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Name Shaveta Bhalla

Sex Female
Date of Birth 29-August-1983 Monday
Time of Birth 06:30:00 AM
(30.55N 74.38E 82.30E)

Asc 15:56:19 Leo Nakshatra Ashwini

Moon 12:19:49 Aries Tithi Shashthi
Zodiac Virgo Yog Vriddhi
Birth no. 2 Karan Gar
Life no. 4 Ayanamsa N.C. Lahiri 23:37:28

Father's Name
Mother's Name
Lagna Chart

6 4
+MER U. Phalg 3
*MAR 16:14
Pushya 4

ASC 15:56
P. Phalg 1
+Sat 06:48

SUN 11:31
Swati 1
7 Magha 4 3
PLU Chitra 4
-º VEN 05:26
Magha 2

JUP 08:53Anuradha 2 5
-KET 28:48
Jyeshtha 4 8 2 -RAH 28:48
Mrigasira 2

URA 11:27Anuradha 3

-NEP 02:54
Moola 1 9 1 MOO 12:19
Ashwini 4

10 12

Processed by:
Know Your Dasha
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Planets Position (Nirayana)

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

6 4 6 4
7 SUN 3 URA 7 ASC 3
JUP 5 5
KET 8 2 RAH 8 2 VEN
11 PLU 11


9 1

10 12 10 12

Planet Position Ayanamsa:23:37:28

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Leo 15:56:19 SUN P. Phalg 1 VENUS SUN Sat
Sun Leo 11:31:11 SUN Magha 4 Ket MER MER

Moon Aries 12:19:49 MAR Ashwini 4 Ket MER MOO

Mars Cancer 16:14:00 MOO Pushya 4 SATURN JUP MOO D

Mercury Virgo 06:17:49 MER U. Phalg 3 SUN MER RAH EXL
Jupiter Scorpio 08:53:04 MAR Anuradha 2 SATURN VEN MAR

Venus Leo 05:26:40 SUN Magha 2 Ket MAR VEN C R

Saturn Libra 06:48:10 VEN Swati 1 Rah RAH RAH EXL
Rah Taurus 28:48:00 VEN Mrigasira 2 MARS Sat VEN R

Ket Scorpio 28:48:00 MAR Jyeshtha 4 MERCURY Sat VEN R

Ura Scorpio 11:27:18 MAR Anuradha 3 SATURN MOO JUP

Nep Sagittarius 02:54:05 JUP Moola 1 Ket VEN KET R

Plu Libra 03:56:46 VEN Chitra 4 MARS VEN JUP

Moon Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart

2 12 6 4 VEN
3 11 7 3
1 5
MAR 4 10 8 2 RAH
7 NEP 11
5 9 NEP 9 1
6 8 10 12

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 2
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E


Name Shaveta Bhalla Vikram Samvat 2040
Sex Female Saka Samvat 1905
Date of Birth 29-August-1983 Month BHADRA
Day of Birth Monday Paksha Krishna
Time of Birth 06:30:00 AM Sun at Sunrise 11:30:13 Leo
Isht 0:59:59 Ghatis Moon at Sunrise 12:07:12 Aries
Place of Birth FEROZEPUR Sun at Birth 11:31:11 Leo
Latitude 30.55N Moon at Birth 12:19:49 Aries
Longitude 74.38E Tithi at Sunrise Shashthi
Time Zone Tithi Ending Time 29:17:42
War Time Correc. +00:00:00 Tithi at birth Shashthi
LMT Correction -00:31:28 Nak. At Sun Rise Ashwini
Local Birth Time 05:58:32 Nak. Ending Time 08:24:17
Velantar -00:00:52 Nak. at birth Ashwini
Sidereal Time 04:25:14 Yoga At Sun Rise Vriddhi
Yoga Ending Time 11:27:49
PERSONAL DETAILS Yoga at Birth Vriddhi
Father Name Gar
Karan At Sun Rise
Mother Name 17:06:49
Karan Ending Time
Caste Gar
Karan at Birth
Bhayat 59:02:57 Ghatis
Bhabhog 04:45:43 Ghatis


Sunrise/Sunset(local) 05:34:32/18:28:32
Sunrise/Sunset(IST) 06:06:00/19:00:00
Day Duration(local) 12:54:00
Tara Ashwini - 4
Day Duration(IST) 12:54:00
Ayan DAKSHIN Graha Maitri
Moon Rashi Lord MAR
Ritu SHARAD Graha Gana DEV
Sun-Longitude 11:31:11 Leo (Rashi / Rashi Bhava) Aries 9th Bhav
Sun-Sign Lord SUN Nadi AADHYA
Sun-Nakshatra Magha Yunja PURVA
Sun-Nakshatra Lord Ket Hansak AGNI
Sun-SubLord MER Janam Alphabet Laa (Laara)
Sun-Sub-SubLord MER Namakshar Varga MRIG
Asc-Longitude 15:56:19 Leo Janam Rashi Paya Silver
Asc-Sign Lord SUN Janam Nakshatra Paya Gold
Asc-Nakshatra P. Phalg Janam Rashi / Lord (Moon) Aries MAR
Asc-Nakshatra Lord VENUS Janam Nakshatra / Charan Ashwini - 4
Asc-SubLord SUN Janam Nakshatra Lord Ket
Asc-Sub-SubLord Sat

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 3
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Planets Position (Sayan)

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

7 5 1 11
Sat 8 SUN 4 URA 2 ASC 10
JUP 6 12
9 3 RAH 3 9 VEN
12 6
10 2 MOO Sat MER NEP
4 8

11 1 5 7

Planet Position Ayanamsa:0:0:0

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Virgo 09:33:47 MER U. Phalg 4 SUN VEN MER
Sun Virgo 05:09:07 MER U. Phalg 3 SUN MER MER

Moon Taurus 05:57:00 VEN Krittika 3 SUN MER MOO EXL

Mars Leo 09:51:38 SUN Magha 3 Ket Sat MER

Mercury Virgo 29:55:56 MER Chitra 2 MARS Sat JUP EXL

Jupiter Sagittarius 02:29:34 JUP Moola 1 Ket VEN Sat

Venus Leo 29:04:56 SUN U. Phalg 1 SUN MAR VEN C R

Saturn Scorpio 00:23:51 MAR Vishakha 4 JUPITER MOO VEN
Rah Gemini 22:08:02 MER Punarva 1 JUPITER Sat MER R

Ket Sagittarius 22:08:02 JUP P. Asadh 3 VENUS Sat Sat R

Ura Sagittarius 05:11:47 JUP Moola 2 Ket MAR MER

Nep Sagittarius 26:27:34 JUP P. Asadh 4 VENUS KET Sat R

Plu Libra 27:27:19 VEN Vishakha 3 JUPITER VEN RAH

Moon Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart

3 1 7 5 VEN
4 12 8 4
2 6
5 11 9 3 RAH
MAR 8 NEP 12
6 10 10 2
7 9 URA NEP 11 1

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 4
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Aspects On Planets (Sayan)

Aspected Planet
Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu
155.15 35.95 129.86 179.93 242.49 149.08 210.4 82.13 262.13 245.2 266.46 207.46


155.15 0 119.2 25.29 24.78 87.34 6.07 55.25 73.02 106.98 90.04 111.31 52.3


35.95 119.2 0 93.91 143.98 206.54 113.13 174.45 46.18 226.18 209.25 230.51 171.51


129.86 25.29 93.91 0 50.07 112.63 19.22 80.54 47.73 132.27 115.34 136.6 77.59


179.93 24.78 143.98 50.07 0 62.56 30.85 30.47 97.8 82.2 65.26 86.53 27.52


242.49 87.34 206.54 112.63 62.56 0 93.41 32.1 160.36 19.64 2.7 23.97 35.04

149.08 6.07 113.13 19.22 30.85 93.41 0 61.32 66.95 113.05 96.11 117.38 58.37


210.4 55.25 174.45 80.54 30.47 32.1 61.32 0 128.26 51.74 34.8 56.06 2.94

82.13 73.02 46.18 47.73 97.8 160.36 66.95 128.26 0 180 163.06 184.33 125.32


262.13 106.98 226.18 132.27 82.2 19.64 113.05 51.74 180 0 16.94 4.33 54.68


245.2 90.04 209.25 115.34 65.26 2.7 96.11 34.8 163.06 16.94 0 21.26 37.74


266.46 111.31 230.51 136.6 86.53 23.97 117.38 56.06 184.33 4.33 21.26 0 59


207.46 52.3 171.51 77.59 27.52 35.04 58.37 2.94 125.32 54.68 37.74 59 0

Abbr - Aspect Degree Orb Weight Abbr - Aspect Degree Orb Weight
Conj- Conjuction 0 15 10 Oppn-Opposition 180 15 10
Trin- Trine 120 6 3 Squr-Square 90 6 3
Sext- Sextile 60 6 3 Ssqu-Semi Square 45 1 1
Nonl- Nonile 40 1 1 Quin-Quintile 72 1 1
Sqqd- Sesquiquadrate 135 1 1 Qcun-Quincuncb 150 1 1

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 5
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Moon and Navamsa Chart

Moon Chart

Navamsa Chart

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 6
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Chalit Chart

Chalit chart

BHAVA SPASHT Ayanamsa:23:37:28

Bhav Sign Lord Degree Nakshatra Pad Nak Lord Sublord

1st Leo SUN 15:56:19 P. Phalg 1 VEN SUN

2nd Virgo MER 15:26:27 Hasta 2 MOO JUP
3rd Libra VEN 14:56:35 Swati 3 RAH KET
4th Scorpio MAR 14:26:44 Anuradha 4 Sat RAH
5th Sagittarius JUP 14:56:35 P. Asadh 1 VEN VEN
6th Capricorn Sat 15:26:27 Shravana 2 MOO JUP
7th Aquarius Sat 15:56:19 Shatabhi 3 RAH VEN
8th Pisces JUP 15:26:27 U. Bhadra 4 Sat JUP
9th Aries MAR 14:56:35 Bharani 1 VEN VEN
10th Taurus VEN 14:26:44 Rohini 2 MOO JUP
11th Gemini MER 14:56:35 Ardra 3 RAH KET
12th Cancer MOO 15:26:27 Pushya 4 Sat JUP

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 7
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E


Lagna Chart Hora (For Wealth)

Drehskana (Brothers Sisters) Chaturthamsa (For Fortunes)

Saptamsa(For Children) Navamsa

Dasamsa(For Livelihoods) Dwadasamsa(For Parents)

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 8
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E


Shodasamsa(For Conveyance) Vimsamsa(For Worship)

Chaturvimsamsa(For Education) Saptavimsamsa(For Strength)

Trimsamsa(For Miseries) Khavedamsa(Good and Bad Periods)

Akshavedamsa(All Conditions) Shastiamsa(For All Conditions)

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 9
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Karaka, Avastha
Planet Char Karaka Sthir Karaka Baladi Avastha Deeptadi Syanadi Avastha







RAH GYAN BALAK Vikal Bhojana


Tara Chakra
Janma Sampat Vipat Kshem Pratyari Sadhak Vadh Matri Atimitra

Ashwini Bharani Krittika Rohini Mrigasira Ardra Punarva Pushya Ashlesha

Magha P. Phalg U. Phalg Hasta Chitra Swati Vishakha Anuradha Jyeshtha

Moola P. Asadh U. Asadh Shravana Dhanista Shatabhi P. Bhadra U. Bhadra Revati

Lagna Chart Chalit Chart

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 10
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E


Lagna Chart Moon Chart Sun Chart

Sudarshan Chakra
6 ASC 5 4
7 2 1 12 3

3 MAR 11
6 SUN 4
7 3

JUP 8 4 JUP 8 2 10 2
KET 11

9 1
10 12 MOO
5 9

9 6 7 8 1
10 11 12

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 11
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Aspects On Planets

Aspected Planet
Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu
131.52 12.33 106.23 156.3 218.88 125.44 186.8 58.8 238.8 221.46 242.9 183.95


131.52 0 119.19 25.29 24.78 87.36 6.08 55.28 72.72 107.28 89.94 111.38 52.43


12.33 119.19 0 93.9 143.97 206.55 113.11 174.47 46.47 226.47 209.12 230.57 171.62


106.23 25.29 93.9 0 50.06 112.65 19.21 80.57 47.43 132.57 115.22 136.67 77.71


156.3 24.78 143.97 50.06 0 62.59 30.85 30.51 97.5 82.5 65.16 86.6 27.65


218.88 87.36 206.55 112.65 62.59 0 93.44 32.08 160.08 19.92 2.57 24.02 34.94

125.44 6.08 113.11 19.21 30.85 93.44 0 61.36 66.64 113.36 96.01 117.46 58.5


186.8 55.28 174.47 80.57 30.51 32.08 61.36 0 128 52 34.65 56.1 2.86

58.8 72.72 46.47 47.43 97.5 160.08 66.64 128 0 180 162.66 184.1 125.15


238.8 107.28 226.47 132.57 82.5 19.92 113.36 52 180 0 17.34 4.1 54.85


221.46 89.94 209.12 115.22 65.16 2.57 96.01 34.65 162.66 17.34 0 21.45 37.51


242.9 111.38 230.57 136.67 86.6 24.02 117.46 56.1 184.1 4.1 21.45 0 58.96


183.95 52.43 171.62 77.71 27.65 34.94 58.5 2.86 125.15 54.85 37.51 58.96 0

Abbr - Aspect Degree Orb Weight Abbr - Aspect Degree Orb Weight
Conj- Conjuction 0 15 10 Oppn-Opposition 180 15 10
Trin- Trine 120 6 3 Squr-Square 90 6 3
Sext- Sextile 60 6 3 Ssqu-Semi Square 45 1 1
Nonl- Nonile 40 1 1 Quin-Quintile 72 1 1
Sqqd- Sesquiquadrate 135 1 1 Qcun-Quincuncb 150 1 1

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 12
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Upgrahas / Arudha

Upagraha Abrv Sign Degree Exaltation Placement Nakshatra Pad No

Ascendant Asc 4 15 ------- P. Phalg 1 1

Gulika Gul Gem 28:32:21 --------- ------- Ardra 3 3

Kaal Kal Leo 13:04:51 --------- ------- Magha 4 4

Mrityu Mri Sag 05:52:05 --------- ------- Moola 2 2

Yamaghantaka Yam Sco 10:33:06 --------- ------- Anuradha 2 2

Ardhaprahara Ard Lib 11:40:03 --------- ------- Swati 4 4

Dhooma Dho Lib 06:06:33 --------- ------- Vishakha 3 3

Vyatipat Vya Vir 03:50:43 --------- ------- U. Phalg 2 2

Parivesha Par Pis 03:53:04 --------- ------- P. Bhadra 4 4

Indrachapa Ind Ari 06:51:43 --------- ------- Krittika 1 1

Upaketu Upa Tau 29:04:36 --------- ------- Rohini 2 2

Pranpada Gemini 18:40:43 Karkamsha Lagna Leo 05:40:59

Bhava Lagna Leo 09:39:59 Hora Lagna Vir 03:47:31

Ghati Lagna Aqu 04:10:45 Varnada Lagna Gemini 15:05:09

Indu Lagna Sco 09:13:54

Lagna Chart Arudha Chart

6 4 6 4
MER MAR Dhan Shtru
7 SUN 3 Putr 7 Lagn 3 Bhrtr
PLU VEN Bhag Kaltr
JUP 5 5
KET 8 2 RAH Karm 8 2
URA 11 11

NEP 9 1 MOO Labh 9 1

Vyay Matr
10 12 10 12

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 13
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimsopak Bal - Shadvarga


Lagna Chart Leo Aries Cancer Virgo Scorpio Leo Libra Taurus Scorpio
OW(20) EN(7) NE(10) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) IF(18) IF(18) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 6.0 6 2.1 3 6 3 3 5.4 5.4 3

Hora Leo Leo Leo Cancer Cancer Leo Leo Leo Leo
OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) BE(5) IF(18) NE(10) NE(10) NE(10) BE(5)
Swavishwa: 2.0 2 1 1 0.5 1.8 1 1 1 0.5

Dreshkana Sagittar Leo Scorpio Virgo Scorpio Leo Libra Capricor Cancer
NE(10) NE(10) OW(20) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) IF(18) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 4.0 2 2 4 4 2 2 3.6 2 2

Navmansh Cancer Cancer Scorpio Aquarius Virgo Taurus Sagittar Virgo Pisces
NE(10) OW(20) OW(20) FR(15) BE(5) OW(20) EN(7) FR(15) FR(15)
Swavishwa: 5.0 2.5 5 5 3.75 1.25 5 1.75 3.75 3.75

Dwadashansh Sagittar Leo Capricor Scorpio Aquarius Libra Sagittar Aries Libra
NE(10) NE(10) FR(15) EN(7) EN(7) OW(20) EN(7) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 2.0 1 1 1.5 0.7 0.7 2 0.7 1 1

Trimsamsa Sagittar Sagittar Pisces Virgo Virgo Aquarius Aquarius Scorpio Scorpio
NE(10) FR(15) NE(10) OW(20) BE(5) IF(18) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 1.0 0.5 0.75 0.5 1 0.25 0.9 1 0.5 0.5

Total 14 11.85 15 15.95 9 13.9 13.45 13.65 10.75

How do planets get Vimshopaka Bala Abbreviation

Vimshopaka Bala = (Swa Vishwa X Varga Vishwa) / 20 OW - OW

Say, the planet Sun in this example (illustration)
Navamsha Aries
Swavishwa - 4 NE (10) ...It means, the planet Sun gets 10 Vishwa, here NE - NEUTRAL
(this value is fixed
for each varga) 2 ...Thus, Vimshopaka Bala = (4 X 10) / 20 = 2

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 14
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimsopak Bal - Saptavarga


Lagna Chart Leo Aries Cancer Virgo Scorpio Leo Libra Taurus Scorpio
OW(20) EN(7) NE(10) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) IF(18) IF(18) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 5.0 5 1.75 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 2.5

Hora Leo Leo Leo Cancer Cancer Leo Leo Leo Leo
OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) BE(5) IF(18) NE(10) NE(10) NE(10) BE(5)
Swavishwa: 2.0 2 1 1 0.5 1.8 1 1 1 0.5

Dreshkana Sagittar Leo Scorpio Virgo Scorpio Leo Libra Capricor Cancer
NE(10) NE(10) OW(20) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) IF(18) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 3.0 1.5 1.5 3 3 1.5 1.5 2.7 1.5 1.5

Saptamsa Libra Gemini Aries Aries Cancer Virgo Scorpio Taurus Scorpio
NE(10) NE(10) OW(20) EN(7) IF(18) IF(18) NE(10) IF(18) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 1.0 0.5 0.5 1 0.35 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.5

Navmansh Cancer Cancer Scorpio Aquarius Virgo Taurus Sagittar Virgo Pisces
NE(10) OW(20) OW(20) FR(15) BE(5) OW(20) EN(7) FR(15) FR(15)
Swavishwa: 2.5 1.25 2.5 2.5 1.875 0.625 2.5 0.875 1.875 1.875

Dwadashansh Sagittar Leo Capricor Scorpio Aquarius Libra Sagittar Aries Libra
NE(10) NE(10) FR(15) EN(7) EN(7) OW(20) EN(7) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 4.5 2.25 2.25 3.375 1.575 1.575 4.5 1.575 2.25 2.25

Trimsamsa Sagittar Sagittar Pisces Virgo Virgo Aquarius Aquarius Scorpio Scorpio
NE(10) FR(15) NE(10) OW(20) BE(5) IF(18) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 2.0
1 1.5 1 2 0.5 1.8 2 1 1

Total 13.5 11 14.375 14.3 9.4 14.7 13.15 13.025 10.125

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 15
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimsopak Bal - Dashavarga


Lagna Chart Leo Aries Cancer Virgo Scorpio Leo Libra Taurus Scorpio
OW(20) EN(7) NE(10) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) IF(18) IF(18) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 3.0
3 1.05 1.5 3 1.5 1.5 2.7 2.7 1.5

Hora Leo Leo Leo Cancer Cancer Leo Leo Leo Leo
OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) BE(5) IF(18) NE(10) NE(10) NE(10) BE(5)
Swavishwa: 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.375 1.35 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.375

Dreshkana Sagittar Leo Scorpio Virgo Scorpio Leo Libra Capricor Cancer
NE(10) NE(10) OW(20) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) IF(18) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 1.5 0.75 0.75 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 1.35 0.75 0.75

Saptamsa Libra Gemini Aries Aries Cancer Virgo Scorpio Taurus Scorpio
NE(10) NE(10) OW(20) EN(7) IF(18) IF(18) NE(10) IF(18) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 1.5
0.75 0.75 1.5 0.525 1.35 1.35 0.75 1.35 0.75

Navmansh Cancer Cancer Scorpio Aquarius Virgo Taurus Sagittar Virgo Pisces
NE(10) OW(20) OW(20) FR(15) BE(5) OW(20) EN(7) FR(15) FR(15)
Swavishwa: 1.5
0.75 1.5 1.5 1.125 0.375 1.5 0.525 1.125 1.125

Dashmansh Scorpio Leo Leo Cancer Virgo Virgo Sagittar Libra Aries
NE(10) NE(10) NE(10) BE(5) BE(5) IF(18) EN(7) IF(18) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 1.5
0.75 0.75 0.75 0.375 0.375 1.35 0.525 1.35 0.75

Dwadashansh Sagittar Leo Capricor Scorpio Aquarius Libra Sagittar Aries Libra
NE(10) NE(10) FR(15) EN(7) EN(7) OW(20) EN(7) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 1.5
0.75 0.75 1.125 0.525 0.525 1.5 0.525 0.75 0.75

Shodansh Aquarius Libra Sagittar Pisces Sagittar Libra Cancer Scorpio Scorpio
NE(10) EN(7) NE(10) EN(7) OW(20) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 1.5
0.75 0.525 0.75 0.525 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.75

Trimsamsa Sagittar Sagittar Pisces Virgo Virgo Aquarius Aquarius Scorpio Scorpio
NE(10) FR(15) NE(10) OW(20) BE(5) IF(18) OW(20) NE(10) NE(10)
Swavishwa: 1.5
0.75 1.125 0.75 1.5 0.375 1.35 1.5 0.75 0.75

Shastiamsa Cancer Aries Pisces Virgo Aries Gemini Scorpio Aquarius Leo
NE(10) EN(7) NE(10) OW(20) NE(10) IF(18) NE(10) NE(10) BE(5)
Swavishwa: 5.0 2.5 1.75 2.5 5 2.5 4.5 2.5 2.5 1.25

Total 12.25 9.7 12.625 14.45 10.6 16.05 11.875 12.775 8.75

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 16
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Shodash Varga Table


Lagna Chart Leo Leo Ari Can Vir Sco Leo Lib Tau Sco

Hora Can Leo Leo Leo Can Can Leo Leo Leo Leo
Dreshkana Sag Sag Leo Sco Vir Sco Leo Lib Cap Can
Chaturthamsa Aqu Sco Can Cap Vir Aqu Leo Lib Aqu Leo
Saptamsa Sco Lib Gem Ari Ari Can Vir Sco Tau Sco
Navmansh Leo Can Can Sco Aqu Vir Tau Sag Vir Pis
Dashmansh Cap Sco Leo Leo Can Vir Vir Sag Lib Ari

Dwadashansh Aqu Sag Leo Cap Sco Aqu Lib Sag Ari Lib
Shodansh Ari Aqu Lib Sag Pis Sag Lib Can Sco Sco
Vimsamsa Lib Can Sag Aqu Sag Tau Pis Leo Can Can
Chaturvimsamsa Leo Tau Tau Can Sag Aqu Sag Cap Gem Gem
Saptavimsamsa Gem Aqu Pis Pis Sag Leo Leo Ari Leo Aqu
Trimsamsa Sag Sag Sag Pis Vir Vir Aqu Aqu Sco Sco

Khavedamsa Cap Can Leo Can Gem Vir Sco Cap Sag Sag
Akshavedamsa Can Cap Lib Ari Vir Vir Ari Aqu Pis Pis

Shastiamsa Pis Can Ari Pis Vir Ari Gem Sco Aqu Leo

Vimsopak Bala

Shadvarga 14 11.85 15 15.95 9 13.9 13.45 13.65 10.75

Saptavarga 13.5 11 14.375 14.3 9.4 14.7 13.15 13.025 10.125

Dashvarga 12.25 9.7 12.625 14.45 10.6 16.05 11.875 12.775 8.75

Shodashvarga Table 12.25 10.675 12.875 15.2 9.875 15.25 12.65 12.8 9.55

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 17
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Naisargik Maitri

SUN Mitra Mitra Sam Mitra Shatru Shatru Shatru Shatru

MOON Mitra Sam Mitra Sam Sam Sam Shatru Shatru
MARS Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra Sam Sam Shatru Mitra
MERCURYMitra Shatru Sam Sam Mitra Sam Sam Sam
JUPITER Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Shatru Sam Sam Sam
VENUS Shatru Shatru Sam Mitra Sam Mitra Mitra Mitra
SATURN Shatru Shatru Shatru Mitra Sam Mitra Mitra Shatru
Rah Shatru Shatru Shatru Sam Sam Mitra Mitra Shatru
Ket Shatru Shatru Mitra Sam Sam Mitra Shatru Shatru

Tatkalik Maitri
SUN Shatru Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra Mitra Mitra
MOON Shatru Mitra Shatru Shatru Shatru Shatru Mitra Shatru
Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru
MARS Mitra
MERCURYMitra Shatru Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra
JUPITER Mitra Shatru Shatru Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Shatru

VENUS Shatru Shatru Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra

SATURN Mitra Shatru Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra
Rah Mitra Mitra Mitra Shatru Shatru Mitra Shatru Shatru
Ket Mitra Shatru Shatru Mitra Shatru Mitra Mitra Shatru

