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Hydraulics of Sediment Transport

Chapter · March 2012

DOI: 10.5772/25982 · Source: InTech

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1 author:

Yousef Hassanzadeh
University of Tabriz


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Hydraulics of Sediment Transport

Yousef Hassanzadeh
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz,

1. Introduction
This chapter deals with the theoretical and experimental considerations of hydraulics of
sediment transport, involved in identifying the hydraulics formulas for fluid flow and
sediment computation in open channels, and analyzing the flow and sediment
characteristics of the water motion. In general, the field of sediment transport is very
complex, and the engineers in this field should refer to more comprehensive works to better
understand the computational basis.
The hydraulics of flow in a river and its sediment transport characteristics are the two basic
phenomena that determine it’s geometric and plan form shape. There are many variables
that affect the hydraulics of flow and the nature of sediment transport in a natural stream.
As indicated Yang et al. (1996), the Yellow River in China is notorious for enormous amount
of sediment it carries. The total average annual sediment discharge to the sea in China is
about 1.94×109 t. of which 59% comes from the Yellow River. A concentration of 911kg/m3
was measured on September 7, 1977, at the Saumenxia Station near the entrance of the lower
Yellow River.
The condition of incipient sediment motion is important in a large variety of problems
associated with sediment transport. For more than two centuries workers in this field have
attempted to formulate the conditions of incipient motion.
Many research programs have been devoted to the study of the sediment transport in
channels. Extension can be found by Vanoni (1984), Yallin (1963, 1972) and Yang (1972,
1973). Yallin (1963, 1972) developed a bed load equation incorporating reasoning similar
to Einstein (1942, 1950), but with a number of refinements and additions. Yang (1972,
1973) approached the total transport from the energy expenditure point of view and
related the transport rate to stream power. Shen and Hung (1972) derived a regression
equation based on laboratory data for the sand-sized particles. Using the same concept,
Ackers and White (1973) defined sediment transport functions in terms of three
dimensionless groups namely, size, mobility and transport rate of sediments. His
functions are based on flume data carried out with flow depths up to 0.4 meters. One of
the most extensive field and laboratory studies of sediment transport is that by Van Rijn
(1984). He has presented a method which enables the computation of the bed load
transport as the product of the saltation height, the particle velocity and the bed load
24 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

More recently, Hassanzadeh (2007) based on the dimensional analysis and the Buckingham
П-theorem in reasoning and discussion of bed load phenomenon has presented a
dimensionless semi-empirical equation on the bed load. Comparisons have been made
between this formula with common ones on sediment hydraulics after their unified
descriptions. It is showed that, the latest formula agrees well with the measured data and
could be regarded as optimal, compared with other common formula.
The theoretical equation for the distribution of suspended sediment in turbulent flow has
been given by H. Rouse. Further useful information on the modification of the theory can be
found in Einstein and Chien (1955), Vanoni (1984), Hassanzadeh (1985, 1979), and many
others (Graf 1971, 1998 and Raudkivi 1976). A special study on the hyperconcentrated fluid
mud in rivers is also reported by Mei et al. (1994).
Utilizing the data obtained from the Vanyar gauging station on Adji-chai River in Tabriz,
Iran, and by means of regression analysis on the relationship between the suspended load
and water discharge, Hassanzadeh (2007) has given two empirical equations with high
regression coefficient to calculate the river’s suspended load for the wet and dry seasons.
This chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of the hydraulics of sediment transport. The
effort is focused on those aspects of the study that will produce the best overall results
within given constraint of time. This chapter briefly reviews hydraulics formulas for fluid
flow in open channels and several fundamental sediment computations and contains the
following subjects:
1. Sediment properties
2. Threshold of Particle Transport
3. Channel Roughness and Resistance to Flow
4. The Sediment Load

2. Sediment properties
The dynamic problems of liquid - solid interaction are greatly influenced by the sediment
properties. The description of the latter, however, is exceedingly complex and one is forced
to make many simplifying assumptions. The first of which is the subdivision into cohesive
and non- cohesive sediments.
In cohesive sediments the resistance to erosion depends on the strength of the cohesive
bond between the particles which may far outweigh the influence of the physical
characteristics of individual particles. The problem of erosion resistance of cohesive soils
is a very complex one and at present our understanding of the physics of it is very
The non- cohesive soils generally consist of larger discrete particles than cohesive soils and
the movement of these particles depends on the physical properties of the individual
particles, such as size, shape and density.

2.1 Particle size, shape and density

Particle size. The most important physical property of a sediment particle is its size.
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 25

It has a direct effect on the mobility of the particle and can range from great boulders, which
are rolled only by mountain torrents, to fine clays, which once stirred uptake days to settle.
The size of particles can be determined in a number of ways. The nominal diameter refers to
the diameter of a sphere of same volume as the particle, usually measured by the displaced
volume of a submerged particle. The sieve diameter is the minimum length of the square
sieve opening through which a particle will fall. The fall diameter is the diameter of an
equivalent sphere of specific gravity δ= 2.65 having the same terminal settling velocity in
water at 24˚C.
Shape. Apart from size, shape affects the transport of sediment but there is no direct
quantitative way to measure shape and its effects. McNown (1951) suggested a shape factor
S.F. = c / ( ab) , where c is the shortest of the three perpendicular axes (a, b, c,) of the
particle. The shape factor is always less than unity, and values of 0.7 are typical for naturally
worn particles.
Density. Density of the particles is important and must be known. A large variation in
density affect sediment transport by segregation, e.g. the armoring effect of the heavy
minerals on dune crests. The mass density of a solid particle, ρs, describes the solid mass per
unit volume. The particle specific weight,  S , corresponds to the solid weight per unit
volume of solid. The specific weight of a solid,  S , also equals the product of the mass
density of a solid particle, S , times the gravitational accelerating, thus:

 S  S . g (1-1)

Submerged specific weight of a particle,  S' . Owing to Archimedes' principle, the specific
weight of a solid particle,  S , submerged in a fluid of specific weight, γ, equals the
difference between the two specific weights, thus,

 S'   S    ( S   ) g (1-2)

Where ρ is the mass density of fluid.

