Colombia: Sustaining Reforms Over Time

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Colombia: sustaining
reforms over time

ƒ Colombia’s experience shows the Over the past several decades Colombia in August 2010, the new government,
importance of sustaining reform has pursued a broad range of structural led by President Juan Manuel Santos,
efforts over time and adjusting and institutional reforms. The emphasis has been pushing forward an economic
them to the changing needs of the has shifted over the years, reflecting the reform agenda through the “Prosperity
economy, whether at the national priorities of different administrations and for All” national development plan for
or local level. the perceived needs of the economy. In 2010–14. The plan’s overall goals are
the 1980s and early 1990s much of the to reduce poverty, increase income,
ƒ Colombia is a regional leader in
focus was on macroeconomic manage- generate employment, improve security,
narrowing the gap with the world’s
ment.1 As progress was made in laying ensure the sustainable use of natural re-
most efficient regulatory practice.
a firm foundation of macroeconomic sources and improve the quality of the
ƒ Over time, the focus of Colombia’s stability, the focus shifted to other ar- business environment.4
reform efforts has shifted from eas. The government gave particular
reducing the cost and complexity SUSTAINED EFFORT
emphasis to policies and institutions
of business regulation to AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL
seen as central to enhancing productivity
strengthening legal institutions.
and growth and boosting the country’s As Colombia has improved its business
ƒ Colombia’s most notable competitiveness. As part of this, it set regulatory environment, results have
regulatory improvements have in motion reforms aimed at improving shown in Doing Business indicators—
been in the areas of starting a the regulatory framework and the rules including those on starting a business,
business, paying taxes, protecting underpinning private sector activity. The paying taxes, protecting investors and
investors and resolving insolvency. Ministry of Commerce, Industry and resolving insolvency. Indeed, thanks
ƒ While development hurdles Tourism led a coordinated reform effort to its sustained efforts, Colombia has
remain, Colombia’s regulatory bringing together government agencies, made greater progress toward the
reforms have increased its the Congress and the judiciary as well as frontier in regulatory practice since
competitiveness and have had local the private sector. 2005 than any other Latin American
and regional “spillover” effects. economy (figure 3.1).
In 2007 Colombia’s government further
institutionalized its commitment to regu- Other indicators also reflect the im-
latory reform by establishing the Private provements. The total number of newly
Council for Competitiveness. A public- registered businesses in the country
private partnership, the council is made rose from 33,752 in 2006 to 57,768
up of business associations and private in 2011.5 Colombia’s performance on
sector players working closely with the several relevant measures compiled by
government to promote sound, business- the Worldwide Governance Indicators
friendly regulatory practices.2 project improved between 2002 and
2010—including the Rule of Law Index
Recent administrations have continued (reflecting perceptions of the extent
to use national development plans to to which firms have confidence in and
establish a clear economic agenda. In abide by the rules of society) and the
2009 President Alvaro Uribe highlighted Regulatory Quality Index (capturing
Colombia’s progress and his govern- perceptions of the government’s abil-
ment’s plans for new regulatory reforms ity to formulate and implement sound
aimed at further gains in competitive- policies and regulations that permit and
ness.3 And since the change of legislature promote private sector development).6

FIGURE 3.1 Colombia has outpaced the region in advancing toward the frontier in regulatory practice
Progress in narrowing distance to frontier since 2005 (percentage points)


0 10.4 10.1
8.8 8.8

Antigua and Barbuda

St. Kitts and Nevis
6.7 6.6 6.6 6.5

Venezuela, RB
4.6 4.3
3.9 3.9 3.6 3.6
2.6 2.5
1.7 1.5 1.4 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.0
0 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.9





Dominican Republic

Costa Rica





El Salvador
Latin America &
Caribbean average



Trinidad and Tobago

Puerto Rico (U.S.)







St. Vincent and
the Grenadines

St. Lucia

-0.5 -0.5

Guatemala Peru
& Caribbean
El Salvador
Rico (U.S.)
St. Vincent
and the
Barbuda RB

Note: The distance to frontier measure shows how far on average an economy is from the best performance achieved by any economy on each Doing Business indicator since 2005. The measure
is normalized to range between 0 and 100, with 100 representing the best performance (the frontier). The figure shows the absolute difference for each economy between its distance to frontier
in 2005 and that in 2012. No data are shown for The Bahamas and Barbados, which were added to the Doing Business sample after 2005.
Source: Doing Business database.

