Seminar Report by Aman

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Laser micropolishing is a new advanced material microprocessing technology that
attempts to smooth the original surface geometry through laser-material interactions such as
melting material. Roughness parameters measurements show that laser polishing can achieve
surface improvements up to three times in mean roughness parameter.

Two mechanisms have been previously proposed for the reduction in surface roughness,
namely: shallow surface melting (SMM) and surface over-melt (SOM). In SMM reflow of the
molten surface minimizes the peak-valley height driven by capillary pressure and liquid
curvature. On the other hand, during SOM the melting depth is such that the entire surface
becomes liquid and formation of surface periodical structures dominates driven by a surface
tension gradient.

The laser beam is a small, flexible and fast polishing tool. With laser radiation it is
possible to finish many outlines or geometries. Laser surface treatment is mostly used to apply
corrosion and wear resistant layers.


The laser micro-polishing has already been one important branch of research in material
surface processing as a new surface processing technology. With the development of micro &
nanotechnology and precision machinery industry, the polishing technology is becoming
growing in demand as time go on, producing products of high quality, reducing product costs
and having multi functions.

Laser polishing is technique which is act an attractive alternative to supplement the

deficiency of those conventional abrasive methods since it is a non-contact process and would
facilitate the automation of the polishing process.

The properties of a surface layer of a metal or semiconductor are modified by changing

its composition or microstructures using focused radiant energy. Laser driven heating processes
can also be used to enhance the resistance of crystal and glass surfaces to laser damage

For development of the process polytechnic, materials polytechnic and mechanical
polytechnic fundamentals of the new process, Dr. Edgar Willenborg of the Fraunhofer Institute
for Laser Technology, Aachen, was awarded the Science Prize 2006, donated by the Industry
Club Düsseldorf.

Perry et al. (2009), Raeymaekers and Talke (2010), Shao et al.(2005), Temmler et al.
(2011) and Ukar et al. (2010), demonstrated that the laser polishing process can be successfully
applied in the polishing of various materials such as titanium, stainless steel or steel tools

Laser micro polishing with pulsed laser radiation is a surface finishing process to reduce
the micro roughness. There have been several investigations on the fundamentals of this
process, for example in Perry, 2009,Willenborg, 2005,and Nüsser et al., 2011.


A thin surface layer is molten and the surface tension leads to a material flow from the
peaks to the valleys. The achievable polishing quality depends on the material and its quality.In
this process no material is remove

Fig.1: Laser Polishing Pinciple

A series of experimental tests were carried out to determine the viability of laser
polishing of cast iron. The tests were performed using a 1kW fiber laser guided by an optical
fiber that provides a beam diameter of 100 microns to focus. The beam motion is controlled
using a galvanometer or 2D scan-head HurryScan 25 from SCANLAB, which work area is 120
x 120 mm. The scan-head is installed on a machining center KONDIA B500 retrofitted as a
laser cell as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 2 shows the topographic profiles before and after laser polishing a typical die and

mold surface semifinished with 16mm diameter ball-nose mill and radial step of 1.5 mm.
Although there is a reduction of peaks and valleys, the average roughness is similar to the
initial one due to the presence of graphite in

the surface. In Fig. 2 (b) it is shown the presence of graphite in the processed surface.

Fig.2: Machine setup

Fig.3: Experimental part

An alternative for reducing graphite in the resulting surface is through a chemical reaction of
decarburization. Following the Ellingham diagram at higher temperatures the solid carbon
reacts more easily with oxygen to giving two carbon monoxide particles Laser polishing
process increases the temperature to reach the melting of the material which promotes oxidation
of different elements. Thus, if the oxygen concentration is high enough, it can eliminate carbon
from the surface in what is known as decarburization.

The carbon in the surface can be reduced performing the process in oxygen-enriched
atmosphere. However, working in an atmosphere with high oxygen concentration is dangerous
due to the risk of combustion. Another possibility adopted in this study, is to perform
decarburization process using a pure atmosphere of carbon dioxide so that the carbon is
removed by the reaction of Eq

The minimum roughness was obtained with a power of 250 W, a scanning speed of 100
mm/s, which gave as result a mean roughness 0.5 microns Ra, which is enough for many


Fig.4: Initial and polished topography

The productivity rate obtained for the optimum process conditions was 20 s/cm2. The time
consumed in laser polishing operation is comparable to the time taken by a super-finishing
machining operation. This rate of productivity can be improved using a larger spot size, which
can be obtained with an optical fiber of greater diameter, or using several scan-heads at same
timeroductivity rate obtained for the optimum process conditions was 20 s/cm2. The time
consumed in laser
polishing operation is comparable to the time taken by a super-finishing machining operation.
This rate of productivity can be improved using a larger spot size, which can be obtained with
an optical fiber of greater diameter, or using several scan-heads at same time

Regarding to surface hardness, in all cases there has been a hardening effect and for optimal
process conditions this hardening was comparable to the hardness obtained by a conventional
quenching process, with hardness values over 50 HRC. In order to verify this point and to
evaluate the thickness of hardened layer, a metallographicanalysis of test parts was carried out.
Fig. 5 shows the structure obtained after laser polishing operation.

Fig.5: Hardened layer

Fig.6: Initial and resulting topography

Parts processed with optimal process parameters present a heat affected zone, HAZ, with an
average thickness of 350 microns. In this area the material presents a martensitic structure with
an average hardness over 50 HRC.

This effect involves the formation of uniform hardened layer all over the surface, which is a
favorable effect that increases wear resistance. Regarding to the graphite particles, as effect of
descarburization, the amount of particles in the process affected layer is minimized as it is
shown in Fig.

Using a chamber with CO2 controlled atmosphere it was possible to eliminate the
graphite particle on the surface by descarburization process. With the presented methodology it
was possible to reduce the surface roughness in 88% from initial semi-finished surface. The
resulting part presents a surface mean roughness of 0.5 microns Ra and hardened layer of 350
micron thickness, being this a favorable effect to increase wear resistance. The productivity rate
was 20 s/cm2 and it can be improved using a guiding fiber of larger diameter. Thus,considering
the results of the presented work it was demonstrated the feasibility of laser polishing process
on cast iron


Grinding vs. Laser Polishing – Tribological Surfaces

Fig.7: Laser Polished Surface

Fig.8: Ground Surface

Laser polishing gives high surface finish than the conventional process.

It produces high wear and corrosion resistant surfaces.

It is the fast process and fully automated.

It is a non contact type machining process hence no tool wear like conventional polishing

It reduces the waste handeling coast and keep the environment clean

It creat a mirror surface finish

Laser polishing can work on different surface geometries under the condition that laser has a
line-of-sight to all are as that need to be polished

Automatic processing of 3D surfaces

Reproducible processing results

Selective processing of different areas

Surfaces are free of polish residues


Fig.9: Roundning of steel pin

Fig.10:Polishing or roundning of cutting edge

Fig.11: Glass Polishing – Ground Spherical Lens, Fused Silica

Laser polishing can be also used for bio-medical aapplication

It is used for tool and die makers, including plastic injection molders and optical part


1) Laser polishing of GGG70L cast iron with 2D scan-hea (Eneko Ukar, Aitzol Lamikiz,
Silvia Martínez, Fernando Estalayo, Iván Tabernero)
2) Laser Beam Polishing of Quartz Glass Surfaces (Jörg Hildebrand, Kerstin Hecht, Jens
Bliedtner, Hartmut Müller)
3) Laser Polishing of Silica Rods (Hongyun Wang David Bourell JosephJ. Beaman)


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