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So What 
are the Animal Styles? of Shaolin?

an explanation by Shifu Jason Parks, 

the founder of Mountain Gate Academy. Though Mr Parks isn't my teacher, 
gives a great explanation of this form that I practice. 
The animal styles are more 

correctly known as the Imitative Styles (Xing Quan) and are a unique 
feature of
Classical Chinese martial arts. Masters developed 
these styles as a way of exploring
the nature of human consciousness by 
exploring ...the different ‘minds’ that the
represent. The animal is an archetype that the practitioner can
explore to
understand the changeability of the human mind. The purpose 
of imitating is to
free ourselves from our everyday identity and thereby
explore ways of thinking that
we wouldn’t have normally considered. 
This creates a paradigm shift and expands
our understanding and our 
barriers accordingly.

The first imitative system was not martial at all but was developed for health prevention. The Wu Xing
Xi (Five Animal Frolics) were developed by Hua Tuo, and by using the imitative actions of the
Tiger, Bear, Deer, Ape and Bird, the natural health systems of the body can be regulated and
balanced. These exercises were popular for health but did not directly inspire the development
of animal imitation systems.

In the 1600’s a Shaolin Master, Bai Yu Feng, set out to revitalize the Shaolin system. He travelled
around China for three years meeting with masters and learning a variety of styles. After the
three years he returned to Shaolin and constructed a new style by combining five systems he
had encountered in his travels.

This ‘new’ style was the Shaolin Five Animal Fist – Shaolin Wu Xing Quan. SHAOLIN FIVE
ANIMALS Shaolin Wu Xing Quan contains five distinct imitations – Tiger, Crane, Snake,
Leopard and Dragon. Each of these styles had existed before this form, but it was Bai Yu Feng
who combined them into a single style in which each animal complimented the other. There had
been records of animal boxing for centuries before Bai Yu Feng ,but it was scattered examples
and none had captured the imagination as this style had

. Each of these animals will be explored in detail in later articles but I wanted to mention another
version of Bai Yu Feng’s boxing – Wu Xing Ba Fa Quan. Wu Xing Ba Fa Quan means the Eight
Laws of Five Animals Boxing and is a summary form of Bai Yu Feng’s original style.
***** INSERT ***************************************************
( this is the form that I learned from my teacher Mike Shea, student of Cao Li Hung, and kung fu
brother to Tracy Fleming, of Richmond VA.)
In Wu Xing Ba Fa Quan the varying aspects of the system help to develop the practitioner so as to
improve all of their Gong Fu.
In this form the exercises of the Tiger develop muscular strength and help increase bone density.
The Crane develops the smooth control of Qi Relief
While the Snake develops the smooth control of Qi itself.
The Leopard develops speed and power.
The Dragon develops the ability to hold still.
All this is possible because of the proper application of the Ba Fa or Eight Laws. The Eight Laws are:

1. Correct use of the internal skills

2. Correct use of external skills
3. Correct application of mind
4. Development of the Six Harmonies through the hands
5. Development of the Six Harmonies through the legs and footwork
6. Correct application of the three zones of the body
7. Correct application of Chin Na functionality
8. Correct development of Qi Gong.

Although some historians believe that Bai Yu Feng’s style was originally called Wu Xing Ba Fa Quan,
the versions that are most commonly practiced in Shaolin today are only variations on the
summary form.

After Bai Yu Feng, imitative styles became very popular and many different imitations started to
appear. Apart from the original five animals of Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Dragon and Snake there
are many others including the Mantis, Eagle, Monkey, Drunkard, White Ape, Dog, Phoenix,
Elephant, Lion, Swallow, Hawk, Rooster, Duck, Fish, Turtle, Toad, Scorpion and many more.

Today Bai Yu Fengs anciester is alive and well: his name is Master Qin, Qing Feng and he is Cao Li
Hungs Sifu!! you can reference Master Qin here:

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