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and Family Relations Digest | TORRES


NATURE OF THE CASE: Annulment of Judgment


Respondent Ricardo T. Santos (Ricardo), had filed a petition for declaration of absence or presumptive death of
his former wife Celerina J. Santos (Celerina) for the purpose of remarriage on June 15, 2007. As a background,
Celerina convinced him to allow her to work as a domestic helper in Hong Kong when their business did not
prosper. He initially refused eventually allowed her to work abroad. She left Tarlac two months after and was
never heard from again.
Ricardo further alleged that he exerted efforts to locate Celerina. He went to Celerina’s parents in Cubao, Quezon
City, as well as her other relatives and friends but they, too, did not know his wife’s whereabouts. Since it was
almost 12 years from the date of his Regional Trial Court petition since Celerina left, He believes that she had
passed away.
Celerina learned about Ricardo’s petition only sometime in October 2008 when she could no longer avail the
remedies of new trial, appeal, petition for relief, or other appropriate remedies. Celerina also argued that the
court did not acquire jurisdiction over Ricardo's petition because it had never been published in a newspaper.
She added that the Office of the Solicitor General and the Provincial Prosecutor's Office were not furnished
copies of Ricardo's petition thus, did not give her time and she was deprived of notice and opportunity to oppose
Ricardo’s petition to declare her presumptively dead
She thus filed a petition for annulment of judgment before the Court of Appeals the grounds of extrinsic fraud
and lack of jurisdiction which was denied for the annulment of judgment of being a wrong mode of remedy
wherein the proper remedy was to file a sworn statement before the civil registry, declaring her reappearance in
accordance with Article 42 of the Family Code.


Is there an err on the part of the Court of Appelas in dismissing Celerina’s petition on the ground that the proper
remedy is to file a sworn statement before the civil registry declaring her reappearance .


Yes. Annulment of judgment is the remedy when the Regional Trial Court's judgment, order, or

resolution has become final, and the remedies of new trial, appeal, petition for relief or other

appropriate remedies are no longer available through no fault of the petitioner. The grounds for

annulment of judgment are extrinsic fraud and lack of jurisdiction. For fraud to become a basis for
Persons and Family Relations Digest | TORRES

annulment of judgment, it has to be extrinsic or actual. It is intrinsic when the fraudulent acts

pertain to an issue involved in the original action or where the acts constituting the fraud were or

could have been litigated, It is extrinsic or collateral when a litigant commits acts outside of the

trial which prevents a party from having a real contest, or from presenting all of his case, such that

there is no fair submission of the controversy. For fraud to become a basis for annulment of

judgment, it has to be extrinsic or actual. It is intrinsic when the fraudulent acts pertain to an issue

involved in the original action or where the acts constituting the fraud were or could have been

litigated, It is extrinsic or collateral when a litigant commits acts outside of the trial which prevents

a party from having a real contest, or from presenting all of his case, such that there is no fair

submission of the controversy.When subsequent marriages are contracted after a judicial

declaration of presumptive death, a presumption arises that the first spouse is already dead and that

the second marriage is legal. This presumption should prevail over the continuance of the marital

relations with the first spouse. The second marriage, as with all marriages, is presumed valid. The

burden of proof to show that the first marriage was not properly dissolved rests on the person

assailing the validity of the second marriage.

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