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IS 3614 ( Part 2 ) : 1992

( Reaffirmed 1997 )


UDC 699’814 : 620’16

0 BIS 1992


NEW DELHI 110002

June 1992 Price Group 2

Fire Safety Sectional Committee, CED 36


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division

The methcd of fire resistance test of various structures and buildings are covered in IS 3809 : 19793
Indian Standard for Fire Resistance Test for Structures ( Firsr Revision ). The method of Fire
Resistance Test of Fire Check Doors included for use in openings in fire resistance wall require
different procedure in view of its importance and hence the same has been covered in this standard.
This standard covers method of test and criteria for specifying fire rating instead of specification in.
view of givir:g flexibility in design.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,.
the final value, observed or ca!culated, expressing the result of a test for analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The
number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the
specified value in this standard.
IS 3614 ( Pnrt 2 ) :,L!m

Indian Standard a

1SCOPE the rapid dispersal of persons from the vi&&y
of a building and that they are no longer in
Xl This standard specifies methods of fire danger from fire and/or smoke.
-resistance test and the performance criteria for
the fire check door or shutter provided to resist 3.2.3 Fire
the passage of fire and/or gaseous products of
,combustion, when closed in order to decide the A process of combustion characterized by the
,capability of the door/shutters for the intended emission of heat accompanied by smoke and/or
use. flame.

1.2 The test provides for the determination of 3.2.4 Fire Compartmentation
fire rating of fire door on the basis of length of
time the fire door to resist passage of fire and The division of a building into compartments
smoke at ambient temperature before the first by elements of a building construction intended
.development of through openings or flamming to resist the passage of fire, capable of meeting
and transmission of heat on unexposed surface. specified performance criteria to those ends.
1.3 For the purpose of identifying where the
fire doors should be used and the fire resistance 3.2.5 Fire Door
requirements, reference should be made to
IS 1642 : 1989 and IS 1643 : 1988. A door or shutter provided for the passage of
persons, air or things which, together with its
.2 REFERENCES frame and fixture as installed in a building, is
intended, when closed, to resist the passage of
2.1 The following Indian Standards have been fire and/or gaseous products of combustion and
referred to in this standard: is capable of meeting specified performance
criteria to those ends. The fire doors may be
IS No. Title insulated or uninsulated.
1642 : 1989 Code of practice for fire safety 3.2.6 Means of Escape
of buildings ( general ): General
principles of fire grading and Structural means whereby a safe route is
classification ( first revision ) provided for persons to travel from any point
in a building to a place of safety without outside
1643 : 1988 Code of practice for fire safety assistance.
of buildings ( general ): Exposure
hazard ( jirst revision ) 3.2.7 Protected Escape Route
‘8757 : 1978 Glossary of terms associated
with fire safety An escape route enclosed with fire resisting
3.2.8 Impermeability
3.1 For the purpose of this standard the
definitions covered in IS 8757 : 1978 and The ability of a specimen of a separating element
IS 1642 : 1989 shall apply. to restrict the egress of hot gases from the
3.2 In addition to the above mentioned definition unexposed face of the specimen causing ignition
the following additional definitions shall also be of the cotton pad.
applicable to this standard.
3.2.1 Escape Route 4.1 Furnace
A route forming part of the means of escape
from a point in a building to a final exit. It shall be capable of subjecting a full size
specimen individually or in combination with
3.2.2 Final Exit others in a fire rated vertical structural element
with fire resistance not less than specimen to be
The termination of an escape route from a evaluated. The furnace shall also be capable
building giving direct access to a street, passage- of reproducing standard conditions of heating
‘way, walkway or Opel1 space, so sited to ensure and pressure.
cs St514i(Part 2 3 : 1992

