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ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/Cas-based

methods for genome engineering
Thomas Gaj1,2,3, Charles A. Gersbach4,5, and Carlos F. Barbas III1,2,3
The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator- ing strategies, and the potential for adverse mutagenic
like effector nucleases (TALENs) comprise a powerful effects. Targeted gene knockdown by RNAi (see Glossary)
class of tools that are redefining the boundaries of has provided researchers with a rapid, inexpensive, and
biological research. These chimeric nucleases are com- high-throughput alternative to homologous recombination
posed of programmable, sequence-specific DNA-binding [2]. However, knockdown by RNAi is incomplete, varies
modules linked to a nonspecific DNA cleavage domain. between experiments and laboratories, has unpredictable
ZFNs and TALENs enable a broad range of genetic mod- off-target effects, and provides only temporary inhibition of
ifications by inducing DNA double-strand breaks that gene function. These restrictions impede researchers’ abil-
stimulate error-prone nonhomologous end joining or ity to link directly phenotype to genotype and limit the
homology-directed repair at specific genomic locations. practical application of RNAi technology.
Here, we review achievements made possible by site-
specific nuclease technologies and discuss applications
of these reagents for genetic analysis and manipulation. Glossary
In addition, we highlight the therapeutic potential of CRISPR/Cas (CRISPR associated) systems: clustered regulatory interspaced
ZFNs and TALENs and discuss future prospects for the short palindromic repeats are loci that contain multiple short direct repeats,
and provide acquired immunity to bacteria and archaea. CRISPR systems rely
field, including the emergence of clustered regulatory on crRNA and tracrRNA for sequence-specific silencing of invading foreign
interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas- DNA. Three types of CRISPR/Cas systems exist: in type II systems, Cas9 serves
based RNA-guided DNA endonucleases. as an RNA-guided DNA endonuclease that cleaves DNA upon crRNA–tracrRNA
target recognition.
crRNA: CRISPR RNA base pairs with tracrRNA to form a two-RNA structure that
Classical and contemporary approaches for establishing guides the Cas9 endonuclease to complementary DNA sites for cleavage.
gene function DSB: the product of ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/Cas9 action, double-strand
breaks are a form of DNA damage that occurs when both DNA strands are
With the development of new and affordable methods for cleaved.
whole-genome sequencing, and the design and implemen- HDR: homology-directed repair is a template-dependent pathway for DSB
tation of large genome annotation projects, scientists are repair. By supplying a homology-containing donor template along with a site-
specific nuclease, HDR faithfully inserts the donor molecule at the targeted
poised to deliver upon the promises of the genomic revolu- locus. This approach enables the insertion of single or multiple transgenes, as
tion to transform basic science and personalized medicine. well as single nucleotide substitutions.
The resulting wealth of information presents researchers NHEJ: nonhomologous end joining is a DSB repair pathway that ligates or
joins two broken ends together. NHEJ does not use a homologous template for
with a new primary challenge of converting this enormous repair and thus typically leads to the introduction of small insertions and
amount of data into functionally and clinically relevant deletions at the site of the break, often inducing frame-shifts that knockout
knowledge. Central to this problem is the need for efficient gene function.
PAM: protospacer adjacent motifs are short nucleotide motifs that occur on
and reliable methods that enable investigators to deter- crRNA and are specifically recognized and required by Cas9 for DNA cleavage.
mine how genotype influences phenotype. Targeted gene RNAi: RNAi is the process by which RNA molecules inhibit or knockdown gene
expression. More broadly, RNAi is a natural mechanism that occurs in
inactivation via homologous recombination is a powerful
response to the introduction of many types of RNA molecules into cells.
method capable of providing conclusive information for TALENs: transcription activator-like effector nucleases are fusions of the FokI
evaluating gene function [1]. However, the use of this cleavage domain and DNA-binding domains derived from TALE proteins.
TALEs contain multiple 33–35-amino-acid repeat domains that each recognizes
technique has been hampered by several factors, including a single base pair. Like ZFNs, TALENs induce targeted DSBs that activate DNA
the low efficiency at which engineered constructs are cor- damage response pathways and enable custom alterations.
rectly inserted into the chromosomal target site, the need tracrRNA: trans-activating chimeric RNA is noncoding RNA that promotes
crRNA processing and is required for activating RNA-guided cleavage by Cas9.
for time-consuming and labor-insensitive selection/screen- ZFNs: zinc-finger nucleases are fusions of the nonspecific DNA cleavage
domain from the FokI restriction endonuclease with zinc-finger proteins. ZFN
Corresponding author: Barbas, C.F. III ([email protected]). dimers induce targeted DNA DSBs that stimulate DNA damage response
Keywords: zinc-finger nuclease; transcription activator-like effector nuclease; pathways. The binding specificity of the designed zinc-finger domain directs
clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeat; genome engineering.. the ZFN to a specific genomic site.
ZFNickases: zinc-finger nickases are ZFNs that contain inactivating mutations
0167-7799/$ – see front matter in one of the two FokI cleavage domains. ZFNickases make only single-strand
ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ DNA breaks and induce HDR without activating the mutagenic NHEJ pathway.

