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45 C.F.R. 302.34 IV-D contracts overview.

(A) This rule and its supplemental rules describe the process by which a child support
enforcement agency (CSEA) enters into a IV-D contract with a governmental entity to
provide IV-D services and for the CSEA to receive federal financial participation (FFP)
reimbursement to offset the cost of the purchase of the services under a IV-D contract.

(B) The following terms and definitions apply to this rule and its supplemental rules:

(1) "Allowable cost" refers to a cost under a IV-D contract that meets the following general

(a) The cost is necessary and reasonable for the proper and efficient performance and
administration of the IV-D contract.

(b) The cost is allocable to the support enforcement program under the provisions of 2 C.F.R.,
subtitle A, chapter II, part 225 (8/31/2005) (circular A-87 of the federal office of management and

(c) The cost is authorized or not prohibited under state or local laws or regulations.

(d) The cost conforms to any limitation or exclusion under the provisions of 2 C.F.R., subtitle A,
chapter II, part 225.

(e) The cost is consistent with policies, regulations, and procedures of the support enforcement

(f) Unless otherwise provided for in 2 C.F.R., subtitle A, chapter II, part 225, the cost is determined
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

(2) "Calendar quarter" means one of the following three-month time periods:

(a) January first through March thirty-first;

(b) April first through June thirtieth;

(c) July first through September thirtieth; or

(d) October first through December thirty-first.

(3) "Contractor" refers to a private or governmental entity with whom the CSEA enters into a IV-
D contract.

(4) "Governmental entity" includes the following entities in the same county as the CSEA:

(a) A court;

(b) A prosecutor or other law enforcement official;

(c) A sheriff;
(d) A clerk of court;

(e) A recorder's office;

(f) A treasurer's office; or

(g) Any other public or governmental agency or official.

(5) "Initiated by the CSEA" or "CSEA initiated" refers to an activity that is started by the CSEA,
which includes but is not limited to:

(a) A complaint or motion filed by the CSEA, including a complaint or motion in which the CSEA
requests to be joined as a party to the case; and

(b) A court hearing or other proceeding before a magistrate that is the result of a timely objection
to an administrative recommendation, determination, decision, or order issued by the CSEA.

(6) "IV-D case" means a case that has been approved for IV-D services.

(7) "IV-D contract" means a mutually binding, legal relationship obligating a private or
governmental entity to provide IV-D services in a IV-D case or perform other administrative duties
of the CSEA that pertain to a IV-D case in return for payment by the CSEA.

(8) "IV-D contract documents" refers to the following forms;

(a) "Daily Time Sheet for Non-Dedicated Principal Staff" ;

(b) "Monthly Time Sheet Summary for Non-Dedicated Principal Staff" ;

(c) "Dedicated Principal Staff Exception Report" ;

(d) "Monthly Time Summary for Governmental Contractor" ;

(e) "IV-D Contract Cover Letter" ;

(f) "IV-D Contract Time Study" ;

(g) "IV-D Contract Evaluation" ;

(h) "Certification of Compliance with Competitive Sealed Bid Requirements" ;

(i) "IV-D Contract Security Addendum" ;


(k) "Governmental Contractor IV-D Contract Budget" ;

(l) "Governmental Contractor Monthly Expense Report" ;

(m) "IV-D Contract Invoice", and


(9) "IV-D services" has the same meaning as in Sec. 7

(10) "Law enforcement official" means district attorneys, attorneys general, and similar public
attorneys and prosecutors and their staff.

(11) "Non-federal share" The non-federal share is calculated by subtracting the current FFP
reimbursement rate, one hundred per cent. The remaining percentage is the non-federal share.

(12) "Not initiated by the CSEA" or "non-CSEA initiated" refers to an activity that is not started by
the CSEA, which includes but is not limited to:

(a) A court hearing or other proceeding held as a result of a complaint or motion filed by a private
attorney or any entity other than the CSEA;

(b) An activity performed by the CSEA in response to an action filed by a private attorney or any
other entity other than the CSEA including but not limited to witness testimony, preparation of
guidelines calculations, or responding to subpoenas duces tecum; and

(c) An action taken by a CSEA when the CSEA has not requested to be but is joined as a party to
the case.

(13) "Private entity" means a company, organization, or individual that does not meet the definition
of "governmental entity."