4.2 Thermocouples Table 1’ Temperature Rise as a Function

of Time
4.2.1 Appropriate thermocouples shall be
provided “for measuring the internal furnace. Time, t Elevatiqn of Furnace
temperatures and unexposed surface tempera- Temperature. T - T.
tures of the fire door assembly in conformity Min “C
with the requirements of 5.3 and 5.4. 5 556
-10 659
4.3 Pressure Measuring Equipment 15 718
30 821 ,.
4.31 Pressure measuring equipment coupled 60 925
with the furnace shall be provided in conformity 90 986
with the requirements of 6.1 and 6.2. 120 1029
180 1090
360 1 193
5.1 Temperature Rise
5.2 Measurement of Furnace Temperature
The temperature rise within the furnace shall
he controlled so as to vary with time within the 5.2.1 The furnace temperature is deemed to be
limits specified in 5.3 according to the following the average of the temperatures recorded by
relationship: thermocouples arranged within the furnace to.
give an approximation to its average
T-To= 345 Logo ( 8r + I ) temperature.
5.2.2 These thermocouples shall not be less.
T = furnace temperature at time t, than 5.
expressed in degree Celsius;
5.2.3 Bare wire thermocouples of wire diameter
To = initial furnace temperature, ex- not less than 0’75 mm and not more than 1’5 mm.
pressed in degree Celsius; and shall be fixed on the faces of the door or shutter,
t = time, expressed in minutes excluding the frame, one at the centre and the.
other at the centre of each quarter section.
The curve representing this function, known as None of these fire thermocouples shall be fixed
the ‘Standard time temperature rise curve’ is on positions with through metal connections or
shown in Fig. 1. The furnace characteristics in closer than 100 mm to the edge of the door leaf‘
terms of temperature rise as a function of time or shutter. If insulation data are required on
shall be as given in Table 1. glazed door or multi-leaf door, the thermocouple.

TIME, t min.



IS 3614 ( Part 2 ) Z1992

shall be distributed as uniformly as possible. suitable adhesive, depending. on the naturi ‘.of
The maximum temperature rise on the unexpos- the material formipg the side of the specimen.
ed surfaces shall be determined from the fire
5.5 The temperature reading shall be measured
therinocouple specified above plus additional
at intervals of 15 minutes or less until a reading
thermocouple ( fixed or mobile 1 which may be
used over through metal c%nnections dr at other exceeding 1QO”Chas been obtained at any one
points con6dered to be of special.interest. point. Thereafte;, the readings be taken at
intervals not .le$s‘fhan 5 minutes depending on
5.2.4 Sheatlred thermocouples may be used the rate of tembperatuie rise ( slow/rapid ).
provided that they have a sensitivity not less
than and time-constant not greater than those 6 PRESSURE CONDITIONS
of bare thermocouples. The wires of the
thermocouples shall be placed approximately 6.1 An overall pressure difference of ( 25 f 5 )
25 mm from the hot junciion. Pa [ ( 2.5 & 0’5 ) mm of Hz0 1 shall exist in the
furnace during the evaluation period from
5.3 Tolerances 15 minutes onwards. ”

5.3.1 The mean deviation of the furnace 6.2 The overall pressure shall be measured and
temperature rise is given as a percentage by the monitored at 100 mm from the underneath
following expression : surface for the horizontal specimen and at a
point located approximately at three quarters of
A+ x 100 the height of the test specimen.


A = integral value of the average The testing equipment and test sample assembly
furnace temperature as a function shall be protected from abnormal condition of
of time, and wind or weather. The ambient temperature at
B z integral value of T - T,, from the beginning of test shall lie within 20°C to
the equation defined in 5.1. 40°C range. Doors made entirely of metal do
not require any conditioning.
The tolerances on the mean deviations shall
satisfy the following conditions: 8 TEST SPECIMEN AND ITS
a) f 15 percent during the first 10 minutes
of test, 8.1 Two representative samples as test specimen
b) f 10 percent during the ffrst 30 minutes shall be conditioned for a week prior to testing.
of test, and The drying of the test specimen may be carried
out by natural or artificial means that the
c) f 5 percent after the first 30 minutes temperature should not exceed 60°C.
of test.
8.2 Special care is to be taken to ensure that
5.3.2 At any time after the first 10 minutes of Fire Doors particularly, when made of or con-
test, the temperature recorded by any thermo- taining timber, gaps which are representative
couples, shall not differ from the corresponding of site conditions are provided in the test
temperature of the standard time-temperature specimen For anybody to judge, a clearance
curve by more than +lOO”C. For specimens gap of 2 km between door leaf edge and door
incorporating a significant amount of combus- frames and 4 mm between the meeting edges
tible material, the deviation of any one thermo- of leaves in double leaf door may be considered
couple shall not exceed 200°C. a good fit.
5.4 Measurement of Temperature of Test 9 PROCEDURE AND RATING
Surface temperature of test specimens shall be ‘*’ For insu’ated Doors
measured by means of thermocouples with a T es t method described in clauses 9.3 to 9.7 shalI
wire diameter of not more than 0’7 mm. apply.
5.4.1 Each thermocouple junction shall be 9.2 For Uninsulated Doors
attached to the centre of the face of a copper
disk 12 mm in diameter and 0’2 mm thick, Test method described in clauses 9.4, 9.6 and 9.7
which is secured to the surface of the specimen shall apply.
at the required position.
5.4.2 The disks shall be covered with oven-dry 9.3 Loss of Integrity
square asbestos pads of 30 x 30 mm and 2 mm 9.3.1 A failure of the test specimen to maintain
thick. The asbestos material shall have a integrity shall be deemed to have occurred when
density of 100 kg/ma. coliapse or sustained flaming on the unexposed
5.4.3 The disk end and pad may be fixed to the face occurs or the criteria given in 9.3.2 for
surface of the specimen by pins, tape or a impermeability are exceeded.

