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Reprinted from Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, v. 21, Suppl., 1, by A. Keith Brewer, Ph.D.

The High pH Therapy for Cancer, Tests on Mice and Humans," pp. 1-5, Copyright 1984, with
permission from Elsevier Science. Single copies of the article can be downloaded and printed for the
reader's personal research and study. Available at

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans

plus other papers
A. Keith Brewer, Ph.D.
A. Keith Brewer Science Library, 325 N. Central Ave., Richland Center, WI 53581
Phone: (608) 647-6513 FAX: (608) 647-6797 E-mail: [email protected]


Brewer, A. K. "The high pH therapy for cancer tests on mice and humans." Pharmacology,
Biochemistry and Behavior v.21: Suppl. 1, 1-5. 1984. -- Mass spectrographic and isotope studies have
shown that potassium, rubidium, and especially cesium are most efficiently taken up by cancer cells.
This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins A and C as well as salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of
cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 pH range. Where cell mitosis ceases and the life
of the cell is short. Tests on mice fed cesium and rubidium showed marked shrinkage in the tumor
masses within 2 weeks. In addition, the mice showed none of the side effects of cancer. Tests have
been carried out on over 30 humans. [Please note: these tests were not conducted by Dr. Brewer.] In
each case the tumor masses disappeared. Also all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared
within 12 to 36 hr; the more chemotherapy and morphine the patient had taken, the longer the
withdrawal period. Studies of the food intake in areas where the incidences of cancer are very low
showed that it met the requirements for the high pH therapy.

THE High pH Therapy for cancer was arrived at from an extensive series of physical experiments.
These involved the isotope effect across membranes of many types, normal plant and animal,
embryonic, cancer, and synthetic. It also involved mass spectrographic analyses of membranes and
cells, as well as fluorescence and phosphorescence decay studies of many types of cells and parts
thereof. It is the thesis of this paper that the results obtained throw a direct light upon the mechanism of
carcinogenesis, and also indicate a therapy. Tests on both mice and humans substantiate this theoretical
approach [1-8].


The isotope effect throws a very direct light on the mechanism of carcinogenesis. In this study it was
shown that the 39K/41K ratio in ocean water down to 6000 ft was 14,20000 [9-11]. In normal matured
cells, both plant and animal, the ratio varied from 14.25 to 14.21. Embryonic and cancer cells all gave a
ratio of 14.35. In the case of all synthetic cells across which there was a potential gradient, the ratio was
14.35. From these values it will be seen that the ratio in normal living cells indicates that as many
isotopes leave the cell as enter.
In the case of potassium for embryonic and cancer cells as well as synthetic type cells with all types of
membranes even including liquid mercury films the observed isotope ratio was given by equation 1.

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 1
( 39K/41 ) (
o= 39K/41 ) n (41 + m / 39 + m) 1/2 (1)
where n refers to the normal ratio, o to the observed ratio, and m is the associated mass for the ions.

All cations in solution are associated. The attached mass for Cs+ is 3 molecules of water, for Rb+ it is 5
molecules, for K+ is 7 molecules. For cations below potassium in the Electromotive Series all ions are
highly associated. This is to be expected from their position in the Hoffmeister Series. In the case of
Ca++ the association is 30 molecules, while Na+ is 16. Equation (1) holds for all cations tested from
H+to U+. The value of m however will vary when polar molecules are present in the solution. For
example, K+ can also attach glucose. In contrast, Ca++ can attach a wide variety of molecules; it is this
cation that transports peroxides into the cell, as well as metabolic products out of the cell.

The results given in equation (1) are most significant in that they show that transport is dependent
entirely upon the frequency with which the ions strike the membrane surface. It is not a matter of
capillary action, but one on which the ion and its associated mass pass directly through the bonding
space between molecules which comprise the membrane. That the associated molecules are not lost in
this transport is due to the fact that the attraction between the molecules and the ion is far greater than
their attraction by the material of the membrane.

