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LASIK vs LASEK vs PRK: advantages and indications

Article  in  Seminars in Ophthalmology · April 2003

DOI: 10.1076/soph. · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Renato Ambrósio Jr
Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)


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Seminars in Ophthalmology 0882-0538/03/1801-002$16.00

2003, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 2–10 © Swets & Zeitlinger

LASIK vs LASEK vs PRK: Advantages and indications

Renato Ambrósio Jr, MD1,2 and Steven E. Wilson, MD1

Department of Ophthalmology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA and
Department of Ophthalmology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Abstract Introduction
The advent of the excimer laser as an intrument for use in Refractive surgery has undergone a significant evolution
reshaping the corneal stroma was a great step forward in during the last two decades, emerging as a true ophthalmic
refractive surgery. Laser energy can be delivered on the subspecialty. Refractive surgical procedures are among the
stromal surface in the photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) most commonly performed procedures in medicine.
procedure or deeper on the corneal stroma by the means The 193 nm argon fluoride excimer laser was introduced
of a lamellar surgery in which a flap is created with the by Trokel in 1983 and first used on a human subject by
microkeratome in the laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) McDonald in 1987.1,2 Since that time, tremendous effort has
procedure. LASIK is currently the dominant procedure in gone into refining its use in refractive surgery. Excimer laser
refractive surgery. The main advantage of LASIK over PRK procedures have gained tremendous momentum. Improve-
is related to maintaining the central corneal epithelium. This ments in hardware and software have paralleled the evolu-
increases comfort during the early post-operative period, tion of surgical techniques.
allows for rapid visual recovery, and reduces the wound Early models of excimer lasers used a broad beam with a
healing response. Reduced wound healing correlates with diaphragm to create small optical zones in spherical or spher-
less regression for high corrections and a lower rate of com- ical-cylindrical ablation patterns. More sophisticated lasers
plications such as significant stromal opacity (haze). PRK, emerged using large scanning systems or slit beams. Further
however, remains as an excellent option for mild to moder- improvement in lasers occurred with the development of
ate corrections, particularly for cases associated with thin smaller beam delivery systems associated with eye-trackers,
corneas, recurrent erosions, or a predisposition for trauma so that more sophisticated algorithms to create smoother
(Martial arts, military, etc.). Recently, a modification of PRK, aspheric ablations became possible. For example, the VISX
laser subepithelial keratomileusis (LASEK), was introduced. S3 laser has variable spot scanning with beam diameters
In the LASEK procedure, an epithelial flap is created from 6.5 to 0.65 mm. Custom corneal ablation, in which there
and replaced after the ablation. The benefits, if any, of the is a link between the excimer laser and either information
creation of an epithelial flap compared to traditional PRK from the patient’s corneal topography or wavefront (total
are not fully appreciated. Advocates of LASEK suggest that eye’s aberration) analysis, is becoming a reality.
there is less discomfort in the early postoperative period, During the evolution of surgical techniques, the manner
faster visual recovery, and less haze compared to standard in which excimer laser energy is applied to reshape the
PRK for correction of similar levels of refractive error. Addi- cornea has undergone major changes since the introduction
tional long-term clinical studies, along with laboratory of surface ablation, photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). PRK
research, will be crucial to validate these potential advan- was eclipsed by laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). LASIK
tages of LASEK procedure. rapidly became the dominant refractive procedure mainly
because of the advantages of leaving the central epithelium
Keywords: LASIK; PRK; LASEK; complications; wound intact.3,4 The convenience of faster visual rehabilitation asso-
healing; visual performance ciated with less discomfort during the early post-operative

