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Placement: Second Year Theory: 210 Hrs

Practical: 720 Hrs

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to acquire knowledge and develop proficiency in
caring for patients with medical surgical disorders in varieties of health care settings and at home.

Specific Objectives: At completion of the course the student is able to:

a. Describe the causes, signs and symptoms, treatment and prevention of medical surgical conditions.
b. Demonstrate skill in carrying out nursing techniques and procedures in keeping with scientific
c. Discuss nursing process and provide nursing care to patients with various medical surgical

Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment

Hrs Objectives Learning Methods
I 13 *Appreciat INTRODUCTION •Lectures & •Essay type
e the trends • Introduction to Medical Surgical Discussion •Short answers
in medical Nursing Evaluation & trends of • C h a rt s , •Objective
& surgical medical & surgical nursing graphs type
nursing • Review of concepts of health & models, films •Skill
* Describe illness, diseases concepts, its causes- and slides assessment
the role of a Classification of diseases, International •Demonstratio with check list
Nurse in classification of Diseases ns •Clinical
caring for -Acute, chronic, & terminal stages of •Practice work
adult illness sessions
patients in - Review of concept of compressive •Case
hospital & Nursing care in medical Surgical discussions
Community Condition based on Nursing Process. •Seminars
* Describe Role of nurse patients & family in care •Clinical
the concept of adult patients. practice
of Medical •Role & responsibility of nurse in •Drug book
Surgical medical surgical settings: •Exposure to
asepses -Outpatient department related
-In patient department procedures
-Intensive care units
-Home & community settings
• Intro d u ct i o n to me di c a l sepsis
-Inflammation and Infection
- Stress adaptation
- Hemorrhage
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Hrs Objectives Learning Methods
- Nutritional consideration
- immunity
- Wound heling
• Care of surgical patients.
• Demonstrations
-surgical asepsis
-Care of wound drainage
-Preoperative preparation of
II 12 Describe the Common sign and symptoms and • Lectures Essay type
common management & Discussion •Short
sign and -Fluid & electrolyte imbalance • C h a rt s , answers
symptoms of -Vomiting graphs •Objective
problems -Dyspnea and cough, respiratory models, films type of
and their difficulty and obstructions and slides question
specific -Fever •Demonstratio Assessment
nursing -Shock ns of s kill
management -Unconsciousness, syncope •Practice assessment
-Pain sessions with check list
-Incontinence (bladder & bowl) & •Case •Clinical
retention of urine discussions / work
- Constipation seminar
- Diarrhea
-Age related problems-Geriatric
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
III 20 Describe the Nursing management of patients •Lectures •Essay type
Etiology , (adults including elderly) with & Discussion Short answers
pathophysiolo respiratory problems charts, graphs •Objective
gy clinical • Review of Anatomy & models, films type of
manifestation Physiology of respiratory and slides questions
& diagnostic system. •Demonstratio Assessment
measures • Nursing Assessment – ns of skills with
(& History & Physical •Practice assessment of
management assessment sessions patients with
of patients • Etiology, Pathophysiology, •Case Clinical work
( adult Clinical manifestations, discussions / Management
including diagnosis, treatment Seminar problem
elderly) with modalities & Medical, •Clinical
disorder of surgical, Nutritional & Practice
reparatory nursing including elderly •Drug book
system with: • Exposure to
common procedure- X
• Upper Respiratory tract
medical ray
surgical - MRI
nursing • Bronchitis , Bronchiolitis Edoscopy
procedures • Asthma
• Emphysema
• Empyma
• Atelectasis
• Chronic obstructive
Pulmonary Diseases (COPD)
• Bronchiectasis
• Pneumonia
• Pulmonary tuberculosis
• Lung abscess
• Pleural abscess, effusion
• Cysts & Tumors
• Chest injuries
• Respiratory arrest, ARDS &
• Pulmonary embolism Special
therapies, alternative
therapies Nursing Procedures
Drugs used in treatment of
respiratory disorders.
• Demonstrations
- Respiratory assessment assisting in
procedures of X ray chest, MRI, lung
Biopsy, bronchoscopy
- Thoracocentesis, - care of patients
with chest drainage & change of
chest drainage- Care of patients on
ventilators & weaning – nebulisation,
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
IV 30 Describe the Nursing management of patient •Lectures
etiology, (Adults including elderly) with & Discussion
•Essay type
Patho- disorders of Digestive system •Charts,
physiology, •Review of Anatomy & Physiology graphs
clinical of digestive system models, films
manifestation, • Nursing Assessment –history & and slides
diagnostic physical assessment •Demonstrati
measures and • Etiology, patho-physiology, clinical ons
management manifestation, diagnosis, treatment •Practice
with check
of patients modalities and medical, surgical, sessions
(Adults Nutritional & nursing management •Case
including Disorders of oral cavity discussions
elderly) with •Oral cavity- Lips, gums, tongue, •Seminars
assessment of
disorders of salivary and teeth •Clinical
Digestive -esophagus- inflammation, stricture, practice
system obstruction, bleeding & esophageal •Drug book
tumour •Exposure to
•Stomach & Duodenum- related
hiatus hernia, gastritis, peptic & procedures
duodenal ulcer, bleeding, tumour Health
pyloric stenosis Education
-Food allergy & poisoning Supervised
• Small intestinal inflammation clinical
and infection - practice
Ulcerative colitis, entritis, Drug Book /
malabsorbtion syndrome, Presentation
Obstruction, tumors perforation,
•Large Intestinal disorders
-Colitis inflammations & infection,
obstruction, Tumors, lump Hernis
Inflammation, mass, abscess, rupture
•Anal & Rectum
Fistulas, fissures, Hemorroides and
•Peritonitis/ acute abdominal
• Pancreas; infla m m a tio n, cyst,
abscess, tumo urs
Abdominal trauma
• Acute Abdoma to
•Pancreas- Acute & chronic
pancreatitis, abscess & tumors
•Liver- Jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis,
abscess, portal hypertension, hepatic
failure and tumors

Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment

Objectives Learning Methods
•Biliary tract & gall bladder
-Cholecytitis, cholelithiasis, tumors
-Preparing assessing & witnessing
- Barium meal, enema,
-Abdominal paracentesis,
-Liver biopsy,
-Endoscopies, ERCP, OGD,
Colonoscopy, Proctoscopy,
-Liver function test
Gastric analysis, stomach wash
- Gastrostomy feeding
- Jejunestomy feeding
- Bowel wash
- Colostomy care
• Liver inflammation cyst,
abscess, cirrhosis, portal
hypertension, hepatic failure,
• Gall Bladder, inflammation,
Obstruction, Stones, & tumours
Special Therapies, alternative
therapies nursing procedures, drug
used in the treatment of disorders &
diseases of digestive system
Unit Time Learning Contents Teaching Assess m e nt
Objectives Learning Methods
V 30 Describe Nursing management of patient( •Lectures •Essay type
the adults including elderly) with blood & •Short
etiology, and cardiovascular problems Discussion answers
patho- • Review of Anatomy & Physiology of • Explain •Objective
physiology, blood and cardiovascular system charts, type
clinical • Nursing Assessment –history & graphs •Skill
manifestatio physical assessment. models, assessment
n, • Etiology, patho physiology, clinical films and with check
diagnostic manifestation, diagnosis, treatment slides list
measures modalities: medical, surgical, •Demonstrat •Clinical
and Nutritional & nursing management of: ions work
managemen • Heart- •Practice
t of patients -Coronary artery disease sessions
(adults -Ischemic heart disease •Case
including - Coronary atherosclerosis discussions
elderly) -Angina pectoris /
with -Myocardial infarction Seminars
disorders of -Congestive cardiac failure •Clinical
blood and -Corpulmonale practice
cardiovascu -Pulmonary Odema •Drug book
lar -Cardiogenic shock •Exposure
problems -Cardiac tamponade to procedure
Describe - Endocarditis visit to
the vascular -Myocarditis blood bank
conditions -Pericarditis participatio
and its -Cardiomyopathies n in blood
nursing • Valvular heart disease- bank
managemen -Congenital & acquired counseling
t -Rheumatic heart disease
-Mitral stenosis
• Conduction system
-Cardiac dysarthmias & heart blocks
• Vascular systems
Hypertension, hypotension
Raynaud’s disease
Aneurism and Perpherial vascular
disorders, Cardiogenic shock
•Cardiac arrest- ACLS, BLS
• Blood
- Bleeding & coatings disorders
-Lymphomas & Myelomas
• Blood bank functioning & Biosafety
management related to blood
-Role of nurse in organ donation,
transplant, retrieval & banking
Drugs used in cardiovaxular system.
Alternative therapies
• Demonstration-ECG-3 & 12 lead,
-Holter monitoring