In the case of potassium an exact similarity exists between embryonic and cancer cells. The isotope
ratio indicates that the K+ ions are taken up by the most efficient process possible. The same held true
for Cs+ and Rb+.

In contrast to the above, a vast difference exists for cations below potassium in the EMS. In the case of
embryonic cells all cations tested obeyed equation (1). In the case of cancer cells cations below
potassium were taken up sparingly, if at all. For example the amount of calcium in cancer cells is only
about one percent of that in normal cells [18].

The above isotope effect for potassium which transports glucose into the cell, and for calcium which
transports oxygen are most significant with respect to cancer. They mean that glucose can readily enter
cancer cells but that oxygen cannot enter. This accounts for the anaerobic state of cancer cells pointed
out by Warburg as early as 1925 [26].

The mechanism responsible for the similarity in the isotope effect for potassium and rubidium in cancer
and embryonic cells and for their marked difference in case of calcium was investigated in some detail
using mass spectrographic analyses, and also fluorescence and phosphorescence decay patterns.

The phosphorescence decay patterns were found to be peculiar to and specific for all cell types or parts
thereof [12-15]. It should be mentioned that the decay spectra is due entirely to the light emitted from
the energized double bonds. All double bonds are capable of being raised to the energized state. While
the fluorescence spectra and the phosphorescence decay patterns are both specific for each double bond

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 2
they can be influenced by adjacent strong polar radicals. Again, both can be completely depressed by
molecules absorbed over the surface; thus morphine, as well as attached polycyclic type molecules, will
completely depress the excitation of the P=O radicals which characterize all cell membrane surfaces.

The above results are most important with respect to membrane action. They show that the strong
electron acceptors Cs+, Rb+, and K+ can be attracted into the membrane so that they will enter the
negative potential gradient which exists across all living membranes. In contrast to these cations, the
highly associated cations farther down in the EMS are not sufficiently strong electron acceptors to be
drawn into this gradient except when the P=O radicals are in the energized state. This means that K+
cations which transport glucose into the cell can readily enter cancer cells, but that Ca++ ions which
transport oxygen into the cell cannot enter. In the normal cell the glucose, upon entering the cell, reacts
with the oxygen in the cell and is burned to carbon dioxide and water with the liberation of heat. This
heat in turn is absorbed on the membrane surface and raises the P=O radicals to an energized state
which permits them to attach more Ca++ ions. Thus it will be seen that the amount of oxygen entering
the cell is determined by oxidation within the cell, primarily that of glucose. This action is responsible
for the pH control mechanism of the cell which maintains a value near 7.35.

The reactivity of the double bond has been studied in some detail using both light absorption and
electron impact. It was found that energy states of the order of those produced by metabolic processes
were not reactive. In contrast, high energy states such as those that are induced by radioactivity. are
very reactive. Intermediate energy states in the ultra violet range were not reactive. Intermediate energy
states in the ultra violet range were not reactive by electron impact, but slightly with light quanta. Here
however the reactivity increased with a high power of the energy intensity per unit area [16]. This
suggests that the reactivity may be due to the multiple absorption of light quanta, thus raising the
energy of the bond to the sum of the quanta absorbed (see Table 1).

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 3

The experimental information presented in the previous section involving the isotope effect, mass
spectrographic analyses, and fluorescence and phosphorescence decay, combined with the pH data
supplied by Von Ardenne [23-25], makes it possible to define the mechanism involved in
carcinogenesis. This mechanism is very different from the accepted one of carcinogens entering the cell
and becoming attached to the DNA. This mechanism will not explain any of the experimental data
outlined briefly herein.

The proposed mechanism can be outlined in four steps.

Step 1 The attachment of carcinogenic type molecules to the membrane surface. This involves two
factors: (a) the presence of carcinogenic-type molecules primarily of the polycyclic type, and (b) an
energized state of the membrane, which may result from prolonged irritation. When these molecules
are attached to the membrane glucose can still enter the cell, but oxygen cannot. The cell thus becomes

Step 2 In the absence of oxygen, the glucose undergoes fermentation to lactic acid. The cell pH then
drops to 7 and finally down to 6.5.

