Barangay Management Information System Chapter1

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A Thesis Proposal to the College Faculty

of Renaissance School of Science

and Technology

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science






This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, conceptual

framework, objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and also the

definition of terms used in the study.


The rapid growth of technology has contributed a lot to the continuous

progress of all classes of industry. However, some sectors today seem to be left

behind in adapting the use of different methods to allow progress on their part.

Nowadays, business people define the applications and problems to be solved by

the computer. Unfortunately, this potential has not been fully recognized or even

adequately realized in some business. It is because users may not fully understand

the capabilities and limitations of modern computer technology.

Without us noticing it, our world has been innovated by technology in all

possible ways this millennium. People have been replaced by robots, tasks have

been made easier by different software, and newly developed technologies have

been updated even before it has been introduced to most of the world, and much

more, faster than our imagination could catch. These innovations aim to better

utilize the existing resources and maximize their uses to be able to bring out new

or better products or results.

Computers have been used by different institutions to improve their services

like enrollment in every school. In terms of accessibility and convenience,

computerized system has been proven to be of great help to citizens, employee,

students, teachers and even parents.

The computerized world is a highly efficient one, which processing the big

quantities of data and keeping. The extensive records will not be a problem to a

post industrialized society, likewise the unreliable and slow processing and

preparing citizen profiles and certificates.

Management Information Systems are far more sophisticated these days.

We have come to rely on computers for more and more aspects of our lives, and

certainly for most business operations1, it also improves employee productivity

since the employees are more productive because they don't have to spend time

gathering the data that management wants2.


Computerization is a control system that manages processes in the

industrial workplace. It reduces human errors and processing time; thus, it can

boost productivity and result in a high quality of production. This can result in a

system well integrated process that can perform much faster and more accurate

than the manual system.

This study focuses on the development of Management Information System

for Barangay Calahan, Cardona, Rizal. Talking about the advantages help for the

awareness on the ability of Management Information System

This study’s main concern is to perform an appropriate method and, in that

way, it would be more efficient and reliable

The Computerized Barangay Information System is appropriate for use of

barangay employees, who have access to profile information of barangay

residents for the direct reports. Moreover, departmental organizational staffs which

have a business need for this information for their business unit can also benefit.

This is responsible for an effective and efficient approach for barangay employees

and residents. It will help them accomplish tasks faster and would also eliminate

the need of a large staff. It will provide profile-based information for residents.

Thus, the researchers will propose Management Information System for

Barangay Calahan, Cardona Rizal that will give safer storage, fast retrieval of files,

maintains reliability and accuracy, and faster tracking of the files. Proposing

software for the records is very useful to the staff, from hand written records and

manual issuing of barangay clearance, certificates and another barangay



 Local Literature

According to Nestor (2016) 3, barangay represent the government at the

grass root level. They are considered the epitome of what the government can

offer and are the court of first help of the general populace.
Henczel (n.d.) calls this as information audit, focusing on the information

sources, resources, show and how information contributes to the objectives of an

organization like barangay. This study is the solution to the problems stated and

toenhance the quality of service a barangay office offers to its clients. Furthermore,

this serves as an awakening factor for all government offices, from highest to

lowest levels, to be in line with the government's view of globalization and

competitiveness in today's information age4

As studied by Algara (2015) on Barangay Resident Record Management

and Certificate Issuance System it stated that this study focuses on the records

management system of the said Barangay. The Barangay treasurer/secretary is

the one who performs permits, certificates transactions community tax, business

taxes, and other fees. They are also in charge of keeping tracks of the records,

capture and maintain up-to-date records of all issuance transactions and daily,

monthly, yearly reports. They manually handled transactions daily; specially get

Barangay clearance, certification, cedula and permits. Before the accomplishment

of the task the constituents who request must undergo a long process. Same

through with storing of files, updating, accessing of data and recording the

expenses, they used folders and log of papers for its storage. The staff

encountered difficulties and long procedure in retrieving and recording file 5.

6TalentMagnifier (2017) analyzed that, Management Information system is

very important for decision-making in professional and personal life. For the

functioning of organizational decision-making is important. Today there is a cut-

throat competition and it is imperative to take effective decisions for that manager
needs accurate information to beat the competition. MIS facilitates the better flow

of information. MIS is implemented at all levels of the organization. Collection of

data, processing of information and controlling of information is done by the MIS

applications. MIS is needed for the functioning role, for performance role, and for


As mentioned by Sakthievel (2014) , The Management Information System

(MIS) plays exactly the same role in the organization. The system ensures that an

appropriate data is collected from the various sources, processed and send further

to all the needy destinations. The system is expected to fulfill the information needs

of an individual, a group of individuals, the management functionaries: the

managers and top management7.