VI 10 Describe the Nursing management of patient •Lectures & Essay type

etiology, (Adults including elderly) with Discussion •Short
Patho- genitio-urinary problems • Explain answers
physiology, • Review of Anatomy & Physiology of using charts, •Objective
clinical genito-urinary systems graphs type
manifestatio • Nursing Assessment –history & models, •Skill
n, diagnostic physical assessment. films and assessment
measures • Etiology, patho-physiology, clinical slides with check
and manifestation, diagnosis, treatment •Demonstrat list
management modalities and medical, surgical, ions •Clinical
of patients dietetics & nursing management of •Practice work
(adults -Nephritis sessions Assessment
including -Nephrotic syndrome •Case of
elderly) with -Nephrosis discussions/ patient
disorders of - Renal calculus Seminars management
gentio- - Tumours •Supervised problem
uinary -Acuterenal failure Clinical
system -Chronic renal failure practice
-End stage renal disease •Drug
-Dailysis, renal transplant book/presen
-congenital disorders, urinary tation
infections •Exposure
-Benign prostate hypertrophy to procedure
• Kidney Health
-Polycystic kidney Education
• Disorders of ureter, urinary bladder-
urethera- inflammation infections,
calculus stricture, obstructions, tumors,
Drug used intro treatment of Genic
Bladder wash / Irrigation
Demonstration care of Indwelling
catheterization male / female
Condom catheters (external)
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
VII 5 Describe the Nursing management of disorders of Lecture • Essay type
etiology, male (adults including elderly) discussion • Short
Patho- reproductive system Explain answer
Physiolgy, • Review of anatomy and using • Objective
Clinical Physiology of male Charts, type
manifestatio reproductive system graphs
• Assessment
ns, • Nursing assessment-history and • Models, of skills
diagnostic physical assessment films, with check
measures • Etiology, patho-physiology, slides list
and clinical manifestations, • Demonstr Assessment of
management diagnosis, treatment modalities ation patients
of patients and medical, surgical dietetics • Practice management
(adults and nursing management of session problem
including disorders of male reproductive • Case
elderly) with system discussion
disorders of
• Congenital malformations; / seminar
cryptorchidism • Health
system. • Infections education
• Hypospadiasis, Epispadiasis • Supervise
• Infection Testis and adjacent d clinical
structure practice
•Penis •Drug book
• Prostate: inflammation, /presentatio
infection hypertrophy, tumor n
• Sexual Dysfunction
• Infertility
• Contraception
• Breast, gynecomastia, tumor
• Climacteric changes special
therapies, alternative therapies.
• Nursing procedures
drugs used in treatment of disorders of
male reproductive system
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
VIII 10 Describe the Nursing management of patient •Lecture •Essay type
etiology, ( adults including elderly) with discussion •Short
Patho disorders of endocrine system • Explain answer
Physiology, • Review of anatomy and physiology using • Objective
clinical of endocrine system Charts, type
manifestatio • Nursing assessment-history graphs • Assessme
ns, and physical assessment • Mod nt of
diagnostic • Etiology, patho-physiology, els, skills
measures clinical manifestation, films with
and diagnosis, treatment modalities , check list
management and medical, surgical, dietetics slide •Assessment
of patients and nursing management of s of patients
(adults • Dem
• Disorders of pituitary management
including onstr problem
elderly) with • Disorders of thyroid and
parathyroid ation
disorders of
• Adrenal tumour • Pract
• Diabetes mellitus ice
• Diabetes insipidus
• special therapies, alternative
• Case
• Nursing procedures ussio
• drugs used in treatment of n/
disorders of endocrine system semi
• Heal
• Supe
• Drug
• pres
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
IX 10 Describe the Nursing management of patients • Lecture •Essay type
etiology, (adults including elderly) with discussio •Short
Patho disorders of Integumentary system n answer
Physiology, • Review of anatomy and • Explain • Objective
clinical physiology of skin and its using type
manifestatio appendages Charts, • Assessment
ns, • Nursing assessment-history and graphs of skills
diagnostic physical assessment • Mode with check
measures and • Etiology, Pathphysiology, ls, list
management clinical manifestation, films, •Assessment
of patients diagnosis, treatment modalities slides of patients
(adults and medical, surgical, dietetics • Dem management
including and nursing management of onstr problem
elderly) with disorders of skin and its ation
disorders of appendages
skin • Practi
• Lesions and abrasions ce
• Infection and infestations: sessio
Dermatitis n
• Dermatoses; infectious and • Case
non infectious “inflammatory discu
determatoses ssion
• Acne vulgaris /
• Allergies and Eczema semin
• Psoriasis ar
• Malignant melanoma • Healt
• Alopecia
• Leucoderma tion
• Care of patient with Skin • Super
surgery vised
Special therapies, alternative therapies clinic
• Nursing procedures, al
• drugs used in treatment of practi
disorders of Integumentary ce
system • Drug
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
X 15 Describe the Nursing management of patients • Lecture • Essay
etiology, (adults including elderly) with discussi type
Pathology, musculoskeletal problems on • Short
Physiology, • Review of anatomy and • Explain answers
clinical physiology of musculoskeletal using • Objective
manifestatio system, Chart, type
ns, • Nursing assessment-history and graphs • Assessme
diagnostic physical assessment • Models, nt of skill
measures and • Etiology, Pathophysiology, films, with
management clinical manifestation, slides check list
of patients diagnosis, treatment modalities • Demons • check list
(adults and medical, surgical, dietetics tration • Assessme
including and nursing management of
elderly) with • Practice nt of
• Disorders of: session patients
disorders of
 Muscles, ligaments and joints- • Case managem
inflammation, infection trauma discussi ent
etal system
 Bones-inflammation, infection, on / problem
dislocation, sprain, fracture, seminar
tumour & trauma • Health
 Osteomalacia and osteoporosis
 Arthritis
 Congenital deformities
• Supervi
 Spinal column – defects and
deformities, tumor, Prolapsed inter
vertebral disc. Pott’s spine
 Paget’s disease
• Drug
• Amputation
book /
• Prosthesis
• presentation
• Transplant and replacement
• Rehabilitation special
therapies, alternative therapies
• Nursing procedures, drug used in
treatment of disorders of
musculoskeletal system
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
XI 10 • Describe the Nursing management of Patient •Lecture •Essay type
etiology, patho (adults Including elderly) with Discussion •Short
physiology, Immunological problems •Explain using answer
clinical • Review of Immune system. Charts, Graphs •Objective
manifestations • Nursing Assessment-History and •Models, films type
diagnostic physical assessment slides •Assessment
Measures and •Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical •Demonstratio of skills with
Management of manifestations, diagnosis treatment n check list
Patients (adults modalities and medical, surgical, •Practice •Assessment
Including dietetics and nursing management session of patient
elderly) with of-
disorders of •Case management
•Immunodeficiency disorder discussion/ problem
•Primary immuno deficiency Seminar
•Phagocytic dysfunction •Health
•B-cell and T-cell deficiencies education
•Secondary immuno-deficiencies •Supervised
•Acquired Immuno Deficiency clinical
Syndrome (AIDS) practice
• Incidence of HIV & AIDS •Drug book/
•Epidemiology presentation
•Transmission-prevention of •Orientation
Transmission visit to
•Standard safety precautions Hospital
control system
•Roll of nurse, counseling
•Health education and home care
•National AIDS control program
NACO various National and
international agencies.
•Infection control program
Special therapies, alternative
Nursing procedures
Drugs used in treatment of disorders
of immunological systems
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
XII 20 Describe the Nursing management of patient Lecture Essay type
etiology, (adults including elderly) with discussion •Short
Patho-, Communicable Diseases •Explain answer
Physiology, • Overview of infectious disease, using • Objective
clinical the infectious process Charts, graphs type
manifestations, • Nursing Assessment-History and • Models, • Assessme
diagnostic physical assessment films, nt of
measures and • Epidemiology, infectious process, slides skills
management clinical manifestations, diagnosis, • Demo with
of patients treatment, prevention and nstrati check list
(adults dietetics. Control and eradication on •Assessmen
including of common communicable • Practic t of patients
elderly) with diseases managemen
Communicable  Tuberculosis t problem
Diseases  Diarrhoeal diseases n
 Hepatitis A-E • Case
 Herpes discus
 Chickenpox sion /
 Smallpox semin
 Typhoid ar
 Meningitis
• Health
 Gas gangrene
 Leprosy
 Dengue
• Super
 Plague
 Malaria
 Diphtheria
 Pertussis
 Poliomyelitis
 Measles
 Mumps
• Drug
 Influenza
book /
 Tetanus
 Yellow fever
 Filariasis
 HIV, AIDS communicable
• Reproductive Tract Infections
• Special infection control
measures; Notification, Isolation,
Quarantine, Immunization, Infectious
Disease Hospitals
Special therapies, Alternative
•Nursing procedures
•Drugs used in treatment of
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
Objectives Learning Methods
XIII 25 • Describe Peri Operative nursing: • Lecture • Essay type
the • Organization and physical set discussio • Short
organizati up of the operation theatre n answer
on and (OT): • Explain • Objective
physical  Classification using type
set up of  O.T.DESIGN Charts, • Assessme
operation  Staffing graphs nt of
theatre  Members of the OT team. • Models, skills
• Identify  Duties and responsibility of nurse films, with
the various in OT slides check list
instrument  Principles of health and operating • Demonst
s and room attire. ration
equipment  Instruments
• Practice
s used for  Sutures and suture materials
common  Equipments
 O.T. tables and sets for common
• Supervis
surgical procedure ed
 Scrubbing procedures
•Describe the
 Gowning and gloving
 Preparation of O.T. sets
Drug book /
 Monitoring the patients during
measures in
the operation surgical procedures
theatre • Maintenance of therapeutics
•Describe the environment in O.T.
role of the • Standard safely measures
nurse in the  Infection control: fumigation,
Peri operative disinfection and sterilization
nursing care  Biomedical waste management
 Prevention of accidents and hazards
in O.T. •Anaesthesia
• Types
 Methods of administration
 Effects and stages
 Equipment
 Drugs
• Cardio pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR)
• Pain management techniques
Legal Aspects
(Adult including Geriatrics)-I
Placement: Second year Time: 720 Hours

