Fosroc Polyurea WPE

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Fosroc Polyurea WPE constructive solutions

Fast setting, pure polyurea elastomeric

waterproof coating
 Environment friendly - zero VOC

 Excellent chemical resistance, thermal stability and UV

General Information Resistance *

 Very fast turn-around time. The coated substrate can

Fosroc Polyurea WPE is a spray-applied, 100% solids,
be put into service within an hour
flexible, two-component, rapid curing pure Polyurea
system, designed as a waterproofing and protective  Excellent impact, abrasion and puncture resistance
coating. It combines the advantages of seamless coating
with very long life cycles and high durability.  Seamless and monolithic, including field joints

Fosroc Polyurea WPE consists of the two components  Significantly enhances the durability of reinforced
Fosroc Polyurea WPE Part A ISO and Fosroc Polyurea concrete
WPE Part B AMINE. The system offers excellent surface
properties and overall physical properties.  Low permeability values

 Can be applied at ambient temperatures from -30⁰C **

to +70⁰C
 Designed for service temperatures from -30⁰C to
Anti-corrosion, waterproof and protective coating for
concrete and steel in a wide range of environmental
* see Chemical Resistance and Colour sections
** Note for applications below +5°C, consult Fosroc for
specific advice.
Typical applications include:

 Below ground waterproofing

 Pipe/ Pipeline coating
 Bridge/ Bridge deck waterproofing Where mentioned in the contract drawings, the protective
and waterproofing coating shall be Fosroc Polyurea WPE,
 Tank coating a 100% solids, flexible, two component, rapid curing pure
 Sewage treatment plant internal tank lining Polyurea coating system providing high corrosion,
abrasion and thermal shock resistance. It shall meet the
 Marine environment values under the section “ Properties”.
 Roof waterproofing
 Truck bed lining Properties
Typical Physical properties at 23⁰C
 Theme parks & decorative designs
 Aquarium lining Solids by Volume : 100%
Volatile organic compounds : 0 g/litre
 Stadia
Viscosity : A ISO =1000 mPas
 Landscape & water containment : B AMINE <1200 mPas
 Waterparks & playgrounds Density at 25⁰C : 1.01 g/ml
Tensile strength ASTM D412 : >19 MPa
 Rail cars Modulus 100%/ 200%/ 300% : > 9/ 13/ 16 MPa
 Line striping ASTM D412
Tear Resistance ASTM D624C : 90 ± 4 N/mm
 Secondary containment Elongation ASTM D412 : >300%
 Airports Shore D ASTM D2240 : 43 to 49
Abrasion (1kg,H22 wheels) : 36 mg /1000 cycles
 Refineries
ASTM D4060
Abrasion (1kg,CS17 wheels) : ≤0.02 mg / cycle
Service temperature : -30⁰C to +135⁰C
ASTM D4060

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Fosroc Polyurea WPE constructive solutions

Clarification of property values Processing parameters

The typical physical properties given above are derived Block Temperature : +70⁰C to +80⁰C
from independent testing of Fosroc Polyurea WPE Hose Temperature : +70⁰C to +80⁰C
spray-applied in accordance with the Fosroc Polyurea Volume ratio : 1:1
Method Statement, in controlled laboratory environment. Pressure : 120 - 150 bar
Results derived from testing field-applied samples may Gel Time : 5 - 10 sec
vary dependent on several factors, including the type and Walkable : 2 minutes
condition of equipment utilised (particularly the spray gun Trafficable (light duty) : 15 - 20 minutes
effecting air entrapment), static and dynamic working Fully Serviceable : 24 hours
pressures, application temperatures and weather
conditions, film thickness, age of sample tested.
Refer to Application section below and Fosroc Polyurea
Method Statement for further detail.

