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Flutterby Media

[LinkedIn Personal Profile

Optimization Workbook]
Setting Yourself Up For Success On This Powerful Recommendation Engine

30 July 2018 | Author: Barb Gray

In this guide:

1 - Introduction

2 – Mindset: When & What 19 – Previous work history

3 – Mindset: Your Why 20 – Add depth to your profile

5 – Checking in 21 – Skills

6 – Ten Principles of Social Savvy-dom 21 – Endorsements for skills

6 – Five Secrets of Online Marketing 22 – Education

7 – How: The Nitty-gritty 22 – More profile love

9 – Handy-dandy Checklist 23 – Recommendations

10 – Ready? Set. Optimize! 25 – Connections

11 – Profile picture & cover photo 26 – Security

12 – Headline 27 – Google Alerts

13 – Contact Information 27 – Post your first article

14 – Vanity URL 28 – Get social!

15 – Profile Summary 29 – Wrapping it up

17 – Current work 30 – My #FlutterbyChat questions

30 elements of a great LinkedIn personal profile

Hi there, I’m Barb Gray and I’m ready to help you take this important step on your journey

toward LinkedIn Savvy-dom. In this workbook, I will break it down in digestible and actionable

chunks so you can get it done efficiently. I encourage you to use the yellow highlighted prompts

to get the most of out of this resource. If you take it one-by-one and spend about 15 minutes a

day, you’ll get it all done in about 30 days. Of course, you can work at your own pace!

We’re going to go through a lot of content and you might feel information overload, but the

good news is that I’m here to support you! Simply join the #FlutterbyChat group on Facebook

and ask away … your questions will be answered ASAP! I urge you not to be shy – the

chances are if you have that question, someone else does too.

BTW, if you really want to, you can skip ahead to the nitty-gritty (page 7), but I suggest you

take the time to do these mindset exercises to set you up for success.

WHEN? Now. What are you waiting for to take your personal brand to the next level?

My start date: ________________

My projected completion date: (+30days) ___________

If not today’s date, when? ______________________ Pssst - what gets scheduled gets done.

WHAT? Ok, now that we got the “when” out of the way, let’s focus on the “what.”
According to LinkedIn: “We are a social network and online platform for professionals. People

use our Services to find and be found for business opportunities and to connect with others

and information.”

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WHY? So with your “when” and your “what” in mind and before moving forward, you must
determine your objective … what is your purpose for being on LinkedIn? We’ll call it your

“why.” That will inform what types of content you share and how you go about your business

on LinkedIn. For example:

o You might want to position yourself as a thought leader and an authority and

resource on your subject– so you would be sharing relevant information and writing

long-form articles to share knowledge and funnel people over to your website to get

them to complete an action there.

o Your intention may be to build your network and use the platform for social selling–

you will spend most of your time connecting and nurturing these connections, chiming in

where appropriate and relevant …

o Or your objective may be simply to get eyeballs on your virtual resume in order to

get hired – in this case, you will spend time getting noticed by recruiters and submitting

job applications, getting recommendations and endorsements - without ever leaving the

LinkedIn site!

o Or if you are hoping to get hired as a consultant or independent contractor – you will

be publishing industry content to keep you top of mind, either as a content producer or a

content curator by re-sharing authorities’ content (with proper attribution!). you might

spend time on LinkedIn ProFinder(*paid feature) submitting proposals to folks who are looking

for your specific skill set.

My purpose for being on LinkedIn is: _________________________________________

Well, here is the good news, the principles are all the same when it comes to optimizing

your LinkedIn profile. So regardless of which you selected, because of your ah-mazing

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presence on LinkedIn, you are always ‘in-sight and in-mind.’ When the opportunity arises

to be found, you have a much higher chance of showing up in the search results in

comparison with someone who has a similar skill-set, but who isn’t taking full advantage of


 optimizing their profile to be found by search – and/or,

 participating in the social networking aspect of this incredibly powerful online

tool that can play ‘key fiddle’ in your online marketing toolkit

In contrast, when you are found – because of the stellar LinkedIn presence I mentioned above

(and that you are about to learn how to create in this oh-so-awesome workbook I put together

just for you), you can stand out from the crowd, and use your new online megaphone to get

‘the right’ eyeballs on your brand.