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 4
Step 3 In the acid medium the DNA loses its positive and negative radical sequence. In addition, the
amino acids entering the cell are changed. As a consequence, the RNA is changed and the cell
completely loses its control mechanism. Chromosomal aberrations may occur.

Step 4 In the acid medium the various cell enzymes are completely changed. Von Ardenne has shown
that lysosomal enzymes are changed into very toxic compounds. These toxins kill the cells in the main
body of the tumor mass. A tumor therefore consists of a thin layer of rapidly growing cells surrounding
the dead mass [3]. The acid toxins leak out from the tumor mass and poison the host. They thus give
rise to the pains generally associated with cancer. They can also act as carcinogens.


Only two therapies will be mentioned here. Both are apparently effective. These are the Low pH
therapy devised by Von Ardenne et al. [23-25] and the High pH therapy developed by the writer.

4.1. The Low pH Therapy

In this therapy devised by Von Ardenne, glucose is injected into the blood stream. As a consequence,
the cancer cell pH will drop eventually to the 5.5 range. The patient is then placed in a furnace heated
to 104 degrees Fahrenheit for a matter of hr [23-25]. The older the patient, the fewer the number of
hours. The patient is allowed to breathe cold air. Diathermy is also applied over the tumor area which,
in the absence of a blood supply, will cause the temperature of the mass to rise to something over 106
degrees Fahrenheit. At these high temperatures and in the acid medium, the life of cancer cells is very
short. The only drawback to the therapy is that a case of severe toxemia may result from the out-
leakage of the acid toxins within the tumor masses [23-25].

4.2. The High pH Therapy

The ready uptake of cesium and rubidium by the cancer cells lead the writer to the High pH therapy.
This consists of feeding the patient close to 6 g of CsCl or RbCl per day in conjunction with the
administration of ascorbic and retionic acids, Vitamins C and A, which being weak acids, upon
absorption by the tumor cells will enhance the negative potential gradient across the membrane, and
also zinc and selenium salts which, when absorbed on the membrane surface, will act as broad and
moderately strong electron donors. Both types of compounds have been shown in mice to drastically
enhance the pickup for cesium and rubidium ions.

The toxic dose for CsCl is 135 g. The administration of 6 g per day therefore has no toxic effects. It is
sufficient however to give rise to the pH in the cancer cells, bringing them up in a few days to the 8 or
above where the life of the cell is short. In addition, the presence of Cs and Rb salts in the body fluids
neutralizes the acid toxins leaking out of the tumor mass and renders them nontoxic.

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 5

The therapy has been tested and the results will be discussed briefly below.

5.1. Tests on Mice

The High pH therapy was first tested at American University in Washington, DC using mice. In these
tests, 2 mm cubes of mammary tumors were implanted in the abdomens of mice and allowed to grow
for 8 days. The mice were then

divided into two groups. Both groups were continued on mouse chow, but the test group was given
1.11 g of rubidium carbonate by mouth per day in aqueous solution. After 13 more days the controls
were starting to die so all mice were sacrificed and the tumors removed and weighed. The tumors in the
test animals weighed only one eleventh of those in the controls. In addition, the test animals were
showing none of the adverse effects of having cancer [3].

Results similar to those mentioned above were obtained at Platteville, WI using CsCl. More recently,
Platteville has studied intraperitoneal injection of cesium carbonate for mice with abdominal tumor
implants with 97% curative effect.

Tests using intraperitoneal injections of CsCl were carried out by Messiha et al. [21]. The results were
most successful and showed a drastic shrinkage in the tumor masses.

5.2. Tests on Man

Many tests on humans have been carried out by H. Nieper in Hannover, Germany and by H. Sartori in
Washington, DC as well as by a number of other physicians. On the whole, the results have been very
satisfactory. It has been observed that all pains associated with cancer disappear within 12 to 24 hr,
except in a very few cases where there was a morphine withdrawal problem that required a few more
hours. In these tests 2 g doses of CsCl were administered three times per day after eating. In most cases
5 to 10 g of Vitamin C and 100,000 units of Vitamin A, along with 50 to 100 mg of zinc, were also
administered. Both Nieper and Sartori were also administering nitrilosides in the form of laetrile. There
are good reasons to believe that the laetrile may be more effective than the vitamins in enhancing the
pickup of cesium by the cells.

