anticipate the growth
of the population and of hospital services demand in the next six years

 Scaled up support to theoperationalization of eHealth solutions, especially in

hospital health information management systems, as consistent with the
corresponding PHA specific guideline, as responsive also to the harnessing of
health human resources and protecting clients from health-related financial risks

2. Leadership in Specialized and Specialty Care

The DOH specialized and specialty facilities will sufficiently provide the needed
services of referrals from their respective primary care networks, and suitably influence
relevant clinical practices, operations and management of LGU health facilities and
partners in the private sector. This cluster of strategies will serve to operationalize the
intents of Objectives 2 and 4 of this plan.

 Capacity building of the national apex hospitals for priority specialized and
specialty care, including relevant technical leadership

 Establishment and sub-national expansion of facilities for priority specialized and
specialty care

 Establishment of multi-specialty hospitals with multi-specialty training facilities

and reference laboratories in priority major island groups

 Establishment of technical support convergence on priority specialized and

specialty care, including technological solutions

3. Assistance to LGU Health Management

The DOH will be able to advise partners and stakeholders, and develop capacities of
local governments to improve the policy environment for operation and management
of provincial and district hospitals as expected in their participation in the service
delivery network, as consistent with the PHA‟s specific guidelines in advancing
quality, health promotion and primary care. This cluster of strategies will serve to
operationalize the intents of Objective 5, and is expected in joint endeavor with other
agencies as appropriate.

 Strengthening capacities of DOH regional health facility development technical

support teams

 Establishment of local participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation

mechanisms for hospital development and performance

 National policy agenda setting and support to national and local advocacies for
improvement LGU hospital development and performance

4. Strengthening of Public-Private Cooperation

DOH will engage privately owned medical and health institutions, professional groups
and civil society in aid of maximizing and sustaining public investments in quality
promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and restorative care. This cluster of
strategies will serve to operationalize the intents of Objective 5, and is expected in joint
endeavor with other agencies as appropriate.

 National research agenda setting and establishment of joint ventures for priority
studies on hospital development and performance

 Support to profession and industry based participatory assessments for improved

public-private cooperation in the hospital system

 Support to patient and client participatory assessments for hospital development

and performance


In order to be constantly alert and responsive to the health needs of the people, the
Department of Health shall evolve and adopt modes on institutional operation for hospitals
that embody the highest quality standards of health services.
1. Manpower
 The hospital shall recruit and deploy officers and staff members based on
educational background, professional track record, personal attributes, and
commitment to the mission, goals and objectives of the Department of Health.
 The hospital shall establish its own mechanisms for providing appropriate
incentives to ensure effective and efficient service to its employees.
 The Department of Health through the Human Resources for Health (HRH)
Development Plan of Health Human Resources Development Bureau (HHRDB)
shall form health teams composed of doctors, nurses and other paramedical and
health workers who have been trained to assume expanded functions in health care
delivery in order to address shortages or imbalances of health manpower.
2. Physical Plant, Equipment and Materials
 The hospitals shall always keep their facilities clean, safe, secure and ready to
respond to patient needs.
 The hospitals shall practice preventive maintenance and make contingency
preparations for emergencies and disaster.
 The hospitals shall maintain an optimum inventory of drugs, medicines and other
3. Finance
 Resource allocation for hospitals shall be based on their respective authorized bed
capacity, average bed occupancy rate, and per capita income of patients served and
Quantified Free Services (QFS).
 Income generated from PhilHealth reimbursements and from pay patients shall be
retained by the hospitals for operational expenses and improvement of physical
4. Systems
 Modifications in the standard organizational structure shall be justified based on
programs, resources, physical plant, and the socio-demographic and economic
condition of its environment.
 Job descriptions shall be available and each position shall delineate functions,
specify authority and responsibilities, and qualification requirements.
 Various organizational units shall formulate policies and procedures.
 Facilitating coordination and communication shall be continuing concern of

 Consensus building, or at least consultation, shall be adopted in decision-making.
 Special effort shall be exerted to develop hospital units that are weak, e.g. medical
records, pharmacy, etc.
5. Community Linkage
 Each Department of Health hospital shall encourage community-based activities
towards the support and promotion of hospitals.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
 Appropriate management information systems shall be installed in all hospitals in
order to generate an organized body of information critical for effective
management, coordination, planning, and the monitoring of internal activities and
of roles and relationships within the national hospital system.
 The hospital monitoring and evaluation system shall be particularly concerned with
the quality of medical care in the frontline services; and with the fundamentals of
health care, e.g. cleanliness, safety, etc.

Further, the HFDB as proponent of PHDP 2017-2022, as initiator of this plan development
process, and in assuming its mandate in technical leadership in health facility development,
shall ensure that the annual operations of the programs described below contribute in
meeting the plan‟s objectives, strategies and targets.

1. Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Program (IHOMP): Per A.O.

44-A, s. 1999, provides program planning, logistics support, capability building, social
mobilization, monitoring and evaluation towards improvement of hospital performance
through sound and efficient clinical care and management systems with the end-view
of providing quality health services.

2. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) for Health Facilities: Adjunct to IHOMP,

pursuant to A.O. 2006-0002, and in view of the National Framework for Quality in
Health (A.O. 2010-0007), supports the fuller realization of genuine health system
reform, and enables an approach to strategically attain the provision of the best
healthcare available in face of evolving, newer diagnostic and treatment modalities,
changing patient and client expectations, and constraints in physical, human and
financial resources.

3. Patient Safety Program: Patient Safety is the fundamental principle of quality patient
care. The Patient Safety Program under the DOH-HFDB has come up with a vision of
Safe Quality Healthcare for All by the year 2020 working towards a non- punitive but
just and Culture of Safety in healthcare service delivery. Major activities under the
program include the development of an administrative order, Standards of Care for
Older Persons in All Healthcare Settings, harmonization of Green and Safe Healthcare
Facilities thru a national summit, addressing not only the physical structure design of
healthcare facilities towards patient and healthcare workers safety but also
harmonizing organizational policies and directions and the development of

Alliances for Patient Safety Network. Gaps in safe healthcare service delivery will be
addressed thru the creation of adequate and appropriate health human resource: patient
safety officers anchored on the issued policy guidelines.

4. Infection Prevention and Control Program: As one of the core components of patient
safety, pursuant to A.O. 2016-0002, provides guidance in the establishment and
effective implementation of the program in healthcare facilities, and aims to sustain
implementation of harmonized standards, institutionalized training, improved
surveillance, innovative research and continuous monitoring and evaluation.

5. Healthcare Waste Management Program: Pursuant to the Joint DENR-DOH A.O.

No. 02, series of 2005, in consonance with existing environmental, sanitation and health
laws, rules and regulations, supports the establishment and maintenance of policies,
guidelines and standards for the safe management of healthcare waste, including
stringent adherence and continuous review of emerging trends and technologies.

6. Hospitals Safe from Emergencies and Disasters: Per A.O. 2013-0014, to contribute
to the goal of reducing disaster risks, ensure the protection and continuous operations
of hospitals and health facilities, and save lives during emergencies and disasters,
oversees compliance to policy, guidelines and standards, including evaluation and
setting of recommendations for further enhancements affecting structural and non-
structural indicators of the policy.

7. National Voluntary Blood Service Program (NVBSP): On behalf of the DOH as lead
agency in the health sector and convenor of all stakeholders to ensure strong
collaboration for the promotion of voluntary blood service, pursuant to R.A. 7719, or
the “National Blood Services Act of 1994,” and pertinent policies such as A.O. 9, s.
1995, A.O. 2005-0002 and A.O. 2010-0001, pursues blood safety and adequacy
towards quality care and patient safety, as well as the strengthening of blood service
facilities to ensure efficient, timely availability of quality and safe blood and blood

8. National Unit for Health Laboratories (NUHL): Created as defined by D.P.O. 2012-
5724, pursuant to A.O. 2012-0021, facilitates the development of the National Strategic
Plan for the National Health Laboratory Network and implement essential action plans,
policies and programs, monitors compliance with the standards on quality management
systems in clinical laboratories, provides technical and other support, including
capacity building, for the national reference laboratories, and DOH and other
government health laboratories, among other functions.