Pancdha Maitri

SUN Sam Ati-Mitra Mitra Ati-Mitra Ati-Shatru Sam Sam Sam

MOON Sam Mitra Sam Shatru Shatru Shatru Sam Ati-Shatru
MARS Ati-Mitra Ati-Mitra Sam Sam Mitra Mitra Sam Sam
MERCURY Ati-Shatru Mitra Mitra Ati-Mitra Mitra Shatru Mitra
JUPITER Ati-Mitra Sam Sam Sam Sam Mitra Shatru Shatru
VENUS Ati-Shatru Ati-Shatru Mitra Ati-Mitra Mitra Ati-Mitra Ati-Mitra Ati-Mitra
SATURN Sam Ati-Shatru Sam Ati-Mitra Mitra Ati-Mitra Sam Sam
Rah Sam Sam Sam Shatru Shatru Ati-Mitra Sam Ati-Shatru
Ket Sam Ati-Shatru Sam Mitra Shatru Ati-Mitra Sam Ati-Shatru

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 18
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Ashtak Varga - Bhinnashtak Varga

Sun Sun
PL no. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
25 30 39 45
Bhav no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sum
Sat 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 8
6 7
6 4 6
JUP 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 4 6 7 6 3
MAR 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 33 30
SUN 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 6 8 2 6
VEN 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 11
MER 35 5 6 33
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 7 9 6 1
MON 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 4 10 12
ASC 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 7 5
25 28 30 33
SUM 4 3 3 4 0 6 5 3 4 5 5 6 48

Moon Moon
PL no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
25 30 39 45
Bhav no. 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sum
Sat 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 4
7 5
6 4 4
JUP 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 7 6 7 5 3
MAR 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 7 33 30
SUN 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 5 8 2 7
VEN 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 7 11
MER 35 5 7 33
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 8 9 7 1
MON 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 6 10 12
ASC 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 4 6 5
25 28 30 33
SUM 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 49

Mars Mars
PL no. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
25 30 39 45
Bhav no. 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sum
Sat 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 7
7 7
6 4 8
JUP 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 4 6 7 7 3
MAR 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 7 33 30
SUN 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 5 5 8 2 7
VEN 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 4 11
MER 35 4 5 33
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 9 6 1
MON 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 3 10 12
ASC 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 5 8 4
25 28 30 33
SUM 4 4 2 5 1 1 6 3 1 3 4 5 39

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 19
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Ashtak Varga - Bhinnashtak Varga

Mercury Mercury
PL no. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
25 30 39 45
Bhav no. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Sum
Sat 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 8
6 7
6 4 7
JUP 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 4 6 7 7 3
MAR 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 33 30
SUN 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 3 8 2 7
VEN 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 8 11
MER 35 8 7 33
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 9 6 1
MON 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 6 10 12
ASC 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 6 5
25 28 30 33
SUM 5 4 5 2 6 3 3 5 5 6 5 5 54

Jupiter Jupiter
PL no. 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
25 30 39 45
Bhav no. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 Sum
Sat 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 4
7 5
6 4 4
JUP 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 6 7 5 3
MAR 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 33 30
SUN 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 7 8 2 6
VEN 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 6 11
MER 35 7 7 33
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 9 6 1
MON 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 5 10 12
ASC 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 9 8 6
25 28 30 33
SUM 3 6 5 7 2 4 7 5 2 5 6 4 56

Venus Venus
PL no. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
25 30 39 45
Bhav no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sum
Sat 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 7
6 6
6 4 8
JUP 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 5 7 5 3
MAR 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 6 33 30
SUN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 7 8 2 8
VEN 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 11
MER 35 7 6 33
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 5 9 4 1
MON 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 12
ASC 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 8 5 7
25 28 30 33
SUM 5 4 2 5 5 2 3 6 3 5 7 5 52

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 20
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Ashtak Varga - Bhinnashtak Varga

Saturn Saturn
PL no. 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
25 30 39 45
Bhav no. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 Sum
Sat 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 4
6 6
6 4 6
JUP 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 4 7 7 6 3
MAR 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 33 30
SUN 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 6 8 2 7
VEN 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 11
MER 35 4 7 33
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 9 5 1
MON 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 10 12
ASC 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 6 7 4
25 28 30 33
SUM 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 4 6 2 4 4 39

Asc Asc
PL no. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
25 30 39 45
Bhav no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sum
Sat 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 6
5 5
6 4 5
JUP 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 5 7 3 3
MAR 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 5 33 30
SUN 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 3 8 2 4
VEN 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 8 11
MER 35 5 4 33
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 9 3 1
MON 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 4 10 12
ASC 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 4 4 3
25 28 30 33
SUM 3 5 5 3 5 4 3 3 4 4 5 5 49

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 21
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Sarvashtak Varga Sarini

Arie Taur Gemi Canc Leo Virg Libr Scor Sagi Capr Aqua Pisc Total
SUN 4 5 5 6 4 3 3 4 0 6 5 3 48
MOON 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 49
MARS 3 4 5 4 4 2 5 1 1 6 3 1 39
MERCURY 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 2 6 3 3 54
JUPITER 4 7 5 2 5 6 4 3 6 5 7 2 56
VENUS 3 5 7 5 5 4 2 5 5 2 3 6 52
SATURN 3 4 6 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 39
Total 26 35 40 25 30 28 25 25 20 31 30 22 337

Trikon Shodhan ke Pashtat Astakvarga

Arie Taur Gemi Canc Leo Virg Libr Scor Sagi Capr Aqua Pisc Total
SUN 4 2 2 3 4 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 21
MOON 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 3 10
MARS 2 2 2 3 3 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 18
MERCURY 3 0 3 2 3 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 15
JUPITER 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 3 0 11
VENUS 0 3 5 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 16
SATURN 1 2 4 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 15
Total 11 12 18 8 15 5 3 8 5 8 8 5 106

Ekadipatya Shodya ke pashchat astak varga

Arie Taur Gemi Canc Leo Virg Libr Scor Sagi Capr Aqua Pisc Total
SUN 4 2 2 3 4 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 20
MOON 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 8
MARS 2 0 2 3 3 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 16
MERCURY 3 0 3 2 3 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 15
JUPITER 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 3 0 10
VENUS 0 3 2 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 12
SATURN 1 2 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 13
Total 11 10 12 8 15 5 3 8 4 7 8 3 94

Shodya Pind
Rashi Pind 156 70 106 111 94 108 115

Graha Pind 102 35 80 92 27 34 49

Shodya Pind 258 105 186 203 121 142 164

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 22
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Shad Bala
Uchcha Bala 19.493 53.11 3.922 57.098 18.705 17.185 55.6

Saptavargiya 97.5 78.75 127.5 114.375 67.5 127.5 97.5

Ojayugma 15 15 0 15 0 15 30

Kendra 60 15 15 30 60 60 15

Drekkana 0 0 0 0 15 0 0

1. Total Sthan Bala 191.993 161.86 146.422 216.473 161.205 219.685 198.1

2. Total Dig Bala 30.975 10.705 39.404 53.213 32.351 26.999 16.954

Nathonnata Bala 30.166 29.833 29.833 60 30.166 30.166 29.833

Paksha Bala 20.27 39.729 20.27 20.27 39.729 39.729 20.27

Tribhaaga Bala 0 0 0 60 60 0 0

Abda Bala 0 15 0 0 0 0 0
Maasa Bala 0 30 0 0 0 0 0

Vaara Bala 0 45 0 0 0 0 0

Hora Bala 0 60 0 0 0 0 0
Ayana Bala 42.209 12.881 52.56 30.039 3.685 45.032 44.823
Yuddha Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Total Kaala Bala 92.645 232.443 102.663 170.309 133.58 114.927 94.926
4. Total Cheshta Bala 42.209 39.729 12.967 49.068 31.396 57.209 17.45
5. Total Naisargik Bala 60 51.428 17.142 25.714 34.286 42.857 8.571
6. Total Drik Bala 21.283 29.568 26.5 0.4 19.899 62.521 1.954

Total Shad Bala 439.105 525.733 345.098 515.177 412.717 524.198 337.955

Min required Strength 390 360 300 420 390 330 300

Shad Bala Roopa 7.318 8.762 5.752 8.586 6.879 8.737 5.633

Min required Strength

6.5 6 5 7 6.5 5.5 5
(in Rupas)
Ratio 0.019 0.024 0.019 0.02 0.018 0.026 0.019

Ishta Bala 37.779 52.84 11.889 61.167 30.101 44.394 43.051

Kashta Bala 22.221 7.16 48.111 -1.167 29.899 15.606 16.949


Bhav Adhipati 439.105 515.177 524.198 345.098 412.717 337.955 337.955 412.717 345.098 524.198 515.177 525.733

Bhav DigBala 30 50 40 60 20 40 0 20 50 60 40 20

Bhav DrishtiBala 18 -1 6 24 35 24 47 90 34 72 58 50

Bhava SubhaAhubha -60 60 -60 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -60

Bhava Dinaratri bala 15 15 15 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 15 0

Total Bhav Bala 442.105 639.177 525.198 504.098 467.717 401.955 399.955 522.717 429.098 656.198 628.177 535.733

Bhav Bala in Roopa 7.368 10.653 8.753 8.402 7.795 6.699 6.666 8.712 7.152 10.937 10.47 8.929

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 23
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

SARVATO BHADRA CHAKRA East At Birth: Red Transit: in Blue, Underlined



Signs 1 Taurus (2) Gemini (3) Cancer (4) Signs

Navamsas Navamsas
Padas Padas
2 3 4 5 6 7 8VE
1 9
Krittika Rohini Mrigsira Ardra Punarv Pushya Aslesha


32 10 VE
Aries (1)


Leo (5)
33 34 35 36 37 38 SU
LA LRI Taurus Gemini Cancer LREE MA As


31 11
56 57 58 59 60 61 40

CHA Aries Sun,Tue Leo TA



30 55 72 1,6,11 12
Pisces (12)

Nanda ME
73 74 75 62 41

Virgo (6)
Fri Sat Mon,Wed
P. Bhad U. Bhad

DHA Pisces Virgo PA


29 4,9,14 5,10,15 2,7,12 13
54 71 Rikta 80 Poorna Bhadra 63 42
81 76
SA Aquarius AHA Thurs AM Libra RA

28 3,8,13 14
Aquarius (11)

53 70 79 Jaya 78 77 64 43 PL

Libra (7)
GA AEI Capricorn Saggitarius Scorpio AE THA
Dhanist Satabhi

27 15
52 69 68 67 66 65 44


26 16

51 50 49 48 47 46 45

EE Sravana Abhijit U.Asadh P.Asadh Moola Jyestha Anurad E
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
Padas Padas
Navamsas Navamsas
Signs Capricorn (10) Saggitarius (9) Scorpio (8) Signs

Birth: 29-Aug-1983 6:30:0 FEROZEPUR, INDIA Transit: 13-Aug-2019 23:47:35


Planets Position Ayanamsa:23:37:28 Transit Position Ayanamsa:24:7:35

Planet Sign Degree Nakshatra NL SL SSL Planet Sign Degree Nakshatra NL SL SSL
ASC Leo 15:56:19 P. Phalg VEN SUN Sat ASC Tau 01:04:57 Krittika SUN RAH MOO
SUN Leo 11:31:11 Magha KET MER MER SUN Can 26:35:25 Ashlesha MER JUP Sat
MOO Ari 12:19:49 Ashwini KET MER MOO MOO Cap 07:13:44 U. Asadh SUN KET MOO
MAR Can 16:14:00 Pushya Sat JUP MOO MAR Leo 03:02:49 Magha KET SUN MOO
MER Vir 06:17:49 U. Phalg SUN MER RAH MER Can 08:14:15 Pushya Sat VEN VEN
JUP Sco 08:53:04 Anuradha Sat VEN MAR JUP Sco 20:26:33 Jyeshtha MER VEN RAH
VEN Leo 05:26:40 Magha KET MAR VEN VEN Can 26:27:13 Ashlesha MER JUP Sat
Sat Lib 06:48:10 Swati RAH RAH RAH Sat Sag 20:46:18 P. Asadh VEN JUP MER
RAH Tau 28:48:00 Mrigasira MAR Sat VEN RAH Gem 23:27:00 Punarva JUP Sat RAH
KET Sco 28:48:00 Jyeshtha MER Sat VEN KET Sag 23:27:00 P. Asadh VEN Sat RAH
URA Sco 11:27:18 Anuradha Sat MOO JUP URA Ari 12:27:44 Ashwini KET MER MAR
NEP Sag 02:54:05 Moola KET VEN KET NEP Aqu 23:55:03 P. Bhadra JUP MER MER
PLU Lib 03:56:46 Chitra MAR VEN JUP PLU Sag 27:01:19 U. Asadh SUN SUN Sat

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 24
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Antar Dasha

Bhogya Dasha at birth Ket 0 Year 6 Month 10 Days

Ket - 7 year Ven - 20 year Sun - 6 year

Period - - 09/03/1984 Period 09/03/1984 - 09/03/2004 Period 09/03/2004 - 09/03/2010
Ket - 06/08/1977 Ven 09/03/1984 09/07/1987 Sun 09/03/2004 27/06/2004
Ven 06/08/1977 06/10/1978 Sun 09/07/1987 09/07/1988 Moo 27/06/2004 27/12/2004
Sun 06/10/1978 12/02/1979 Moo 09/07/1988 09/03/1990 Mar 27/12/2004 03/05/2005
Moo 12/02/1979 12/09/1979 Mar 09/03/1990 09/05/1991 Rah 03/05/2005 27/03/2006
Mar 12/09/1979 09/02/1980 Rah 09/05/1991 09/05/1994 Jup 27/03/2006 15/01/2007
Rah 09/02/1980 27/02/1981 Jup 09/05/1994 09/01/1997 Sat 15/01/2007 27/12/2007
Jup 27/02/1981 03/02/1982 Sat 09/01/1997 09/03/2000 Mer 27/12/2007 03/11/2008
Sat 03/02/1982 12/03/1983 Mer 09/03/2000 09/01/2003 Ket 03/11/2008 09/03/2009
Mer 12/03/1983 09/03/1984 Ket 09/01/2003 09/03/2004 Ven 09/03/2009 09/03/2010

Moo - 10 year Mar - 7 year Rah - 18 year

Period 09/03/2010 - 09/03/2020 Period 09/03/2020 - 09/03/2027 Period 09/03/2027 - 09/03/2045
Moo 09/03/2010 09/01/2011 Mar 09/03/2020 06/08/2020 Rah 09/03/2027 21/11/2029
Mar 09/01/2011 09/08/2011 Rah 06/08/2020 24/08/2021 Jup 21/11/2029 15/04/2032
Rah 09/08/2011 09/02/2013 Jup 24/08/2021 30/07/2022 Sat 15/04/2032 21/02/2035
Jup 09/02/2013 09/06/2014 Sat 30/07/2022 09/09/2023 Mer 21/02/2035 09/09/2037
Sat 09/06/2014 09/01/2016 Mer 09/09/2023 06/09/2024 Ket 09/09/2037 27/09/2038
Mer 09/01/2016 09/06/2017 Ket 06/09/2024 03/02/2025 Ven 27/09/2038 27/09/2041
Ket 09/06/2017 09/01/2018 Ven 03/02/2025 03/04/2026 Sun 27/09/2041 21/08/2042
Ven 09/01/2018 09/09/2019 Sun 03/04/2026 09/08/2026 Moo 21/08/2042 21/02/2044
Sun 09/09/2019 09/03/2020 Moo 09/08/2026 09/03/2027 Mar 21/02/2044 09/03/2045

Jup - 16 year Sat - 19 year Mer - 17 year

Period 09/03/2045 - 09/03/2061 Period 09/03/2061 - 09/03/2080 Period 09/03/2080 - 09/03/2097
Jup 09/03/2045 27/04/2047 Sat 09/03/2061 12/03/2064 Mer 09/03/2080 06/08/2082
Sat 27/04/2047 09/11/2049 Mer 12/03/2064 21/11/2066 Ket 06/08/2082 03/08/2083
Mer 09/11/2049 15/02/2052 Ket 21/11/2066 30/12/2067 Ven 03/08/2083 03/06/2086
Ket 15/02/2052 21/01/2053 Ven 30/12/2067 02/03/2071 Sun 03/06/2086 09/04/2087
Ven 21/01/2053 21/09/2055 Sun 02/03/2071 12/02/2072 Moo 09/04/2087 09/09/2088
Sun 21/09/2055 09/07/2056 Moo 12/02/2072 12/09/2073 Mar 09/09/2088 06/09/2089
Moo 09/07/2056 09/11/2057 Mar 12/09/2073 21/10/2074 Rah 06/09/2089 24/03/2092
Mar 09/11/2057 15/10/2058 Rah 21/10/2074 27/08/2077 Jup 24/03/2092 30/06/2094
Rah 15/10/2058 09/03/2061 Jup 27/08/2077 09/03/2080 Sat 30/06/2094 09/03/2097

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 25
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Ket - Ket Ket - Ven Ket - Sun

Period - - 06/08/1977 Period 06/08/1977 - 06/10/1978 Period 06/10/1978 - 12/02/1979
Ket - 17/03/1977 Ven 06/08/1977 16/10/1977 Sun 06/10/1978 12/10/1978
Ven 17/03/1977 12/04/1977 Sun 16/10/1977 07/11/1977 Moo 12/10/1978 22/10/1978
Sun 12/04/1977 19/04/1977 Moo 07/11/1977 12/12/1977 Mar 22/10/1978 30/10/1978
Moo 19/04/1977 01/05/1977 Mar 12/12/1977 06/01/1978 Rah 30/10/1978 19/11/1978
Mar 01/05/1977 10/05/1977 Rah 06/01/1978 09/03/1978 Jup 19/11/1978 05/12/1978
Rah 10/05/1977 02/06/1977 Jup 09/03/1978 05/05/1978 Sat 05/12/1978 25/12/1978
Jup 02/06/1977 21/06/1977 Sat 05/05/1978 12/07/1978 Mer 25/12/1978 13/01/1979
Sat 21/06/1977 15/07/1977 Mer 12/07/1978 11/09/1978 Ket 13/01/1979 21/01/1979
Mer 15/07/1977 06/08/1977 Ket 11/09/1978 06/10/1978 Ven 21/01/1979 12/02/1979

Ket - Moo Ket - Mar Ket - Rah

Period 12/02/1979 - 12/09/1979 Period 12/09/1979 - 09/02/1980 Period 09/02/1980 - 27/02/1981
Moo 12/02/1979 01/03/1979 Mar 12/09/1979 20/09/1979 Rah 09/02/1980 05/04/1980
Mar 01/03/1979 11/03/1979 Rah 20/09/1979 12/10/1979 Jup 05/04/1980 26/05/1980
Rah 11/03/1979 13/04/1979 Jup 12/10/1979 02/11/1979 Sat 26/05/1980 26/07/1980
Jup 13/04/1979 11/05/1979 Sat 02/11/1979 25/11/1979 Mer 26/07/1980 19/09/1980
Sat 11/05/1979 14/06/1979 Mer 25/11/1979 16/12/1979 Ket 19/09/1980 11/10/1980
Mer 14/06/1979 14/07/1979 Ket 16/12/1979 24/12/1979 Ven 11/10/1980 14/12/1980
Ket 14/07/1979 26/07/1979 Ven 24/12/1979 19/01/1980 Sun 14/12/1980 03/01/1981
Ven 26/07/1979 01/09/1979 Sun 19/01/1980 26/01/1980 Moo 03/01/1981 05/02/1981
Sun 01/09/1979 12/09/1979 Moo 26/01/1980 09/02/1980 Mar 05/02/1981 27/02/1981

Ket - Jup Ket - Sat Ket - Mer

Period 27/02/1981 - 03/02/1982 Period 03/02/1982 - 12/03/1983 Period 12/03/1983 - 09/03/1984
Jup 27/02/1981 11/04/1981 Sat 03/02/1982 06/04/1982 Mer 12/03/1983 02/05/1983
Sat 11/04/1981 05/06/1981 Mer 06/04/1982 02/06/1982 Ket 02/05/1983 23/05/1983
Mer 05/06/1981 22/07/1981 Ket 02/06/1982 26/06/1982 Ven 23/05/1983 22/07/1983
Ket 22/07/1981 12/08/1981 Ven 26/06/1982 02/09/1982 Sun 22/07/1983 10/08/1983
Ven 12/08/1981 08/10/1981 Sun 02/09/1982 22/09/1982 Moo 10/08/1983 10/09/1983
Sun 08/10/1981 25/10/1981 Moo 22/09/1982 25/10/1982 Mar 10/09/1983 01/10/1983
Moo 25/10/1981 23/11/1981 Mar 25/10/1982 19/11/1982 Rah 01/10/1983 24/11/1983
Mar 23/11/1981 12/12/1981 Rah 19/11/1982 18/01/1983 Jup 24/11/1983 12/01/1984
Rah 12/12/1981 03/02/1982 Jup 18/01/1983 12/03/1983 Sat 12/01/1984 09/03/1984

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 26
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Ven - Ven Ven - Sun Ven - Moo

Period 09/03/1984 - 09/07/1987 Period 09/07/1987 - 09/07/1988 Period 09/07/1988 - 09/03/1990
Ven 09/03/1984 29/09/1984 Sun 09/07/1987 27/07/1987 Moo 09/07/1988 29/08/1988
Sun 29/09/1984 29/11/1984 Moo 27/07/1987 27/08/1987 Mar 29/08/1988 04/10/1988
Moo 29/11/1984 09/03/1985 Mar 27/08/1987 18/09/1987 Rah 04/10/1988 04/01/1989
Mar 09/03/1985 19/05/1985 Rah 18/09/1987 12/11/1987 Jup 04/01/1989 24/03/1989
Rah 19/05/1985 19/11/1985 Jup 12/11/1987 30/12/1987 Sat 24/03/1989 29/06/1989
Jup 19/11/1985 29/04/1986 Sat 30/12/1987 27/02/1988 Mer 29/06/1989 24/09/1989
Sat 29/04/1986 09/11/1986 Mer 27/02/1988 18/04/1988 Ket 24/09/1989 29/10/1989
Mer 09/11/1986 29/04/1987 Ket 18/04/1988 09/05/1988 Ven 29/10/1989 09/02/1990
Ket 29/04/1987 09/07/1987 Ven 09/05/1988 09/07/1988 Sun 09/02/1990 09/03/1990

Ven - Mar Ven - Rah Ven - Jup

Period 09/03/1990 - 09/05/1991 Period 09/05/1991 - 09/05/1994 Period 09/05/1994 - 09/01/1997
Mar 09/03/1990 03/04/1990 Rah 09/05/1991 21/10/1991 Jup 09/05/1994 17/09/1994
Rah 03/04/1990 06/06/1990 Jup 21/10/1991 15/03/1992 Sat 17/09/1994 19/02/1995
Jup 06/06/1990 02/08/1990 Sat 15/03/1992 06/09/1992 Mer 19/02/1995 05/07/1995
Sat 02/08/1990 09/10/1990 Mer 06/09/1992 09/02/1993 Ket 05/07/1995 01/09/1995
Mer 09/10/1990 08/12/1990 Ket 09/02/1993 12/04/1993 Ven 01/09/1995 11/02/1996
Ket 08/12/1990 03/01/1991 Ven 12/04/1993 12/10/1993 Sun 11/02/1996 29/03/1996
Ven 03/01/1991 13/03/1991 Sun 12/10/1993 06/12/1993 Moo 29/03/1996 19/06/1996
Sun 13/03/1991 04/04/1991 Moo 06/12/1993 06/03/1994 Mar 19/06/1996 15/08/1996
Moo 04/04/1991 09/05/1991 Mar 06/03/1994 09/05/1994 Rah 15/08/1996 09/01/1997

Ven - Sat Ven - Mer Ven - Ket

Period 09/01/1997 - 09/03/2000 Period 09/03/2000 - 09/01/2003 Period 09/01/2003 - 09/03/2004
Sat 09/01/1997 09/07/1997 Mer 09/03/2000 03/08/2000 Ket 09/01/2003 03/02/2003
Mer 09/07/1997 21/12/1997 Ket 03/08/2000 03/10/2000 Ven 03/02/2003 13/04/2003
Ket 21/12/1997 27/02/1998 Ven 03/10/2000 23/03/2001 Sun 13/04/2003 04/05/2003
Ven 27/02/1998 07/09/1998 Sun 23/03/2001 14/05/2001 Moo 04/05/2003 09/06/2003
Sun 07/09/1998 04/11/1998 Moo 14/05/2001 09/08/2001 Mar 09/06/2003 04/07/2003
Moo 04/11/1998 09/02/1999 Mar 09/08/2001 08/10/2001 Rah 04/07/2003 07/09/2003
Mar 09/02/1999 16/04/1999 Rah 08/10/2001 11/03/2002 Jup 07/09/2003 03/11/2003
Rah 16/04/1999 07/10/1999 Jup 11/03/2002 27/07/2002 Sat 03/11/2003 09/01/2004
Jup 07/10/1999 09/03/2000 Sat 27/07/2002 09/01/2003 Mer 09/01/2004 09/03/2004

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 27
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Sun - Sun Sun - Moo Sun - Mar

Period 09/03/2004 - 27/06/2004 Period 27/06/2004 - 27/12/2004 Period 27/12/2004 - 03/05/2005
Sun 09/03/2004 14/03/2004 Moo 27/06/2004 12/07/2004 Mar 27/12/2004 04/01/2005
Moo 14/03/2004 23/03/2004 Mar 12/07/2004 22/07/2004 Rah 04/01/2005 23/01/2005
Mar 23/03/2004 29/03/2004 Rah 22/07/2004 19/08/2004 Jup 23/01/2005 10/02/2005
Rah 29/03/2004 15/04/2004 Jup 19/08/2004 13/09/2004 Sat 10/02/2005 02/03/2005
Jup 15/04/2004 30/04/2004 Sat 13/09/2004 12/10/2004 Mer 02/03/2005 17/03/2005
Sat 30/04/2004 17/05/2004 Mer 12/10/2004 07/11/2004 Ket 17/03/2005 25/03/2005
Mer 17/05/2004 02/06/2004 Ket 07/11/2004 18/11/2004 Ven 25/03/2005 16/04/2005
Ket 02/06/2004 09/06/2004 Ven 18/11/2004 18/12/2004 Sun 16/04/2005 22/04/2005
Ven 09/06/2004 27/06/2004 Sun 18/12/2004 27/12/2004 Moo 22/04/2005 03/05/2005

