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Family Background and its Effect to the Personal Attitudes of the Students in



A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Nabunturan National

Comprehensive High School – Senior High School

Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Practical



Darit, Reynaldo Jr.

Dela Cruz ,Noel Jr.

Laurden, Princess Joy

Montere, Jessa

We had spent the days reading some articles about this research study looking

for some informations. Finally, we held the paper in our hands that looked interesting

and realized that it was written by some students of Nabunturan National

Comprehensive High School.

We would like to express our gratitude and thanks for these following persons for

their great contribution and taking part on this research paper to become successful and

completely finished it without any conflicts.

First of all, we would like to give thanks to our Almighty God for giving us the

strength, knowledge, courage and wisdom while we were conducting this research.

To our parents for their financial support, encouragement, understanding and

patience for this kind of project. Also, we would like to express our gratitude to our

research adviser and teachers for their unending and unlimited support to make this

research paper successful.

Finally, our warmest thanks to our classmates and friends who helped us for this

research paper in finding a better way to finished it faster.



Research Objectives


Review of Related Literature

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Significance of the study

Definition of Terms


Research Design
Research Locale
Population and Sample
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data

CHAPTER IV- Discussion


Every person possesses different attitudes or personal behavior. In school, every

students show their own personal behavior while interacting to the teachers and to their

co-students. The personal behavior is the observable response of a person. It also

refers to the array of every physical action and observable emotion associated with

individual and human behavior is experienced throughout an individual’s entire lifetime.

It includes the way they act based on different factors such as genetics, social norms,

core faith, and attitude. Behavior is impacted by certain traits each individual has. The

traits vary from person to person and can produce different actions or behavior from

each person. Many students in Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School

(NNCHS) acts as violent towards their co-students, some are silent, depressed, and

problematic and also some are disrespectful unto the teachers.

Family background has been prominent in models of educational attainment. In

most research, family background has been measured by socioeconomic indicators

(parents' education, family income and at-home attitudes), to the exclusion of other

family characteristics that also affect the behavior of the students in schools.

There are many factors in family background that affect the student’s personal

behaviors; one of it is economic stability. Poverty can affect school readiness in several

ways. Children from lower-income homes often experience a lack of parental

consistency, a frequent change in part-time caregivers, a lack of supervision, poor

nutrition and poor role-modeling. According to a 2007 article titled "The Impact of
Poverty on Educational Outcomes for Children" in the journal "Pediatric Child Health,"

studies show that children from impoverished families tend to score lower in

communication and vocabulary skills, knowledge of numbers, ability to copy and

recognize symbols, concentration, and teamwork and cooperative play. Research

conducted by the Society for Research in Child Development also found that children

from low-income families received less positive parenting and had higher levels of

cortisol, which has been associated with lower levels of cognitive development. Another

factor is changes in family relationships. Divorce has long been linked to behavior

problems, anxiety and depression in children. From home to school, children carry with

their own feelings of depression and anxiety that affects their personal behavior while

interacting and communicating with their co-students and teachers. Also, because of

these factors students may carry challenging behavior like withdrawn behaviors,

disruptive behaviors, violent and/or unsafe behaviors and inappropriate social


At the end of this, we the researchers , aim to conceptualize the data gathered

about the effects of family background to the personal attitude of the students in

Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School. This study motivates the researcher

to conduct the study to investigate the domains that could influence the personal

attitude of students. It will be in this context that the researchers are interested to

determine whether the family background will influence the personal attitude of


The following hypotheses will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

1. There is no significant relationship between Family background and Students

Personal Attitude.

2. There is no domain in the Family background that significantly influences the

Student`s Personal Attitude.

Review of Related Literature

There will be no doubts that the position of a person or group (e.g ., family) in

the social heritage is an important consideration in any explanations and discussion on

different opportunities in society . For example , belonging to a specific social class and

having reached or possessed a certain job or occupational status can be an indicators

in family background of a specific person or students . Specific family background

factors provide important perception about the resources associated with educational

outcomes which is available to a certain family at a particular point in time , measuring

the students’ family background involves the students themselves , their parents or

family ( relations and attitudes ) and other people connected to the students . (May ,


