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GUSTILO V WYETH PHIL ISSUE: WON Gustilo was validly dismissed

440 SCRA 667

 Gustilo was employed by Wyeth as pharmaceutical territory manager. He was placed
in charge of its various branches in Metro Bacolod City and Negros Occidental.
 To ensure a profitable sale of its pharmaceutical products, he performed various Records show the various violations of company’s rules and regulations committed by Gustilo
 His dismissal from the service is, therefore, in order.
o such as visiting hospitals, pharmacies, drugstores and physicians concerned
o preparing and submitting his pre-dated itinerary;
Piedad vs. Lanao del Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc.,we ruled that a series of irregularities when
o and submitting periodic reports of his daily call visits, monthly itinerary, and
put together may constitute serious misconduct, which under Article 282 of the Labor Code, as
weekly locator and incurred expenses
amended, is a just cause for dismissal.
Records show that Wyeth on various dates, reprimanded and suspended him for habitually
As to his entitlement to separation pay:
neglecting to submit his periodic reports.
 Submitting late his weekly expense report. PLDT vs. NLRC and Abucay, we held:
 He did not submit his daily call reports for the period from November 20 to 24, 1995
 Wyeth sent Gustilo another notice suspending him for fifteen (15) days or from January "x x x henceforth, separation pay shall be allowed as a measure of social justice only in those
2 to 22, 1996. instances where the employee is validly dismissed for causes other than serious misconduct or
those reflecting on his moral character. Where the reason for the valid dismissal is, x x x an offense
After integrating its pharmaceutical products with Lederle, a sister company, conducted a involving moral turpitude x x x, the employer may not be required to give the dismissed employee
nationwide on-the-job training of sales personnel. separation pay, or financial assistance, or whatever other name it is called, on the ground of social
 Gustilo was assigned in charge of promoting four (4) Lederle pharmaceutical products. justice."
 Gustilo submitted to respondent company a plan of action,
o he committed to make an average of 18 daily calls to physicians In the case at bar, we find no exceptional circumstances to warrant the grant of financial
o submit promptly all periodic reports assistance or separation pay to petitioner.
o ensure 95% territory program performance for every cycle.  Gustilo did not only violate company disciplinary rules and regulations
 He falsified his employment application form by not stating therein that he is the nephew
However, Gustilo failed to achieve the said objectives of Mr. Danao, respondent Wyeth’s Nutritional Territory Manager.
 Prompting respondent company to send him two (2) separate notices charging him with  He was suspended for falsifying a gasoline receipt.
willful violation of company rules and regulations and directing him to submit a written  He was warned for submitting a false report of his trade outlet calls.
explanation.  He was found guilty of unauthorized availment of sick, vacation and emergency leaves.
These infractions manifest his slack of moral principle. In simple term, he is dishonest.
In his explanation
 Stated that he was overworked and an object of reprisal by his immediate supervisor. Neither can petitioner find reliance on the policy of social justice. As aptly held by this Court in the
same case of Philippine Long Distance Telephone vs. NLRC and Abucay,10 "[T]hose who invoke
Upon recommendation of a Review Panel, Gustilo was dismissed social justice may do so only if their hands are clean and their motives blameless x x x." Here,
petitioner failed to measure up to such requirement.
Gustlo filed illegal suspension, illegal dismissal and payment of allowances, other monetary
benefits. Gustilo was legally dismissed from employment and is, therefore, not entitled to reinstatement or
an award of separation pay or other benefits.
LA, held that he was illegally dismissed from employment

NLRC, affirmed the decision of LA

CA, reversed the decision dismissing his complaint but awarded separation pay considering the
mitigating "factors" of length of service, the loyalty awards he received, and respondent Verzano’s
"grudge" against him.
 Gustilo cannot deny the numerous violations of company rules during his employment
with Wyeth.
 It has become clear that respondent Gustilo is a habitual offender whose numerous
contraventions of company rules has left Wyeth with no choice but to terminate him
based on Article 282 of the Labor Code.
o gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his duties, being a valid cause
for termination.
o While dismissal is proper, the Court however considers the length of service
of respondent Gustilo with Wyeth, the loyalty awards he received and the
grudge of petitioner Verzano, Jr. as mitigating factors.

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