Sidebar: you are in fact a brand. Regardless of what you do, you are in sales. We all are –

we are selling ourselves first so we can sell what we have to offer to you later, or to someone

you might know now.

Say it:: I am a brand and I will take full advantage of being my best PR agent! There are so many

opportunities for me to ‘take credit’ for what I do as a part of my day-to-day responsibilities that

give people a ‘behind-the-scenes- look. By sharing great content and participating in the social

aspect of the channel, I have the ability to make and build a strong emotional connection with my

audience. I can accomplish all of this with LinkedIn and other social recommendation engines.

PRO insight  you are using a ‘recommendation engine’ anytime you use a social media

channel, and LinkedIn is just that – a place for your network to endorse you and give you a

recommendation. Two of the main things you will be doing during and after this next 30 days

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is to recommend and endorse people you know for specific work-related skills. As you get

down into the nitty-gritty (page 7), you will see that your LinkedIn profile serves as an

interactive business card, micro-site and a resume … wrapped up in a pretty bow where

everyone else is hanging out. And, you are vetted by your network– wowzah!

The really great news? Regardless of how you want to use this social media channel, it is plain

awesome – and powerful, waaaaay powerful. So I caution you to wield this tool very

carefully – guard your network and keep in mind what I learned as a kid – “Tell me who your

friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”


- Are you really ‘listening’ to what relevant people who are in your industry are talking

about? If you can say yes, “I’m spending time ‘hanging out’ on my newsfeed and playing

the fly on the wall role,” and trying to ‘take it all in,’ then you’re well on your way to being

a Social Savvy!

- Are you tweaking your newsfeed by connecting/following relevant people … are you

following your interests and companies, joining industry / discussion groups?

- Are you noticing how things work? When posts are getting engagement (likes, comments,

shares), what makes them different than the ones that aren’t getting much interaction?

PRO tip  to shorten your learning curve, follow and, in a non-creepy way, ‘stalk’ the people

who are a good representation of the persona you want to put forth and who are regarded

as thought leaders in your industry so you can model / mimic with your own twist.

*Come back to this section often for increased chances of Social Savvy-dom!

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Be heard above the noise so your tribe can find you and will want to hang out with you online…

When posting always keep the 10 principles of being a Social Savvy top of mind:
- Be concise - Be authentic
- Be engaging - Be truthful
- Be personal - Be transparent
- Be relevant - Be friendly
- Be timely - And above all, be SOCIAL!

5 secrets of online marketing to tame the social algorithm:

1. Know and use your keywords. Use something like Google Keyword Planner (this
changes names frequently!) to figure out what someone is typing into the search bar to
arrive at what you offer – and don’t be silly, write in the language spoken in your industry
niche – industry jargon is acceptable here – remember, you are not trying to be
everything to everyone, don’t post vanilla – get specific and talk to your customer directly
about what they want to hear about.

2. #Hashtags are your friend. Use hashtags sparingly, but use them! All social media
channels understand #hashtags. At the end of your posts on LinkedIn you can add 2-3
relevant keyword hashtags to help organize the conversation happening around a
particular topic, e.g.: #SocialMediaMarketing. Use these powerful little phrases to
summarize and give context to your posts.

3. Go on… give a little or a lot! Become known as a sharer and a helper. Helping others
rocks – it goes a long way in building your reputation as a part of the online (and offline)
community. By sharing helpful and relevant information and answering questions, or
providing your expert opinion on industry news, you position yourself as an authority and
a resource on your subject. Why is this important? So that when someone has a question
about your subject and/or the opportunity to recommend your services, you will be top of
mind to them and/or show up more often!

4. Don’t be a parrot for Pete’s sake! Chime in only if you are adding value. Don’t repeat,
only add to the conversation to augment it and add depth. Everyone knows when
someone else is just talking to be heard. Add your opinion, pull out a particular piece of
an article and tease it out … add a tip from your experience or share something you
learned from the article.

5. A picture is worth 1000 words, but video?! Be visual! Add images (that you have

permission to use). Even better yet, add video … and best yet, stream live video. Yes, it’s

the #YearOfVideo again/still.