Number Total
Facility Unit Cost Budget
Hospital Present Facilities Development Estimate Required
Targets (in pesos) (in pesos)

District 234 Upgrade LGU 300 146.689 44.007 63.767

Hospitals (Level 1 infirmaries to level million billion billion
and LGU district/municipal 1 with 50-bed
Infirmaries hospitals) capacity
 All district
hospitals Upgrade existing 145 3.949 million 15.310
and level 1 with less (3877 per bed billion
infirmaries than 50 beds to total increase
are level 1 Level 1 with 50 beds)
with at least beds
50 beds
Continue support 89 50 million 4.450 billion
for improvement of
existing level 1 with
at least 50 beds
Provincial 27 Establish new level 15 594.141 8.912 billion 23.044
Hospitals (Level 2 hospital) 2 with 100 beds million billion
 All
provincial Upgrade existing 39 327.754 12.782
hospitals level 1 to level 2 million billion
are level 2 with at least 100
with at least beds
100 beds
Continue support 27 50 million 1.350 billion
for improvement of
existing level 2 and
3 hospitals

City 13 Establish new level 10 594.141 5.941 billion 14.343

Hospitals (at least Level 2 city 2 with 100 beds million billion
 All highly hospitals)
urbanized Infirmaries to Level 2 411.056 0.822 billion
city 2 million
hospitals Upgrade existing 18 327.754 5.900 billion
are level 2
with at least
level 1 to level 2 million
100 beds with at least 100
Upgrade existing 1 5.941 million 0.380 billion
level 2 with less hospital per bed
than 100 beds to (64 beds) increase
level 2 with 100
Continue support 13 100 million 1.300 billion
for improvement of
existing at least
level 2 hospital, 100
DOH Level 24 Upgrade level 1 24 327.754 7.866 billion 7.866 billion
1 Hospitals (DOH Level 1 hospitals/infirmaries million
Hospitals/Infirmaries) to level 2 with at
least 100 beds
DOH Level 10 Upgrade level 2 to 10 455.984 4.556 billion 4.556 billion
2 Hospitals level 3 with at least million

Number Total
Facility Unit Cost Budget
Hospital Present Facilities Development Estimate Required
Targets (in pesos) (in pesos)
250 beds
DOH Level 36 Upgrade level 3 11 6.019 million 5.056 billion 6.306 billion
3 Hospitals hospitals to level 3 hospitals per bed
with at least 250 (840 increase
beds total
Continue support 25 50 million 1.250 billion
for improvement of
existing level 3
hospital with at
least 250 beds
DOH 46 Upgrade and 35.500 35.500
Specialty establish in strategic billion billion
and Sub- regions nationwide
PNP 8 Infirmaries Upgrade infirmaries 8 146.689 1.174 billion 1.630 billion
Hospitals 1 Hospital to Level 1, 50 Beds million
Upgrade existing 1 455.984 0.456 billion
level 2 to Level 3 million
AFP 11 Infirmaries Upgrade infirmaries 11 146.689 1.614 billion 3.197 billion
Hospitals 19 Hospitals to Level 1, 50 Beds million
Upgrade Level 1 to 3 327.754 0.983 billion
Level 2, 100 beds million
Continue support 1 100 million 0.100 billion
for improvement of
existing level 2
Continue support 2 250 million 0.500 billion
for improvement of
existing level 3
Prison 1 Upgrade of Hospital 1 250 million 0.250 billion 0.758 billion
Hospital Facilities (BJMP)
Establishment of .10 50.782 0.508 billion
infirmaries million
SUC 5 Infirmaries Upgrade infirmaries 5 146.689 0.733 billion 2.701 billion
Hospitals 4 Hospital to level 1, 50 beds million
Continue support 1 100 million 0.100 billion
for improvement of
existing level 1
Upgrade 1 to level 2 1 455.984 1.368 billion
hospital million
Continue support 2 250 million 0.500 billion
for improvement of
existing level 3
Total Budget Requirement 163.668

(By order of citation or use as reference)

1. Republic Act 7160, “An Act Providing for a Local Government Code of 1991,” or “Local Government Code of
1991, 10 October 1991
2. Administrative Order 18, series of 1998, “DOH Thrusts for 1999,” Department of Health, 08 October 1998
3. Administrative Order 51, series of 1999, “Implementation and Coordination Arrangements for the Health
Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA) of the Department of Health,” Department of Health, 25 November 1999
4. Philippine Hospital Development Plan, Department of Health, 2000
5. Health Facility Development Bureau, “The Philippine Health Facilities Enhancement Program (2008 –
Present),” Department of Health, 11 March 2011
6. Republic Act 9206, “An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines from January 1 to December 31, 2003, and for Other Purposes,” or “General Appropriations Act for
Fiscal Year 2003, 23 April 2003
7. Administrative Order 2005-0023, “Implementing Guidelines for FourmulaOne for Health as Framework for
Health Reforms,” Department of Health, 30 August 2005
8. Administrative Order 2010-0036, “The Aquino Health Agenda: Achieving Universal Health Care for All
Filipinos,” 16 December 2010
9. Picazo, Oscar F., et al, “Do Capital Investments in Health Increase Local Service Utilization?”PIDS Policy
Notes, No. 2016-11, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, June 2016
10. Administrative Order 2016-0038, “The Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022,” Department of Health, 26
October 2016
11. Executive Order Number 05, “Approving and Adopting the Twenty-Five-Year Long Term Vision Entitled
Ambisyon Nation 2040 as Guide for Development Planning,” 11 October 2016
12. Health Facility Development Bureau, Manual of Operations, Department of Health, 2016
13. Office of the Secretary and Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau, Philippine Health Agenda 2016-
2022: Healthy Philippines 2022, Department of Health, 2016
14. Rosell-Ubial, Paulyn Jean B. “All for Health towards Health for All: Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022,”
presented at the National Health Summit 2016, Pasay City, 16 September 2016
15. Picazo, Oscar F. “More than Infrastructure and Equipment: Process Evaluation of the Health Facilities
Enhancement Program,”PIDS Policy Notes No. 2015-15, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, August
16. Republic Act 10351, “An Act Restructuring the Excise Tax on Alcohol and Tobacco Products by Amending
Sections 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 8, 131 and 288 of Republic Act No. 8424, Otherwise Known as the National
Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as Amended by Republic Act No. 9334, and for Other Purposes,” 19 December
17. David, Lilibeth C. “DOH Accomplishments and SDG’s for Health,” presented at the National Health Summit
2016, Pasay City, 16 September 2016
18. Administrative Order 2014-0046, “Defining the Service Delivery Networks (SDN’s) for Universal Health Care
or KalusuganPangkalahatan,” Department of Health, 29 December 2014
19. DBM-DOH Joint Circular 2013-1, “Revised Standards on Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of
Government Hospitals, CY 2013 Edition,” Department of Budget and Management and Department of Health,
23 September 2013
20. Administrative Order No. 2012-0012, “Rules and Regulations Governing the New Classification of Hospitals
and Health Facilities in the Philippines,” Department of Health, 18 July 2012