Family background plays a very big task on the child or student’s life. It also

refers to all the things, values, conditions in the family which influences the child or

student physically (body), intellectually(mind), and also emotionally(feelings). Students

coming from different family backgrounds are really affected differently by such factors

and variations and that is the reason why some of the students have good family

background while others are poor. Some researchers noted that with some families, the

background will differ from time to time for the same individuals. Also it was stated that it

is the parents who are primarily responsible for establishing the family and make control

over it, also parents are responsible for the type of family background they got. This

means that parental attitudes and behaviors are very important in developing healthy

family background and is possible when parents adapt to the culturally defines roles and

responsibility of parents to the needs of their child. (Ugwuja, 2010)

The concepts of family relationship and well-being are very important to be

examine and identified. And many factors in the family, community, school contexts that

develop their well being. One element of a family is a family structure that talks about

the structure of a certain family whether or not the parents live together, parents are

either married or unmarried. Family size, how many members within the family being

identified as small , moderate, and large families. Family instability thus has a dominant

effect on family size, particularly at lower levels of socioeconomic status. Family size is

a complex factors in family well-being.(Fahey, Keilthy & Polek,2012)

We define the family literacy or background as it improved and delivered. The

word family background is literally confusing because it is used by diverse people refer

to very different things in the world. Thus, some people use this term to refer the ways

of how families works within their homes or in the community, while other use it to refer

to a family intervention and practices. Family background also define as an information

of a certain social group consisting of parents and their children with the factors of
family socioeconomic status, parental attitudes and other family characteristics. This is

pleasantly straightforward but the shapes and structures of some families nowadays are

fastly evolving and changing. Many important factors contributing to the diversity of

family background in some countries are cohabitation rates, parent’s relation ( marriage

or divorce patterns), parental occupational status, conception rates, age and also ethnic

diversity in society. (McCoy & Cole, 2011)

Previous research about family background defines its concept as an privileged

environment of personality development , thus it has a fundamental responsibility in the

development of infants and adolescents. The concept of family background has been

evolving and suffers from an important changes concerning to the socioeconomic

status, parent’s relation, family attitudes, and family size. All of these, matter the social

changes. These evolutions might have repercutions in the family background as well as

in its functioning. As the time passes by, every person occupies a place within the family

and becomes central in the family. Family is a permeable system which is being

influence by some factors that support from some variation with the level of family

organization. Each family as a common dynamism gives it a specific autonomy and

individuality.(Figuerdo & Dias, 2012)

Since the world is changing over a period of time, also the family background

changes and has evolved together with the changes in the need and demands of the

individuals, family, and society that leads to the development of cultures and nations.

But, there are issues that surround the family background and maintenance like spousal

relationship or parent’s relationship, parenting and changing family patterns. Spousal

relationship or parent’s relationship is that the relationship of the spouse either it is good
or in a conflict state. Parenting, the attitudes and the interaction of the parents inside the

family whether the parents act as abusive or in a right manner that affects their family

patterns and also to the children. There will be a changes in their actions.(Enrique,

Howk & Huitt, 2007)

Family background of students refers to the circumstances, situations and past

events that help to elaborate how a student develop or improved in a certain manner.

There are factors we can indicate the family background. One of it is the family financial

status or socioeconomic status, the money or financial that a family earns at a given

time and place and it can be form either weekly or monthly salary as well as returns got

from a job or business. Family size is the total number of members in the student’s

family in addition to the student himself. Family relationship refers to any positive or

negative impression or effect that families exercise with each other.( Muthoni, 2013)

Family characteristics, relationships and parenting problems are common and

can have worst outcomes to an individual especially the child, family development and

functioning. Divorce affects roughly half of the eve- married population. More than half

of divorce parents happen in families with minor children each year in some countries.

In addition to the many indicators of relationship difficulties experienced by some

couples and families, also, there are may signs of difficulties with parenting as well and

these have major consequences for psychological development and behavioral health.

Another very influential factor is attachment. One’s attachment style is associated with a

wide range of outcomes across the psychological, interpersonal, and social entities

including emotions and behaviors. ( Melchert, 2011)

The consequences of growing up poor can be dire with serious implications for

the prospects of inter-generational mobility. This connect from all manner of family

background characteristics including family structure, parental education, family income

and other interrelated factors. Many of the concept that are unmarried in some countries

that would affect their family development. Parental education is commonly identified as

the good indicator of family background characteristics. Highly educated parents tend to

be more likely have higher income.( Egalite, 2016)

Family system not only enables a person grow up, get socialized and find his/her

own identity, but also reflects the structure and culture as well as values, expectations

and rules of the society. Thus, family lays a bridge for the child to be a part of the

society and life. It is primarily the family who ensure that the individual is content with

life, fulfills his/her duties and comports with the societal norms. The experiences and

models that the family set for the child play an important role in developing positive

social behaviors and values. Family should function properly in order for the child to

evolve into a healthy individual. Family structure and place of resident are influential

over these parents’ outlook on the functions of the family.