The ration of the specific weight of a solid particle to the specific weight of a fluid at a
standard reference temperature defines the specific gravity δ. With common reference to
water at 4˚C, the specific gravity of quarts particles is

 S S
   2.65 (1-3)
 
The specific gravity is a dimensionless ratio of specific weights, and thus its value remains
independent of the system of units.

2.2 The fall velocity

The fall or settling velocity of a particle is assumed to be a steady- state motion. It is also a
function of size, shape, density and viscosity of fluid.
26 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

In addition it depends on the extent of the fluid in which it falls, on the number of particles
falling and on the level of turbulence intensity. Turbulent conditions occur when settling
takes place in flowing fluid and can also occur when a cluster of particles is settling. For
grain diameter d greater than 2mm, the fall velocity w can be approximated by the
following equation:

w  3. 32 d(mm) (1-4)

Falling under the influence of gravity the particle will reach a constant velocity named the
terminal velocity, when the drag equals the terminal velocity, i. e. difference of the solid and
fluid velocities, Vs- V= w; we obtain the following equation:

 d2  w2  d3
CD  g(  S   ) (1-5)
4 2 6

4 1  
w2  gd( S ) (1-6)
3 CD 

Thus, the problem reduces to finding the value of the drag coefficient, CD, for the particle in
question. For spherical particles of diameter d in a viscous fluid of dynamic viscosity μ, the
drag coefficient is fairly well defined. In laminar flow region, for Re < 0.5 and approximately
for up to 1.0, where Re  wd / , we have the stokes' solution of

FD  3 dw , and C D  (1-7)
The Stokes' solution may be considered if either the viscosity of fluid is very large (heavy
oil) or the particle is very small (dust particle). Stokes, in solving the general differential
equation of Navier- Stokes, neglected the inertia terms completely. Oseen (1927) seems to
have been the first who successfully included, at least partly, the inertia terms in his solution
of the Navier- Stokes equation. The Oseen's solution in approximate form is

24 3 (1-8)
CD  (1  Re)
Re 16
Goldstein (1929) provides a more complete solution for Oseen approximation and gives the
drag coefficient in the form of

24 3 19 71 (1-9)
CD  (1  Re  Re 2  Re 3  ...)
Re 16 1280 20480
For Re  2.
The value of drag coefficient, CD, depends strongly on the level of free stream turbulence,
apart from turbulence caused by the particle itself. It also depends on whether or not the
surface of the sphere is hydraulically smooth or rough.
Schiller and Naumann (1933) suggest a formula that gives good results for Re <800, or
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 27

CD  (1  0.150 Re 0.687 ) (1-10)

Schiller and Naumann (1933) also multiplied Eq. (1-6) by ( d / )2 and obtained

4 S   d 3
C D Re 2  g (1-11)
3  2
Olson (1961) suggests that the drag coefficient can be well represented by the following
equation, for Re <100,

24 3
CD  (1  Re) 2 (1-12)
Re 16

2.3 Effect of viscosity

The effect of the viscosity of the fluid on the dray coefficients, fall velocities, etc., enters
through the Reynolds number. However, when dealing with suspensions it may be
necessary to consider the effective viscosity of the suspension rather than that of the fluid.
For dilute suspensions of spheres, Einstein developed the following equation.

 1  k eC (1-13)

μsusp= Viscosity of the suspension
μ = Viscosity of the liquid medium
ke= Einstein's viscosity constant
C = Volumetric concentration of the solid phase.
ke = 2.5 for C < 2-3%.

The kinematic viscosity of a Newtonian mixture,  m , is obtained by dividing the dynamic

viscosity of a Newtonian mixture, μm, by the mass density of the mixture, ρm, or

 m  m  (1-14)

2.4 Colloids and flocculation

Suspensions of fine particles are known as colloidal system. These very small particles are
made up of cohesive material. If many of the very small particles come together and form
flocs, the effective weight of such an agglomerate would increase and sedimentation will
occur. This entire process is frequently referred to as flocculation. This phenomena plays an
important part in the formation of estuarine muds and deltas. These fine materials form soil-
water complexes which have physical properties quite different from those of their elementary
particles. The behavior of these materials is controlled by electro-chemical forces and most the
clay-water phenomena are interpreted in terms of these electro-chemical forces.
28 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

3. Threshold of particle transport

The Motion of a fluid flowing across its bed tends to move the bed material downstream. A
submerged grain on the surface is subjected to a weight force and the hydrodynamic forces.
For analysis all forces are resolved into normal and tangential components. The tangential
components maintain the forward motion. Below some critical hydraulic condition, the
hydrodynamic forces will be so small that particles submerged weight will move very rarely
or not at all. However, a slight increase in flow velocity above this hydraulic critical
condition will initiate appreciable motion by some of the particles on the bed. This hydraulic
critical condition is termed the condition of initiation of motion and is computed in terms of
either mean flow velocity in the vertical or the critical bed shear stress (also known as the
tractive force or the drag force).

3.1 Velocity criteria

In the study of hydraulics of alluvial channels the engineers are often interested in finding
the quantity of water and the sediment load carried by the stream under given hydraulic
The condition of incipient motion for an assembly of solid particles is given in terms of the
forces acting on the particle by the following relation

Ft (1-15)
tan  

Where Ft and Fn are the forces parallel and normal to the angle of repose . In this study Ft and
Fn are resultants of the hydrodynamic drag FD, the lift force FL and the submerged weight.
Equation (1-15) for the condition of incipient motion under the action of these three forces

W sin   FD (1-16)
tan  
W cos   FL

Where angle  is the inclination of the bed from the horizontal at which incipient sediment
motion takes place. Fig. 1.1 shows the situation of these three named forces. The drag FD and
lift FL forces may be expressed as

 ub2 (1-17)
FD  C DK 1d 2

 ub2
FL  C L K 2 d 2 (1-18)
Where ub = fluid velocity at the bottom of the channel
CD, CL= drag and lift coefficients, respectively
d= particle diameter
K1, K2 = particle shape factors
ρ = liquid density
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 29

Fig. 1.1. Force diagram on particles in a cohesionless sediment

The submerged weight of the particle is given by

W  K 3 ( S   ) gd 3 (1-19)

With K3 being another shape factor and ρs being the solid particle density.
Introducing Eqs. (1-17), (1-18), and (1-19) into Eq. (1-16) yields

(ub2 )C 2K 3 (tan  cos   sin  )