And Colombia’s ranking on the ease of Choosing a reform path reforms, it first completed those aimed
doing business rose from 79 among the While Colombia simultaneously pur- at streamlining business regulation and
175 economies included in 2006 to 45 sued very different types of regulatory reducing its cost to companies. Until
among the 185 included in 2012. 2008 the focus was largely on reducing
transactions costs, such as by simplify-
ing business start-up procedures or tax
FIGURE 3.2 A trend toward stronger legal institutions and less expensive regulatory processes in
Colombia administration. These types of reforms
Average distance to frontier in sets of Doing Business indicators
have continued since 2008, but the focus
has shifted toward strengthening legal
Stronger Stronger legal institutions but more Stronger legal institutions and simpler and institutions such as bankruptcy systems
complex and expensive regulatory processes less expensive regulatory processes
and investor protections (figure 3.2).
Strength of legal institutions

2012 This sequencing of reforms is not unusu-

al. Many economies have focused first
on simplifying regulatory transactions
2006 for businesses, then moved on to more
2012 complex and time-consuming reforms
2006 aimed at improving legal institutions
such as court systems. Such reforms
require more sustained efforts, often over
Weaker Weaker legal institutions and more Weaker legal institutions but simpler and
a period of several years.
complex and expensive regulatory processes less expensive regulatory processes
Encouraging business start-ups
Complex and Complexity and cost Simple and
expensive of regulatory processes inexpensive Regulatory reforms implemented by
Colombia Global average
Colombia in recent years have made a
clear difference in the ease of starting a
Note: Strength of legal institutions refers to the average distance to frontier in getting credit, protecting investors, enforcing business as measured by Doing Business.
contracts and resolving insolvency. Complexity and cost of regulatory processes refers to the average distance to frontier
in starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property, paying taxes and trading across borders. The They have reduced the time required to
distance to frontier measure shows how far on average an economy is from the best performance achieved by any economy on
each Doing Business indicator since 2005. start a business from 60 days to 14, the
Source: Doing Business database. cost from 28% of income per capita to

8% and the number of procedures from FIGURE 3.3 Starting a business is now faster and less costly in Colombia
19 to 9 in 2011 (figure 3.3).
Procedures (number) Cost (% of income
Time (days) per capita)
The introduction and subsequent upgrades 50
of one-stop shops for business registration
at chambers of commerce account for 60
much of the change. The first one-stop 50
shops started to operate in May 2003. As
the changes in the start-up process yielded 40

positive results, the government continued 30 20

to improve it. In 2005, for example, Law
962—the “antitrámites“ (“antipaperwork”) 20
law—eliminated around 80 bureaucratic 10
processes required to start a business and
0 0
introduced a provision preventing govern- 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
ment agencies from creating new proce- Procedures Time Cost
dures. It also simplified the procedures
required by allowing electronic submission Source: Doing Business database.

of documents and eliminating the need to

have signatures notarized. payments. This form simplified tax Thanks to these continued efforts, paying
compliance for Colombian businesses by taxes as measured by Doing Business be-
More improvements came in 2010. A new
combining into a single online payment came considerably easier between 2004
public-private health provider, Nueva EPS,
replaced the previous provider admin- all contributions for social security, the and 2010. The number of payments fell
istered by the Social Security Institute. from 69 a year to 9, and the time needed
welfare security system and labor risk
The new system enables employers and to prepare and file taxes from 456 hours
employees to register for health services a year to 193. And the total tax rate de-
in just 1 week. In addition, Colombia in- To further improve and simplify tax com- clined from 82.1% of profit to 74.8% in
troduced online preenrollment for new this period (figure 3.4).
pliance, in 2010 the government made
companies, making registration faster
electronic filing of corporate income tax Enhancing investor protections
and simpler.
and value added tax mandatory for firms Starting in 2005, Colombia implemented
New regulations recently introduced a with annual sales exceeding 500 million 3 major legal reforms aimed at strength-
progressive fee schedule for new compa- Colombian pesos (about $280,000) in or ening investor protections. In 2005
nies.7 The fee schedule exempts new firms after 2008. Colombia enacted Law 964, providing
from up-front payment of regulatory fees
during their first few years of operation.
FIGURE 3.4 Colombia has made tax compliance simpler for businesses
And the start-up fee associated with the
commercial license is no longer required. Payments (number per year) Total tax rate
Time (hours per year) (% of profit)
Simplifying tax compliance 500 100

Over the years Colombia has greatly

improved its tax and social security com- 400 80

pliance processes. In 2002, as the gov-

ernment realized that about a third of its 300 60
potential revenue from corporate income,
personal income and value added taxes 200 40

went uncollected, it decided to introduce

an electronic payment system in an at- 100 20
tempt to lower tax evasion.8
0 0
In 2009 the government lowered cor- 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
porate income tax rates and introduced Payments Time Total tax rate
an online form for social contribution Source: Doing Business database.