Trends in Biotechnology, July 2013, Vol. 31, No. 7 397

Review Trends in Biotechnology July 2013, Vol. 31, No. 7

In the past decade, a new approach has emerged that Because 18 bp of DNA sequence can confer specificity
enables investigators to manipulate virtually any gene in a within 68 billion bp of DNA, this method allowed for
diverse range of cell types and organisms. This core tech- specific sequences to be targeted in the human genome
nology – commonly referred to as ‘genome editing’ – is for the first time [8,9]. Although initially controversial [10],
based on the use of engineered nucleases composed of this design has proven to be the optimal strategy for
sequence-specific DNA-binding domains fused to a nonspe- constructing zinc-finger proteins that recognize contiguous
cific DNA cleavage module [3,4]. These chimeric nucleases DNA sequences that are specific in complex genomes [6–
enable efficient and precise genetic modifications by induc- 9,11–15].
ing targeted DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that stim- Following this proof-of-principle work, several methods
ulate the cellular DNA repair mechanisms, including for constructing zinc-finger proteins with unique DNA-
error-prone nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) and ho- binding specificity were developed. The ‘modular assembly’
mology-directed repair (HDR) [5]. The versatility of this approach involves the use of a preselected library of zinc-
approach is facilitated by the programmability of the DNA- finger modules generated by selection of large combinato-
binding domains that are derived from zinc-finger and rial libraries or by rational design [6,16]. Because zinc-
transcription activator-like effector (TALE) proteins. This finger domains have been developed that recognize nearly
combination of simplicity and flexibility has catapulted all of the 64 possible nucleotide triplets, preselected zinc-
zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator- finger modules can be linked together in tandem to target
like effector nucleases (TALENs) to the forefront of genetic DNA sequences that contain a series of these DNA triplets
engineering. Here, we review recent advances in site-spe- [6,8,13–15,9]. Alternatively, selection-based approaches,
cific nuclease technologies and discuss applications of such as oligomerized pool engineering (OPEN) can be used
these reagents for targeted genome engineering and anal- to select for new zinc-finger arrays from randomized librar-
ysis in eukaryotic cells and model organisms. We also ies that take into consideration context-dependent inter-
discuss the therapeutic potential of these technologies actions between neighboring fingers [17]. Approaches have
and examine future prospects, including the development also been developed that combine the methods described
and application of clustered regulatory interspaced short above, utilizing zinc-finger modules preselected for con-
palindromic repeats CRISPR/Cas (CRISPR-associated)-
based RNA-guided DNA endonucleases.
Box 1. Beyond nucleases: recombinases, transposases, and
Custom DNA-binding domains transcription factors
The versatility of ZFNs and TALENs arises from the Site-specific nucleases are currently the most well-characterized,
ability to customize the DNA-binding domain to recognize widely used and broadly applicable tool for inducing custom
virtually any sequence. These DNA-binding modules can modifications in cells and model organisms. However, several
limitations of targeted nucleases are driving the development of
be combined with numerous effector domains to affect alternative types of programmable enzymes for genome engineer-
genomic structure and function (Box 1), including ing. For example, off-target effects created by site-specific nucleases
nucleases, transcriptional activators and repressors, can be toxic to cells, and difficult to predict and monitor
recombinases, transposases, DNA and histone methyl- comprehensively. Additionally, because targeted nucleases rely on
NHEJ and HDR to induce genetic alterations, this technology may be
transferases, and histone acetyltransferases. Thus, the
limited by the availability of the desired DNA repair mechanism in
ability to execute genetic alterations depends largely on particular cell types. To address these concerns, zinc-finger proteins
the DNA-binding specificity and affinity of designed zinc- and TALEs have been fused to enzymatic domains, including site-
finger and TALE proteins. Below, we highlight several of specific recombinases [28,109–111] and transposases [116], that
the most successful approaches for assembling these mod- catalyze DNA integration, excision, and inversion. Because these
enzymes perform DNA cleavage and religation autonomously,
ular DNA-binding domains.
potentially toxic DNA DSBs should not accumulate in the genome.
Additionally, for applications that require targeted gene addition,
Cys2–His2 zinc-finger proteins recombinase and transposase activity is marked by the insertion of
The Cys2–His2 zinc-finger domain is among the most com- donor DNA into the genome, thereby enabling off-target effects to
mon types of DNA-binding motifs found in eukaryotes and be monitored directly. Moreover, the mechanism of recombination
and transposition is independent of cellular DNA repair pathways.
represents the second most frequently encoded protein As a result, these approaches should be functional in nearly any cell
domain in the human genome. An individual zinc-finger type and cell cycle stage. The efficiency of these processes can also
consists of approximately 30 amino acids in a conserved be improved by directed evolution [117]. However, in order for
bba configuration [6] (Figure 1A). Several amino acids on recombinases and transposases to achieve the level of general
the surface of the a-helix typically contact 3 bp in the major utility afforded by site-specific nucleases, significant improvements
in their performance and flexibility are needed. In particular,
groove of DNA, with varying levels of selectivity. The recombinase catalytic domains retain sequence specificity from
modular structure of zinc-finger proteins has made them the parental enzyme, and require significant re-engineering toward
an attractive framework for the design of custom DNA- user-defined DNA targets [109,111]. Although transposase fusions
binding proteins. Key to the application of zinc-finger demonstrate high activity at their intended genomic targets, these
chimeric proteins also suffer from significant off-target activity
proteins for specific DNA recognition was the development
[118]. Finally, synthetic zinc-finger and TALE transcription factors
of unnatural arrays that contain more than three zinc- offer an alternative approach for inducing targeted modifications by
finger domains. This advance was facilitated by the struc- providing stringent control over gene expression
ture-based discovery of a highly conserved linker sequence [6,8,9,26,27,114,115]. Collectively, these proteins and enzymes
that enabled construction of synthetic zinc-finger proteins represent an exciting suite of tools that can be customized for
diverse genome engineering applications.
that recognized DNA sequences 9–18 bp in length [7].
Review Trends in Biotechnology July 2013, Vol. 31, No. 7