21. Administrative Order No. 2012-0012-A, “Amendment to Administrative Order (AO) No. 2012-0012 entitled
„Rules and Regulations Governing the New Classification of Hospitals and Other Health Facilities in the
Philippines‟,” Department of Health, 03 September 2015
22. Doromal, Madeliene Gabrielle M. “Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Program (IHOMP),”
presented at the Orientation on Health Facility Development Bureau Programs for Regional Counterparts, Manila,
20-22 September 2016
23. Administrative Order No. 44-A, s. 1999, “Guidelines for the Implementation of the INTEGRATED HOSPITAL
OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IHOMP) within the Philippine Hospital System,” Department
of Health, 18 October 1999
24. Napulan, Roderick M. “Continuous Quality Improvement for Health Facilities,” presented at the Orientation on
Health Facility Development Bureau Programs for Regional Counterparts, Manila, 20-22 September 2016
25. Administrative Order No. 2006-0002, “Establishment of the Continuing Quality Improvement (CQI) Program
and Committee in DOH Hospitals,” Department of Health, 23 January 2006
26. Administrative Order No. 2010-0007, “National Framework for Quality in Health,” Department of Health, 06
January 2010
27. Fabregas, Cynthia S. “Patient Safety Program,” presented at the Orientation on Health Facility Development
Bureau Programs for Regional Counterparts, Manila, 20-22 September 2016
28. Administrative Order No. 2008-0023, “National Policy on Patient Safety,” Department of Health, 30 July 2008
29. Roa, Clara Francesca A. “Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Program,” presented at the Orientation on
Health Facility Development Bureau Programs for Regional Counterparts, Manila, 20-22 September 2016
30. Administrative Order No. 2016-0002, “National Policy on Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare
Facilities,” Department of Health, 08 January 2016
31. Manual of Healthcare Waste Management, Third Edition, National Center for Health Facility Development,
Department of Health, 2011
32. Joint DENR-DOH Administrative Order No. 02, Series of 2005, “Policies and Guidelines on Effective and
Proper Handling, Collection, Transport, Treatment, Storage and Disposal of Health Care Wastes,” Department of
Environment and Natural Resources and Department of Health, 24 August 2005
33. Administrative Order No. 2013-0014, “Policies and Guidelines on Hospitals Safe from Disasters,” Department
of Health, 21 March 2013
34. Republic Act 7719, “An Act Promoting Voluntary Blood Donation, Providing for an Adequate Supply of Safe
Blood, Regulating Blood Banks, and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof,” or “National Blood Services Act
of 1994,” 05 May 1994
35. Administrative Order No. 9, s. 1995, “Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 7719 Otherwise
Known as the „NATIONAL BLOOD SERVICES ACT OF 1994‟,” Department of Health, 28 April 1995
36. Administrative Order No. 2005-0002, “Rules and Regulations for the Establishment of the Philippine National
Blood Services Amending Pertinent Provisions of Admin Order No. 9, s. 1995 (Rules and Regulations
Implementing R.A. 7719 Otherwise Known as the National Blood Services Act of 1994,” 10 January 2005
37. Administrative Order No. 2010-0001, “Policies and Guidelines for the Philippine National Blood Services
(PNBS) and the Blood Services Networks (BSN),” Department of Health, 06 January 2010
38. Department Personnel Order No. 2012-5724, “Creation of the National Organizational Structure for the
Implementation of the National Strategic Plan for the National Health Laboratory Network,” Department of
Health, 30 October 2012
39. Administrative Order No. 2012-0021, “National Framework of the National Health Laboratory Network,”
Department of Health, 12 October 2012
40. Quitoriano, Minda C. “Briefer on the National Unit for Health Laboratories,” Manila, 09 November 2016

Level 3 DOH Hospitals

Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Mariano Marcos Memorial
Medical Center Amang Rodriguez Medical Center
Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital
East Avenue Medical Center
Ilocos Training and Regional
Medical Center National Center for Mental Health
Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
Southern Isabela General
Hospital National Children‟s Hospital
Region 1Medical Center Philippine Orthopedic Center
Veterans Regional Hospital Quirino Memorial Medical Center
Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Mem. Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
Research & .Medical Center Rizal Medical Center
Jose B. LingadMem‟l. Reg‟lHosp San Lazaro Hospital
Bataan General Hospital Tondo Medical Center
Valenzuela Medical Center Lung Center of the Philippines
BatangasMedical Center National Kidney & Transplant Institute
Bicol Medical Center Philippine Children‟s Medical Center
Philippine HeartCenter
Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial Hospital
Las Piñas General Hospital & Satellite
Trauma Center Vicente Sotto Memorial
Medical Center
Eastern Visayas
Western Visayas Regional Medical
Medical Center Gov. CelestinoGallares
Memorial Hospital

C. LocsinMontelibano Caraga Regional

Memorial Regional Hospital
Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr.
Regional Training & Teaching Hospital
Zamboanga City Medical Center Davao Regional
Medical Center
AmaiPakpak Medical Center
Southern Philippines
Medical Center

Northern Mindanao
Medical Center

DOH Hospital Licensed Currently as Level III
DOH Hospital Currently Licensed as Level II to be Upgraded to Level III 20


NCR “Amang” Rodriguez Medical Center
NCR Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR National Center for Mental Health
NCR National Children‟s Hospital
NCR Philippine Orthopedic Center
NCR Quirino Memorial Medical Center
NCR Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
NCR Rizal Medical Center
NCR San Lazaro Hospital
NCR Tondo Medical Center
NCR Lung Center of the Philippines
NCR National Kidney and Transplant Institute
NCR Philippine Children‟s Medical Center
NCR Philippine Heart Center
NCR Valenzuela Medical Center
Region I Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center
Region I Marinao Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center
Region I Region I Medical Center
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
Region III Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region V Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Region VI Corazon LocsinMontelibano Memorial Regional Hospital
Region VI Western Visayas Medical Center
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center
Region XI Davao Regional Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center


NCR Last Piñas General Hospital and Satellite Trauma Center
NCR Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial Hospital
CAR Luis Hora Memorial Regional Hospital
Region II Southern Isabela General Hospital
Region II Veterans Regional Hospital
Region II Bataan General Hospital
Region VII Gov. CelestinoGallares Memorial Medical Center
Region X AmaiPakpak Medical Center
Region X Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr. Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Region XIII Caraga Regional Hospital

Level II DOH Hospitals
Batanes General Hospital

Conner District Hospital

Far North Luzon Gen. Hospital
and Training Center

Dr. PJGMRMC Talavera Extension Hospital

Mariveles Mental Hospital

San Lorenzo Ruiz Women‟s


Talisay District Hospital

Don Jose S. Monfort Medical Schistosomiasis Control &

Ospital Ng Palawan Research Hospital
Center Extension Hospital
Adela Serra Ty Memorial
Medical Center
Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial
Don Emilio Del Valle Memorial

Labuan Public Hospital

Margosatubig Regional
Basilan General Hospital

DOH Hospital Licensed Currently as Level II
DOH Hospital Currently Licensed as Level I to be Upgraded to Level II
DOH Licensed Infirmary to be Converted to Level II


NCR San Lorenzo Ruiz Women‟s Hospital
CAR Conner District Hospital
CAR Far North Luzon General Hospital and Training Center
Region II Batanes General Hospital
Region IV-B Ospitalng Palawan
Region VI Don Jose S. Monfort Medical Center Extension Hospital
Region VII Don Emilio Del Valle Memorial Hospital
Region VII Talisay District Hospital
Region VIII Schistosomiasis Control and Research Hospital
Region IX Basilan General Hospital
Region IX Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital
Region IX Margosatubig Regional Hospital
Region XIII Adela Serra Ty Memorial Medical Center



Region III DPJGMRMC – Talavera Extension Hospital
Region III Mariveles Mental Hospital
Region IX Labuan Public Hospital

DOH Sanitaria

Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez

Memorial Hospital Bicol Sanitarium

Western Visayas Eversley Child

Sanitarium Sanitarium

Culion Sanitarium

Mindanao Central Sanitarium

Sulu Sanitarium
Cotabato Sanitarium



Region IV-B Culion Sanitarium and General Hospital
Region V Bicol Sanitarium
Region VI Western Visayas Sanitarium
Region VII Eversley Childs Sanitarium
Region IX Mindanao Central Sanitarium
Region XII Cotabato Sanitarium
Region XII Sulu Sanitarium

AFP Military Hospitals

Camp Dela Cruz Station Hospital

Fort Del Pilar Station Hospital

Basa Airbase Hospital

Fort Magsaysay Station Hospital
PSG Station Hospital
Camp Aquino Station Hospital
Basa Air Base Hospital
CGEA Station Hospital
NETC Station Hospital AFP Medical Center
Air Force City Hospital Cavite Naval Hospital
Fernando Airbase Hospital Sangley Air Base Hospital
Camp Elias Angeles Station Hospital
Air Force General Hospital Camp CapinpinTanay Station Hospital
Manila Naval Hospital Camp Nakar Station Hospital
Army General Hospital

Camp LapuLapu
Station Hospital
Camp Macario Peralta Camp Lukban
Station Hospital Station Hospital
Camp Benito Ebuen Air
Base Hospital

