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 Title of the Case:


G.R. No. 175289. August 31, 2011.

 This case is a PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and

resolution of the Court of Appeals.

 The Criminal Complaint was filed before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities,
Branch 4, Cagayan de Oro City by Marcelino B. Pioquinto, Chief of the Forest
Protection and Law Enforcement Unit under the TL Strike Force Team of DENR,
petitioner Aniano Latayada and three others namely, Barangay Captain Camilo
Sudaria of Tagpangi, Cagayan de Oro City, Marlon Baillo and Cipriano Boyatac,
were charged with violation of Section 68, P.D. No. 705 as amended by Executive
Order No. 277.

 Facts of the Case:

On December 31, 1995, at around five o’clock in the afternoon, prosecution

witness Roland Granada noticed that a public utility jeep loaded with timber
stopped near his house. The driver, petitioner Latayada, was accompanied by four
to five other persons, one of whom was Boyatac while the rest could not be
identified by Granada. They alighted from the jeep and unloaded the timber 10
to 15 meters away from the Batinay bridge at Barangay Pagalungan, Cagayan
De Oro City. Another prosecution witness, Pastor Pansacala, also noticed the jeep
with plate number MBB 226 and owned by Sudaria, loaded with timber.

At six o’clock in the evening of the same day, Barangay Captain Angeles
Alarcon noticed that the pile of timber was already placed near the bridge. Since
she had no knowledge of any scheduled repair of the Batinay bridge she was
surprised to discover that the timber would be used for the repair. After inquiring
from the people living near the bridge, she learned that Latayada and Boyatac
delivered the timber.

Another prosecution witness, Ariel Palanga, testified that at seven o’clock in

the morning of January 1, 1996, Boyatac bought a stick of cigarette from his store
and requested him to cover the pile of timber near the bridge for a fee. Palanga
acceded and covered the pile with coconut leaves.

On January 13, 1996, at around ten o’clock in the morning, prosecution witness
Juan Casenas, a radio and TV personality of RMN-TV8, took footages of the
timber25 hidden and covered by coconut leaves. Casenas also took footages of
more logs inside a bodega at the other side of the bridge. In the following evening,
the footages were shown in a news program on television.

On the same day, members of the DENR Region 10 Strike Force Team
measured the timber which consisted of 63 pieces of Apitong flitches and
determined that it totaled 4,326 board feet26 and subsequently entrusted the
same to Alarcon for safekeeping.

Upon further investigation, it was learned that the timber was requisitioned
by Villarin, who was then Barangay Captain of Pagulangan, Cagayan de Oro
City. Villarin gave Sudaria the specifications for the requisitioned timber.
Thereafter, Boyatac informed Villarin that the timber was already delivered on
December 31, 1995.

On January 18, 1996, Felix Vera Cruz, a security guard at the DENR Region
10 Office, received and signed for the confiscated timber since the property
custodian at that time was not around.

On March 13, 1996, the Office of the City Prosecutor of Cagayan de Oro City
issued a Resolution recommending the filing of an Information for the aforesaid
charge not only against Latayada, Baillo and Boyatac but also against petitioner
Crisostomo Villarin, then Barangay Captain of Pagalungan, Cagayan de Oro
City. The dismissal of the complaint against Sudaria was likewise recommended.
Said Resolution was then approved by the Office of the Ombudsman-Mindanao
through a Resolution dated May 9, 1996 ordering the filing of the Information in
the RTC of Cagayan de Oro City.

Thus, on October 29, 1996, an Information was filed against petitioners

Villarin and Latayada and their co-accused Baillo and Boyatac, for violation of
Section 68, P.D. No. 705.

On January 14, 1997, Villarin, Boyatac and Baillo, filed a Motion for
Reinvestigation. They alleged that the Joint Affidavit of the personnel of the
DENR which became one of the bases in filing the Information never mentioned
Villarin as one of the perpetrators of the crime while the accusations against
Baillo and Boyatac were not based on the personal knowledge of the affiants.
They also asserted that their indictment was based on polluted sources,
consisting of the sworn statements of witnesses like Latayada and Sudaria, who
both appeared to have participated in the commission of the crime charged.