Correspondence: Steven E. Wilson, M.D., Department of Ophthalmology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Box 356485, Seattle,
WA 98195-6485, USA. Tel.: +1 206 543-5575, Fax: +1 206 543-4414, E-mail: [email protected]
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LASIK vs LASEK vs PRK: Advantages and indications 3

period made it possible for LASIK to be performed in a large wall to viral penetration into the eye and central nervous
number of patients. In addition, microkeratome technology system.20
underwent important developments, augmenting the safety of Animal studies demonstrated that superficial keratocytes
LASIK procedure. This further increased the popularity of undergo programmed cell death mediated by cytokines
LASIK. It is important to mention that PRK has always released from the injured epithelium, such as interleukin
remained as an option, particularly for low to moderate levels (IL)-1 alpha, Fas/Fas-ligand, bone morphogenic protein
of correction and for specific cases, such as thin corneas, (BMP) 2, BMP4, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha.14–16
recurrent erosion associated with anterior basement mem- Redundancy is probably intended to augment the natural
brane (Cogan’s) dystrophy (ABMD) and personal predispo- defense system by making it difficult for viral pathogens to
sition to contact injury. overcome one apoptosis activation system. These cytokines
Recently, laser subepithelial keratomileusis (LASEK), a are also present in the tear film.21,22 Keratocyte apoptosis is
new version of surface ablation, has been introduced inde- followed by a complex cascade of events that takes place in
pendently by Dimitri Azar5 and Massimo Camelin. (“LASEK the corneal epithelium and stoma. These events are regulated
May Offer the Advantages of Both LASIK and PRK” Ocular by cytokine-mediated interactions between epithelial cells,
Surgery News, International Edition, March 1999). LASEK stromal cells, inflammatory cells, nerves, and lacrimal
includes the creation of an epithelial flap that is put back in gland.14,15
position after the refractive ablation. Early studies suggested Following keratocyte death, the remaining keratocytes
that patients will experience less pain, faster visual recovery surrounding the zone of depletion begin to undergo prolifer-
and less haze compared to standard PRK if the epithelial ation within twelve to 24 hours of epithelial injury.23 At this
flap is properly detached.5–13 However, the true benefits of point, inflammatory cells are also attracted by chemotactic
LASEK, if any, are not understood and require long term factors such as the monocyte chemotactic and activating
study. factor (MCAF). MCAF production is upregulated in kerato-
This manuscript will review the dissimilarities between cytes by IL-1 alpha. IL-1 is released from the epithelium after
LASIK, PRK and LASEK from a clinician-scientist injury, but is also present in the tear film. It appears to be
perspective, covering the clinical advantages and best a master modulator of many of the events involved in
indications of each of these procedures. We will begin by this cascade.24 In recent IRB (Institutional Review Board)
