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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each

1.Roger’s Thesaurus, a collection of English words and phrases, was originally arranged by the ideas they
express rather than by alphabetical order.
A.unless B.instead of C.restricted well as
2.According to Freud, dreams can be interpreted as the fulfillment of wishes.
A.attainment B.performance C.conclusion D.completion
3.My elder sister failed her final exam, which depressed my parents.
A.embarrassed B.satisfied C.pleased D.disappointed
4.The whole village was wiped out in the bombing raids.
A.changed completely B.cleaned well
C.destroyed completely D.removed quickly
5.I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back; we are home and dry.
A.have got home dry B.have been successful
C.have not got wet D.have got no water
6.Many parents may fail to recognize and respond to their children’s needs until frustration explodes into
difficult or uncooperative behavior.
A.slowly reaches the boiling point B.remains at an unchanged level
C.suddenly becomes uncontrollable D.stays under pressure
7.Mobile libraries bring books to children in many small communities. These libraries travel from towns to
tows in cars, vans or trucks.
A.staying in one place B.moving from place to place
C.being sent easily and quickly D.changing shape easily and often
8.If I say something odd, it’s because I didn’t sleep at all last night. When I get extremely tired, I can
sometimes get a bit weird. to participate B.very stange and unusual
C.being too clever D.not able to concentrate
9.Deer-like figures made from willow shoots are the oldest evidence of human’s habitation in the Grand
A.proof B.clue C.dispute D.exhibit
10.Did she get the better of you in the argument?
A.try to be better than B.try to heat
C.gain a disadvantage D.gain an advantage over
11.Excessive amounts of lead in the air can decrease a child’s intelligence.
A.boom B.diminish C.abate D.swamp
12.Species that have already lost habitat because deforestation are given higher priority in the plan due to
their greater risk of extinction.
A.a thing that you do often and almost without thinking
B.the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found
C.a subject that student don’t understand
D.a theme that everyone likes to discuss
13.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was established in
A.set up B.found out through D.put away
14.People in Korea gave books to schools in Indonesia, and Indonesia taught Koreans a traditional dance.
This exchange helped them learn about each other’s cultures. and receiving thing at the same time B.trying many different things at the same time arrangement for two parties D.the process of changing an amount of one currency
15.The gravitational forces of the sun and the moon are fundamental in causing ocean tides.
A.unique B.essential C.odd D.current
16.We had waited for two hours and in the end they arrived.
A.luckily B.suddenly C.gradually D.eventually
The introduction of credit cards really modified North American’s spending habit.
A.devoted B.altered C.reduced D.resolved
17.I stayed with her for a while before I left. the difficult time B.for relaxation
C.whenever she needed me D.for a short perioed of time
18. I don’t think I can ever live on my own in a big city.
A.poorly B.hungrily C.freely D.alone
19.Although we argued with hime for a long time, he stood his ground.
A.wanted to continue B.felt sorry for us
C.refused to change his decision D.changed his decision
20.Scientists and engineers have invented filters and other methods of removing pollutants from industrial
A.taking away B.taking over C.making out D.making over
21.I take off my hat to all those people who worked hard to get the contract.
A.respect B.discourage C.detest D.dislike
22.Originally developed in 1935 by Charles F.Richter of the California Institute of Technology, the richter
scale was expanded for worldwide.
A.prolonged B.enlarged C.exchanged D.spread
23.The lost hiker stayed alive by eating wild berries and drinking spring water.
A.revived B.survived C.surprised D.enlivened
24.After her mother died, she was raised by her grandparents.
A.put up B.brought up C.come into D.grown up
25.In my book, great caution should be excercised in dealing with this matter as it appears to be more
A.In my subjection B.In my retrospection C.In my opinion D.As for my reading
26.I just want to stay at home and watch TV and take it easy.
A.sleep B.sit down C.relax
27.I find it difficult to remain neutral while he’s concerned about the matter.
A.objective B.nagative C.positive D.middle
28.Bacteria can be both detrimental and helpful to humans, depending on the specific type and effect.
A.useful B.fatal C.productive D.harmful
29.The bread has become stale and I cannot swallow it.
A.gone up B.gone off C.gone down D.gone away
30.It takes roughly 4,000 pounds of petals to make a single pound of rose oil.
A.amazingly much as C.relatively D.more or less
31.He drives me crazy because he never stops talking for hours.
A.frightens me B.moves me C.irritates me D.steers me
32.Educators have made great strides in recent years in combating the ignorance of the nation’s young about
A.fearlessness B.indoctrination C.unawareness D.arrogance
33.Because of cutbacks in council spending, plans for the new swimming pool had to be shelved.