Behavioral problems students in schools are usually categorized into internalizing

and externalizing problems . Externalizing behavioral problems express outwardly as

aggression or aggressive , imprudent , threat and disobedient towards other students

and teachers . Internalizing behavioral problems being described as inside happening

within the students , bad attitudes as an inhibited style described as withdrawn , lonely
or feeling sad , depressed and anxious . Accordingly , children with aggressive behavior

may also be suffering from anxiety or depression . In addition , externalizing and

internalizing behavioral problems happen under some various health , mental emotional

and social problems that are more likely to give concerns to clinical procedures (e.g .,

physical fighting , body dysmorphism and self – harm . ( Mc Grath and Elgar, 2015 )

The behavioral problems are having a big impact on student’s bodily and social

development. The family provides emotional support to an individual as well as plays an

important role in the development of one’s personality. The quality and nature of the

parental nurturance that the student receives will profoundly affect his or her future

development. The knowledge of these family factors associated with behavioral

problems may be helpful ao identify at risk student especially in school setting. Also

behavioral problems are the major concern of frustration to parents. Parent-child

relationship gets disrupted and creates family conflicts and disharmony and only few

family provides the right type of environment to the developing child or student. May

studies have shown that children or students with various kinds of psychiatric and

behavioral problems tend to come from homes or schools that are disadvantage in

some respect.( Jogdand & Naik, 2014)

Taking a cross- cultural insights, some researchers review previous

advancement in theory and empirical studies on personal values and behaviors.

Although personal values have been identified in some studies, systematic theory-

based that relates the personal values and behaviors. People from different cultures

vary in the extent to which they use their own internal attitudes to guide their behavior.

Thus, there are strong relationship of personal values and behaviors toward cultural
patterns. Culture control the personal values and behaviors and cultures also

determines the definition of behavior and vice-versa.(Sagiv, 2010)

In specialized literature, the issue of students’ mental and emotional entities are

analyzed in relation to their attitudes. Some authors believe that the students’ attitudes

are deeply influenced by the characteristics of the environment, students’ commitment

and acceptance of school tasks. Attitudes also talks about the students’ way of

thinking, students react differently towards other students, some lay stress on

involvement. It is compulsory to examine the students’ attitudes in school to determine

the students’ level of consciousness, personality and the way they act to

others.(Anghelache, 2013)

An attitude is a global and relatively enduring manipulation (either good or bad)

of a student issue. Students’ personal attitudes can be based on affective or behavioral

identity. Attitudes are one of psychology’s fundamental concepts thus it help to

elaborate students’ decisions and actions. Attitudes act with various functions as it

serve to help students to achieve what they want and avoid from harm. Attitudes are

changing, although attitudes are commonly considered to be relatively stable and

controlled, as the students were being exposed to new environment, information and

experiences can lead them to change their attitudes accordingly.(Bizer, Barden & Petty,


Personal attitude is commonly defined as an internal psychology state, which can

be expressed by the evaluation of some entities like mental and emotional that is being

possessed by a certain person. An attitude cannot be seen or exist from a person until
he or she responds evaluative towards the factors with affect and behavior. Attitudes

needs to be develop as it result on approval or disapproval, favor or disfavor and how

the person act towards hi or her environment which produces a psychological patterns.

Also, attitudes have diverse works and functions, each assumes that general need,

motives boost and direct attitudinal functioning.(Norlund, 2009)

An attitude is defined as an emotional and mental state of activeness, organized

through personal experience, showing a directive or dynamic influence on the student’s

responses to all things and situation to which he or she is related. In a simple definition

of attitude is a thinking skills of a students or a tendency to act and respond in a

common way due both a student’s experience temperament and environment. Typically,

when we refer to a student;s attitudes, we are a complex combinations of inside

factors, we tend to call personality, beliefs, values, behaviors and motivation. A

student’s attitudes toward preventive medicine leads to his or her poison of view or

personal perspective about a certain situations, how he or she feels, as well as the

action, or he she is being involved in as a result of attitude to preventive health

problems.(Pickens, 2005)

People concern passionately about some attitudes and consider them deeply

significant. Attitudes, or students’ overall evaluations of the things in their surroundings.