summarizing the main events of corneal wound healing approved experiments performed on eyes from patients
response following epithelial injury. This will facilitate the scheduled to undergo enucleation because of intraocular
understanding of the differences and advantages for each melanoma, it was confirmed that keratocyte apoptosis and
procedure. proliferation occur in the human cornea after epithelial
scrape.25 These events occur in parallel with the closure of
the epithelial defect, which is enhanced by growth factors
produced by both the lacrimal glands and keratocytes, such
Corneal wound healing after refractive as epidermal growth factor (EGF), hepatocyte growth factor
surgery: a brief overview (HGF) and keratinocyte growth factor (KGF).26
Corneal wound healing contributes significantly to the Myofibroblasts are keratocyte-derived cells that are
efficacy and safety of keratorefractive surgery. It is a major present in the repopulated stromata that are characterized by
factor determining under- or over-corrections with all laser the expression of alpha smooth muscle actin (SMA).27,28
ablation procedures. Also, abnormalities associated with These cells, along with other activated keratocytes, produce
wound healing are responsible for complications such as disorganized collagen, glycosaminoglycans and growth
haze and diffuse lamellar keratitis. factors that stimulate healing of the overlying epithelium.27,28
The emergence of refractive surgery dictated the need Myofibroblasts also have altered transparency in vivo, related
for a better comprehension of corneal wound healing. to corneal crystallin expression. They are thought to be
Thus, in parallel with the developments that occurred in responsible for stromal haze.29,30 Differentiation of myofi-
refractive surgery technology and instrumentation, there broblasts is induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)
has been an explosion in our knowledge of the cellular and beta, and reversal to fibroblast phenotype has been observed
molecular events that occur during corneal healing in vitro in the presence of fibroblast growth factor (FGF).31,32
response.14–16 TGF-beta found in the basal layer of the epithelium during
The majority of refractive procedures performed on the its closure seems to controls stromal myofibroblast trans-
cornea have injury to the epithelium in common. Epithelial formation during corneal repair.31–33 In addition, basement
injury initiates a sequence of events that occur as part of a membrane formation seems to have an indirect effect on the
protective system for preserving vision. For example, kera- myofibroblast transformation by regulating the extent of
tocyte apoptosis, the first detectable event after any type TGF-beta release into the corneal stroma.33
of epithelial injury, is associated with either mechanical There is a return to a normal physiologic state in the
trauma,17 corneal surgical procedures18,19 or herpetic (HSV) corneal stroma several months after injury. This process
keratitis, where cellular suicide may provide an early fire is associated with eradication of myofibroblasts via pro-
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4 Renato Ambrósio Jr. and Steven E. Wilson