Camp General
ArtemioRicarte Station Camp Evangelista
Station Hospital
Camp Navarro
General Hospital
Camp Panacan
Station Hospital
Camp Maj Sang-Ang
Station Hospital

Camp Siongco Station

Edwin Andrews Airbase Hospital


AFP Medical Center Quezon City

PSG Station Hospital Manila
CGEA Station Hospital Quezon City
Army General Hospital Taguig City
Air Force General Hospital Pasay City
Manila Naval Hospital Taguig City
Fort Del Pilar Station Hospital Baguio City
Camp Dela Cruz Station Hospital Isabela
Camp Aquino Station Hospital Tarlac
Fort Magsaysay Station Hospital Nueva Ecija
Basa Air Base Hospital Pampanga
Air Force City Hospital Pampanga
NETC Station Hospital Zambales
Sangley Air Base Hospital Cavite
Fernando Air Base Hospital Batangas
Cavite Naval Hospital Cavite
Camp CapinpinTanay Station Hospital Tanay, Rizal
Camp General ArtemioRicarte Station Hospital Palawan
Camp Nakar Station Hospital Lucena
Camp Elias Angeles Station Hospital Camarines Sur
Camp Benito Ebuen Air Base Hospital Cebu City
Camp Macario Peralta Station Hospital Iloilo
Camp Edwin Andrews Air Base Hospital Zamboanga
Camp Lapu-Lapu Station Hospital Cebu
Camp Lukban Station Hospital Catbalogan City
Camp Navarro Station Hospital Zamboanga
Camp Maj Sang-Ang Station Hospital Zamboanga
Camp Evangelista Station Hospital CDO
Camp Panacan Station Hospital Davao
Camp Siongco Station Hospital Maguindanao

PNP Hospitals

PNP Station Hospital

Camp BadoDangwa

Police Regional Office 4-A Hospital

Camp Simeon A. Ola Hospital

PNP Infirmary Hospital

Camp Martin Delgado Hospital

Camp SoteroCabahugHopital


PNP Station Hospital Cagayan

Camp BadoDangwa Hospital Benguet
Police Regional Office 4-A Hospital Laguna
Camp Simeon A. Ola Hospital Albay
Camp Martin Delgado Hospital Iloilo
Camp SoteroCabahug Hospital Cebu
PNP Infirmary Hospital Leyte
Camp Catitipan Hospital Davao del Norte
Camp Rodriguez Hospital Agusan del Norte
PNP Hospital Agusan Del Norte

Heart and Lung Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Mariano Marcos Memorial

Hospital Medical Center
Baguio General Hospital and
Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Medical Center
Memorial Research and
Medical Center

Philippine Heart Center

Lung Center of the Philippines

Batangas Medical Center Bicol Regional Training and

Teaching Hospital

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Western Visayas
Medical Center Vicente Sotto Memorial
Ospitalng Medical Center
Caraga Regional
Memorial Regional Northern Mindanao
Hospital Medical Center
Medical Center

CityMedical Center

Cotabato Regional Southern Philippines

and Medical Center Medical Center
APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding
Heart and Lung Centers
The 2013 PHSreported that diseases of the heart had been consistently the leading cause of death
for several years. The number of deaths from this condition comprised 22.3 percent of reported
deaths, or 6,159 deaths in 2013, higher than the report in 2012. Of the leading causes of morbidity,
hypertension (410,432) was among the top five, and three others affected the lungs and the
respiratory system – acute respiratory infection (2,174,740), acute lower respiratory tract infection,
or ALRTI and pneumonia (647,597), and bronchitis (249,173).The DOH consistently promotes
prevention of heart and lung diseases, including smoking cessation, healthy lifestyles, and recently,
the HPN/DM clubs. Currently, the apex centers for the treatment of heart and lung diseases are the
Philippine Heart Center and Lung Center of the Philippines, respectively. For the PHDP 2017-
2022, other DOH hospitals currently having service capabilities for treatment heart and lung
diseases shall be supported for further upgrading, as below.

Region I Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center
Region V Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

There are commonalities to essential facilities required for heart and lung medical and surgical
interventions.The PHDP also plans the establishment of Heart and Lung Centers through the DOH
hospitals as below. However, limitations prevailing in this medium term include the lack of
specialists (namely, thoracic surgeons) in several regions of the country. In partnership with the
professional associations, the situation may be improved, and further regional expansion will
become viable.

2019 – 2022
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center
Region IV-B Ospital Ng Palawan
Region VI Western Visayas Medical Center
Region VI Corazon LocsinMontelibano Memorial Regional Hospital
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
Region X AmaiPakpak Medical Center
Caraga Caraga Regional Hospital
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center

Kidney and Transplant Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital

and Medical Center

National Kidney and Transplant Institute

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Corazon LocsinMontelibano
Memorial Regional Hospital Southern Philippines
Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding

Kidney & Transplant Centers
The 2013 PHS reported that kidney-related diseases - nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
- ranked ninth in the leading causes of mortality in the Philippines, and it has maintained that rank
on a five-year average. The Philippine Renal Disease Registry, whichshows the yearly extent of
dialysis and kidney transplant procedures in the country, reported that new dialysis patients (both
peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis) continued to grow from 8,922 in 2009 to 17,976 in 2015.
There were also 475 kidney transplant procedures performed across 23 transplant centers in the
country, 12 located in the National Capital Region. National Kidney and Transplant Institute (the
national apex center), Philippine General Hospital, Region 1 Medical Center, Vicente Sotto
Memorial Medical Center, and Northern Mindanao Medical Center are government-owned.

For the PHDP 2017-2022, as shown below, additional Kidney and TransplantCentersare intended
for Mindanao,Visayas and Luzon coverage areas, as below,and other DOH hospitals with kidney
and transplant capability shall be supported toenhance services.

2017 – 2022

Region I Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center

Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region VIII Corazon LocsinMontelibano Memorial Regional Hospital
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

In recognition of the provisions in A.O. 2012-0012, the PHDP shall additionally support the
establishment of hemodialysis clinics in level 3 DOH hospitals. Further, also in recognition of the
cost effectiveness of the procedure for both clients and health providers, other hospitals will be
supported in the establishment of peritoneal dialysis, including the promotion ofrelated ambulatory
and self-care (home-based care).

Oncology Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Region I Medical Center Baguio General Hospital and

Medical Center
Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and
Medical Center

Rizal Medical Center

East Avenue Medical Center
Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center

Batangas Medical Center Bicol Regional Training and

Teaching Hospital

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Ospitalng Palawan Caraga Regional Hospital

Western Visayas Medical
Center Davao Regional Medical
Corazon LocsinMontelibano
Memorial Regional Hospital

Northern Mindanao
Medical Center

Cotabato Regional and

Medical Center Southern Philippines
Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading 34
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding
Oncology Centers
The epidemiology of disease burden in the Philippines has shifted from infectious diseases to non-
communicable diseases in the recent years. Malignant Neoplasms or Cancer is the 3rd leading cause
of death in the country based on the Philippine Health Statistics 2013. The number of cases of
Cancer patients in the Philippines is steadily increasing from 24,385 in 2010 to 49,016 in 2013,
and is expected to continue to increase. In recognition of this, the Department of Health is
intensifying its health promotion campaigns to educate the Filipinos in avoiding risk factors, and
in recognition of early signs and symptoms of cancer through the National Cancer Prevention and
Control Program. In addition, the Department of Health plans to develop health facilities that
would be able to address the health needs of Cancer patients and survivors.

Currently, while there are Oncology Unit and Cancer Section in selected DOH and LGU hospitals
such as East Avenue Medical Center and Corazon LocsinMontelibano Memorial, there is yet to be
a fully functional government Cancer Center. To address these currently the DOH is already in the
process of upgrading the hospitals listed below to come Oncology Centers:



Region I Region I Medical Center
Region VI Western Visayas Medical Center
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region XI Davao Regional Hospital
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

To ensure that there will be adequate number of health facilities catering to cancer patients and
survivors Philippine all regions of the country shall eventually have its own Cancer Center through
selected DOH Hospitals as detailed below. In addition all Level 3 DOH and LGU hospitals and
each provincial hospital is envisioned to each have an Oncology Unit.