Sun - Rah Sun - Jup Sun - Sat

Period 03/05/2005 - 27/03/2006 Period 27/03/2006 - 15/01/2007 Period 15/01/2007 - 27/12/2007
Rah 03/05/2005 21/06/2005 Jup 27/03/2006 05/05/2006 Sat 15/01/2007 09/03/2007
Jup 21/06/2005 04/08/2005 Sat 05/05/2006 21/06/2006 Mer 09/03/2007 27/04/2007
Sat 04/08/2005 26/09/2005 Mer 21/06/2006 01/08/2006 Ket 27/04/2007 17/05/2007
Mer 26/09/2005 12/11/2005 Ket 01/08/2006 18/08/2006 Ven 17/05/2007 14/07/2007
Ket 12/11/2005 01/12/2005 Ven 18/08/2006 06/10/2006 Sun 14/07/2007 01/08/2007
Ven 01/12/2005 24/01/2006 Sun 06/10/2006 21/10/2006 Moo 01/08/2007 30/08/2007
Sun 24/01/2006 11/02/2006 Moo 21/10/2006 15/11/2006 Mar 30/08/2007 20/09/2007
Moo 11/02/2006 08/03/2006 Mar 15/11/2006 01/12/2006 Rah 20/09/2007 11/11/2007
Mar 08/03/2006 27/03/2006 Rah 01/12/2006 15/01/2007 Jup 11/11/2007 27/12/2007

Sun - Mer Sun - Ket Sun - Ven

Period 27/12/2007 - 03/11/2008 Period 03/11/2008 - 09/03/2009 Period 09/03/2009 - 09/03/2010
Mer 27/12/2007 10/02/2008 Ket 03/11/2008 10/11/2008 Ven 09/03/2009 09/05/2009
Ket 10/02/2008 28/02/2008 Ven 10/11/2008 01/12/2008 Sun 09/05/2009 27/05/2009
Ven 28/02/2008 19/04/2008 Sun 01/12/2008 07/12/2008 Moo 27/05/2009 27/06/2009
Sun 19/04/2008 04/05/2008 Moo 07/12/2008 18/12/2008 Mar 27/06/2009 18/07/2009
Moo 04/05/2008 30/05/2008 Mar 18/12/2008 25/12/2008 Rah 18/07/2009 12/09/2009
Mar 30/05/2008 17/06/2008 Rah 25/12/2008 14/01/2009 Jup 12/09/2009 30/10/2009
Rah 17/06/2008 03/08/2008 Jup 14/01/2009 01/02/2009 Sat 30/10/2009 27/12/2009
Jup 03/08/2008 14/09/2008 Sat 01/02/2009 21/02/2009 Mer 27/12/2009 18/02/2010
Sat 14/09/2008 03/11/2008 Mer 21/02/2009 09/03/2009 Ket 18/02/2010 09/03/2010

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 28
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Moo - Moo Moo - Mar Moo - Rah

Period 09/03/2010 - 09/01/2011 Period 09/01/2011 - 09/08/2011 Period 09/08/2011 - 09/02/2013
Moo 09/03/2010 04/04/2010 Mar 09/01/2011 21/01/2011 Rah 09/08/2011 30/10/2011
Mar 04/04/2010 21/04/2010 Rah 21/01/2011 22/02/2011 Jup 30/10/2011 12/01/2012
Rah 21/04/2010 06/06/2010 Jup 22/02/2011 20/03/2011 Sat 12/01/2012 07/04/2012
Jup 06/06/2010 16/07/2010 Sat 20/03/2011 24/04/2011 Mer 07/04/2012 24/06/2012
Sat 16/07/2010 04/09/2010 Mer 24/04/2011 23/05/2011 Ket 24/06/2012 25/07/2012
Mer 04/09/2010 16/10/2010 Ket 23/05/2011 06/06/2011 Ven 25/07/2012 25/10/2012
Ket 16/10/2010 04/11/2010 Ven 06/06/2011 11/07/2011 Sun 25/10/2012 22/11/2012
Ven 04/11/2010 24/12/2010 Sun 11/07/2011 21/07/2011 Moo 22/11/2012 07/01/2013
Sun 24/12/2010 09/01/2011 Moo 21/07/2011 09/08/2011 Mar 07/01/2013 09/02/2013

Moo - Jup Moo - Sat Moo - Mer

Period 09/02/2013 - 09/06/2014 Period 09/06/2014 - 09/01/2016 Period 09/01/2016 - 09/06/2017
Jup 09/02/2013 13/04/2013 Sat 09/06/2014 09/09/2014 Mer 09/01/2016 21/03/2016
Sat 13/04/2013 29/06/2013 Mer 09/09/2014 30/11/2014 Ket 21/03/2016 21/04/2016
Mer 29/06/2013 07/09/2013 Ket 30/11/2014 03/01/2015 Ven 21/04/2016 16/07/2016
Ket 07/09/2013 05/10/2013 Ven 03/01/2015 08/04/2015 Sun 16/07/2016 11/08/2016
Ven 05/10/2013 25/12/2013 Sun 08/04/2015 06/05/2015 Moo 11/08/2016 24/09/2016
Sun 25/12/2013 19/01/2014 Moo 06/05/2015 24/06/2015 Mar 24/09/2016 23/10/2016
Moo 19/01/2014 01/03/2014 Mar 24/06/2015 27/07/2015 Rah 23/10/2016 10/01/2017
Mar 01/03/2014 27/03/2014 Rah 27/07/2015 23/10/2015 Jup 10/01/2017 18/03/2017
Rah 27/03/2014 09/06/2014 Jup 23/10/2015 09/01/2016 Sat 18/03/2017 09/06/2017

Moo - Ket Moo - Ven Moo - Sun

Period 09/06/2017 - 09/01/2018 Period 09/01/2018 - 09/09/2019 Period 09/09/2019 - 09/03/2020
Ket 09/06/2017 21/06/2017 Ven 09/01/2018 19/04/2018 Sun 09/09/2019 18/09/2019
Ven 21/06/2017 26/07/2017 Sun 19/04/2018 19/05/2018 Moo 18/09/2019 03/10/2019
Sun 26/07/2017 06/08/2017 Moo 19/05/2018 09/07/2018 Mar 03/10/2019 13/10/2019
Moo 06/08/2017 24/08/2017 Mar 09/07/2018 14/08/2018 Rah 13/10/2019 10/11/2019
Mar 24/08/2017 06/09/2017 Rah 14/08/2018 14/11/2018 Jup 10/11/2019 04/12/2019
Rah 06/09/2017 08/10/2017 Jup 14/11/2018 04/02/2019 Sat 04/12/2019 03/01/2020
Jup 08/10/2017 06/11/2017 Sat 04/02/2019 09/05/2019 Mer 03/01/2020 28/01/2020
Sat 06/11/2017 09/12/2017 Mer 09/05/2019 04/08/2019 Ket 28/01/2020 09/02/2020
Mer 09/12/2017 09/01/2018 Ket 04/08/2019 09/09/2019 Ven 09/02/2020 09/03/2020

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 29
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Mar - Mar Mar - Rah Mar - Jup

Period 09/03/2020 - 06/08/2020 Period 06/08/2020 - 24/08/2021 Period 24/08/2021 - 30/07/2022
Mar 09/03/2020 17/03/2020 Rah 06/08/2020 02/10/2020 Jup 24/08/2021 08/10/2021
Rah 17/03/2020 09/04/2020 Jup 02/10/2020 23/11/2020 Sat 08/10/2021 02/12/2021
Jup 09/04/2020 29/04/2020 Sat 23/11/2020 23/01/2021 Mer 02/12/2021 19/01/2022
Sat 29/04/2020 22/05/2020 Mer 23/01/2021 16/03/2021 Ket 19/01/2022 09/02/2022
Mer 22/05/2020 13/06/2020 Ket 16/03/2021 08/04/2021 Ven 09/02/2022 05/04/2022
Ket 13/06/2020 21/06/2020 Ven 08/04/2021 11/06/2021 Sun 05/04/2022 22/04/2022
Ven 21/06/2020 16/07/2020 Sun 11/06/2021 01/07/2021 Moo 22/04/2022 20/05/2022
Sun 16/07/2020 23/07/2020 Moo 01/07/2021 02/08/2021 Mar 20/05/2022 09/06/2022
Moo 23/07/2020 06/08/2020 Mar 02/08/2021 24/08/2021 Rah 09/06/2022 30/07/2022

Mar - Sat Mar - Mer Mar - Ket

Period 30/07/2022 - 09/09/2023 Period 09/09/2023 - 06/09/2024 Period 06/09/2024 - 03/02/2025
Sat 30/07/2022 03/10/2022 Mer 09/09/2023 29/10/2023 Ket 06/09/2024 14/09/2024
Mer 03/10/2022 29/11/2022 Ket 29/10/2023 20/11/2023 Ven 14/09/2024 09/10/2024
Ket 29/11/2022 23/12/2022 Ven 20/11/2023 19/01/2024 Sun 09/10/2024 16/10/2024
Ven 23/12/2022 01/03/2023 Sun 19/01/2024 07/02/2024 Moo 16/10/2024 28/10/2024
Sun 01/03/2023 19/03/2023 Moo 07/02/2024 07/03/2024 Mar 28/10/2024 07/11/2024
Moo 19/03/2023 22/04/2023 Mar 07/03/2024 28/03/2024 Rah 07/11/2024 29/11/2024
Mar 22/04/2023 16/05/2023 Rah 28/03/2024 21/05/2024 Jup 29/11/2024 18/12/2024
Rah 16/05/2023 15/07/2023 Jup 21/05/2024 09/07/2024 Sat 18/12/2024 12/01/2025
Jup 15/07/2023 09/09/2023 Sat 09/07/2024 06/09/2024 Mer 12/01/2025 03/02/2025

Mar - Ven Mar - Sun Mar - Moo

Period 03/02/2025 - 03/04/2026 Period 03/04/2026 - 09/08/2026 Period 09/08/2026 - 09/03/2027
Ven 03/02/2025 13/04/2025 Sun 03/04/2026 09/04/2026 Moo 09/08/2026 26/08/2026
Sun 13/04/2025 04/05/2025 Moo 09/04/2026 19/04/2026 Mar 26/08/2026 08/09/2026
Moo 04/05/2025 09/06/2025 Mar 19/04/2026 27/04/2026 Rah 08/09/2026 10/10/2026
Mar 09/06/2025 03/07/2025 Rah 27/04/2026 16/05/2026 Jup 10/10/2026 08/11/2026
Rah 03/07/2025 06/09/2025 Jup 16/05/2026 02/06/2026 Sat 08/11/2026 11/12/2026
Jup 06/09/2025 02/11/2025 Sat 02/06/2026 22/06/2026 Mer 11/12/2026 11/01/2027
Sat 02/11/2025 09/01/2026 Mer 22/06/2026 10/07/2026 Ket 11/01/2027 23/01/2027
Mer 09/01/2026 08/03/2026 Ket 10/07/2026 18/07/2026 Ven 23/01/2027 28/02/2027
Ket 08/03/2026 03/04/2026 Ven 18/07/2026 09/08/2026 Sun 28/02/2027 09/03/2027

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 30
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Rah - Rah Rah - Jup Rah - Sat

Period 09/03/2027 - 21/11/2029 Period 21/11/2029 - 15/04/2032 Period 15/04/2032 - 21/02/2035
Rah 09/03/2027 04/08/2027 Jup 21/11/2029 16/03/2030 Sat 15/04/2032 27/09/2032
Jup 04/08/2027 14/12/2027 Sat 16/03/2030 03/08/2030 Mer 27/09/2032 22/02/2033
Sat 14/12/2027 18/05/2028 Mer 03/08/2030 05/12/2030 Ket 22/02/2033 22/04/2033
Mer 18/05/2028 06/10/2028 Ket 05/12/2030 25/01/2031 Ven 22/04/2033 13/10/2033
Ket 06/10/2028 02/12/2028 Ven 25/01/2031 19/06/2031 Sun 13/10/2033 05/12/2033
Ven 02/12/2028 14/05/2029 Sun 19/06/2031 03/08/2031 Moo 05/12/2033 01/03/2034
Sun 14/05/2029 03/07/2029 Moo 03/08/2031 15/10/2031 Mar 01/03/2034 30/04/2034
Moo 03/07/2029 24/09/2029 Mar 15/10/2031 05/12/2031 Rah 30/04/2034 04/10/2034
Mar 24/09/2029 21/11/2029 Rah 05/12/2031 15/04/2032 Jup 04/10/2034 21/02/2035

Rah - Mer Rah - Ket Rah - Ven

Period 21/02/2035 - 09/09/2037 Period 09/09/2037 - 27/09/2038 Period 27/09/2038 - 27/09/2041
Mer 21/02/2035 01/07/2035 Ket 09/09/2037 01/10/2037 Ven 27/09/2038 27/03/2039
Ket 01/07/2035 24/08/2035 Ven 01/10/2037 04/12/2037 Sun 27/03/2039 21/05/2039
Ven 24/08/2035 27/01/2036 Sun 04/12/2037 23/12/2037 Moo 21/05/2039 21/08/2039
Sun 27/01/2036 13/03/2036 Moo 23/12/2037 24/01/2038 Mar 21/08/2039 24/10/2039
Moo 13/03/2036 30/05/2036 Mar 24/01/2038 16/02/2038 Rah 24/10/2039 06/04/2040
Mar 30/05/2036 23/07/2036 Rah 16/02/2038 13/04/2038 Jup 06/04/2040 30/08/2040
Rah 23/07/2036 11/12/2036 Jup 13/04/2038 03/06/2038 Sat 30/08/2040 21/02/2041
Jup 11/12/2036 13/04/2037 Sat 03/06/2038 03/08/2038 Mer 21/02/2041 24/07/2041
Sat 13/04/2037 09/09/2037 Mer 03/08/2038 27/09/2038 Ket 24/07/2041 27/09/2041

Rah - Sun Rah - Moo Rah - Mar

Period 27/09/2041 - 21/08/2042 Period 21/08/2042 - 21/02/2044 Period 21/02/2044 - 09/03/2045
Sun 27/09/2041 13/10/2041 Moo 21/08/2042 06/10/2042 Mar 21/02/2044 13/03/2044
Moo 13/10/2041 10/11/2041 Mar 06/10/2042 07/11/2042 Rah 13/03/2044 09/05/2044
Mar 10/11/2041 29/11/2041 Rah 07/11/2042 28/01/2043 Jup 09/05/2044 30/06/2044
Rah 29/11/2041 17/01/2042 Jup 28/01/2043 10/04/2043 Sat 30/06/2044 30/08/2044
Jup 17/01/2042 01/03/2042 Sat 10/04/2043 06/07/2043 Mer 30/08/2044 23/10/2044
Sat 01/03/2042 22/04/2042 Mer 06/07/2043 22/09/2043 Ket 23/10/2044 15/11/2044
Mer 22/04/2042 08/06/2042 Ket 22/09/2043 24/10/2043 Ven 15/11/2044 18/01/2045
Ket 08/06/2042 27/06/2042 Ven 24/10/2043 24/01/2044 Sun 18/01/2045 07/02/2045
Ven 27/06/2042 21/08/2042 Sun 24/01/2044 21/02/2044 Moo 07/02/2045 09/03/2045

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 31
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Jup - Jup Jup - Sat Jup - Mer

Period 09/03/2045 - 27/04/2047 Period 27/04/2047 - 09/11/2049 Period 09/11/2049 - 15/02/2052
Jup 09/03/2045 21/06/2045 Sat 27/04/2047 21/09/2047 Mer 09/11/2049 04/03/2050
Sat 21/06/2045 23/10/2045 Mer 21/09/2047 01/02/2048 Ket 04/03/2050 22/04/2050
Mer 23/10/2045 11/02/2046 Ket 01/02/2048 23/03/2048 Ven 22/04/2050 08/09/2050
Ket 11/02/2046 26/03/2046 Ven 23/03/2048 25/08/2048 Sun 08/09/2050 19/10/2050
Ven 26/03/2046 04/08/2046 Sun 25/08/2048 11/10/2048 Moo 19/10/2050 27/12/2050
Sun 04/08/2046 13/09/2046 Moo 11/10/2048 27/12/2048 Mar 27/12/2050 14/02/2051
Moo 13/09/2046 17/11/2046 Mar 27/12/2048 20/02/2049 Rah 14/02/2051 17/06/2051
Mar 17/11/2046 01/01/2047 Rah 20/02/2049 07/07/2049 Jup 17/06/2051 05/10/2051
Rah 01/01/2047 27/04/2047 Jup 07/07/2049 09/11/2049 Sat 05/10/2051 15/02/2052

Jup - Ket Jup - Ven Jup - Sun

Period 15/02/2052 - 21/01/2053 Period 21/01/2053 - 21/09/2055 Period 21/09/2055 - 09/07/2056
Ket 15/02/2052 04/03/2052 Ven 21/01/2053 01/07/2053 Sun 21/09/2055 05/10/2055
Ven 04/03/2052 01/05/2052 Sun 01/07/2053 19/08/2053 Moo 05/10/2055 29/10/2055
Sun 01/05/2052 17/05/2052 Moo 19/08/2053 09/11/2053 Mar 29/10/2055 16/11/2055
Moo 17/05/2052 15/06/2052 Mar 09/11/2053 05/01/2054 Rah 16/11/2055 29/12/2055
Mar 15/06/2052 05/07/2052 Rah 05/01/2054 29/05/2054 Jup 29/12/2055 07/02/2056
Rah 05/07/2052 25/08/2052 Jup 29/05/2054 07/10/2054 Sat 07/02/2056 23/03/2056
Jup 25/08/2052 10/10/2052 Sat 07/10/2054 09/03/2055 Mer 23/03/2056 04/05/2056
Sat 10/10/2052 03/12/2052 Mer 09/03/2055 25/07/2055 Ket 04/05/2056 21/05/2056
Mer 03/12/2052 21/01/2053 Ket 25/07/2055 21/09/2055 Ven 21/05/2056 09/07/2056

Jup - Moo Jup - Mar Jup - Rah

Period 09/07/2056 - 09/11/2057 Period 09/11/2057 - 15/10/2058 Period 15/10/2058 - 09/03/2061
Moo 09/07/2056 19/08/2056 Mar 09/11/2057 28/11/2057 Rah 15/10/2058 24/02/2059
Mar 19/08/2056 17/09/2056 Rah 28/11/2057 19/01/2058 Jup 24/02/2059 19/06/2059
Rah 17/09/2056 29/11/2056 Jup 19/01/2058 03/03/2058 Sat 19/06/2059 06/11/2059
Jup 29/11/2056 03/02/2057 Sat 03/03/2058 27/04/2058 Mer 06/11/2059 09/03/2060
Sat 03/02/2057 19/04/2057 Mer 27/04/2058 14/06/2058 Ket 09/03/2060 29/04/2060
Mer 19/04/2057 27/06/2057 Ket 14/06/2058 04/07/2058 Ven 29/04/2060 23/09/2060
Ket 27/06/2057 25/07/2057 Ven 04/07/2058 30/08/2058 Sun 23/09/2060 06/11/2060
Ven 25/07/2057 15/10/2057 Sun 30/08/2058 17/09/2058 Moo 06/11/2060 18/01/2061
Sun 15/10/2057 09/11/2057 Moo 17/09/2058 15/10/2058 Mar 18/01/2061 09/03/2061

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 32
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Sat - Sat Sat - Mer Sat - Ket

Period 09/03/2061 - 12/03/2064 Period 12/03/2064 - 21/11/2066 Period 21/11/2066 - 30/12/2067
Sat 09/03/2061 01/09/2061 Mer 12/03/2064 29/07/2064 Ket 21/11/2066 14/12/2066
Mer 01/09/2061 03/02/2062 Ket 29/07/2064 25/09/2064 Ven 14/12/2066 20/02/2067
Ket 03/02/2062 07/04/2062 Ven 25/09/2064 07/03/2065 Sun 20/02/2067 10/03/2067
Ven 07/04/2062 07/10/2062 Sun 07/03/2065 25/04/2065 Moo 10/03/2067 14/04/2067
Sun 07/10/2062 01/12/2062 Moo 25/04/2065 16/07/2065 Mar 14/04/2067 07/05/2067
Moo 01/12/2062 02/03/2063 Mar 16/07/2065 13/09/2065 Rah 07/05/2067 07/07/2067
Mar 02/03/2063 05/05/2063 Rah 13/09/2065 08/02/2066 Jup 07/07/2067 30/08/2067
Rah 05/05/2063 17/10/2063 Jup 08/02/2066 17/06/2066 Sat 30/08/2067 03/11/2067
Jup 17/10/2063 12/03/2064 Sat 17/06/2066 21/11/2066 Mer 03/11/2067 30/12/2067

Sat - Ven Sat - Sun Sat - Moo

Period 30/12/2067 - 02/03/2071 Period 02/03/2071 - 12/02/2072 Period 12/02/2072 - 12/09/2073
Ven 30/12/2067 10/07/2068 Sun 02/03/2071 17/03/2071 Moo 12/02/2072 29/03/2072
Sun 10/07/2068 07/09/2068 Moo 17/03/2071 15/04/2071 Mar 29/03/2072 02/05/2072
Moo 07/09/2068 12/12/2068 Mar 15/04/2071 05/05/2071 Rah 02/05/2072 28/07/2072
Mar 12/12/2068 18/02/2069 Rah 05/05/2071 26/06/2071 Jup 28/07/2072 14/10/2072
Rah 18/02/2069 09/08/2069 Jup 26/06/2071 12/08/2071 Sat 14/10/2072 14/01/2073
Jup 09/08/2069 11/01/2070 Sat 12/08/2071 06/10/2071 Mer 14/01/2073 05/04/2073
Sat 11/01/2070 12/07/2070 Mer 06/10/2071 25/11/2071 Ket 05/04/2073 08/05/2073
Mer 12/07/2070 23/12/2070 Ket 25/11/2071 15/12/2071 Ven 08/05/2073 13/08/2073
Ket 23/12/2070 02/03/2071 Ven 15/12/2071 12/02/2072 Sun 13/08/2073 12/09/2073

Sat - Mar Sat - Rah Sat - Jup

Period 12/09/2073 - 21/10/2074 Period 21/10/2074 - 27/08/2077 Period 27/08/2077 - 09/03/2080
Mar 12/09/2073 05/10/2073 Rah 21/10/2074 24/03/2075 Jup 27/08/2077 28/12/2077
Rah 05/10/2073 05/12/2073 Jup 24/03/2075 11/08/2075 Sat 28/12/2077 23/05/2078
Jup 05/12/2073 28/01/2074 Sat 11/08/2075 24/01/2076 Mer 23/05/2078 02/10/2078
Sat 28/01/2074 01/04/2074 Mer 24/01/2076 19/06/2076 Ket 02/10/2078 25/11/2078
Mer 01/04/2074 28/05/2074 Ket 19/06/2076 19/08/2076 Ven 25/11/2078 27/04/2079
Ket 28/05/2074 21/06/2074 Ven 19/08/2076 10/02/2077 Sun 27/04/2079 13/06/2079
Ven 21/06/2074 27/08/2074 Sun 10/02/2077 01/04/2077 Moo 13/06/2079 29/08/2079
Sun 27/08/2074 17/09/2074 Moo 01/04/2077 27/06/2077 Mar 29/08/2079 22/10/2079
Moo 17/09/2074 21/10/2074 Mar 27/06/2077 27/08/2077 Rah 22/10/2079 09/03/2080

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 33
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Mer - Mer Mer - Ket Mer - Ven

Period 09/03/2080 - 06/08/2082 Period 06/08/2082 - 03/08/2083 Period 03/08/2083 - 03/06/2086
Mer 09/03/2080 11/07/2080 Ket 06/08/2082 26/08/2082 Ven 03/08/2083 23/01/2084
Ket 11/07/2080 02/09/2080 Ven 26/08/2082 26/10/2082 Sun 23/01/2084 14/03/2084
Ven 02/09/2080 26/01/2081 Sun 26/10/2082 14/11/2082 Moo 14/03/2084 09/06/2084
Sun 26/01/2081 10/03/2081 Moo 14/11/2082 13/12/2082 Mar 09/06/2084 08/08/2084
Moo 10/03/2081 22/05/2081 Mar 13/12/2082 04/01/2083 Rah 08/08/2084 11/01/2085
Mar 22/05/2081 13/07/2081 Rah 04/01/2083 28/02/2083 Jup 11/01/2085 27/05/2085
Rah 13/07/2081 23/11/2081 Jup 28/02/2083 15/04/2083 Sat 27/05/2085 09/11/2085
Jup 23/11/2081 18/03/2082 Sat 15/04/2083 12/06/2083 Mer 09/11/2085 03/04/2086
Sat 18/03/2082 06/08/2082 Mer 12/06/2083 03/08/2083 Ket 03/04/2086 03/06/2086

Mer - Sun Mer - Moo Mer - Mar

Period 03/06/2086 - 09/04/2087 Period 09/04/2087 - 09/09/2088 Period 09/09/2088 - 06/09/2089
Sun 03/06/2086 18/06/2086 Moo 09/04/2087 21/05/2087 Mar 09/09/2088 29/09/2088
Moo 18/06/2086 13/07/2086 Mar 21/05/2087 21/06/2087 Rah 29/09/2088 23/11/2088
Mar 13/07/2086 01/08/2086 Rah 21/06/2087 07/09/2087 Jup 23/11/2088 11/01/2089
Rah 01/08/2086 17/09/2086 Jup 07/09/2087 15/11/2087 Sat 11/01/2089 07/03/2089
Jup 17/09/2086 28/10/2086 Sat 15/11/2087 06/02/2088 Mer 07/03/2089 28/04/2089
Sat 28/10/2086 16/12/2086 Mer 06/02/2088 18/04/2088 Ket 28/04/2089 18/05/2089
Mer 16/12/2086 30/01/2087 Ket 18/04/2088 18/05/2088 Ven 18/05/2089 18/07/2089
Ket 30/01/2087 18/02/2087 Ven 18/05/2088 13/08/2088 Sun 18/07/2089 06/08/2089
Ven 18/02/2087 09/04/2087 Sun 13/08/2088 09/09/2088 Moo 06/08/2089 06/09/2089