(A) Cys (C)

His Cys

Right ZFP
(B) (D) Cleavage
Cleavage domain
domain Le TALE
-N N- Fokl -C
C- Fokl
Fokl -C NG Cleavage Right TALE
N- Cleavage NI domain

TRENDS in Biotechnology

Figure 1. Structure of zinc-finger and transcription activator-like effectors (TALEs). (A) (Top) Designed zinc-finger protein in complex with target DNA (grey) (PDB ID: 2I13).
Each zinc-finger consists of approximately 30 amino acids in an bba arrangement (inset). Surface residues (-1, 2, 3 and 6) that contact DNA are shown as sticks. Each zinc-
finger domain contacts 3 or 4 bp in the major groove of DNA. The side chains of the conserved Cys and His residues are depicted as sticks in complex with a Zn2+ ion
(purple). (B) Cartoon of a zinc-finger nuclease (ZFN) dimer bound to DNA. ZFN target sites consist of two zinc-finger binding sites separated by a 5–7-bp spacer sequence
recognized by the FokI cleavage domain. Zinc-finger proteins can be designed to recognize unique ‘left’ and ‘right’ half-sites. (C) (Top) TALE protein in complex with target
DNA (grey) (PDB ID: 3UGM). Individual TALE repeats contain 33–35 amino acids that recognize a single base pair via two hypervariable residues (repeat-variable diresidues;
RVDs) (shown as sticks) (inset). (D) Cartoon of a TALE nuclease (TALEN) dimer bound to DNA. TALEN target sites consist of two TALE binding sites separated by a spacer
sequence of varying length (12–20 bp). TALEs can be designed to recognize unique left and right half-sites. RVD compositions are indicated.