NCR East Avenue Medical Center
Rizal Medical Center
Dr. Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Medical Center
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center
Region IV-B Ospitalng Palawan
Region V Bicol Regional Teaching and Training Hospital
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Medical Center
Region XI Davao Regional Medical Center
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional Medical Center
Region XIII Caraga Regional Hospital

Orthopedic Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Dr. PaulinoJ. Garcia Memorial

Research and Medical Center

Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center

East Avenue Medical Center

Philippine Orthopedic Center Rizal Medical Center

Bicol Medical Center

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical


Southern Philippines
Medical Center

Zamboanga City Medical Center

Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding
Orthopedic Centers
The Philippine Orthopedic Center is the foremost government tertiary referral hospital which
caters to the various orthopedic needs of patients. Among the DOH retained hospitals there are
only nine (9)which have a separate Department of Orthopedics with its own ward, OPD and OR;
While some of the other DOH hospitals offers orthopedic services as a subspecialty under the
Department of Surgery.
NCR Rizal Medical Center
NCR Quirino Memorial Medical Center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

The Department of Health in recognition of the need of the Filipinos throughout the country to
receive appropriate orthopedic health services shall develop Orthopedic Centers (OC) in selected
DOH hospitals who currently have its own Orthopedic Department as detailed in the table below.
Orthopedic Centers which shall be developed by the Department of Health are envisioned to be
able to provide the entire spectrum of health services in Orthopedics and its sub-specialties. While
not all regions will have its own OCs due to limitation of physician specializing in Orthopedics
and its sub-specialty, all DOH Level 3 hospitals will be upgraded such that at least each will have
an Orthopedic Department with its own ward, Out Patient Department Section and Operating
Room. In addition all provincial hospitals shall be assisted by the Department of Health to at least
be able to provide orthopedic services as a sub specialty under the Department of Surgery.

Lastly the Philippine Orthopedic Center shall be further developed by the Department of Health to
serve as the apex, the leader and premier institution in terms of Orthopedics services in the country.
Its production prosthetic surgical appliance factory shall be modernized and will serve to produce
supply for the needs of the entire country.

Region IX Zamboanga Medical Center

NCR Rizal Medical Center
NCR Quirino Memorial Medical Center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center
Physical Medicine
andRehabilitation Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Dr. PaulinoJ. Garcia Memorial

Research and Medical Center

East Avenue Medical Center

Quirino Memorial Medical Center
Rizal Medical Center
Philippine Orthopedic Center
Bicol Medical Center
Batangas Medical Center

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center
Talisay District Hospital

Zamboanga City Medical

Southern Philippines
Cotabato Regional Medical Center
Medical Center

Physical Medicine
APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level

andRehabilitation Centers
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding
Physical Medicine
andRehabilitation Centers
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the
diagnosis, evaluation, and management of persons of all ages with physical and/or cognitive
impairment and disability. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is also very closely related and
gave rise to sports medicine. While there are myriad of conditions being addressed by
Rehabilitation Medicine that has nothing to do with Orthopedics specialty, Orthopedic Specialty
has traditionally been the most closely associated medical specialty to Rehabilitation Medicine and
this close association has been kept until the present.

In the Philippines, among the DOH hospitals, it is the Philippine Orthopedic Center which
espouses the most comprehensive Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation services. Which aptly also
includes crafting of individualized prosthetics and assistive devices.

In recognition of the need for increasing the number of health facilities offering physical medicine
and rehabilitation services to cater to the needs of Filipinos, the Philippine Hospital Development
Plan 2016- 2022 aims to establish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Centers (PMRCs) in
selected regions in the country. PMRCs shall be established in selected DOH medical centers
which are also target for the establishment of Orthopedic Centers as detailed below. In addition,
all DOH Regional Hospitals/medical centers as well as all provincial hospitals are envisioned to
at least be able to provide basic rehabilitation medicine services.

NCR Rizal Medical Center
NCR Quirino Memorial Medical center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region VII Talisay District Hospital
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

Centers for Infections Disease or
Tropical Medicine
Updated as of October 2016

Baguio General Hospital

and Medical Center

San Lazaro Hospital

Research Institute for

Tropical Medicine

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Western Visayas Medical


Southern Philippines
Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding 40
Centers for Infectious Disease
and Tropical Medicine
Infectious Diseases remains to be a major public health problem in the country. Based on the
Philippine Health Statistics 2013, three of the Ten Leading Cause of Mortality in the Philippines
are infectious in nature. In addition, with the advent of globalization, the Philippines, just like other
countries has experienced an increase in incidence of emerging and re-emerging diseases such
as SARS, MERSCoV, Zika Virus and HIV/AIDS.

In recognition of these needs, the Department of Health plans to upgrade the capability of the
Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM) and San Lazaro Hospitals (SLH) both as apex
Centers for Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine. In addition, the Department shall further
improve the capability of SLH as the National Reference Laboratory for HIV/AIDs, Hepatitis and
STD/STI while the RITM shall be supported to further enhance its research capabilities and as the
National Reference Laboratory for various infectious diseases as detailed in Department Order
393-E s. 2000: “Designation of National Reference Laboratories...”


NCR Research Institute of Tropical Medicine
NCR San Lazaro Hospital

In addition, to ensure that there will be other tertiary hospitals that will be able to respond both in
terms of laboratory diagnostics and inpatient treatment of patients from emerging and re- emerging
diseases, previously identified Sub-National Reference Laboratory for Infectious Diseases,
Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases shall be also developed into Centers for infectious Disease
and Tropical Medicine with its Sub-National Reference Laboratories further improved.

Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center

Region VIII Western Visayas Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

In addition, the Department of Health recognizes the alarming increase in incidence of HIV cases
in the country. While based on the HIV/AIDs Registry of the Philippines, the national prevalence
of HIV as of 2016 is still less than 1% of the population, there has been a noted dramatic increase
in the number of cases, from 1 HIV/AIDS case reported daily in 2008 to 26 cases per day as of the
June 2016. While there are currently one HIV/AIDS treatment hubs in each region, to be able to
appropriately address the needs for diagnostics and treatment for HIV, the Department of Health
shall develop hospitals towards the direction of having one HIV/AIDs treatment hub or satellite
center per province in the next six years.

Brain Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Baguio General Hospital and

Medical Center
Dr. PaulinoJ. Garcia Memorial
Research and Medical Center

Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center

Lung Center of the Philippines
Philippine Children‟s Medical Center
East Avenue Medical Center
Quirino Memorial Medical Center
Tondo Medical Center
Rizal Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Zamboanga City Medical Center

Southern Philippines
Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction 42
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding
Brain Centers
While there are a quite number of hospitals which are able to provide neurological health services,
only a very limited number of hospitals can be considered to be Brain Center. A Brain Center
should be able to provide the complete range of neurological health services which should include
among others neurosurgery subspecialty services. Neurosurgery is perhaps one of the specialties
in medicine that has the least number of practitioners in the Philippines. The Philippine College of
Surgeon list only 51 diplomate degree holders in neurosurgery, of these more than half or 29 are
practicing in Metro Manila.

In the Philippines there are very limited number of hospitals which are able to cater to patients
requiring neurosurgical procedure primarily due to lack of specialists and most of these are tertiary
private hospitals. Currently, there are only 9 government hospitals which has neurosurgical
capabilities this includes seven DOH hospitals as listed below as well as the Philippine General
Hospitals and the Armed Forces Medical Center which both offers the fellowship training on
neurosurgery. These facilities shall be strongly supported by the Department of Health to be
upgraded into Neuroscience Centers.
NCR Rizal Medical Center
NCR Quirino Memorial Medical Center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR Philippine Children‟s Medical Center
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

Currently the Department is partnering with the St. Luke‟s Medical Center, Bangko Central Ng
Pilipinas and Banco De Oro to develop a Brain Center in East Avenue Medical Center and
hopefully also in the Lung Center of the Philippines. Additional Brain Centers will also be
established in DOH Level 3 hospitals in other selected regions in the next few years. Detailed
below are the Brain Centers to be established in the next six years that would offer neurological
and neurosurgical services.