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HOW? (this is the Nitty-gritty I mentioned earlier)
My ask: Really try and get a handle on how things work on this social media channel. LinkedIn

is not about sharing quotes (like on Facebook) or a whole lot of pictures (like Instagram) –

each channel has its own personality and it’s important that you are following the principle …

‘when in Rome…’ The main thing you should be doing on this channel is adding relevant and

timely insight into your niche. No parroting. No hard sales (or soft selling if you ask me). The

goal is to stay top of mind as an authority and resource on your subject (here is where you

get granular so your tribe/audience can find you and connect with you).

Ok, so now to the nitty-gritty … Let’s dissect what makes up a powerful LinkedIn profile –

You need to start with a great foundation to be found!

And here is the challenge: take 30 days to optimize your profile ... one thing per day so you

can focus all your energy into each particular step to the best of your ability. By the time you

reach the last task, you’ll be able to wield this social media channel like more of a Social

Savvy since you’ve been spending so much time on the channel. As well, your exposure (a.k.a.

as reach) will continually increase the more optimization you complete and the further along

you get on this challenge and the longer you work at building, maintaining and nurturing your


To keep the end in sight, use the checklist (on page 9) to cross each day’s work off. Spend a

moment relishing in marking each item completed and know that you are one step closer to a

more optimized LinkedIn profile and to your main why for using this channel.

Remind yourself of your main reason for being on LinkedIn: __________________________


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We will be working on 5 main areas:

1) Improving the look and feel of your profile

2) Optimizing the front-end and the back-end so you make a great 1st impression and you

get found more often and by targeted eyeballs

3) Positioning you as an authority and resource in your specific niche

4) Making the opportunity more readily available for you to grow your network

5) Dipping your toe into Social Savvy-dom so people turn the volume up on you, not off

Checking in  what questions do you have? Post them in the #FlutterbyChat Facebook
Group and they will get answered!






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Handy-dandy checklist of the LinkedIn elements to address during this challenge …
check each one off as you complete them:

o Add profile photo o Give / get endorsements (10x each)

o Add cover photo o Add education

o Work on headline o Give recommendation #1

o Contact information with calls-to- o Give recommendation #2

action is complete o Give recommendation #3

o Secure a vanity URL o Request recommendation #1

o Work on your profile summary / bio o Request recommendation #2

o Current work o Request recommendation #3

o Previous work: framework o Request recommendation #4

o Previous work: flesh it out o Run connections widget / work on

o Add depth: publications, increasing network

certifications, patents o Address security of account

o Add depth: courses, projects, honors, o Set up Google Alerts

and awards o Do hashtag research (long-tail

o Add depth: test scores, languages, keywords) & revisit skills

organizations o Gather up to 5 relevant and timely

o Review current skills: remove junk, articles to share

a.k.a. non-niche specific skills o Post #1 | submit to me for feedback

o Review current skills: reorganize and o Join #FlutterbyChat on Facebook

add specific “keywords” where your post will be dissected for

o Review current skills: finish adding up the good, the bad and the ugly.

to 50 very specific and relevant skills


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You can do this! Take it one step at a time and before you know it, this challenge
will be in your rearview mirror and your shiny new LinkedIn profile will be staring back at

you instead. Let’s get started … it’s time to get yourself up and running on LinkedIn…

Your very first tasks:

1) Get mentally ready to get the most out of this roadmap in your hands… 2 deep breaths!

2) And go! Pull out your Smartphone and take a quick picture of what your profile looks like

today, for example, here is mine: (of course, take a screenshot if you prefer!)

You need to know …

How to update your Introduction Card (^)a fancy way of saying all the items we are going to address in this guide

1. Click the Me icon at top of your LinkedIn homepage.

2. Click View profile.


3. Click the Edit icon in your introduction card.

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day 1 & 2
Add pictures to your profile to make it stand out and inviting, take advantage of the ‘real-estate’

day 1: Profile Picture - make sure it's a headshot, of your bright and shiny face – get in there,

up close and personal. This is how people will form their first impression. The whole profile is

about you, so if you are a photographer, include your camera somehow - or if you sell boats,

be on a boat. Get the picture? Bottom line, make it recent, professional in content and of

good quality (not grainy!), but be sure your brilliant—unique-self shines through so that you

are putting your very best and authentic foot forward.