Instead of resolving the Motion for Reinvestigation, the RTC, in its Order
dated January 27, 1997, directed Villarin, Boyatac, and Baillo to file their Motion
for Reinvestigation with the Office of the Ombudsman Mindanao, it being the
entity which filed the Information in Court. On March 31, 1997, only Villarin filed
a Petition for Reinvestigation15 but same was, however, denied by the Office of
the Ombudsman-Mindanao in an Order dated May 15, 1997 because the grounds
relied upon were not based on newly discovered evidence or errors of fact, law or
irregularities that are prejudicial to the interest of the movants, pursuant to
Administrative Order No. 07 or the Rules of Procedure of the Office of the
Ombudsman in Criminal Cases. The Office of the Ombudsman-Mindanao
likewise opined that Villarin was directly implicated by Latayada, his co-accused.

The RTC thus proceeded with the arraignment of the accused who entered
separate pleas of not guilty.


In its Memorandum filed before the trial court, the defense notified the court
of Boyatac’s demise. However, the trial court did not act on such notice. Instead,
it proceeded to rule on the culpability of Boyatac. Thus, in its Judgment, the trial
court found herein petitioners and the deceased Boyatac guilty as charged. On
the other hand, it found the evidence against Baillo insufficient. The dispositive
portion of the Judgment reads:

“WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing findings, judgment is hereby rendered

finding the accused Crisostomo Villarin, Cipriano Boyatac and Aniano Latayada
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of violating Section 68 of Presidential Decree No.
705 as amended, and hereby sentences each of them to suffer an indeterminate
sentence of twelve (12) years of prision mayor as minimum to seventeen (17)
years of reclusion temporal as maximum.
Accused Marlon Baillo is hereby acquitted for lack of evidence.

Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration31 which was denied by the RTC
in its Order dated August 20, 2002.


Petitioners filed an appeal which was denied by the CA in its Decision dated
June 28, 2005. The dispositive portion of which reads:

“WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the judgment of the court a quo
finding [d]efendant-[a]ppellants Crisostomo Villarin, Cipriano Boyatac and
Aniano Latayada GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt for violating Sec. 68 of
Presidential Decree 705 is hereby AFFIRMED in toto. No pronouncement as to

Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration which the appellate court denied
for lack of merit in its Resolution promulgated on September 22, 2006.

Petitioners argue that the refusal of the Ombudsman to conduct a

reinvestigation is tantamount to a denial of the right to due process. They also
bewail the fact that persons who appear to be equally guilty, such as Sudaria,
have not been included in the Information. Hence, they argue that the
Ombudsman acted with grave abuse of discretion in denying their petition for
reinvestigation because it deprived Villarin of his right to preliminary
investigation and in refusing and to equally prosecute the guilty.

Moreover, petitioners contend that the evidence was insufficient to prove their
guilt beyond reasonable doubt since they had no intention to possess the timber
and dispose of it for personal gain. They likewise claim that there was failure on
the part of the prosecution to present the timber which were part of the object of
the offense.


The petition is unmeritorious. Villarin was properly afforded his right to due

Records show that the investigating prosecutor received a criminal complaint

charging Sudaria, Latayada, Baillo and Boyatac with violation of Section 68 of
P.D. No. 705, as amended.

It is evidently clear from the Resolution dated March 13, 1996 of the Office of
the City Prosecutor that Villarin and all the accused participated in the scheduled
preliminary investigation that was conducted prior to the filing of the criminal
case.39 They knew about the filing of the complaint and even denied any
involvement in the illegal cutting of timber. They were also given the opportunity
to submit countervailing evidence to convince the investigating prosecutor of
their innocence.