text-dependency to assemble longer arrays by modular nucleases [24–26], transcriptional activators [26,27], and
assembly [18,19]. For many years, zinc-finger protein tech- site-specific recombinases [28]. Although the single base
nology was the only approach available to create custom recognition of TALE–DNA binding repeats affords greater
site-specific DNA-binding proteins and enzymes. Engi- design flexibility than triplet-confined zinc-finger proteins,
neered zinc fingers are also available commercially; San- the cloning of repeat TALE arrays presents an elevated
gamo Biosciences (Richmond, CA, USA) has developed a technical challenge due to extensive identical repeat
propriety platform (CompoZr) for zinc-finger construction sequences. To overcome this issue, several methods have
in partnership with Sigma–Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA), been developed that enable rapid assembly of custom
allowing investigators to bypass zinc-finger construction TALE arrays. These strategies include ‘Golden Gate’ mo-
and validation altogether, and many thousands of proteins lecular cloning [29], high-throughput solid-phase assembly
are already available. Broadly, zinc-finger protein technol- [30,31], and ligation-independent cloning techniques [32].
ogy enables targeting of virtually any sequence. Several large, systematic studies utilizing various assem-
bly methods have indicated that TALE repeats can be
TALEs combined to recognize virtually any user-defined sequence
The recent discovery of a simple modular DNA recognition [30,32]. The only targeting limitation for TALE arrays for
code by TALE proteins [20,21] has led to the explosive which there is consensus in the literature is that TALE
expansion of an alternative platform for engineering pro- binding sites should start with a T base. Indeed, the ease
grammable DNA-binding proteins. TALEs are naturally with which TALE repeats can be assembled is evident in a
occurring proteins from the plant pathogenic bacteria recent study reporting the construction of a library of
genus Xanthomonas, and contain DNA-binding domains TALENs targeting 18 740 human protein-coding genes
composed of a series of 33–35-amino-acid repeat domains [33]; a technological feat that will not only facilitate nu-
that each recognizes a single base pair (Figure 1B). TALE merous new studies, but will also encourage other, equally
specificity is determined by two hypervariable amino acids ambitious endeavors. Custom-designed TALE arrays are
that are known as the repeat-variable di-residues (RVDs) also commercially available through Cellectis Bioresearch
[22,23]. Like zinc fingers, modular TALE repeats are (Paris, France), Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals (Lex-
linked together to recognize contiguous DNA sequences. ington, KY, USA), and Life Technologies (Grand Island,
However, in contrast to zinc-finger proteins, there was no NY, USA).
re-engineering of the linkage between repeats necessary to
construct long arrays of TALEs with the ability of targeting Genome editing with site-specific nucleases
single sites in a genome. Following nearly two decades of Historically, targeted gene inactivation, replacement, or
pioneering work based on zinc-finger proteins, numerous addition has been achieved by homologous recombination;
effector domains have been made available to fuse to TALE however, the low efficiency of homologous recombination in
repeats for targeted genetic modifications, including mammalian cells and model organisms dramatically limits
Review Trends in Biotechnology July 2013, Vol. 31, No. 7

(A) Nonhomologous end joining (B) Homology-directed repair

Gene disrupon
(via small inserons or

Inseron Gene addion Gene correcon

(up to 14 kb by synchronized donor
cleavage in vivo) Provide donor
Provide donor
Deleon template containing
NHEJ-mediated template containing
modified gene
ligaon of broken Simultaneous transgene (s)
DNA ends cleavage by two
TRENDS in Biotechnology

Figure 2. Overview of possible genome editing outcomes using site-specific nucleases. Nuclease-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be repaired by homology-
directed repair (HDR) or error-prone nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). (A) In the presence of donor plasmid with extended homology arms, HDR can lead to the
introduction of single or multiple transgenes to correct or replace existing genes. (B) In the absence of donor plasmid, NHEJ-mediated repair yields small insertion or
deletion mutations at the target that cause gene disruption. In the presence of double-stranded oligonucleotides or in vivo linearized donor plasmid, DNA fragments up to
14 kb have been inserted via NHEJ-mediated ligation. Simultaneous induction of two DSBs can lead to deletions, inversions and translocations of the intervening segment.