NCR East Avenue Medical Center

NCR Lung Center of the Philippines
NCR Tondo Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

The Department of Health recognizes the marked regional disparity in the availability of
neurosurgical services in the country. However due to severe limitation in the number of practicing
neurosurgical specialist in the different regions in the country, developing additional Brain Centers
will be a challenge. Nonetheless, to cater to the needs of the Filipinos needing neurological
services, in the regions without Brain Centers, the Department shall develop all tertiary DOH
hospital to be able to have a Department of Neuroscience. Additional Brain Centers may be
developed once the DOH hospital has established a strong Neuroscience Department and already
secured a neurosurgeon subspecialist as among its health human resources.

Psychiatry Centers
Updated as of October 2016
Mariano Marcos Memorial
Hospital and Medical Center Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Ilocos Training and Regional Baguio General Hospital and

Medical Center Medical Center
Region 1 Medical Center

Mariveles Mental Hospital National Center for Mental Health

Bicol Medical Center

Batangas Medical Center
Bicol Regional Training and
Teaching Hospital

Western Visayas Medical


Vicente Sotto Memorial

Ospitalng Palawan Medical Center

Northern Mindanao
Medical Center
Memorial Regional Hospital
Southern Philippines
Medical Center
Zamboanga City
Medical Center

Cotabato Regional and

Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding

Psychiatry Centers
A 2004 study by the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that up to 60 percent of people
attending primary care clinics daily are estimated to have one or more mental, neurological and
substance abuse (MNS) disorders. The 2000 Census reported that mental illnesses and mental
retardation rank third and fourth, respectively, among disabilities in the country. The National
Center for Mental Health (NCMH) reported that the country‟s suicide rates for female and male
are estimated at 1.7 and 2.5 per 100,000 population, respectively. The most recent issuance to
guide the DOH‟s mental health policy, A.O. 2016-0039, “Revised Operational Framework for a
Comprehensive National Mental Health Program,” the NCMH and regional mental health facilities
are directed to develop models and standards for tertiary level mental health care as well as
psychosocial rehabilitation programs. The PHDP 2017-2022 shall support the improvements of
service capabilities of current Psychiatry Centers, as below.

Region I Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center
Region I Mariano Marcos Memorial Medical Center
Region I Region 1 Medical Center
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
Region III Mariveles Mental Hospital
NCR National Center for Mental Health
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center
Region IV-B Ospital Ng Palawan
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region V Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Region VI Western Visayas Medical Center
Region VI Corazon LocsinMontelibano Memorial Regional Hospital
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center

In addition, the PHDP will also ensure functional acute psychiatric units in other level 3 DOH
hospitals, and psychiatric units in provincial hospitals. With the stewardship of the NCMH, the
health system shall mobilize and promote community-based mental health interventions that
complement the psychiatric services of the hospitals.

Eye Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Mariano Marcos Memorial

Hospital and Medical Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Baguio General Hospital and

Medical Center

Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Rizal Medical Center

Research and Medical Center Quirino Memorial Medical Center
Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
Jose B. LingadMemorial East Avenue Medical Center
Regional Hospital

Bicol Regional Training and


Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Western Visayas Northern Mindanao

Medical Center Medical Center

Zamboanga City Medical


Southern Philippines
Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading 46
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
Eye Centers
The 3rd National Survey on Blindness in the Philippines of 2004 says prevalence of visual
impairment is 0.43. That would mean almost half a million Filipinos are suffering from visual
impairment. The eyes are one of the most important sensory organ of the human body and good
vision is essential for active lifestyle and work productivity. While there is no Philippine data on
the total economic burden of vision loss, in 2014 in the US, vision loss resulted in $ 134B economic
burden. This staggering figure emphasizes the need for any country to provide good public health
care services for eye and vision.

Currently there are already several DOH eye centers throughout the country. The Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation also has specific package for surgical removal of cataract which is the
leading cause of blindness in the country. However, visual impairment and blindness specially in
the rural areas remains a problem as there is inequity in the distribution of ophthalmologist in the
country as well as the availability of ophthalmological facilities. In recognition of this, the
Department through the Philippine Hospital Development Plan (PHDF) emphasizes the need to
upgrade the current government Eye Centers as listed below:

NCR Rizal Medical Center

NCR Quirino Memorial Medical center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
Region I Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
Region III Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital
Region VI Western Visayas Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

In addition, the Department will also develop additional Eye Centers in DOh Level 3 hospitals in
selected regions in the country based on the recommendation of the Philippine Academy of
Ophthalmology as listed below. Lastly to make ophthalmological services more available for
Filipinos, the PHDF envision to develop all DOH level 3 hospitals and provincial hospitals to be
able to provide basic ophthalmological services.

2018 - 2022
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
Region V Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

Dermatology Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial

Research and Medical Center

Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical

Quirino Memorial Medical Center
Rizal Medical Center
Philippine Children‟s Medical Center
Research Institute for Tropical

Bicol Sanitarium
Eversley Childs‟
Culion Sanitarium and Sanitarium
General Hospital
Eastern Visayas Regional and
Western Visayas Medical Center
Vicente Sotto
Memorial Medical

Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez

Memorial Hospital

Mindanao Central

Sulu Sanitarium Southern Philippines

Cotabato Sanitarium Medical Center

Dermatology Centers
APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding

Dermatology Centers
Diseases of the skin have serious impact in a person‟s quality of life. The World Health
Organization had acknowledged that dermatologic problems were ignored in the past and were
given low priority in which services are absent in tertiary care centers. Recently, there is a big push
at both national and international levels to improve dermatology services primarily because
dermatologic problems post important impact on general health. Many of these dermatologic
conditions are brought about by infection and can be treated with simple remedies. Spread of
dermatologic infections may be prevented if there is proper management.
With the goal of improving diagnosis and treatment of dermatological conditions, plan for
establishment or upgrading of at least one Dermatology Center in the National Capital Region and
in the three island groups of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao through selected DOH hospitals is
incorporated in the Philippine Hospital Development Plan 2017 – 2022. These centers shall
provide training programs for healthcare staff on treatment of common skin conditions and shall
serve as referral centers for other dermatology service providers. Presently, the DOH hospitals
with dermatology centers for upgrading are as follows:


NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center Dermatology Center
Quirino Memorial Medical Center Dermatology Center
Rizal Medical Center Dermatology Center
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine Dermatology Center
Philippine Children‟s Medical Center Dermatology Center
Region III Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Dermatology Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center Dermatology Center

In addition to the abovementioned, the following DOH hospitals and sanitaria are also envisioned
to have Dermatology Centers:

PHDP 2017 – 2022

NCR Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial Hospital Dermatology Center
Region IV-B Culion Sanitarium and General Hospital Dermatology Center
Region V Bicol Sanitarium Dermatology Center
Region VI Western Visayas Sanitarium Dermatology Center
Region VII Eversley Childs‟ Sanitarium Dermatology Center
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center Dermatology Center
Region IX Mindanao Central Sanitarium Dermatology Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center Dermatology Center
Region XII Cotabato Sanitarium Dermatology Center
Sulu Sanitarium Dermatology Center

All the remaining DOH hospitals shall have basic dermatology services in order to strengthen
community dermatology programs and services.

Diabetes Control Center
Updated as of October 2016

Veterans Regional Hospital

Jose B. Lingad Memorial

Regional Hospital
East Avenue Medical Center

Bicol Regional Training and

Batangas Medical Center Teaching Hospital

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center
Ospitalng Palawan
Caraga Regional Hospital

Corazon LocsinMontelibano Northern Mindanao

Memorial Regional Hospital Medical Center

Zamboanga City Medical

Center Southern Philippines
Medical Center

Cotabato Regional and

Medical Center
APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding 51
Diabetes Control Centers
The Philippines, ranked 15 in the world for prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM), is home to more
than 3.5 million people diagnosed with DM according to the 2015 statistics of International
Diabetes Federation. Diabetes prevalence in the Philippines is predicted by World Health
Organization at an alarming rate of about 8 million in 2030. Consistently, diabetes belongs to the
top 10 leading causes of mortality (2005 – 2010). Recognizing that diabetes, to a large extent, is a
preventable problem, the Department of Health (DOH) spearheaded the Diabetes Prevention and
Control Program with the goal of reducing morbidity, mortality and disability due to diabetes
through an integrated and comprehensive program on prevention and control of lifestyle-related
In view of the fact that diabetes is a chronic lifestyle-related non-communicable disease concern
that cuts across geographical boundaries regardless of age and status, everyone must have access
to services related to its prevention or management. Currently, Region 1 (Ilocos Training and
Regional Medical Center) and Cordillera Administrative Region (Baguio General Hospital and
Medical Center) have Diabetes Control Centers.
The Philippine Hospital Development Plan 2017-2022 envisions to establish additional Diabetes
Control Centers in the remaining regions of the country through selected DOH hospitals as follows:

PHDP 2017 – 2022

NCR East Avenue Medical Center
Region II Veterans Regional Hospital
Region III Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center
Region IV-B Ospitalng Palawan
Region V Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Region VI Corazon LocsinMontelibano Memorial Regional Hospital
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center
Region XIII Caraga Regional Hospital

Furthermore, all DOH hospitals and provincial hospitals across the country must have basic
diabetes services through diabetes clinics or units that are linked to Diabetes Control Centers.