grammed cell death or phenotype reversal to quiescent 20% alcohol solution to more than 1 minute resulted in sig-
keratocytes.34 Remodeling of disordered collagen that was nificant damage to superficial corneal epithelium and pro-
produced by myofibroblasts or activated keratocytes during longed epithelial healing time.42 Viability of corneal epithelial
the wound healing process is also mediated by keratocytes.35 cells can be studied using culture models with trypan blue.
The corneal epithelium may undergo hyperplasia following These studies demonstrated that epithelial viability dimin-
corneal injury, as a result of the growth factors produced by ished as a function of alcohol exposure time.42,43 Vinciguerra
activated keratocytes and myofibroblasts.36 Stromal remodel- observed that the communication with the limbal steam cells
ing and epithelial hyperplasia are thought to be the most are important for preserving the vitality of the epithelial sheet
important mechanisms for regression of the refractive effect and developed the “Butterfly” technique.12 In contrast to the
of PRK or LASIK surgery.15,36–38 classical LASEK technique, in which the epithelium is dis-
sected in a “U” fashion after partial trephination, in “Butter-
fly” LASEK the epithelial flap is created from a paracentral
Clinical relevance of the wound healing response
linear area that is deepitelized (Fig. 1).5–13
There are fundamental differences in the location and inten- Alcohol weakens the adhesions of the basal epithelial
sity of the wound healing events following PRK and LASIK. cells to the anterior stroma. Studies that used immunohisto-
For example, after PRK, keratocyte apoptosis and the sub- chemical techniques for laminin 5, alpha6-beta4 integrin and
sequent events of the healing cascade occur immediately collagen VII found that patches of laminin 5 and alpha6-
beneath the epithelium, probably causing more influences beta4 integrin are still attached to the epithelial flap. In con-
towards epithelial hyperplasia. This contrasts with LASIK, in trast, linear staining with collagen VII is observed in the
which keratocyte apoptosis takes place at the level of the flap stromal bed.43 The epithelial adhesion complex is composed
interface and at the site where the blade penetrated the by hemidesmossomes that adhere to the anchoring network
peripheral epithelium.14–19,39 In addition, there are large quan- in the superficial stroma. The hemidesmossomes have an
titative differences in keratocyte apoptosis, keratocyte pro- inner and an outer plaque. The outer plaque contains alpha6-
liferation, and myofibroblast transformation, between PRK beta4 integrin. The anchoring network is composed by
for low myopia and PRK for high myopia, and between PRK anchoring filaments (laminin 5), anchoring fibrils (collagen
for high myopia and LASIK for high myopia.34 In general, VII) and anchoring plaque (collagen IV). Thus, the cleavage
higher PRK corrections incite more keratocyte apoptosis, plane of the epithelial flap occurs at the level of anchoring
keratocyte proliferation and myofibroblast transformation fibrils, between the epithelium basement membrane and
than lower PRK corrections, and these events are less intense anterior stroma (Bowman’s layer).43
in LASIK, even for higher levels of correction for myopia.34 It is also important to note that there are significant dif-
These observations at the cellular level provide us with an ferences in the epithelial adhesion among different patients.
explanation for the differences in clinical outcomes and com- For example, the contralateral eye of a patient who had total
plications such as haze, that occur after LASIK and PRK, as epithelial sloughing during LASIK required much less pres-
well as for different levels of correction.15 sure for the epithelial removal during PRK than a normal
case (Ambrósio, Wilson, unpublished data 2001). These
cases with poor adhesion may represent an asymptomatic
Wound healing in LASEK
form of anterior basement membrane (Cogan’s) dystrophy
In the LASEK procedure, an epithelial flap is detached after since signs of this dystrophy can be noted in pathologic
application of a diluted alcohol solution (typically 18 to specimens (Fig. 2).
25%). After laser ablation, the epithelial sheet is repositioned, There are no clinical tests that could determine the adhe-
as the stromal flap is in the LASIK procedure. The use of siveness of the corneal epithelium to the stroma. Several ben-
alcohol for facilitation of the epithelial removal in PRK is efits would be possible if we could determine this variable.
not new. Additionally, some studies demonstrated that epithe- For example, less alcohol would be needed in weak adhesion
lial removal facilitated by dilute alcohol application showed
quicker visual rehabilitation without significant adverse
effects in PRK.40,41
Viability of the epithelium is critical for determining the
benefit of leaving the sheet of epithelium as a protective layer
after laser ablation. If the concentration of alcohol used
is 20%, alcohol exposure time remains the most critical
factor.42 Other factors such as the type of alcohol, dilution
vehicle (distilled water or BSS) and temperature of the solu-
tion are also important. If the epithelial flap does not have
good vitality, the dead cells and cellular debri could provide Figure 1. A. Superior hinged “U” shaped epithelial flap in
a mechanical barrier for epithelial healing. For example, in a classic LASEK. B. “Butterfly” LASEK. (Surgery done by Paolo
study performed in rabbits, increasing exposure time to the Vinciguerra, MD).
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LASIK vs LASEK vs PRK: Advantages and indications 5

