Pleasantville Devt Corp V CA

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Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

G.R. No. 79688. February 1, 1996.



Civil Law; Property; Builder in Good Faith; Court agrees with the findings and conclusions of the Court
of Appeals that Kee was a builder in good faith.—Petitioner fails to persuade this Court to abandon the
findings and conclusions of the Court of Appeals that Kee was a builder in good faith.
Same; Same; Same; Good faith consists in the belief of the builder that the land he is building on is his
and his ignorance of any defect or flaw in his title.—Good faith consists in the belief of the builder that the
land he is building on is his and his ignorance of any defect or flaw in his title. And as good faith is
presumed, petitioner has the burden of proving bad faith on the part of Kee. At the time he built
improvements on Lot 8, Kee believed that said lot was what he bought from petitioner. He was not aware
that the lot delivered to him was not Lot 8. Thus, Kee’s good faith. Petitioner failed to prove otherwise.
Same; Same; Same; Violation of the Contract of Sale on Installment may not be the basis to negate the
presumption that Kee was a builder in good faith.—Such violations have no bearing whatsoever on whether
Kee was a builder in good faith, that is, on his state of mind at the time he built the improvements on Lot 9.




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Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court

of Appeals

alleged violations may give rise to petitioner’s cause of action against Kee under the said contract
(contractual breach), but may not be bases to negate the presumption that Kee was a builder in good faith.
Same; Same; Waiver; Rights may be waived unless the waiver is contrary to law, public order, public
policy, morals or good customs or prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by law.—We do not
agree with the interpretation of petitioner that Kee contracted away his right to recover damages resulting
from petitioner’s negligence. Such waiver would be contrary to public policy and cannot be allowed. “Rights
may be waived, unless the waiver is contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals, or good customs, or
prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by law.”
Same; Agency; Damages; Rule is that the principal is responsible for the acts of the agent, done within
the scope of his authority and should bear the damage caused to third persons.—The rule is that the
principal is responsible for the acts of the agent, done within the scope of his authority, and should bear the
damage caused to third persons. On the other hand, the agent who exceeds his authority is personally liable
for the damage. 1/11
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PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Mirano, Mirano & Associates Law Offices for petitioner.
     Federico T. Tabino, Jr. for C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc.
     Abraham D. Caña for Wilson Kee.


Is a lot buyer who constructs improvements on the wrong property erroneously delivered by the
owner’s agent, a builder in good faith?
This is the main issue resolved in this petition for review
on certiorari to reverse the Decision  of the Court of

1 Rollo, pp. 37-46.



Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of
Appeals  in CA-G.R. SP No. 11040, promulgated on August 20, 1987.
By resolution dated November 13, 1995, the First Division of this Court resolved to transfer
this case (along with several others) to the Third Division. After due deliberation and
consultation, the Court assigned the writing of this Decision to the undersigned ponente.

The Facts

The facts, as found by respondent Court, are as follows:

Edith Robillo purchased from petitioner a parcel of land designated as Lot 9, Phase II and
located at Taculing Road, Pleasantville Subdivision, Bacolod City. In 1975, respondent Eldred
Jardinico bought the rights to the lot from Robillo. At that time, Lot 9 was vacant.
Upon completing all payments, Jardinico secured from the Register of Deeds of Bacolod City
on December 19, 1978 Transfer Certificate of Title No. 106367 in his name. It was then that he
discovered that improvements had been introduced on Lot 9 by respondent Wilson Kee, who had
taken possession thereof.
It appears that on March 26, 1974, Kee bought on installment Lot 8 of the same subdivision
from C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. (CTTEI), the exclusive real estate agent of petitioner. Under
the Contract to Sell on Installment, Kee could possess the lot even before the completion of all
installment payments. On January 20, 1975, Kee paid CTTEI the relocation fee of P50.00 and
another P50.00 on January 27, 1975, for the preparation of the lot plan. These amounts were paid
prior to Kee’s taking actual possession of Lot 8. After the preparation of the lot plan and a copy
thereof given to Kee, CTTEI through its employee, Zenaida Octaviano, accompanied Kee’s wife,
Donabelle Kee, to inspect Lot 8. Unfortu-

_______________ 2/11
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2 Eleventh Division, composed of J. Alfredo L. Benipayo, ponente, and  JJ. Lorna S. Lombos-dela Fuente, chair, and
Ricardo J. Francisco, member.