The likes and dislikes of the students and it is being constructed has held an especially

opportunities and central status. In fact, attitudes have commonly referred to as the

most distinctive and indespensible concept of every person. For a social psychologist,

attitudes are practically and theoretically important for them because it is predictable
and have powerful effects on behavior. Some students are more likely than to others to

act on their attitudes, to motivate or guide behavior.(Eaton & Visser, 2008)

Personal attitude refers to individuals’ perceptions of the personal desirability of

performing behavior. An attitude towards an act is the degree to which a person has a

favorable or unfavourable evaluation or appraisal of the behavior in question. The later

authors seem to have derived their views on personal attitudes from Theory of Planned

Behavior (TPB) model. This theory states that individuals’ attitudes towards certain

actions are subjective conscious phenomena. It refers to the degree to which individuals

hold a positive or negative valuation towards personal behavior. As such, it is both a

mental affair that deeply lies within oneself. At the same time, the environment can also

influence it. In summary, personal attitude is a mentally prepared state for any known

subject.(Tshikovhi & Shambare, 2015)

A family is far more than a collection of individuals sharing a specific physical and

psychological space. A family may be considered a natural social system, with

properties all on its own, one that has evolved a set of responsibilities, is replete with

assigned and ascribed roles for its members, has an organized power structure, has

improved intricate overt and covert forms of communication and has elaborated ways of

negotiating and problem solving that permit various tasks to be performed effectively. In

the process of growing up, family members develop individual identities but

nevertheless remain attached to the family group. These family members do not live in

isolation, but rather are interdependent on one another – not just for money, food and

shelter but also for love, affection, interdependence, socialization and other common

needs. A well functioning family encourages the realization of the individual potential of
its members, allowing them freedom for exploration and self – discovery along with

protection and the instillation of a sense of security. This may not be the case in a

family that experiences conflicts. A child’s attitudes, standards and values will slowly be

formed by what he learns from his or her parent thus parents should lead by example.

Parents need to spend more time with their children, to talk to them and show them

love. As a parent, one should help their children to learn from mistakes of others. In

today’s society, parents hardly spend any time with their children. Parents should find

time to listen to their children’s problems and difficulties. It was also indicated that when

children see that their parents love each other, they are assured that their parents love

them. He also asserted that parents should always tell their children the reason why

they have to beat them and praise their children more often than they punish them.

Researchers have found interdependence between depressed persons and their social

contexts. This is especially true in the case of parent’s depression and children’s

adjustment.(Wanjiku, 2010)

The association between family background and behavioral problems in students

is long established and well-accepted in the society. Across levels of socioeconomic

status (SES), behavioral problems are generally more common and investigated among

lower socioeconomic status (SOS) students. However, least is being understood about

both of these two factors that underlie their relationships and their developmental

origins. This regards to the materials in students behavioral problems and how these

relationships are also being affected by contextual influences within the family,

community and especially in school. (Elgar and McGrath, 2015)

Family relationships are associated with student’s emotional and metal

outcomes. Stress responses are a likely mediator of associations between family

relationships and other physical health, mental health and behavioral results for

students. Negative family relationships and experiences are associated with a such a

wide range of negative results for students and the notion that many of the students can

adapt directly in the face of severe diversity. Essentially, the children who can

appropriately control their responses to stress may be buffered from the negative

physical and mental health problems of negative family relationship. In contrast, the

children who display uncontrolled stress responses may be more like to be at risk for

the negative outcomes of exposure to negative family relationship.( Thompson &

Goldberg, 2011)

The ways and process that family shape their children’s development and

attitudes have been an important source of theorizing by the parents themselves.

Looking at a wide range of outcome studies, the review concludes that the quality of

family background of some students is significantly associated with; students’ own

views of themselves, including their own sense of self worth and assessing their own

selves the way they act and respond. Aggressive behavior, the more extreme the

circumstances for parents, the worst the outcomes for students and mental or emotional

disturbance. Some students went to school feel depressed, anxiety, and other

behavioral problems.(Utting, 2007)

When a child misbehaves or fails to meet expectations at school, the child’s

home and family life should be considered. Several family factors can affect a child’s

behavior and ability to perform in the classroom. These include economic instability,
changes in family relationships and incidents of child abuse. Economic instability,

poverty can affect school readiness in several ways. Children from lower-income homes

often experience a lack of parental consistency, a frequent change in part-time

caregivers, a lack of supervision, poor nutrition and poor role-modeling. Some studies

show that children from lower-income families tend to have less in communication and

vocabulary skills, concentration, and teamwork and cooperative play. Research

conducted by the Society for Research in Child Development also found that children

from low-income families received less positive parenting and had higher levels of

cortisol, which has been associated with lower levels of cognitive development.