Chemical Resistance
(ASTM D3912, 72 hours immersion)

Chemical Result Max service temp. Instructions for use

Anti-freeze (Texaco) R 50⁰C
Brake fluid R-C 50⁰C Surface preparation
Hydraulic Oil R 50⁰C
Motor Oil R-DIS 50⁰C All surfaces must be clean, dry and free from
contamination. The surface must be assessed and treated
Kerosene R 25⁰C
in accordance with ISO 8504.
Diesel Fuel R 25⁰C
Petrol R-DIS 25⁰C Concrete
Skydrol NR Dry abrasive blasting, wet abrasive blasting, vacuum-
Sodium hydroxide (50%) R 50⁰C assisted abrasive blasting, and centrifugal shot blasting,
Potassium Hydroxide (50%) R 50⁰C as described in ASTM D4259, may be used to remove
Ammonia (0.880) 33% R 25⁰C contaminants, laitance, and weak concrete, to expose
Sea water R 50⁰C blow holes, and to produce a sound concrete surface with
Urea (10%) R 50⁰C adequate profile and surface porosity. All blow holes and
Urea solution conc. R 50⁰C minor surface imperfections shall be filled with
Sugar solution conc. R 50⁰C recommended filler prior to application of Primer.
Bleach (5%) R-DIS 50⁰C
Butanol R-C 25⁰C Bare Steel
Industrial Methylated spirits NR All welding seams must have a surface finish which
Acetic Acid (10%) R 50⁰C ensures that the quality of the paint system will be
Lactic Acid (20%) R 50⁰C maintained in all respects. Holes in welding seams,
Citric Acid (50%) R 50⁰C undercuts, cracks, etc. must be avoided. If found, they
Tartaric acid (50%) R 50⁰C must be remedied by welding and/or grinding. All weld
Oleic Acid (100%) R-DIS 50⁰C spatters must be removed. All sharp edges must be
removed or rounded off in such a way that the
Phosphoric Acid (10%) R 50⁰C
specified film thickness can be build-up on all surfaces.
Hydrochloric acid (20%) R-C 50⁰C
The radius of the rounding must be minimum 2 mm.
Hydrochloric acid Conc. NR The steel must be of first class quality and must not have
Nitric acid (30%) R-C 25⁰C been allowed to rust more than corresponding to grade B
Sulphuric Acid (10%) R 50⁰C of ISO 8501-1:2007. Any laminations must be removed.
Sulphuric Acid (70%) R-C 25⁰C Blast cleaning to Sa 2½. (ISO 8501-1:2007). Roughness:
using abrasives suitable to achieve a coarse surface of
R : Recommended Grade Medium G (50-85μm, Ry5) (ISO 8503-2).
R-DIS : Recommended – Discolouration only
R-C : Recommended – Conditional; discolouration
and/or slight softening or swelling – wash
down within one hour to avoid effects
NR : Not Recommended

Note: The chemical resistance recommendations given

above apply to spillage and secondary containment
applications up to 72 hours contact duration; for any other
requirements contact Fosroc for further advice.
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Fosroc Polyurea WPE constructive solutions

Priming Estimating

Following correct preparation, the substrate must be Supply:

primed. Fosroc Polyurea WPE Part A ISO component
For sound, dry concrete and at ambient/substrate Drums : 200 ltrs
temperatures of ≥25⁰C, prime using Fosroc Nitoprime 31.
For all other conditions, Fosroc Primer 195 must be used. Fosroc Polyurea WPE Part B AMINE component
For concrete, suggested application rate is 250ml per m ; Drums : 200 ltrs
For steel substrates, a suggested rate of 150ml per m . A or
broadcast of fire-dried sand is recommended for optimum Drums : 195 ltrs + separate
adhesion properties. colour pack
The primer shall be allowed to become touch-dry prior to
application of Fosroc Polyurea WPE. Fosroc Nitoprime 31 Part A Base
Refer to Fosroc Polyurea Method Statement for full Tin container :
details. Fosroc Nitoprime 31 Part B Hardener
Tin container :