FIGURE 3.5 Legal and regulatory changes have strengthened investor protections in Colombia imposed more stringent time limits for
negotiating reorganization agreements.

In 2009 the government issued several

8 decrees as part of continued efforts to
better regulate the profession of in-
6 solvency administrators. In addition, it
introduced an electronic filing system
4 to make insolvency proceedings faster
and more efficient. And it eliminated the
requirement to submit financial state-
ments to request reorganization in cases
where these statements had previously
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 been submitted to the Superintendence
Ease of shareholder suits index (0–10) Strength of investor protection index (0–10) of Companies.
Extent of disclosure index (0–10) Extent of director liability index (0–10)
Source: Doing Business database.
Improving other areas
of regulation
Colombia has also made improvements
a modern framework for capital market measures the approval and disclosure
in other areas of regulation. In 1995 the
activity. The law encourages better cor- regime for related-party transactions;
country undertook a complete overhaul
porate governance practices by requiring figure 3.5).
greater transparency and disclosure, eq- of its construction approvals. It moved
uitable treatment of minority sharehold- Making insolvency the administration of building permits
ers and more effective boards of directors. proceedings more efficient out of the state-run planning office into
Colombia’s insolvency reforms began the private domain, becoming the first
In 2007 the government amended almost 2 decades ago. In 1995 the enact- economy in Latin America to privatize the
Colombia’s securities regulation. Decree ment of Law 222, allowing debtors and review process. This move carried risks,
3139 requires listed companies to report creditors to resolve disputes before the but public and private stakeholders in the
more information to investors. Before, Superintendence of Companies, helped country were calling for comprehensive
listed companies had to report any “rel- ease the burden on the judiciary. In change.
evant” or “extraordinary” event—a sub- 1999 changes to the reorganization law
jective standard open to abuse. Although improved the existing corporate reor- Bogotá’s mayor first appointed 5 ad hoc
the decree still includes the broad “rel- ganization proceedings and introduced “urban curators,” all architects or engi-
evant” requirement, it lists specific events new time limits for negotiations. These neers with construction experience, to
that must be disclosed to the financial changes increased the efficiency of the review building permit applications. Soon
authorities. It also requires companies to bankruptcy system and improved its ca- after, a more transparent, merit-based
report extensive information before going pacity to distinguish between viable and hiring system was established that is still
public. nonviable businesses.9 in place. Potential curators now undergo
a selection process that includes exams
In 2010 the government made further Another series of insolvency reforms took
and interviews with public and private
progress by amending the company law. place in the past 6 years. Thanks to these
sector experts. Privatizing the issuance of
The amendments clarified the liability reforms, creditors’ recovery rate rose
building permits improved timeliness and
regime for company directors involved in from 56 cents on the dollar to 76 and the
related-party transactions that harm the freed up the planning office’s resources.
time to complete a liquidation proceeding
company. Now directors can be forced to fell from 3 years to 1.3.
In other regulatory areas, introducing
pay damages and disgorge profits made
The reforms began with a comprehensive electronic systems made processes eas-
from such transactions.
revision of the insolvency proceedings ier. When registering property, a business
As a result of these changes, Colombia’s available. In 2007 authorities introduced can now obtain online certification of
scores have improved on both the extent 2 new proceedings: a reorganization valuation, ownership and good standing
of director liability index (which measures procedure to restructure insolvent for property taxes. And for properties with
the liability of company executives for companies and a mandatory liquidation no liens, it can submit online certificates
abusive related-party transactions) and procedure. And a new insolvency law directly to the land registry. Certificates
the extent of disclosure index (which have no cost if requested online.