the utility of this approach. Following the discovery that envisioned [49,50], including the use of multiplexed
induction of a DSB increases the frequency of HDR by approaches as a means to identify unknown regulatory
several orders of magnitude, targeted nucleases have sites for genes of interest [51].
emerged as the method of choice for improving the efficien-
cy of HDR-mediated genetic alterations. By co-delivering a Improving the performance of site-specific nucleases
site-specific nuclease with a donor plasmid bearing locus- In order for customizable nucleases to carry relevance for
specific homology arms [34], single or multiple transgenes genetic analysis and clinical application, they must dem-
can be efficiently integrated into an endogenous locus onstrate strict specificity toward their intended DNA tar-
(Figure 2A). Linear donor sequences with <50 bp of homol- gets. Complex genomes, however, often contain multiple
ogy [35], as well as single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides copies of sequences that are identical or highly homologous
[36], can also be used to induce mutations, deletions, or to the intended DNA target, leading to off-target activity
insertions at the target site. Significantly, nuclease-medi- and cellular toxicity. To address this problem, structure
ated targeted integration normalizes for positional effects [52,53] and selection-based [54,55] approaches have been
that typically confound many types of genetic analysis and used to generate improved ZFN and TALEN heterodimers
enables study of structure–function relations in the com- with optimized cleavage specificity and reduced toxicity.
plex and native chromosomal environment. In addition to Our laboratory has utilized directed evolution to generate
their role in facilitating HDR, site-specific nucleases also a hyperactivated variant of the FokI cleavage domain,
allow rapid generation of cell lines and organisms with null Sharkey, that exhibits a >15-fold increase in cleavage
phenotypes; NHEJ-mediated repair of a nuclease-induced activity in comparison to traditional ZFNs [55], and is
DSB leads to the introduction of small insertions or dele- directly compatible with various ZFN architectures [54].
tions at the targeted site, resulting in knockout of gene Furthermore, there is mounting evidence to suggest that
function via frameshift mutations [37] (Figure 2B). Site- 4–6 zinc-finger domains for each ZFN half enzyme signifi-
specific nucleases can also induce deletions of large chro- cantly enhances activity and specificity [13,55–57]. Addi-
mosomal segments [38,39]. This method has been shown to tional methods for improving ZFN activity include the use
support large chromosomal inversions [40] and transloca- of transient hypothermic culture conditions to increase
tions [41]. Finally, by synchronizing nuclease-mediated nuclease expression levels [58], co-delivery of site-specific
cleavage of donor DNA with the chromosomal target, large nucleases with DNA end-processing enzymes [59], and the
transgenes (up to 14 kb) have been introduced into various use of fluorescent surrogate reporter vectors that allow for
endogenous loci via NHEJ-mediated ligation [42,43]. To- the enrichment of ZFN- and TALEN-modified cells [60].
gether, these approaches support the study of gene func- The specificity of ZFN-mediated genome editing has been
tion and the modeling of disease states by altering genes to further refined by the development of zinc-finger nickases
mimic both known and as yet uncharacterized genotypes. (ZFNickases) [61–63], which take advantage of the finding
Many of these approaches have been extended to progeni- that induction of nicked DNA stimulates HDR [64] without
tor cell types, including embryonic stem (ES) cells [44] and activating the error-prone NHEJ repair pathway. Conse-
induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells [45,46], encouraging quently, this approach leads to fewer off-target mutagene-
their further development for modeling a broad range of sis events than conventional DSB-induced methods for
genetic conditions [47,48] (Table 1). Extension of this genome editing; however, the frequency of HDR by
technology to study the role of noncoding DNA in the ZFNickases remains lower than those achieved with
regulation and expression of coding genes can also be traditional ZFNs. Finally, conventional DNA- and
Review Trends in Biotechnology July 2013, Vol. 31, No. 7

Table 1. Abbreviated list of examples of ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing in human cells and model
Type of modification Organism Genes Nucleases Refs
Gene disruption Human CCR5 ZFN [65,91,92]
TALEN [25,52]
CRISPR/Cas [101]
Human TCR (T cell receptor) ZFN [94,95]
Zebrafish gol (Golden), ntl (No tail), kra ZFN [66,68]
Pig GGTA1 (a1, 3-galactosyltransferase) ZFN [77]
LDLR (LDL receptor) TALEN [76]
Bovine ACAN12, p65 TALEN [76]
Human EMX1, PVALB CRISPR/Cas [102]
Rat IgM, Rab38 ZFN [70]
Arabidopsis ADH1, TT4 ZFN [81]
C. elegans ben-1, rex-1, sdc-2 ZFN/TALEN [78]
Hamster DHFR ZFN [37]
Drosophila yellow ZFN [72]
Rice OsSWEET14 TALEN [84]
Gene addition Human OCT4, PITX3 ZFN/TALEN [45,46]
Human CCR5 ZFN [97]
Human F9 (Coagulation Factor IX) ZFN [86]
Mouse Rosa26 ZFN [57]
Human AAVS1 ZFN [45,96,97]
TALEN [46]
CRISPR/Cas [103]
Human VEGF-A ZFN [17]
Zebrafish th (tyrosine hydroxylase), fam46c, smad5 TALEN [80]
Maize IPK1 ZFN [82]
Gene correction Human IL2RG ZFN [44,85]
A1AT (a1-antitrypsin) ZFN [89]
HBB (b-globin) ZFN [87,88]
SNCA (a-synuclein) ZFN [90]
Tobacco SuRA, SurRB (acetolactate synthase) ZFN [83]
Drosophila yellow ZFN [71]

