Catapult High Level Synthesis

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High-Level Synthesis

RTL Low-Power

Catapult® High-Level Synthesis D A T A S H E E T


■■ Easier to design functionality in
C/C++/SystemC standard C++/SystemC

HLS ––Create C++/SystemC executable

––Write 80% less code for easier
HLS development and debug
Verification ■■ Complete platform for power,
CATAPULT performance, area optimization
––10X productivity over hand-
coded RTL with equivalent QoR
––Explore microarchitecture
––Deep-Sequential analysis with
PowerPro “under-the-hood”
■■ Reduces verification cost by 80%
Low-Power HLS ––Simulate functionality 100-500x
––Catapult DesignCheck to find
bugs fast before synthesis
Catapult High-Level Synthesis Platform.
––Catapult Coverage
Introduction for HLS-aware coverage metrics
––Automatic generation of RTL-
The Catapult High-Level Synthesis (HLS) Platform empowers designers to use
to-C verification environment
industry-standard C++ and/or SystemC to describe functional intent, enabling
them to move up to a more productive abstraction level for both design and ––Fast path to automated RTL
verification of ASICs and FPGAs. For designs and IP where time-to-market is coverage closure
critical, power/performance information is needed early and specifications are ■■ Easy to use HLS debug and
frequently changing (Automotive Vision, Image Processing, Deep Learning, visualization
Video CODEC, 5G/IoT Communications, etc.), Catapult HLS provides the only ––Visualize the HLS transformation
effective way to meet these pressures without compromising quality and process
––Analysis tool based on the
Visualizer Debug Environment
To achieve the maximum productivity gain from a C++/System HLS
methodology, it is necessary to have the performance and capacity to handle ■■ Production proven flows with
today’s large designs coupled with a comprehensive flow through verification thousands of designs
and implementation. Catapult has been proven in production with 1,000s of ––Full support for datapath and
designs and the resulting RTL adheres to the strictest corporate design control logic synthesis
guidelines and ECO flows. In addition to Catapult Synthesis, only Catapult has ––Capacity for multi-million gate
integrated High-Level Verification (HLV) tools and methodologies that enable ASIC and FPGA designs
designers to complete their verification signoff at the C++ level with fast ––Top-down and bottom-up
closure for RTL. design management
––Complete ECO flow

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Catapult Enables Faster and Easier Design in C++/SystemC

Using Catapult HLS simplifies the traditional design flow by automating the RTL
generation based on a higher level functional description and architectural

int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
constraints. Using C++/SystemC, compared to RTL, reduces the number of lines of }

sum += in[i];

code up to 80%, making HLS code significantly easier to write and debug.
Incorporating last minute specification changes and even retargeting to a different
technology is possible because of the separation of the design functionality and
the implementation details. The RTL can simply be regenerated based on the
modified HLS model and new constraints.

Catapult Supports Multiple Abstractions for Faster Simulation and Modeling

With Catapult, the designer can choose from an RTL-like coding style in SystemC to
a fully untimed high-performance model in C++/SystemC, or a combination of
both. During the synthesis process, Catapult transforms the designer’s algorithmic/
behavioral description and applies micro-architectural constraints through user-
specified directives. Catapult’s patented interface synthesis technology allows
timing, protocol, and bandwidth to be defined, adding the necessary RTL hardware
during the synthesis process. Catapult allows the designer to specify parallelism,
design throughput, and memory vs. register implementation using tool options
instead of hardcoding them in the RTL. This results in an easy to reuse design and
an optimized implementation.

Catapult is a Complete Platform for Power, Performance, Area Optimization

Catapult automatically applies general performance and power optimizations
during design transformation. In addition, Catapult is the industry’s first HLS tool
that targets power as an optimization goal and uses PowerPro® “under-the-hood”
for power analysis and to apply detailed optimizations. This provides a fast and
accurate flow for tradeoffs of power, performance, and area. The generated RTL is
able to match or surpass quality of results (QoR) of hand-coded RTL.

Catapult Provides Easier Debug and Optimization Control RTL

Catapult provides built-in graphical analysis tools, such as a Gantt Chart Viewer,
Resource Viewer, and a Schematic Viewer, to enable full visibility of the HLS results
and to allow the designer to exert control over design decisions. The integrated High-Level Synthesis Process Overview
cross-probing support between different analysis views, including the C++/
SystemC source code, enables the designer to rapidly focus on the problematic
areas, to add or change directives, and to converge interactively on the optimal
solution. The Visualizer-based analysis enables easier and deeper debugging where
designers are able to utilize advanced source code navigation, control flow analysis
tools, and focussed debug capabilities such as failed schedule analysis.

