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Comma Worksheet—The Major Uses of the Comma

(Rules for Writers, p. 280)

Use a comma:
1. Before a coordinating conjunction to join 2 independent clauses
2. After an introductory element
3. Between all items in a series
4. Between coordinate adjectives

Add or delete commas where necessary in the following sentences. If a sentence is

correct, write “correct” after it. If you add a comma to a sentence, write the number of
the comma rule you are following next to the sentence.

1. Although the Beavers were expected to win they choked on Saturday night.

2. After my friends had gone inside I thought about what had just happened.

3. The night before I was leaving for OSU I was so excited.

4. I felt I had made the right choice but my sister disagreed with me.

5. As she stared at the wall, I knew something was wrong.

6. Tripping down the hallway she ran away from me in fear.

7. I’m starting to miss the little things like my cat, my house and my sister.

8. The only things I could find to help me were my parents and my friends.

9. I hugged my family members and we sat together and cried.

10. After reading “The Place Where I Was Born” I look at life in a different way.

11. My aunt was an impossible demanding guest.

12. In the past, I didn’t get along with my family; however today my situation is

13. While the machine was printing the paper jammed.

14. He pushed the car out of the main road, and poured a bucket of water on the

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