brobast transformation, as well as the effect of the basal

membrane as a barrier for this interaction.33 Thus, it is logical
to hypothesize that if an epithelial flap is properly created,
less myofibroblast transformation would occur, determining
less haze. However, clinical significant haze typically does
not develop in the early post-operative period of epithelium
healing after PRK.
Figure 2. Transmission Electron Microscopy of human epithelium More clinical data are needed to conclusively demonstrate
specimens obtained after PRK in a case with normal epithelium (A) whether LASEK has significant advantages over PRK. Is
and from a case whose contralateral eye had epithelial slough during epithelial healing accelerated? Is the visual rehabilitation
LASIK (B). Note several hemidesmossomes present and a thin layer faster? Is there really greater comfort with LASIK compared
of basement membrane in A. In B, a multilaminated basement mem- to PRK augmented with oral Vioxx and a good fitting contact
brane is present, which is a characteristic of Anterior Basement lens? Is there really less clinically significant haze in LASEK
Membrane (Cogan’s) Dystrophy. for high myopia compared to PRK for high myopia? In addi-
tion, late onset corneal haze (LOCH) in PRK, a distinguished
Table 1. Possible Beneficial Mechanisms of the Epithelial Flap.
type of corneal scarring that appears after a period of at
least 4 months of good clinical outcome and could appear up
• less keratocyte apoptosis in the anterior stroma to 33 months after the surgery, has an incidence between
– less release of cytokines from the epithelium 0.5% and 1.8%.47,48 Thus, studies with large numbers of
– protection of the anterior stroma from epithelium-derived tear patients and follow up over 2 years in both the PRK and
film cytokines LASEK group will be needed to answer the critical haze
• less myofibroblast transformation question.
– less release of TGF-beta into the tear film
– less epithelial-stromal interactions due to faster epithelial
healing and less damage to basement membrane LASIK: the most popular refractive
procedure today
The concept of lamellar refractive keratoplasty was first
introduced by Prof. Joaquim I. Barraquer in Bogotá,
cases, improving epithelial cells viability. In addition, cases
Colombia. Prof. Barraquer developed complex and
with strong epithelial adhesion could be detected. LASEK
technically demanding lamellar procedures for correction of
would lead to severe damage to the epithelial flap in these
refractive errors in the early 1960s.49 The combination of
eyes, obligating conversion to standard PRK.5–13 In order to
the lamellar surgery with the excimer laser ablation, first
maximize epithelial flap viability, McDonald introduced Gel-
reported by Pallikaris and Burrato in the early 1990s, brought
assisted LASEK (MB McDonald. Binkhorst Lecture. AAO
several advantages.50,51 Independently, Gholam A. Peyman
2001. New Orleans) Using the base of a microkeratome to
also conceived of lamellar surgery combined with laser abla-
give support, a special canula is introduced under the epithe-
tion and patented this concept in the United States. The
lium. The epithelium is then detached by injecting the gel.
greater accuracy and precision of the excimer laser facilitated
Once the epithelium is detached, it is opened using delicate
the lenticular resection of tissue for the refractive correction.
scissors in a “butterfly” fashion. Early results using this
In addition, preservation of the central epithelium increased
technique were promising.
patient comfort and allowed for more rapid visual recovery.
If properly created, the epithelial flap in LASEK could
It also made bilateral surgery an attractive option for the
have a positive impact on wound healing, inciting a less
patient. Less damage to the epithelium results in increased
aggressive response and inciting less haze. The mechanism
predictability of the surgery for high corrections.
through which the epithelial flap could provide protection
Thus, LASIK has emerged as the dominant refractive
and improve clinical outcomes is not completely understood.
surgical procedure performed today.3,4 The most significant
Some possible mechanisms are listed on Table 1.
advantages of LASIK are:
Reduced keratocyte loss was observed after LASEK when
compared to PRK in a preliminary rabbit study.44 This may ✓ Faster visual rehabilitation with earlier post-operative
occur due to a barrier effect against pro-apoptotic cytokines stabilization of visual acuity
that are also present in the tear film. For example, the use of ✓ Less post-operative patient discomfort
a collagen shield diminished keratocyte loss after corneal ✓ Attenuated wound healing and less stromal haze
epithelial scrape in rabbits.45 Also, lower levels of TGF-beta formation
were detected in the tear film during the first week after ✓ Possibly improved predictability, stability, and corneal
LASEK when compared with PRK in the contralateral eye.46 clarity in higher correction groups
In addition, a recent study pointed out the importance of the ✓ Shorter duration of post-operative medications use
TGF-beta liberated from the healing epithelium for myofi- ✓ Easier enhancement procedure.
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6 Renato Ambrósio Jr. and Steven E. Wilson

