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Approaching a Missional Mindset

Lesson 1
The Missional Church: Empowered Intentionality ..............3
Matthew 15:32-38

Lesson 2
The Missional Church: Passionate Relationships................8
Matthew 22:34-40

Lesson 3
The Missional Church: Being the Presence of Christ ........13
Matthew 28:16-20

Lesson 4
The Missional Church: Loving without Expectations ........18
1 Corinthians 13
This Teaching Guide has three purposes:
➤ to give the teacher tools for focusing on the content of the session in the Study Guide.
➤ to give the teacher additional Bible background information.
➤ to give the teacher variety and choice in preparation.

The Teaching Guide includes two major components: Teacher Helps and Teacher Options.

Teacher Helps
Bible Background
The Study Guide is your main Teaching Outline
source of Bible study material. provides you with an outline
This section helps you more fully of the main themes in the
understand and Study Guide.
interpret the Scripture text.

Teacher Options

The next three sections provide a beginning, middle, and end

for the session, with focus paragraphs in between.

Focus Paragraphs
are printed in italics at the top of the page because they
are the most important part of the Teaching Guide. These
paragraphs will help you move your class from “what the text
meant” to “what the text means.”

You Can Choose!

There is more material in each session than you can use, so choose the options from each section
to tailor the session to the needs of your group.

Prepare Before the Session

Read the session for today in the Study Guide. Then read the options in this Teaching
Guide, placing checkmarks beside the activities you plan to include. After you have decided
which options to use, gather the appropriate materials.
Lesson Teaching Guide


Matthew 15:32-38

Bible Background Jewish tradition, this Gospel offered

direction, focus, and comfort to the
The “feeding” stories are Christian community in a time of change.
found in all four Gospels. The When Matthew wrote, followers of
“5,000” story is in Mark 6:35- Jesus were struggling between two genera-
44, Matthew 14:13-21, and Luke tions, those from deep Jewish culture and
9:12-17. The “4,000” story is in Mark 8:1- those from a growing Christian culture.
10 and in the passage for today’s session. Judaism was becoming increasingly legal-
The story also appears in John 6:1-14, istic, and Jewish Christians were moving
which draws aspects from both stories. farther away from their Jewish roots.
Nowhere in any of these passages are we Confusion and intolerance were common.
told that Jesus “multiplied” the food. The Some Christians attempted to maintain
Gospel writers may imply this multiplica- traditional Jewish roots while reaching
tion, but the larger point is that God aggressively into the Gentile community.
always uses for the greater good whatever Jewish Christians and the entire Jewish
little we might bring. community were determined to resist
This message would have been outreach to the Gentiles.
especially important to first-century The main characters within
Christians. When compared to the extrav- Matthew’s Gospel are a varied group.
agance of Rome and the riches of the Pharisees were in charge of interpreting
Pharisees, Christians had little. Yet the act Jewish law and protecting the sacredness
of giving in the feeding stories brought of their tradition. Zealots, or Jewish
hope to the followers of Jesus, reminding fundamentalists, were fighting for libera-
them (and us today) that God works tion from the rule of Rome. Sadducees
miracles through meager offerings. were the Jewish priestly group who had
Frank Stagg has noted, “The Gospel become riddled with corruption.
of Matthew probably is best understood Christians were primarily Jews who
as a book written for a Jewish-Gentile honored Jewish tradition and believed in
church…seemingly designed to meet Jesus’ preaching. Gentiles were unfamiliar
many needs—evangelism, missions, with the Jewish customs and traditions.
apology, teaching, discipline, and They were also the fastest-growing group
worship” (61, 63). While Matthew’s of the emerging church.
primary focus was to give witness to the Into the highly charged emotional
salvation of Christ, he also wrote to context of religious culture came Jesus,
encourage the ministry of the church. who challenged the disciples to focus on
Written with the foundation of a strong the kingdom of God and the people of
God. He called them to focus more on
people and less on the “rules” of the
Pharisees and other Jewish leaders. He
wanted them to move beyond the legal-
ism of the day to love one another. Jesus
called the early church to become
Introduction: Jesus calls us to approach a
missional lifestyle, ministering with
The Gospels often speak of people
passion and intentionality. Being
eating and drinking as a metaphor for
missional means sharing leadership,
satisfying spiritual needs (see, for focusing ministry, and empowering
example, Mt 22:1-14; Lk 14:16-24). Jesus others to use their gifts to be the pres-
fed the multitudes. Jesus fed Jews and ence of Christ in the world. In responding
Gentiles, all of God’s created order. These to the physical needs of the 4,000, Jesus
miraculous feedings would mirror the gives us a glimpse of what the missional
kingdom of God, which resembles a church is like.
banquet feast at which all are welcomed
and all are filled. In the feeding stories, I. Compassion for the Crowds (15:32-34)
the crowds eat all they want, and leftovers A. Jesus has a compassionate focus
abound. Jesus gave the crowds and the (v. 32).
disciples more than they ever expected. B. The disciples wonder, “Where can we
Compassion is the key to the miracu- get enough food?” (v. 33)
lous feedings. Matthew often uses the C. Can a meager offering make a differ-
phrase “had compassion” to illustrate the ence? (v. 34)
way Jesus cared for all of God’s people.
Jesus lived a missional lifestyle, exhibiting II. Call to Intentional Ministry (15:35-38)
compassion for all of God’s creation—Jew A. The hungry crowd sits (v. 35).
or Gentile, male or female, adult or child. B. The hopeful crowd waits (v. 36).
As God’s Son, Jesus lived out his ministry C. The Lord provides (vv. 37-38).
regardless of the consequences. Where
III. Parallels
he saw a need, he responded with
A. To the messianic banquet
B. To the Lord’s Supper
The idea of the missional church
C. To the inclusive love of God
encourages us to minister like Jesus did.
Our compassion and passion for others
help us focus on God’s possibilities
instead of our problems. With a missional
outlook, we strive to be unselfish in our

