Wto Government Procurement

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WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA)

➢ The WTO’s first Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) was signed in 1979.
➢ The revised GPA entered into force in 2014.
➢ The parties to the GPA have agreed on common rules on public procurement and brought their national legislation in
line with the Agreement.
➢ The GPA is based on the principle of non-discrimination.
➢ Parties to the GPA have agreed to open up public contracts over a certain threshold to tenderers from other participating
countries, ensuring that they receive the same treatment as domestic suppliers.
➢ The GPA lays down provisions concerning several areas, such as thresholds, procurement practices, time limits,
transparency of procedures, appeal procedures and responsibilities relating to the disclosure of statistical data.
➢ The revised GPA covers over 200 new contracting authorities.
➢ Depending on the country, they include ministries, agencies and other institutions.
➢ In many respects, the commitments will also concern regional and local administration.
➢ The scope has been expanded to cover new supply and service contracts.
➢ The Agreement also covers construction works and, as a new area, concessions.
➢ The revised GPA also allows for the use of electronic auctions in public procurement.
➢ An electronic auction means a real-time competitive bidding procedure that takes place online.
➢ Moreover, the opportunities of enterprises are improved by introducing in each country a single, electronic database
that contains all contract notices published by the different contracting authorities in the country.
➢ The database is free of charge.
➢ The revised provisions also make it easier for new countries to accede to the GPA.
➢ The GPA facilitates market access for Finnish companies, enabling them to better compete for public contracts in the
other countries that have signed the Agreement.
➢ The revised GPA opens up the public procurement markets of the GPA countries, providing new opportunities worth
an estimated EUR 100 billion a year.
➢ The Agreement text and further information on the WTO’s regulations concerning public procurement are available on
the WTO website

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