PRO tip  update your picture bi-yearly to stay in-sight, in-mind.

day 2: Cover Photo – this is a place to express yourself and show more about you. I’ve seen

people use this for their favorite quotes, the skyline of the city they live in, a favorite sports

team, or even an image that alludes to the type of work they do. Get creative and use

Canva or something similar to create the right size graphic.

Your turn, ideas for photos:


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day 3

Update your headline Use this 'real-

estate' to highlight your TOP skills,

not where you work or your

position at the company where

you work. Why? Because that

information is included in the

portion of your profile that is

dedicated to employment and your work history. Most importantly, this real estate is way too

valuable. The headline helps both the search engines and users immediately understand what

you are all about, so go ahead, use these 200 or so characters to include your 'elevator

speech' or your motto, a very subtle call to action, or even just a list of top skills. For example:

o Expert Floral Designer | Specializing in o My mission: to coach & mentor women

Unique Flower Arrangements | Wedding entrepreneurs in developing their business thru

Floral Arrangements | Floral Gifts connections, creativity, & courage.

o #MommyPreneur | Content Curator | Geek | o Chief Ignition Officer | Consultant |

Portable Social Savvy Training | Professional Speaker | Best-Selling Author |

#FlutterbyChat: Social Media Marketing Tips Executive Coach | @CoachClarity

o Social Media Marketing Consultations & o Personal Fitness Coach | High Intensity

Trainer & Speaker | Content Curator | Email Training | Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant

& Video Marketing Training & Consults | Public Speaker

Your turn, ideas for headlines:


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day 4

Make it easy for people to get in touch or take action! Is all of your contact information filled

in? Be sure to include 3 websites (use the 'other' function so you can give people an idea of

where they are headed and why it matters vs. 'company website'). You can see my example

below, I’ve included a link to a Pinterest board I created for managing social media, a link to

my Facebook profile, and a link to my website. This is a good place to add a link to your

Facebook page, a specific page on your website, or even a ‘subscribe to our newsletter’ link –

get creative here and keep your main objectives in mind by being intentional in the use of this

great marketing real-estate. Bottom line, use this for the opportunity that it is, direct traffic to

where you want them to go.

So for example mine looks like this:

Your Turn:

Vanity LinkedIn URL:



Phone: ________________________

Email: ________________________



Instant Messenger:

Skype (or other) _________________

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day 5

Create a branded custom URL for your profile. Look up in the URL bar, are there a lot of

numbers at the end?

You haven’t created a vanity URL yet. This is your opportunity to brand yourself and make it

easier for people to find you on LinkedIn – all they (and you!) have to remember is the part

at the end of the URL … a lot of people get stuck here so let me share these examples for


o You could use a social media handle:

o You could use your full name:

o You could use local targeting:

o You could spotlight your expertise / niche / field by using keywords:



o You could add what you’re known for or the title of your book:

Your turn, ideas for your vanity URL:


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day 6

Make a great impression with your Profile Summary, a.k.a. your bio. This is the section on your

profile that is apart from your specific jobs. Don’t skimp on this step. This is your calling card

and your sales pitch. According to LinkedIn, this “is a space for you to make a statement that

voices your mission, motivation, and skills to people who view your profile.” Here is mine:

Ps – I want to call your attention to the media I’ve included in my profile summary section

(these are the images at the bottom of the box above).

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o If you work for a company, you can use this space to highlight your unique combination

of skills that makes you employable – apart from working in your current position.

What are your career differentiators? Provide an overview of how your skills have

been a match for your professional journey and how you’ve been able to contribute to

the organizations where you were working.

o If you are working to establish yourself as an authority and resource, you would want

to highlight things that make you credible and trustworthy, your unique USP (unique

selling proposition) and any relevant awards & certifications

o If you’re in between jobs – use this as a place to write a personal letter to recruiters,

like a cover letter: highlight your unique skill set, your work ethic and especially that

you are looking for a great company to work for so you can bring your particular

brand of skills to bear.

Your homework: write about yourself, your mission, your motivation and your specific

combination of skills that makes you unique. Have someone else read it… did you miss

anything that should be included? Spend time getting this part just right – after reading

this section, the reader should have a crystal clear idea of who you are professionally,

what makes you tick / is your sweet spot when it comes to work. You’ll also want to

outline what your general career path looks like – using broad strokes.