4 Lesson 1
A Way to Begin
Compassion is the key to this passage. Jesus had compassion for the crowds and
for the disciples. Matthew had compassion for his hearers. God has empowered
us with a sense of compassion. As you begin your study on approaching a
missional lifestyle, examine what it means to be missional. The missional church empowers
others to minister with the intention of being Christ’s presence in the world. Being missional
means balancing God’s guidance with our compassion and being more
committed to the kingdom of God. Many of our congregations already practice
elements of the missional church, but most of us need to become more missional. Let the
compassion of Jesus shown in this passage inform your understanding of what it means to be

❍ Look for the Jazz! ❍ Glimpses of the Missional Church

In his book Blue Like Jazz Donald Miller At several points in the Study Guide, the
reflects, “I never liked jazz music because author offers glimpses of what the
jazz music doesn’t resolve. Then…one missional church looks like.
night I saw a man playing the
saxophone…for fifteen minutes, and he 1. Make a list of these glimpses referenced
never opened his eyes. After that I liked by the author. What other characteristics
jazz music. Sometimes you have to watch do you think are part of approaching a
somebody love something before you can missional lifestyle?
love it yourself ” (ix).
In many of our churches, we go Here are a few other glimpses:
through the same motions every week • Missional churches make disciples.
with no passion. Many of us are not • Missional churches embrace a
excited about our obligations to the biblical lifestyle.
church. • Missional churches engage in
As we approach a missional lifestyle, spiritual practices.
we strive to become more passionate • Missional churches are dependent
about being God’s people and more inten- upon God.
tional about being the presence of Christ • Missional churches celebrate the
in the world. The more missional we reality of God in their midst.
become, the more likely we are to love • Missional churches think and act
what we do as the church. In “looking for globally and locally.
the jazz”—finding something about
church that makes us passionate—we are 2. How is your church already practicing
bound to reach out to others in compas- missional ministry? Which areas in your
sion and share the love of God more fully. church need to become more missional
and less institutional?
➤ What is your passion for doing 3. How does each of the following
ministry? For whom do you feel characteristics reflect a missional
compassion? How is God empowering lifestyle?
you to be missional in a response to a. Seeking those who don’t know God
God’s call? Where is your “jazz”? b. Sharing hope with the hopeless
c. Ministering out of compassion
d. Ministering intentionally
e. Clergy and laity sharing ministry

Teaching Guide 5
A Way to Explore Scripture
The Gospels record six different episodes in which Jesus feeds the crowds. Though
unique, the stories are also strikingly similar. Jesus’ compassion and focus stand
out. Another similarity is the disciples’ inability to see the possibilities. As you
examine the Scripture passage for this session, compare it with the other “feeding” passages.
Help learners understand the different settings and meanings of each passage. Also, help them
look beyond the incident in the passage to see the broader contexts of why Matthew might
have included it. Jesus rarely did anything without thoughtful obedience and
deeper meaning for the broader kingdom of God. Help learners understand the
depth of God’s love as evidenced in this passage.

❍ Mountaintop Experiences Form groups and assign each one a

The mountaintop is a familiar setting for passage, or assign passages to individuals.
many important Bible experiences. List the Scripture references on a marker
Examine the following passages and gain board. Give groups or individuals time to
a deeper understanding of the “mountain- read their passages and think about the
top.” How are these experiences similar? following questions, advising that they
How are they different? What is God may need to look at preceding verses for
trying to communicate to us from these some of the answers. Sample answers are
experiences? Have small groups given for today’s passage.
work together before discussing as a
larger group. Questions
➤ What is the setting for your passage?
Genesis 22:2 Abraham and Isaac (mountain by Sea of Galilee)
Exodus 3:1 Moses and the ➤ What does Jesus do at the beginning of
Burning Bush your passage? (tells disciples about his
Exodus 19:3 God and Moses compassion on crowds; decides to feed
Isaiah 66:20 The Holy Mountain them)
Matthew 4:8 Temptation of Jesus ➤ In your passage, how do the disciples
Matthew 5 The Sermon on the react when Jesus chooses to show
Mount compassion on the crowds? (ask where
Matthew 15:32-38 Feeding the 4,000 they can get enough food)
Matthew 17:1-8 The Transfiguration ➤ What is provided as food in your
Matthew 28:16 Gathering for the passage? (seven loaves of bread; a few
Great Commission small fish)
Revelation 21:10 The Mountain of ➤ What does Jesus do with the food, and
Revelation how much is left over? (gives thanks,
breaks it, lets disciples hand it out;
seven baskets left over)
❍ The “Other” Feeding Stories
Compare and contrast the other Gospel
Now let groups list brief answers
feeding stories with the one for today—
under each Scripture heading on the
Matthew 15:32-38. The “5,000” story
board. Discuss your findings together.
appears in Mark 6:35-44, Matthew 14:13-
Then ask a final question: What is the one
21, and Luke 9:12-17, while the “4,000”
main purpose of these passages?
story is found in Mark 8:1-10. A version of
the story also appears in John 6:1-14.

6 Lesson 1
A Way to End
The time has come for us to claim our passion for the church and put our faith into
action. Just as Jesus invited the disciples to join in the miraculous feedings of the
multitudes, Jesus also invites us. The world is waiting desperately for us
to come to them. The kingdom of God is waiting on us to join in the ministry of God. Jesus
challenged the disciples to gather the resources at hand for ministry. Challenge your class
participants to gather their resources. The missional church is dependent upon each of us using
our gifts to be the presence of Christ in the world.