Changes in family relationships, divorce has long been linked to behavior problems,

anxiety and depression in children. This is often because single-parent homes feature

parents struggling with their own feelings of depression and anxiety, accomplishing

household responsibilities previously held by two people and meeting more financial

demands. Child abuse can happen by way of physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect,

sexual abuse or substance abuse in the home. According to, victims of

child abuse are known to be at high risk for engaging in risky behaviors and acting out

in school. They might have problems socializing with other children and adults and

completing or focusing on assignments.(Bennett, 2017)

Theoretical Framework

Family System Theory

According to Enrique, Howk, & Huitt, (2007), this theory studies the

interaction, relationship and focuses on family behavior, the way the members of the

family act and respond with each other. Intercommunication, interaction patterns,

interdependence, good connection, integrity, and coping to stress as it relates to the

whole family and also the individuals within the family.

Socialization Theory

According to Muthoni (2013), this theory states that every person like a

student needs a skills to act as an active member in the society and is the most

important learning process as a person can experience. Even though, cultural variability

controls in the actions, customs and attitudes of entire social groups, the most essential

demonstration of cultures is found at the individual level. This demonstration can only

happen after a student or individual has been influenced by his or her family, family

background, parents and by the other influencing factors.

Parental Attachment Theory

According to Ugwuja (2010), this theory state that the child or student

forms a active emotional connection with another person (family or parents) with lifelong

consequences. Some theorist said that having a sensitive and emotionally presence

parenting helps child or student to develop a secure connection which foster his or her

emotional development and well-being. In contrast, having a less sensitive and

emotionally available parenting or disregarding the needs of the child or student will
result in insecure forms of attachment, which is a bad factor for some mental and

emotional health problems.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 presents the independent variable which is the family background

that includes four indicators such as socioeconomic or financial status, parent`s relation,

family attitudes and family size .Family background remains as an significant variable to

explain the students` attitudes or interaction with others. The question of how the

students` family background affects their attitudes in school is often seen as an issue.

Nowadays, measures of family background is to determine the indicators or domains

such as socioeconomic status (SES) or financial status, parent`s relation , family

attitudes and family size . Socioeconomic status is being measured through family

occupation and financial resources since income is volatile and changing in time (Brese

and Mirazchiyski, 2010). Moreover, facing socioeconomic deficiency often lead to a

quarrel between the parents of a certain family that may also result to a conflict on

parent`s relationship or even lead to parents separation affecting the children or

student`s attitudes. Family size refers to the number of member s within the family,

correlation between siblings that parental income is being shared low when family size

is big (Lindahl ,2008)

On the other hand the dependent variable which is the personal attitude that

includes two indicators such as mental and emotional entity. Student –rearing attitudes

are factors that determine an individual to act either good or bad into other students.
Attitudes are significantly considered involving the interaction in school that exist in the

student – student relationship or student – teacher relationship. By some factors ,

emotions of many students lead to feeling of anger or depression (a possibility if

students` behavior is attributed to a bad disposition). In mentality students have the

intentions to hurt other students , have the desires to harass or kill and not to give

respect .unto others .This negative feeling and actions distract student , teachers and

even parents (Grusee, 2014).

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Family Background Personal Attitude

 Socioeconomic or  Mental
financial status  Emotional
 Parent’s relation
 Family attitude
 Family size

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will become relevant information to NNCHS-SHS

disciplinary committee as a springboard in planning for programs and activities that

could possibly conduct to discipline any prior identified problems about student`s

personal attitude to family background . Also, this will be one of the bases of the school

administrator and teacher in dealing and managing students to come up with an

understanding and peaceful environment in school .

In addition, this will help the parents to understand their role as counterpart of

the teacher in raising their children responsibly through impulsing good manner and

right conduct despite of their family background that may be the factor in every

student`s attitude. This will give a prior knowledge to the parents about the significant

effects of family background towards the children /students personal attitude so that

they will be guided in having a more stable family .Moreover, this research study will

notify every students who has different family background to be conscious and aware

with their personal attitudes especially when getting along with their teacher, co-

students and peers in school.