Trauma Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Veterans Regional Hospital

Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial
Research and Medical Center Philippine Orthopedic Center
East Avenue Medical Center
Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical
Rizal Medical Center
Bicol Medical Center

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Southern Philippines
Medical Center

Zamboanga City Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding

Trauma Centers
In the 2013 PHS, accidents – external causes of mortality – rank fifth in the leading causes of death
in the country, and they held the rank when averaged in the last five years. With 40,071 deaths,
accidents are only two-thirds short of the top leading cause of death (i.e. diseases of the heart). The
DOH Epidemiology Bureau‟s Online National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (ONEISS)
reported a total of 62,760 injury cases in 2015, or an average of over 5,000 cases per month. The
leading external causes of injuries were transportation/vehicular crash, fall, and contact with sharp
objects, in this order. Bites and stings were fourth in leading causes in the first three quarterly
reports, and mauling/assault in the last. As provided in A.O. 2014-0002, where DOH revised the
National Policy on Violence and Injury Prevention, the policy‟s action framework calls for
hospital care and rehabilitation to prevent further complications of trauma- related emergencies,
and lessen the burden of disability due to violence and injury. For PHDP 2017-2022, the hospitals
identified below shall be supported to upgrade their capabilities as Trauma Centers.

Region II Veterans Regional Hospital
Region III Dr.Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR Philippine OrthopedicCenter
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

In addition, the following hospitals will establish their respective Trauma Centers. Also, consistent
with provisions of A.O. 2012-0012, the PHDP shall ensure functionality of services in level 2
hospitals as trauma-receiving facilities, and in level 3 hospitals as trauma-capable facilities.

2017 – 2018
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
2019 – 2022
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
NCR Rizal Medical Center

Burn Treatment Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Veterans Regional
Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial
Research and Medical Center East Avenue Medical Center

Quirino Memorial MedicalCenter

Rizal Medical Center Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center

Bicol Medical Center

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Zamboanga City
Medical Center

Southern Philippines
Medical Center
APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding 54
Burn Treatment Centers
In the 2013 PHS, accidents – external causes of mortality – rank fifth in the leading causes of death
in the country. The DOH Epidemiology Bureau‟s Online National Electronic Injury Surveillance
System (ONEISS) shows that in 2015, of the 62,760 injuries reported, burn-related injuries
consistently comprised around two percent of the cases, lowest in the third quarter (1.61 percent),
and highest in the fourth quarter (2.07 percent). Consistently, causes of burn injuries were heat,
electricity and fire, in this order. No fatalities were reported in the first quarter of 2015, but an
average of three fatalities was reported in the last three quarters. The action framework of the
DOH‟s revised National Policy on Violence and Injury Prevention in 2014, or
A.O. 2014-0002 calls for hospital care and rehabilitation to prevent further complications of
trauma-related emergencies, and lessen the burden of disability due to violence and injury. For
PHDP 2017-2022, the capabilities of the hospitals listed below, being Burn Treatment Centers will
be upgraded.

Region II Veterans Regional Hospital
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR Quirino Memorial Medical Center
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center

One hospital‟s establishment as Burn Treatment Center is now in the pipeline. In the PHDP, the
current and upgraded Trauma Centers will initially ensure services in their respective burn
treatment units. However, most of them are intended for upgrade to Burn Treatment Centers before
the plan‟s end term. Refer to list below.

2017 – 2018
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
2019 – 2022
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
Region III Dr.Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
NCR Rizal Medical Center
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

Biomarine Poisoning and
Toxicology Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Region I Medical Center Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Jose B. Lingad Memorial

Regional Hospital East Avenue MedicalCenter
Rizal Medical Center
(Alternate Hospital)
Batangas Medical Center
Bicol Medical Center

Western Visayas Sanitarium Eastern Visayas Regional

(Alternate Hospital) Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center
Ospitalng Palawan
Caraga Regional

Corazon LocsionMontelibano Northern Mindanao

Memorial Regional Hospital Medical Center

Southern Philippines
Zamboanga City Medical Medical Center

Cotabato Regional
and Medical Center

Biomarine Poisoning and
APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding

Biomarine Poisoning and Toxicology
The Department of Health mandates immediate reporting of poisoning incidences. As a medical
emergency, poisoning requires prompt and urgent medical management to prevent further damage
or even death. According to Philippine Health Statistics (2010), the prevalence of accidental
poisoning and exposure to noxious substances is 192 cases per 100,000 population which accounts
to 0.2 %.
While cases of poisoning or exposure to noxious substances may occur at any given time or place,
only few DOH hospitals in the country are capable of providing immediate medical management.
This may be brought about by lack of manpower and equipment or infrastructure such as
decontamination and detoxification units. The table below shows the nationwide Poison Control
Facilities of different levels (A, B, C, and D). The Philippine Hospital Development Plan 2017 –
2022 envisions to improve the functionality of these centers and add Poison Information Service
(24/7 Hotline) with Poison Specialist on duty, which is currently available only in East Avenue
Medical Center. Fellowship Training Program on Toxicology will be also offered by EAMC in
2017 to be upgraded to Level A and eventually become the apex toxicology center.


NCR East Avenue Medical Center Poison Control Center / B
Rizal Medical Center (Alternate Hospital) Poison Control Unit / D
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center Poison Control Unit / D
Region VI Corazon LocsionMontelibano Memorial Regional Hospital Poison Control Unit / D
Western Visayas Sanitarium (Alternate Hospital) Poison Control Unit / D
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center Poison Control Unit / D
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center Poison Control Unit / D
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center Poison Control Unit / D

In addition, select hospitals in the remaining regions of the country are envisioned offer toxicology
services. Moreover, hospitals that are geographically located near large bodies of water shall be
developed into Biomarine Poisoning Treatment Centers.

PHDP 2017 – 2022

Region I Region I Medical Center Poison Control Unit
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center Poison Control Unit
Region III Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital Poison Control Unit
Region IV-B Ospitalng Palawan Poison Control Unit
Region V Bicol Medical Medical Center Poison Control Unit
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center Poison Control Unit
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center Poison Control Unit
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center Poison Control Unit
Region XIII Caraga Regional Hospital Poison Control Unit

Centers for Traditional and
Alternative Medicine
Updated as of October 2016

Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital

and Medical Center Veterans Regional
Ilocos Training and Regional
Medical Center

Region I Medical Center

Amang Rodriguez
Memorial Medical Center

East Avenue Medical Center

Bicol Medical Center

Eastern Visayas Regional

and Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Southern Philippines
Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding

Centers for Traditional and
Alternative Medicine
Provision of traditional and alternative healthcare services is perceived to increase access to
healthcare. Integration of traditional and alternative healthcare into the national healthcare delivery
system is mandated by Republic Act No. 8423 known as the Traditional and Alternative Medicine
Act (TAMA) of 1997. This encourages, promotes and advocates research, development and use of
traditional, alternative, preventive and curative healthcare modalities that have been proven safe,
effective, cost-effective and consistent with government standards on medical practice. The
Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Healthcare (PITAHC), attached to the
Department of Health, was established to attain these objectives. In 2003, the World Health
Organization supported this endeavor by facilitating the development and introduction of
traditional and alternative healthcare curricula in 7 tertiary educational institutions in the country.
Moreover, the DOH hospitals with traditional and alternative medicine centers are as follows:


NCR Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center
East Avenue Medical Center
Region I Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center
Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center
Region I Medical Center
Region II Veterans Regional Hospital
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center

In furtherance of the goals of the Department of Health to promote safe and effective traditional
and alternative healthcare across the country, at least one center in each island groups of Luzon,
Visayas and Mindanao are envisioned in the Philippine Hospital Development Plan 2017 – 2022.
The following are the future centers for traditional and alternative medicine.