❍ Hot Spots Show the class a whole loaf of bread.

The world is waiting desperately for us to Invite each person to share with you in
be the presence of Christ. Where are some partaking of the bread of Christ. Say a
of the hot spots of the world that need blessing for the bread, break the bread,
our help? Consider the following list, and and share a bite with each person in class.
ask your group to think of others. Invite learners to complete the following
statement: “May this bread remind me
The war-ravaged countries of Iraq and __________________________.”
Afghanistan Discuss the questions below.
North and South Korea
The children dying of AIDS in Africa Questions
The Mississippi Delta and other poverty- ➤ When has the Lord’s Supper held
stricken areas of the United States special meaning for you? What were the
Haiti and other poverty-stricken circumstances? Who was involved in
countries sharing and serving?
The tsunami-devastated areas of ➤ How is the Lord’s Supper a missional
Southeast Asia event? How would sharing the Lord’s
Supper at a retirement home or a
Questions homeless shelter have special meaning?
➤ What can your church do to respond to Where else might the Supper have
the needs in these areas? special meaning? Why?
➤ What can your class do to respond to
the needs in these areas? Close the session with this prayer of
➤ What can you do to respond? commission: “Lord, help us in the partak-
ing of this bread to go now into the
❍ Bread—Blessed, Broken, and world. Help us to be the presence of
Beyond Christ in our church, in our community,
Jesus blesses and breaks the bread in and beyond. Empower us in this miracu-
today’s passage. The symbolism of lous feeding to be missional for the sake
another meal may come to mind. Perhaps of your kingdom. Amen!”
the Last Supper can remind us of the
miraculous feedings. The missional Resources
church is about recognizing the presence Douglas Hare, Matthew, Interpretation: A Bible
Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
of Christ in our lives and sharing passion-
(Louisville: John Knox Press, 1993).
ately with the world around us. The Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz (Nashville: Thomas
Lord’s Supper reminds us of the miracu- Nelson, 2003).
lous love of God and of our responsibility Frank Stagg, Matthew, The Broadman Bible
to share this love with the world around Commentary, vol. 8 (Nashville: Broadman Press,
us. 1969).

Teaching Guide 7
Lesson Teaching Guide


Matthew 22:34-40

Bible Background beginning of Jesus’ teaching ministry,

to the programmatic statement in
Matthew, Mark, and Luke Matthew 5:17-20…‘I have not come to
each record the event in destroy the law but to fulfill.’ The refer-
today’s passage. Mark 12:28-34 ences to the law and the prophets in 5:17
is a positive version. Luke 10:25-28 and 22:40 bracket Jesus’ ministry to Israel
shows the lawyer answering his own as the God-authorized end-time teacher”
question and includes the parable of the (Hare, 258).
Good Samaritan (10:29-37). All three Pharisees only had relationships with
passages focus on the same central other Pharisees; “The Pharisees called
thought: unconditional, totally commit- themselves Haberim, meaning neighbors.
ted love. Jesus taught that the true neighbor is the
The Pharisees were furious. Repulsed one who acts in love toward anyone
by their corruption and degradation, whom he might serve” (Stagg, 209). Jesus
Jesus had cleared their temple, challenged redefined our relationships to God and to
their authority, and threatened their the world. We are to love God, but we are
power. Still, the scheming Pharisees, on to love ourselves in the same way—not
the heels of the public embarrassment of selfishly, but with discipline. We are to
the Sadducees, saw an opportunity to love our neighbor, not for what we can get
strengthen their power. They set out to from them but for what they need from
trap Jesus and expose his blasphemy and us. We cannot love selfishly and love God.
arrogance to the admiring crowds. We cannot love God and love selfishly.
In an ironic twist, Matthew shows the Agape love cannot be subdivided, compart-
true picture of arrogance in the Pharisees, mentalized, or given with conditions. We
not in Jesus. Jewish law had been either love God, self, and neighbor, or we
expanded from the original Ten love none (Stagg, 210).
Commandments to 613 complicated and Love is the focus of all of Scripture:
intricate laws. If Jesus were to speak ill God’s love for us. Our love for God. God’s
against any of these, he would be trapped. love for the whole of creation. Our love
The Pharisees considered themselves for the whole of creation. The Old
brilliant. However, Jesus moved from Testament is filled with commands to
narrow legalism to a broad understand- love (see, for example, Lev 19:34; Deut
ing of passionate relationships, 5:10; 10:19; Ps 116:1; Prov 10:12).
summarizing the ridiculous list of 613 Likewise, the New Testament commands
laws to 2. Matthew brings the story us to love (Mt 5:43-46; Jn 13:34; Rom
full circle by taking “us back to the very 13:10; 1 Cor 13). Biblical love is a
stubborn commitment to care for the
world as God does. This is essential if
we are going to approach a missional
Jesus emphasized love with action, a
missional love. As mentioned above, the Introduction: Jesus calls us to approach a
“true neighbor is the one who acts in love missional lifestyle. Being missional means
toward anyone whom he might serve” ministering with passion and intentional-
(Stagg, 209). The Pharisee would ity. In today’s text, the encounter with a
completely miss this point. In today’s scheming Pharisee gives Jesus the oppor-
world, many of us may miss the point too. tunity to redefine what it means to love.
Many of our churches are filled with Jesus takes agape love to a level of
modern-day Pharisees. We are not called complete and unconditional commitment
to serve only those we believe are deserv- to God, to self, and to others.
ing of our help. If we love God, we love
ourselves. If we love God and ourselves, 1. The Question to Trap (22:34-36)
we have to love our neighbors. This love A. The scheming Pharisees seek revenge
takes us toward a missional lifestyle. (v. 34).
B. The lawyer lays the trap (v. 35).
C. The lawyer asks the question (v. 36).