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nately, the parcel of land pointed by Octaviano was Lot 9. Thereafter, Kee proceeded to construct
his residence, a store, an auto repair shop and other improvements on the lot.
After discovering that Lot 9 was occupied by Kee, Jardinico confronted him. The parties tried
to reach an amicable settlement, but failed.
On January 30, 1981, Jardinico’s lawyer wrote Kee, demanding that the latter remove all
improvements and vacate Lot 9. When Kee refused to vacate Lot 9, Jardinico filed with the
Municipal Trial Court in Cities, Branch 3, Bacolod City (MTCC), a complaint for ejectment with
damages against Kee.
Kee, in turn, filed a third-party complaint against petitioner and CTTEI.
The MTCC held that the erroneous delivery of Lot 9 to Kee was attributable to CTTEI. It
further ruled that petitioner and CTTEI could not successfully invoke as a defense the failure of
Kee to give notice of his intention to begin construction required under paragraph 22 of the
Contract to Sell on Installment and his having built a sari-sari store without the prior approval of
petitioner required under paragraph 26 of said contract, saying that the purpose of 3 these
requirements was merely to regulate the type of improvements to be constructed on the lot.
However, the MTCC found that petitioner had already rescinded its contract with Kee over Lot
8 for the latter’s failure to pay the installments due, and that Kee had not contested the
rescission. The rescission was effected in 1979, before the complaint was instituted. The MTCC
concluded that Kee no longer had any right over the lot subject of the contract between him and
petitioner. Consequently, Kee must pay reasonable rentals for the use of Lot 9, and, furthermore,
he cannot claim reimbursement for the improvements he introduced on said lot.

3 Rollo, pp. 28-29.



Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

The MTCC thus disposed:

“IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:

1. Defendant Wilson Kee is ordered to vacate the premises of Lot 9, covered by TCT No. 106367 and to
remove all structures and improvements he introduced thereon;
2. Defendant Wilson Kee is ordered to pay to the plaintiff rentals at the rate of P15.00 a day computed
from the time this suit was filed on March 12, 1981 until he actually vacates the premises. This
amount shall bear interests (sic) at the rate of 12 per cent (sic) per annum. 3/11
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3. Third-Party Defendant C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. and Pleasantville Subdivision are ordered to
pay the plaintiff jointly 4and severally the sum of P3,000.00 as attorney’s fees and P700.00 as cost
and litigation expenses.”

On appeal, the Regional Trial Court, Branch 48, Bacolod City (RTC) ruled that petitioner and
CTTEI were not at fault or were not negligent, there being5 no preponderant evidence to show
that they directly participated in the delivery of Lot 9 to Kee.  It found Kee a builder in bad faith.
It further ruled that even assuming  arguendo  that Kee was acting in good faith, he was,
nonetheless, guilty of unlawfully usurping the possessory right of Jardinico over Lot 9 from the
time he was served with notice to vacate said lot, and thus was liable for rental.
The RTC thus disposed:
“WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is affirmed with respect to the order against the defendant to
vacate the premises of Lot No. 9 covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-106367 of the land records of
Bacolod City; the removal of all structures and improvements introduced thereon at his expense and the
payment to plaintiff (sic) the sum of Fifteen (P15.00) Pesos a day as reasonable rental to be computed from
January 30, 1981, the date of the de-

4 Rollo, pp. 30-31.
5 Rollo, p. 34.


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Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

mand, and not from the date of the filing of the complaint, until he had vacated (sic) the premises, with
interest thereon at 12% per annum. This Court further renders judgment against the defendant to pay the
plaintiff the sum of Three Thousand (P3,000.00) Pesos as attorney’s fees, plus costs of litigation.
“The third-party complaint against Third-Party Defendants Pleasantville Development Corporation and
C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. is dismissed. The 6
order against Third-Party Defendants to pay attorney’s fees
to plaintiff and costs of litigation is reversed.”