(14) "Reasonable cost" in accordance with 2 C.F.R., subtitle A, chapter II, part 225, means a cost
that by its nature and amount does not exceed the cost that would be incurred by a prudent person
under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost.
Considerations include but are not limited to whether:

(a) The cost is generally recognized as an ordinary and necessary operating expense;

(b) Sound business practices and arms-length bargaining have been utilized;

(c) Market prices for comparable goods or services have been considered;

(d) The individuals involved in the IV-D contract process have acted with prudence considering the
individuals' responsibilities to the CSEA; and

(e) The cost does not significantly deviate from established practices of the CSEA.

(15) "Total IV-D contract cost" means one hundred per cent of the cost of the services purchased
or duties performed under a IV-D contract.

(C) IV-D contracts.

(1) In accordance with section 3125.14 of the Revised Code, the CSEA is required to enter into a
IV-D contract with a court and law enforcement official in the same county as the CSEA to provide
for the enforcement of a support order.
(2) If a court or law enforcement official declines or fails to enter into a IV-D contract with the
CSEA, the CSEA must document any attempt to enter into a IV-D contract with the court or law
enforcement official and retain the documentation in accordance with the Administrative Code.

(D) Types of IV-D contracts.

The types of IV-D contracts that the CSEA may elect to enter into include but are not limited to:

(1) A IV-D contract with a prosecutor in the same county as the CSEA or a private attorney to
provide legal services.

(2) A IV-D contract with a prosecutor in the same county as the CSEA to provide service of
process, including warrants for arrest.

(3) A IV-D contract with the sheriff in the same county as the CSEA to provide service of process,
including warrants for arrest.

The CSEA may enter into a IV-D contract with a person or private entity to provide service of
process only when the CSEA determines that the sheriff is unable to provide the resources
necessary for service of process in a timely manner.

(4) A IV-D contract with a private entity to provide service of process, excluding warrants for

(5) A IV-D contract with a court or a clerk of court in the same county as the CSEA to provide
the duties of a clerk of court that are initiated by the CSEA.

(6) A IV-D contract with a court in the same county as the CSEA to provide magistrate services.
The CSEA may elect to purchase:

(a) Only CSEA initiated activities; or

(b) Both CSEA initiated and non-CSEA initiated activities.

(7) A IV-D contract with a court in the same county as the CSEA for probation officer services to
provide enforcement duties that target only individuals placed on probation for non-payment
of child support when the enforcement duties of the probation officer are:

(a) Specifically, for the purposes of assuring regular and continuing payments of child support;

(b) Not generally a part of a probation officer's routine of monitoring the whereabouts and activities
of an offender.

(8) A IV-D contract with a private entity to provide collection services.

In accordance with section 3125.30 of the Revised Code, the private entity shall forward any
payments collected under the IV-D contract to child support payment central, within the office of
office of child support (OCS), within the Ohio department of job and family services, no later than
one day after the receipt of the payments.
(E) Requirements when the CSEA enters into a IV-D contract with a court for magistrate services
and the CSEA elects to purchase both CSEA initiated and non-CSEA initiated activities.

(1) The court shall certify that all court hearings are conducted in compliance with Title IV-D of
the Social Security Act, Pub. L. No. 93-647, 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C. 651 (8/22/1996), as

(2) A court hearing is defined as a hearing or other proceeding held as a result of a complaint or
motion filed for the following reasons, including but not limited to:

(a) Establishment of paternity;

(b) Establishment and modification of a child support order or medical support order;

(c) Enforcement of a support order; and

(d) Collection of a support obligation.

(3) No party may be charged court costs for a court hearing unless the court costs are required by
state law. If court costs are assessed and collected, the contractor shall report the collection as

(4) The CSEA shall certify that each case listed was an active, open IV-D case on the date that the
court hearing was held.

(F) Limitations when the CSEA intends to enter into or enters into a IV-D contract with a prosecutor
or private attorney to provide legal services:

(1) The CSEA shall not enter into a IV-D contract with a prosecutor or his or her employees as a
private attorney during the prosecutor's term of office.

(2) The prosecutor or private attorney shall not represent the CSEA on matters in which that
prosecutor or private attorney participated as a CSEA administrative officer making administrative
determinations or issuing administrative orders.

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