 (1-20)
( S   1) gd C DK 1  CLK 2 tan 

Where (ub)c is the critical bottom velocity at which incipient sediment motion takes place. The
quantity of the right- hand side in Eq. (1-20) is referred to as the sediment coefficient A ,

2 K 3 (tan  cos   sin  )

A  (1-21)
C DK 1  C L K 2 tan 

The sediment coefficient A depends on the particles properties, the dynamics of the
flow, the channel slope, and the angle of repose. The angle of repose is the slope angle
formed with the horizontal by granular material at the critical condition of incipient
sliding. The angle of repose  which is given by Lane (1953), in Figure 1.2 depends on
particle size.
For more than two centuries the hydraulicians have attempted to formulate the conditions
of incipient motion. One of the earliest relations is due to Brahms (1753). Brahms gave the
critical velocity Vc of water as

Vc  kW 1/6 (1-22)

Where k is an empirical constant and W is the weight of the grain.

Fortier et al. (1926) report on a most extensive study on "permissible canal velocities", the
maximum permissible value of the mean velocities.
Erosion, transportation, and deposition phenomenon have studied by Hjulström (1935) for
uniform material on a loose bed (Fig. 1.3).
30 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

Fig. 1.2. Angle of repose for uniform non cohesive sediment (Lane, 1953)

Fig. 1.3. Erosion and deposition criteria for uniform particles (Hjulström, 1935)
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 31

Neil (1967) gave the following relation for uniform material.

 2.50( d h )0.20 (1-23)
( S   1) gd

Where h is the depth of uniform flow.

Based on the incipient motion data, Carstens (1966) proposed an equation such as

 3.61(tan  cos  sin  ) (1-24)
( S   1) gd

The latest is by Yang (1973, 1996) who used the conventional drag and lift concepts
combined with the logarithmic velocity distribution and arrived at

Vc 2.5 u*d
  0.66 ; 0  70 (1-25)
w log u* d  0.06 

Where the numerical constants are from empirical curve fitting. The above equation is
valide for the hydraulically smooth and transition zones and for the hydraulically rough
region the relationship is:

 2.05 , R e*  70 (1-26)

It should be noted that, Eq.1.25 yields Vc w   when u* d   1.48 .This would means that
particles just a little finer than 100 μm will behave as a fixed boundary because w  0 for
this grain size. It is likely that the formula will give acceptable results for the shear velocity
Reynolds number Re* > 1.5 or 2.
In the turbulent range, for Re*> 70, Yang's expression states that particles on a bed will begin
moving when the average velocity is twice the particle settling velocity.

3.2 Bed shear stress or tractive force criteria

In a steady uniform flow, the component of the gravitational force exerted along the slope
direction which causes downstream motion is balanced by the bed shear stress or tractive
force per unit surface τ0, which is the frictional force exerted on the moving fluid at its
boundary. For the small slopes, the bed shear stress in a channel can computed as

 0   RhS   gRhS (1-27)

Where Rh= hydraulic radius, and S = bed slope. In a wide open channel, the hydraulic
radius Rh is equal to the depth of flow h; hence

 0   hS   ghS (1-28)

The relationship between the friction velocity u* and shearing stress  0 is given by
32 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

u*   0 /   Rh gS (1-29)

The first research in the mechanics of sediment transport, using the foregoing concept, was
reported by Shields (1936). Shields determined that the critical condition could be related to
two dimensionless parameters: the dimensionless shear stress or the Shields parameter F*,
and the boundary Reynolds number or the shear Reynolds number Re *  * . The Shields

parameter F* reflects the ratio of the force producing sediment motion to the force resistance
motion and may be computed by:

F*  (1-30)
( S   )d

Use of the Shields diagram requires that the critical value of the Shields parameter F*c be
determined. To facilitate computations when grain size is known, the dimensionless
diameter d* may be computed by Jullien (1995) equation:

 (  1)g  3
d*  d  2  (1-31)
  
Where d= sediment diameter, δ= specific gravity of sediment, and  = kinematic viscosity.
The Shields diagram (Fig. 1.4) is a widely used method to determine the condition of
incipient motion based on bed shear stress. Points lying above the curve representing the
critical condition correspond to sediment motion, and points below the curve correspond to
no motion. Three somehow distinct zones can be noticed in Fig. 1.4. It should be mentioned
that, many hydraulic engineering problems deal with flow in the turbulent range and
sediment having d >1 mm, the value of Shields parameter may be considered F*c = 0.047 for
critical condition in the range of boundary Reynolds number Re* > 40 (Yalin and Karahan,
1979). For this condition Eq. (1-28) is rearranged as

 c  F* ( S   )d  0.047( S   )d (1-32)

In Shields diagram, a value for Re* ≥ 400 is obtained as

 0.06 (1-33)
( S   )d

Zeller (1963) finds this constant to be too high, and he obtained a value of 0.047.
The simplest method for estimating the critical condition for the movement of cohesionless
sediment is using the linear relationship between critical bed shear stress τc and grain size d
given by Julien (1995).

 c ( g m2 )  80 d50 (mm), for d 50  0.30mm (1-34)

A similar linear relationship is also suggested by Leliavsky (1955):

Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 33

 c ( g m 2 )  166d 50 ( mm ), for d 50  3.4mm (1-35)

These equations are approximately valid for d50 > 0.3 mm, and can be used as a quick check
against other methods and to help determine the hydraulic roughness regime.
Considerable field data are used by Lane (1953) to establish the critical tractive force
diagram on function of grain size, as shown in Fig. 1.5. This diagram concern of allowable
tractive force in channels as a function of grain size, for the range of fine to coarse
noncohesive materials. As can be seen in Fig. 1.5, the critical shear stress τc for clear water is
considerably lower than for water with a low or high content of sediments. The Lane
diagram summarizes much of the important research done and, hence, should prove very
helpful for the hydraulician engaged in stable channel design.

Fig. 1.4. Modified Shields diagram (Yalin and Karahan, 1979).

34 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

Fig. 1.5. Allowable tractive force in channels as a function of grain size (Lane, 1955).