Mer - Rah Mer - Jup Mer - Sat

Period 06/09/2089 - 24/03/2092 Period 24/03/2092 - 30/06/2094 Period 30/06/2094 - 09/03/2097
Rah 06/09/2089 23/01/2090 Jup 24/03/2092 12/07/2092 Sat 30/06/2094 03/12/2094
Jup 23/01/2090 26/05/2090 Sat 12/07/2092 22/11/2092 Mer 03/12/2094 20/04/2095
Sat 26/05/2090 21/10/2090 Mer 22/11/2092 17/03/2093 Ket 20/04/2095 17/06/2095
Mer 21/10/2090 01/03/2091 Ket 17/03/2093 05/05/2093 Ven 17/06/2095 28/11/2095
Ket 01/03/2091 25/04/2091 Ven 05/05/2093 21/09/2093 Sun 28/11/2095 17/01/2096
Ven 25/04/2091 28/09/2091 Sun 21/09/2093 02/11/2093 Moo 17/01/2096 07/04/2096
Sun 28/09/2091 14/11/2091 Moo 02/11/2093 10/01/2094 Mar 07/04/2096 04/06/2096
Moo 14/11/2091 01/02/2092 Mar 10/01/2094 27/02/2094 Rah 04/06/2096 29/10/2096
Mar 01/02/2092 24/03/2092 Rah 27/02/2094 30/06/2094 Jup 29/10/2096 09/03/2097

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 34
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Yogini Dasha
Bhogya Dasha at birth Bhramari 0 year 3 month 0 Days

Bhramari 4 year Bhadrika 5 year Ulka 6 year

Period 29/08/1983 - 17/12/1983 Period 17/12/1983 - 17/12/1988 Period 17/12/1988 - 17/12/1994

Bhramari - - Bhadrika 17/12/1983 27/08/1984 Ulka 17/12/1988 17/12/1989

Bhadrika - - Ulka 27/08/1984 27/06/1985 Sidha 17/12/1989 17/02/1991
Ulka - - Sidha 27/06/1985 17/06/1986 Sankata 17/02/1991 17/06/1992
Sidha - - Sankata 17/06/1986 27/07/1987 Mangla 17/06/1992 17/08/1992
Sankata - - Mangla 27/07/1987 17/09/1987 Pingla 17/08/1992 17/12/1992
Mangla - - Pingla 17/09/1987 27/12/1987 Dhanya 17/12/1992 17/06/1993
Pingla - - Dhanya 27/12/1987 27/05/1988 Bhramari 17/06/1993 17/02/1994
Dhanya 29/08/1983 17/12/1983 Bhramari 27/05/1988 17/12/1988 Bhadrika 17/02/1994 17/12/1994

Sidha 7 year Sankata 8 year Mangla 1 year

Period 17/12/1994 - 17/12/2001 Period 17/12/2001 - 17/12/2009 Period 17/12/2009 - 17/12/2010

Sidha 17/12/1994 27/04/1996 Sankata 17/12/2001 27/09/2003 Mangla 17/12/2009 27/12/2009

Sankata 27/04/1996 17/11/1997 Mangla 27/09/2003 17/12/2003 Pingla 27/12/2009 17/01/2010
Mangla 17/11/1997 27/01/1998 Pingla 17/12/2003 27/05/2004 Dhanya 17/01/2010 17/02/2010
Pingla 27/01/1998 17/06/1998 Dhanya 27/05/2004 27/01/2005 Bhramari 17/02/2010 27/03/2010
Dhanya 17/06/1998 17/01/1999 Bhramari 27/01/2005 17/12/2005 Bhadrika 27/03/2010 17/05/2010
Bhramari 17/01/1999 27/10/1999 Bhadrika 17/12/2005 27/01/2007 Ulka 17/05/2010 17/07/2010
Bhadrika 27/10/1999 17/10/2000 Ulka 27/01/2007 27/05/2008 Sidha 17/07/2010 27/09/2010
Ulka 17/10/2000 17/12/2001 Sidha 27/05/2008 17/12/2009 Sankata 27/09/2010 17/12/2010

Pingla 2 year Dhanya 3 year Bhramari 4 year

Period 17/12/2010 - 17/12/2012 Period 17/12/2012 - 17/12/2015 Period 17/12/2015 - 17/12/2019

Pingla 17/12/2010 27/01/2011 Dhanya 17/12/2012 17/03/2013 Bhramari 17/12/2015 27/05/2016

Dhanya 27/01/2011 27/03/2011 Bhramari 17/03/2013 17/07/2013 Bhadrika 27/05/2016 17/12/2016
Bhramari 27/03/2011 17/06/2011 Bhadrika 17/07/2013 17/12/2013 Ulka 17/12/2016 17/08/2017
Bhadrika 17/06/2011 27/09/2011 Ulka 17/12/2013 17/06/2014 Sidha 17/08/2017 27/05/2018
Ulka 27/09/2011 27/01/2012 Sidha 17/06/2014 17/01/2015 Sankata 27/05/2018 17/04/2019
Sidha 27/01/2012 17/06/2012 Sankata 17/01/2015 17/09/2015 Mangla 17/04/2019 27/05/2019
Sankata 17/06/2012 27/11/2012 Mangla 17/09/2015 17/10/2015 Pingla 27/05/2019 17/08/2019
Mangla 27/11/2012 17/12/2012 Pingla 17/10/2015 17/12/2015 Dhanya 17/08/2019 17/12/2019

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 35
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Yogini Dasha

Bhadrika 5 year Ulka 6 year Sidha 7 year

Period 17/12/2019 - 17/12/2024 Period 17/12/2024 - 17/12/2030 Period 17/12/2030 - 17/12/2037

Bhadrika 17/12/2019 27/08/2020 Ulka 17/12/2024 17/12/2025 Sidha 17/12/2030 27/04/2032

Ulka 27/08/2020 27/06/2021 Sidha 17/12/2025 17/02/2027 Sankata 27/04/2032 17/11/2033
Sidha 27/06/2021 17/06/2022 Sankata 17/02/2027 17/06/2028 Mangla 17/11/2033 27/01/2034
Sankata 17/06/2022 27/07/2023 Mangla 17/06/2028 17/08/2028 Pingla 27/01/2034 17/06/2034
Mangla 27/07/2023 17/09/2023 Pingla 17/08/2028 17/12/2028 Dhanya 17/06/2034 17/01/2035
Pingla 17/09/2023 27/12/2023 Dhanya 17/12/2028 17/06/2029 Bhramari 17/01/2035 27/10/2035
Dhanya 27/12/2023 27/05/2024 Bhramari 17/06/2029 17/02/2030 Bhadrika 27/10/2035 17/10/2036
Bhramari 27/05/2024 17/12/2024 Bhadrika 17/02/2030 17/12/2030 Ulka 17/10/2036 17/12/2037

Sankata 8 year Mangla 1 year Pingla 2 year

Period 17/12/2037 - 17/12/2045 Period 17/12/2045 - 17/12/2046 Period 17/12/2046 - 17/12/2048

Sankata 17/12/2037 27/09/2039 Mangla 17/12/2045 27/12/2045 Pingla 17/12/2046 27/01/2047

Mangla 27/09/2039 17/12/2039 Pingla 27/12/2045 17/01/2046 Dhanya 27/01/2047 27/03/2047
Pingla 17/12/2039 27/05/2040 Dhanya 17/01/2046 17/02/2046 Bhramari 27/03/2047 17/06/2047
Dhanya 27/05/2040 27/01/2041 Bhramari 17/02/2046 27/03/2046 Bhadrika 17/06/2047 27/09/2047
Bhramari 27/01/2041 17/12/2041 Bhadrika 27/03/2046 17/05/2046 Ulka 27/09/2047 27/01/2048
Bhadrika 17/12/2041 27/01/2043 Ulka 17/05/2046 17/07/2046 Sidha 27/01/2048 17/06/2048
Ulka 27/01/2043 27/05/2044 Sidha 17/07/2046 27/09/2046 Sankata 17/06/2048 27/11/2048
Sidha 27/05/2044 17/12/2045 Sankata 27/09/2046 17/12/2046 Mangla 27/11/2048 17/12/2048

Dhanya 3 year Bhramari 4 year Bhadrika 5 year

Period 17/12/2048 - 17/12/2051 Period 17/12/2051 - 17/12/2055 Period 17/12/2055 - 17/12/2060

Dhanya 17/12/2048 17/03/2049 Bhramari 17/12/2051 27/05/2052 Bhadrika 17/12/2055 27/08/2056

Bhramari 17/03/2049 17/07/2049 Bhadrika 27/05/2052 17/12/2052 Ulka 27/08/2056 27/06/2057
Bhadrika 17/07/2049 17/12/2049 Ulka 17/12/2052 17/08/2053 Sidha 27/06/2057 17/06/2058
Ulka 17/12/2049 17/06/2050 Sidha 17/08/2053 27/05/2054 Sankata 17/06/2058 27/07/2059
Sidha 17/06/2050 17/01/2051 Sankata 27/05/2054 17/04/2055 Mangla 27/07/2059 17/09/2059
Sankata 17/01/2051 17/09/2051 Mangla 17/04/2055 27/05/2055 Pingla 17/09/2059 27/12/2059
Mangla 17/09/2051 17/10/2051 Pingla 27/05/2055 17/08/2055 Dhanya 27/12/2059 27/05/2060
Pingla 17/10/2051 17/12/2051 Dhanya 17/08/2055 17/12/2055 Bhramari 27/05/2060 17/12/2060

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 36
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Aaditya Antar Dasha

Bhogya Dasha at birth Ket 0 Year 11 Month 13 Days

Ket - 7 year Ven - 20 year Sun - 6 year

Period - - 12/08/1984 Period 12/08/1984 - 12/08/2004 Period 12/08/2004 - 12/08/2010
Ket - 09/01/1978 Ven 12/08/1984 12/12/1987 Sun 12/08/2004 30/11/2004
Ven 09/01/1978 09/03/1979 Sun 12/12/1987 12/12/1988 Moo 30/11/2004 30/05/2005
Sun 09/03/1979 15/07/1979 Moo 12/12/1988 12/08/1990 Mar 30/05/2005 06/10/2005
Moo 15/07/1979 15/02/1980 Mar 12/08/1990 12/10/1991 Rah 06/10/2005 30/08/2006
Mar 15/02/1980 12/07/1980 Rah 12/10/1991 12/10/1994 Jup 30/08/2006 18/06/2007
Rah 12/07/1980 30/07/1981 Jup 12/10/1994 12/06/1997 Sat 18/06/2007 30/05/2008
Jup 30/07/1981 06/07/1982 Sat 12/06/1997 12/08/2000 Mer 30/05/2008 06/04/2009
Sat 06/07/1982 15/08/1983 Mer 12/08/2000 12/06/2003 Ket 06/04/2009 12/08/2009
Mer 15/08/1983 12/08/1984 Ket 12/06/2003 12/08/2004 Ven 12/08/2009 12/08/2010

Moo - 10 year Mar - 7 year Rah - 18 year

Period 12/08/2010 - 12/08/2020 Period 12/08/2020 - 12/08/2027 Period 12/08/2027 - 12/08/2045
Moo 12/08/2010 12/06/2011 Mar 12/08/2020 09/01/2021 Rah 12/08/2027 24/04/2030
Mar 12/06/2011 12/01/2012 Rah 09/01/2021 27/01/2022 Jup 24/04/2030 18/09/2032
Rah 12/01/2012 12/07/2013 Jup 27/01/2022 03/01/2023 Sat 18/09/2032 24/07/2035
Jup 12/07/2013 12/11/2014 Sat 03/01/2023 12/02/2024 Mer 24/07/2035 12/02/2038
Sat 12/11/2014 12/06/2016 Mer 12/02/2024 09/02/2025 Ket 12/02/2038 02/03/2039
Mer 12/06/2016 12/11/2017 Ket 09/02/2025 06/07/2025 Ven 02/03/2039 02/03/2042
Ket 12/11/2017 12/06/2018 Ven 06/07/2025 06/09/2026 Sun 02/03/2042 24/01/2043
Ven 12/06/2018 12/02/2020 Sun 06/09/2026 12/01/2027 Moo 24/01/2043 24/07/2044
Sun 12/02/2020 12/08/2020 Moo 12/01/2027 12/08/2027 Mar 24/07/2044 12/08/2045

Jup - 16 year Sat - 19 year Mer - 17 year

Period 12/08/2045 - 12/08/2061 Period 12/08/2061 - 12/08/2080 Period 12/08/2080 - 12/08/2097
Jup 12/08/2045 30/09/2047 Sat 12/08/2061 15/08/2064 Mer 12/08/2080 09/01/2083
Sat 30/09/2047 12/04/2050 Mer 15/08/2064 24/04/2067 Ket 09/01/2083 06/01/2084
Mer 12/04/2050 18/07/2052 Ket 24/04/2067 03/06/2068 Ven 06/01/2084 06/11/2086
Ket 18/07/2052 24/06/2053 Ven 03/06/2068 03/08/2071 Sun 06/11/2086 12/09/2087
Ven 24/06/2053 24/02/2056 Sun 03/08/2071 15/07/2072 Moo 12/09/2087 12/02/2089
Sun 24/02/2056 12/12/2056 Moo 15/07/2072 15/02/2074 Mar 12/02/2089 09/02/2090
Moo 12/12/2056 12/04/2058 Mar 15/02/2074 24/03/2075 Rah 09/02/2090 27/08/2092
Mar 12/04/2058 18/03/2059 Rah 24/03/2075 30/01/2078 Jup 27/08/2092 03/12/2094
Rah 18/03/2059 12/08/2061 Jup 30/01/2078 12/08/2080 Sat 03/12/2094 12/08/2097

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 37
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Aaditya Pratyantar Dasha

Ket - Ket Ket - Ven Ket - Sun

Period - - 09/01/1978 Period 09/01/1978 - 09/03/1979 Period 09/03/1979 - 15/07/1979
Ket - 20/08/1977 Ven 09/01/1978 19/03/1978 Sun 09/03/1979 15/03/1979
Ven 20/08/1977 15/09/1977 Sun 19/03/1978 10/04/1978 Moo 15/03/1979 26/03/1979
Sun 15/09/1977 22/09/1977 Moo 10/04/1978 15/05/1978 Mar 26/03/1979 03/04/1979
Moo 22/09/1977 04/10/1977 Mar 15/05/1978 09/06/1978 Rah 03/04/1979 22/04/1979
Mar 04/10/1977 13/10/1977 Rah 09/06/1978 12/08/1978 Jup 22/04/1979 09/05/1979
Rah 13/10/1977 05/11/1977 Jup 12/08/1978 08/10/1978 Sat 09/05/1979 29/05/1979
Jup 05/11/1977 25/11/1977 Sat 08/10/1978 15/12/1978 Mer 29/05/1979 16/06/1979
Sat 25/11/1977 18/12/1977 Mer 15/12/1978 14/02/1979 Ket 16/06/1979 24/06/1979
Mer 18/12/1977 09/01/1978 Ket 14/02/1979 09/03/1979 Ven 24/06/1979 15/07/1979

Ket - Moo Ket - Mar Ket - Rah

Period 15/07/1979 - 15/02/1980 Period 15/02/1980 - 12/07/1980 Period 12/07/1980 - 30/07/1981
Moo 15/07/1979 02/08/1979 Mar 15/02/1980 23/02/1980 Rah 12/07/1980 08/09/1980
Mar 02/08/1979 15/08/1979 Rah 23/02/1980 15/03/1980 Jup 08/09/1980 29/10/1980
Rah 15/08/1979 16/09/1979 Jup 15/03/1980 05/04/1980 Sat 29/10/1980 29/12/1980
Jup 16/09/1979 14/10/1979 Sat 05/04/1980 28/04/1980 Mer 29/12/1980 22/02/1981
Sat 14/10/1979 17/11/1979 Mer 28/04/1980 19/05/1980 Ket 22/02/1981 14/03/1981
Mer 17/11/1979 17/12/1979 Ket 19/05/1980 28/05/1980 Ven 14/03/1981 17/05/1981
Ket 17/12/1979 29/12/1979 Ven 28/05/1980 22/06/1980 Sun 17/05/1981 06/06/1981
Ven 29/12/1979 04/02/1980 Sun 22/06/1980 30/06/1980 Moo 06/06/1981 08/07/1981
Sun 04/02/1980 15/02/1980 Moo 30/06/1980 12/07/1980 Mar 08/07/1981 30/07/1981

Ket - Jup Ket - Sat Ket - Mer

Period 30/07/1981 - 06/07/1982 Period 06/07/1982 - 15/08/1983 Period 15/08/1983 - 12/08/1984
Jup 30/07/1981 15/09/1981 Sat 06/07/1982 09/09/1982 Mer 15/08/1983 05/10/1983
Sat 15/09/1981 08/11/1981 Mer 09/09/1982 05/11/1982 Ket 05/10/1983 26/10/1983
Mer 08/11/1981 25/12/1981 Ket 05/11/1982 29/11/1982 Ven 26/10/1983 26/12/1983
Ket 25/12/1981 15/01/1982 Ven 29/11/1982 05/02/1983 Sun 26/12/1983 14/01/1984
Ven 15/01/1982 11/03/1982 Sun 05/02/1983 25/02/1983 Moo 14/01/1984 13/02/1984
Sun 11/03/1982 28/03/1982 Moo 25/02/1983 28/03/1983 Mar 13/02/1984 04/03/1984
Moo 28/03/1982 26/04/1982 Mar 28/03/1983 22/04/1983 Rah 04/03/1984 28/04/1984
Mar 26/04/1982 15/05/1982 Rah 22/04/1983 22/06/1983 Jup 28/04/1984 15/06/1984
Rah 15/05/1982 06/07/1982 Jup 22/06/1983 15/08/1983 Sat 15/06/1984 12/08/1984

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 38
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Lagnam Antar Dasha

Bhogya Dasha at birth Ven 16 Year 1 Month 3 Days

Ven - 20 year Sun - 6 year Moo - 10 year

Period - - 02/10/1999 Period 02/10/1999 - 02/10/2005 Period 02/10/2005 - 02/10/2015
Ven - 02/02/1983 Sun 02/10/1999 20/01/2000 Moo 02/10/2005 02/08/2006
Sun 02/02/1983 02/02/1984 Moo 20/01/2000 20/07/2000 Mar 02/08/2006 02/03/2007
Moo 02/02/1984 02/10/1985 Mar 20/07/2000 26/11/2000 Rah 02/03/2007 02/09/2008
Mar 02/10/1985 02/12/1986 Rah 26/11/2000 20/10/2001 Jup 02/09/2008 02/01/2010
Rah 02/12/1986 02/12/1989 Jup 20/10/2001 08/08/2002 Sat 02/01/2010 02/08/2011
Jup 02/12/1989 02/08/1992 Sat 08/08/2002 20/07/2003 Mer 02/08/2011 02/01/2013
Sat 02/08/1992 02/10/1995 Mer 20/07/2003 26/05/2004 Ket 02/01/2013 02/08/2013
Mer 02/10/1995 02/08/1998 Ket 26/05/2004 02/10/2004 Ven 02/08/2013 02/04/2015
Ket 02/08/1998 02/10/1999 Ven 02/10/2004 02/10/2005 Sun 02/04/2015 02/10/2015

Mar - 7 year Rah - 18 year Jup - 16 year

Period 02/10/2015 - 02/10/2022 Period 02/10/2022 - 02/10/2040 Period 02/10/2040 - 02/10/2056
Mar 02/10/2015 01/03/2016 Rah 02/10/2022 14/06/2025 Jup 02/10/2040 20/11/2042
Rah 01/03/2016 17/03/2017 Jup 14/06/2025 08/11/2027 Sat 20/11/2042 02/06/2045
Jup 17/03/2017 23/02/2018 Sat 08/11/2027 14/09/2030 Mer 02/06/2045 08/09/2047
Sat 23/02/2018 02/04/2019 Mer 14/09/2030 02/04/2033 Ket 08/09/2047 14/08/2048
Mer 02/04/2019 29/03/2020 Ket 02/04/2033 20/04/2034 Ven 14/08/2048 14/04/2051
Ket 29/03/2020 26/08/2020 Ven 20/04/2034 20/04/2037 Sun 14/04/2051 02/02/2052
Ven 26/08/2020 26/10/2021 Sun 20/04/2037 14/03/2038 Moo 02/02/2052 02/06/2053
Sun 26/10/2021 02/03/2022 Moo 14/03/2038 14/09/2039 Mar 02/06/2053 08/05/2054
Moo 02/03/2022 02/10/2022 Mar 14/09/2039 02/10/2040 Rah 08/05/2054 02/10/2056

Sat - 19 year Mer - 17 year Ket - 7 year

Period 02/10/2056 - 02/10/2075 Period 02/10/2075 - 02/10/2092 Period 02/10/2092 - 02/10/2099
Sat 02/10/2056 05/10/2059 Mer 02/10/2075 01/03/2078 Ket 02/10/2092 01/03/2093
Mer 05/10/2059 14/06/2062 Ket 01/03/2078 26/02/2079 Ven 01/03/2093 29/04/2094
Ket 14/06/2062 23/07/2063 Ven 26/02/2079 26/12/2081 Sun 29/04/2094 05/09/2094
Ven 23/07/2063 23/09/2066 Sun 26/12/2081 02/11/2082 Moo 05/09/2094 05/04/2095
Sun 23/09/2066 05/09/2067 Moo 02/11/2082 02/04/2084 Mar 05/04/2095 02/09/2095
Moo 05/09/2067 05/04/2069 Mar 02/04/2084 29/03/2085 Rah 02/09/2095 20/09/2096
Mar 05/04/2069 14/05/2070 Rah 29/03/2085 17/10/2087 Jup 20/09/2096 26/08/2097
Rah 14/05/2070 20/03/2073 Jup 17/10/2087 23/01/2090 Sat 26/08/2097 05/10/2098
Jup 20/03/2073 02/10/2075 Sat 23/01/2090 02/10/2092 Mer 05/10/2098 02/10/2099

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 39
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Lagnam Pratyantar Dasha

Ven - Ven Ven - Sun Ven - Moo

Period - - 02/02/1983 Period 02/02/1983 - 02/02/1984 Period 02/02/1984 - 02/10/1985
Ven - 22/04/1980 Sun 02/02/1983 20/02/1983 Moo 02/02/1984 22/03/1984
Sun 22/04/1980 22/06/1980 Moo 20/02/1983 20/03/1983 Mar 22/03/1984 27/04/1984
Moo 22/06/1980 02/10/1980 Mar 20/03/1983 11/04/1983 Rah 27/04/1984 27/07/1984
Mar 02/10/1980 12/12/1980 Rah 11/04/1983 05/06/1983 Jup 27/07/1984 17/10/1984
Rah 12/12/1980 12/06/1981 Jup 05/06/1983 23/07/1983 Sat 17/10/1984 22/01/1985
Jup 12/06/1981 22/11/1981 Sat 23/07/1983 20/09/1983 Mer 22/01/1985 17/04/1985
Sat 22/11/1981 02/06/1982 Mer 20/09/1983 11/11/1983 Ket 17/04/1985 22/05/1985
Mer 02/06/1982 22/11/1982 Ket 11/11/1983 02/12/1983 Ven 22/05/1985 02/09/1985
Ket 22/11/1982 02/02/1983 Ven 02/12/1983 02/02/1984 Sun 02/09/1985 02/10/1985

Ven - Mar Ven - Rah Ven - Jup

Period 02/10/1985 - 02/12/1986 Period 02/12/1986 - 02/12/1989 Period 02/12/1989 - 02/08/1992
Mar 02/10/1985 27/10/1985 Rah 02/12/1986 14/05/1987 Jup 02/12/1989 10/04/1990
Rah 27/10/1985 30/12/1985 Jup 14/05/1987 08/10/1987 Sat 10/04/1990 12/09/1990
Jup 30/12/1985 26/02/1986 Sat 08/10/1987 29/03/1988 Mer 12/09/1990 28/01/1991
Sat 26/02/1986 02/05/1986 Mer 29/03/1988 02/09/1988 Ket 28/01/1991 24/03/1991
Mer 02/05/1986 02/07/1986 Ket 02/09/1988 05/11/1988 Ven 24/03/1991 04/09/1991
Ket 02/07/1986 26/07/1986 Ven 05/11/1988 05/05/1989 Sun 04/09/1991 22/10/1991
Ven 26/07/1986 06/10/1986 Sun 05/05/1989 29/06/1989 Moo 22/10/1991 12/01/1992
Sun 06/10/1986 27/10/1986 Moo 29/06/1989 29/09/1989 Mar 12/01/1992 08/03/1992
Moo 27/10/1986 02/12/1986 Mar 29/09/1989 02/12/1989 Rah 08/03/1992 02/08/1992

Ven - Sat Ven - Mer Ven - Ket

Period 02/08/1992 - 02/10/1995 Period 02/10/1995 - 02/08/1998 Period 02/08/1998 - 02/10/1999
Sat 02/08/1992 03/02/1993 Mer 02/10/1995 27/02/1996 Ket 02/08/1998 27/08/1998
Mer 03/02/1993 14/07/1993 Ket 27/02/1996 26/04/1996 Ven 27/08/1998 07/11/1998
Ket 14/07/1993 21/09/1993 Ven 26/04/1996 16/10/1996 Sun 07/11/1998 28/11/1998
Ven 21/09/1993 01/04/1994 Sun 16/10/1996 07/12/1996 Moo 28/11/1998 03/01/1999
Sun 01/04/1994 28/05/1994 Moo 07/12/1996 02/03/1997 Mar 03/01/1999 27/01/1999
Moo 28/05/1994 03/09/1994 Mar 02/03/1997 02/05/1997 Rah 27/01/1999 01/04/1999
Mar 03/09/1994 09/11/1994 Rah 02/05/1997 05/10/1997 Jup 01/04/1999 26/05/1999
Rah 09/11/1994 01/05/1995 Jup 05/10/1997 21/02/1998 Sat 26/05/1999 03/08/1999
Jup 01/05/1995 02/10/1995 Sat 21/02/1998 02/08/1998 Mer 03/08/1999 02/10/1999