Following the denial of his motion for reconsideration on October 20, 1986, Kee appealed directly
to the Supreme Court, which referred the matter to the Court of Appeals.
The appellate court ruled that Kee was a builder in good faith, as he was unaware of the “mix-
up” when he began construction of the improvements on Lot 8. It further ruled that the erroneous
delivery was due to the negligence of CTTEI, and that such wrong delivery was likewise
imputable to its principal, petitioner herein. The appellate court also ruled that the award of
rentals was without basis.
Thus, the Court of Appeals disposed:
“WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED, the appealed decision is REVERSED, and judgment is rendered
as follows:

1. Wilson Kee is declared a builder in good faith with respect to the improvements he introduced on Lot
9, and is entitled to the rights granted him under Articles 448, 546 and 548 of the New Civil Code.
2. Third-party defendants C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. and Pleasantville Development Corporation are
solidarily liable under the following circumstances: 4/11
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a. If Eldred Jardinico decides to appropriate the improvements and, thereafter, remove these
structures, the third-party defendants shall answer for all demolition expenses and the value of the
improvements thus destroyed or rendered useless;

6 Rollo, p. 35.



Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

b. If Jardinico prefers that Kee buy the land, the third-party defendants shall answer for the amount
representing the value of Lot 9 that Kee should pay to Jardinico.

3. Third-party defendants C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. and Pleasantville Development Corporation are
ordered to pay  in solidum  the amount of P3,000.00 to Jardinico as attorney’s fees, as well as
litigation expenses.
4. The award of rentals to Jardinico is dispensed with.

“Furthermore, the case is REMANDED to the court of origin for the determination of the actual value of the
improvements and the7
property (Lot 9), as well as for further proceedings in conformity with Article 448 of
the New Civil Code.”

Petitioner then filed the instant petition against Kee, Jardinico and CTTEI.

The Issues

The petition submitted the following grounds to justify a review of the respondent Court’s
Decision, as follows:

“1. The Court of Appeals has decided the case in a way probably not in accord with law or the
the (sic) applicable decisions of the Supreme Court on third-party complaints, by ordering
third-party defendants to pay the demolition expenses and/or price of the land;
“2. The Court of Appeals has so far departed from the accepted course of judicial proceedings,
by granting to private respondent-Kee the rights of a builder in good faith in excess of
what the law provides, thus enriching private respondent Kee at the expense of the
“3. In the light of the subsequent events or circumstances which changed the rights of the
parties, it becomes imperative to set aside or at least modify the judgment of the Court of
Appeals to harmonize with justice and the facts;
“4. Private respondent-Kee in accordance with the findings of facts of the lower court is
clearly a builder in bad faith, having vio-

7 Rollo, pp. 45-46.

17 5/11
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Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

lated several provisions of the contract to sell on installments;

“5. The decision of the Court of Appeals, holding the principal, Pleasantville Development
Corporation (liable) for the acts made by the agent in excess of its authority is clearly in
violation of the provision of the law;
“6. The award of attorney’s fees is clearly without basis and is equivalent to putting a
premium in (sic) court litigation.”

From these grounds, the issues could be re-stated as follows:

(1) Was Kee a builder in good faith?

(2) What is the liability, if any, of petitioner and its agent, C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc.? and
(3) Is the award of attorney’s fees proper?