It should be noted that the initiation of significant motion within a bed of mixed sediment
can be affected by factors such as hiding of smaller grain by the larger ones and armoring.
Graf (1971) indicated that for materials which are not uniformly sized or contain cohesive
materials, the critical bed shear stress for incipient motion should be higher than predicted
in the Shields diagram. Also, the shear stress is not distributed evenly accros a cross section.
For a straight prismatic trapezoidal channel, Lane (1953) determined the shear stress
distribution shown in Fig. 1.6 and concluded that in trapezoidal channels maximum shear
stress for the bottom and sides is approximately equal to 0.97  hS and 0.75  hS ,
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 35

Fig. 1.6. Shear stress distribution in a trapezoidal channel section (Lane, 1955).
36 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

The boundary shear stress distribution for a curved trapezoidal channel was experimentally
measured by Ippen and Drinker (1962) who found that the maximum shear stresses τmax,
occur at the outer toe of the bank immediately downstream of the curve. Shear stress in the
curved reach will be 2 to 3 times greater than the shear in a straight channel. The ratio of
maximum local boundary shear stress, τmax, in a curved reach to the average boundary shear
stress in a approach straight channel τ0, is given by

 max r
 2.65( c )0.5 (1-36)
0 B

Where rc = centerline radius of the bend, and B = water surface top width at the upstream
end of the curved reach.

3.3 Shear stress ratio

It is remarkable that, on a channel bank, the gravity force that causes the particle to move
down the sloping sides of the channels must be considered. On a soil particle resting on the
sloping side of a channel section (Fig. 1.6) in which water is flowing, two forces are acting:
the tractive or shear stress force aτs, which try to move the sediment particle down the
channel in the direction of flow, and the gravity- force component Ws sin θ, which tends to
cause the particle to roll down the side slope. The resultant of these two forces, which are at
right angles to each other, is

WS2 sin 2   a 2 S2

where a = effective area of the particle, τs = unit tracrive force or shear stress on the side of
the channel, Ws = submerged weight of the particle, and θ = angle of the side slope. When
this force is large enough, the particle will move. On the other hand, the resistance to motion
of the particle is equal to the normal force Ws cosθ multiplied by the coefficient of friction, or
tan  , where  is the angle of repose. Hence, by the principle of friction motion in
mechanics, we have

WS cos  tan   WS2 sin 2   a 2 S2 (1-37)

Solving for the unit tractive force τc that causes impending motion on a sloping surface,

WS tan 2  (1-38)
S  cos tan  1 
a tan 2 

Similarly, when motion of a particle on the level surface is impending owing to the tractive
force aτL, the following is obtained from Eq. (1-37) with θ = 0:

WS tan   a L (1-39)

Solving for the unit tractive force τL that causes impending motion on a level surface

WS (1-40)
L  tan 
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 37

The ratio of τs to τL is called the tractive or shear stress force ratio; which is an important
ratio for design purposes. From Eqs. (1-38) and (1-40) the ratio is

S tan 2 
K  cos 1  (1-41)
L tan 2 


sin 2 
K  1 (1-42)
sin 2 

It can be seen that this ratio is a function only the inclination of the sloping side θ and of the
angle of repose of the material  . The Eq. (1-41), is the form given by Lane (1953), has been
suggested for the use in channel designs. Both of these expressions give the ratio of shear stress
required to start motion on the slope to that required on the level surface of the same material.
By knowing the critical shear stress on the bottom, with the aid of Shields diagram the
critical wall shear stress can be calculated, provided information on the angle of repose is

It is evident that, for a bank to be stable, the angle of the bank θ, must be less than of the
angle of repose  , or in other words, for stability reasons,  > θ.

3.4 Annandale's erodibility index method

The erodibility index method has been developed recently by Annandale (1995) and may be
used to compute the hydraulic conditions under which erosion will be initiated in a wide
range of materials.
The erodibility index method is based on unit stream power, τV, the erosive power of water,
according to the relationship:

V  f (K h ) (1-43)

Where τV = unit stream power ( W / m 2 ), and f(Kh) is the erodibility index. Erosion will
occur when τV > f(Kh), but not when τV < f(Kh). The rate of energy dissipation per unit of
bed area is determined by:

 V   hSV (1-44)

Where  = unit weight of water, h = depth, V = velocity and S = energy slope. For loose
granular material, 0.1 < d50 < 100 mm, the relationship between unit stream power at the
critical erosion condition τVc and the erodibility index Kh may be given by

 Vc  480K h0.44 (1-45)

Erosion occurs if unit stream power exceeds the value of τVc. For cohesionless granular
sediment, the erodibility index value may be related to grain diameter by:
38 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

K h  20d 350 tan (1-46)

Where  = angle of repose (Annandale, 1994).Fig. 1.7 shows the eroding and noneroding
conditions based on the erodibility index method given by Annandale (1996).

Fig. 1.7. Eroding and noneroding conditions based on the erodibility index method
(Annandale, 1996).

4. Channel roughness and resistance to flow

The resistance to flow in a channel of fixed geometry carrying clear water in steady uniform
flow can be predicted quiet accurately. But when the same channel carries clear water in
non-uniform state of flow the resistance problem becomes very complicated. The shape of
the channel in alluvium changes with flow conditions; bed features may form and the cross-
section of the channel may become displaced laterally. These changes affect the drag caused
by surface roughness and introduce form drag caused by the bed features, as well as energy
losses due to secondary currents. The problem is further complex by the sediment motion
along the bed and in suspension, since the mixture of water and sediment does not behave
as clear water.

4.1 Flow resistance equations

4.1.1 Chézy equation
In 1775, the French engineer Chézy has given the relationship bearing his name, the first
equation to successfully relate uniform open-channel flow to bed resistance. Chézy related
the average velocity V of steady uniform open-channel flow to three parameters: channel
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 39

slope S the hydraulic radius Rh, and a coefficient which expresses the boundary roughness.
The Chézy equation is usually written in the form:

V  C RhS (1-47)

in which C=Chézy coefficient of friction with the dimensional equation of [C ]  L1 2T 1 .

4.1.2 Manning equation

The equation developed in 1889 by the Irish engineer Robert Manning may be derived from
the Chézy equation if the Chézy friction coefficient is set equal to C  Rh1 6 . The Manning
equation has the following form in SI units:

1 23
V Rh S (1-48)
In which n= Value in the Manning equation shows the roughness or flow-resistance
characteristics of the boundary surface with the dimensional equation of [ n]  L1 3T .