AWonderWorldBlog (2005) indicated that a Computer Information Service

represents a giant leap in computerized system of barangay transactions and

records handling. They can provide up-to-date information with relatively little effort

on the part of the user and put a huge amount of information within easy,

convenient and comfortable reach. Not mentioning the security and integrity of the

transactions and of the documents it also provides8.

This study aims to present possible solution to the problems stated and to

enhance the quality of service a barangay office offers to its clients. Furthermore,

this serves as an awakening factor for all government offices, from highest to

lowest levels, to be in-line with the government’s view of globalization and

competitiveness in today’s Information Age.

According to Lado et al., (2017)9 computerized barangay information

system is appropriate for use of barangay employees, who have access to profile

of barangay residents for the direct reports. Moreover, departmental organizational

staffs which have a business need for this information for their business unit can

also benefit. This is responsible for an effective and efficient approach for barangay

employees and residents. It well helps them accomplish task faster and would also

eliminate the need of a large staff. It will provide profile-based information for


In broad strokes this article adumbrates some issues in Filipino virtual

communities and social interactions mediated by information technology (IT).

Problems and prospects are explored with the optic of the barangay, a social unit

that evolved from the pre-Spanish `boat community to its present dominant geo-

political form. While IT tends to be instrumental in Western hegemonic

encroachment into the Filipino lifeworld, some of its libertarian potentials are

gaining ground in emerging cyber-barangays which require new `focal things and

practices.’ The emerging Filipino communities mediated by IT are spheres of

localization amid globalization and questions of nationhood. The article also

proposes to `Filipinize’ IT – that is, to creatively and critically appropriate IT into

practices congenial to Filipino culture. The Information Site on Philippine Politics

and Government (2003)10.

Francesca Tessarollo (2010) in her study revealed that a good information

system is significant for the proper functioning of every organization. Nowadays,

organizations have to manage many data and pieces of information and have to
meet the needs of the market in an increasingly precise and fast way. To do all this

in the best possible way, companies need an efficient information system. To

organize and manage the data and information the organization must have a good

information system. The data and information must be accessible timely, and every

time the users need it. In this way, the users or employees in the organization can

have access to the information needed in real time and can make a decision in a

fast way11.

H. G. Mirasol also stated that Barangay Management Information System

is an advance and automated process of managing a barangay to let go the

manual process in the usual barangay hall such as hand written documents,

keeping records inside the drawer that tends to lose some records. It is automated

in such way that all records and transactions that the barangay is needed will be

totally organized, easy to process and fast12.

 Foreign Literature

According to Jennifer Rowley (2005)13. information system is a tool to

support information management information systems are increasingly being used

in organizations with the objective of providing competitive advantage. The

information system used by organizations can be grouped into different types such

as transaction processing system management information system decision

support system executive information system expert systems and office

information system information technology has heralded the advent of the

information society, the information society may be a virtual society, the concepts

of the electronic classroom the electronic office and electronic library have been
explored, information system poses a number of issues on society in general

including changing employment patterns archiving and bibliographic control

security and data protection intellectual property marketplace issues

As studied by Shwetadhuri (2015) Information system is regarded as a tool

to provide various services to different management functions. The tools have

been developing year by year and the application of the tool has become more

and more diverse. In management it is now a very power means to manage and

control various activities and decision making, process access14.

15According to Bert Markgraf (2019) To gain the maximum benefits from

your company's information system, you have to exploit all its capacities.

Information systems gain their importance by processing the data from company

inputs to generate information that is useful for managing your operations. To

increase the information system's effectiveness, you can either add more data to

make the information more accurate or use the information in new ways.