18 3614 ( Part 2 ) : 1992

9‘3.2 Impermeability 9.7 Criteria of Failure

Failure shall be deemed to have occurred when 9.7.1 The fire resistance of a fully insulated
one or other of the following conditions doorset or shutter assembly shall be determined
prevail : with respect to itltegrity and insulation. The
criteria for integrity failure shall be as follows:
a) For situations where the cotton fibre pad
( see note ) is suitable, failure shall be a) During the test, the cotton pad provisions
deemed to have od&frCd. ‘when flames apply;
and/or hot gases cauWfh&ing of cotton b) During the test, the 6 mm gap gauge
fibre pad. : provisions apply to any other gapbther
b) For situations where the use of the cotton than at sill level;
pad is not suitable, failure shall be deemed
to have occured when eitlier:
cl During the test, the 25 mm gap gauge
provisions apply to any gap;
i> The 6 mm diameter gap gauge shall d) During the test, the requirements con-
penetrate a through gap such that the cerning sustained flaming apply.
end of the gauge projects into the
furnace and the gauge be moved in the 9.7.2 The fire resistance of an uninsulated
gap for a distance of at least 150 mm. doorset or shutter assembly shall be determined
with respect to integrity. The criteria for failure
OR shall be as follows:
ii) The 25 mm diameter gap gauge shall a) During the test, the 6 mm gap gauge
penetrate a through gap such that the provisions apply to any g?p other than
end of the gauge projects into the at sill level;
b) During the test, the 25 mm gap gauge
NOTE - The passage of flame is characterized by provisions apply to any gap;
ignition of cotton fibres pad ( 100 mm x 100 mm.
,20 mm thick of mass 3 to 4 g conditioned at 100°C c) During the test, the requirements concern-
for half hour ) at a distance of 25 mm approx. ing sustained flaming apply.
With doors or shutters having no or only slight
insulation, it may not be possible to apply this test 10 REPORT
shortly after the commencement of heating: in such
cases note shall be made of the time after which
it is not practicable to apply this test.
10.1 The report shall include following infor-
9.4 Insulation a) Name of manufacturer;
9.4.1 The average temperature of the unexposed b) A descriotion of the assemblv including
face of the specimen shall not increase above fixing ariangements of fire do& includini
the initial temperature by more than 140°C. drawing, exact sizes and components like
thickness and the locations of fire door
9.4.2 The maximum temperature at any point test assembly. The clearance and gaps
of this face shall not exceed the initial fempera- between doors and frame shall be fully
ture by more than 18O”C, and shall not exceed recorded;
220°C irrespective of the initial temperature. c> Rating of the fire door mentioning
stability and integrity rating;
9.5 Stability 4 Furnace time/pressure chart and tempera-
If it is required to determine stability or collapse ture curves actually attained during
of specimen, the test is to be continued even
heating conditions;
after the loss of integrity has occured or when e) Time/temperature results; and
insulation failure has taken place. Ln such case, f) Any other information about the perfor-
the time should be noted at which the door mance of door/shutter specimen.
collapses or through openings are formed or
when failure of the locking or latching 11 FIRE PERFORMANCE
mechanism takes place.
11.1 The performance of a fire door shall be
9.6 Additional Observations stated in terms of the elapsed time between the
commencement of heating and the time of
Throughout the te ,L, observation shall be made failure as per clauses 9.3 and 9.4. The fire rating
of ~11 changes and occurances which are not of fire door is normally expressed as 30 minutes, of perforrla c but which could create 60 minutes, 120 minutes, IX0 minutes and
hazards in a bui;d &;g lilcluding for emission of 240 minutes fire rating. The fire :ating: shall
smoke or noxiou vi pt)urs from the unexposed be expressed by pre?ix FD, for eximple,
face of a separating element. FD 30, FD 60 etc.
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the pro-
ducer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to
that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use
of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from
the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau ofIndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standlrdizztion, mnrking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in
the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or
grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyrlght bs addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS.

Revision of Indian Standards

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any,
are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in
possession of the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent
to BIS giving the following reference :

Dot : No. CED 36 ( 4784 )

Amendments Issued Since Poblication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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