A.delayed B.canceled C.disapproved D.stopped
34.Staring at other people can sometimes be impolite.
A.Winking privately B.Peeking carefully C.Glancing briefly D.Gazing steadily
35.The boy was brought up with a family in the countryside.
A.grown B.reared C.educated D.bred
36.We have to balance the risks of the new stategy against the possible benefits. out B.keep steady D.stay away
37.In the end my neighbour decided to speak his mind.
A.are given the right to B.say exactly what he thought C.say a few words D.have a chat
38.We spent the entire day looking for a new apartment.
A.all long day B.the long day after day D.all day long
39.Ethnocentrism prevents us from putting up with all of the customs we encounter in another cultures.
A.experiencing B.comprehending C.tolerating D.adopting
40.The newlyweds agreed to be very frugal in ther shopping because they wanted to save enough money to
buy a house.
A.interested B.economical C.wasteful D.careless
41.Ice Age fossils from the La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles are now on display in the Natural History
Museum in Los Angeles County.
A.located B.on exhibiting C.under supervisin
42.We had to list the chronology of events in World War II on our test.
A.catastrophe B.time sequence C.disaster D.difference
43.The company makes every effort to respond to customer querries and will reply to them via email withint
two business days.
A.reservations B.complaints C.questions D.agreements
44.Even though the mountain was very steep and the climb was hazardous, several adventurous tourists
managed to reach the top.
A.causing a lot of risk B.bringing excitement C.costing a lot of money D.resulting in depression
45.As tourism is more developed, people worry about the damage to the fauna and flora of the island. and trees B.plants and animals C.mountains and forests D.fruits and vegetables
46.It is such a prestigious university that only excellent student are entitled to a full scholarship each year.
A.have the right to refuse B.are refused the right to
C.are given the right to D.have the obligation to
47.Paid employment has undoubtedly brought economic and social gains to many women.
A.independently B.hardly C.freely D.certainly
48.The repeated commercial on TV distract many viewers from watching their favourite films. B.advertisements C.economics D.contests
49.Bill, come and give me a hand with cooking. B.prepare busy D.attempt
50.What may happen if John does not arrive in time?
A.turn up B.count on C.keep away D.go along
51.You should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the
A.look at B.listen to C.try your best D.focus your attention
52.It is really too easy to point the finger at parents who protect their children from life’s obstacles.
A.examinations B.exercises C.experiences D.changes
53.Creating a good impression on the interviewer is very important.
A.appearance and manner B.pressure and facial expression
C.deep, strong effect D.complments and promises
54. During a job nterview, it is advisable to give clear and honest answers.
A.frank B.polite C.correct D.interesting
55.Our new teacher has a good sense of humour.
A.ability to amuse people B.ability to frighten people C.responsibility D.commitment
56.The activists were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people.
A.providing healthy ideas B.nurturing C.harming D.keeping in the dark
57.You shouldn’t wear casual clothes to an interview. As this may give your interviewers wrong impression.
A.formal B.informal C.elegant D.nice
58.To prepare for a job interview, you should jot down your qualifications, work experience as well as
someimprotant information about yourself.
A.what you have experienced B.your bio data and special qualities
C.your own qualitiesnin real life D.what you have earned through study
59.Fallout from a nuclear power station damaged in the tsunami may endanger the vegetation.
A.stimulate B.harm C.inhibit D.benefit
60.Thedical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
A.speed B.expect more better D.treat better
61.As all of us cannot be available today, let’s put off the discussion till later.
A.present for the event B.scheduled for the event C.arranged for the event D.appointed to the event
62.Peter didn’t mean to be disrespectful to his teacher. He just couldn’t control his temper.
A.showing lack of trust B.showing nervousness
C.showing impolite behavor D.showing lack of attention
63.The washing machine I have just bought is very simple to use.
A.boring B.interesting C.easy D.difficult
64.In most countries, compulsory military service does not apply to women.
A.superior B.obligatory C.beneficial D.constructive
65.I will not stand for your bad attitude any longer. B.mean C.tolerate
66. The notice should be put in the most conspicuous place so that all students can be well-informed.
A.easily seen B.beautiful C.popular D.suspicious
67.I prefer to talk to people face to face than to talk on the phone.
A.facing them person C.looking at them D.seeing them
68.These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violent.
A.openly criticised B.publicly said C.publicly supported D.strongly condemned
69.Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases.
A.stretched B.serious C.common D.scattered
70.Within a week on display at the exhibition, the painting was hailed as a masterpiece which attracts a lot of
A.a down-to-earth work of art excellent work of art expensive work of art D.a large work of art
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each of
the following questions.
1.”The table is too heavy for me to move alone.”