Your turn, jot some ideas down for your profile section, create a rough draft.

You’ll want to keep coming back to work on this section – there are some ‘light’ days like18, 21-24. Just a thought! 

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day 7

Current work. Include an overview of the company you work for and very specifically how

you fit in and what your secret sauce is that you take with you to work day-in-day-out –

describe the role you play in the grand scheme of things – how do you help move the

organizations’ mission forward? [everyone plays an important role, for example, as a part of

a team that affects the company’s mission]

Your turn, jot some ideas of what to include about your current role and responsibilities:

If there is a LinkedIn company page for the place you work, link to it! You’ll know you did it

right if there is an image next to the company name (for example below, Flutterby Media in

comparison to Atlas Branding Agencies – these are my entities, the LLC does not have a

LinkedIn Company page associated with it, but my public dba Flutterby Media does).

{connection available: logo shows + a direct link is formed}


{vs no connection available – building icon shows}


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PRO tip #1  add media! (these can be links to website pages, PDF uploads, or any other

related and relevant content – get really creative here!) These can also serve as entrances to the

rest of your online network, so a link to a contact page on your website, or a link to your

Facebook Group is a good one to use …

Your turn, jot some ideas for media to

include in your current work section:

PRO tip #2  Since you can have more than one current position, if you are a consultant, you

might consider listing out your top clients and what you do for them as a part of your profile /

virtual resume. Why? It’s a ‘win-win’ – exposure for them and credibility for you (but be sure it’s

with their permission)! For example, I’ve included Social Media Marketing Consultant, for one of

my ah-mazing clients, see below:

Your turn, jot some ideas for additional work history opportunities to leverage:

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days 8 & 9
Previous work history. You don’t have to go back to your job at the movie theatre where you

worked in high school, but be sure to list all relevant jobs you have held that are significant to

your professional journey. Note: this will be a ‘living’ document you and others can refer to

moving forward, so be sure to include exact and correct information – don’t exaggerate your

accomplishments or erase gaps in your work history. If you weren’t working, I’m confident you

were being productive in some form or fashion – find a way to spin it in your favor! You are

your best PR agent 

o Where have you worked? You will notice that when you start typing the name of the

company, a drop down appears … if the organization has a company page on

LinkedIn, you will be able to select it [refer to the example on page 18]. If it doesn’t

come up right away, you might be calling it by a variation of the name. You might

have to do a bit of sleuthing on Google with a search like: “xx company on LinkedIn”.

There may not be a page to link to and that’s ok too! As a best practice, try and

make the connections where and when you can!

o What action-words describe what your role and accomplishments were? You can use

this space to include a brief summary of why you moved on from each position - stay

positive friends!

Some additional thoughts about work history: In the descriptions, use actionable words,

demonstrate what you did/do to set yourself apart from the rest. YOU are unique! If you

want, you could spend a lot more time on the previous work history section if you need to, but

for our purposes, we’re going to focus more on where you’re headed and to get noticed for

what you’re doing now!


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PRO tip  Just like in the current work section, you will want to take advantage of adding

media to each position. You can add a document, photo, link, video or presentation to add

depth and breadth to your profile - not to mention, get someone to potentially enter your

network! It doesn’t have to be your content either, as long as it’s relevant and potentially

helpful and not gated (i.e. you didn’t have to enter your email address to get the resource),

then you should be able to share it with proper attribution.

day 10 - 12
Your Turn:

Continue to add lots of depth to your Publications:

profile! Another place to get creative - there are
sections for so many types of things … it's up to _____________________________

you to leverage them! You can add relevant Patents ________________________

publications, certifications, patents, courses, Courses:

projects – here you can even make a connection _______________________________

by listing other people on the project and link to Projects: _________________

their LinkedIn profile! Win-win for all from the Honors & Awards:
exposure!), honors & awards, test scores,
languages you speak and organizations you Test Scores:
belong to… If it fits and it’s relevant, use the Languages: _____________________
space the way it best makes sense to put your Organizations: __________________
achievements, accomplishments and the ‘secret ______________________________

sauce’ that makes you indispensable in the work-

world into the spotlight.