PHDP 2017 – 2022

Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center

Women’s Health Center

Updated as of October 2016

Cagayan Valley Medical Center

Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

Jose B. Lingad Memorial

Regional Hospital
Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital
San Lorenzo Ruiz Women‟s Hospital

Bicol Regional Training and

Batangas Medical Center Teaching Hospital

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center
St. Anthony Mother and
Child Hospital
Vicente Sotto Memorial
Medical Center
Caraga Regional Hospital

Corazon LocsinMontelibano Northern Mindanao

Memorial Regional Hospital Medical Center

Zamboanga City Medical Southern Philippines

Center Medical Center

Cotabato Regional and

Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding

Women’s Health Centers

The Department of Health is faced with a challenge to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3:
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is build upon the foundation
of Millennium Development Goals which includes improvement of maternal health (MDG 5).
Such challenge is multi-faceted due to several problems such as unmet need for reproductive health
services, high maternal mortality ratio, and weak maternal care delivery system among others.
There is slow progress towards improving maternal health and certain conditions originating in the
perinatal period belong consistently in the top 10 leading causes of mortality in the Philippines.
Based on demographic health survey (2013), maternal mortality ratio is 120 per 100,000 live births
while neonatal mortality rate per 1,000 live births is 14.
At present, the DOH hospitals with operational Women‟s Health Center and for upgrade are
Region I Medical Center,Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center and Mariano Marcos
Memorial Hospital and Medical Center in Region I and Ospitalng Palawan in Region IV-B.

The Philippine Hospital Development Plan 2017 – 2022 envisions presence of Women‟s Health
Centers across all the regions in the country. These centers are key implementers of Women‟s
Health and Safe Motherhood Project with the goal of improving women‟s health by delivering high
quality reproductive health services. Such will also serve as training centers for Basic Emergency
Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn
Care (CEmONC).

PHDP 2017 – 2022

NCR Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital
San Lorenzo Ruiz Women‟s Hospital
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
Region III Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center
Region V Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Region VI Corazon LocsinMontelibano Memorial Regional Hospital
Region VII St. Anthony Mother and Child Hospital
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center
Region XIII Caraga Regional Hospital

Neonatology Centers
Updated as of October 2016
Veterans Regional Hospital

National Children‟s Hospital East

Philippine Children‟s
Avenue Medical
Medical Center
Quirino Memorial Medical Center
Rizal Medical Center
Valenzuela Medical Center
Jose R. Reyes Memorial
Medical Center

Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center
Western Visayas
Medical Center
Vicente Sotto Memorial
Ospitalng Palawan Medical Center

Southern Philippines
Medical Center
Zamboanga City Medical Center

Cotabato Regional and

Medical Center

APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading

Neonatology Centers
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE DIRECTION: Facilities and services are not available but part of the plan for future funding

The 2013 PHS reported 1,761,602 live births and 21,992 infant deaths, or 12.5 percent, which is a
39 percent decrease from the previous year‟s 20.6 percent. Most live births were medically
attended (by medical doctor, nurse, or midwife), 3.4 percent higher than the previous year. Still,
14.3 percentwas attended by traditional birth attendants and/or unlicensed midwives. Infant
mortality rate was 18.2 per 1,000 population, a slight improvement from the previous year. But
those aged less than 28 days had more deaths, 4.1 percent, than those aged one-to-four years, 1.8
percent. Top causes of deaths were pneumonia (14.3 percent), bacterial sepsis (12.4 percent), and
respiratory distress (10.7 percent).

The DOH‟s “Child Survival Strategy” emphasized the need to strengthen health services of
children throughout the stages, and identified that the neonatal period as one of the most crucial
phases in the survival and development of the child. The strategy‟s goal is to reduce neonatal
mortality rates by two-thirds from the 1990 levels.The PHDP 2017-2022 will support the further
improved operations of existing Neonatology Centers, as below, including related resource needs
for the implementation of Republic Act 10747, or “Rare Disease Act of the Philippines.”

Region II Veterans Regional Hospital
NCR Philippine Children‟s Medical Center
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
NCR Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
NCR National Children's Hospital
NCR Quirino Memorial Medical Center
NCR Rizal Medical Center
NCR Valenzuela Medical Center
Region IV-B Ospital Ng Palawan
Region VI Western Visayas Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center

An additional neonatal intensive care center shall be established as below. In recognition of

provisions of A.O. 2012-0012, PHDP shall also ensure that all level 2 and 3 hospitals have
functional neonatal intensive care units (NICU).

2017 – 2022
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center

Geriatric Centers
Updated as of October 2016

Mariano Marcos Memorial Cagayan Valley Medical Center
Hospital &Medical Center
Baguio General Hospital
Ilocos Training and Regional and Medical Center
Medical Center
East Avenue Medical Center
Region 1 Medical Center Quirino Memorial Medical
Tondo Medical Center
Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research Valenzuela Medical Center
and Medical Center Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center
Jose B. Lingad Rizal Medical Center
Memorial Regional
Hospital Bicol Medical Center
Bicol Regional Training and
Batangas Medical Center
Teaching Hospital

Western Visayas

Medical Center Eastern Visayas Regional

Medical Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial

Medical Center

Northern Mindanao
Medical Center
Memorial Regional

Davao Regional
Zamboanga City Medical Center
Medical Center
Southern Philippines
Medical Center
Cotabato Regional and Medical

Geriatric Centers
APEX: Specialty hospital on a national level
CURRENT CENTERS: Existing facility with available services for further upgrading
PIPELINE: Services are unavailable and facilities may be present or on-going construction
FUTURE to Republic
Facilities 9257, or the
services “Expanded
are not Senior
available but part ofCitizens Actfuture
the plan for of 2003,”
fundinga senior
citizen, or an elderly is aged at least 60 years old. The 2013 PHS reported that out of over 98
million Filipino population in 2013, seven percent, or almost 7 million are aged 60 and above. For
the Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine, “while older persons may be cared for by

general internists, and family physicians, geriatricians should be sought to provide care for the
frailest older persons...” A geriatrics specialty enables the treatment of older patients, management
of their multiple disease symptoms, and the development of care plans for the special health care
needs of the elderly.

Through Department Order 2010-0085, the DOH designated Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical
Center (JRRMMC) as the main hospital for the National Center for Geriatric Health (NCGH).
Among other responsibilities, JRRMMC was to create a multi-disciplinary team that will provide
medical and psychosocial services for the elderly, andto supervise the provision of quality services
for dementia, and long-term, palliative and respite care for the elderly.For the PHDP 2017-2022,
in recognition of the country‟s mandate foruniversalhealth insurance coverage for senior citizens,
Geriatric Centers shall be established in level 3 DOH hospitals, and geriatric services shall be
ensured in all other DOH and LGU hospitals.

2017 - 2018
Region IV-A Batangas Medical Center
Region VI Western Visayas Medical Center
Region VIII Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
Region IX Zamboanga City Medical Center
2019 - 2022
Region I Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center
Region I Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center
Region I Region 1 Medical Center
CAR Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center
Region II Cagayan Valley Medical Center
Region III Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital
Region III Dr.Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center
NCR Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center
NCR East Avenue Medical Center
NCR Quirino Memorial Medical Center
NCR Rizal Medical Center
NCR Tondo Medical Center
NCR Valenzuela Medical Center
Region V Bicol Medical Center
Region V Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
Region VI Corazon LocsinMontelibano Memorial Regional Hospital
Region VII Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Region X Northern Mindanao Medical Center
Region XI Davao Regional Medical Center
Region XI Southern Philippines Medical Center
Region XII Cotabato Regional and Medical Center


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