2. The Responses to Liberate (22:37-40)

A. Love God with total commitment
(v. 37).
B. Once more with emphasis (v. 38)
C. A second most important (v. 39)
D. The law in a neat package (v. 40)

Teaching Guide 9
A Way to Begin
As we approach a missional lifestyle, it is essential that we understand what
Jesus meant in today’s passage. We are not a culture that loves deeply. Too
many adults love in several dimensions but at a superficial level. Too many of
us love our sports teams, our spouses, our children, and our favorite foods at similar levels of
commitment. That sounds absurd, but it is representative for many in our culture today.
Agape love cannot be compartmentalized or segmented. Help your learners
connect with this familiar passage in a new way.

❍ The Lord’s Been Good to Me! ❍ Missional Moments

Read the Shema from Deuteronomy 6:5 Use the information in the Study Guide
and the critical command to love one to explore the meaning of allelon. For
another in Leviticus 19:18. Help your additional information, consult a Bible
learners hear the passage in a fresh way. dictionary or commentary. You might
Have them complete the following state- also look up <> on the
ments and share answers either in small Internet.
groups or with the whole class. These
statements may evoke powerful emotions, Questions
so ask learners to share only as they feel ➤ What are some ways we allelon each
comfortable. Allow time for feelings to be other in our class? In our church?
expressed. (Alternatively, you could ask ➤ What are some needs in our commu-
learners to complete the sentences and nity that could benefit from our allelon?
then enter into a time of group prayer for ➤ Who in our community needs a
the way each participant has responded.) missional ministry response?
➤ How could you minister at a homeless
1. I know God loves me because… shelter or a retirement center? To the
2. I know I love myself because… children or youth in your congrega-
3. One neighbor I deeply love is… tion? To the pastor and staff of your
because… church?
4. One way I love God with all my heart,
soul, and mind is…
5. One way I love myself with all my heart,
soul, and mind is…
6. One way I love my neighbors with all
my heart, soul, and mind is…
7. One way my neighbors love me with all
their heart, soul, and mind is…

10 Lesson 2
A Way to Explore Scripture
The session’s Scripture passage is also found in Mark and Luke. Luke follows up
the encounter between Jesus and the lawyer with the parable of the Good
Samaritan (Lk 10:29-37). The fact that all three Synoptic Gospels tell this story
illustrates its importance in the life of the early church. The fact that all three Gospel writers
tell a slightly different story illustrates the individuality of each writer and original audience.
Regardless of the differences, the three passages focus on the same central thought of uncondi-
tional, totally committed love.
Adults today have a difficult time defining “love.” In Jesus’ day, a variety of words
connoted different types of love. Agape translates into a love that is unconditional
and totally committed. We need to grasp the full meaning of agape and put it into

❍ All You Need Is Allelon ❍ The Missional Samaritan

Share the discussion concerning allelon in Give a creative modern retelling of the
the Study Guide. Help class participants parable of the Good Samaritan in which
examine the many dimensions of love that upstanding Christian religious leaders are
existed in Jesus’ day as well as the differ- cast as the priest and the Levite and the
ent ways we love today. Discuss ways in Samaritan is represented by a controver-
which we can apply allelon in our world. sial pastor (perhaps a woman or someone
known for taking unpopular positions on
Questions hot-button issues).
➤ How difficult is it for you to distinguish End the story with an epilogue that
between the different types of love? describes how the local pastors eventually
➤ How does Jesus tell us to “love” God? met to pronounce the controversial pastor
➤ How does Jesus tell us to “love” and church an abomination and turned
ourselves? public opinion against them.
➤ How does Jesus tell us to “love” others? Even so, the congregation continued
to meet. Each week, members kept doing
Share the story from Jim Wallis’s book missional ministries in their community
found in the Study Guide. Lisa Sullivan and the world.
understood agape love and allelon relation-
ships. One thing she used to say has Questions
stayed especially close to those with ➤ Which of these was a neighbor to the
whom she worked: “When people would man despised?
complain that we don’t have any leaders ➤ Which of these approached a missional
today or would ask, where the Martin lifestyle?
Luther Kings are now, Lisa would get ➤ With whom in this story do you most
angry. ‘WE are the ones we have been identify?
waiting for!’ ” (374)

➤ How can you learn to love more with
agape love?
➤ What keeps you from this attitude?
➤ How are YOU the one we have been
waiting for?

Teaching Guide 11
A Way to End
To whom is God calling you to reach out? Who is your neighbor? God is calling us to
approach a missional lifestyle. We become more missional as we love God in the
depths of our souls. We become more missional as we learn to love ourselves with
the discipline of Christ. We become more missional as we learn to acknowledge our neighbors
and to love them even as we love God and ourselves. Challenge your class to continue
approaching a more missional lifestyle. Remind them that becoming missional is not a
destination but a journey. Remind them that being the presence of Christ requires a
more missional approach to life.