Foregoing findings considered, there is no factual basis to the assertion that

Villarin was not afforded a preliminary investigation. Accordingly, we find no
grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Office of the Ombudsman-Mindanao
in denying Villarin’s motion for reconsideration. It validly relied on the
certification contained in the Information that a preliminary investigation was
properly conducted in this case. The certification was made under oath by no less
than the public prosecutor, a public officer who is presumed to have regularly
performed his official duty.40 Besides, it aptly noted that “Villarin was implicated
by x x x Latayada in his affidavit dated January 22, 1996 before Marcelino B.
Pioquinto, Chief, Forest Protection and Law Enforcement Unit. The denial of
Villarin cannot prevail over the declaration of witnesses.”

It is conceded that Villarin raised the issue of lack of a preliminary

investigation in his Motion for Reinvestigation. However, when the Ombudsman
denied the motion, he never raised this issue again. He accepted the
Ombudsman’s verdict, entered a plea of not guilty during his arraignment and
actively participated in the trial on the merits by attending the scheduled
hearings, conducting cross-examinations and testifying on his own behalf. It was
only after the trial court rendered judgment against him that he once again
assailed the conduct of the preliminary investigation in the Motion for
Reconsideration. Whatever argument Villarin may have regarding the alleged
absence of a preliminary investigation has therefore been mooted. By entering
his plea, and actively participating in the trial, he is deemed to have waived his
right to preliminary investigation.

Petitioners also contend that Sudaria should also have been included as a
principal in the commission of the offense. However, whether Sudaria should or
should not be included as co-accused can no longer be raised on appeal. Any right
that the petitioners may have in questioning the non-inclusion of Sudaria in the
Information should have been raised in a motion for reconsideration of the March
13, 1996 Resolution of the Office of the City Prosecutor which recommended the
dismissal of the complaint against Sudaria. Having failed to avail of the proper
procedural remedy, they are now estopped from assailing his non-inclusion.

“There are two distinct and separate offenses punished under

Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, to wit:

(1) Cutting, gathering, collecting and removing timber or other forest

products from any forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable public
land, or from private land without any authorization; and

(2) Possession of timber or other forest products without the legal documents
required under existing forest laws and regulations.”

The Information charged petitioners with the second offense which is

consummated by the mere possession of forest products without the proper
We reviewed the records and hold that the prosecution had discharged the
burden of proving all the elements of the offense charged. The evidence of the
prosecution proved beyond reasonable doubt that petitioners were in custody of
timber without the necessary legal documents.

The prosecution adduced several documents to prove that timber was

confiscated from petitioners. It presented a Tally Sheet to prove that the DENR
Strike Force Team examined the seized timber on January 13, 1996. The
number, volume and appraised value of said timber were also noted in the Tally
Sheet. Seizure receipts were also presented to prove that the confiscated timber
were placed in the custody of Alarcon47 and eventually taken to the DENR
Office.48 There was a photograph of the timber taken by the television crew led
by Casenas.

The prosecution likewise presented in evidence the testimonies of

eyewitnesses Granada and Pansacala who testified that Latayada and Boyatac
were the ones who delivered the timber.

More significantly, Villarin admitted that he was the one who commissioned
the procurement of the timber51 for the repair of the Batinay bridge. He even
deputized Boyatac to negotiate with Sudaria and gave Latayada P2,000.00 to
transport the logs. Boyatac later informed him of the delivery of timber.
However, he could not present any document to show that his possession thereof
was legal and pursuant to existing forest laws and regulations.

 Violation of Sec. 68 of Presidential Decree No. 705, as amended, is

malum prohibitum.

As a special law, the nature of the offense is malum prohibitum and as such,
criminal intent is not an essential element. “However, the prosecution must
prove that petitioners had the intent to possess (animus possidendi)” the timber.

There is no dispute that petitioners were in constructive possession of the

timber without the requisite legal documents. Villarin and Latayada were
personally involved in its procurement, delivery and storage without any license
or permit issued by any competent authority. Given these and considering that
the offense is malum prohibitum, petitioners’ contention that the possession of
the illegally cut timber was not for personal gain but for the repair of said bridge
is, therefore, inconsequential.