mRNA-based methods for delivering ZFNs into cells are DNA oligonucleotides [79] or donor plasmid with extended
restricted to certain cell types and are associated with (>800 bp) homology arms [80], TALENs have achieved
undesirable side effects, including insertional mutagene- targeted integration in zebrafish, enabling the generation
sis, toxicity, and low efficiency (Box 2). To address these of loxP engineered chromosomes and the possibility for
limitations, we recently developed a simple alternative conditional gene activation in this model organism. In
based on the direct delivery of purified ZFN proteins into addition to valuable animal models, both ZFNs and
cells. This approach does not carry the risk of insertional TALENs have been used to introduce targeted alterations
mutagenesis and leads to comparatively fewer off-target in plants, including Arabidopsis [81] and several crop
effects than ZFN gene-delivery systems that rely on ex- species [82,83], allowing the incorporation of valuable
pression from nucleic acids [65]. This type of delivery traits, such as disease [84] and herbicide resistance
platform thus may represent an optimal strategy for stud- [82,83]. The diversity of organisms modified by these
ies that require precise genome engineering in cells. site-specific nucleases will undoubtedly continue to grow,
expanding the repertoire of model systems for basic re-
Site-specific nucleases in model organisms search and knowledge of the intricacies and opportunities
Site-specific nucleases have enabled the introduction of of genome biology.
targeted modifications in several model organisms com-
mon to biological research, including zebrafish [66–68], Therapeutic applications of site-specific nucleases
rats and mice [69,70], Drosophila [71,72], Caenorhabditis The use of site-specific nucleases for therapeutic purposes
elegans [73], and many other species for various applica- represents a paradigm shift in gene therapy. Unlike con-
tions, including the monarch butterfly [74], frogs [75], and ventional methods, which either temporarily address dis-
livestock [76,77]. ZFNs and TALENs have also allowed ease symptoms or randomly integrate therapeutic factors
investigators to compare gene function across related spe- in the genome, ZFNs and TALENs are capable of correcting
cies, such as C. elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae [78], the underlying cause of the disease, therefore permanently
shedding light on the similarities and differences between eliminating the symptoms with precise genome modifica-
closely related organisms and making analyses between tions. To date, ZFN-induced HDR has been used to directly
orthologous gene pairs possible. By microinjecting single- correct the disease-causing mutations associated with X-
cell embryos with TALEN mRNA and single-stranded linked severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) [85],
Review Trends in Biotechnology July 2013, Vol. 31, No. 7