❍ A New Kind of Christian ❍ Love God, Love Self, Love Your

In his book A New Kind of Christian, Brian Neighbors
McLaren writes, “Moderns want the Bible Offer the following litany to the class as a
to be God’s encyclopedia, God’s rule book, prayer for courage to continue on the
God’s answer book, God’s scientific text, missional journey. After the reading,
God’s easy-steps instruction book, God’s invite sentence prayers from class partici-
little book of morals for all occasions. The pants, and then offer your own prayer to
only people in Jesus’ day who would have close.
had anything close to these expectations of
the Bible would have been the scribes and “Since You’re Going...” Ministry
Pharisees” (McLaren, 52). 1. Think of places you go each week.
The missional church and the (Examples: post office, grocery store,
missional Christian seek the will of God beauty parlor/barber shop, favorite restau-
with the knowledge that God’s will is not rant, office or workplace, mall, etc.)
a fixed set of rigid commands. God’s will 2. Who do you know at these places? Who
for missional Christians will never be have you seen in these places? (Examples:
fully realized. Missional Christians know Martha at the grocery checkout counter;
that loving God, loving neighbor, and Bob, who cuts your hair)
loving self is not a one-time call but the 3. What are some ways you can minister in
journey of a lifetime! these places? (Examples: Saying “thank
you” to Martha as she checks your
Questions groceries; leaving a tip for Bob after your
➤ What do you think the Bible is? haircut)
➤ What do you think about God’s will? 4. With whom are you sharing your faith
Do we ever “arrive” as Christians? on a regular basis? Who is waiting desper-
➤ How are we like the Pharisees? ately for you to come and share?
➤ How are you a missional Christian?
➤ How are you doing on the missional
journey? Douglas Hare, Matthew, Interpretation: A Bible
Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
(Louisville: John Knox Press, 1993).
Brian McLaren, A New Kind of Christian (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001).
Frank Stagg, Matthew, The Broadman Bible
Commentary, vol. 8 (Nashville: Broadman Press,
Jim Wallis, God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It
Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It (San Francisco:
Harper, 2005).

12 Lesson 2
Lesson Teaching Guide


Matthew 28:16-20

Bible Background perhaps already glimpsed him. There is

faith in honest doubt. The opposite of
Matthew’s Gospel begins with faith is not doubt, but cynicism” (621). As
a genealogy that places Jesus in we claim the power of Christ, there are
the royal lineage of the certainly times of questioning. Jesus calls
Messiah. The Gospel concludes us to “be like children.” We sometimes
with the resurrection, the crowning think this means innocent acceptance of
moment for the Christian faith. Jesus everything we hear about Jesus, but we
Christ, the Savior of heaven and earth, should remember that many children are
appears following his death to resume always testing, searching, and pushing
ministry with his disciples. Matthew’s boundaries. As we seek to be the presence
focus from beginning to ending remains of Christ in the world, we will likely have
on Jesus as the Christ. We are called to be times of doubt. But the missional
ambassadors for this Christ (2 Cor 5:20), Christian perseveres, moving forward in a
bearing witness to the grace and love of faith that overcomes. Doubt does not
God. mean disbelief!
At the end of Matthew 26, the apostles In our Scripture, Jesus of Nazareth
flee in fear (v. 56). In today’s passage, they has been fulfilled as the Christ of eternity.
have gathered for community worship on He possessed more authority than any
the mountain. We should not assume that ruler on earth, more than Rome, more
only the eleven remaining disciples than the Pharisees, more than anyone (see
communed with Jesus. The women were Mt 7:29; 8:9; 20:25; Lk 9:1 for further
likely with them. Also, as news of the information about Jesus’ authority). This
resurrection spread, many of his followers was an important claim for Jesus. In
probably rushed to be part of the reunion. claiming authority, Jesus sought to dispel
Perhaps this event is the one Paul refer- the doubt of verse 17: “The disciples’
ences in 1 Corinthians 15:6. We can doubt is dispelled not by what they SEE
imagine the intense energy and revival but by what they HEAR” (Hare, 333).
that occurred with the news of Jesus Seeing contributes to belief, but the text
returning to life. conveys that hearing obediently is more
Matthew includes a disclaimer on the important. In this last event in Matthew,
gathering, however: “But some doubted.” some saw and doubted. However, when
Some measure of doubt is expected. As the disciples heard Jesus’ words of author-
Buttrick reminds us, “Doubt is perhaps ity, their faith was restored.
not the opposite of faith, but only faith’s The missional call is to go to all
misgiving.… If we doubt God, we have nations and make disciples. The literal
Greek reads, “as you are going.” The verb
is an encouragement to continue on
the journey. The idea is that the
ministry of Jesus continues as we go
about daily life. We continue to share
the joy to which Jesus has commissioned
Introduction: Jesus calls us to approach a
us, a ministry of discipling, baptizing,
missional lifestyle. Being missional means
and teaching. As we go bearing witness, as
ministering with passion and intentional-
we baptize and teach, as we continue to
ity. The Great Commission calls us to
learn and grow, we do so knowing that share the love of God with others. The
Christ is with us. The risen Christ is still Great Commission calls us to be the pres-
building the church and still reconciling ence of Christ every day.
us to God, and we are his ambassadors.
The resurrection is a climax of joy. 1. Community (28:16-17)
Matthew 27 is filled with darkness: the A. The disciples gather obediently (v. 16).
shadow of Jesus before Pilate, the shadow B. The disciples worship and express
of Judas’s suicide, the shadow around the some doubt (v. 17).
cross and tomb. But Matthew knew that 1. The meaning of worship
the light could not be destroyed. In 2. The scope of doubt
chapter 28, the Gospel writer brings the
light back into the world. The eternal 2. Clarification (28:18)
Christ is resurrected; death and darkness A. Jesus clarifies the origin of his divine
are conquered. Matthew takes us from the commission: the God of heaven and
brink of disaster to the hope of glory. earth.
B. Jesus clarifies the limits of his divine
commission: all authority.

3. Commission (28:19-20)
A. As you go, make disciples, baptize,
and teach (v. 19).
B. Teach what you know (v. 20).

14 Lesson 3
A Way to Begin
Many people are familiar with the words of the Great Commission. Help your
learners understand the depths of Jesus’ call and then respond to it. Guide
them to consider what the passage meant in the first century and what it
means now. “Community” was important to Matthew; help your participants explore what it
means to be a community of believers in our day.
The Great Commission is Christ-centered. Jesus commissioned his disciples to focus on the
ministry he shared with them and to remember his teachings. We, too, need to be reminded of
the ministries and teachings of Jesus. Only as we keep Jesus in the center of our
lives can we truly approach a more missional lifestyle.