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days 13-16

Add up to 50 skills. This is not where you add in things like PowerPoint or Excel or leadership –
this is the place for relevant and pivotal skills for your particular expertise. Avoid mundane
stuff that does not set you apart - instead, focus on really fleshing out what you do and
adding all variations of that skill. For example, I do social media marketing, so instead of just
'social media,' I chose to include: 'social media integration,' 'social media strategist,' 'social
media development,' 'social media coaching,' 'social media communications' and 'social media
consulting' ... you will have to play around with it a bit, but start typing and see what options
are available from the drop down. Get creative here, but of course, don’t stretch the truth!
This is how people find you, and what people will endorse you for ... don't worry about
removing old skills that don't serve you (if you don’t already have the max of 50), add the
important stuff and in time you will have many endorsements for each one! If you already
have 50 skills, consider removing skills that don’t support your objectives.

Your turn:

day 13 – 14: review skills you already have in place … are there a lot of unrelated ones

listed (i.e. that aren’t in line with what you’re trying to be found for and that your tribe is

going to look for)?

o Remove what’s not relevant or specific to your niche

o Reorganize and add relevant skills that are honed in to your expertise

day 15 – 16: Give endorsements, get endorsements! Each day, endorse 3-5 people for

2-4 skill sets (only that you are personally aware of or that you can vouch for, remember

your reputation is on the line here!!!)

PRO tip  you can change the order that your skills are displayed my dragging and

dropping once you’re in the edit function.


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day 17
Add education. Again, you don’t have to go all the way back to high school, but do include

relevant education as well as any additional classes or coursework that you’ve taken since


PRO tip: be sure to include activities and media for each – for example, you can add a link to

your college's site here to help connect things! The more you take advantage of making the

back-end connections, the more often you’ll have the chance of showing up in the search results.

In particular with your alma mater, you can be found by making the connection to the school

from your profile. Users can sort by companies they’ve worked at or schools attended – if

you have it listed and someone finds it in common with you plus you’re a good match for what

they’re looking for … well, you get it! LinkedIn is basically a big search engine, so the more

details you include, the better for you!

day 18
Address the look and feel of your profile (yes, again!)

o Check back on your profile photo – do you love it? No? Get a new one!

o You might have already added one from step 2, but again, you’ll need a tastefully

branded cover photo that summarizes ‘YOU’ – if you don’t absolutely love it and it

doesn’t definitely feel like you, change it!

PRO TIP: use Canva to design it, they keep up with the sizes of the graphics for you –

they are all different by channel and the dimensions change from time to time.

I like: _______________________ I want to tweak: __________________________


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days 19-20
Recommend someone. Whether you are in a position to manage people or not, you can still

recommend someone for their work ethic, for their ability to handle pressure, and on and on

… those types of peer-to-peer recommendations demonstrate ability to work within a team

and often go farther than a supervisor’s might. Who can you recommend? Take a look at the

relationships you could have and let that get your juices flowing – get creative here. But

make sure it’s a heartfelt and honest recommendation (your reputation is on the line here!)

Why do I care so much about this part? Because this is how someone will use others’ vetting of

you to by-default vet you – thereby accessing the recommendation aspect of this powerful

social media channel.

day 18: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________

For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________

day 19: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________

For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________

day 20: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________

For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________

*Seriously, don’t bother giving a superficial or ‘canned’ recommendation, it’s not going to help

your cause – likely it will have a negative impact.

Checking in  My main why for being on LinkedIn is: _____________________________


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days 21-24

Request recommendations. Send a request for a recommendation using LinkedIn’s widget. It

will let you choose the relationship you had with the person at the time – so if they were your

supervisor at a company you both used to work for or if you were coworkers, those positions

will come up as choices (as long as they are listed in yours and their previous work history).

Be sure to only ask for recommendations from those who know you best in a professional

capacity. You can only request one recommendation from a connection at a time, although

there's no limit to the total number of recommendations you can request or receive).

day 21

Request a recommendation from: ________________________________________________

day 22

Request a recommendation from: ________________________________________________

day 23

Request a recommendation from: ________________________________________________

day 24

Request a recommendation from: ________________________________________________


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day 25

Make and keep connections. It is incredibly important to spend time nurturing relationships. It’s

not as hard as it sounds and the tool that is LinkedIn can be utilized to accomplish this without

too much time spent. You can even connect on the spot using the LinkedIn app when you’re in

the ‘real world.’ To help illustrate how straightforward it is, the nurturing can take place

simply by sharing relevant and helpful content. Only add value to your network, beware of

muddying the waters or diluting the strength of your connections by ‘parroting’ others, doing

any selling, and/or posting irrelevant, inappropriate or outdated information.