Box 2. Methods for delivering site-specific nucleases into specific ‘safe harbor’ locations in the human genome
cells [96,97]. Although the overall utility of site-specific
nucleases is currently limited in somatic cells, continued
Although site-specific nucleases provide a means for introducing
diverse custom alterations at specific genomic locations, this progress in stem cell research, including the production
technology is still limited by methods for delivering these enzymes and manipulation of iPS cells, will ultimately open count-
into relevant cell types. Typically, nuclease-encoded genes are less new directions for gene therapy, including treatments
delivered into cells by plasmid DNA, viral vectors, or in vitro based on autologous stem cell transplantation.
transcribed mRNA. The delivery method can be tailored to some
degree toward the application or cell type of interest; however, the
deficiencies of contemporary viral and nonviral gene delivery Genome editing using programmable RNA-guided DNA
systems restrict the possible applications of site-specific nucleases. endonucleases
In particular, transfection of plasmid DNA or mRNA by electropora- Distinct from the site-specific nucleases described above,
tion or cationic lipid-based reagents can be toxic and restricted to the CRISPR/Cas system has recently emerged as a poten-
certain cell types. Viral vectors also present limitations, because
they are complex, difficult-to-produce, potentially immunogenic,
tially facile and efficient alternative to ZFNs and TALENs
and involve additional regulatory hurdles. Despite these difficulties, for inducing targeted genetic alterations. In bacteria, the
clinical trials based on adenovirus-mediated ZFN gene delivery into CRISPR system provides acquired immunity against in-
T lymphocytes are ongoing [91], however, future endeavors would vading foreign DNA via RNA-guided DNA cleavage [98]. In
benefit greatly from improved delivery methods.
the type II CRISPR/Cas system, short segments of foreign
Integrase-deficient lentiviral vectors (IDLVs) are an attractive
alternative for delivering ZFNs into transfection-resistant cell types DNA, termed ‘spacers’ are integrated within the CRISPR
[44]; however, this method does not appear to be compatible with genomic loci and transcribed and processed into short
highly repetitive TALEN sequences [107]. Despite the apparent ease CRISPR RNA (crRNA). These crRNAs anneal to trans-
with which TALENs can be engineered, these enzymes may prove activating crRNAs (tracrRNAs) and direct sequence-spe-
more difficult to deliver into cells than ZFNs. AAV is a promising
cific cleavage and silencing of pathogenic DNA by Cas
vector for ZFN delivery that has been used to enhance the efficiency
of ZFN-mediated HDR [108,119] and drive ZFN-mediated gene proteins. Recent work has shown that target recognition
correction in vivo [86]. Efficient packaging of AAV occurs only for by the Cas9 protein requires a ‘seed’ sequence within the
expression cassettes less than 4.2 kb in length. Although this is crRNA and a conserved dinucleotide-containing protospa-
sufficient to accommodate both ZFN monomers and an engineered cer adjacent motif (PAM) sequence upstream of the crRNA-
donor construct, only a single TALEN monomer with a minimal
promoter sequence can be inserted into this vector.
binding region [99]. The CRISPR/Cas system can thereby
As an alternative to ZFN gene-delivery systems, our group be retargeted to cleave virtually any DNA sequence by
recently reported that purified ZFN proteins are capable of crossing redesigning the crRNA. Significantly, the CRISPR/Cas
cell membranes and inducing endogenous gene disruption [65]. system has been shown to be directly portable to human
This approach has several advantages over gene-based delivery cells by co-delivery of plasmids expressing the Cas9 endo-
methods. First, this approach reduces off-target activity by limiting
the time that cells are exposed to ZFNs and thus minimizing
nuclease and the necessary crRNA components [100–103].
opportunities for off-target activity. Second, this method circum- These programmable RNA-guided DNA endonucleases
vents the cell-type dependency and toxicity of viral and nonviral have demonstrated multiplexed gene disruption capabili-
gene delivery systems. Third, this approach overcomes several ties [102] and targeted integration in iPS cells [103]. Cas9
safety and regulatory hurdles for developing ZFN-based therapies
endonucleases have also been converted into nickases
by allowing the knockout of human genes without exposing cells to
any genetic material. It remains unknown whether purified TALEN [102], enabling an additional level of control over the
proteins can also introduced into cells in the same manner. mechanism of DNA repair. In addition to human cells,
CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing has been success-
hemophilia B [86], sickle-cell disease [87,88], and a1-anti- fully demonstrated in zebrafish [104] and bacterial cells
trypsin deficiency [89]. Moreover, ZFNs have been used to [105]; however, more exhaustive studies are required in
genetically repair Parkinson’s disease-associated muta- order to thoroughly evaluate the utility of this system,
tions within the SNCA gene in patient-derived human including the potential for off-target effects. In particular,
iPS cells [90]. Targeted gene knockout via ZFN-induced it remains unclear whether CRISPR/Cas system affords
NHEJ-mediated repair has also proven a potentially pow- the requisite recognition selectivity necessary to ensure
erful strategy for combating HIV/AIDs. ZFNs have been single-site specificity in complex genomes.
used to confer HIV-1 resistance by disabling the HIV co-
receptor C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) in primary Concluding remarks and future directions
T cells [91] and hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells [92]. ZFNs, TALENs, and RNA-guided DNA endonucleases are
This approach is currently in clinical trials (NCT01252641, transformative tools that have the potential to revolution-
NCT00842634 and NCT01044654). More recently, ZFN- ize biological research and affect personalized medicine.
mediated targeted integration of anti-HIV restriction fac- Indeed, these emerging technologies have dramatically
tors into the CCR5 locus has led to the establishment of T expanded the ability to manipulate and study model organ-
cells that show near-complete protection from both R5- and isms, and support the promise of correcting the genetic
X4-tropic strains of HIV [93]. Additionally, ZFNs have been causes behind many diseases. However, in order to achieve
used to improve the performance of T-cell-based immu- the full potential of this technology, many important ques-
notherapies by inactivating the expression of endogenous tions and challenges must be addressed (Box 3). Chief
T cell receptor genes [94,95], thereby enabling the genera- among these is the relative specificity of each nuclease
tion of tumor-specific T cells with improved efficacy pro- platform. In the future, the use of high-throughput meth-
files. Finally, site-specific nucleases afford the unique ods that enable comprehensive profiling of off-target cleav-
possibility of safely inserting therapeutic transgenes into age sites [106] should provide insight into the stringency of
Review Trends in Biotechnology July 2013, Vol. 31, No. 7