❍ “Since You’re Going…” Ministry ❍ The Strength of Doubt

Ask someone to read aloud the Reflecting Matthew shares honestly about the
section from the Study Guide. Mention disciples who gathered at the Great
that the literal Greek in Jesus’ commission Commission. While many worshiped the
reads not “Go” but “As you are going.” risen Christ, some doubted. However,
Jesus intended the Great Commission to doubt does not mean disbelief. Notice
be a way of life—serving others daily with that Matthew doesn’t explain how the
the love of Christ. Lead the class in the resurrection happened, just that it
thoughts below. happened. Resurrection faith leads to an
awe of worship, not a dissection of scien-
1. Think of places you go each week. tific facts.
(Examples: post office, grocery store, Many passionate followers of Christ
beauty parlor/barber shop, favorite don’t believe like we believe. Many have
restaurant, office or workplace, mall, etc.) doubts about different aspects of the
gospel story. But having differing beliefs
2. Who do you know at these places? Who and doubts does not disqualify any of us
have you seen in these places? (Examples: from the love of God.
Martha at the grocery checkout counter;
Bob, who cuts your hair) Questions
➤ What doubts do you have about the
3. What are some ways you can minister in gospel story?
these places? (Examples: Saying “thank ➤ How have your doubts led to growth in
you” to Martha as she checks your your faith?
groceries; leaving a tip for Bob after your ➤ How do you feel about those who have
haircut) doubts about Christ’s story?

4. With whom are you sharing your faith

on a regular basis? Who is waiting desper-
ately for you to come and share?

Teaching Guide 15
A Way to Explore Scripture
The Bible is designed to be read, to lead us in prayer, to be
followed, and to be felt. As a Bible study teacher, your challenging job is to
help your group see, hear, and feel the Great Commission of Jesus.
Jesus was the master teacher. He taught from the beginning of his ministry to the last
moment. When he gave his disciples the Great Commission, Jesus interacted with his pupils for
the last time on earth. Notice that he didn’t say “goodbye”; he said, “Keep doing what you
know to do!” Some people in your class may have given up on their faith. Others may feel
guilty about doubting God’s presence in their lives. Others may be living faithfully but resisting
change and growth. Listen attentively to their responses. Lead them to reclaim the joy of their
salvation. Challenge them with the truth of the Great Commission.

❍ The Commissions of Passionate ❍ The Great Commission Examined

Relationships Examine each component of the Great
The Great Commission forms the heart of Commission, and discuss the implications
our faith and is the foundation on which for each participant in your class.
much of our outreach rests. Jesus sends us Consider rewriting the components
out as ambassadors of the kingdom of together in today’s language. Afterward,
God. Developing a missional lifestyle is discuss the questions listed below.
about loving people. The challenge is to
make disciples. We cannot make disciples (1) Go therefore
without building relationships. (2) Make disciples of all nations
Guide your group to explore the (3) Baptize them in the name of the
Gospel accounts in which Jesus calls us to Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
relational ministry: Matthew 5:43-44; (4) Teach them to obey all that I
19:19; 22:37-39; Mark 12:33; Luke 7:36-50; commanded you
15:1-2; John 3:16; 13:34; 15:9, 12; 21:15-17. (5) Remember, I am with you

Questions Questions
➤ What can we learn about making disci- ➤ How can we fulfill the commission
ples from these passages? in missional ways as opposed to
➤ How did Jesus choose friends? What programmatic ways?
does his example mean to us? ➤ What does each part of the commission
➤ How did Jesus decide to whom he mean to you?
would minister? What does his
example mean to us?
➤ How does approaching a missional
lifestyle lead us to be open-minded in
➤ Who are some people with whom you
have difficulty building relationships?
How can you learn to be more open to
➤ What does being missional mean for
your church? For the kingdom of God?

16 Lesson 3
A Way to End
What does it mean to your class participants that Jesus shared this Great
Commission? Today, many of us are more concerned with maintaining the “insti-
tutional church” than living the missional church. As you close this teaching
session, help class members to be motivated by Jesus’ parting words. We live in a world where
we sometimes think only “missionaries” are called to make disciples of all nations. However,
the missional church reminds us that all of us are missionaries, being the
presence of Christ as we live each day.
Consider using these ideas to help motivate your class to be ambassadors in the kingdom.

❍ It’s Time! A Litany on the Great Commission

In his groundbreaking book on the Leader: You have heard the gospel commission.
missional church, Daniel Vestal offers All: Help us, Lord, to be more missional as we
seven ways to live out the Great are going.
Commission: Leader: You have heard the challenge to make
(1) Nurture your own relationship to All: Help us, Lord, to see those who need you
and to respond. Help us to be more
missional as we are going.
(2) Form spiritual friendships.
Leader: You have heard the challenge to baptize.
(3) Practice hospitality.
All: Help us, Lord, to share the goodness of
(4) Become involved in one “hands-on”
your love. Help us to lead those who need
ministry that addresses a social or human
you to the saving grace of our Savior. Help
need. us to be more missional in sharing the love
(5) Get to know a person of a different of Christ.
color, culture, or class. Leader: You have heard the call to teach.
(6) Respond to the inner urging of the All: Help us, Lord, to teach others even as you
Holy Spirit. have taught us. Help us to be more
(7) Don’t be ashamed of your own story. missional in our teaching and preaching.
(34-35) Leader: You have heard the promise that Christ is
with us.
Questions All: Help us, Lord, to remember the strength of
➤ What do you think of Vestal’s your presence and the salvation of your
suggestions? How can you begin to promise. Help us to be more missional in
grow in these ways? With whom might our community, in our church, and in our
you partner in order to grow in these world.
➤ What is “your story”? How does your Resources
story sound like other people’s stories? George Buttrick, Matthew, vol. 7 of The
How is your story unique? How can Interpreter’s Bible (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
you tell your story in such a way that 1951).
others will want to follow Christ? Douglas Hare, Matthew, Interpretation: A Bible
Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
❍ A Litany on the Great Commission (Louisville: John Knox Press, 1993).
Close the session by reading together the Frank Stagg, Matthew, The Broadman Bible
following litany. End by inviting class Commentary, vol. 8 (Nashville: Broadman Press,
members to say sentence prayers about
how you may fulfill the Great Daniel Vestal, It’s Time!…an urgent call to Christian
mission (Atlanta: Cooperative Baptist Fellowship,