16As stated by Kettl (2002) With e-governance, this could be achieved by

providing information about frontline services such as those for securing civil

registry documents, licenses and permits, or better yet, by giving the public a way

by which they can apply for these services with just a click of their mouse. At the

very least, local governments could post the procedures detailing the fees and

requirements, the city hall department assigned, and the turnaround time. Posting

forms that clients could download would eliminate the tediousness of physically

going to the city hall to secure them. For the city hall staff, these could help

accelerate their response to client request in contrast with Schware (2000)17 noted
that making government procedures more transparent reduces the ability of

brokers, middlemen, or public officials to extract payments in return for information

or expedited service. Additionally, the publication of employment notices does not

only serve the purpose of expanding the options available to citizens and assisting

them to improve their lives

(Krishna, Walsan 2005, Bhatnagar 2002)18 in their study revealed that

Electronic government (e-government) was often heralded as the new way forward

for the public sector in both developed and developing countries. There are several

examples of how this form of government leads to increased rated of development

and allows for greater democracy, and how it was successfully implemented in

developing countries.

Bhatnagar (2004)19 stated that E-Government remains a knowledge field in

its exploratory stages and is consequently, difficult to accurately define.

Furthermore, it encompasses such a broad spectrum that is hard to find one

expression that specifies what e-Government represents. However, the term is

loosely used to describe the legacy of information and communication technology

within the public sector and shows the use of Internet to deliver information and

services to the government in contrast to the World Bank website (2005)20, e-

government was defined as: “information technologies that have the ability to

transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government can

serve a variety of different ends: better delivery of government services to citizens,

improved interactions with business and industry, citizen empowerment through

access to information, or more efficient government management benefits can be

less corruption, increased transparency, greater convenience, revenue growth,

and/or cost reductions.”

Ciborra (2005)21 uses a framework when describing the use of e-

government in developing countries; where the focus of technology is the ordering

of the relationship between the administration and the citizen, in setting the

boundaries between the state and the market, and in ensuring of greater

accountability and transparency. He said that this is often the reason for

developing countries to partake in e-government projects, as having such a system

is believed to equate to models of ‘good governance’ and increased development,

and hence affects the levels of aid that they receive from wealthy nations.

Jaeger and Thompson (2003) 22 assert that an e-government system would

fail if the government did not take an active role in educating citizens about the

value of e-government. Although speaking from the context of a developed

country, one can envisage how this situation was aggravated in developing

countries where more often than not, literacy rates are low and educational

institutions are lacking.

23Odedra-Straub (2003) states that developing countries have severe

limitations regarding connectivity, and the underlying presence of user access

required to partake in processes of a market society. Thus we can infer that e-

government would probably fail if the users did not have the ability to use the

technology to enable access to useful information and services. This lead to a little

user base, as the system would not be equally accessible to all citizens.


Data of - Gathering some

- Barangay Records Data in internet
- Barangay Citizen
- Barangay Employees - Development of
Procedures and algorithm using
Guidelines of Barangay Microsoft VS VB
Response on the Information System in
- Development of
acceptability of the Barangay Calahan,
developed system in Information System Cardona, Rizal will be
terms of: for Library developed and

- Accuracy - Survey
- Modifiability
- Evaluation of the
- Workability System
- User Friendliness
- Portability - Analysis of
- Completeness interpretation of data
- Security


Figure 1
Conceptual Paradigm Model Showing the Interpretation of Management
Information System of Barangay Calahan, Cardona Rizal
The input-process-output diagram includes all of the information required

for the process of system, details of the process and handled this stage. The

specific relationship between the researchers and client are also to be discussed

of all model.

The input presents the information gathered from reference books, thesis,

internet and related studies in computer are considered to be the input phase since

those are the ones involved and the main concept of the study.

The second frame which is the process involves the gathering of data for

the system for the hard coding to present the system and to test it as well

The third frame includes the result of the application and the analyzation

process of Management Information System of Barangay Calahan, Cardona Rizal

The feedbacks that connect the output to the input reveal that whatever the

findings will be. It is reflected in the input and output.

As the Figure 1 shows, the input method and process requirements are

needed in order to create this system, after the researchers gathered all the

needed requirements the Management Information System of Barangay

Calahan,Cardona Rizal will be developed and evaluated


The study will be based from systems engineering’s Systems Approach

based from Coombs. This approach is appropriate for product development and
innovations where input, process and output were evaluated and re-evaluated to

refine each procedure or steps in the conduct of the study. The feedback refines

the process, adjusts the inputs and innovates the product.

This system approach is the framework model used as the guiding principle

in the study. The IPO (input, process and output) model was applied. The model

consists of 3 frames and as lines and arrows detailed the specific steps from

assessing the materials, following the basic steps and protocol needed in the

conduct of the study, the product development and evaluation.