A.light B.easy C.old D.bulky
2.Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity.
A.reveal B.conserve C.presume D.cover
3.During the five-decade history, the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.
A.holding at B.holding back C.holding by D.holding to
4.Polluted water and increased water temperatures have driven many species to the verge of extinction.
A.Enriched B.Contaminated C.Purified D.Strengthened
5.”That is a well-behaved boy whose behaviour has nothing to complain about.”
A.behaving nice B.behaving cleverly C.good behavior D.behaving improperly
6.We offer a secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A.slow C.unsure D.uninterested
7.Pollulation growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region.
A.remain unstable B.fluctuate C.restrain D.remain unchanged
8.This kind of dress is outmoded. If I were you, I wouldn’t dress it up at the party.
A.fashionable B.realistic C.unfashionable D.attractive
9.The flowering pebble is a plant that looks like a stone and grow in arid areas.
A.deserted Bdamp C.dry D.barren
10.The new law to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
A.eliminated B.protect C.pollute D.destroy
11.I would be happy to go along with the idea.
A.disagree with the idea B.agree with the idea the idea D.approve the idea
12.All of the student are obliged to pass the entrance examination in order to attend the university.
A.forced B.impelled C.required D.optional
13.There has been no huge improvement in the noise levels since lorries were banned.
A.clear B.obvious C.insignificant D.thin
14.Many California mining towns propered until the gold ran out and propectors moved on to new ares,
leaving boom towns to become ghost towns.
A.declined B.assembled C.employed D.thrived
15.Two weeks ago, when I was looking for a new pair of jeans in the market, I ran into Mai.
A.called loudly very quickly C.saw by chance D.arranged to meet
16.He was arrested for his illicit drug trade in the police raid yesterday. B.irregular C.elicited D.secret
17.Strongly advocating health foods, Jane doesn’t eat any chocolate.
A.denying B.doubting C.supporting D.advising
18.Pure water is often a fairly rare commodity that requires significant energy to produce.
A.Contaminated B.Clean C.Unadulterated D.Flawless
19.Why are you being so arrogant?
A.humble B.cunning C.naive D.gentle
20.The soldiers were told to commence firing in the mock battle.
A.continue B.stop C.begin D.evoke
21.The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of precautionary measures.
A.severe B.beneficial C.physical D.damaging
22.In big cities, animals should be kept under control.
A.out of dispute B.out of discipline C.out of hand D.out of order
23.We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A.accessible B.revealed C.lively D.frequently
24.We left New York when I was six, so my recollections of it are rather faint.
A.misunderstood B.clear C.ambiguous D.explanatory
25.Phosphorus is used in paints for highway signs and markers because it is luminous at night.
A.dim B.adequate C.bright D.attractive
26.Ludwug van Beethoven was one of the great composers in the history of music.
A.influential B.outstanding C.reliable D.unknown

27.His policies were benificial to the economy on a whole.

A.innocent B.harmless C.crude D.detrimental
28.It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.
A.indistinct B.evident C.obvious D.transparent
29.The loss of his journls had caused him even more sorrow than his retirement from the military six years
A.grief C.comfort D.sympathy
30.I’ll have to whisper to you, otherwise he will hear.
A.shout B.whistle D.say
31.Now, when so many frogs were killed, there were more and more insects.
A.fewer and fewer B.less and less C.lesser and lesser D.lesser and fewer
32.As a newspaper reporter, she always wanted to get information at first hand.
A.indirectly B.directly C.easily D.slowly
33.In the 1980 census, New Jersey was the most densely populated state.
A.rigorously B.heavily C.wantonly D.sparsely
34.A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to permanent bone deformities.
A.irreparable B.infinite C.temporary D.occasional
35.Do you know any actual cases of this happening?
A.false B.untrue C.hypothetical D.imitate
36.One by one, the stars appeared in the sky.
A.vanished B.blossomed C.broke out D.performed
37.My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance. confident optimistic pessimistic smart
38.Their wedding party caused great disappointment but at least there was sufficient food for everyone.
A.worthless B.inadequate C.satisfying D.unpleasant
39.In many countries, military service is obligatory.
A.encouraged B.compulsory C.voluntary D.mandatory
40.Henry has found a temporary job in a factory.
A.genuine B.permanent C.eternal D.satisfactory
41.Primary education in the United States is compulsory.
A.selective B.optional of charge D.required
42.We couldn’t roller-skate or skateboard on the road because it was too rough.
A.far B.bumpy C.cold D.smooth
43.Unless you water your indoor plants regularly and give them the necessary vitamins, you can’t expect
them to look healthy.
A.front-door B.outdoor C.side-door D.door
44.Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.
