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•  Write down:
•  One thing you have always been good at
•  One think you think you’ll never be good at
•  One thing you weren’t good at, but became
good at over time
Video #1:
A study on praise & mindsets

Research by Carol Dweck,

Professor of Psychology at Stanford University
•  I am bad at maths!

•  I’m not as smart as they are.

•  I’ll never understand how to add fractions.

•  I’m going to fail the test.

•  I am bad at…

•  I’m not as smart as...

•  I’ll never understand...

•  I’m going to fail…

Fixed Mindset
•  I am bad at…
It might be uncomfortable
•  I’m not as smart as... noticing your fixed mindset for
the first time – this is normal!

•  I’ll never understand...

•  I’m going to fail…

•  The idea that our brain (neuro) can be molded
(like plastic)
•  What we focus on and how we discipline our
thoughts and attitudes encourages brain
growth in those areas
•  New neural pathways are made
Videos #2 & #3:
Fixed & Growth Mindsets
● Was there anything in the videos that was surprising to you?

● Anything you had a reaction to?

● Are there any of your students who seem to be

more open to taking on challenges or ones who shy
away from challenges?

● What have you told yourself about their behaviour/other

students’ behaviour in the past?
•  I am bad at maths!

•  I’m not as smart as they are.

•  I’ll never understand how to add fractions.

•  I’m going to fail the test.

•  I am bad at maths!
•  I am not yet good at maths.

•  I’m not as smart as they are.

•  I’m not as smart as they are yet.

•  I’ll never understand how to add fractions.

•  I don’t understand how to add fractions yet.

•  I’m going to fail the test.

•  I’m not yet able to pass the test.
Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset

Intelligence is fixed. Intelligence can change.

Angered or discouraged by Active and responsive to

criticism. criticism.

Valuing the end result. Valuing the process.

A desire for approval. Satisfaction from the growth

along the journey.

Failure. An opportunity to learn from

your mistakes.

Challenges. Opportunities.
How can we adopt a
growth mindset in our
Number 1
Praise for effort, not
for talent
Number 2
Use the word “yet”
Number 3
View challenges as
Number 4
Enjoy the journey,
not the end result
Number 5
Acknowledge and
“In one world, effort is a bad thing. It, like failure,
means you’re not smart or talented. If you were,
you wouldn’t need effort. In the other world,
effort is what makes you smart or talented.”
– Carol Dweck
“In one world, effort is a bad thing. It, like failure,
means you’re not smart or talented. If you were,
you wouldn’t need effort. In the other world,
effort is what makes you smart or talented.”
– Carol Dweck

Which world is the

one we are building?

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