The general objective of the study was to developed a Management

Information System for Barangay Calahan Cardona, Rizal

Specifically, it aims to develop citizen information that will lessen the

possible errors in searching the particular citizen information and it can generate

automatic Barangay Certificates, lessening the time required on requesting

certificates and more accurate information of the requestor. Effective immediately,

ensure to keep the data secured.

This study also aims to help the employee inside the Barangay Hall of

Calahan Cardona, Rizal to be more efficient on their work to lessen human error

and balance the time and to be able to sustain the certifications that the whole

barangay needed in most efficient manner.


The study will focus in Management Information System of Brgy. Calahan,

Cardona Rizal wherein the researchers aim to perform an appropriate method

which is the concept of Database

This study will be conducted at the Barangay in Calahan Cardona Rizal

since this is the place that the researchers aim for the research to took in place as

well the information can be collected and accessible on the Barangay Hall.

The Barangay of Calahan is still facing some problems, collecting

information by using surveys and interview can help and influence the

computerized system that we will develop.

All the information needed will be collected from the residents or citizens of

barangay as well as the Barangay Officials for future purpose in building the

system. The System Software that will be made is only be made exclusive for the

Barangay Officials to avoid data breaching, changes and data theft

Thus, this will help the community that have difficulties in issuing and

keeping their data secured.


The significance of the study is very timely for wherein technology is getting

bigger and in demand. The proposed system will have a significant effect on both

the residents of the barangay and barangay employees who manage the system
as well as the barangay itself. The implementation of the system will change the

methods and process that the barangay is accustomed to for keeping their files.

This will also ensure that all the records will be intact and updated. The barangay

will also be assured that the file will be protected and safe for it will require

authorization before someone can access the system.

Barangay Officials

The one who manages the files and information of the barangay for it will

bring easy access to the data they need.


It will be easy for them to access their records if there are some changes to

be done on their part.

Future Researchers

The ideas presented may be used as a reference data in conducting new



In order to increase the personal knowledge of problem solving and

contributing to that of humanity, developing skills and interests in programming.

[1]The Unity Print Production Handbook (2007) : MIS: HARDWARE &
Woodruff (2018)
[3]Nestor,Lim. (2006). Barangay Management System. Retrieved May 25, 2016
from barangay-management-
[4]Susan, Henczel. (2001). The Information Audit as a First Step Towards
Effective Knowledge Management. Retrieved May 25, 2016 from
[5]R.Algara. December 12, 2015. Barangay Resident Record Management and
Certificate Issuance System.
code/barangay-resident-record-management-and-certificate-issuance- system/
[6]Talent Magnifier (2017) “The Importance of Management Information System”
[9] Lado
et al
[10] The
Information Site on Philippine Politics and Government (2003).Barangays.
Available: (September 20, 2011).
[11]Tessarollo,F. (2010).Information system, the backbone of every company.
company/3258457/. (September 20, 2011).
[12]H.G. Mirasol. October 12, 2015. Barangay Management System.
[13]JenniferRowley (2005)
Markgraf (2019)
[16]Kettl(2002) E-governance at the Local Government Level in the Philippines
[17]Schware (2000) E-governance at the Local Government Level in the
S. and Walsham, G. (2005) Implementing Public Information Systems
in Developing Countries: Learning From a Success Story, Information
Technology for Development, 11, 2, 123-140.
S. (2004) Bhatnagar, S. (2002) Egovernment: Lessons from
Implementation in Developing Countries, Regional Development Dialogue, 24,
UNCRD, Autumn Issue, 164-174.
Bank Website (2005) Definition of
EGovernment: gov/definition.htm
C. (2005) Interpreting e-Government and Development Efficiency,
Transparency or Governance at a Distance Information Technology & People,
18, 3, 260-279.
P.T. and Thompson, K.M. (2003) EGovernment Around the World:
Lessons, Challenges, and Future Directions, Government Information Quarterly,
20, 4, 389–394.
[23]Odedra-Straub, M. (2003) E-Commerce and Development: Whose
Development the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing
Countries, 11, 2, 1-5.


This chapter presents the research method, setting of the study, subject of

the study, sources of data, procedure of the study and statistical treatment of the



The research is a development study with a combination of descriptive

method of study.