By multiplying both sides of the equation by the wetted cross-sectional area A, Manning's
equation can be solved for discharge in SI units:

Q ARh2 3 S (1-49)
This equation is widely used in open channel water flow computations.

4.1.3 Darcy-Weisbach equation

The nature of the boundary resistance in open channel flow is identical with that of full pipe
flow and the Darcy-Weisbach and Colebrook-White equation for non-circular section may
be applied. Noting that the energy gradient Sf is equal to the bed slope S in uniform flow:

V . Rh S  C RhS (1-50)


V u* (1-51)


C  8g  , and   8g C 2 (1-52)

Unlike the friction coefficient in the Chézy and Manning equations, the Darcy-Weisbach
friction factor λ is dimensionless, and can be read from Moody diagram.
40 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

4.2 Hydraulic flow-resistance factors

Hydraulic flow resistance has two components: grain roughness and form loss. Grain
roughness is due to the tractive force created by sediment materials, vegetations, or other
roughness elements at the flow boundary surface.
Form loss is the large-scale turbulent loss caused by the irregularity of the channel geometry
along its length because of bed forms, expansions, constrictions, bends, and similar
geometric features. Both types of flow resistance are important in natural channels.
A large information on n value determination for common engineering materials and
natural channels may be found in chow (1959), Barnes (1967), and Arcement and Schneider

4.2.1 Grain roughness

The Strickler formula, developed in 1923, defined Manning's n value for grain roughness as
a function of particle size:

n (1-53)
Where d50= median sediment particle diameter in meter (Morris and Fan, 1998).
Muler (1943) proposes to calculate the roughness coefficient K which is a result of the
friction of the top layer of the grains,

K 16
( m1 3 / sec) (1-54)

Where d90 represents the size of the sediment in the bed for which 90 percent of the material
is finer. This is certainly a reasonable diameter, since the top layer, being made up of the
largest grains and is armoring the bed.
Specific procedures that can be used to determine Manning's n values for channels and
flood plains, described by Arcement and Schneider (1989), are based on Cowan's (1956)
method, research on channel roughness by Aldridge and Garrett (1973) and flood plain
Cowan's procedure determines roughness values using a base n value which is then
modified to incorporate additional factors which influence flow resistance.

4.2.2 Effect of vegetation on flow resistance

Vegetation presents a special problem in hydraulic computations because the boundary
roughness changes greatly as a function of factors such as flow depth, velocity, and the
biomechanical characteristics of the vegetation.
The sediment roughness value n can change remarkably during flow events as vegetation is
inclined of flattened by the flow. Torres (1997) collected data from 452 experiments in
grassed channels with flow depths from 0.018 to 0.81 m and vegetation height ranging from
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 41

0.05 to 0.9 m. The variation in Manning's n value with respect of channel mean velocity V,
and submerged ratio ( h hv ) , for grass channels is given by Torres (1997) in Fig 1.8. In which
h and hv represents water depth and the vegetation height, respectively.

Fig. 1.8. Variation in Manning n value for grass channels (Torres, 1997)
42 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

4.3 Bedforms
When the sediment materials enter motion, the random patterns of erosion and
sedimentation generate very small perturbations of the bed surface elevation. In many
instances, these perturbations grow until various surface configurations known bed forms
cover the entire bed surface. Resistance to flow, which depends largely on bed form
configuration, directly affects water surface elevation in alluvial channel. As flow velocity
increases, an initially flat sand bed develops first ripples and then dunes. With additional
velocity, as illustrated in Fig.1.9, the stream subsequently transitions into a plain bed form,
and finally forms antidunes with standing waves which may or may not crest and break.
Transition from the lower flow regime, where bed forms dominant roughness, to the upper
regime produces a dramatic drop in roughness and will produce a discontinuous discharge
rating curve.

Fig. 1.9. Bed forms encountered in movable bed streams.

Various bed form configurations and geometry define the boundary roughness and
resistance to flow in alluvial channels. The primary variables that affect bed form
configuration and geometry are the slope of the energy grade line, flow depth, bed particle
size, and particle fall velocity. Flat bed, or plain bed, refers to a bed surface without bed
forms. Ripple shapes is small bed form, vary from nearly triangular to almost sinusoidal.
Dunes are larger than ripples and are out of phase will the water surface waves.
Bedforms are classified into lower and upper flow regimes based upon their shape,
resistance to flow, and mode of sediment transport (Simons and Richardson, 1963, 1966). A
transition zone exists between the two flow regimes, where bedforms range from washed-
out dunes to plain bed or standing waves. The relationship between bedform and stream
power developed by Simons and Richardson (1966) shown in Fig. 1.10 can be used to
determine the flow regime. Because of the non-uniform conditions in natural channels,
different flow regimes and bed forms can coexist in different areas of the same channel.
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 43

The Simons and Richardson (1966) proposed predictor bed form encompassing both lower
and upper regimes when plotting the stream power (τ0V) as a function of particle diameter
d. Their bedform predictor based on extensive laboratory experiments is quite reliable for
shallow stream but deviates from observed bed forms in deep streams.

Fig. 1.10. Predictional bed form type based on stream power (Simons and Richardson, 1966)
44 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

Example 1. 1. Determine critical grain size for noncohesive sediment in a wide channel with
the following characteristics:

T= 20˚C (  1  10 6 m 2 s )
h= 0.8 m ; V= 1.25 m/s ; n=0.03

 S  2650 kg / m 3  25996 N/m 3 ;   1000 kg / m 3  9810 N/m 3

Solution. Use Manning's equation and assume Rh=h, since the channel is wide, and
rearrange to compute: V  S 1 2 h 2 3 n

V 2 .n2 (1.25)2 (0.03)2

S   0.0019
h4 3 0.84 3
Solve for bed shear stress:

 0   hS  9810  0.8  (0.0019)  14.9 N / m 2  1520 gr m 2

Empirical Relationships:
Use Eq. 1.34 by letting τ0=τc, compute d50:

d50   c 80  1520 80  19mm

From the Fig. 1.5, a diameter of approximately 20 mm is obtained.

Using the known values, determine the flow regime.

1 1
u* d ( gRhS ) 2 d (9.81  0.8  0.0019) 2  0.02
Re *     2442
  1  10 6
The flow regime is strongly turbulent; i.e., Re *  70.