Areas tion Objectives Skills Assignments
(in wk)
General 06 • Provide • Assessment of the • Plan and give • Assess
Medical nursing patient care to 3-4 perform-
Ward care to  Taking history assigned patients ance with
(Respira - adult  Perform general and • Nursing care rating
- tory, patients specific physical plan- 02 scale
GI, with examination • Nursing case • Assess
Endocrine, medical - Respiratory presentaion-1 each skill
Renal, disorders - GI with
• Drug
Hemoto - • Counsel - Endocrine checklist
- logy) and - Renal • Evaluation
• Maintain drug
educate - Hematology of case
patients  Identify alterations and study/
deviations. • Maintain
and presenta-
• Practice medical Practical record
families tion
surgical asepsis • Comple-
Standard safety tion of
measures. practical
• Administer medications record.
 Oral, IV, IM, ID,
Airlock and Z-Track
•Blood and Component
• IV therapy
 IV canulation
 Maintenance and
 IV additives
 IV Bottle change
• Oxygen therapy by
different methods
 Ambu bag
 Ventuiry mask
• Nebulization
• Chest physio- therapy
• Postural drainage
Naso gastric feeding
Areas Dura- Assessment
tion Objectives Skills Assignments Methods
(in wk)
•Gastric lavage
•Perform/Assist in
therapeutic procedures
 Thoracentesis
 Abdominal
 Barium meal
 Endoscopy
- OGD scopy
- Colonoscopy
- Proctoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy

• Blood and component

 Plasma
 Whole blood
 Platelet
 Cryoprecipitate
• Throat suctioning
• Collect specimens for
common investigations
 Blood
 Urine
 Stool
 Sputum
• Maintain elimination
 Catheterization
 Catheter care
 Bowel wash
 Enema
 Urinary drainage
 Bladder wash
• Maintain Intake, output
and documentation
• Counsel and teach
related to specific
disease conditions.
Duration Assessment
Areas Objectives Skills Assignments
(in wk) Methods
General 06 • Provide Similar to skills of • Plan and give • Assess
pre and General medical Ward care to 3-4 performanc
post + assigned e with
Ward (GI, operative • Pre operative patients rating scale
urinary, nursing preparation of • Nursing care • Assess
care to patients. plan – 02 each skill
CVTS) adult  Preparation of skin • Nursing case with
patients  Informed study - 01 checklist
with Consent • Maintain • Evaluation
surgical  Assist in various
drug book of case
disorders investigations in study/
• Maintain
• Counsel various surgeries presentatio
and • Post operative care n
record book
educate Receiving patient, • Comple-
patients assessment, tion of
and monitoring, care practical
families • Care of wounds record.
and drainage • Evaluation
 Romovac drain of care &
• Suture removal case plan
• Ambulation and
• Naso gastric
• Care of chest
• Ostomy care
 Gastrostomy
 Colostomy
 Enterostomy
• Rehabilitation
Cardiolog 02 •Provide • Physical • Plan and give • Assess
y ward / nursing care examination of the care to 3-4 perform-
CCU / to patients cardio vascular assigned ance with
ICU with cardiac system patients rating scale
disorders • Recording and • Nursing care • Assess
•Counsel interpreting ECG plan - 01 each skill
and educate • Monitoring of • Nursing case with
patients and patients presentation- checklist
families Preparation and 01 • Evalua-tion
assisting in non- • Maintain of case
invasive and invasive drug book study
diagnostic procedures. Maintain • Evalua-tion
practical record of Nursing
book care plan
Areas Dura- Assessment
tion Objectives Skills Assignments Methods
(in wk)
 2D Echo • Compilatio
 Colour Doppler n of
 Holter activity
 12 Lead ECG record
 Stress test
• Care of patients
undergoing Angiography
• Administer cardiac drugs
• Cardio pulmonary
• Pre operative and post
operative care of patients
undergoing cardiac
Operation 06 • Identify • Scrubbing, gowning, • Assist as a • Assess
Theatre instruments gloving circulator perform-
used in • Identify instruments, y nurse in ance with
common suturing materials for - Major rating scale
operations common operations. cases- 05 • Comple-
• Participate • Disinfection, carbolization, - Minor tion of
in Infection fumigation cases-5 practical
control • Preparation of instrument • Assist as a record
practices in sets for common scrub
the operations nurse in
Operation • Sterilization of sharps and - Major
Theatre other instruments cases- 05
• Set up the • Prepare the OT table
- Minor
table / cases-5
depending upon the
trolleys for • Maintain
common drug book
• Positioning and monitoring
of patients
• Assist in
• Assist in
Areas Duratio Assessment
n Objectives Skills Assignments Methods
• Provide • Endotracheal intubation
pre- • Assisting in minor and
operative major operations.
nursing • Handling specimens
care • Disposal of waste as per
the guidelines.
• Care of instruments after
• Packing of trays
Ortho- 02 • Provide • Assessment of the • Nursing • Assess
pedic nursing orthopedic patient care plan – perform-
Ward care to  Taking history 01 ance with
adult  Physical examination of • Nursing rating
patients musculo skeletal system. case study scale
with  Apply skin traction- 01 • Evaluatio
orthope - buck’s extension traction • Nursing n of
dic , splints & patient care case Nursing
problem • Practice medical surgical presentatio care plan
• Counsel asepsis n 01 &
and Standard safety measures • Maintain Nursing
educate • Pre and post operative drug book case
patient care of patients with • Maintain study/
and orthopedic surgery. practical presentati
families • Preparing, assisting and record on
witnessing in non book Maintain
invasive and invasive practical
diagnostic procedure record
Physiotherapy-Range of book
Motion exercises (ROM),
muscle strengthening
• Crutch maneuvering
Activity of daily living
Ambulation Teach &
counsel patient & family
• Assist in application &
removal of prosthesis
• POP application and
• Rehabilitation.
Areas Duratio Assessment
n Objectives Skills Assignments Methods
Skin & 02 • Identify • Assessment of patients • Plan and • Assess
Communi- skin with skin disorders give care perform-
-cable problem • Assist in diagnostic and to 3 ance
diseases s therapeutic procedures assigned with
Ward • Provide • Administer topical patients rating
nursing medication • Health talk scale
care to • Practice medical surgical to patients • Evaluatio
patients asepsis Standard safety and n health
with measures families- talk
Skin • Use of personal 01 • Completi
disorders protective equipment • Maintain on of
and (PPE) drug book practical
Commu • Maintain record
• Give Medicated baths
nicable practical
diseases • Teach prevention of
infectious diseases. record
• Counsel book
and • Counseling HIV
educate Positive patient


Medical Surgical Nursing:

1. Artificial Kidney Unit

2. C.S.S.D.
3. Waste Disposal Unit
4. Hospital Kitchen
5. Blood Bank
6. Radiology Department
7. Artificial Limb Center
8. Rehabilitation Center
- Physical
- Vocational