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 40
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Planets Position (K.P. ayanamsa)

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

6 4 6 4
7 SUN 3 URA 7 ASC 3
JUP 5 5
KET 8 2 RAH 8 2 VEN
11 PLU 11


9 1 Sat 9 1

10 12 10 12

Planet Position Ayanamsa:23:31:33

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position

Asc Leo 16:02:13 SUN P. Phalg 1 VENUS SUN MER

Sun Leo 11:37:34 SUN Magha 4 Ket MER MER

Moon Aries 12:25:27 MAR Ashwini 4 Ket MER MAR

Mars Cancer 16:20:05 MOO Pushya 4 SATURN JUP MAR D

Mercury Virgo 06:24:23 MER U. Phalg 3 SUN MER RAH EXL

Jupiter Scorpio 08:58:01 MAR Anuradha 2 SATURN VEN RAH

Venus Leo 05:33:23 SUN Magha 2 Ket RAH RAH C R

Saturn Libra 06:52:18 VEN Swati 1 Rah RAH RAH EXL

Rah Taurus 28:36:29 VEN Mrigasira 2 MARS Sat KET R

Ket Scorpio 28:36:29 MAR Jyeshtha 4 MERCURY Sat KET R

Ura Scorpio 11:40:14 MAR Anuradha 3 SATURN MOO MER

Nep Sagittarius 02:56:01 JUP Moola 1 Ket VEN KET R

Plu Libra 03:55:46 VEN Chitra 4 MARS VEN JUP

For KP Pages..ayanamsa used - KP AYANAMSA

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 41
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Nirayana Bhava Chalit (K.P. ayanamsa)

Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart

6 4 VEN
7 3
8 2 RAH
NEP 11

9 1

10 12

BHAVA SPASHT (Placidus System)

Bhav Sign Lord Degree Nakshatra Pad Nak Lord Sublord SubSublord
1st Leo SUN 16:02:13 P. Phalg 1 VEN SUN MER
2nd Vir MER 12:10:14 Hasta 1 MOO RAH RAH
3rd Lib VEN 12:10:49 Swati 2 RAH Sat RAH
4th Sco MAR 14:23:18 Anuradha 4 Sat RAH VEN
5th Sag JUP 16:38:13 P. Asadh 1 VEN MOO JUP
6th Cap Sat 17:23:53 Shravana 3 MOO Sat RAH
7th Aqu Sat 15:56:06 Shatabhi 3 RAH VEN MAR
8th Pis JUP 12:10:14 U. Bhadra 3 Sat MAR RAH
9th Ari MAR 12:10:49 Ashwini 4 KET MER SUN
10th Tau VEN 14:23:18 Rohini 2 MOO JUP Sat
11th Gem MER 16:38:13 Ardra 3 RAH VEN JUP
12th Can MOO 17:23:53 Ashlesha 1 MER MER SUN

For KP Pages..ayanamsa used - KP AYANAMSA

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 42
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E


Bhava Karaka
Planet in the Nakshatra of Planets in the star of Cusp Lord
posited planets
Posited Planets cusplord





5th JUP



8th JUP


10th Sat RAH VEN



Graha Significators Ruling Planets

Asc Moon
SUN 1, 4, 12
Leo 16:02:13 Aries 12:25:27
MOON 4, 9, 12 Moon Sign Lord
Lagna Sign Lord
MARS 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 SUN MAR
MERCURY 1, 2, 11, 12 Lagna Nak Lord Moon Nak Lord
JUPITER 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
Lagna SubLord Moon SubLord
VENUS 3, 4, 10, 12 SUN MER
SATURN 6, 7 Lagna Sub-SubLord Moon Sub-SubLord
Rah 4, 9, 10, 11 MER MAR
Day Daylord
Ket 1, 2, 4, 11
Monday Moon
Ura 2, 3, 6, 7

Nep 4

Plu 2, 4, 9, 11

For KP Pages..ayanamsa used - KP AYANAMSA

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 43
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Planets vs Houses

Planet Position Ayanamsa:23:31:33

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Leo 16:02:13 SUN P. Phalg 1 VENUS SUN MER

Sun Leo 11:37:34 SUN Magha 4 Ket MER MER

Moon Aries 12:25:27 MAR Ashwini 4 Ket MER MAR
Mars Cancer 16:20:05 MOO Pushya 4 SATURN JUP MAR D
Mercury Virgo 06:24:23 MER U. Phalg 3 SUN MER RAH EXL
Jupiter Scorpio 08:58:01 MAR Anuradha 2 SATURN VEN RAH

Venus Leo 05:33:23 SUN Magha 2 Ket RAH RAH C R

Saturn Libra 06:52:18 VEN Swati 1 Rah RAH RAH EXL

Rah Taurus 28:36:29 VEN Mrigasira 2 MARS Sat KET R

Ket Scorpio 28:36:29 MAR Jyeshtha 4 MERCURY Sat KET R
Ura Scorpio 11:40:14 MAR Anuradha 3 SATURN MOO MER
Nep Sagittarius 02:56:01 JUP Moola 1 Ket VEN KET R
Plu Libra 03:55:46 VEN Chitra 4 MARS VEN JUP

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart

6 4 Sat 6 4 VEN
7 SUN 3 7 3
JUP 5 5
KET 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
11 NEP 11

NEP 9 1 MOO 9 1

10 12 10 12

BHAVA SPASHT (Placidus System)

Bhav Sign Lord Degree Nakshatra Pad Nak Lord Sublord SubSublord
1st Leo SUN 16:02:13 P. Phalg 1 VEN SUN MER
2nd Vir MER 12:10:14 Hasta 1 MOO RAH RAH
3rd Lib VEN 12:10:49 Swati 2 RAH Sat RAH
4th Sco MAR 14:23:18 Anuradha 4 Sat RAH VEN
5th Sag JUP 16:38:13 P. Asadh 1 VEN MOO JUP
6th Cap Sat 17:23:53 Shravana 3 MOO Sat RAH
7th Aqu Sat 15:56:06 Shatabhi 3 RAH VEN MAR
8th Pis JUP 12:10:14 U. Bhadra 3 Sat MAR RAH
9th Ari MAR 12:10:49 Ashwini 4 KET MER SUN
10th Tau VEN 14:23:18 Rohini 2 MOO JUP Sat
11th Gem MER 16:38:13 Ardra 3 RAH VEN JUP
12th Can MOO 17:23:53 Ashlesha 1 MER MER SUN

For KP Pages..ayanamsa used - KP AYANAMSA

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 44
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System - Aspects

Lagna Chart Arudha Chart

6 4 6 4
MER MAR Dhan Shtru
Sat Bhrtr
7 SUN 3 Putr 7 Lagn 3
PLU Bhag Kaltr
JUP 5 5
KET 8 2 RAH Karm 8 2
URA 11 11

NEP 9 1 MOO Labh 9 1

Vyay Matr
10 12 10 12

Aspecting PlanetHouse Sign Aspected House Aspected Planet

Sun 1st Leo 3rd, 6th, 9th Sat Moo

Moon 9th Aries 1st, 4th, 7th Sun Ven Jup Ket

Mars 12th Cancer 4th, 7th, 10th Jup Ket Rah

Mercury 2nd Virgo 5th, 8th, 11th

Jupiter 4th Scorpio 6th, 9th, 12th Moo Mar

Venus 1st Leo 3rd, 6th, 9th Sat Moo

Saturn 3rd Libra 7th, 10th, 1st Rah Sun Ven

Rah 10th Taurus 12th, 3rd, 6th Mar Sat

Ket 4th Scorpio 6th, 9th, 12th Moo Mar

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 45
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System - Argala Analysis

Argala in 1st House Argala in 2nd House Argala in 3rd House

6 4 6 4 6 4
A SUN X3 Sat SUN A3 Sat
7 7 7
5 5 5
8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
A KET 11 X A KET 11 X KET 11

9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO

10 12 10 12 10 12

Argala in 4th House Argala in 5th House Argala in 6th House

6 4 6 4 6 4
Sat 7 Sat 7 3 7
5 5 5
8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
A KET 11 KET 11 A X KET 11 A

9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO

10 12 10 12 10 12

Argala in 7th House Argala in 8th House Argala in 9th House

6 4 6 4 6 4
Sat 7 3 Sat 7 7
5 5 5
8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
A KET 11 X X KET 11 A X KET 11

9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO

10 12 10 12 10 12

Note: In the above Charts, A denotes Argala, X denotes Badha

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 46
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System - Argala Analysis

Argala in 10th House Argala in 11th House Argala in 12th House

6 4 6 4 6 4
A SUN X3 Sat
A SUN A3 Sat
7 7 7
5 5 5
8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
KET 11 X KET 11 A KET 11 X

9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO

10 12 10 12 10 12

Note: In the above Charts, A denotes Argala, X denotes Badha

Planetary Argalas
Planet House Sign Argala caused by Argala countered by

Sun 1st Leo Mer Jup Ket Mar Sat Moo Rah

Moon 9th Aries Rah Mar Sun Ven

Mars 12th Cancer Sun Ven Sat Jup Ket Rah Mer Moo

Mercury 2nd Virgo Sat Mar Sun Ven Jup Ket Rah

Jupiter 4th Scorpio Mer Sat Mar Sun Ven

Venus 1st Leo Mer Jup Ket Mar Sat Moo Rah

Saturn 3rd Libra Jup Ket Sun Ven Mer Mar

Rah 10th Taurus Sun Ven Mer Moo Mar

Ket 4th Scorpio Mer Sat Mar Sun Ven

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 47
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System - Aspects

Lagna Chart Arudha Chart

6 4 6 4
MER MAR Dhan Shtru
Sat Bhrtr
7 SUN 3 Putr 7 Lagn 3
PLU Bhag Kaltr
JUP 5 5
KET 8 2 RAH Karm 8 2
URA 11 11

NEP 9 1 MOO Labh 9 1

Vyay Matr
10 12 10 12

Aspecting PlanetHouse Sign Aspected House Aspected Planet

Sun 1st Leo 3rd, 6th, 9th Sat Moo

Moon 9th Aries 1st, 4th, 7th Sun Ven Jup Ket

Mars 12th Cancer 4th, 7th, 10th Jup Ket Rah

Mercury 2nd Virgo 5th, 8th, 11th

Jupiter 4th Scorpio 6th, 9th, 12th Moo Mar

Venus 1st Leo 3rd, 6th, 9th Sat Moo

Saturn 3rd Libra 7th, 10th, 1st Rah Sun Ven

Rah 10th Taurus 12th, 3rd, 6th Mar Sat

Ket 4th Scorpio 6th, 9th, 12th Moo Mar

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 48
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System - Argala Analysis

Argala in 1st House Argala in 2nd House Argala in 3rd House

6 4 6 4 6 4
A SUN X3 Sat SUN A3 Sat
7 7 7
5 5 5
8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
A KET 11 X A KET 11 X KET 11

9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO

10 12 10 12 10 12

Argala in 4th House Argala in 5th House Argala in 6th House

6 4 6 4 6 4
Sat 7 Sat 7 3 7
5 5 5
8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
A KET 11 KET 11 A X KET 11 A

9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO

10 12 10 12 10 12

Argala in 7th House Argala in 8th House Argala in 9th House

6 4 6 4 6 4
Sat 7 3 Sat 7 7
5 5 5
8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
A KET 11 X X KET 11 A X KET 11

9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO

10 12 10 12 10 12

Note: In the above Charts, A denotes Argala, X denotes Badha

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 49
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System - Argala Analysis

Argala in 10th House Argala in 11th House Argala in 12th House

6 4 6 4 6 4
A SUN X3 Sat
A SUN A3 Sat
7 7 7
5 5 5
8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH 8 2 RAH
KET 11 X KET 11 A KET 11 X

9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO 9 1 MOO

10 12 10 12 10 12

Note: In the above Charts, A denotes Argala, X denotes Badha

Planetary Argalas
Planet House Sign Argala caused by Argala countered by

Sun 1st Leo Mer Jup Ket Mar Sat Moo Rah

Moon 9th Aries Rah Mar Sun Ven

Mars 12th Cancer Sun Ven Sat Jup Ket Rah Mer Moo

Mercury 2nd Virgo Sat Mar Sun Ven Jup Ket Rah

Jupiter 4th Scorpio Mer Sat Mar Sun Ven

Venus 1st Leo Mer Jup Ket Mar Sat Moo Rah

Saturn 3rd Libra Jup Ket Sun Ven Mer Mar

Rah 10th Taurus Sun Ven Mer Moo Mar

Ket 4th Scorpio Mer Sat Mar Sun Ven

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 50
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System

Lagna Chart Arudha Chart

6 4 6 4
MER MAR Dhan Shtru
7 SUN 3 Putr 7 Lagn 3 Bhrtr
PLU Bhag Kaltr
JUP 5 5
KET 8 2 RAH Karm 8 2
URA 11 11

NEP 9 1 MOO Labh 9 1

Vyay Matr
10 12 10 12

Chara Karakas
Atma Amatya Bhratri Maitri Putra Gnati Dara


Aspects Planetary Argalas

Aspecting Planet Planet Argala caused by Argala countered by
Aspected Planet
Aspected House

Sun 3rd, 6th, 9th Sat Moo Sun Mer Jup Ket Mar Sat Moo Rah

Moon 1st, 4th, 7th Sun Ven Jup Ket Moon Rah Mar Sun Ven

Mars 4th, 7th, 10th Jup Ket Rah Mars Sun Ven Sat Jup Ket

Mercury 5th, 8th, 11th Mercury Sat Mar Sun Ven Jup Ket Rah

Jupiter 6th, 9th, 12th Moo Mar Jupiter Mer Sat Mar Sun Ven

Venus 3rd, 6th, 9th Sat Moo Venus Mer Jup Ket Mar Sat Moo Rah

Saturn 7th, 10th, 1st Rah Sun Ven Saturn Jup Ket Sun Ven Mer Mar

Mar Sat Rah Sun Ven Mer Moo Mar

Rah 12th, 3rd, 6th

Moo Mar Ket Mer Sat Mar Sun Ven

Ket 6th, 9th, 12th

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 51
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System - Karakamsha

Navamsa Chart Karakamsa(in Birth Chart)

6 4 5 3


5 4
8 2 VEN Sat 7 1 MOO
PLU 11 10
Sat 9 1 8 12
10 12 9 11

Swamsha (in Navamsha) Pada Chart

6 4
5 3
2P 6P 8P

5P 9P 1P 3
6 2 VEN 7
10P 8 2
7 1
10 KET
MAR 8 12 NEP
9 1

Sat MER 12P 4P
10 12
9 11

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 52
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Jaimini System - Karakamsha

Navamsa Chart Karakamsa(in Birth Chart)

6 4 5 3


5 4
8 2 VEN Sat 7 1 MOO
PLU 11 10
Sat 9 1 8 12
10 12 9 11

Swamsha (in Navamsha) Pada Chart

6 4
5 3
2P 6P 8P

5P 9P 1P 3
6 2 VEN 7
10P 8 2
7 1
10 KET
MAR 8 12 NEP
9 1

Sat MER 12P 4P
10 12
9 11

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 53
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E


Leo - 12 Yrs. Virgo - 12 Yrs. Libra - 10 Yrs.

Ending 29/08/1995 Ending 29/08/2007 Ending 29/08/2017
ending ending ending
Virgo 29/08/1984 Libra 29/08/1996 Scorpio 29/06/2008
Libra 29/08/1985 Scorpio 29/08/1997 Sagittarius 29/04/2009
Scorpio 29/08/1986 Sagittarius 29/08/1998 Capricorn 01/03/2010
Sagittarius 29/08/1987 Capricorn 29/08/1999 Aquarius 29/12/2010
Capricorn 29/08/1988 Aquarius 29/08/2000 Pisces 29/10/2011
Aquarius 29/08/1989 Pisces 29/08/2001 Aries 29/08/2012
Pisces 29/08/1990 Aries 29/08/2002 Taurus 29/06/2013
Aries 29/08/1991 Taurus 29/08/2003 Gemini 29/04/2014
Taurus 29/08/1992 Gemini 29/08/2004 Cancer 01/03/2015
Gemini 29/08/1993 Cancer 29/08/2005 Leo 29/12/2015
Cancer 29/08/1994 Leo 29/08/2006 Virgo 29/10/2016
Leo 29/08/1995 Virgo 29/08/2007 Libra 29/08/2017

Scorpio - 8 Yrs. Sagittarius - 11 Yrs. Capricorn - 3 Yrs.

Ending 29/08/2025 Ending 29/08/2036 Ending 29/08/2039
ending ending ending
Libra 29/04/2018 Scorpio 29/07/2026 Sagittarius 29/11/2036
Virgo 29/12/2018 Libra 29/06/2027 Scorpio 01/03/2037
Leo 29/08/2019 Virgo 29/05/2028 Libra 29/05/2037
Cancer 29/04/2020 Leo 29/04/2029 Virgo 29/08/2037
Gemini 29/12/2020 Cancer 29/03/2030 Leo 29/11/2037
Taurus 29/08/2021 Gemini 01/03/2031 Cancer 01/03/2038
Aries 29/04/2022 Taurus 29/01/2032 Gemini 29/05/2038
Pisces 29/12/2022 Aries 29/12/2032 Taurus 29/08/2038
Aquarius 29/08/2023 Pisces 29/11/2033 Aries 29/11/2038
Capricorn 29/04/2024 Aquarius 29/10/2034 Pisces 01/03/2039
Sagittarius 29/12/2024 Capricorn 29/09/2035 Aquarius 29/05/2039
Scorpio 29/08/2025 Sagittarius 29/08/2036 Capricorn 29/08/2039

Chara Karakas
Atma Amatya Bhratri Maitri Putra Gnati Dara


Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 54
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E


Aquarius - 9 Yrs. Pisces - 4 Yrs. Aries - 3 Yrs.

Ending 29/08/2048 Ending 29/08/2052 Ending 29/08/2055
ending ending ending
Pisces 29/05/2040 Aries 29/12/2048 Taurus 29/11/2052
Aries 01/03/2041 Taurus 29/04/2049 Gemini 01/03/2053
Taurus 29/11/2041 Gemini 29/08/2049 Cancer 29/05/2053
Gemini 29/08/2042 Cancer 29/12/2049 Leo 29/08/2053
Cancer 29/05/2043 Leo 29/04/2050 Virgo 29/11/2053
Leo 01/03/2044 Virgo 29/08/2050 Libra 01/03/2054
Virgo 29/11/2044 Libra 29/12/2050 Scorpio 29/05/2054
Libra 29/08/2045 Scorpio 29/04/2051 Sagittarius 29/08/2054
Scorpio 29/05/2046 Sagittarius 29/08/2051 Capricorn 29/11/2054
Sagittarius 01/03/2047 Capricorn 29/12/2051 Aquarius 01/03/2055
Capricorn 29/11/2047 Aquarius 29/04/2052 Pisces 29/05/2055
Aquarius 29/08/2048 Pisces 29/08/2052 Aries 29/08/2055

Taurus - 3 Yrs. Gemini - 3 Yrs. Cancer - 3 Yrs.

Ending 29/08/2058 Ending 29/08/2061 Ending 29/08/2064
ending ending ending
Aries 29/11/2055 Taurus 29/11/2058 Gemini 29/11/2061
Pisces 01/03/2056 Aries 01/03/2059 Taurus 01/03/2062
Aquarius 29/05/2056 Pisces 29/05/2059 Aries 29/05/2062
Capricorn 29/08/2056 Aquarius 29/08/2059 Pisces 29/08/2062
Sagittarius 29/11/2056 Capricorn 29/11/2059 Aquarius 29/11/2062
Scorpio 01/03/2057 Sagittarius 01/03/2060 Capricorn 01/03/2063
Libra 29/05/2057 Scorpio 29/05/2060 Sagittarius 29/05/2063
Virgo 29/08/2057 Libra 29/08/2060 Scorpio 29/08/2063
Leo 29/11/2057 Virgo 29/11/2060 Libra 29/11/2063
Cancer 01/03/2058 Leo 01/03/2061 Virgo 01/03/2064
Gemini 29/05/2058 Cancer 29/05/2061 Leo 29/05/2064
Taurus 29/08/2058 Gemini 29/08/2061 Cancer 29/08/2064

Chara Karakas
Atma Amatya Bhratri Maitri Putra Gnati Dara


Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 55
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Varshphal Year 2019-2020

Varshapravesha 29-08-2019 11:59:50
Muntha at 11th House Sign: Leo

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

8 6 3 1
KET 9 ASC 5 MAR 4 MER 12
7 2
10 4 MOO VEN 5 11 MOO
1 8


11 3 6 10

12 2 7 9

Planet Position Ayanamsa:24:7:37

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Libra 26:26:00 VEN Vishakha 2 JUPITER KET Sat
Sun Leo 11:31:25 SUN Magha 4 Ket MER MER

Moon Cancer 24:50:49 MOO Ashlesha 3 MERCURY RAH Sat

Mars Leo 12:54:29 SUN Magha 4 Ket MER JUP C

Mercury Leo 05:46:18 SUN Magha 2 Ket RAH RAH C

Jupiter Scorpio 20:54:48 MAR Jyeshtha 2 MERCURY VEN Sat

Venus Leo 15:38:58 SUN P. Phalg 1 VENUS SUN MAR C

Saturn Sagittarius 20:06:58 JUP P. Asadh 3 VENUS JUP JUP R
Rah Gemini 22:43:47 MER Punarva 1 JUPITER Sat VEN R

Ket Sagittarius 22:43:47 JUP P. Asadh 3 VENUS Sat VEN R

Ura Aries 12:20:36 MAR Ashwini 4 Ket MER MOO R

Nep Aquarius 23:31:24 Sat P. Bhadra 2 JUPITER Sat RAH R

Plu Sagittarius 26:44:33 JUP U. Asadh 1 SUN SUN MOO R

Moon Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart

SUN MER 5 3 Sat KET 8 6
6 2 9 5
4 7
7 1 URA NEP 10 4 VEN
10 1

JUP 8 12 11 3 MOO
KET 9 11 12 2

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 56
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Varshphal Year 2020-2021

Varshapravesha 29-08-2020 18:08:59
Muntha at 9th House Sign: Virgo

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

11 9 JUP MOO 7 5
12 8 8 ASC 4 SUN
10 6
1 7 9 3 VEN
URA 4 PLU 12

2 6 Sat 10 2 NEP
RAH 3 5 MER 11 1 KET

Planet Position Ayanamsa:24:8:27

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Capricorn 27:11:45 Sat Dhanista 2 MARS JUP VEN
Sun Leo 12:29:24 SUN Magha 4 Ket MER MAR

Moon Sagittarius 29:25:39 JUP U. Asadh 1 SUN RAH RAH

Mars Aries 03:02:38 MAR Ashwini 1 Ket SUN MOO

Mercury Leo 23:32:31 SUN P. Phalg 4 VENUS Sat RAH C

Jupiter Sagittarius 23:40:17 JUP P. Asadh 4 VENUS Sat RAH R

Venus Gemini 27:31:52 MER Punarva 3 JUPITER VEN RAH

Saturn Capricorn 01:56:09 Sat U. Asadh 2 SUN JUP MER R

Rah Gemini 02:43:18 MER Mrigasira 3 MARS VEN VEN R

Ket Sagittarius 02:43:18 JUP Moola 1 Ket VEN MER R

Ura Aries 16:26:40 MAR Bharani 1 VENUS MOO RAH R

Nep Aquarius 25:46:42 Sat P. Bhadra 2 JUPITER KET KET R

Plu Sagittarius 28:35:06 JUP U. Asadh 1 SUN MAR RAH R

Moon Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart

10 8 11 9
Sat MAR Sat
NEP 11
7 URA 12
9 10
12 6 RAH 1 7 KET
3 4

2 4 3 5

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 57
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Lal Kitab

Lagna Chart Lal Kitab Lagna Chart

6 4 2 12 MAR URA
7 SUN 3 Sat 3 11
JUP 5 1
KET 8 2 RAH 4 10 RAH
11 KET 7

NEP 9 1 MOO 5 9 MOO

10 12 6 8

Planet Position Ayanamsa:23:37:28

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Leo 15:56:19 SUN P. Phalg 1 VENUS SUN Sat
Sun Leo 11:31:11 SUN Magha 4 Ket MER MER

Moon Aries 12:19:49 MAR Ashwini 4 Ket MER MOO

Mars Cancer 16:14:00 MOO Pushya 4 SATURN JUP MOO D

Mercury Virgo 06:17:49 MER U. Phalg 3 SUN MER RAH EXL
Jupiter Scorpio 08:53:04 MAR Anuradha 2 SATURN VEN MAR

Venus Leo 05:26:40 SUN Magha 2 Ket MAR VEN C R

Saturn Libra 06:48:10 VEN Swati 1 Rah RAH RAH EXL
Rah Taurus 28:48:00 VEN Mrigasira 2 MARS Sat VEN R

Ket Scorpio 28:48:00 MAR Jyeshtha 4 MERCURY Sat VEN R

Ura Scorpio 11:27:18 MAR Anuradha 3 SATURN MOO JUP

Nep Sagittarius 02:54:05 JUP Moola 1 Ket VEN KET R

Plu Libra 03:56:46 VEN Chitra 4 MARS VEN JUP

Moon Chart Lal Kitab Moon Chart

2 12 2 12 KET
3 11 3 NEP 11
1 1
MAR 4 10 4 10 MER
7 7
5 9 NEP MOO 5 9
6 8 6 8

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 58
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Lal Kitab
Lagna Chart