Yang's Method: In the turbulent range rearrange the Yang's Eq. 1.24 to obtain:


Let V=Vc ; solve for w  1.25  0.61m / s

Estimating that the particle diameter is greater than 2 mm, rearrange Eq. 1. 4 to solve for the
particle diameter:

w 2 0.61 2
d ( ) ( )  0.034m  34mm
3.32 3.32
It should be noted that, for particle in this grain size, viscosity effects are negligible.
Using Shields diagram and letting τ0=τc, in the turbulent flow range, from Fig. 1.4, we have
F*C= 0.047. Rearrange Eq. 1.32 to solve for diameter:
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 45

c 14.9
d   0.019m  19mm
F*C ( s   ) 0.047(25966  9810)

Erodibility Index Method. Compute stream power:

 V   hSV  (9810)(0.8)(0.0019)(1.25)  18.64 W m 2

Determine the critical Kh value from stream power by rearranging Eq. 1.45:

 V 2.27 18.64 2.27

Kh  ( ) ( )  6.3  104
480 480
Determine the value of the critical grain diameter by letting tan=0.8 and rearranging
Eg.1.46 to solve for diameter:

Kh 6.3  10 4 1 3
d50  ( )1 3  ( )  0.034m  34mm
20 tan  20  0.8
Example 1.2. Determine critical grain size for noncohesive sediment in a wide channel at
20˚C (  10 6 m2 / s ) with the following characteristics:

h=5 m ; V= 1.25 m/s ; n= 0.03

 S  2650 kg f / m 3 ;   1000 kg / m 3

Solution. Using the Manning's equation to solve for S:

V 2 .n2 (1.25  0.03)2

S   0.00016
Rh4 3 (5)4 3

Solve for bed shear stress:

 0   hS  (9810)(5)(0.00016)  7.85 N/m 2  0.8 kg / m 2  800 g/m 2

Solve as before using the Shields diagram:

c 7.85
d   0.01m  10mm
F* c ( S   ) 0.047(25996  9810)

A similar value is obtained from Fig 1.5, and using Eq. (1.32). For the erodibility index
method, compute stream power:

 V   hSV  (9810)(5)(0.00016)(1.25)  9.81 W/m 2

 V 2.27 9.81 2.27

kh  ( ) ( )  1.46  10 4
480 480

Kh 1.46  10 4 1 3
d50  ( )1 3  ( )  0.021m  21mm
20 tan  20  0.8
46 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

The above approaches all predict a reduction in the critical grain size as flow depth
increases, with average velocity remaining unchanged. However, mean velocity approaches
will predict a grain size identical to that in Example 1.1 because the mean velocity remain
unchanged between the two examples.

5. The sediment load

The analysis of hydraulic sediment transport is usually seperated into two sediment parts:
suspended load and bed load. The total load could be obtained by summing these two loads.
It should be noted that the fine fractions flowing into the river bed from its catchment area
are usually transported in suspension and are defined as wash load. The latter is a very fine
organic material transported by rivers over long distances and then deposited at the river
mouth as a result of energy dissipation.
Suspended load is defined as that part of sediment load which is being remained in
suspension for a considerable time by upward components of turbulent flows.
Bed load is defined as part of sediment within the bed layer moved by saltation (jumping),
rolling, or sliding. The bed layer is a flow layer in several grain diameters thick immediately
above the bed. Its thickness is usually taken as 2 times of grain diameters. Bed load
transport occurs when the flow conditions exceed the criteria for incipient motion.
This subdivision does not rest on a physical basis and, in practice, it is at times very difficult
to define where the suspended load starts and bed load stops (Vanoni 1984).
In the past, numerous bed load equations have been proposed, but some of them are very
similar. There are essentially four slightly different approaches to the bed load problem.
They are:
i. The Du Boys-type equations
Du boys (1879) introduced the tractive force or bed shear stress which was an entirely new
concept. He expressed transport rate in terms of shear stress and the critical shear stress for
initiation of sediment motion.
ii. The Schoklitsch-type equations
The bed load formula of A Schoklitsch (1926) is based on discharge relationship, and
represents essentially the same form as the Du Boys formula.
iii. The Einstein-type equations
Introducing probability concepts of sediment movement and statistical considerations of the
lift forces, Einstein (1942-1950) developed his empirical relationship. The contributions by
Einstein (1942-1950) to the problem of bed load transportation represent also somehow a
departure from the Du Boys-type and Schoklitsch-type equations.
iv. The Hassanzadeh-type equations
More recently, based on the dimensional analysis and the Buckingham П – theorem,
Hassanzadeh(2007) has presented a dimensionless semiempirical equation on the bed
load.This latest dimensionless bed load equation has been given as a function of the
hydrodynamic-immersed gravity force ratio.
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 47

Extensive discussions on this subject has been given by Vanoni (1984), Yallin (1963, 1972) and
Yang (1972, 1973). Yallin (1963, 1972) developed a bed-load equation incorporating reasoning
similar to Einstein but with a number of refinements and additions. Yang (1972, 1973)
approached the total transport from the energy expenditure point of view and related the
transport rate to stream power. Shen and Hung(1972) derived a regression equation based on
laboratory data for the sand-sized particles. Using the same concept, Ackers and White(1973)
defined his sediment transport functions in terms of three dimensionless groups namely, size,
mobility and transport rate of sediments. His functions are based on flume data carried out
with uniform or near uniform sediments with flow depths up to 0.4 meters. One of the most
extensive field and laboratory studies of sediment transport is that by Van Rijn(1984). He has
presented a method which enables the computation of the bed-load transport as the product of
the saltation height, the particle velocity and the bed-load concentration.