1. Black J.M. Hawk, J.H. (2005) Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Management for Positive
Outcomes. (7th ed) Elsevier.
2. Brunner S. B., Suddarth D.S. The Lippincott Manual of Nursing practice J.B.Lippincott.
3. Medical Surgical Nursing: an integrated approach 2nd ed , White, L, Delmar
Thomson learning (2002) United States
4. Lewis, Heitkemper&Dirksen (2000) Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problem (6 thed) Mosby.
5. Colmer R.M. (1995) Moroney’s Surgery for Nurses (16 thed) ELBS.
6. Shah N.S. (2003) A P I textbook of Medicine, The Association of Physicians of India
7. Satoskar R.S., Bhandarkar S.D. & Rege N.N. (2003) Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
(19 thed) Popular Prakashan, Mumbai.
8. Phipps W.J., Long C.B. & Wood N.F. (2001) Shaffer’s Medical Surgical Nursing B.T.Publication
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
9 Datta T.K. (2003) Fundamentals of Operation Theatre Services, Jaypee, New Delhi.
10. Maheswari J Essentials of Orthopedics (3rd ed) Mehta Publication, NewDelhi.
11 Pasricha J.S., Gupta R. (2001) Illustrated Text book of Dermatology (2nded) Jaypee brothers New
12 Haslett C., Chilvers E.R., Hunder J.A.A. &Boon, N.A. (1999) Davidson’s Principles and Practice
of Medicine (18 thed) Churchill living stone. Edinburgh.
13 Walsh M. (2002) Watson’s Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences (6thed) Bailliere
Tindall Edinburgh.
14. Medical Surgical Nursing: an integrated approach 2nd ed , White, L, Delmar
Thomson learning (2002) United States
15. Medical Surgical Nursing: A Nursing process approach Vol. I & II, , Ignatacicius,
Donna & Workman, Linda, W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia (1995)
16. The Lippincott Manual of Nursing practice, 7th ed, Nettina, Sandra, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia (2001)

Internal assessment
Theory: 25 Marks
Mid-term Examination 50
Pre-final 75
Total: 125
(125 Marks to be converted in to 25 Marks for Internal Assessment (Theory))

Practical: 100 Marks

a) Nursing Care Plan – 03 X 25 Marks 75 Marks
(Medical ward – 01, Surgical ward – 01,
Ortho / any other – 01)
b) Case Presentation – 01 50 Marks
c) Case study – 02 X 50 Marks 100 Marks
(Medical Ward – 01, Surgical Ward – 01)
d) Health Education – 01 25 Marks
e) Therapeutic Diet – 01 25 Marks
f) Clinical Evaluation – 03 X 100 Marks 300 Marks
(Medical Ward – 01, Surgical Ward – 01,
Operation Theatre – 01)
g) Practical Examinations 150 Marks
Mid-term Examination – 50 Marks
Pre-final Examination – 100 Marks
Total 725
(725 Marks to be converted in to 100 Marks for Internal Assessment (Practical))

External Assessment
University Examination
Theory: 75 Marks
Practical: 100 Marks
a) Guideline for Nursing Care Plan: (3 X 25 Marks)


(Medical / Surgical / Ortho or …………………..) Marks 25
1. Patients Biodata: Name, address, age, sex, religion, marital status, occupation , source of health
care, date of admission provisional diagnosis, date of surgery if any
2. Presenting complaints: Describe the complaints with which the patient has come to hospital
3. History of illness
History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating/ alleviating factors
History of past illness- illnesses, surgeries, allergies, immunizations, medications
Family history – family tree, history if illness in family members, risk factors, Congenital
Problems, Psychological Problems.
4. Economic status: Monthly income & expenditure on health, marital assets (own pacca house car,
two wheeler, phone, TV etc. ..)
5. Psychological status: ethnic background, (geographical information, cultural information) support
system available.
6. Personal habits: consumption of alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing, sleep, exercise, work
elimination, nutrition.
7. History to Physical examination with date and time
8. Disease condition: - Definition, Anatomy Physiology, incidence,
Etiology & risk factor, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
9. Investigation
Date Investigation done Normal value Patient value Inference

10. Medical Surgical management complications & prognosis

11. Drug Study

Sr Drug: Pharmacolo Route Dose & Action Side effect & Nursing
No trade gical name frequency Drug responsibility
name interaction

12. Guide line for writing Nursing care plan (including health education) Marks – 20
Date Assessment Nursin Objectiv Plan of care Ratio Evaluatio Remark
g e Implementatio nale n
diagnos n
Subjective &
Objective Data
Marks 4 3 2 7 2 2

13. Guide line for writing Nurses Note

Date Diet Medication Observation & Nursing Remark
Note: Same format to be used for 1) Medical, 2) Surgical & 3) Ortho or any other, having
25 Marks each)

Evaluation Criteria for Nursing Care Plan

Sr No Content Marks
1 History to Physical examination with date time 05
2 Disease condition: 08
(Definition Anatomy Physiology, incidence,
Etiology & risk factor, Pathophysiology, clinical
3 Investigations 02
4 Medical Surgical management complications & prognosis 06
5 Drug study 04
6 Nursing care plan 20
7 Nurses note 05
Total 50
1. Patients Biodata: Name, Address, Age, sex, religion, martial status, occupation, source of health
care, date of admission, provisional diagnosis, date of surgery if any
2. Presenting complaints: describe the complaint with which the patient has come to hospital
3. History of illness:
History of present illness- onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating / alleviating factors
History of past illness- illnesses, surgeries, allergies, immunizations, medications
congenital problems, psychological problems.
4. Economic status: Monthly income & expenditure on health, marital assets (own pacca house, car,

two wheeler, phone, TV etc...)