Perhaps never before has an ophthalmic procedure cytokines into the interface. Several advantages in the wound
received so much attention in the absence of data regarding healing can be imagined. This procedure also has the poten-
efficacy or safety as LASIK in its early days. The most feared tial to virtually eliminate complications related to the cre-
complication is an imperfect flap (i.e., incomplete flap, ation of the flap. Additionally, a thin flap would leave more
button hole) but important developments in microkeratome tissue available for the refractive ablation, minimizing the
technology minimize these complications. With the increase risk of keratectasia.
in the popularity of LASIK, several new complications
✓ LNE – LASIK induced neurotrophic epitheliopathy
The case for PRK
✓ Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) PRK remains an option to LASIK and in some situations is
✓ Lamellar opportunistic infections the preferred procedure. The safety of the procedure, partic-
✓ Progressive ectasia (keratectasia) ularly because of the absence of flap complications, has been
an important reason for several refractive surgeons continu-
Even though the clinical aspects and pathophysiology
ing to perform high volumes of PRK cases. Arguments in
of these complications is very different, they all have in
favor of doing PRK are listed in Table 2.
common some relation to the flap. Some of these complica-
One of the most important drawbacks of PRK is pain
tions are not completely understood and the topic of LASIK
during the first week after surgery. We have been pleased with
complications is currently one of the most important in
the pain control achieved through the use of a soft contact
refractive surgery. A significant increase in publications
lens with excellent fit (Soflens 66, Boush & Lomb) and oral
regarding the complications of LASIK has been observed in
COX-2 inhibitor Vioxx, taken 50 mg per day for the first 5
the literature.52,53
days after surgery.
The LASIK flap was demonstrated to induce biomechani-
Bilateral surgery is a commonly selected approach with
cal changes in the cornea and produce significant changes in
PRK for patients who do not need to work or drive for a week
aberrations.54 As a result, a two step approach has been pro-
after surgery. Vision is surprisingly good in the early period
posed to use custom cornea technology to best treat higher
after PRK, with most patients seeing between 20/40 and
order aberrations.55 In addition, the flap may work as a carpet,
20/60 the first day after surgery.
smoothing out the very subtle changes in contour produced
Retreatment for undercorrection or overcorrection is
during customized treatment. Results of custom cornea
more complicated with PRK. In LASIK, we typically do the
surgery were reported to be better with surface ablation
enhancement 3 to 4 months after the first procedure. In PRK,
(PRK) than with LASIK in the early trials LASEK (MB
we typically wait until 5 to 6 months after surgery to allow
McDonald. Binkhorst Lecture. AAO 2001. New Orleans).
for stability of the refraction and resolution of haze.
These considerations make flap free surgery more appealing
Late onset corneal haze (LOCH) is a very important
if a procedure can be developed that also has many of the
complication of PRK.47,48,56–58 It is characterized by dense
advantages of LASIK.
subepithelial opacity along with regression and loss of best-
Despite these possible flap-related complications, we
corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) that characteristically
believe that LASIK remains the best option for most refrac-
begins several months after PRK.47,48 It has been associated
tive surgery patients. If proper screening and evaluation are
with irregular ablations caused by imperfect delivery systems
performed, along with the use of appropriate instrumentation
and higher corrections, but may occur with any laser in a
and technique, virtually all of these LASIK complications
small proportion of patients.59 The incidence has been
can be avoided or optimally treated. Careful and timely post-
operative evaluation by the surgeon is also important.
However, the surgeon should understand the limits of LASIK
Table 2. Advantages of cases where PRK may be a better option.
and avoid extending the procedure beyond these limits,
where the efficacy and safety of the procedure are compro- • Patients preference
mised. Serious outcomes are likely to be noted if these lim- • Predisposition for contact injury (i.e., martial arts practitioners)
itations are not appreciated. This is an evolving process based • Anterior Basement Membrane (Cogan’s) Dystrophy
on peer-reviewed publication and personal experience. For • Epithelial sloughing during LASIK in the contralateral eye
example, despite FDA approval for higher levels, we no • Thin corneas in which the stromal residual bed would be less
longer attempt corrections beyond +4 diopters of hyperopia than 250 to 300 microns
or -10 diopters of myopia corrected to the corneal plane. • Deep orbits or tight eyelid fissure causing poor exposure for the
However, in some eyes even these limits are excessive, microkeratome base
depending on the pre-operative corneal curvature or corneal • Flat corneas (<41 D) or steep corneas (>48 D)
• Previous surgery involving the conjunctiva: bleb associated with
filtering procedure; scleral buckle for the treatment of retinal
A surgical device with properties such as the fentosecond
laser could be useful in producing a thin flap with uniform • Moderate dry eye prior to surgery
thickness with minimal introduction of epithelial debris and
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LASIK vs LASEK vs PRK: Advantages and indications 7