A.interesting resemblance B.complete coincidence C.significant difference D.minor comparison
45.Mr.Smith’s new neighbors appear to be very friendly.
A.hostile B.nice C.aware D.popular
46.You can certainly set up a partnership with him as he is trustworthy.
A.unreliable B.indispensible C.unfavourable D.independent
47.However how to make a full use of these sources of energy is a question for researchers all over the world.
A.complete B.imperfect C.partial D.hungry
48.The little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop, deciding which goods she was
going to buy.
A.excessive C.required D.abundant
49.This magazine is known for its comprehansive coverage of news.
A.casual B.superficial C.indifferent D.inadequate
50.Their classmates are writing letters of acceptance.
A.agreement B.admission C.refusal D.confirmation
51.He was not afraid to pet the gentle dog, even though it was very big.
A.dirty B.cold C.calm D.fierce
52.Psychologists encourage their patients not to get upset about trivial matters.
A.expectant B.unnecessary C.minor D.important
53.Mutualism is a type of symbiosis that occurs when two unlike organisms live together in a state that is
mutually beneficial.
A.alike B.likely C.similar D.dislike
54.I can’t stand people who treat animals cruelly.
A.cleverly B.gently C.reasonably D.brutally
55.If you are at the loose end this weekend, I will show you round the city. B.confident C.occupied D.reluctant
56.Harry displays enthusiasm whenever he is posed with problems.
A.eagerness B.weakness C.indifference D.softness
57.Charles W.Elliot, the president of Havard in 1869, initiated a system under which most required courses
were dropped in favor of elective courses.
A.initial B.compulsory C.optional D.necessary
58.There is no excuse for your discourtesy. Think twice before you are going to say anything.
A.bravery B.impoliteness C.politeness D.stubborness
59.Hardly anyone showed up at the party last night due to the heavy rain.
A.Almost everyone B.Practically no one C.Hardly ever D.Nearly no one
60.My mother is a caring woman and always thoughtful of others.
A.rude B.inconsiderate C.critical D.gentle
61.There is a strong smell of gas in the kitchen.
A.weak B.awkward C.shabby D.faint
62.In common with many others, she feels torn between her family and her work.
A.In association with B.In imitaion of C.Ignoring D.Unlike
63.It was a very wonderful opportunity for us to catch.
A.break B.destroy C.hold D.miss
64.The massacre of the Jews in World War II has accounted for its people’s hostility towards foreigners.
A.disease B.hazard C.offence D.friendliness
65.I have a vague recollection of meeting him when I was a child.
A.apparent B.indistinct C.imprecise D.ill-defined
66. “I’m sorry, madam. This is the fixed price and there is no discount.”
A.negotiable B.changeable C.unchanged D.discussed
67.My brother has become a bit of a couch potato since he stopped playing football.
A.a lazy person B.a nice person C.a live wire D.a kind person
68.He said that the tragedy had been wholly avoidable.
A.evocative B.inevitably C.explicit D.inescapable
69.Any students who neglects his or her homework is unlikely to do well at school.
A.puts off B.looks for C.attends to D.approves of
70.The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
A.associate B.seperate C.cooperate D.assemble
71.Those clothes are inappropriate for this evening.
A.improper B.attractive C.available D.suitable
72.The story told by the teacher amused children in the class.
A.astonished B.frightened C.jolted D.saddened
73.The clubs meet on the last Thursday of every month in a dilapidated palace.
A.neglected B.regenerated C.furnished D.renovated
74.The road was partially blocked by a fallen tree.
A.haphazardly B.nervously C.entirely D.nearly
75.There was a lot of public concern that some regions in Russia were becoming autonomous republics, not
under the control of the central government in Moscow.
A.dependent B.independent C.superior D.powerful
76.All organisms must obtain nutrients from the environment in order to sustain themselves.
A.isolate B.harvest C.acquire D.digest
77.Experts hope that the vaccine will be mass-produced soon.
A.produced in great numbers B.produced in small numbers
C.produced cheaply D.produced with high cost
78.It is very probable that the minister will resign.
A.inconceivable B.likely C.certainly D.unlikely
79.My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.
A.unimpaired B.unskilled C.ill-educated D.unqualified
80.She was brought up in a well-off family, so she can’t understand the problems we are facing.
A.wealthy B.kind C.broke D.poor
81.The river should be control in order to facilitate navigation.
A.make difficult B.make possible C.make unpopular D.make busy
81.Inadequate supply of oxygen to the blood can cause death within minutes.
A.Nonexistent B.Sufficient C.Rich D.Useful
82.The thieves hid their precious possesions in the well.
A.priceless B.worthless C.valuable D.invaluable

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