5. Psychological status: ethnic background, (geographical information, cultural information) support

system available.
6. Habits: Consumption of alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing, sleep, exercise, work elimination,
7. Physical examination with date and time
8. Investigation

Date Investigation done Normal value Patient value Inference

9. Treatment
Sr Drug : Pharmacologic Ro Dose & Action Side effect & Nursing
no trade al name ute frequency Drug responsibility
name interaction

10. Description of disease

11. Definition, related anatomy physiology, etiology, risk factors, clinical features, management
and nursing care
12. Clinical features of the disease condition
Clinical features present in Description of clinical features of Pathophysiology
the book patient

13. Nursing care plan Marks-15

Patient name: Date: Ward:
Date Assessment Nursing Objective Plan of care for Rationale Evaluation
Subjective diagnosis Implementation
3 2 2 4 2 2
14. Discharge planning: It should include health education and discharge planning given to
patient. Marks-15
15. Evaluation of care: Overall evaluation, problem faced while providing care prognosis of the
patient and conclusion.
Evaluation criteria for case presentation

Sr No Content Marks
1 Assessment / Introduction 05
2 Knowledge and understanding of disease 10
3 Nursing care plan 15
4 Presentation skill 10
5 A.V. aids 04
6 Time 02
7 Summary & conclusion 02
8 Bibliography 02
Total 50
c) Guide line for Nursing Case Study (2 X 50 Marks)


(Medical Ward / Surgical Ward) Marks- 50

1. Patients Biodata: Name, address, age, sex, religion, marital status, occupation , source of health
care, date of admission provisional diagnosis, date of surgery if any
2 Presenting complaints: Describe the complaints with which the patient has come to hospital
3 History of illness:
History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating / alleviating factors
History of past illness- illnesses, surgeries, allergies, immunizations, medications
Family history – family tree, history if illness in family members, risk factors, Congenital
problems, psychological Problems.
4 Economic status: Monthly income & expenditure on health, marital assets (own pacca house car,
two wheeler, phone, TV etc. ..)
5 Psychological status: ethnic background, (geographical information, cultural information) support
system available.
6 Habits: consumption of alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing, sleep, exercise, work elimination,
7 History to Physical examination with date and time
8 Disease condition: - Definition, Anatomy Physiology, incidence, Etiology & risk factor,
Pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
9 Investigation
Date Investigation done Normal value Patient value Inference

10 Medical Surgical management complications & prognosis

11 Drug Study
Sr Drug : Pharmacologica Route Dose & Action Side effect Nursing
no trade l name frequency & Drug responsibility
name interaction

12. Nursing care plan

Patients Name: Date: Ward:
Dat Assessment Nursing Objective Plan of care Rationale Evaluation
e Subjective diagnosis Implementation
3 2 2 4 2 2

12 Nurse’s Notes:

13 Self Evaluation:

14 Bibliography:

Note: Same format to be used for Medical Ward / Surgical Ward having 50 Marks each.
Evaluation Criteria for Nursing Case Study

Sr. Content Marks

1 Patient history, Physical examination 5
2 Anatomy, Physical, Pathophysiology & Clinical manifestations 8
3 Investigations 2
4 Medical surgical management, complication & prognosis 8
5 Drugs study 4
6 Nursing care plan 15
7 Nursing note 4
8 Self evaluation / conclusion 2
9 Bibliography 2
Total 50

d) Evaluation format for Health Education

1. Name of the student teacher:

2. Name of the supervisor:
3. Venue:
4. Date:
5. Time:
6. Group:
7. Previous knowledge of the group
8. AV aids used
9. General objectives
10. Specific objectives

Lesson plan for health talk

Sr. No. Time Specific Content Teaching A V Aids Evaluation

Objectives Learning

(Maximum Marks: 25)

Sr. No. Criteria Marks Marks

Allotted Obtained
1 Lesson Plan 08
2 Presentation 05
3 Communication skill 05
4 Preparation and effective use of 04
A V. Aids
5 Group participation 03
Total 25

Evaluation discussed Sing. Of Supervisor
& Students Signature Date :
Date :
e) Guideline for Therapeutic Diet

Introduction: Name of the patient, age, sex, religion of the patient, education, language, socioeconomic
status, regular meal pattern, food like and dislikes, disease condition of the patient, reason for
prescribed diet

Menu planning: Recommended diet plan with details of CHO, protein, fat and calories with nutrients and
restrictions with due consideration to commonly available seasonal foods

Patient’s education: Ability of student to explain to the patient the need for adherence to recommended

Evaluation: Ensuring whether patient follows the prescribed diet.


Evaluation criteria for Therapeutic Diet

Sr No Content Marks
1 Introduction 05
2 Menu planning 10
3 Patient education 05
4 Evaluation 02
5 References 03
Total 25
f - i & ii) Format for Clinical Assessment

Student’s Name :- Hospital :-

Year :- Unit / Ward :-
Students Number :- From to
Max 100 Marks

Sr. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Remarks

No. Excellent very Good Satisfactory Poor
Nursing Process (75)
I Assessment and Nursing
Diagnosis (15)
1.1 Collects data accurately
1.2 Identifies & Categorizes basic
Needs of Patients
1.3 Formulates Nursing Diagnosis
II Planning (15)
2.1 Prioritizes patients needs
2.2 Plans nursing action for each of
2.3 States rationale for nursing action
III Implementation (20)
3.1 Implements nursing care
Accurately and safely with in given
3.2 Applies scientific Principles
3.3 Maintains safe and comfortable
3.4 Gives health teaching as per plan to
the patients / family
IV Evaluation (10)
4.1 Evaluate patient’s response to
nursing care
4.2 Reexamines & Modifies care plan
V Documentation (15)
5.1 Records patient information
5.2 Report patient information
5.3 Maintains self up to date
Sr. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Remarks
No. Excellent very Good Satisfactory Poor
Professional Conduct – (25)
VI Uniform and Punctuality
6.1 Always well groomed, neat &
conscious about professional
6.2 Is always punctual in Clinical &
completing assignments
6.3 Readily accepts responsibility for
own behavior & has initiative
VII Communication skills
7.1 Establishes & Maintains effective
working / communication
relationship with patients and family
7.2 Establishes good inter personal
relationship with members of health
team / supervisors / Teachers
Total Marks