6 4
7 SUN 3
URA 11


10 12

Lal Kitab Lagna Chart

2 12 MAR URA
Sat 3 11
4 10 RAH

5 9 MOO

6 8

Lal Kitab Moon Chart

2 12 KET
3 NEP 11
4 10 MER
MOO 5 9
6 8

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 59
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Lagna Chart

6 4
+MER U. Phalg 3 06:17
*MAR 16:14
Pushya 4

P. Phalg 1
+Sat 06:48
Swati 1
7 Magha 4 3
Chitra 4
-º VEN05:26
Magha 2

Anuradha 2 5
-KET 28:48Jyeshtha 4 8 2 -RAH 28:48
Mrigasira 2

Anuradha 3

Moola 1 9 1 Ashwini 4

10 12

Planetary Position Ayanamsa:23:37:28

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Which is Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Position

Asc Leo 15:56:19 SUN P. Phalg 1 VENUS

Sun Leo 11:31:11 SUN Own to Sun Magha 4 Ket

Moon Aries 12:19:49 MAR Enemy to Moo Ashwini 4 Ket

Mars Cancer 16:14:00 MOO Neutral to Mar Pushya 4 SATURN D

Mercury Virgo 06:17:49 MER Own to Mer U. Phalg 3 SUN EXL
Jupiter Scorpio 08:53:04 MAR Neutral to Jup Anuradha 2 SATURN

Venus Leo 05:26:40 SUN Neutral to Ven Magha 2 Ket C R

Saturn Libra 06:48:10 VEN Int Frnd to Sat Swati 1 Rah EXL

Rah Taurus 28:48:00 VEN Int Frnd to Rah Mrigasira 2 MARS R

Ket Scorpio 28:48:00 MAR Neutral to Ket Jyeshtha 4 MERCURY R
Ura Scorpio 11:27:18 MAR Anuradha 3 SATURN
Nep Sagittarius 02:54:05 JUP Moola 1 Ket R

Plu Libra 03:56:46 VEN Chitra 4 MARS

Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Sun Moon Mars

25 30 39 45 25 30 39 45 25 30 39 45
6 7 7 5 7 7
6 4 6 6 4 4 6 4 8
6 7 6 3 6 7 5 3 6 7 7 3
33 5
30 33 5
30 33 5
6 8 2 6 5 8 2 7 5 8 2 7
11 11 11
35 5 9 1
6 33 35 5 9 1
7 33 35 4 9 1
5 33
6 7 6
10 12 10 12 10 12
7 5 6 5 8 4
25 28 30 33 25 28 30 33 25 28 30 33

Mercury Jupiter Venus

25 30 39 45 25 30 39 45 25 30 39 45
6 7 7 5 6 6
6 4 7 6 4 4 6 4 8
6 7 7 3 6 7 5 3 5 7 5 3
33 5
30 33 5
30 33 5
3 8 2 7 7 8 2 6 7 8 2 8
11 11 11
35 8 9 1
7 33 35 7 9 1
7 33 35 7 9 1
6 33
6 6 4
10 12 10 12 10 12
6 5 8 6 5 7
25 28 30 33 25 28 30 33 25 28 30 33

Lagna Chart
Saturn Asc
6 4
25 30 39 45 25 30 39 45 MER MAR
6 6 5 5 Sat
7 3
7 76 6
6 5 76 3
33 30 33 30 JUP 5
5 5
6 8 2 7 3 8 2 4
URA 11
11 11
35 4 7 33 35 5 4 33
9 5 1 9 3 1 NEP 9 1 MOO
10 12 10 12
7 4 4 3
25 28 30 33 25 28 30 33 10 12

Sarvashtak Varga Sarini

Arie Taur Gemi Canc Leo Virg Libr Scor Sagi Capr Aqua Pisc Total
SUN 4 5 5 6 4 3 3 4 0 6 5 3 48
MOON 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 49
MARS 3 4 5 4 4 2 5 1 1 6 3 1 39
MERCURY 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 2 6 3 3 54
JUPITER 4 7 5 2 5 6 4 3 6 5 7 2 56
VENUS 3 5 7 5 5 4 2 5 5 2 3 6 52
SATURN 3 4 6 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 39
Total 26 35 40 25 30 28 25 25 20 31 30 22 337
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Sun Moon Mars

PL no. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 PL no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PL no. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
Bhav no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12Sum Bhav no. 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sum Bhav no. 121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011Sum
Sat 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 Sat 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 Sat 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 7
JUP 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 4 JUP 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 7 JUP 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 4
MAR 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 MAR 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 7 MAR 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 7
SUN 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 SUN 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 SUN 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 5
VEN 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 VEN 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 7 VEN 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 4
MER 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 7 MER 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 8 MER 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 4
MON 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 4 MON 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 6 MON 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 3
ASC 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 ASC 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 4 ASC 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 5
SUM 4 3 3 4 0 6 5 3 4 5 5 6 48 SUM 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 49 SUM 4 4 2 5 1 1 6 3 1 3 4 5 39

Mercury Jupiter Venus

PL no. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 PL no. 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PL no. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
Bhav no. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 121 Sum Bhav no. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 2 3 Sum Bhav no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12Sum
Sat 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 Sat 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 4 Sat 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 7
JUP 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 4 JUP 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 JUP 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 5
MAR 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 MAR 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 MAR 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 6
SUN 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 SUN 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 SUN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 3
VEN 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 8 VEN 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 6 VEN 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 9
MER 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 MER 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 MER 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 5
MON 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 6 MON 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 5 MON 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
ASC 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 ASC 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 9 ASC 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 8
SUM 5 4 5 2 6 3 3 5 5 6 5 5 54 SUM 3 6 5 7 2 4 7 5 2 5 6 4 56 SUM 5 4 2 5 5 2 3 6 3 5 7 5 52

Lagna Chart
Saturn Asc
PL no. 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 PL no. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 6 4
Bhav no. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 Sum Bhav no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Sum
Sat Sat Sat
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 6 7 SUN 3
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 9
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 5
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 6
URA 11
VEN 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 VEN 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 8
MER 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 MER 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 NEP MOO
9 1
MON 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 MON 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 4
ASC 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 6 ASC 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 4
10 12
SUM 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 4 6 2 4 4 39 SUM 3 5 5 3 5 4 3 3 4 4 5 5 49

Sarvashtak Varga Sarini

Arie Taur Gemi Canc Leo Virg Libr Scor Sagi Capr Aqua Pisc Total
SUN 4 5 5 6 4 3 3 4 0 6 5 3 48
MOON 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 49
MARS 3 4 5 4 4 2 5 1 1 6 3 1 39
MERCURY 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 2 6 3 3 54
JUPITER 4 7 5 2 5 6 4 3 6 5 7 2 56
VENUS 3 5 7 5 5 4 2 5 5 2 3 6 52
SATURN 3 4 6 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 39
Total 26 35 40 25 30 28 25 25 20 31 30 22 337
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart Dasamsa(For Livelihoods)

6 4 JUP 6 4 SUN 11 9 Sat
7 SUN 3 URA 7 ASC 3 12 ASC 8
JUP 5 5 10 RAH
KET 8 2 RAH 8 2 VEN KET 1 7
URA 11 11 4
NEP 9 1 MOO Sat 9 1 NEP 2 6 JUP
10 12 10 12 3 5 MOO

Planetary Position Ayanamsa:23:37:28

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Leo 15:56:19 SUN 11 P. Phalg 1 VEN SUN Sat

Sun Leo 11:31:11 SUN 10 Magha 4 KET MER MER

Moon Aries 12:19:49 MAR 01 Ashwini 4 KET MER MOO
Mars Cancer 16:14:00 MOO 08 Pushya 4 Sat JUP MOO D
Mercury Virgo 06:17:49 MER 12 U. Phalg 3 SUN MER RAH EXL
Jupiter Scorpio 08:53:04 MAR 17 Anuradha 2 Sat VEN MAR

Venus Leo 05:26:40 SUN 10 Magha 2 KET MAR VEN C R

Saturn Libra 06:48:10 VEN 15 Swati 1 RAH RAH RAH EXL

Rah Taurus 28:48:00 VEN 05 Mrigasira 2 MAR Sat VEN R

Ket Scorpio 28:48:00 MAR 18 Jyeshtha 4 MER Sat VEN R


Vikram Samvat 2040 Varna KSHATRIYA

Saka Samvat 1905 Vashya CHATUSHPAD

Month BHADRA Tara Ashwini - 4

Paksha Krishna Yoni ASHVA

Graha Maitri
Sun at Sunrise 11:30:13 Leo Moon Rashi Lord MAR
Moon at Sunrise 12:07:12 Aries Graha Gana DEV
Sun at Birth 11:31:11 Bhakoot
Leo (Rashi / Rashi Bhava) Aries 9th Bhav
Moon at Birth 12:19:49 Aries Nadi AADHYA
Tithi at Sunrise Shashthi Yunja PURVA
Tithi Ending Time 29:17:42 Hansak AGNI
Tithi at birth Shashthi Janam Alphabet Laa (Laara)
Nak. At Sun Rise Ashwini Namakshar Varga MRIG
Nak. Ending Time 08:24:17 Janam Rashi Paya Silver
Nak. at birth Ashwini Janam Nakshatra Paya Gold
Janam Rashi / Lord (Moon) Aries MAR
Yoga At Sun Rise Vriddhi
Janam Nakshatra / Charan Ashwini - 4
Yoga Ending Time 11:27:49
Janam Nakshatra Lord Ket
Yoga at Birth Vriddhi
Chalit Chart
Karan At Sun Rise
6 4
Karan Ending Time MER MAR
Karan at Birth Gar PLU 7 SUN 3
Bhayat 59:02:57 Ghatis JUP 5
Bhabhog 04:45:43 Ghatis URA 11

10 12
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E
Lagna Chart
Planetary Position Ayanamsa:23:37:28
6 4
MER MAR Planet In Sign Degree Sign LordNakshatra Pad NakshLord
SublordSubSublord Position
Sat Asc Leo 15:56:19 SUN 11 P. Phalg 1 VEN SUN Sat
7 SUN 3
VEN Sun Leo 11:31:11 SUN 10 Magha 4 KET MER MER
KET 8 2 RAH Moon Aries 12:19:49 MAR 01 Ashwini 4 KET MER MOO
URA 11
Mars Cancer 16:14:00 MOO 08 Pushya 4 Sat JUP MOO D
NEP 9 1 MOO Mercury Virgo 06:17:49 MER 12 U. Phalg 3 SUN MER RAH EXL
Jupiter Scorpio 08:53:04 MAR 17 Anuradha 2 Sat VEN MAR
10 12
Venus Leo 05:26:40 SUN 10 Magha 2 KET MAR VEN C R
Saturn Libra 06:48:10 VEN 15 Swati 1 RAH RAH RAH EXL
Navamsa Chart
Rah Taurus 28:48:00 VEN 05 Mrigasira 2 MAR Sat VEN R
RAH MOO Ket Scorpio 28:48:00 MAR 18 Jyeshtha 4 MER Sat VEN R

BHAVA SPASHT (Placidus System)
MAR 5 Bhav Sign Lord Degree Nakshatra Pad Nak Lord Sublord SubSublord
8 2 VEN
PLU 11 1st Leo SUN 15:56:19 P. Phalg 1 VEN SUN Sat
9 1 2nd Vir MER 12:10:14 Hasta 1 MOO RAH RAH
KET 3rd Lib VEN 12:10:49 Swati 2 RAH Sat RAH
10 12
4th Sco MAR 14:23:18 Anuradha 4 Sat RAH VEN
Dasamsa(For Livelihoods) 5th Sag JUP 16:38:13 P. Asadh 1 VEN MOO JUP
11 9 Sat 6th Cap Sat 17:23:53 Shravana 3 MOO Sat RAH
SUN 7th Aqu Sat 15:56:06 Shatabhi 3 RAH VEN MAR
12 ASC 8
PLU 8th Pis 12:10:14 U. Bhadra 3 Sat MAR
10 RAH
KET 1 7 9th Ari MAR 12:10:49 Ashwini 4 KET MER SUN
MER VEN 10th Tau VEN 14:23:18 Rohini 2 MOO JUP Sat
2 6 JUP
11th Gem MER 16:38:13 Ardra 3 RAH VEN JUP
3 5 MOO 12th Can MOO 17:23:53 Ashlesha 1 MER MER SUN

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rah Ket
1, +1 12, +9 9, 4, +12 11, 2, +2 5, 8, +4 10, 3, +1 6, 7, +3 10, 3, +10 9, 4, +4


9, 4, +4 9, 4, +4 6, 7, +3 1, +1 6, 7, +3 9, 4, +4 10, 3, +10 9, 4, +12 11, 2, +2
11, 2, +2 11, 2, +2 5, 8, +4 11, 2, +2 10, 3, +1 9, 4, +12 10, 3, +10 6, 7, +3 6, 7, +3
SSL 10, 3, +10
11, 2, +2 12, +9 12, +9 10, 3, +10 9, 4, +12 10, 3, +1 10, 3, +1 10, 3, +1

Vimshottari Dasha
Moo - Ven Moo - Sun Mar - Mar
Period 09/01/2018 - 09/09/2019 Period 09/09/2019 - 09/03/2020 Period 09/03/2020 - 06/08/2020
Ven 09/01/2018 19/04/2018 Sun 09/09/2019 18/09/2019 Mar 09/03/2020 17/03/2020
Sun 19/04/2018 19/05/2018 Moo 18/09/2019 03/10/2019 Rah 17/03/2020 09/04/2020
Moo 19/05/2018 09/07/2018 Mar 03/10/2019 13/10/2019 Jup 09/04/2020 29/04/2020
Mar 09/07/2018 14/08/2018 Rah 13/10/2019 10/11/2019 Sat 29/04/2020 22/05/2020
Rah 14/08/2018 14/11/2018 Jup 10/11/2019 04/12/2019 Mer 22/05/2020 13/06/2020
Jup 14/11/2018 04/02/2019 Sat 04/12/2019 03/01/2020 Ket 13/06/2020 21/06/2020
Sat 04/02/2019 09/05/2019 Mer 03/01/2020 28/01/2020 Ven 21/06/2020 16/07/2020
Mer 09/05/2019 04/08/2019 Ket 28/01/2020 09/02/2020 Sun 16/07/2020 23/07/2020
Ket 04/08/2019 09/09/2019 Ven 09/02/2020 09/03/2020 Moo 23/07/2020 06/08/2020 Know Your Dasha
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Calendar August 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moo - Ven- Sat- Ket
Pushya Ashlesha Magha
Amavasya Dvitiya Tritiya
Siddhi Vyatipata Variyan

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moo- Sun- Mar- Sat
U. Phalg Hasta Chitra Swati Vishakha Anuradha Jyeshtha
Chaturthi Panchami Shashthi Saptami Ashtami Navami Dashmi
Siva Siddha Sadhya Subha Shukla Brahma Indra

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
- Sun - Moo
- Rah - - - Moo - Ven- Ket- Sun - - - - - - Moo- Ven- Ket- Moo - - -
Moola P. Asadh U. Asadh Shravana Shravana Dhanista Shatabhi
Ekadashi Dwadashi Trayodashi Chaturdashi Purnima Pratipada Dvitiya
Vaidhriti Viskumbh Priti Ayushman Saubhagya Sobhana Atiganda

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Moo- Ven- Ket- Mar - - - - - - - - - - - - Moo - Ven- Ket- Rah - - -
P. Bhadra U. Bhadra Revati Ashwini Bharani Krittika Rohini
Tritiya Chaturthi Panchami Shashthi Shashthi Saptami Ashtami
Sukarma Dhriti Sula Gand Vriddhi Dhruva Vyaghata

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
- - - - - - - - - Moo-Ven- Ket- Jup - - - - - - - - -
Mrigasira Ardra Punarva Pushya Ashlesha Magha P. Phalg
Navami Dashmi Dwadashi Trayodashi Chaturdashi Amavasya Pratipada
Harsana Vajra Siddhi Variyan Parigha Siva Siddha

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Vikram Samvat 2040
6 4
MER MAR Saka Samvat 1905
7 SUN 3
PLU Paksha Krishna
JUP 5 Sun at Sunrise 11:30:13 Leo
Moon at Sunrise 12:07:12 Aries
URA 11
Sun at Birth 11:31:11 Leo
NEP 9 1 MOO Moon at Birth 12:19:49 Aries
Tithi at Sunrise Shashthi
10 12 Tithi Ending Time 29:17:42
Tithi at birth Shashthi
Transit Chart Nak. At Sun Rise Ashwini
3 1 Nak. Ending Time 08:24:17
Nak. at birth Ashwini
MER 4 ASC 12 Yoga At Sun Rise Vriddhi
VEN Yoga Ending Time 11:27:49
NEP Yoga at Birth Vriddhi
MAR 5 11
8 Gar
Karan At Sun Rise
JUP MOO Karan Ending Time 17:06:49
6 10
Sat Karan at Birth Gar
KET PLU Bhayat 59:02:57 Ghatis
7 9
Bhabhog 04:45:43 Ghatis
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha
From 09/01/2018 to 09/09/2019 in the Mahadasa of MOON...
You will be under the influence of VENUS's Antardasa
The VENUS is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
VENUS in this House/Bhava are:-
Peace, good for sleep, dresses, perfumes, luxury articles, marital relations; new
position, bed comforts, marriage ceremony, blessed with son, attraction with fair
sex, gain in business,enjoys wealth and happiness, defeats his enemies, extra
marital relations, involved in getting education, truthful, earns through trading in
liquids, cosmetics, fancy goods and he may also earn through the trading of
The effect of Dasha period of the Venus in the 1st house is as follows:--
During this period you will be quite comfortable. There will be a pleasant
environment all around you. You will be favourably inclined towards the opposite
sex. Conjugal happiness will also be there. If you were to put a little more efforts,
you can also increase your income. You would like to throw a big party. You will
be interested infine art, music, literature etc. Minor health ailment might disturb
you. Family members will extend their full support towards you.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» As per your devotion get a diamond embossed in gold, worshipping goddess
laxmi and wear it in right hand finger on Friday.
» Wear silver ornaments on Friday.
» Make use of rosy white curtains and bedsheets in home.
» For regular 27 days or 27 Fridays wash your private parts with milk.
» Take 27 fodder seeds, 1 white flower, 1 camphor tied in crème colour cloth and
hang it on wall on Friday.

From 09/09/2019 to 09/03/2020 in the Mahadasa of MOON...

You will be under the influence of SUN's Antardasa
The SUN is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of SUN in
this House/Bhava are:-
Bad dreams, headache, excess of bile in the body, loss of honour and prestige,
hot arguments with the wife, separation from her for sometime, High blood

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 66
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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha
pressure, heart ailments, lassitude, stomach upset and eye troubles, delays in
the undertakings, aimless wandering,
The effect of Dasa Antra period of the Sun in the 1st house is as follows-
During this period you will have a positive attitude towards life and will be over
confident. You will continue to wield power and authority either in government or
publiclife. Short distance journeys are indicated which will bearfruits due to your
hard work. You will spend freely onsocial and charitable institutions. You may
suffer from ill health and there may be sickness in the family.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get 5.15 carat red ruby stone in gold or copper ring and wear it in
middle finger of right hand on Sunday
» Use a gold spoon while eating whenever opportunity comes.
» For regular 11 Sundays take sunbath.
» For regular 21 Sundays oil your hair with coconut oil.
» Wear a gold chain with a length that reaches to stomach.

From 09/03/2020 to 06/08/2020 in the Mahadasa of MARS...

You will be under the influence of MARS's Antardasa
The MARS is in 12th house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
MARS in this House/Bhava are:-
Loss of wealth, unexpected expenditure, quarrels with wife, problems from
enemies, secret enemies, eye troubles, bilious complaints, dishonour, goes away
from home, eye disease, loss of prestige, danger of imprisonment, danger of
fracture in body by slipping, blood contamination, accident, increase in sex
appetite leading to discharge during sleep, bed-wetting
The effect of Dasha period of the Mars in the 12th house is as follows:--
You are likely to face several awkward situations in this period and may suffer as
a result of this also you are not unlikely to bend and may continue to worsen your
environment on account of your arrogance. Your health might give some
problems. The expenditure will go on increasing. The health of your spouse will
show signs of some improvement but it will take some time before he or shere
covers completely. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a red rose plant at your home.

From 06/08/2020 to 24/08/2021 in the Mahadasa of MARS...

You will be under the influence of RAHU's Antardasa
The RAHU is in 10th house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
RAHU in this House/Bhava are:-
Gain in profession by hard labour, gain through father, honour and fame, but
number of enemies increase, pilgrims the religious shrines.
The effect of Dasha period of the Rahu in the 10th house is as follows:--
During this period, your confidence will be par excellence. You will be fearless
and fond of struggle, and strife. By dint of labour and hard work, business trade
prospects will be on positive side. Your relationship with seniors/ authorities will be
very cordial and at the sametime your business circle will increase. An expected
journey shall bring infinite results. Family life will be very happy. There are
chances of a rise in income. You will be able to overcome competition and will
prevail over opponents. A sound state of health is also indicated.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear agate stone embossed in silver ring.
» Get your isht lord made in coin idol and establish it in your home .
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get build a solid silver or seven metals
elephant having trunk downwards and right leg forward, and establish it in your
» On a zinc piece get a rahu yantra carved on it and keep it at home.
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get a coin in 4 small pieces and tie each one
piece to four legs of bed respectively.

From 24/08/2021 to 30/07/2022 in the Mahadasa of MARS...

You will be under the influence of JUPITER's Antardasa
The JUPITER is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
JUPITER in this House/Bhava are:-

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha
Not good for mother, problems in promotion, litigation on account of immovable
property, mother ill, opposition from public, problems in business, disgrace, false
accusations, domestic unhappiness, loses wealth, health, enemies crop up,
leaves his place of birth and settles in a foreign country, no happiness from family
members and paternal property, danger from the Govt., may face departmental
action if in service and may get demoted, always looks worried of his financial
condition and loss of reputation.
The effect of Dasha period of the Jupiter in the 4th house is as follows:--
You will be quite comfortable in this period. Family happiness will be there.
Expenses will be incurred on property. You will have to spend on house hold
articles, movable or unmovable property. An expansion of business/trade etc. is
likely to take place. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible. You will come
into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be
on an increase. A change in business or promotion is likely to take place. You will
be inclined towards religion and might visit sacred places. A balanced state of
mind is indicated and over all happiness will be there.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear 5.15 carat topaz in gold in index finger of right hand on Thursday.
» Wear yellow colour clothes, opt for yellow curtains, in bedroom, walls but never
wear yellow colour footwear, must avoid them.
» Plant a sunflower at home.
» Take 9 couple of chana pulses ,1 turmeric, 5 peepal leaves, 1 mulathi, 1
sunflower, saffron and knot it all in a yellow coloured cloth and hang it on the wall
of your home on thursday.
» Get your isht (sign lord) sculpture built in gold and establish it in your home on
Thursday or in guru nakshatara.

From 30/07/2022 to 09/09/2023 in the Mahadasa of MARS...

You will be under the influence of SATURN's Antardasa
The SATURN is in 3rd house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
SATURN in this House/Bhava are:-
Good, gain in communication, changes, success, recognition of service, excellent

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha
reports, gain of wealth, prosperity, enemies defeated, help from brothers, literary
works, danger to brother, loss of progeny, change of place, full of confidence,
courageous, remains healthy and enjoys comforts, earns a lot of money, gets
employed, gains cattle wealth, benefited from lands or purchases lands, help from
friends, servants, brothers and sisters.
The effect of Dasha period of the Saturn in the 3rd house is as follows:--
You will have a strong desire to do things in amethodical manner. Your
confidence will be par excellence.You will definitely get encouraging results as far
as your job, business, career is concerned. There are chances of venturing into
new enterprises, profession etc. Inflow of income shall be quite normal. Family
atmosphere will be very good. Your social circle shall widen, short distance travels
will prove beneficial. You might also receive very good news through
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat blue sapphire embossed in silver and wear it in right hand
middle finger on Saturday.
» Make use of blue colour clothing, curtains and bed sheets.
» In an iron utensil, take mustard oil (sarso), 7 seeds of black urad pulse , 7
seeds of black pepper, 7 black chana, one piece of coal, one piece of leather and
tie it all in a blue colour piece of cloth and burry it in a corner of your home.
» For regular 7 Saturdays lit a mustard oil diya in front of your isht lord.
» Have meal in steel utensils.

Know Your Dasha

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New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

From 14/11/2018 to 04/02/2019
You will be under the influence of JUPITER's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of VENUS and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The JUPITER is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
JUPITER in this House are:-
Not good for mother, problems in promotion, litigation on account of immovable
property, mother ill, opposition from public, problems in business, disgrace, false
accusations, domestic unhappiness, loses wealth, health, enemies crop up,
leaves his place of birth and settles in a foreign country, no happiness from family
members and paternal property, danger from the Govt., may face departmental
action if in service and may get demoted, always looks worried of his financial
condition and loss of reputation.
The effect of Dasha period of the Jupiter in the 4th house is as follows:--
You will be quite comfortable in this period. Family happiness will be there.
Expenses will be incurred on property. You will have to spend on house hold
articles, movable or unmovable property. An expansion of business/trade etc. is
likely to take place. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible. You will come
into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be
on an increase. A change in business or promotion is likely to take place. You will
be inclined towards religion and might visit sacred places. A balanced state of
mind is indicated and over all happiness will be there.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear 5.15 carat topaz in gold in index finger of right hand on Thursday.
» Wear yellow colour clothes, opt for yellow curtains, in bedroom, walls but never
wear yellow colour footwear, must avoid them.
» Plant a sunflower at home.
» Take 9 couple of chana pulses ,1 turmeric, 5 peepal leaves, 1 mulathi, 1
sunflower, saffron and knot it all in a yellow coloured cloth and hang it on the wall
of your home on thursday.
» Get your isht (sign lord) sculpture built in gold and establish it in your home on
Thursday or in guru nakshatara.