An electronic data interchange system Neiva’s local government also set up at boosting productivity. The steady pace
was introduced for exports, making it one-stop shops for registering new of change led to the development of the
possible to centralize electronic data. companies. This eliminated 11 procedures broader competitiveness agenda and the
The new system also allows traders to and reduced the time required to register creation of a public-private partnership
pay duties electronically, eliminating the a business from 32 days to 8. The suc- aimed at promoting business-friendly
need to go to a bank to submit payments. cess of the one-stop shops has been due regulatory practices.
And it allows shippers to share informa- largely to cooperation between municipal
tion with customs electronically, so that and national government departments. Yet despite the government’s sustained
customs declarations can be processed efforts, and its success in improving the
before the vessel even arrives at the port. Medellín is another city that substantially business climate and implementing an
Most importantly, since 2008 Colombia improved its business regulatory environ- ambitious competitiveness agenda, a
has implemented improvements to the ment. The city government cut 3 proce- number of challenges remain. Addressing
Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE) dures required to start a business by im- income inequality remains a key priority,
system. The system now connects over proving one-stop shops and eliminating in part because it would strengthen sup-
the requirement for a land use certificate. port in the business community and in
a dozen government agencies that are
And it made registering property easier civil society for the government’s overall
involved in import and export procedures.
by merging 2 certificates and eliminating development strategies.
a stamp previously required as proof of
SPILLOVER TO THE While the country has more development
registration tax compliance.
LOCAL LEVEL hurdles to overcome, the measures taken
Colombia has been actively reforming over the past years have greatly improved
its regulatory environment at the local its competitiveness. The regulatory
Colombia’s commitment to regulatory re-
as well as the national level. Local efforts reforms may take more time to show full
form has led to substantial improvements
have been inspired in part by a subnation- results in all areas of doing business,
in the quality of the business environment
al study. Carried out through the National but they have already led to substantial
and a more solid foundation for private
Department of Planning, the 2008 study immediate benefits. Colombia’s reform
sector development. Its experience shows
was designed to analyze the regulatory agenda is expected to continue to
the importance of sustaining reform ef-
environment in different regions with the expand—and to inspire further improve-
forts over time and adjusting them to the
aim of improving regional competitive- ments in the region.
changing needs of the economy. Initially,
ness across the country. The study was
most of the regulatory reforms took place
also intended to enable Colombian cities
at the national level. But as the business NOTES
to learn from one another and adopt good
environment continued to improve, the This case study was written by Valentina
practices from elsewhere in the country. reforms spilled over to the local level. Saltane and Hayane Chang Dahmen.
The subnational Doing Business report re- Colombia’s experience is having
1. According to the International Monetary
sulting from the study was soon followed Fund, average annual inflation in
“spillover” effects in the region as well.
by another, and work on a third began in Colombia fell from 23% in the 1980s to
Bolivia has shown an interest in learning 6% by the 2000s. Management of public
2012.10 The second report showed that more about Colombia’s experience with finances also improved, with public defi-
all 12 cities included in the first one had business entry. Paraguay has sought to cits in recent years lower as a percentage
improved on at least one Doing Business learn from Colombia’s innovations in of GDP. Colombia’s general government
indicator. construction permitting. And both Costa public debt was 35.9% of GDP in 2009,
Rica and El Salvador intend to learn from low by international standards (“IMF
Among these 12 cities, Neiva made the Data Mapper,”
Colombia’s trade logistics reforms.
most progress in improving the ease of
2. Consejo Privado de Competitividad,
doing business. Local authorities took Colombia’s experience also shows the
several measures to increase the city’s importance of setting out economic sistema-nacional-de-competitividad/.
competitiveness, including creating an policy objectives. The government’s com- 3. Remarks delivered before the Americas
anti-red-tape committee to reduce the mitment to well-defined, long-term eco- Society/Council of the Americas,
regulatory burden on the private sec- nomic goals has helped drive implemen- September 24, 2009. Available at http://
tor. The committee encompassed wide tation of the reforms. Having made major
representation, with participants from the strides in safeguarding macroeconomic 4. International Fund for Agricultural
municipality, the chamber of commerce, stability, the government widened the Development, “Rural Poverty Portal,”
business associations and national agen- focus of its policies to include a range of
cies such as police and tax authorities. institutional and economic reforms aimed 5. Doing Business database; World Bank

Group Entrepreneurship Snapshots

6. World Bank, Worldwide Governance
Indicators, “2011 Update,” The Rule of Law Index
and the Regulatory Quality Index both
range from −2.5 (weak) to 2.5 (strong).
On the Rule of Law Index Colombia’s
score rose from −0.84 in 2002 to −0.33
in 2010. On the Regulatory Quality Index
its score rose from 0.05 in 2002 to 0.31
in 2010.
7. Law 1429 of 2010 and Decree 545 of
8. Sohn 2008.
9. Giné and Love 2010.
10. Subnational Doing Business reports are
available at

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