Development research has been used to refer to various kinds of research

approaches which are related to design and development work. Development

research aims at making both practical and scientific contributions.1

Magcawas stated that the Development Research is a scientific work

drawing on existing knowledge gain from research and practical experience that is

directed toward producing new materials, products or devices and also installing

new processes, assistance and services in improving sustainability of those

produced or installed.2

This study made use of this method to determine the level of acceptability

of the finished system. Acceptability was measured through evaluation.

Descriptive Research includes all studies that purports to present facts

concerning the nature and status of anything. It involves the collection of data to
test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject

of study.


This study will be conducted in the Barangay Calahan, Cardona Rizal. The

Barangay Calahan will be chosen because of the availability and reachability of

the place that can help efficiently in collecting data.

Figure 2
Photographic Presentation of Brgy. Calahan, Cardona Rizal

The primary subject of this study is the resident and employee of Barangay

Calahan, atleast 10 employee or personnel and 10 residents.

The secondary respondents of this research will be the professors and



In this study, the researchers will gather information from the experts. These

experts will help the students to determine or evaluate the system that made by

the researchers. Also, the researchers will use the researcher’s questionnaire

checklist and scorecard from University of Rizal System - Binangonan, the

questionnaire checklist is used by the researchers to measure and determine the

level of acceptability of Management Information System of Barangay Calahan,

Cardona, Rizal

Score Card Scale of 1-5

Extremely Very Much Slightly Not
Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
5 4 3 2 1

Figure 3
Score Card Scale

5 has a verbal interpretation of EA means Extremely Acceptable on the

other hand 4 has verbal interpretation VMA means Very Much Acceptable likewise
3 has verbal interpretation of A means Acceptable and 2 has verbal interpretation

of SA means Slightly Acceptable, lastly 1 has verbal interpretation of NA means

Not Acceptable.


Permission to conduct the study will be secured by the researcher from the

secretary of Barangay Administrative Organization in Calahan, Cardona Rizal

After which, the researcher will go to every District or Purok in Barangay Calahan

under study to personally distribute the questionnaire to the citizens and

employees who has a knowledge or familiarity about the issues in Barangay

System. The questionnaire will be scored, tallied and tabulated


User Interface

● Login Page
● Enter correct passcodes to enter to the main interface

● Home Page
● Contains the Mission and Vision of the Barangay

Figure 4
Photographic Presentation of Graphic User Interface (A)
● Contains all saved Residents Information, you can also view, edit and delete
data in this section

● The section where you can add data, it will be saved directly to the citizens
database and will be ready to use for Requesting Documents

Figure 4
Photographic Presentation of Graphic User Interface (B)
● Page where you can request a document, you can select from the records so
the data will be automatically applied on the selected documents.

● Contains the info of Barangay Organization Employee, we can edit data here in
case the official members were changed.

Figure 4
Photographic Presentation of Graphic User Interface (C)
● Contains the activity on the system whether documents request, adding
resident’s information and login records

Figure 4
Photographic Presentation of Graphic User Interface (D)
Program Flowchart

Figure 5
Data Flowchart of Management Information System of Barangay Calahan,
Cardona Rizal
Program Algorithm

1. Start
2. Display Log in form
2.1 Input username & password
2.1.1 If Username & password is equal to true
3. Display home
3.1 If Residents Info was click
3.1.1 Display records If edit is clicked Edit record form If delete is clicked delete in record form
3.2 If add people
3.2.1 Display add people form Fill up info needed
3.2.2 Click add Save in database
3.3 Display document requirement
3.3.1 Fill up info needed
3.3.2 Click choose document If no document was chosen display “Please Choose
Documents First” Click form Save in database
3.4 If logs were click
3.4.1 Display logs form
3.5 If log out was click
3.5.1 END
Hardware Requirements

The development system has hardware components that have a greater

effect on its performance and operation. The hardware components with the

necessary specifications in the development of the proposed program are,

Pentium 4 or higher (file server and work station) at least 1GB RAM or higher is

recommended. At least colored monitor or higher with at least 32bit, hardware

peripherals such as standard keyboard, PS2 or USB mouse, and a printer.

There is at least higher than 11GB of hard disk capacity for the storage of all

information, and for the database.

 Desktop Monitor

The computer monitor is an integral part of a computer system that allows

computer users to extract information and provide output. Furthermore, the

purpose of a computer monitor is to display text and graphics produced by

computer programs and to provide a visual interface for computer users.