PRO tip  use LinkedIn’s suggestions for connections. Also use their widget to search your

email connections for a match so you can connect with people you already know.

Your turn:

- Are you connected to your coworkers / supervisors from current and previous positions?

- Are you connected with your mentors?

- Are you connected to your customers and other professional connections?

Ideas on who to connect with: ________________________________________________


Follow or connect with authorities and resources in your

space so you can participate in the conversation and stay
up to date and relevant.

You’ll be surprised how often they will connect with you, even if they are ‘stars’ in your field –

especially if you have an ah-mazing LinkedIn presence.

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day 26

It’s time to address the security of your account.

#1 Do you want your profile to be ‘public’? This means that your profile is made available to

the search engines and when someone who is not on the LinkedIn platform types your name

into Google or their search engine of choice, they could find your profile. Of course those

chances go waaaaay up when you optimize your profile with this here handy-dandy guide 

Yes / No

#2 What email addresses do you want showing or associated with your account? You can

change this in personal settings. Think on this: you may want to add a personal email along

with your work email so you can access at a later date if/when you’re no longer with that

company. This is a good time to remind you that YOU are a brand – regardless of where

you work, you will want to retain and ensure your profile stays yours 

Email addresses to display:




#3 What information is showing on your profile? In profile settings, you can select for any

section to show publicly or not to show. Make sure never to include information like your date

of birth or details that, in my opinion, should not be publicly available on the internet.

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days 27-30

day 27

- Set up Google Alerts for 2-3 main topics in your purview. Visit: to

get curated articles on any topic right to your inbox. You’ll be able to stay current

and re-share relevant and timely information to position yourself as an authority and

resource on your subject.

- Find 5-10 relevant, helpful articles to share … Ride others’ waves! Be sure to give

credit where credit is due! Use the ‘mention’ feature to let that entity know you are

talking about them so they can potentially get involved in the conversation … when

you want to include say me or my company … you’ll start by typing the @ symbol

and immediately following, with no spaces start typing Barb Gray or Flutterby Media

- more than likely you’ll see my name and you can choose from the dropdown that

appears once you start typing.

day 29-30

TO DO: Post link to relevant article with your opinion – include your professional insight

Next: Get feedback from me by submitting your post’s URL to:

PRO tips  These bear repeating, to post properly and for the most eyeballs to see it:

- don’t clog the pipes by simply reposting content – add value to the ongoing conversation.

- Be sure to use #hashtags (a.k.a. keywords) so others can find your posts.

- Use mentions so someone/organization knows you’re talking about them and they have

the opportunity to get involved in your conversation

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days 31+

Get involved in the social aspect of this channel. Are you following Influencers and companies

that are relevant to you? This is a great way to find out what's going on and join in the

ongoing conversation. Take some time to fine-tune your newsfeed by customizing your news

and the companies you are following. Check out what your connections are posting and chime

in (only to add to the conversation, not to repeat - avoid being a parrot here!). If you have

something to say that is in-depth, write a long-form article to share your knowledge and set

yourself apart- the cool part is that all the articles you post will 'live on' your profile and be

available at all times (to both users and search engines)!

Here I caution you again to spend time listening to the conversation before simply jumping in

and posting and talking. There is a way that each social media channel works. Spend some

time studying your newsfeed and what others in your network are posting and how they are

doing it. Are they getting engagement (likes, comments, shares)? Yes? Follow suit! No? Find

others who have valuable content.


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Above all, ensure that everything you include in your profile is accurate and does not stretch

the truth. This is your reputation, manage it carefully. Use this powerful channel to share your

message, further your mission, and build your personal brand.

LinkedIn success is a combination of:

- Having an optimized profile to serve as a foundation for being found and positioning you

as authority and resource on your subject

- Having a network of gold that you are responsible for guarding and nurturing like your

reputation depends on it

- Adding value and avoiding making ‘noise for noise sake’


Take a snapshot of your profile today and compare it to the picture from about a month ago!

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