Box 3. Outstanding questions 5 Wyman, C. and Kanaar, R. (2006) DNA double-strand break repair:
all’s well that ends well. Annu. Rev. Genet. 40, 363–383
6 Beerli, R.R. and Barbas, C.F., III (2002) Engineering polydactyl zinc-
 How effective are ZFNs and TALENs as therapeutic agents? finger transcription factors. Nat. Biotechnol. 20, 135–141
 What are the best methods for delivering site-specific nucleases 7 Liu, Q. et al. (1997) Design of polydactyl zinc-finger proteins for unique
into cells, and how can TALENs be delivered into cells by addressing within complex genomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94,
lentivirus? 5525–5530
 Can the Cas9 endonuclease be co-opted as a DNA-binding domain 8 Beerli, R.R. et al. (1998) Toward controlling gene expression at will:
and be fused to enzymatic domains? specific regulation of the erbB-2/HER-2 promoter by using polydactyl
 How specific and safe are CRISPR/Cas9 systems, and how does zinc finger proteins constructed from modular building blocks. Proc.
the efficiency of Cas9-mediated genome editing compare to ZFN Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 14628–14633
and TALEN-based approaches? 9 Beerli, R.R. et al. (2000) Positive and negative regulation of
 What is the optimal RNA scaffold for application of CRISPR/Cas9 endogenous genes by designed transcription factors. Proc. Natl.
in mammalian cells? Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 1495–1500
10 Kim, J.S. and Pabo, C.O. (1998) Getting a handhold on DNA: design of
poly-zinc finger proteins with femtomolar dissociation constants.
target recognition inherent in each system. Questions Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 2812–2817
also remain regarding the optimal methods for deliver- 11 Segal, D.J. et al. (2006) Structure of Aart, a designed six-finger zinc
finger peptide, bound to DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 363, 405–421
ing these nucleases into cells and organisms. In particu- 12 Neuteboom, L.W. et al. (2006) Effects of different zinc finger
lar, although adenoviral vectors can accommodate and transcription factors on genomic targets. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
deliver full-length TALEN genes into human cells, len- Commun. 339, 263–270
tiviral plasmid vectors harboring TALEN sequences are 13 Bhakta, M.S. et al. (2013) Highly active zinc-finger nucleases by
prone to rearrangements after transduction [107]. Fur- extended modular assembly. Genome Res. 23, 530–538
14 Kim, S. et al. (2011) Preassembled zinc-finger arrays for rapid
thermore, the large size of TALENs may limit their construction of ZFNs. Nat. Methods 8, 7
delivery by size-restricted vectors such as recombinant 15 Gonzalez, B. et al. (2010) Modular system for the construction of zinc-
adeno-associated virus (AAV), which has been shown to finger libraries and proteins. Nat. Protoc. 5, 791–810
accommodate ZFN genes [108]. These findings suggest 16 Segal, D.J. et al. (1999) Toward controlling gene expression at will:
selection and design of zinc finger domains recognizing each of the 50 -
that the development of new TALEN delivery systems
GNN-30 DNA target sequences. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96,
will be a critical area of future research. Although 2758–2763
CRISPR/Cas systems show great promise and flexibility 17 Maeder, M.L. et al. (2008) Rapid ‘‘open-source’’ engineering of
for genetic engineering, sequence requirements within customized zinc-finger nucleases for highly efficient gene
the PAM sequence may constrain some applications. modification. Mol. Cell 31, 294–301
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ate the specificity and toxicity of RNA-guided DNA 20 Boch, J. et al. (2009) Breaking the code of DNA binding specificity of
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