 Desktop Keyboard

An input device used to enter characters and functions into the computer

system by pressing buttons, or keys. Furthermore, a keyboard typically contains

keys for individual letters, numbers and special characters, as well as keys for

specific functions. In general, it is the primary device used to enter text.

 Desktop System Unit

The most common configuration has a case that houses the power supply,

motherboard (a printed circuit board with a microprocessor as the central

processing unit (CPU), memory, bus, and other electronic components), disk

storage (usually one or more hard disk drives, optical disc drives, and in early

models a floppy disk drive). The case may be oriented horizontally and placed atop

a desk or vertically and placed underneath or beside a desk.

 Automatic Voltage Regulator

A voltage regulator is designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage

level. Furthermore, a voltage regulator may be a simple "feed- forward" design or

may include negative feedback control loops. It may use an electromechanical

mechanism, or electronic components. In addition, automatic voltage regulator is

used in powering up the computer set.

 Desktop Mouse

A computer mouse is an input device that is most often used with a personal

computer. Furthermore, moving a mouse along a flat surface can move the on-

screen cursor to different items on the screen. In addition, items can be moved or

selected by pressing the mouse buttons (called clicking).

 Computer Laptop

A laptop, often called a notebook or "notebook computer", is a small, portable

personal computer with a "clamshell" form factor, an alphanumeric keyboard on

the lower part of the "clamshell" and a thin LCD or LED computer screen on

the upper portion, which is opened up to use the computer.

 Pentium 4 Processor (and up)

The system will be needing atleast Pentium 4 processor since it can sustain

the minimum processing requirements of the needed software to run smoothly,

 11GB of available hard disk space (and up)

For the system to be made it must follow the needed requirements for the

software to be installed, 11GB is enough space to install the development software

and space for the database.

 1GB of RAM (and up)

Since the Random Access Memory is used in temporary storing of data, the

system will be needed atleast 1GB RAM for it to smoothly load all the data on the


Software Requirements

In developing the proposed system, the users will need the recommended

software requirements are Windows 7 (32-bit) or latest used in operating the

system in which the software runs. Visual Basic 2012 as the programming
language used to design source code of the system by the developers. MS Access

that serves as the storage of all information connected to the system.

 Windows 7 (32bit) or latest

Windows 7 is an old operating system but still widely used in school,

universities and offices, it has the features that is enough to give satisfaction to its


 Visual Basic .NET 2012 (and up)

We recommended 2012 since it is a commonly used .NET software with

new elements that is enough to use in making a better user interface.

 MS Office Pack 2010 (and up)

We recommended Word 2010 because it has a new feature that makes it easier

to collaborate and to navigate through long documents, database, focus on the

polish of your finished document.


To come up the result of the study, the following statistical treatment will be


1. To determine the acceptability of Management Information System of

Barangay Calahan in terms of Accuracy, Modifiability, Workability, User

Friendliness, Portability, Completeness and Security, Weighted Mean

will be used

2. To determine the acceptability of Management Information System in

Barangay Cahalan using the adapted questionnaire checklist as

perceived by (respondents) Arithmetic Mean will be used


1“Development Research” (PDF)

2 Estrabo, Hazelle Anne M. et. al., “Nutri-Cupcakes from Fruits and Vegetables as
Dietary Aids”, Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, University of Rizal
System, Morong, Rizal, 2009

Computerization – to put (something) into a form that a computer can use

Innovativeness – having new ideas about how something can be done

Community - This term refers to a group of people living in a particular area.

Computer - An electronic machine that can store and work with large amounts of


Data - Raw facts representing the events occurring in organizations or the physical

environment before they have been organized and arranged into a

form that people can understand and use.

Database - A collection of pieces of information that is organized and used on a


Information System - It is an organization collected facts and data about a

specific subject. It is the system of person, data records and activities

that process the data and information in a given organization including

manual or automated process.

Information - Knowledge that you get about someone or something: facts or

details about a subject

Management Information System - Collect, records, process, reports and or

converts data into a usable form.

Management - The act or skill of controlling and making decisions about a

business, department, sports team, etc.

Technology - The use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful

thing or to solve problems.

RAM – or Random Access Memory, a hardware in a computing device where the

operating system (OS), application programs and data in current use are

kept so they can be quickly reached by the device’s processor.

Operating System – the software that supports a computer’s basic functions, such

as, scheduling task, executing applications, and controlling peripherals.

Processors – a small chip that resides in computers and other electronic devices.

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