Teaching Guide 17
Lesson Teaching Guide


1 Corinthians 13

Bible Background Paul begins this chapter by correcting

the Corinthian congregation in the spirit
The passage for today’s of agape. He spoke directly to issues the
session is not an isolated congregation faced—the use of tongues
love poem. Paul preaches and the worship of knowledge. The
about agape love throughout Corinthians enjoyed the thrills and sensa-
1 Corinthians (see 2:9; 4:21; 8:1-3). He tionalism of speaking in tongues and
had a stern message for the Corinthian thrived on the pursuit of knowledge.
congregation. For Paul, the fundamental They were proud of being “holy” and
and foundational element of the Christ- desired public approval for their right-
ian life is agape love, and the Corinthians eous acts. But their motivations were
were failing to live up to the demands. misguided. Agape love is the polar
Paul says spiritual gifts, knowledge, and opposite of thrill-seeking church life and
exciting worship are important, but each self-important holiness. It gives with no
aspect of the Christian life must be expectation of return. We don’t love so
grounded in and governed by agape love. that someone might join our church. We
The nature of agape is described in a don’t love so that someone might change
series of active verbs. Paul uses two affir- his or her actions. Agape love is best
matives followed by eight negatives. He understood through the glory of God’s
then uses four more positives linked to grace in the shadow of the cross (see Jn 15;
the phrase “all things,” a phrase that Rom 12). Without this depth of love, we
appears in several of his letters (see 1 Cor are empty. Paul’s message to the
3:21; Eph 1:22-23; Phil 4:13). For Paul, Corinthians and to us is that agape love
there is no mistaking that “all things” are moves us from emptiness to community.
bound up in the love and grace of Jesus Paul’s approach with the Corinthians
the Christ. might seem confusing. Essentially, he
Paul’s motivation for writing to the said, “I’m not sure what love is; but I am
Corinthian church was threefold. He very sure of what love is when I see it.”
wrote as a pastor, as a prophet, and as a One commentator notes, “These verses
teacher. Richard B. Hays writes that Paul’s are at once both a portrayal of what
“constant goal is to call the Corinthians Christian love is and the Corinthian love
to understand their corporate existence as is not” (Brown, 371). Paul takes us on a
the church. He invites the Corinthians to missional journey, beginning with the
see the world in dramatically new ways, in Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5:10-11),
light of values shaped by the Christian through Rome (Rom 5:1-5), and all the
story” (11). way to Corinth (1 Cor 8:3; 2 Cor 6:6). Love
is the reality that overcomes everything
that would intervene and defeat us
(Brown, 373). The Pharisees, Jewish
and Roman leaders, and even Satan
and death couldn’t defeat it. Agape love
overcame every obstacle. With the reality
of agape love, everything we do bears, Introduction: Jesus calls us to approach a
believes, hopes, endures; there is no limit missional lifestyle. Being missional means
to what we can overcome. With agape love, loving like Jesus loved—agape.
we are able to have unlimited patience for
the wrongs of others (1 Pet 4:8). Agape 1. Ministry Without Agape Is Empty
love puts no limitations on what can be (13:1-3)
done or on who can be loved! A. Love governs tongues (v. 1).
Paul concludes that agape love leads to B. Love governs prophecy and knowledge
community and also into eternity. The (v. 2).
love of the Corinthians was shallow and C. Love governs giving (v. 3).
temporary. The love of God removes
emptiness, involves us in the depths of 2. Agape Leads from Emptiness to
community, and leads us to a reality of Community (13:4-7)
love that never fails. Paul’s honesty and A. Positive attributes of love (v. 4)
integrity in verse 12 is interesting: “If you B. Love is not… (vv. 5-7)
live in agape, you won’t attain it; you’ll C. Love is all.
only have glimpses of it. But in the age to
3. Agape Leads from Emptiness to Eternity
come, you will live fully in it” (my transla-
tion). The same is true for living a
A. Eternity of love (v. 8)
missional lifestyle. If we love through
B. Perfection of love (vv. 9-10)
agape love, we will understand fully the
C. The growth potential in love (vv. 11-12)
richness of the family of God. If we love D. The greatest of everything (v. 13)
through agape love, we will understand
the love of God in eternity.
Love is the greatest need in the world
today, just as it was for the Corinthians.
In the first twelve chapters of this letter,
Paul tells the Corinthians what they need.
In the thirteenth chapter, Paul shows
them a more excellent way, a missional

Teaching Guide 19
A Way to Begin
Many people have heard 1 Corinthians 13 at weddings or anniversary celebra-
tions, but Paul’s original intent was not to write a “love poem.” Challenge your
learners to dig deeper into the text and recognize how agape moves us toward
a missional lifestyle. Emphasize that Paul’s challenge was not only for the church at Corinth; it
is for your church and for each individual. In developing a missional lifestyle, we need to under-
stand that we are called to move beyond the institutionalism of the church. The missional
lifestyle challenges us to love as deeply as Jesus loved—with agape. Leading in
these learning experiences will help clarify the meaning of agape, which is the essence of the
missional church.