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 71
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

From 04/02/2019 to 09/05/2019
You will be under the influence of SATURN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of VENUS and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The SATURN is in 3rd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
SATURN in this House are:-
Good, gain in communication, changes, success, recognition of service, excellent
reports, gain of wealth, prosperity, enemies defeated, help from brothers, literary
works, danger to brother, loss of progeny, change of place, full of confidence,
courageous, remains healthy and enjoys comforts, earns a lot of money, gets
employed, gains cattle wealth, benefited from lands or purchases lands, help from
friends, servants, brothers and sisters.
The effect of Dasha period of the Saturn in the 3rd house is as follows:--
You will have a strong desire to do things in amethodical manner. Your
confidence will be par excellence.You will definitely get encouraging results as far
as your job, business, career is concerned. There are chances of venturing into
new enterprises, profession etc. Inflow of income shall be quite normal. Family
atmosphere will be very good. Your social circle shall widen, short distance travels
will prove beneficial. You might also receive very good news through
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat blue sapphire embossed in silver and wear it in right hand
middle finger on Saturday.
» Make use of blue colour clothing, curtains and bed sheets.
» In an iron utensil, take mustard oil (sarso), 7 seeds of black urad pulse , 7
seeds of black pepper, 7 black chana, one piece of coal, one piece of leather and
tie it all in a blue colour piece of cloth and burry it in a corner of your home.
» For regular 7 Saturdays lit a mustard oil diya in front of your isht lord.
» Have meal in steel utensils.

From 09/05/2019 to 04/08/2019

You will be under the influence of MERCURY's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of VENUS and the Mahadasa of MOON.

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

The MERCURY is in 2nd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
MERCURY in this House are:-
Success but disgrace, harsh speech, loss of honour, sorrows, unjust scandals,
blames, anger, litigation possible, business expansion, good foods, reliable
friends, gain of wealth, success in jobs, earns due to his oratory ability and
education, enjoys delicious dishes and gains from relatives.
The effect of Dasha period of the Mercury in the 2nd house is as
Financially, this is going to be the best period. You may also get benefit from the
profitable deals. You will beable to convince others by your keen perception about
situations and plans. You will be quite famous in this period. Family members
attitude will be very cordial towards you. Old dues/debt may also be realised.
Travels will bevery useful this period will also make you human philosophical and
profound. Your interest in occult sciences will increase and you may under go a
para psychological experience.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 6.15 carat emerald embossed in gold and wear it in right hand little finger
on Wednesday remembering goddess durga.
» Never disregard or disrespect relation with females in your home and always
keep them happy and fulfilled.
» On Wednesday pet a green parrot in home.
» Make use of green clothing on Wednesdays
» Keep stationery items and studying material covered with green paper or else
mark them by a green circle.

From 04/08/2019 to 09/09/2019

You will be under the influence of KETU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of VENUS and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The KETU is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of KETU in
this House are:-
Domestic peace, gain of honour, good deeds, sudden gain of land, vehicles, etc.
disputes over property, may meet fire accidents, stomach problem, heart disease,

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

pulmonary disorders etc.
The effect of Dasha period of the Ketu in the 4th house is as follows:--
During this period, clarity of thought will be missing. At times, you will be totally
confused about what to do. General happiness will not be there. Family
atmosphere will also be some what disturbing. Dispute oversmall issues are
possible. Your business/trade will go through a lean phase during this period. If
employed, service/ working conditions will not be satisfactory. You are prone to
certain diseases in this period. Family members ill health may be the cause of
anxiety. However, your mind will be inclined towards religious activities, and you
might make journey to sacred places.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» During ketu nakshatra or period plant a tamarind tree at home.
» Wear a ring of metal of that planet and in same finger which is an exponent of
ketu in ketu period or in ketu nakshatra.
» During ketu period or nakshatra invite a beggar or handicapped at home and
feed them.
» During ketu period or nakshatra, wear black and white shoes.
» Wear cat’s eye stone embossed in silver ring.

From 09/09/2019 to 18/09/2019

You will be under the influence of SUN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha of
SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The SUN is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of SUN in this
House are:-
Bad dreams, headache, excess of bile in the body, loss of honour and prestige,
hot arguments with the wife, separation from her for sometime, High blood
pressure, heart ailments, lassitude, stomach upset and eye troubles, delays in the
undertakings, aimless wandering,
The effect of Dasa Antra period of the Sun in the 1st house is as follows-
During this period you will have a positive attitude towards life and will be over
confident. You will continue to wield power and authority either in government or
publiclife. Short distance journeys are indicated which will bearfruits due to your

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 74
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

hard work. You will spend freely onsocial and charitable institutions. You may
suffer from ill health and there may be sickness in the family.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get 5.15 carat red ruby stone in gold or copper ring and wear it in
middle finger of right hand on Sunday
» Use a gold spoon while eating whenever opportunity comes.
» For regular 11 Sundays take sunbath.
» For regular 21 Sundays oil your hair with coconut oil.
» Wear a gold chain with a length that reaches to stomach.

From 18/09/2019 to 03/10/2019

You will be under the influence of MOON's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The MOON is in 9th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of MOON in
this House are:-
Long travels, meeting with someone from distance/foreign, unexpected
expenses, loss of honour, problem from religion, faces troubles from the
government and losses in business, difference of opinion with his children and
bad health to them like cholera, pleurisy etc., luck does not favour him, more
The effect of Dasha period of the Moon in the 9th house is as follows:--
You will enjoy respect and honour from learned people.Your fame will increase.
Contacts with foreigners will be fruitful. Long distance travel is also indicated. You
will be inclined towards religious deeds. You will also enjoy a good life. Your
relationship with parents will be very good.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat pearl embossed in a silver ring and keep it dipped in raw milk
and ganga water on Sunday and wear it in right little finger on early Monday
morning praying mantra om namah shivaya.
» For regular 108 days have meal, milk and water in silver utensils only.
» Plough silver nails in four corner of your home
» As per your devotion and dedication get a silver made isht deva idol and always
keep it at home.

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

» Wear silver ring or chain on Monday in rohini, hasta or sharvana nakshatra.

From 03/10/2019 to 13/10/2019

You will be under the influence of MARS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The MARS is in 12th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of MARS in
this House are:-
Loss of wealth, unexpected expenditure, quarrels with wife, problems from
enemies, secret enemies, eye troubles, bilious complaints, dishonour, goes away
from home, eye disease, loss of prestige, danger of imprisonment, danger of
fracture in body by slipping, blood contamination, accident, increase in sex
appetite leading to discharge during sleep, bed-wetting
The effect of Dasha period of the Mars in the 12th house is as follows:--
You are likely to face several awkward situations in this period and may suffer as
a result of this also you are not unlikely to bend and may continue to worsen your
environment on account of your arrogance. Your health might give some
problems. The expenditure will go on increasing. The health of your spouse will
show signs of some improvement but it will take some time before he or shere
covers completely. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a red rose plant at your home.

From 13/10/2019 to 10/11/2019

You will be under the influence of RAHU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The RAHU is in 10th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of RAHU in
this House are:-
Gain in profession by hard labour, gain through father, honour and fame, but
number of enemies increase, pilgrims the religious shrines.
The effect of Dasha period of the Rahu in the 10th house is as follows:--
During this period, your confidence will be par excellence. You will be fearless

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

fond of struggle, and strife. By dint of labour and hard work, business trade
prospects will be on positive side. Your relationship with seniors/ authorities will be
very cordial and at the sametime your business circle will increase. An expected
journey shall bring infinite results. Family life will be very happy. There are
chances of a rise in income. You will be able to overcome competition and will
prevail over opponents. A sound state of health is also indicated.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear agate stone embossed in silver ring.
» Get your isht lord made in coin idol and establish it in your home .
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get build a solid silver or seven metals
elephant having trunk downwards and right leg forward, and establish it in your
» On a zinc piece get a rahu yantra carved on it and keep it at home.
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get a coin in 4 small pieces and tie each one
piece to four legs of bed respectively.

From 10/11/2019 to 04/12/2019

You will be under the influence of JUPITER's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The JUPITER is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
JUPITER in this House are:-
Not good for mother, problems in promotion, litigation on account of immovable
property, mother ill, opposition from public, problems in business, disgrace, false
accusations, domestic unhappiness, loses wealth, health, enemies crop up,
leaves his place of birth and settles in a foreign country, no happiness from family
members and paternal property, danger from the Govt., may face departmental
action if in service and may get demoted, always looks worried of his financial
condition and loss of reputation.
The effect of Dasha period of the Jupiter in the 4th house is as follows:--
You will be quite comfortable in this period. Family happiness will be there.
Expenses will be incurred on property. You will have to spend on house hold
articles, movable or unmovable property. An expansion of business/trade etc. is

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

likely to take place. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible. You will come
into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be
on an increase. A change in business or promotion is likely to take place. You will
be inclined towards religion and might visit sacred places. A balanced state of
mind is indicated and over all happiness will be there.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear 5.15 carat topaz in gold in index finger of right hand on Thursday.
» Wear yellow colour clothes, opt for yellow curtains, in bedroom, walls but never
wear yellow colour footwear, must avoid them.
» Plant a sunflower at home.
» Take 9 couple of chana pulses ,1 turmeric, 5 peepal leaves, 1 mulathi, 1
sunflower, saffron and knot it all in a yellow coloured cloth and hang it on the wall
of your home on thursday.
» Get your isht (sign lord) sculpture built in gold and establish it in your home on
Thursday or in guru nakshatara.

From 04/12/2019 to 03/01/2020

You will be under the influence of SATURN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The SATURN is in 3rd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
SATURN in this House are:-
Good, gain in communication, changes, success, recognition of service, excellent
reports, gain of wealth, prosperity, enemies defeated, help from brothers, literary
works, danger to brother, loss of progeny, change of place, full of confidence,
courageous, remains healthy and enjoys comforts, earns a lot of money, gets
employed, gains cattle wealth, benefited from lands or purchases lands, help from
friends, servants, brothers and sisters.
The effect of Dasha period of the Saturn in the 3rd house is as follows:--
You will have a strong desire to do things in amethodical manner. Your
confidence will be par excellence.You will definitely get encouraging results as far
as your job, business, career is concerned. There are chances of venturing into
new enterprises, profession etc. Inflow of income shall be quite normal. Family

Know Your Dasha

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New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

atmosphere will be very good. Your social circle shall widen, short distance
travels will prove beneficial. You might also receive very good news through
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat blue sapphire embossed in silver and wear it in right hand
middle finger on Saturday.
» Make use of blue colour clothing, curtains and bed sheets.
» In an iron utensil, take mustard oil (sarso), 7 seeds of black urad pulse , 7
seeds of black pepper, 7 black chana, one piece of coal, one piece of leather and
tie it all in a blue colour piece of cloth and burry it in a corner of your home.
» For regular 7 Saturdays lit a mustard oil diya in front of your isht lord.
» Have meal in steel utensils.

From 03/01/2020 to 28/01/2020

You will be under the influence of MERCURY's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The MERCURY is in 2nd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
MERCURY in this House are:-
Success but disgrace, harsh speech, loss of honour, sorrows, unjust scandals,
blames, anger, litigation possible, business expansion, good foods, reliable
friends, gain of wealth, success in jobs, earns due to his oratory ability and
education, enjoys delicious dishes and gains from relatives.
The effect of Dasha period of the Mercury in the 2nd house is as
Financially, this is going to be the best period. You may also get benefit from the
profitable deals. You will beable to convince others by your keen perception about
situations and plans. You will be quite famous in this period. Family members
attitude will be very cordial towards you. Old dues/debt may also be realised.
Travels will bevery useful this period will also make you human philosophical and
profound. Your interest in occult sciences will increase and you may under go a
para psychological experience.
Remedies and Suggestions:

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

» Get a 6.15 carat emerald embossed in gold and wear it in right hand little finger
on Wednesday remembering goddess durga.
» Never disregard or disrespect relation with females in your home and always
keep them happy and fulfilled.
» On Wednesday pet a green parrot in home.
» Make use of green clothing on Wednesdays
» Keep stationery items and studying material covered with green paper or else
mark them by a green circle.

From 28/01/2020 to 09/02/2020

You will be under the influence of KETU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The KETU is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of KETU in
this House are:-
Domestic peace, gain of honour, good deeds, sudden gain of land, vehicles, etc.
disputes over property, may meet fire accidents, stomach problem, heart disease,
pulmonary disorders etc.
The effect of Dasha period of the Ketu in the 4th house is as follows:--
During this period, clarity of thought will be missing. At times, you will be totally
confused about what to do. General happiness will not be there. Family
atmosphere will also be some what disturbing. Dispute oversmall issues are
possible. Your business/trade will go through a lean phase during this period. If
employed, service/ working conditions will not be satisfactory. You are prone to
certain diseases in this period. Family members ill health may be the cause of
anxiety. However, your mind will be inclined towards religious activities, and you
might make journey to sacred places.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» During ketu nakshatra or period plant a tamarind tree at home.
» Wear a ring of metal of that planet and in same finger which is an exponent of
ketu in ketu period or in ketu nakshatra.
» During ketu period or nakshatra invite a beggar or handicapped at home and
feed them.

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

» During ketu period or nakshatra, wear black and white shoes.
» Wear cat’s eye stone embossed in silver ring.

From 09/02/2020 to 09/03/2020

You will be under the influence of VENUS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of SUN and the Mahadasa of MOON.
The VENUS is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of VENUS
in this House are:-
Peace, good for sleep, dresses, perfumes, luxury articles, marital relations; new
position, bed comforts, marriage ceremony, blessed with son, attraction with fair
sex, gain in business,enjoys wealth and happiness, defeats his enemies, extra
marital relations, involved in getting education, truthful, earns through trading in
liquids, cosmetics, fancy goods and he may also earn through the trading of
The effect of Dasha period of the Venus in the 1st house is as follows:--
During this period you will be quite comfortable. There will be a pleasant
environment all around you. You will be favourably inclined towards the opposite
sex. Conjugal happiness will also be there. If you were to put a little more efforts,
you can also increase your income. You would like to throw a big party. You will
be interested infine art, music, literature etc. Minor health ailment might disturb
you. Family members will extend their full support towards you.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» As per your devotion get a diamond embossed in gold, worshipping goddess
laxmi and wear it in right hand finger on Friday.
» Wear silver ornaments on Friday.
» Make use of rosy white curtains and bedsheets in home.
» For regular 27 days or 27 Fridays wash your private parts with milk.
» Take 27 fodder seeds, 1 white flower, 1 camphor tied in crème colour cloth and
hang it on wall on Friday.

From 09/03/2020 to 17/03/2020

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

You will be under the influence of MARS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MARS is in 12th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of MARS in
this House are:-
Loss of wealth, unexpected expenditure, quarrels with wife, problems from
enemies, secret enemies, eye troubles, bilious complaints, dishonour, goes away
from home, eye disease, loss of prestige, danger of imprisonment, danger of
fracture in body by slipping, blood contamination, accident, increase in sex
appetite leading to discharge during sleep, bed-wetting
The effect of Dasha period of the Mars in the 12th house is as follows:--
You are likely to face several awkward situations in this period and may suffer as
a result of this also you are not unlikely to bend and may continue to worsen your
environment on account of your arrogance. Your health might give some
problems. The expenditure will go on increasing. The health of your spouse will
show signs of some improvement but it will take some time before he or shere
covers completely. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a red rose plant at your home.

From 17/03/2020 to 09/04/2020

You will be under the influence of RAHU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The RAHU is in 10th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of RAHU in
this House are:-
Gain in profession by hard labour, gain through father, honour and fame, but
number of enemies increase, pilgrims the religious shrines.
The effect of Dasha period of the Rahu in the 10th house is as follows:--
During this period, your confidence will be par excellence. You will be fearless
and fond of struggle, and strife. By dint of labour and hard work, business trade
prospects will be on positive side. Your relationship with seniors/ authorities will be
very cordial and at the sametime your business circle will increase. An expected
journey shall bring infinite results. Family life will be very happy. There are

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 82
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

of a rise in income. You will be able to overcome competition and will prevail over
opponents. A sound state of health is also indicated.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear agate stone embossed in silver ring.
» Get your isht lord made in coin idol and establish it in your home .
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get build a solid silver or seven metals
elephant having trunk downwards and right leg forward, and establish it in your
» On a zinc piece get a rahu yantra carved on it and keep it at home.
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get a coin in 4 small pieces and tie each one
piece to four legs of bed respectively.

From 09/04/2020 to 29/04/2020

You will be under the influence of JUPITER's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The JUPITER is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
JUPITER in this House are:-
Not good for mother, problems in promotion, litigation on account of immovable
property, mother ill, opposition from public, problems in business, disgrace, false
accusations, domestic unhappiness, loses wealth, health, enemies crop up,
leaves his place of birth and settles in a foreign country, no happiness from family
members and paternal property, danger from the Govt., may face departmental
action if in service and may get demoted, always looks worried of his financial
condition and loss of reputation.
The effect of Dasha period of the Jupiter in the 4th house is as follows:--
You will be quite comfortable in this period. Family happiness will be there.
Expenses will be incurred on property. You will have to spend on house hold
articles, movable or unmovable property. An expansion of business/trade etc. is
likely to take place. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible. You will come
into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be
on an increase. A change in business or promotion is likely to take place. You will
be inclined towards religion and might visit sacred places. A balanced state of
mind is

Know Your Dasha

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New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

indicated and over all happiness will be there.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear 5.15 carat topaz in gold in index finger of right hand on Thursday.
» Wear yellow colour clothes, opt for yellow curtains, in bedroom, walls but never
wear yellow colour footwear, must avoid them.
» Plant a sunflower at home.
» Take 9 couple of chana pulses ,1 turmeric, 5 peepal leaves, 1 mulathi, 1
sunflower, saffron and knot it all in a yellow coloured cloth and hang it on the wall
of your home on thursday.
» Get your isht (sign lord) sculpture built in gold and establish it in your home on
Thursday or in guru nakshatara.

From 29/04/2020 to 22/05/2020

You will be under the influence of SATURN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The SATURN is in 3rd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
SATURN in this House are:-
Good, gain in communication, changes, success, recognition of service, excellent
reports, gain of wealth, prosperity, enemies defeated, help from brothers, literary
works, danger to brother, loss of progeny, change of place, full of confidence,
courageous, remains healthy and enjoys comforts, earns a lot of money, gets
employed, gains cattle wealth, benefited from lands or purchases lands, help from
friends, servants, brothers and sisters.
The effect of Dasha period of the Saturn in the 3rd house is as follows:--
You will have a strong desire to do things in amethodical manner. Your
confidence will be par excellence.You will definitely get encouraging results as far
as your job, business, career is concerned. There are chances of venturing into
new enterprises, profession etc. Inflow of income shall be quite normal. Family
atmosphere will be very good. Your social circle shall widen, short distance travels
will prove beneficial. You might also receive very good news through
Remedies and Suggestions:

Know Your Dasha

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New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

» Get a 5.15 carat blue sapphire embossed in silver and wear it in right hand
middle finger on Saturday.
» Make use of blue colour clothing, curtains and bed sheets.
» In an iron utensil, take mustard oil (sarso), 7 seeds of black urad pulse , 7
seeds of black pepper, 7 black chana, one piece of coal, one piece of leather and
tie it all in a blue colour piece of cloth and burry it in a corner of your home.
» For regular 7 Saturdays lit a mustard oil diya in front of your isht lord.
» Have meal in steel utensils.

From 22/05/2020 to 13/06/2020

You will be under the influence of MERCURY's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MERCURY is in 2nd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
MERCURY in this House are:-
Success but disgrace, harsh speech, loss of honour, sorrows, unjust scandals,
blames, anger, litigation possible, business expansion, good foods, reliable
friends, gain of wealth, success in jobs, earns due to his oratory ability and
education, enjoys delicious dishes and gains from relatives.
The effect of Dasha period of the Mercury in the 2nd house is as
Financially, this is going to be the best period. You may also get benefit from the
profitable deals. You will beable to convince others by your keen perception about
situations and plans. You will be quite famous in this period. Family members
attitude will be very cordial towards you. Old dues/debt may also be realised.
Travels will bevery useful this period will also make you human philosophical and
profound. Your interest in occult sciences will increase and you may under go a
para psychological experience.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 6.15 carat emerald embossed in gold and wear it in right hand little finger
on Wednesday remembering goddess durga.
» Never disregard or disrespect relation with females in your home and always
keep them happy and fulfilled.

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 85
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

» On Wednesday pet a green parrot in home.
» Make use of green clothing on Wednesdays
» Keep stationery items and studying material covered with green paper or else
mark them by a green circle.

From 13/06/2020 to 21/06/2020

You will be under the influence of KETU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The KETU is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of KETU in
this House are:-
Domestic peace, gain of honour, good deeds, sudden gain of land, vehicles, etc.
disputes over property, may meet fire accidents, stomach problem, heart disease,
pulmonary disorders etc.
The effect of Dasha period of the Ketu in the 4th house is as follows:--
During this period, clarity of thought will be missing. At times, you will be totally
confused about what to do. General happiness will not be there. Family
atmosphere will also be some what disturbing. Dispute oversmall issues are
possible. Your business/trade will go through a lean phase during this period. If
employed, service/ working conditions will not be satisfactory. You are prone to
certain diseases in this period. Family members ill health may be the cause of
anxiety. However, your mind will be inclined towards religious activities, and you
might make journey to sacred places.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» During ketu nakshatra or period plant a tamarind tree at home.
» Wear a ring of metal of that planet and in same finger which is an exponent of
ketu in ketu period or in ketu nakshatra.
» During ketu period or nakshatra invite a beggar or handicapped at home and
feed them.
» During ketu period or nakshatra, wear black and white shoes.
» Wear cat’s eye stone embossed in silver ring.

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 86
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

From 21/06/2020 to 16/07/2020
You will be under the influence of VENUS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The VENUS is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of VENUS
in this House are:-
Peace, good for sleep, dresses, perfumes, luxury articles, marital relations; new
position, bed comforts, marriage ceremony, blessed with son, attraction with fair
sex, gain in business,enjoys wealth and happiness, defeats his enemies, extra
marital relations, involved in getting education, truthful, earns through trading in
liquids, cosmetics, fancy goods and he may also earn through the trading of
The effect of Dasha period of the Venus in the 1st house is as follows:--
During this period you will be quite comfortable. There will be a pleasant
environment all around you. You will be favourably inclined towards the opposite
sex. Conjugal happiness will also be there. If you were to put a little more efforts,
you can also increase your income. You would like to throw a big party. You will
be interested infine art, music, literature etc. Minor health ailment might disturb
you. Family members will extend their full support towards you.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» As per your devotion get a diamond embossed in gold, worshipping goddess
laxmi and wear it in right hand finger on Friday.
» Wear silver ornaments on Friday.
» Make use of rosy white curtains and bedsheets in home.
» For regular 27 days or 27 Fridays wash your private parts with milk.
» Take 27 fodder seeds, 1 white flower, 1 camphor tied in crème colour cloth and
hang it on wall on Friday.

From 16/07/2020 to 23/07/2020

You will be under the influence of SUN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha of
MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The SUN is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of SUN in this
House are:-

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Bad dreams, headache, excess of bile in the body, loss of honour and prestige,
hot arguments with the wife, separation from her for sometime, High blood
pressure, heart ailments, lassitude, stomach upset and eye troubles, delays in the
undertakings, aimless wandering,
The effect of Dasa Antra period of the Sun in the 1st house is as follows-
During this period you will have a positive attitude towards life and will be over
confident. You will continue to wield power and authority either in government or
publiclife. Short distance journeys are indicated which will bearfruits due to your
hard work. You will spend freely onsocial and charitable institutions. You may
suffer from ill health and there may be sickness in the family.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get 5.15 carat red ruby stone in gold or copper ring and wear it in
middle finger of right hand on Sunday
» Use a gold spoon while eating whenever opportunity comes.
» For regular 11 Sundays take sunbath.
» For regular 21 Sundays oil your hair with coconut oil.
» Wear a gold chain with a length that reaches to stomach.

From 23/07/2020 to 06/08/2020

You will be under the influence of MOON's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of MARS and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MOON is in 9th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of MOON in
this House are:-
Long travels, meeting with someone from distance/foreign, unexpected
expenses, loss of honour, problem from religion, faces troubles from the
government and losses in business, difference of opinion with his children and
bad health to them like cholera, pleurisy etc., luck does not favour him, more
The effect of Dasha period of the Moon in the 9th house is as follows:--
You will enjoy respect and honour from learned people.Your fame will increase.
Contacts with foreigners will be fruitful. Long distance travel is also indicated. You
will be inclined towards religious deeds. You will also enjoy a good life. Your
relationship with parents will be very good.

Know Your Dasha

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New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat pearl embossed in a silver ring and keep it dipped in raw milk
and ganga water on Sunday and wear it in right little finger on early Monday
morning praying mantra om namah shivaya.
» For regular 108 days have meal, milk and water in silver utensils only.
» Plough silver nails in four corner of your home
» As per your devotion and dedication get a silver made isht deva idol and always
keep it at home.
» Wear silver ring or chain on Monday in rohini, hasta or sharvana nakshatra.

From 06/08/2020 to 02/10/2020

You will be under the influence of RAHU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The RAHU is in 10th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of RAHU in
this House are:-
Gain in profession by hard labour, gain through father, honour and fame, but
number of enemies increase, pilgrims the religious shrines.
The effect of Dasha period of the Rahu in the 10th house is as follows:--
During this period, your confidence will be par excellence. You will be fearless
and fond of struggle, and strife. By dint of labour and hard work, business trade
prospects will be on positive side. Your relationship with seniors/ authorities will be
very cordial and at the sametime your business circle will increase. An expected
journey shall bring infinite results. Family life will be very happy. There are
chances of a rise in income. You will be able to overcome competition and will
prevail over opponents. A sound state of health is also indicated.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear agate stone embossed in silver ring.
» Get your isht lord made in coin idol and establish it in your home .
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get build a solid silver or seven metals
elephant having trunk downwards and right leg forward, and establish it in your
» On a zinc piece get a rahu yantra carved on it and keep it at home.