In addition to the loss of pains, the physical results are a rapid shrinkage of the tumor masses. The
material comprising the tumors is secreted as uric acid in the urine; the uric acid content of the urine
increases many fold. About 50% of the patients were pronounced terminal, and were not able to work.
Of these, a majority have gone back to work.

Two side effects have been observed in some of the patients. These are first nausea, and the second
diarrhea. Both depend upon the general condition of the digestive tract. Nieper feels that nausea can be
prevented by administering the cesium in a solution of sorbitol. The diarrhea may, to some extent, be
affected by the Vitamin C.

Only one case history will be presented here. A woman with 2 hard tumor masses 8 to 10 cm in
diameter, one on her thyroid and one on her chest, was given 3 to 6 months to live. She had been

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 6
subjected to chemotherapy, but was discontinued because it weakened her. She was taking laetrile on
her own. She was given a 50 g bottle of CsCl and was told to take 4 g per day. She reported her case a
year later. Being very frightened she took the entire 50 g in one week. At the end of that time the tumor
masses were very soft, so she obtained another 50 g of CsCl and took it in another week. By the end of
that time she could not find the tumors, and two years later there was no sign of their return.


There are a number of areas where the incidences of cancer are very low. Unfortunately, the food
composition in these areas has never been analyzed. At the 1978 Stockholm Conference on Food and
Cancer it was concluded that there is definitely a connection between the two, but since the relationship
was not understood, no conclusions could be drawn [22]. The food intake has been studied by the
author as far as possible from the high pH point of view. The results found will be discussed for a
number of low incidence areas.

6.1. The Hopi Indians of Arizona

The incidence of cancer among the Hopi Indians is 1 in 1000 as compared to 1 in 4 for the USA as a
whole. Fortunately their food has been analyzed from the standpoint of nutritional values [17]. In this
study it was shown that the Hopi food runs higher in all the essential minerals than conventional foods.
It is very high in potassium and exceptionally high in rubidium. Since the soil is volcanic it must also
be very rich in cesium. These Indians live primarily on desert grown calico corn products. Instead of
using baking soda they use the ash of chamisa leaves, a desert grown plant. The analyses of this ash
showed it to be very rich in rubidium. The Indians also eat many fruits, especially apricots, per day.
They always eat the kernels. The results indicate clearly that the Hopi food meets the requirements for
the High pH therapy.

6.2. The Pueblo Indians of Arizona

Some 20 years ago the incidence of cancer among the Pueblo Indians was the same as that for the Hopi
Indians, since their food was essentially the same. But unlike the Hopi, these Indians have accrued
certain items from outside their environment, hence supermarkets were installed in the area. Today the
incidence of cancer among the Pueblos is 1 in 4, the same as the U.S. It is reported that there is a
regular epidemic of cancer among them. It must be emphasized here that the high incidence of cancer is
not due to what is in the supermarket foods, hut rather to what is not in it. It is essentially lacking
rubidium and cesium and low in potassium.

6.3. The Hunza of North Pakistan

Cancer is essentially unknown among the Hunza, but unfortunately their food has never been analyzed.
Talks with Hunza themselves and with Hindu professors who have spent some time in the area, have
thrown sufficient light upon the food intake to show that it meets the requirements of the High pH
therapy. They are essentially vegetarians, and are great fruit eaters, eating ordinarily 40 apricots per
day; they always eat the kernels, either directly or as a meal. They drink at least 4 liters of mineral
spring waters which abound in the area. Fortunately this water has been analyzed and found to be very
rich in cesium. Since the soil is volcanic in nature, it must be concluded that it will be rich in Cs and
Rb, as well as K.