The First Issue: Good Faith

Petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals erred in reversing the RTC’s ruling that Kee was a
builder in bad faith.
Petitioner fails to persuade this Court to abandon the findings and conclusions of the Court of
Appeals that Kee was a builder in good faith. We agree with the following observation of the
Court of Appeals:
“The roots of the controversy can be traced directly to the errors committed by CTTEI, when it pointed the
wrong property to Wilson Kee and his wife. It is highly improbable that a purchaser of a lot would
knowingly and willingly build his residence on a lot owned by another, deliberately exposing himself and his
family to the risk of being ejected from the land and losing all improvements thereon, not to mention the
social humiliation that would follow.
“Under the circumstances, Kee had acted in the manner of a prudent man in ascertaining the identity of
his property. Lot 8 is covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-69561, while Lot 9 is identified in
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-106367. Hence, under the Torrens system of land registration, Kee is
presumed to have knowledge of the metes and bounds of the property with which he is dealing. x x x



Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

x x x      x x x      x x x
“But as Kee is a layman not versed in the technical description of his property, he had to find a way to
ascertain that what was described in TCT No. 69561 matched Lot 8. Thus, he went to the subdivision
developer’s agent and applied and paid for the relocation of the lot, as well as for the production of a lot plan
by CTTEI’s geodetic engineer. Upon Kee’s receipt of the map, his wife went to the subdivision site
accompanied by CTTEI’s employee, Octaviano, who authoritatively declared that the land she was pointing 6/11
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to was indeed Lot 8. Having full faith and confidence in the reputation of CTTEI, and because of the
company’s positive identification of the property, Kee saw no reason to suspect that there had been a
misdelivery. The steps Kee had taken to protect his interests were reasonable. There was no need for him to
have acted ex-abundantia cautela, such as being present during the geodetic engineer’s relocation survey or
hiring an independent geodetic engineer to countercheck for errors, for the final delivery of subdivision lots
to their owners is part of the regular course of everyday business of CTTEI. Because 8
of CTTEI’s blunder,
what Kee had hoped to forestall did in fact transpire. Kee’s efforts all went to naught.”

Good faith consists in the belief of the builder

that the land he is building on is his and his
ignorance of any defect or flaw in his title.   And
as good faith is presumed, petitioner has the
burden of proving bad faith on the part of Kee.
At the time he built improvements on Lot 8, Kee believed that said lot was what he bought
from petitioner. He was not aware that the lot delivered to him was not Lot 8. Thus, Kee’s good
faith. Petitioner failed to prove otherwise.
To demonstrate Kee’s bad faith, petitioner points to Kee’s violation of paragraphs 22 and 26 of
the Contract of Sale on Installment.
We disagree. Such violations have no bearing whatsoever on whether Kee was a builder in
good faith, that is, on his

8 Rollo, pp. 43-44.
9 Floreza vs. Evangelista, 96 SCRA 130 (February 21, 1980); cf. Art. 526, Civil Code of the Philippines.
10 Art. 527, Civil Code of the Philippines.


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Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

state of mind at the time he built the improvements on Lot 9. These alleged violations may give
rise to petitioner’s cause of action against Kee under the said contract (contractual breach), but
may not be bases to negate the presumption that Kee was a builder in good faith.
Petitioner also points out that, as found by the trial court, the Contract of Sale on Installment
covering Lot 8 between it and Kee was rescinded long before the present action was instituted.
This has no relevance on the liability of petitioner, as such fact does not negate the negligence of
its agent in pointing out the wrong lot to Kee. Such circumstance is relevant only as it gives
Jardinico a cause of action for unlawful detainer against Kee.
Petitioner next contends that Kee cannot “claim that another lot was erroneously pointed out
to him” because the latter agreed to the following provision in the Contract of Sale on
Installment, to wit:

“13. The Vendee hereby declares that prior to the execution of his contract he/she has personally examined
or inspected the property made subject-matter hereof, as to its location, contours, as well as the natural
condition of the lots and from the date hereof whatever consequential change therein made due to erosion, 11
the said Vendee shall bear the expenses of the necessary fillings, when the same is so desired by him/her.”