Definition of Terms

Family Background – as used in the study, it refers to the student`s family

status in terms of socioeconomic or financial status, parent`s relation , family attitudes

and family size.

Personal Attitude – as used in the study, it refers to the students’ personal

attitude in terms of their mental, emotional entity and the way they act to the other


Chapter II - Method

Research Design

Research Locale

This research study was conducted in Region XI at the province of Compostela

Valley specifically in the municipality of Nabunturan. This municipality composes of 28

barangays and 7 public schools including Nabunturan National Comprehensive High

School (NNCHS) where we particularly conducted our research study. This school is

located at P-17 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley along National Highway, in

front of the Nabunturan Central Elementary School and in between the Nabunturan

PhilHealth Office and Nabunturan Town Square (5’1). this school is the biggest

institution in the whole municipality of Nabunturan and tagged as the “Home of the

Achievers.” also catered Junior and Senior High School as well. This study was officially

conducted last July - October 2018.

Population and Sample

The respondents of this study were all of the Senior High School students of

Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School (NNCHS) coming from different

strands in both Grade 11 and 12. The researchers used a random sampling in selecting

the respondents from the NNCHS - SHS with almost 1,400 students. From the said

population, the researchers were only accommodated the respondents to

respond for the study. The table below shows the distribution of respondents from the

population on respective strands.

Research Instrument

A researcher-made questionnaire was made to utilize in gathering data. This tool

was used to determine the level of students’ personal attitudes in terms of their family

background. The researchers separated the questionnaires for independent variables

which pertains to family background particularly in socioeconomic status, parent’s

relation, family attitudes and family size from the dependent variable which, on the other

hand, pertains to students’ personal attitudes particularly in mental and emotional

entities. Each classified are consisted ten (10) questionnaires that was used in

gathering research data. Also, the questionnaires composed of specified questions in

each indicators. Using the Likert Scale, 4 means always 0 means never for both areas.

To measure the level of students’ family background, the following parameter

limits were used:

Range Description Interpretation

0 Never This means that students never experienced each

respective situations or circumstances.

1 Seldom This means that students seldom experienced each

respective situations or circumstances.

2 Sometimes This means that students sometimes experienced

each respective situations or


3 Often This means that students often experienced each

respective situations or circumstances.

4 Always This means that students always experienced

each respective situations or


To measure the level of students’ personal attitudes, the following parameter limits

were used:

Range Description Interpretation

0 Never This means that students never experienced each

respective situations or circumstances.

1 Seldom This means that students seldom experienced each

respective situations or circumstances.

2 Sometimes This means that students sometimes experienced

each respective situations or circumstances.

3 Often This means that students often experienced each

respective situations or circumstances.

4 Always This means that students always experienced

each respective situations or circumstances.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data were gathered through the following procedures:

Consent to Conduct the Study

The researchers will prepare and send directly the letter to the principal, asking

permission to conduct a research study in some Grade 11 & 12 students of NNCHS -

SHS. Upon receiving the approved letter, the researchers will automatically provide a

copy of the approval letter to the class adviser of each classrooms or sections where

the study will be conducted. The letter was endorsed by the

Administration and Retrieval of the Questionnaires

As the request was granted, the student - researcher distributed personally the

questionnaire forms to the respondents of the study. Before the respondents will answer

the questionnaires, instructions must be given to have a true and reliable answers for

each questions. Each item in the questionnaires was explained precisely for the

students - respondents to understand the questions given. To presume that the

questionnaires serve its purpose, the researchers will recover it all immediately after the

respondents answered.

Collation and Tabulation of Data

After all the answers were checked and immediately solidified it through

Microsoft Excel File. The integrated information was submitted to the analyst for fitting

factual treatment.

Analysis and Interpretation

The researchers objective is to examine and interpreted the result based on the

Statistical Treatment of Data

The responses of the items in the research-made questionnaires were analyzed

and interpreted using the appropriate statistical treatment as follows:

Average Weighted Mean. This tool was used to determine the profile of student’s

family background as well as the student’s personal attitudes.

Pearson-r or Product Moment Correlation. This test was used to determine the

significant relationship between the profile of student’s family background and the

student’s personal attitudes.

Regression Analysis. This was utilized to find out the effect of the profile of

student’s family background to the student’s personal attitudes.

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