5.1 Bed load

Bedload particles roll, slide, or saltate along the bed. The sediment transport thus occurs
tangential to the bed. For determiniation of bed load several empirical equations from
laboratory flume data have been given by many investigators with the basic assumptions
that the sediment is homogeneous and noncohesive. The results differ appreciably but it is
not recommended in practice to transfer the information to outside the limits of the
experiments. However, one can discern general trends of the sediment transport rate by
using several formulae, with some theoretical background.
The dimensional analysis and the Buckingham П-theorem in reasoning and discussion of
bed load phenomenon has been used here.
Mathematically, the physical problem of bed load per unit width qs in turbulent free surface
flow depends upon bed shear stress τ0 , sediment diameter d, gravity acceleration g, slope S,
immersed specific weight of solid γ΄s and specific weight of fluid γ. It would be written then:

F(qs, τ0 , d , γ΄s , g , γ , S) = 0 . (1-55)

In the Eq.1.55, τ0 = γhS and γ΄s = γs - γ = (ρs –ρ) g
are used to replace respectively depth of flow h and specific weight of solids γs.
Chosen γ΄s , d and g as the repeating variables and using the Buckingham П-theorem
procedure, we obtaine the following expression:

qs 0 
( , , , S )  0. (1-56)
gd 3  sd  s

So, the П-independent, dimensionless and significant terms are as follows:

qs 0 U *2
1  ; 2  
gd 3 
( s   )d ( s  1) gd

   ;
3    4  S
 s ( s   )  s  
48 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

where s and  represent density of solids and fluid respectively, and u*   0  is shear
velocity. Using the Buckingham П-theorem procedure, the bed load equation may be
expressed as:

qs 0
 ( ) , (1-57)
agd 3  s   )d

where a  ( s   )    s  shows the immersed sediment specific gravity. The

hydrodynamic-immersed gravity force ratio is obtained from:

0 U *2
f   . (1-58)
( s   )d s
(  1) gd

Based on the properties of the Buckingham П-theorem and neglecting the mild slope S,
qs agd 3 may be obtained as follows:

1 qs 1 qs
 .  .
3 gd 3  s  agd 3

The variation of dimensionless sediment discharge in unit width, qs agd 3 with respect of
f   0 ( s   )d has been presented in Figure 1.11, and compared with field measured data
obtained from Vanyar guaging station on Adji - chai river (with a = 1.65 , d = 2.5 – 10 mm,
S = 1.1 *10-3 and width of B=29.9-39.35m).
The Hassanzadeh (2007) bedload equation which agrees closely with the measured data has
been expressed as follows:

 24 f 2.5 . (1-59)

Comparison have been made between the last proposed equation (1.59) with common ones
on sediment hydraulics after their unified descriptions.
For comaprison reason the common formulae on sediment hydraulics after their unified
description are given in Table 1.1 and Fig.1.11.
As Figure 1.11 and Table 1.1 show, the Hassanzadeh (2007) equation (1.59) agrees well with
the measured data and could be considered as an optimum one compared with the formulae
given by the others (Graf, 1971, Julien, 1995 and Larras, 1972).
Example 1.3. Determine the rate of bed load transport in a rectangular cross section river
with the following hydraulic characteristics:
Average flow depth h= 5.87 m
River bed slope S= 6.5 × 10-4
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 49

Width B= 46.52 m
Chézy coefficient C= 56.
Median size of bed materials d50= 0.012 m =12 mm

 S  2650 kg / m 3 ,   1000kg/m 3 .

Fig. 1.11. Comparison of dimensionless bed load formulas (Hassanzadeh, 2007)

50 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

Solution: Use the Hassanzadeh-type equations. Assume Rh=h, since the river is wide.
Determine the values of: f, a, agd 3 and C* as bellows respectively:

0  hS (1000)(5.87)(6.5  10 4 )
f     0.193
( S   ) ( S   )d (2650  1000)(0.012)

 S   2650  1000
a   1.65
 1000

agd 3  1.65(9.81)(0.012)3  5.29  10 3 m 2 s

C  56 1000
C*  .  .  6.75
g S 9.81 2650

Using the Hassanzadeh (2007) type of common dimensionless formulas on the hydraulics of
sediment transport, the rate of bed load has been calculated and given in Table 1.1.

Author Formula QS ( kg / s)   s BqS
agd 3

Meyer-Peter qS
 8( f  0.047)1.5 0.446 291.05
(1934) agd 3

 10C ( f  0.076) f 1.5
Shields agd
0.67 436.68
(1936) C 
C  .
g S

Einstein-Brown qS
 23.6 f 3 0.17 110.64
(1942) agd 3

Kalinske qS
 10 f 2.5 0.164 106.72
(1947) agd 3

Bonnefille qS
 5.5 f 1.5 (4.26 f 0.5  1)1.25 0.393 256.08
(1963) 3

Hassanzadeh qS
 24 f 2.5 0.393 256.12
(2007) 3

Table 1.1. Dimensionless existing formulas to estimate bed load (Hassanzadeh, 2007)
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 51

5.2 Suspended load

The mechanics of the process of suspension of particles more dense than liquid is still
inadequately explained. Engineers and scientists had long been interested in the
phenomenon of sediment suspension in water flows. The theoretical equation for the
vertical distribution of suspended sediment in turbulent flow has been given by H. Rouse.
Vertical distribution of sediment concentration under condition of steady state uniform
flow, the tendency for sediment to settle under the influence of gravity, is offset by the
vertical component of turbulence in the water column, a process called as turbulent
diffusion. The upward-moving water comes from the deeper zone with higher
concentration, partially of setting the settling of the sediment and creating a vertical
concentration gradient which can be described using the Rouse (1937) equation:

C hy a Z
(  ) , (1-60)
Ca y ha

w w
Z or Z (1-61)
ku  ku *

Where C and Ca= concentration of sediment having fall velocity w at vertical distances y
and a above the bed and h=total depth, k=0.4 is von Karman's constant. β is of the order of
unity for fine sediment and appears to decrease with increasing particle size. If β=1 and
K=0.4 the ratio w u  1 corresponds to Z=0.4. Eq.1.60 represents the state of equilibrium
between the upward rate of sediment motion due to turbulent diffusion and the downward
volumetric rate of sediment transfer per unit area due to gravity. This equation can be used
to determine the concentration C at any height y above the bottom relative to the known
concentration Ca at height a above the bed. The value of Z will decrease as fall velocity w
decreases; producing a vertical distribution will exist for each size class. Vertical
concentration distributions for several values of Z are illustrated in Fig 1.12, assigning a
concentration distribution Ca=1 at height a=0.05 h. For given shear stress, Z is proportional
to w, which means that fine-grained material has small values of Z and the particles are
fairly uniformly distributed throughout the depth, whereas coarse grains will be near the
Equation (1.60) has been found that to give a better fit to the observed distribution β must be
taken to 0.6 (Hassanzadeh, 1985 and 1979).
To formulate river sediments, data from Vanyar guaging station on Adji-chai river, near
Tabriz city, were collected for 8 years. All the suspended sediment data were collected by
the surface water departement of Tabriz water organization. The collected data consist of
the instantaneous water discharges and the corresponding sediment load.
Through the use of the instantaneous values of suspended sediment load, Qs , and water
discharge, Q, regression equations for dry and wet seasons were developed. Fig.1.13
represents the average monthly water discharge Qm (m3/s), and suspended load, Qsm
(tons/day) with respect of time in months from October 1.
The inspection of this figure shows that reasonable correlations do exist between the average
monthly water discharge Qm and suspended load Qsm for a period of 8 years, from october
52 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