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 7
6.4. Central and South America

The Indians who live in Central America and on the highland of Peru and Equador have very low
incidences of cancer. The soil in these areas is volcanic. Fruit from the areas has been obtained and
analyzed for rubidium and cesium and found to run very high in both elements. Cases have been
reliably reported where people with advance inoperable cancer have gone to live with these Indians,
and found that all tumor masses disappear within a very few months. Clearly the food there meets the
high pH requirements.

In conclusion, the High pH therapy, as has been pointed out, was arrived at from physical experiments
carried out on cancer and normal cells. It has been tested and found effective on cancers in both mice
and humans. There can be no question that Cs and Rb salts, when present in the adjacent fluids, the pH
of cancer cells will rise to the point where the life of the cell is short, and that they will also neutralize
the acid toxins formed in the tumor mass and render them nontoxic.

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 8

Several problems have arisen in the therapy which require further study. One of these is to determine
the minimal dosage of CsCl that will kill cancer cells. Would cesium carbonate be better? Related to
this are the effectiveness of intravenous injections, and, in certain cases, intraperitoneal injections. Both
have been found to be effective in mice, but they have not yet been tested on humans.

The minimal dosage for curative action has not been determined. It has been observed by several
physicians that the administration of 0.5 g per day of CsCl will actually enhance the rate of tumor
growth. This is to be expected, since this low amount is sufficient only to raise the cell pH into the high
mitosis range (see Chart 1). The data so far reveal that any quantity of 3.0 g or above will be effective.

A side effect which occurs in some cases, especially those who have had stomach ulcers, is nausea.
This is far smaller for 3.0 g per day than for 6 to 10 g. The nausea can be minimized by administering
cesium salt in a sorbitol solution as mentioned earlier. Further studies are necessary.

A limited number of patients have experienced diarrhea. Since cesium is a nerve stimulant [19], this
can be expected. The effect is enhanced by taking large doses of Vitamin C, but it apparently is
lowered by laetrile.

A further study is being made to determine the amount of cesium, rubidium or possible potassium in
the diet that is sufficient to prevent cancer. Some data is available on the food composition in areas of
the world where cancer is very low, but it is difficult to quantify, since the amount eaten varies greatly
between individuals.

The effectiveness of potassium salts is yet to be determined. Tests to date have not been made on
leukemia patients.


In addition to the cancer therapy outlined in this paper, a [19] U.S. Patent has been issued on the use of
cesium chloride as a nerve stimulant. Cesium salts are very effective in regulating heart arrhythmia. In
areas of the world where cesium in the food intake is high, it has been noted that longevity of well over
100 years is not at all uncommon. Based on experimental data available [21] Cs salts may be useful in
the treatment of manic-depressives.


DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug
Administration. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individuals suffering
from any disease or illness should consult with a physician or health care professional. The Brewer
Science Library offers Dr. Brewer's writings for information purposes only and will assume no
responsibility or liability for the use of any of the information we offer whether written by Dr. Brewer
or others.

In later writing, Dr. Brewer wrote: "The goal of the high pH therapy is the transport of large quantities

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 9
of Cs+ Rb+ and glucose-free K+ across the membranes of cancer cells. During high pH therapy, Dr. H.
Nieper, M.D., observed a loss of potassium which should be replaced." Two booklets discussing Dr.
Brewer's final theories about cesium are available from the Brewer Science Library: "High pH Cancer
Therapy with Cesium," and "Cancer Its Nature and a Proposed Treatment," both by A. Keith Brewer,
Ph.D. See