The subject matter of this provision of the contract is the change of the location, contour and
condition of the lot due to erosion. It merely provides that the vendee, having examined the
property prior to the execution of the contract, agrees to shoulder the expenses resulting from
such change. 7/11
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We do not agree with the interpretation of petitioner that Kee contracted away his right to
recover damages resulting from petitioner’s negligence. Such waiver would be contrary to public
policy and cannot be allowed. “Rights may be waived, unless the waiver is contrary to law, public

11 Rollo, p. 17.



Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

public12 policy, morals, or good customs, or prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by

The Second Issue: Petitioner’s Liability

Kee filed a third-party complaint against petitioner and CTTEI, which was dismissed by the RTC
after ruling that there was no evidence from which fault or negligence on the part of petitioner
and CTTEI can be inferred. The Court of Appeals disagreed and found CTTEI negligent for the
erroneous delivery of the lot by Octaviano, its employee.
Petitioner does not dispute the fact that CTTEI was its agent. But it contends that the
erroneous delivery of Lot 9 to Kee was an act which was clearly outside the scope of its authority,
and consequently, CTTEI alone should be liable. It asserts that “while [CTTEI] was authorized to
sell the
lot belonging to the herein petitioner, it was never authorized to deliver the wrong lot to
Petitioner’s contention is without merit.
The rule is that the principal is responsible for the acts of the agent, 14
done within the scope of
his authority, and should bear the damage caused to third persons. 15
  On the other hand, the
agent who exceeds his authority is personally liable for the damage.
CTTEI was acting within its authority as the sole real estate representative of petitioner when
it made the delivery to Kee. In acting within its scope of authority, it was, however, negligent. It
is this negligence that is the basis of petitioner’s liability, as principal of CTTEI, per Articles 1909
and 1910 of

12  Art.6, Civil Code of the Philippines; see  Cañete vs. San Antonio Agro-Industrial Development Corp.,  113 SCRA
723 (April 27, 1982).
13 Rollo, p. 19.
14 Lopez vs. Alvendia, 120 Phil. 1424 (December 24, 1964); cf. Art. 1910, Civil Code.
15 BA Finance Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 211 SCRA 112 (July 3, 1992); Art. 1897, Civil Code.


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the Civil Code.

Pending resolution of the case before the Court of Appeals, Jardinico and Kee on July 24, 1987
entered into a deed of sale, wherein the former sold Lot 9 to Kee. Jardinico and Kee did not
inform the Court of Appeals of such deal.
The deed of sale contained the following provision:

“1. That Civil Case No. 3815 entitled “Jardinico vs. Kee” which is now pending appeal with
the Court of Appeals, regardless of the outcome of the decision shall be mutually
disregarded and shall not be pursued by 16
the parties herein and shall be considered
dismissed and without effect whatsoever”;

Kee asserts though that the “terms and conditions in said deed of sale are strictly for the parties
thereto” and that “(t)here is no waiver made by either of the parties in said deed of whatever
favorable judgment or award the honorable respondent Court of Appeals may make in their favor
against herein petitioner17 Pleasantville Development Corporation and/or private respondent C.T.
Torres Enterprises, Inc.”
Obviously, the deed of sale can have no effect on the liability of petitioner. As we have earlier
stated, petitioner’s liability is grounded on the negligence of its agent. On the other hand, what
the deed of sale regulates are the reciprocal rights of Kee and Jardinico; it stressed that they had
reached an agreement independent of the outcome of the case.
Petitioner further assails the following holding of the Court of Appeals:

“2. Third-party defendants C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. and Pleasantville Development
Corporation are solidarily liable under the following circumstances:

“a. If Eldred Jardinico decides to appropriate the improvements and, thereafter, remove
these structures, the

16 Rollo, p. 47.
17 Rollo, p. 61.



Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

third-party defendants shall answer for all demolition expenses and the value of the improvements thus
destroyed or rendered useless;

“b. If Jardinico prefers that Kee buy the land, the third-party defendants
shall answer for the amount
representing the value of Lot 9 that Kee should pay to Jardinico.”