 Delicti is the Fact of the Commission of the Crime

Petitioners argue that their convictions were improper because the corpus
delicti had not been established. They assert that the failure to present the
confiscated timber in court was fatal to the cause of the prosecution.

SC disagree. “[C]orpus delicti refers to the fact of the commission of the crime
charged or to the body or substance of the crime. In this case, it refers to the
seized timber. “Since the corpus delicti is the fact of the commission of the crime,
this Court has ruled that even a single witness’ uncorroborated testimony, if
credible, may suffice to prove it and warrant a conviction therefor. Corpus delicti
may even be established by circumstantial evidence.”

Here, the trial court and the CA held that the corpus delicti was established
by the documentary and testimonial evidence on record. The Tally Sheet,
Seizure Receipts issued by the DENR and photograph proved the existence of
the timber and its confiscation.

 The Proper Penalty

Violation of Section 68 of P.D. No. 705, as amended, is penalized as qualified

theft under Article 310 in relation to Article 309 of the Revised Penal Code
(RPC). The pertinent portions of these provisions read:

“Art. 310. Qualified Theft.—The crime of theft shall be punished by the

penalties next higher by two degrees than those respectively specified in the
next preceding articles, if committed by a domestic servant, or with grave abuse
of confidence, or if the property stolen is motor vehicle, mail matter or large
cattle or consists of coconuts taken from the premises of the plantation or fish
taken from a fishpond or fishery, or if property is taken on the occasion of fire,
earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, or any calamity, vehicular accident or
civil disturbance.

Art. 309. Penalties.—Any person guilty of theft shall be punished by:

1. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if the
value of the thing stolen is more than 12,000 pesos but does not exceed 22,000
pesos; but if the value of the thing stolen exceeds the latter amount, the penalty
shall be the maximum period of the one prescribed in this paragraph, and one
year for each additional ten thousand pesos, but the total of the penalty which
may be imposed shall not exceed twenty years. In such cases, and in connection
with the accessory penalties which may be imposed and for the purpose of the
other provisions of this Code, the penalty shall be termed prision mayor or
reclusion temporal, as the case may be.
x x x”
The Information filed against the petitioners alleged that the 63 pieces of
timber without the requisite legal documents measuring 4,326 board feet were
valued at P108,150.00. To prove this allegation, the prosecution presented
Pioquinto to testify, among others, on this amount. Tally Sheets and Seizure
Receipts were also presented to corroborate said amount. With the value of the
timber exceeding P22,000.00, the basic penalty is prision mayor in its minimum
and medium periods to be imposed in its maximum, the range of which is eight
(8) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day to ten (10) years. Since none of the
qualifying circumstances in Article 310 of the RPC was alleged in the
Information, the penalty cannot be increased two degrees higher.

In determining the additional years of imprisonment, P22,000.00 is to be

deducted from P108,150.00, which results to P86,150.00. This remainder must
be divided by P10,000.00, disregarding any amount less than P10,000.00.
Consequently, eight (8) years must be added to the basic penalty. Thus the
maximum imposable penalty ranges from sixteen (16) years, eight (8) months
and one (1) day to eighteen (18) years of reclusion temporal.

Thus, the RTC, as affirmed by the CA, erroneously fixed the minimum period
of the penalty at twelve (12) years of prision mayor.

Finally, the case against Boyatac must be dismissed considering his demise
even before the RTC rendered its Judgment.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The assailed Decision dated June

28, 2005 and the Resolution dated September 22, 2006 in CA-G.R. CR No. 26720
are AFFIRMED with the modificationS that petitioners Crisostomo Villarin and
Aniano Latayada are each sentenced to suffer imprisonment of two (2) years,
four (4) months, and one (1) day of prision correccional, as minimum, to sixteen
(16) years, eight (8) months, and one (1) day of reclusion temporal, as maximum.
The complaint against Cipriano Boyatac is hereby DISMISSED.

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