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Guidelines for the Honorary Titles of World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation

WPDO Honorary Titles

This project has been a flagship project of World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation. It was
carried out to promote and support the role of people in peace‐building activities that
contribute to living together in dignity and dialogue.

WPDO Honorary titles:

1. WPDO Peace Ambassador
2. WPDO Goodwill Ambassador
3. WPDO Publicity Ambassador
4. WPDO Peace Envoy
5. WPDO Peace Messenger
6. Other suitable Honorary titles

Honorary title holders are people from across the Globe, active in civil society organizations
and projects. Participants have been chosen due to their motivation to build a better world
where a different peace is possible.

Objectives of the project

 To promote the presence and the role of WPDO as positive actor of change in peace-
building processes;
 To strengthen the role of WPDO in identifying and speaking up against human rights
violations, including discrimination, hate speech and those human rights violations
affecting especially children;
 To support the field presence and activities of their country by fostering cooperation with
key stakeholders, partners, non-governmental organizations working in the field of peace-
building in order to promote the values of the United Nations;
 To develop the impact and the expertise of the UN’s sector in conflict affected areas
through non-formal education activities with young people;
 To support and give visibility to youth-led projects for peace-building in conflict-affected
areas and communities;
 To enhance the youth ambassadors capacity to take action at a local level in environments
affected by previous or ongoing conflicts;
 To advance youth policy’s role in peace-building and conflict transformation;
 To create and support an International network of peace ambassadors to secure the
sustainability and medium-term impact of the project.

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Guidelines for the Honorary Titles of World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation

Guidelines for the Designation of Honorary titles to be bestowed and honoured with

1. World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation has a tradition of enlisting the volunteer services
and support of prominent individuals usually from the worlds of art, academia, literature,
sports and entertainment to raise awareness of the aims, objectives and priorities of the
Organization, to convey messages about its activities and to extend its public outreach.

2. Due care must be exercised in making such designations and in managing the resulting
relationships. To ensure consistency and the maintenance of a high standard in the
selection, designation and involvement of prominent individuals in the work of making
peace among communities, the WPDO has approved the following guidelines.

Definition and Selection Criteria

3. WPDO has invited a number of high profile individuals to serve the above mentioned
honorary titles.

4. Individuals invited to serve as honorary title holders shall:

(a) Possess widely recognized talent and accomplishments in the Democracy,
Peacebuilding, Education, Women development, Media, Religious Harmony, Child
development, arts, sciences, literature, sport or other fields of public life:
(b) Be persons of integrity who demonstrate a strong desire to help mobilize public
interest in, and support for, the purposes and principles of World Peace &
Diplomacy Organisation, and who demonstrate the commitment and proven
potential to reach out to significant audiences, including decision makers;
(c) Possess the personality and dignity required for such high level representative
(d) Normally be influential beyond their national borders, thus having the ability to
promote the values of World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation nationally and
(e) Be knowledgeable about World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation goals and activities
and be able to articulate them.

Selection and Designation

5. Only Heads of WPDO and Partnerships may designate honorary title holders. They are
expected to inform the Governing Council of their intention to designate an individual as
honorary title holder before any commitment is made.
6. Upon notification to the Governing Council of the intention to designate a honorary title
holder, an explanation of the reasoning behind the designation will be provided, along with
proposed terms of reference and confirmation that the appropriate due diligence to
determine suitability has been conducted.
7. The under-Founder for Communications and Public Information shall advise the Governing
Council and will endorse the appointment on behalf of the Governing Council, at which
point a commitment and public announcement can be made.
8. Honorary title holders are not considered WPDO staff members and may not be appointed
to an established WPDO chapter office. Therefore, they shall not be granted a World Peace
& Diplomacy Organisation “Letter of Appointment”.
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Guidelines for the Honorary Titles of World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation

9. Honorary title holders shall be granted a “Letter of Designation” issued by the Secretary-
General/President. Honorary title holders shall be granted a “Letter of Designation” issued
by the Heads of the relevant WPDO Chapter.

Role of honorary title holders

10. The role of honorary title holders is to engage in public advocacy; in fundraising where
authorized and in accordance with the applicable regulations, rules, policies and
procedures of WPDO. They are encouraged to participate in World Peace & Diplomacy
Organisation events and to visit WPDO operations in the field.
11. Every honorary title holder is expected to participate or conduct public awareness or
benefit programs in a minimum of three activities or events every year.
12. The honorary title holders are encouraged to develop an area of special focus, which would
strengthen their advocacy role. This would provide the possibility of making them a 'go-to'
person, who can speak authoritatively on a particular issue.
13. The honorary title holders are encouraged to develop volunteerism in the country through
community or village level activities.

Conditions of Service

14. Honorary title holders shall be designated for a period of two years, renewable, based on
mutual agreement by the parties on the basis of satisfactory fulfillment of the role and their
demonstrated interest in continuing the relationship. In exceptional cases based on a
review and outstanding performance, the appointment of an honorary title holder can be
extended further.
15. Honorary title holders shall not be paid a salary. They may be given travel and daily
subsistence allowances when they are traveling on behalf of World Peace & Diplomacy
Organisation depending upon the sponsorships for that particular event on case to case
16. When on official travel or performing services for World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation,
honorary title holders are considered as having the status of “Expert on Mission” for World
Peace & Diplomacy Organisation.
17. When traveling on behalf of As “Experts on Mission”, honorary title holders shall not
normally be entitled to a WPDO laissez-passer., an honorary title holders shall be entitled
to the standard of travel normally accorded to senior Secretariat officials.
18. Honorary title holders who are authorized to travel at World Peace & Diplomacy
Organisation expense or who are requested to perform services on behalf of WPDO shall, in
the event of injury, illness or death attributable to the performance of duties on behalf of
World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation, not be entitled to compensation.

19. Honorary title holders shall be fully responsible for arranging, at their own expense, such
life, health and other forms of insurance covering the period of their services on behalf of
World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation as they consider appropriate. They are not eligible
to participate in the life or health insurance schemes available to World Peace & Diplomacy
Organisation staff members.

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Guidelines for the Honorary Titles of World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation


20. The designation of a honorary title holder shall be terminated if, in the view of the WPDO
Governing Council, the designee is unable or unwilling to carry out the role envisaged in
the terms of reference, if the honorary title holder engages in any activity incompatible
with his/her status or with the purposes and principles of World Peace & Diplomacy
Organisation, or if the termination is in the interest of the Organization.


"I, ………………………………………………………… do solemnly, Sincerely declare and affirm that I

will faithfully perform the duties and discharge the functions of the WPDO Honorary Title
holder for Peace in accordance with the Constitution of World Peace & Diplomacy
Organisation and in accordance with the Constitution of the designated country’s law, and that
I will be faithful to the designated country and that I will do the best of my ability uphold and
defend the Constitution of the designated country.”

Date: ……………… ………………………………………………….


(Should be attested by a JP or an Attorney at law)


Mr. …………………………………………….……. of ………………………………….……………………………………….,

and read and understand the “Guidelines for the Honorary Titles of World Peace &
Diplomacy Organisation” in English and his mother tongue signed before me in
………………………………………………. on …………………………………

Date :…………………………… ……………………………………………….

Attester’s Signature
JP/Attorney at Law/Divisional Secretary

Official stamp here

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