Comment / Remarks by Teacher / Supervisor:

Total Marks 100 Total Marks Obtained

Signature of Teacher


Evaluation is seen and discus by the student

Signature of student

Date of Sign

Note: Same format to be used for 1) Medical Ward & 2) Surgical Ward having 100 Marks each.
f - iii) Format for OPERATION THEATRE experience EVALUATION

Maximum Marks 100

Name of the student:
Duration of posting:
Area of posting:
Grades: -[5-Excellent, 4-V. Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair, 1-Poor]

Sr. Content 5 4 3 2 1
I Personal &professional behavior:
1 Wears theatre dress correctly
2 Arrives and leaves punctually
3 Notably poised & effective even in stressful situation
4 Works with interest & willingness
5 Shows respect to co-workers, works well as a team member.
II Knowledge of:
6 Anatomy & surgical procedure
7 Equipment & articles
8 Anaesthesia, Microbiology, Legal responsibilities
III Skills
9 Collects & receives all preoperative information about patients.
10 Follows principles f scrubbing, gowning& gloving
11 Arranges trolley according to procedure
12 Assists efficiently knowing the steps
13 Works efficiently as a circulating nurse
14 Assists the anesthetist for induction, intubation & extubation
15 Follows strict infection control measures
16 Maintains therapeutic operation theatre environment
17 Checks adequacy of equipment & supplies
18 Records & reports immediately
19 Provides appropriate postoperative care
20 Follows cleaning, packing & sterilization of equipment

Signature of Class Coordinator


Signature of Students Signature of Supervisor

Date: Date:
f – iii - 1) Guide line for Operation Theatre Report Writing

i Introduction

ii Objective

iii Physical layout of OT

iv Role and functions of Nurse in OT

Head Nurse
Scrub Nurse
Circulating Nurse

v Preparations for Surgery

Sterilization of articles
Preparation and packing
Instruments, Sutures and needless
Anesthetic trolley
Anesthetic drugs
Operating tables and necessary equipment

vi Assisting in surgery
Scrubbing, Gowning and gloving
Position and draping of patient
Trolley setting for various operations/ conditions

vii Care of Patient in OT

Pre operative
Intra operative
Post operative
Transportation of patient in and out of OT

viii Hazards of OT

ix Cleaning of OT

x Problems faced and suggestions

xi References

[Note: Assignments are requirement of operation theatre posting, however they are not for
f – iii – 2) Guide line for WITNESSED CASES Operation Theater
I. Demographic Profiles

Name of Patient: WD/ Bed No.

Age/ Sex: Diagnosis:
Proposed Surgery: Actual surgery:
Date of witnessed:

II. Type of Anesthesia

A) Drug used in anesthesia

Name of Dose Given Dose Available Route Action

B) Intubation:
Type of ETT - Size

C) Boyles apparatus

Ventilators Circuit Connection Mechanism Electric Gadget

D) Extubation: (Steps)

E) Type of I/V Fluids and suture Material available in that area:

I/ V Fluids Suture Material

Signature of Supervisor Signature Student

Date : Date :

[Note: Assignments are requirement of operation theatre posting, however they are not for
f - iii - 3) Guideline for ASSISTED CASES in Operation Theatre

Name of Patient: WC/ Bed No.
Age/ Sex: Diagnosis:
Proposed Surgery: Actual Surgery:
Date of case assisted:


Drug used in anesthesia:

Name of the drug Dose given Dose available Route Action


Dressing & draping Instruments Suture


1. Position
2. Painting
3. Draping
4. Incision
5. Method of Homeostasis
6. Dissection
7. Retraction
8. Anastomosis
9. Drainage
10. Haemostatic
11. Closure
12. Dressing
13. Adhesive

Signature of Supervisor Signature Student

Date: Date:

[Note: Assignments are requirement of operation theatre posting, however they are not for
External Practical Evaluation Guidelines
II Basic B.Sc Nursing
Subject:-Medical Surgical Nursing I
100 Marks

Internal Examiner 50 Marks

Nursing Procedure (30 marks)

Planning and Organizing 10 marks

• Preparation of tray 6
• Environment 2
• Preparation of patient 2
Execution of Procedure 14 marks
• Applies scientific principles 6
• Proficiency in skill 6
• Ensures sequential order 2

Termination of procedure 6marks

• Makes patient comfortable 2
• Reports & Records 2
• After care of articles 2

Viva (20 Marks) 20 marks

• Knowledge about Medical surgical conditions 5
• Preparation of various investigation procedures 5
• Medical Surgical asepsis and Standard safety measures 5
• Instruments and articles 5

External Examiner 50 Marks

Nursing Process (30 Marks) 30 marks

• Assessment 6
• Nursing Diagnosis 4
• Goal 2
• Outcome criteria 2
• Nursing intervention 6
• Rationale 4
• Evaluation 2
• Nurses notes 4

Viva (20 Marks) 20 marks

• Operation Theatre Technique 5
• Emergency Management 5
• Drugs 5
• Therapeutic diet 5






Roll No Internal Examiner External Examiner Total Total

Procedure Viva Nursing Viva voce
voce process
30 20 30 20 100 50

Signature of the Internal Examiner Signature of the External Examiner

Date Date :

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