1974 through september 1982 water years. It is obvious from this figure that at some time
during the year a good correlation between the average monthly water discharge Qm and
the sediment load Qsm exists . However, for 6 months, the sediment load was quite low even
though the water discharge remained fairly high. Thus an exact correlation between water
discharge and sediment load did not exist throughout the whole water year. It should be
stated that, in Fig.1.13 the values of monthly and annual water discharge Qm (m3/s) and the
corresponding suspended sediment load Qsm (tons/day) are related respectively to the left
and right axis.

Fig. 1.12. Distribution of suspended sediment in a flow according to Eq.1.60

Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 53

Fig. 1.13. Relationship between Qsm and Qm with time in months for a period of 1974-1982
(Hasaanzadeh, 2007)

Fig.1.14 shows the relationship between the percentage of the cumulated annual suspended
load moving past the Vanyar guaging station in a given number of days for the four water
years. An examination of Fig.1.14 will reveal that the bulk of the sediment load has been
moved during storm events. Since the number of storm events in a water year is small and
the duration of the storm events are generally short, the bulk of the suspended load passes
through station during the relatively small number of days in a water year.
Fig.1.15 shows the variation of daily suspended load Qs (tons/day) with the corresponding
water discharge Q (m3/s) for the dry and wet seasons of the 1974-1982 water years, for the
Vanyar guaging station on the Adji-chai river. Throught the use of these instantaneous
values of suspended load, Qs , and water discharge, Q, regression equations for the wet and
dry seasons were developed.
The resulted equations are as follows:
For wet seasons (Q>15m3/s):

Qs (tons/day) = 16.67Q1.91 (1-62)

For dry seasons (Q≤ 15m3/s):

Qs (tons/day) = 47.48Q1.42 (1-63)

54 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

Fig. 1.14. Annual suspended load carried in a given number of days (Hasaanzadeh, 2007)

Fig. 1.15. Variation of suspended load Qs with respect to water discharge Q (Hasaanzadeh,
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 55

6. Nomenclatuers
a reference level; radius of particle; particle effective area; one of the triaxial
dimensions of a particle; immersed sediment specific gravity
A wetted cross-section area
A′ sediment coefficient
b one of the triaxial dimensions of a particle
B water surface top width
c one of the triaxial dimensions of a particle
C concentration of sediment at vertical distance y, Chézy coefficient
Ca concentration of sediment at vertical distance a
CD drag coefficient
CL lift coefficient
C* Chézy coefficient en dimensionless form
d particle diameter
d* dimensionless diameter
F force
FD drag force
FL lift force
Fn normal force to the angle of repose
Ft parallel force to the angle of repose
Fr Froude number
F* Shields parameter
f hydrodynamic-immersed gravity force ratio
g gravitational acceleration
h water depth
hv vegetation height
k constant, von Karmman’s constant
K1, K2, K3 particle shape factor
K Strickler coefficient, tractive- force ratio
Kh erodibility index
n Manning coefficient
P length of wetted perimeter, pressure
Q water discharge
qs rate of bedload in volume per unit time and unit width
Qs rate of bedload in weight per unit time, daily suspended load
Qm average monthly water discharge
Qsm average monthly suspended load
r radius
Re Reynolds number
Re* boundary Reynolds number
Rec critical Reynolds number
Rh hydraulic radius
S bed slope
S.F. shape factor
Sf energy gradient
t time
56 Hydrodynamics – Theory and Model

T temperature
tan coefficient of friction
u velocity in x-direction
u* shear velocity
ub liquid velocity at the bottom of the channel
V mean velocity over depth
Vc liquid critical velocity
Vs velocity of solids
w fall or settling velocity
W grain weight
x coordinate direction
y coordinate direction
z coordinate direction
Z exponent in the suspension distribution
angle of the inclination of the bed form from the horizontal
liquid specific weight
solid particle specific weight
solid particle submerged specific weight
specific gravity
angle of the side slpe
friction factor
liquid dynamic viscosity
dynamic viscosity of the suspension or mixture
liquid kinematic viscosity
kinematic viscosity of the suspension or mixture
dimensionless group
liquid mass density
solid particle mass density
unit shear stress or tractive force
critical unit shear stress
unit shear stress at a solid boundary
unit shear stress on the level surface
unit shear stress on the side of the channel
unit steam power
angle of repose of the materials

7. Subscripts
none liquid phase
b at bed or at bottom
c critical condition, center line
L level surface
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport 57

susp suspension, mixture

m mixture, suspension, average monthly
max maximum value
v vegetation
s solid phase, side of channel, suspension
sm average monthly suspended load
y at a distance y
0 at boundary (y=0)
* shear value
1,2,.. index
∞ at infinity

8. References
Ackers, P., and White, W.R. 1973.”Sediment Transport: New Approach and Analysis”,
Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, No. HY11.
Annandale, G.W, 1996. ”Prediction of Sediment Distribution in a Dry Reservoir: A
Stochastic Modeling Approach”, PP.I.85-I.92, proc. 6th Federal Interagency
sedimentation Conf. Las Vegas.
Annandale, G.W., 1995. ”Erodibility”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 33(5): 471-
Arcement, G.J.J, and Schneider, V.R., 1989. ”Guide for Selecting Mannings Roughness
Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood Plains”, USGS Water Supply Paper
2339, Washington, D.C.
Barnes, H.H, 1467. ”Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels”, USGS water- supply
paper 1849, Washington, D.C.
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