Know Your Dasha

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New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

» During rahu period or nakshatra, get a coin in 4 small pieces and tie each one
piece to four legs of bed respectively.

From 02/10/2020 to 23/11/2020

You will be under the influence of JUPITER's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The JUPITER is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
JUPITER in this House are:-
Not good for mother, problems in promotion, litigation on account of immovable
property, mother ill, opposition from public, problems in business, disgrace, false
accusations, domestic unhappiness, loses wealth, health, enemies crop up,
leaves his place of birth and settles in a foreign country, no happiness from family
members and paternal property, danger from the Govt., may face departmental
action if in service and may get demoted, always looks worried of his financial
condition and loss of reputation.
The effect of Dasha period of the Jupiter in the 4th house is as follows:--
You will be quite comfortable in this period. Family happiness will be there.
Expenses will be incurred on property. You will have to spend on house hold
articles, movable or unmovable property. An expansion of business/trade etc. is
likely to take place. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible. You will come
into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be
on an increase. A change in business or promotion is likely to take place. You will
be inclined towards religion and might visit sacred places. A balanced state of
mind is indicated and over all happiness will be there.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear 5.15 carat topaz in gold in index finger of right hand on Thursday.
» Wear yellow colour clothes, opt for yellow curtains, in bedroom, walls but never
wear yellow colour footwear, must avoid them.
» Plant a sunflower at home.
» Take 9 couple of chana pulses ,1 turmeric, 5 peepal leaves, 1 mulathi, 1
sunflower, saffron and knot it all in a yellow coloured cloth and hang it on the wall
of your home on thursday.

Know Your Dasha

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New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

» Get your isht (sign lord) sculpture built in gold and establish it in your home on
Thursday or in guru nakshatara.

From 23/11/2020 to 23/01/2021

You will be under the influence of SATURN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The SATURN is in 3rd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
SATURN in this House are:-
Good, gain in communication, changes, success, recognition of service, excellent
reports, gain of wealth, prosperity, enemies defeated, help from brothers, literary
works, danger to brother, loss of progeny, change of place, full of confidence,
courageous, remains healthy and enjoys comforts, earns a lot of money, gets
employed, gains cattle wealth, benefited from lands or purchases lands, help from
friends, servants, brothers and sisters.
The effect of Dasha period of the Saturn in the 3rd house is as follows:--
You will have a strong desire to do things in amethodical manner. Your
confidence will be par excellence.You will definitely get encouraging results as far
as your job, business, career is concerned. There are chances of venturing into
new enterprises, profession etc. Inflow of income shall be quite normal. Family
atmosphere will be very good. Your social circle shall widen, short distance travels
will prove beneficial. You might also receive very good news through
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat blue sapphire embossed in silver and wear it in right hand
middle finger on Saturday.
» Make use of blue colour clothing, curtains and bed sheets.
» In an iron utensil, take mustard oil (sarso), 7 seeds of black urad pulse , 7
seeds of black pepper, 7 black chana, one piece of coal, one piece of leather and
tie it all in a blue colour piece of cloth and burry it in a corner of your home.
» For regular 7 Saturdays lit a mustard oil diya in front of your isht lord.
» Have meal in steel utensils.

Know Your Dasha

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New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:
Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

From 23/01/2021 to 16/03/2021

You will be under the influence of MERCURY's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MERCURY is in 2nd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
MERCURY in this House are:-
Success but disgrace, harsh speech, loss of honour, sorrows, unjust scandals,
blames, anger, litigation possible, business expansion, good foods, reliable
friends, gain of wealth, success in jobs, earns due to his oratory ability and
education, enjoys delicious dishes and gains from relatives.
The effect of Dasha period of the Mercury in the 2nd house is as
Financially, this is going to be the best period. You may also get benefit from the
profitable deals. You will beable to convince others by your keen perception about
situations and plans. You will be quite famous in this period. Family members
attitude will be very cordial towards you. Old dues/debt may also be realised.
Travels will bevery useful this period will also make you human philosophical and
profound. Your interest in occult sciences will increase and you may under go a
para psychological experience.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 6.15 carat emerald embossed in gold and wear it in right hand little finger
on Wednesday remembering goddess durga.
» Never disregard or disrespect relation with females in your home and always
keep them happy and fulfilled.
» On Wednesday pet a green parrot in home.
» Make use of green clothing on Wednesdays
» Keep stationery items and studying material covered with green paper or else
mark them by a green circle.

From 16/03/2021 to 08/04/2021

You will be under the influence of KETU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.

Know Your Dasha

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

The KETU is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of KETU in
this House are:-
Domestic peace, gain of honour, good deeds, sudden gain of land, vehicles, etc.
disputes over property, may meet fire accidents, stomach problem, heart disease,
pulmonary disorders etc.
The effect of Dasha period of the Ketu in the 4th house is as follows:--
During this period, clarity of thought will be missing. At times, you will be totally
confused about what to do. General happiness will not be there. Family
atmosphere will also be some what disturbing. Dispute oversmall issues are
possible. Your business/trade will go through a lean phase during this period. If
employed, service/ working conditions will not be satisfactory. You are prone to
certain diseases in this period. Family members ill health may be the cause of
anxiety. However, your mind will be inclined towards religious activities, and you
might make journey to sacred places.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» During ketu nakshatra or period plant a tamarind tree at home.
» Wear a ring of metal of that planet and in same finger which is an exponent of
ketu in ketu period or in ketu nakshatra.
» During ketu period or nakshatra invite a beggar or handicapped at home and
feed them.
» During ketu period or nakshatra, wear black and white shoes.
» Wear cat’s eye stone embossed in silver ring.

From 08/04/2021 to 11/06/2021

You will be under the influence of VENUS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The VENUS is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of VENUS
in this House are:-
Peace, good for sleep, dresses, perfumes, luxury articles, marital relations; new
position, bed comforts, marriage ceremony, blessed with son, attraction with fair
sex, gain in business,enjoys wealth and happiness, defeats his enemies, extra
marital relations, involved in getting education, truthful, earns through trading in

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

liquids, cosmetics, fancy goods and he may also earn through the trading of
The effect of Dasha period of the Venus in the 1st house is as follows:--
During this period you will be quite comfortable. There will be a pleasant
environment all around you. You will be favourably inclined towards the opposite
sex. Conjugal happiness will also be there. If you were to put a little more efforts,
you can also increase your income. You would like to throw a big party. You will
be interested infine art, music, literature etc. Minor health ailment might disturb
you. Family members will extend their full support towards you.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» As per your devotion get a diamond embossed in gold, worshipping goddess
laxmi and wear it in right hand finger on Friday.
» Wear silver ornaments on Friday.
» Make use of rosy white curtains and bedsheets in home.
» For regular 27 days or 27 Fridays wash your private parts with milk.
» Take 27 fodder seeds, 1 white flower, 1 camphor tied in crème colour cloth and
hang it on wall on Friday.

From 11/06/2021 to 01/07/2021

You will be under the influence of SUN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha of
RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The SUN is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of SUN in this
House are:-
Bad dreams, headache, excess of bile in the body, loss of honour and prestige,
hot arguments with the wife, separation from her for sometime, High blood
pressure, heart ailments, lassitude, stomach upset and eye troubles, delays in the
undertakings, aimless wandering,
The effect of Dasa Antra period of the Sun in the 1st house is as follows-
During this period you will have a positive attitude towards life and will be over
confident. You will continue to wield power and authority either in government or
publiclife. Short distance journeys are indicated which will bearfruits due to your
hard work. You will spend freely onsocial and charitable institutions. You may

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

suffer from ill health and there may be sickness in the family.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get 5.15 carat red ruby stone in gold or copper ring and wear it in
middle finger of right hand on Sunday
» Use a gold spoon while eating whenever opportunity comes.
» For regular 11 Sundays take sunbath.
» For regular 21 Sundays oil your hair with coconut oil.
» Wear a gold chain with a length that reaches to stomach.

From 01/07/2021 to 02/08/2021

You will be under the influence of MOON's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MOON is in 9th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of MOON in
this House are:-
Long travels, meeting with someone from distance/foreign, unexpected
expenses, loss of honour, problem from religion, faces troubles from the
government and losses in business, difference of opinion with his children and
bad health to them like cholera, pleurisy etc., luck does not favour him, more
The effect of Dasha period of the Moon in the 9th house is as follows:--
You will enjoy respect and honour from learned people.Your fame will increase.
Contacts with foreigners will be fruitful. Long distance travel is also indicated. You
will be inclined towards religious deeds. You will also enjoy a good life. Your
relationship with parents will be very good.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat pearl embossed in a silver ring and keep it dipped in raw milk
and ganga water on Sunday and wear it in right little finger on early Monday
morning praying mantra om namah shivaya.
» For regular 108 days have meal, milk and water in silver utensils only.
» Plough silver nails in four corner of your home
» As per your devotion and dedication get a silver made isht deva idol and always
keep it at home.
» Wear silver ring or chain on Monday in rohini, hasta or sharvana nakshatra.

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

From 02/08/2021 to 24/08/2021

You will be under the influence of MARS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of RAHU and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MARS is in 12th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of MARS in
this House are:-
Loss of wealth, unexpected expenditure, quarrels with wife, problems from
enemies, secret enemies, eye troubles, bilious complaints, dishonour, goes away
from home, eye disease, loss of prestige, danger of imprisonment, danger of
fracture in body by slipping, blood contamination, accident, increase in sex
appetite leading to discharge during sleep, bed-wetting
The effect of Dasha period of the Mars in the 12th house is as follows:--
You are likely to face several awkward situations in this period and may suffer as
a result of this also you are not unlikely to bend and may continue to worsen your
environment on account of your arrogance. Your health might give some
problems. The expenditure will go on increasing. The health of your spouse will
show signs of some improvement but it will take some time before he or shere
covers completely. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a red rose plant at your home.

From 24/08/2021 to 08/10/2021

You will be under the influence of JUPITER's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The JUPITER is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
JUPITER in this House are:-
Not good for mother, problems in promotion, litigation on account of immovable
property, mother ill, opposition from public, problems in business, disgrace, false
accusations, domestic unhappiness, loses wealth, health, enemies crop up,
leaves his place of birth and settles in a foreign country, no happiness from family
members and paternal property, danger from the Govt., may face departmental

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

action if in service and may get demoted, always looks worried of his financial
condition and loss of reputation.
The effect of Dasha period of the Jupiter in the 4th house is as follows:--
You will be quite comfortable in this period. Family happiness will be there.
Expenses will be incurred on property. You will have to spend on house hold
articles, movable or unmovable property. An expansion of business/trade etc. is
likely to take place. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible. You will come
into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be
on an increase. A change in business or promotion is likely to take place. You will
be inclined towards religion and might visit sacred places. A balanced state of
mind is indicated and over all happiness will be there.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear 5.15 carat topaz in gold in index finger of right hand on Thursday.
» Wear yellow colour clothes, opt for yellow curtains, in bedroom, walls but never
wear yellow colour footwear, must avoid them.
» Plant a sunflower at home.
» Take 9 couple of chana pulses ,1 turmeric, 5 peepal leaves, 1 mulathi, 1
sunflower, saffron and knot it all in a yellow coloured cloth and hang it on the wall
of your home on thursday.
» Get your isht (sign lord) sculpture built in gold and establish it in your home on
Thursday or in guru nakshatara.

From 08/10/2021 to 02/12/2021

You will be under the influence of SATURN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The SATURN is in 3rd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
SATURN in this House are:-
Good, gain in communication, changes, success, recognition of service, excellent
reports, gain of wealth, prosperity, enemies defeated, help from brothers, literary
works, danger to brother, loss of progeny, change of place, full of confidence,
courageous, remains healthy and enjoys comforts, earns a lot of money, gets
employed, gains cattle wealth, benefited from lands or purchases lands, help from

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

friends, servants, brothers and sisters.
The effect of Dasha period of the Saturn in the 3rd house is as follows:--
You will have a strong desire to do things in amethodical manner. Your
confidence will be par excellence.You will definitely get encouraging results as far
as your job, business, career is concerned. There are chances of venturing into
new enterprises, profession etc. Inflow of income shall be quite normal. Family
atmosphere will be very good. Your social circle shall widen, short distance travels
will prove beneficial. You might also receive very good news through
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat blue sapphire embossed in silver and wear it in right hand
middle finger on Saturday.
» Make use of blue colour clothing, curtains and bed sheets.
» In an iron utensil, take mustard oil (sarso), 7 seeds of black urad pulse , 7
seeds of black pepper, 7 black chana, one piece of coal, one piece of leather and
tie it all in a blue colour piece of cloth and burry it in a corner of your home.
» For regular 7 Saturdays lit a mustard oil diya in front of your isht lord.
» Have meal in steel utensils.

From 02/12/2021 to 19/01/2022

You will be under the influence of MERCURY's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MERCURY is in 2nd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
MERCURY in this House are:-
Success but disgrace, harsh speech, loss of honour, sorrows, unjust scandals,
blames, anger, litigation possible, business expansion, good foods, reliable
friends, gain of wealth, success in jobs, earns due to his oratory ability and
education, enjoys delicious dishes and gains from relatives.
The effect of Dasha period of the Mercury in the 2nd house is as
Financially, this is going to be the best period. You may also get benefit from the
profitable deals. You will beable to convince others by your keen perception about

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

situations and plans. You will be quite famous in this period. Family members
attitude will be very cordial towards you. Old dues/debt may also be realised.
Travels will bevery useful this period will also make you human philosophical and
profound. Your interest in occult sciences will increase and you may under go a
para psychological experience.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 6.15 carat emerald embossed in gold and wear it in right hand little finger
on Wednesday remembering goddess durga.
» Never disregard or disrespect relation with females in your home and always
keep them happy and fulfilled.
» On Wednesday pet a green parrot in home.
» Make use of green clothing on Wednesdays
» Keep stationery items and studying material covered with green paper or else
mark them by a green circle.

From 19/01/2022 to 09/02/2022

You will be under the influence of KETU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The KETU is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of KETU in
this House are:-
Domestic peace, gain of honour, good deeds, sudden gain of land, vehicles, etc.
disputes over property, may meet fire accidents, stomach problem, heart disease,
pulmonary disorders etc.
The effect of Dasha period of the Ketu in the 4th house is as follows:--
During this period, clarity of thought will be missing. At times, you will be totally
confused about what to do. General happiness will not be there. Family
atmosphere will also be some what disturbing. Dispute oversmall issues are
possible. Your business/trade will go through a lean phase during this period. If
employed, service/ working conditions will not be satisfactory. You are prone to
certain diseases in this period. Family members ill health may be the cause of
anxiety. However, your mind will be inclined towards religious activities, and you
might make journey to sacred places.

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

Remedies and Suggestions:
» During ketu nakshatra or period plant a tamarind tree at home.
» Wear a ring of metal of that planet and in same finger which is an exponent of
ketu in ketu period or in ketu nakshatra.
» During ketu period or nakshatra invite a beggar or handicapped at home and
feed them.
» During ketu period or nakshatra, wear black and white shoes.
» Wear cat’s eye stone embossed in silver ring.

From 09/02/2022 to 05/04/2022

You will be under the influence of VENUS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The VENUS is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of VENUS
in this House are:-
Peace, good for sleep, dresses, perfumes, luxury articles, marital relations; new
position, bed comforts, marriage ceremony, blessed with son, attraction with fair
sex, gain in business,enjoys wealth and happiness, defeats his enemies, extra
marital relations, involved in getting education, truthful, earns through trading in
liquids, cosmetics, fancy goods and he may also earn through the trading of
The effect of Dasha period of the Venus in the 1st house is as follows:--
During this period you will be quite comfortable. There will be a pleasant
environment all around you. You will be favourably inclined towards the opposite
sex. Conjugal happiness will also be there. If you were to put a little more efforts,
you can also increase your income. You would like to throw a big party. You will
be interested infine art, music, literature etc. Minor health ailment might disturb
you. Family members will extend their full support towards you.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» As per your devotion get a diamond embossed in gold, worshipping goddess
laxmi and wear it in right hand finger on Friday.
» Wear silver ornaments on Friday.
» Make use of rosy white curtains and bedsheets in home.

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

» For regular 27 days or 27 Fridays wash your private parts with milk.
» Take 27 fodder seeds, 1 white flower, 1 camphor tied in crème colour cloth and
hang it on wall on Friday.

From 05/04/2022 to 22/04/2022

You will be under the influence of SUN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha of
JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The SUN is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of SUN in this
House are:-
Bad dreams, headache, excess of bile in the body, loss of honour and prestige,
hot arguments with the wife, separation from her for sometime, High blood
pressure, heart ailments, lassitude, stomach upset and eye troubles, delays in the
undertakings, aimless wandering,
The effect of Dasa Antra period of the Sun in the 1st house is as follows-
During this period you will have a positive attitude towards life and will be over
confident. You will continue to wield power and authority either in government or
publiclife. Short distance journeys are indicated which will bearfruits due to your
hard work. You will spend freely onsocial and charitable institutions. You may
suffer from ill health and there may be sickness in the family.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get 5.15 carat red ruby stone in gold or copper ring and wear it in
middle finger of right hand on Sunday
» Use a gold spoon while eating whenever opportunity comes.
» For regular 11 Sundays take sunbath.
» For regular 21 Sundays oil your hair with coconut oil.
» Wear a gold chain with a length that reaches to stomach.

From 22/04/2022 to 20/05/2022

You will be under the influence of MOON's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MOON is in 9th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of MOON in

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Shaveta Bhalla 29/8/1983 06:30:00 FEROZEPUR 30.55N 74.38E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

this House are:-
Long travels, meeting with someone from distance/foreign, unexpected
expenses, loss of honour, problem from religion, faces troubles from the
government and losses in business, difference of opinion with his children and
bad health to them like cholera, pleurisy etc., luck does not favour him, more
The effect of Dasha period of the Moon in the 9th house is as follows:--
You will enjoy respect and honour from learned people.Your fame will increase.
Contacts with foreigners will be fruitful. Long distance travel is also indicated. You
will be inclined towards religious deeds. You will also enjoy a good life. Your
relationship with parents will be very good.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat pearl embossed in a silver ring and keep it dipped in raw milk
and ganga water on Sunday and wear it in right little finger on early Monday
morning praying mantra om namah shivaya.
» For regular 108 days have meal, milk and water in silver utensils only.
» Plough silver nails in four corner of your home
» As per your devotion and dedication get a silver made isht deva idol and always
keep it at home.
» Wear silver ring or chain on Monday in rohini, hasta or sharvana nakshatra.

From 20/05/2022 to 09/06/2022

You will be under the influence of MARS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MARS is in 12th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of MARS in
this House are:-
Loss of wealth, unexpected expenditure, quarrels with wife, problems from
enemies, secret enemies, eye troubles, bilious complaints, dishonour, goes away
from home, eye disease, loss of prestige, danger of imprisonment, danger of
fracture in body by slipping, blood contamination, accident, increase in sex
appetite leading to discharge during sleep, bed-wetting
The effect of Dasha period of the Mars in the 12th house is as follows:--
You are likely to face several awkward situations in this period and may suffer as

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

a result of this also you are not unlikely to bend and may continue to worsen your
environment on account of your arrogance. Your health might give some
problems. The expenditure will go on increasing. The health of your spouse will
show signs of some improvement but it will take some time before he or shere
covers completely. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a red rose plant at your home.

From 09/06/2022 to 30/07/2022

You will be under the influence of RAHU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of JUPITER and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The RAHU is in 10th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of RAHU in
this House are:-
Gain in profession by hard labour, gain through father, honour and fame, but
number of enemies increase, pilgrims the religious shrines.
The effect of Dasha period of the Rahu in the 10th house is as follows:--
During this period, your confidence will be par excellence. You will be fearless
and fond of struggle, and strife. By dint of labour and hard work, business trade
prospects will be on positive side. Your relationship with seniors/ authorities will be
very cordial and at the sametime your business circle will increase. An expected
journey shall bring infinite results. Family life will be very happy. There are
chances of a rise in income. You will be able to overcome competition and will
prevail over opponents. A sound state of health is also indicated.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Wear agate stone embossed in silver ring.
» Get your isht lord made in coin idol and establish it in your home .
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get build a solid silver or seven metals
elephant having trunk downwards and right leg forward, and establish it in your
» On a zinc piece get a rahu yantra carved on it and keep it at home.
» During rahu period or nakshatra, get a coin in 4 small pieces and tie each one
piece to four legs of bed respectively.

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

From 30/07/2022 to 03/10/2022

You will be under the influence of SATURN's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of SATURN and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The SATURN is in 3rd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
SATURN in this House are:-
Good, gain in communication, changes, success, recognition of service, excellent
reports, gain of wealth, prosperity, enemies defeated, help from brothers, literary
works, danger to brother, loss of progeny, change of place, full of confidence,
courageous, remains healthy and enjoys comforts, earns a lot of money, gets
employed, gains cattle wealth, benefited from lands or purchases lands, help from
friends, servants, brothers and sisters.
The effect of Dasha period of the Saturn in the 3rd house is as follows:--
You will have a strong desire to do things in amethodical manner. Your
confidence will be par excellence.You will definitely get encouraging results as far
as your job, business, career is concerned. There are chances of venturing into
new enterprises, profession etc. Inflow of income shall be quite normal. Family
atmosphere will be very good. Your social circle shall widen, short distance travels
will prove beneficial. You might also receive very good news through
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 5.15 carat blue sapphire embossed in silver and wear it in right hand
middle finger on Saturday.
» Make use of blue colour clothing, curtains and bed sheets.
» In an iron utensil, take mustard oil (sarso), 7 seeds of black urad pulse , 7
seeds of black pepper, 7 black chana, one piece of coal, one piece of leather and
tie it all in a blue colour piece of cloth and burry it in a corner of your home.
» For regular 7 Saturdays lit a mustard oil diya in front of your isht lord.
» Have meal in steel utensils.

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

From 03/10/2022 to 29/11/2022
You will be under the influence of MERCURY's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar
Dasha of SATURN and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The MERCURY is in 2nd house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of
MERCURY in this House are:-
Success but disgrace, harsh speech, loss of honour, sorrows, unjust scandals,
blames, anger, litigation possible, business expansion, good foods, reliable
friends, gain of wealth, success in jobs, earns due to his oratory ability and
education, enjoys delicious dishes and gains from relatives.
The effect of Dasha period of the Mercury in the 2nd house is as
Financially, this is going to be the best period. You may also get benefit from the
profitable deals. You will beable to convince others by your keen perception about
situations and plans. You will be quite famous in this period. Family members
attitude will be very cordial towards you. Old dues/debt may also be realised.
Travels will bevery useful this period will also make you human philosophical and
profound. Your interest in occult sciences will increase and you may under go a
para psychological experience.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» Get a 6.15 carat emerald embossed in gold and wear it in right hand little finger
on Wednesday remembering goddess durga.
» Never disregard or disrespect relation with females in your home and always
keep them happy and fulfilled.
» On Wednesday pet a green parrot in home.
» Make use of green clothing on Wednesdays
» Keep stationery items and studying material covered with green paper or else
mark them by a green circle.

From 29/11/2022 to 23/12/2022

You will be under the influence of KETU's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of SATURN and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The KETU is in 4th house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of KETU in

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

this House are:-
Domestic peace, gain of honour, good deeds, sudden gain of land, vehicles, etc.
disputes over property, may meet fire accidents, stomach problem, heart disease,
pulmonary disorders etc.
The effect of Dasha period of the Ketu in the 4th house is as follows:--
During this period, clarity of thought will be missing. At times, you will be totally
confused about what to do. General happiness will not be there. Family
atmosphere will also be some what disturbing. Dispute oversmall issues are
possible. Your business/trade will go through a lean phase during this period. If
employed, service/ working conditions will not be satisfactory. You are prone to
certain diseases in this period. Family members ill health may be the cause of
anxiety. However, your mind will be inclined towards religious activities, and you
might make journey to sacred places.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» During ketu nakshatra or period plant a tamarind tree at home.
» Wear a ring of metal of that planet and in same finger which is an exponent of
ketu in ketu period or in ketu nakshatra.
» During ketu period or nakshatra invite a beggar or handicapped at home and
feed them.
» During ketu period or nakshatra, wear black and white shoes.
» Wear cat’s eye stone embossed in silver ring.

From 23/12/2022 to 01/03/2023

You will be under the influence of VENUS's Pratyantar Dasha in the Antar Dasha
of SATURN and the Mahadasa of MARS.
The VENUS is in 1st house in your Birth - horoscope. General effects of VENUS
in this House are:-
Peace, good for sleep, dresses, perfumes, luxury articles, marital relations; new
position, bed comforts, marriage ceremony, blessed with son, attraction with fair
sex, gain in business,enjoys wealth and happiness, defeats his enemies, extra
marital relations, involved in getting education, truthful, earns through trading in
liquids, cosmetics, fancy goods and he may also earn through the trading of

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Effects of Dasha - Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha

The effect of Dasha period of the Venus in the 1st house is as follows:--
During this period you will be quite comfortable. There will be a pleasant
environment all around you. You will be favourably inclined towards the opposite
sex. Conjugal happiness will also be there. If you were to put a little more efforts,
you can also increase your income. You would like to throw a big party. You will
be interested infine art, music, literature etc. Minor health ailment might disturb
you. Family members will extend their full support towards you.
Remedies and Suggestions:
» As per your devotion get a diamond embossed in gold, worshipping goddess
laxmi and wear it in right hand finger on Friday.
» Wear silver ornaments on Friday.
» Make use of rosy white curtains and bedsheets in home.
» For regular 27 days or 27 Fridays wash your private parts with milk.
» Take 27 fodder seeds, 1 white flower, 1 camphor tied in crème colour cloth and
hang it on wall on Friday.

Know Your Dasha

Kundli Chakra 2017 licensed to: NK 107
New Delhi, India Email: [email protected] web:

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