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Technical information

TEGOPAC® Seal 100

High elasticity for low modulus sealants

Technical parameters*

Appearance colorless, clear liquid

Viscosity (23 °C) ca. 55,000 mPas

Density (25 °C) 0.99 – 1.01 g/cm³

Plasticizer none

Solvent none

Backbone PPG

*no specification data


TEGOPAC® Seal 100 is a moisture curing silane-

modified polymer recommended for low
modulus sealant formulations which are used in
construction applications (e.g. for façades,
expansion joints, etc. ) or for indoor
applications. TEGOPAC® Seal 100 is also
recommended for use in sealant and adhesive
formulations where vibration and sound
dampening is an issue.

Evonik Nutrition & Care | TEGOPAC® Seal 100 | August 2015 Page 1/2
Benefits Applying temperature and vacuum to remove
residual water from the formulation during
Because of its excellent elasticity TEGOPAC® Seal
production is recommended. A standard
100 shows high recovery rates in different
chemical drying agent (e.g. Dynasylan® VTMO)
formulations. This high recovery is especially
can be added to the formulation.
needed for low modulus sealants in construction
applications meeting requirements of ISO Packaging
11600-F&G-25 LM. Furthermore, high elasticity
Sample size: 2kg aluminum bottles
is needed in applications where constant
vibration affects a joint, e.g. to ensure longer Shelf life
life cycles of joints.
9 months in closed original containers


Containers should be stored at ambient

temperature (5 – 25°C) at a dry place.

Hazardous goods classification

Information concerning

 classification and labeling according to

regulations for transport and for dangerous
 protective measures for storage and handling
 measures in case of accidents and fire
 toxicity and ecological effects

Processing is given in our material safety data sheets.

Sealant formulations containing TEGOPAC® Seal

100 can be easily operated at temperatures
between 5°C and 35°C. To ensure maximum
shelf life of your formulations it is
recommended to use raw materials with low
residual water content.

Trademark notice and legal notice

This information and all further technical advice are based on our present knowledge and experience. However, it implies no
liability or other legal responsibility on our part, including with regard to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially
patent rights. In particular, no warranty, whether express or implied, or guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is
intended or implied. We reserve the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. The
customer is not released from the obligation to conduct careful inspection and testing of incoming goods. Performance of the
product described herein should be verified by testing, which should be carried out only by qualified experts in the sole
responsibility of a customer. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation, nor does it imply
that similar products could not be used.
(Status: July 2015)
Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH
Goldschmidtstr. 100, 45127 Essen, Germany
Phone Europe +49 201 173-2665, Asia +86 21 61191 125, Americas +1 804 727 0700
[email protected],

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