reported to be around 1%, depending on several factors, such cases performed with the same laser will be required to deter-
as smoothness of the laser ablation, level of correction and mine that LASEK is associated with a lower incidence of late
variations in the wound healing response. In the authors haze than PRK.
experience of over 3500 PRK procedures there has not been The advantages of LASEK are related to a viable flap
a single case of late haze (Wilson, unpublished data, 2002).60 epithelium. Nevertheless, if the flap epithelium is not viable,
It resolves over time, but in severe cases years may be it could have a negative impact on the overall wound healing
required for full resolution. Epithelial debridement is associ- response and, consequently, result in worse outcomes than
ated with recurrence.47 Treatment with Mitomycin C may be classic PRK. It is critical to master the technique of creating
effective in severe cases.61,62 We hypothesize that this type an epithelial flap if LASEK is to become a routine choice in
of severe haze is associated with an underlying genetic a surgeons practice. Ethanol is toxic to all cells. Therefore,
disorder in wound healing. it will be important to determine whether there are any long-
Delays in epithelial healing caused by toxicity of medica- term changes in keratocyte or endothelial cell density in eyes
tions, dry eye, or other factors are also associated with haze, that have LASEK.
but this haze is noted in the early postoperative period. There are also technical issues with LASEK. LASEK
If we limit the comparison between PRK and LASIK to takes longer to perform than PRK and LASIK. It also
mild myopia (less than -5 or -6 diopters of myopia), there requires more instrumentation. These factors might be asso-
appears to be little if any longterm advantages to LASIK. In ciated with problems with patient flow in a busy refractive
this group, many studies have found no significant difference surgery center.
in the refractive outcome after the first month between PRK
and LASIK.63–69 In addition, some studies show a tendency
for LASIK patients to experience more problems related to Conclusions
quality of vision than similar PRK patients.63,64 Customized ablations have become a reality, but there remain
PRK for hyperopia is associated with even longer visual significant limitations. Surface ablation may be the best
rehabilitation, but the results are also good after stabiliza- method for application of laser energy to create subtle cor-
tion.70 This may be due to the new surface contour, which has rections to treat higher order aberrations. Further investiga-
an elevated area in the center, making it more difficult for the tion will be needed to determine whether PRK, LASEK, or
epithelium to heal. Typically we do not treat more than +3 to LASIK is the optimal procedure for application of cus-
+4 diopters of hyperopia with either LASIK or PRK. tomized treatments. The advent of the fentosecond laser,
Some authors consider PRK an option for early kerato- which gives surgeons the ability to create thin flaps with
conus, especially using custom ablation profiles based on uniform thickness and minimal epithelial trauma may also
cornea topography.71 Since the pathophysiology of ectatic have advantages. This requires supplementary research as
dystrophies on the cornea may be associated with acceler- well.
ated programmed cell death of the keratocytes, we are
conservative in applying a procedure that itself triggers ker-
atocyte apoptosis.7,73 Acknowledgments
Supported in part by US Public Health Service grant
EY10056 from the National Eye Institute, National Institutes
LASEK: Is it going to replace LASIK? of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, and an unrestricted grant
It has been suggested that LASEK combines the advantages from Research to Prevent Blindness, New York, NY, USA.
of LASIK and eliminates the disadvantages of PRK. This
might be the ideal, but long-term studies are necessary to
support this hypothesis. It is, however, appealing to have References
a procedure free of flap complications if LASEK is truly 1. Trokel SL, Srinivasan R, Braren B. Excimer laser surgery
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higher corrections. In addition, the better results of surface 2. McDonald MB, Liu JC, Byrd TJ, Abdelmegeed M, Andrade
ablation for custom cornea surgery have created a great deal HA, Klyce SD, Varnell R, Munnerlyn CR, Clapham TN,
of interest in using this type of procedure. Kaufman HE. Central photorefractive keratectomy for
There remain several controversial issues regarding myopia. Partially sighted and normally sighted eyes.
LASEK. For example, some authors only consider LASEK Ophthalmology. 1991;98:1327–1337.
as an option for PRK and recommend it for cases in which 3. Solomon KD, Holzer MP, Sandoval HP, Vargas LG, Werner
LASIK is not an option, or they give the patient an opportu- L, Vroman DT, Kasper TJ, Apple DJ. Refractive Surgery
nity to choose between the procedures. On the other hand, Survey 2001. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002;28:346–355.
some refractive surgeons are really believers of the advan- 4. Duffey RJ, Leaming D. U.S. trends in refractive surgery:
tage of LASEK and have converted to this procedure for 2001 International Society of Refractive Surgery Survey.
most patients, regardless of refractive error. Thousands of J Refract Surg. 2002;18:185–188.
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