Catapult Power, Performance and Area Exploration

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HLS Verification (HLV) Catapult Automatic C++ to RTL Co-Verification

The benefits for verification in an HLS design flow are Catapult provides an automated verification flow
numerous. HLS synthesizable C++ code is one fifth the (SCVerify) that verifies the original C++/SystemC design
number of lines of code compared to RTL, making it easier against the synthesized RTL. This flow auto-generates a
to write and debug. The simulation speed is typically SystemC test infrastructure that reuses the original C++/
between 100-500X faster than RTL, allowing much more SystemC testbench to verify the RTL, providing designers
verification and consuming far less compute resources. with a push-button unit test solution to quickly sanity-
The HLS design flow also enables the verification team to check the RTL so it can then be handed off to the
be involved very early in the design process before any downstream RTL integration and verification teams.
RTL is ready. All of this translates to large productivity gains Catapult also provides an automated verification flow that
and significant reductions in verification time and cost. automatically generates a complete UVM environment
including random sequences.

Catapult Verification Flow

Catapult C++/SystemC Design Checking to Catch

Bugs with no Testbench
C++ Simulation often misses critical bugs such as
uninitialized memory reads, out-of-bound array-accesses,
and overflow/underflow problems, that can lead to hard-
to-debug failures during both C++ and RTL verification.
Furthermore, the C++ and SystemC languages have gray Catapult High-Level Verification and Synthesis
areas that may give unexpected simulation or synthesis
results depending on the platform they execute. The
advantage of Catapult HLS Design Checking is that bugs
can be found automatically without a testbench, saving
valuable debug time later in the design cycle.

Catapult C++/SystemC Coverage to Provide Quality

Coverage Metrics
Similar to RTL, HLS designers need a way to capture
quality metrics while testing their design. Catapult
Coverage is HLS-aware coverage for C++/SystemC that
understands concepts such as function inlining and loop
unrolling to provide a complete coverage (line, branch
and expression) picture for the design. Catapult Coverage
writes its coverage data to the Mentor UCDB (Unified
Coverage Database) to provide the designer with a
complete set of post-processing tools for merging,
ranking, reporting, and connecting to a test plan that is
unified with RTL. Using Catapult Coverage on the HLS
source achieves the equivalent coverage metrics
automatically for the resulting RTL and closes RTL

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Catapult is Proven in 1,000’s of Projects to Catapult is Proven for Large Designs
Reduce Complete Project Time by 50%
Catapult was released in 2004 as a C++ based ASIC
synthesis tool for datapath-dominated wireless
communication hardware. Since 2004, Catapult has
evolved into a C++/SystemC synthesis tool with support
for virtually any FPGA or ASIC digital hardware design type,
and it has been proven in thousands of projects to cut
overall design time in half.

Catapult-generated hardware can be found in hundreds of

millions of cell phones, tablets, cars, computers, printers,
cameras, gaming consoles, and satellites. Due to this
extensive customer experience, Catapult has been
optimized to work with existing RTL linting, coverage Google VP9 G2 Decoder Hardware
closure, synthesis, and ECO flows. An example is illustrated
in a whitepaper with Qualcomm that demonstrates how Catapult designs are often very large and complex
Catapult and HLS works within very strict corporate RTL systems and subsystems. For example, Google recently
verification, synthesis, and ECO flows. used Catapult to synthesize their VP9 video encoder and
decoder, a complex, 8 million gate design with over 150
leaf blocks with an balanced mix of both datapath and
control logic. To accommodate this level of complex
Time Time Full Regression hardware, Catapult has both top-down and bottom-up
Traditional RTL
Full Regression hierarchical design management capabilities. Designers
2 weeks can focus on the blocks that they are working on while
14 CPUs
3 months locking down other regions of the design, allowing an
1000 CPUs
efficient design flow.
Resources Resources

NVIDIA Closes Design Complexity Gap with High-Level Synthesis

Proven to Easily Adapt to Last Minute Design Changes

One of the biggest advantages of using HLS is the ability
to reuse and modify functionality that would not be
possible with an RTL implementation. Because the
specifics of the timing, registers, and datapaths are not
contained in the source, but specified during the HLS System Requirements and Compatibility
synthesis process, big changes in specification can be
both implemented and verified while still staying on
schedule. In a recent whitepaper from NVIDIA, they Languages: VHDL 87, 93 & 97 and Verilog 95 & 2001,
describe two changes that they were able to implement SystemVerilog, C++
within months of RTL freeze that would have been Platforms: Windows 7, Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 and 6
impossible using a traditional RTL flow. Memory: 2 GB minimum

For the latest product information, call us or visit: w w w . m e n t o r . c o m / h l s - l p

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