Petitioner contends that if the above holding would be carried out, Kee would be unjustly
enriched at its expense. In other words, Kee would be able to own the lot, as buyer, without 9/11
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having to pay anything on it, because the aforequoted portion of respondent Court’s Decision
would require petitioner and CTTEI jointly and solidarily to “answer” or reimburse Kee therefor.
We agree with petitioner.
Petitioner’s liability lies in the negligence of its agent CTTEI. For such negligence, the
petitioner should be held liable for damages. Now, the extent and/or amount of damages to be
awarded is a factual issue which should be determined after evidence is adduced. However, there
is no showing that such evidence was actually presented in the trial court; hence no damages
could now be awarded.
The rights of Kee and Jardinico vis-a-vis each other, as builder in good faith and owner in good
faith, respectively, are regulated by law (i.e., Arts. 448, 546 and 548 of the Civil Code). It was
error for the Court of Appeals to make a “slight modification” in the application of such law, on
the ground of “equity.” At any rate, as it stands now, Kee and Jardinico have amicably settled
through their deed of sale their rights and obligations with regards to Lot 9. Thus, we delete
items 2 (a) and (b) of the dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals’ Decision [as reproduced
above] holding petitioner and CTTEI solidarily liable.

18 Rollo, pp. 9-10.


23 VOL. 253, FEBRUARY 1, 1996

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The Third Issue: Attorney’s Fees

The MTCC awarded Jardinico attorney’s fees and costs in the amount of P3,000.00 and P700.00,
respectively, as prayed for in his complaint. The RTC deleted the award, consistent with its
ruling that petitioner was without fault or negligence. The Court of Appeals, however, reinstated
the award of attorney’s fees after ruling that petitioner was liable for its agent’s negligence.
The award of attorney’s19fees lies within the discretion of the court and depends upon the
circumstances of each case.  We shall not interfere with the discretion of the Court of Appeals.
Jardinico was compelled to litigate for the protection of his interests 20
and for the recovery of
damages sustained as a result of the negligence of petitioner’s agent.
In sum, we rule that Kee is a builder in good faith. The disposition of the Court of Appeals that
Kee “is entitled to the rights granted him under Articles 448, 546 and 548 of the New Civil Code”
is deleted, in view of the deed of sale entered into by Kee and Jardinico, which deed now governs
the rights of Jardinico and Kee as to each other. There is also no further need, as ruled by the
appellate Court, to remand the case to the court of origin “for determination of the actual value of
the improvements and the property (Lot 9), as well as for further proceedings in conformity with
Article 448 of the New Civil Code.”
WHEREFORE, the petition is partially GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals is
hereby MODIFIED as follows:

(1) Wilson Kee is declared a builder in good faith;

(2) Petitioner Pleasantville Development Corporation and respondent C.T. Torres
Enterprises, Inc. are declared solidarily liable for damages due to negligence; 10/11
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19 Universal Shipping Lines, Inc. vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 188 SCRA 170 (July 31, 1990).
20 Art. 2208, Civil Code of the Philippines.



Pleasantville Development Corporation vs. Court of

however, since the amount and/or extent of such damages was not proven during the trial, the
same cannot now be quantified and awarded;

(3) Petitioner Pleasantville Development Corporation and respondent C.T. Torres

Enterprises, Inc. are ordered to pay in solidum the amount of P3,000.00 to Jardinico as
attorney’s fees, as well as litigation expenses; and
(4) The award of rentals to Jardinico is dispensed with.


     Narvasa (C.J., Chairman), Davide, Jr. and Melo, JJ., concur.

     Francisco, J., No part. Member of the division in the Court of Appeals which rendered the
assailed decision.

Petition partially granted. Judgment modified.

Note.—Person who claims that he has a better right to a real property must prove not only his
ownership of the same but he must also satisfactorily prove the identity thereof. (Javier vs. Court
of Appeals, 231 SCRA 498 [1994]) 11/11

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