Spray Equipment Fosroc Primer 195 Part A Base

Pail : 12.5kg in 25 litre pail
A high pressure spray proportioning machine/ spray gun Fosroc Primer 195 Part B Hardener
for plural heated polyurea components such as those Pail : 7.5kg in 10 litre pail
manufactured by GlasCraft or Graco should be used for
this product. Coverage:
A list of appropriate equipment is provided in the Fosroc Fosroc Nitoprime 31/ : see Priming section and
Polyurea Method Statement. Fosroc Primer 195 refer to Fosroc Polyurea
Method Statement
Fosroc Polyurea WPE : 1.0 – 3.0 ltrs per m *
depending on specification
Safety handling
* Note:
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear suitable protective Normal recommended coverage is 1.5 litres/m .
clothing, gloves and eye/face protection at all times. 1.0 litre/m coverage rate is the absolute minimum and
Ensure adequate ventilation and avoid inhalation of requires a highly experienced operator for even and
vapour and aerosol. Use supplied air hood. effective coverage, using a cross-hatch spray pattern.
Fosroc Polyurea WPE Part A ISO, Fosroc Nitoprime 31 3.0 litres/m rate is the maximum coverage rate for a
(Parts A and B), Fosroc Primer 195 (Parts A and B) may single coat application.
cause sensitisation by inhalation and skin contact.
In case of eye contact, first aid must be administered
immediately. The eyes should be held open while flushing
with a continuous low pressure stream of water for at least
15 minutes. Seek medical advice immediately. If
swallowed, seek medical attention immediately - do not
induce vomiting.
The use of barrier creams provides additional skin
Refer to safety data sheets for detailed information.

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Fosroc Polyurea WPE constructive solutions

Application Technical support

The client/ main contractor must be satisfied that the Fosroc offers a comprehensive technical support service to
applicator has suitable equipment and expertise, and will specifiers, end users and contractors. Fosroc is also able to
follow the procedures detailed in this datasheet and in the offer on-site technical assistance, an AutoCAD facility and
Fosroc Polyurea Method Statement. dedicated specification assistance in locations all over the
Do not dilute Fosroc Polyurea WPE, Fosroc Nitoprime 31 or world.
Fosroc Primer 195 under any circumstances.
Normal recommended minimum applied thickness of Fosroc
Polyurea WPE is 1.5mm, using cross-hatch spray pattern. Disposal Considerations
Applied product can be walked on carefully after
approximately 2 mins; is light duty trafficable (e.g. light foot Cured Fosroc Polyurea WPE, cured Fosroc Nitoprime 31
traffic) after approximately 15-20 minutes, and fully and cured Fosroc Primer 195 can be disposed of without
serviceable after 24 hours. restriction. The uncured A and B components should be
For temperatures below +5⁰C, longer cure times must be disposed of according to local environmental laws and
anticipated – contact Fosroc for further advice. ordinances.
Use appropriate non-solvent chemical for the flushing of “Drip free” containers should be disposed of according to
equipment. local environmental laws and ordinances.
In the case of prolonged storage prior to use, thoroughly mix Refer to safety data sheets for all relevant information on
the amine component with a drum mixer until a Fosroc Polyurea WPE, Nitoprime 31 and Fosroc Primer
homogenous mixture and colour is obtained. 195.
Refer to Fosroc Polyurea Method Statement for further
Additional Information

Storage Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary

products which include :
Fosroc Polyurea WPE has a shelf life of 12 months if kept in
a dry, air conditioned store between +5⁰C and +30⁰C in the  waterproofing membranes & waterstops
original unopened containers. Any changes in colour have  joint sealants & filler boards
no negative effect on reactivity and physical properties of
the coating.  cementitious & epoxy grouts
 specialised flooring products
Fosroc additionally offers a comprehensive package of
It should be noted that Fosroc Polyurea WPE is an aromatic products specifically designed for the repair and
polyurea; therefore, as with all aromatics, over a period of refurbishment of damaged concrete. Fosroc‟s „Systematic
time colour change will occur if exposed to UV rays. This Approach‟ to concrete repair features the following :
will not cause any negative effect on the physical properties
of the product.  hand-placed repair mortars
If long-term aesthetics regarding colour stability is of critical  spray-grade repair mortars
importance, contact Fosroc for further advice.
 fluid micro-concretes
 chemically resistant epoxy mortars
 anti-carbonation/ anti-chloride protective coatings
 chemical and abrasion resistant coatings

For further information on any of the above, please consult

your local Fosroc office.

Revision A
Issued Feb 2009
Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the
Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice,
recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control
over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products, whether or
not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it. For latest version of this datasheet please
contact your local representative.
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