1. Brewer, A. K. The mechanism of carcinogenesis: Comments on therapy. J Int Acad Prev Med 5: 29-
53, 1979.
2. Brewer, A. K. Cancer: Comments on the physics involved. Am Lab 5: 12-23. 1973.
3. Brewer, A. K., B. J. Clarke, M. Greenberg and N. Rothkopf. The effects of rubidium on mammary
tumor growth in C57BL K/6J mice. Cytobios 24: 99-101, 1979.
4. Brewer, A. K. and R. Passwater. Physics of the cell membrane. I. The role of the double bond
energy states. Am Lab 6: 59-72, 1974,
5. Brewer, A. K. and R. Passwater. Physics of the cell membrane. II. Fluorescence and
phosphorescence in cell analysis. Am Lab 6: 19-29, 1974.
6. Brewer, A. K. and R. Passwater. Physics of the cell membrane. III. The mechanism of nerve action.
Am Lab 6: 49-62, 1974.
7. Brewer, A. K. and R. Passwater. Physics of the cell membrane. IV. Further comments on the role of
the double-bond. Am Lab 7: 41-50, 1975.
8. Brewer, A. K. and R. Passwater. Physics of the cell membrane. V. Mechanisms involved in cancer.
Am Lab 8: 37-45, 1976.
9. Brewer, J. Isotopes of potassium. Ind Chem Eng 30: 893, 1938.
10. Brewer, J. Abundance of the isotopes of potassium in mineral and plant sources. J Am Chem Soc
58: 365-369, 1936.
11. Brewer, A. K. Man spectrographic analysis of the constancy of the atomic weight of potassium in
ocean water. J Am Chem Soc 58: 370-375, 1936.
12. Brewer, A. K. Excitation of the hydrocarbon double bond. Am Sci 56: 259, 1968.
13. Brewer, A. K., S. Adelman, H. Hoerman and W. Sanborn. Differential identification of
biological entities by phosphorescence decay. Nature 213: 718-719, 1976.
14. Brewer, A. K. and S. Adelman. Method for analysis and identification of biological entities by
phosphorescence decay. U.S. Patent 3, 470, 373, 1969.
15. Brewer, A. K. Methods and means for the detection of microorganisms in the air. U.S. Patent 3,
566, 114, 1970.
16. Brewer, A. K. Chemical action in low volt arc. Physiol Rev 42: 785, 1932.
17. Calloway, D. R., R. D. Giaque and F. N. Costa. The superior mineral content of some American
Indian food, in comparison to Federal donated counterpart commodities. Ecol Food Nutr 3:
203-210, 1974.
18. Editorial. Lancet 1: 1204, 1964.
19. Masco. H. L. U.S. Patent 3, 614, 242, 1972.
20. Messiha, F. S. The antidepressant action of cesium chloride and ethanol preference in rodents. In:
Alcoholism: A Perspective. edited by F. S. Messiha and B. S. Tyner. New York: PJD Pub.,
1980, pp. 247-259.
21. Messiha, F. S., A. El-Domeiri and H. F. Sproat. Effects of lithium and cesium salts on sarcoma-I
implants in the mouse. Neurobehav Toxicol 1: 27-31, 1979

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 10
22. Special report. Food and cancer. Nutr Rev 36: 313-314, 1978.
23. Von Ardenne M., P. G. Reitnauer and D. Schmidt. Theoretische Grundlagen und in vivo
Messungen zur Optimierung der selekiven übersäurung von Krebsgewebe. Acta Biol Med Germ
22: 35-60, 1969.
24. Von Ardenne, M. Selective multiphase cancer therapy: Conceptual aspects and experimental basis.
Adv Pharmacol Chemother 10: 339-380, 1972.
25. Von Ardenne, M. and A. Von Ardenne. Berechnung des pH-Profile im Interkapillarraum der
Krebsgewebe für die Faelle mit und ohne Langzeit-Glucose- Infusion. Res Exp Med 171: 177-
189, 1977.
26. Von Warburg, O. Metabolism of human tumor cells. Klin Wohnschr 4: 2396-2397, 1925.

Aubrey Keith Brewer, Ph.D., (1893-1986) the founder of the Brewer International Science Library,
had a lifelong desire to understand the processes going on in the living cell. He was convinced that the
tools and methods he used in the laboratory as a physicist could be applied to such phenomena as
cancer, the aging process and mutations. The development of his theory of the High pH Cancer
Therapy with Cesium grew out of his understanding of the physics of the cell membrane. The articles
contained in these booklets are representative of the many articles he has written about the
development and utilization of this theory. Dr. Brewer funded animal research studies undertaken by
Dr. Marilyn Tufte of the Department of Biology at the University of Wisconsin at Platteville, which
demonstrated confirmation of his theory on the uptake of cesium by cancer cells.