❍ Living in Agape (4) Maintains dependence upon God

Ask a volunteer to read aloud the (5) Celebrates the presence and promises
story about a husband and wife in the of God
Reflecting section of the Study Guide. (6) Passionately proclaims the gospel
Then discuss these questions together. (7) Thinks and acts locally and globally
(8) Thinks long term
➤ What characteristics of agape love do Questions
you see being shared by this couple? ➤ How does agape love inform and
➤ How do you think agape love strength- influence these characteristics of the
ened this couple to face their journey? missional church?
➤ Has anyone you know embraced a ➤ How missional is your church? How
missional lifestyle founded on agape missional are you?
love? ➤ What needs to happen for you and
your church to become more
❍ The Missional Church Is Like… missional?
Share the following with your group, and
then discuss the questions together.
Paul Dietterich gives us five affirma-
tions of the missional church:

(1) Helps clarify the calling of the church

(2) Helps identify priorities
(3) Helps put complex situations in
(4) Provides a means for using a variety of
methods and ministry approaches
(5) Provides a framework for evaluating
how well the church is doing (2)

From the Missional Journey Guide, we

learn other characteristics. The missional
(1) Makes disciples
(2) Embraces a biblical world view
(3) Engages in spiritual formation

20 Lesson 4
A Way to Explore Scripture
First and foremost, the missional church works from a biblical
foundation. In this session as in the previous three, we go to the Bible for
direction. Today, help learners reorient their understanding of what love is and
what love means. Paul wrote as a pastor and as a prophet. However, he also wrote as a
teacher, providing a pattern for how to do church. This model of church takes us from “going
through the motions” of a church program to living with passionate intentionality and purpose.
Paul uses himself as a model for living in agape love and striving for a missional lifestyle. Help
your participants hear these familiar words with a newness and depth that will challenge them
as Paul challenged the Corinthians.

❍ What Is Love? ❍ A Biblical Missional Journey

Invite class members to write a definition Paul’s words about what love is are filled
of love. Share a few definitions from with many other biblical references.
dictionaries and Bible dictionaries. Then Explore the references below to gain a
examine verses 4-8 to get a fuller under- fuller understanding of what agape love
standing of what love is according to Paul. can be.
Discuss ways that you and your
congregation can be more missional in • Patient and Kind—Rom 2:4; Mt 5:10-11;
exhibiting the qualities of love. What are 2 Cor 6:6
the implications if you begin to live a • Thankful and Obedient—Gal 5:22
more missional lifestyle? • Loving God and Neighbor—Deut 6:4;
Lev 19:18
• Existing for Others—Phil 2:4
• Forgiving—2 Cor 5:19
• Joyfully Obedient—Rom 2:8; 2 Thess
• Slow to Expose Others—1 Peter 4:8
• Hopeful—Rom 5:5
• Surviving Hardship—2 Thess 1:4

Teaching Guide 21
A Way to End
The world tells us we need to love and be loved, yet the world defines love in shallow
terms that lead to emptiness. In fact, the word “love” has been used so generi-
cally that we are in danger of losing its deepest meaning. We love our pets, we
love our spouses, we love our favorite meals, we love our families, we love Christmas. The
same word conveys many different levels of feeling. Missional Christians know that agape is
love based on God’s love. Missional Christians know that agape flows from the grace of God
through the sacrifice and love of Christ.
God has a purpose for each of us as missional Christians and congregations. Living out
agape in our world today can help us bear all things, believe all things, hope
all things, and endure all things. Living out agape moves us from Christians
by word to Christians by faith, hope, and love.

❍ Experience Love We Are Empty Litany

Guide participants to form small groups. Leader: I can speak well, I can convince others of
Distribute copies of the following unfin- my point of view, I know what I am
ished statements, or write them on a talking about…
marker board, and have group members All: But if I convince and don’t love, I am
complete the statements as they feel led. If empty.
your group is small in number, you can all Leader: I know things, I understand deeper
mysteries of life, I have a strong faith in
share together.
All: But if I know and don’t love, I am empty.
I feel loved when someone…
Leader: I am a giving person, I give away money
I feel appreciated when someone…
and time for good…
I feel happy when someone…
All: But if I give and don’t love, I am empty.
I feel special when someone… Leader: God, fill us with a heart like yours that
I feel respected when someone… lets us love appropriately.
I feel joyful when someone… All: Fill us with your wisdom; fill us with your
I feel hopeful when someone… completeness.
Leader: Don’t let us be empty, O God.
A time when someone’s love has helped All: Fill us with your faith, with your hope, with
me bear a burden is… your love. Fill us as you filled Jesus. Don’t
A time when someone’s love has helped let us be empty. Amen.
me believe in myself is…
A time when someone’s love has helped Resources
me believe more in God is… Raymond B. Brown, Acts–First Corinthians, The
A time when someone’s love has given me Broadman Bible Commentary (Nashville:
hope is… Broadman Press, 1970).
A time when someone’s love has helped Paul M. Dietterich, The Center Letter: Cultivating
me endure a hardship is… Missional Communities 35/1 (Chicago: The Center
for Parish Development, 2005).

❍ We Are Empty Litany Richard B. Hays, First Corinthians, Interpretation:

A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
Distribute copies of the following litany.
(Louisville: John Knox Press, 1997).
Read the litany together, then close in
Greg Hunt et al., The Missional Journey Guide
(Atlanta: CBF, 2002).

22 Lesson 4

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