Introduction excerpted from, Cancer: The Mechanism Involved and a High pH Therapy, 1978
papers of A. Keith Brewer, Ph.D. & co-authors, Copyright A. Keith Brewer Foundation, 325 N.
Central Ave., Richland Center, Wis, 53581.
A. Keith Brewer. Ph.D. available at:

My interest in cancer began in the early 1930s. In my mass spectrographic research on the abundance
of the isotopes of potassium in nature I found that the 39K/41K ratio in ocean water was constant to at
least 6 significant figures. In contrast living plant and animal tissues had a slightly higher ratio, the
deviation being an inverse function of the amount of calcium in the tissue. A marked exception to the
above was found in embryonic and rapidly growing tissues. Here the abundance ratio was close to
14.35 as compared to 14.2000 for ocean water, and 14.20 to 14.25 for normal tissues. Dead tissues in
contrast gave a higher ratio very close to 13.80.

I tried several places to get cancer tissue to test, but at the time was unable to do so, Finally after I had
published several papers on potassium isotopes I received a letter from Dr. Arthur Lasnitzki, at

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 11
Birmingham, stating that he would provide the samples if I would make the tests. This was welcome
news. I received a very large number of cancer samples of all kinds, mouse, rat and man, both young
and old. All these samples gave the same potassium isotope abundance ratio as embryonic tissues, that
is 14.35. There was this difference between the two tissues however; the cancer tissues were essentially
free from calcium.

A detailed study was carried out to determine the mechanism involved in the isotope effect in cancer
and embryonic tissues, and the opposite effect in dead tissues. It was found that in cancer tissues the
ratio of atoms passing through the membrane was a direct function of the ratio in which they struck the
bounding medium of the membrane with sufficient force to penetrate the steep potential gradient across
the membrane. The lighter isotope struck the membrane surface the more readily. In the case of dead
tissues the mechanism was entirely different. Here the attachment was due to selective adsorption; in
the case of all atoms the heavier the atom the greater the residual electron acceptor field of the nucleus.

The detailed research I carried out on membrane action showed clearly that the prime contributing
factor is to be found in the electrodynamics of the P=O radical which characterizes the cell membrane
surfaces. Carcinogens are types of compounds that will form permanent attachments to energized P=O
radicals. When such substances combine with the P=O radicals it is then no longer possible to raise the
bond into the energized state. In the unenergized state Ca++, Mg++, and Na+ cations which transport
oxygen into the cell can no longer enter. In contrast potassium which carries glucose into the cell can
still enter. In the absence of oxygen the cell loses its pH control and becomes acid, and thus turns into
the cancerous state. It is surprising that so few of those working on cancer today have any
understanding of the significance of the energized state. I believe that I am one of the few people who
has ever studied ion transport across membranes, and also the fluorescence and phosphorescence of
membrane surfaces.

The therapy I am proposing is one of changing the pH of the cancer cell from acid to alkaline. This is
entirely possible since as already stated, the cancer cells have lost their pH control mechanism. In the
alkaline, high pH condition the acid toxins of the cancer cell are neutralized and rendered nontoxic. It is
these acid toxins, and not the tumor lump per se, that bring about the death of the host. In the high pH
condition the life of the cancer cell is short. The dead cancer cells are readily absorbed by the system
and eliminated.

There are areas of the earth where the incidences of cancer are very low. An analysis of the foods in
these areas shows them to be very high in cesium and rubidium. It is these elements, which are absent
in modern commercial foods, that prevent cancer growth. I am convinced that it is food that causes
cancer, but it is the food we don't eat and not the food we do eat. The patent application listed in this
book describes a means for introducing the essential elements into the modern diet.

Let us hope for the day when cancer has passed into history.

The High pH Therapy for Cancer: Tests on Mice and Humans plus other papers - 12

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