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Demonstration Lesson Plan in English 6

Quarter 1
The learner listens critically. Communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with
a high level of proficiency and reads various text types materials to serve learning needs in
meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.


1. Learning to THINK:
Understands the value of communication in promoting community understanding.

2. Learning to DO:
Composes clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures
of subject-verb agreement using the base and –s forms of the verbs Rule 1 to 4.

3. Learning to FEEL:
Values the importance of using grammar and effective communication skills.

4. Learning to INTUIT:
Reflects how one’s words and language impact others.

5. Learning to BE:
Friendly Communicator


Uses polite expressions in communication.

Imagines how effective use of language forges a harmonious community.


1. What is the importance of understanding the rules in composing clear and coherent sentences
using appropriate grammatical structures of subject-verb agreement using the base and –s
forms of the verbs?


Materials: Audio-Visual Presentation, Powerpoint Presentation

Methods: Cooperative Learning, Game Play

Activities: Group Dynamics, Think-Pair-Share, Watching a Video Clip


1. ACTIVATE (Creating Focus and Purpose)
A. Preliminary Activities
Say: Read the words on the flashcards then write on the small strips of cartolina the
correct action word that can go with it.
1. basketball player - dribbles
2. doctor - cures, treats
3. policeman - protects, fights
4. writer - writes
5. teachers - teaches
6. vendors - sells
7. fisherman - catches
8. farmer - plants, harvests
9. actors - acts
10. singer - singers

2. Review:
Direction: Click the present tense verb to fill in the blank to complete the sentence.
1. Then, I (look, will look, looked) at trees.
2. Tomorrow we (will hike, hiked, hike) in the woods.
3. Last night, everyone (laugh, will laugh, laughed) at a funny story.
4. Yesterday, Johnny (will dye, dyed, dye) a cloth.
5. I (share, will share, shared) my art with friends.
6. Right now, we (will work, worked, work) with clay.

Valuing: How will you talk to the principal?

How will you ask question to the librarian/ or to your teacher?
Why do we need to be polite in talking to others?

2. ACQUIRE (Acquiring New Knowledge & Skills, Forming Values & Attitudes)
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Say: “Watch and listen upon playing the video clip which all about the Verb Rap
Song.( You should participate by
acting out the verbs in the song.”

Ask: What are verbs again?

What are verb used in the song?

2. Presentation
Say: “Today, you will learn the grammatical structures of subject-verb agreement
using the base and –s forms of the verbs through this video clip. So, you should be
aware and attentive of every rules.

3. Discussion
Say: “I have here some sentences written on a folded strip inside the grammar box,
pick one strip and read it in front of your classmates. Paste the strip on the board after
reading.” (Note: Teacher makes sure that the strips are pasted according to rules.)
A. My sister studies her lessons regularly.
Ellie’s cousins visit her every summer.

B. Joan does her homework early at home.

The boys do assignment by group.

C. Tony and Luis join us in our practice today.

My friend and classmate calls me every day.

D. Every doctor or nurse cares for the sick.

Each of the participants performs their best.
 What are the verbs used in the sentence?
 Who are the persons being talked to in each sentence?
 What have you noticed with the group A sentences, what are the differences between their
subjects and verbs?
 What have you noticed with the group B sentences, what are the differences between their
subjects and verbs?
 What have you noticed with the group C sentences, what are the differences between
their subjects and verbs?
 What have you noticed with the group D sentences, how are the verbs written, are they
the same? How about their subject?
(Teacher takes note of the correct answers of the pupils and write them on each group of

Say: The sentences pasted on the board are some of the Rules of the subject-verb agreement
using the –s or base form of the verb.


C. Evaluative Assessment
Activity 1: Game Play – CLIK ME
The class will group into two. Every pair of pupils will race to answer the given question.
The first to punch the bell will be the first to answer but if the answer is wrong the other will
given the chance to answer it correctly.

Direction: Click the correct verb to complete the sentence.

1. My sister (enjoy, enjoys, enjoyed) reading fable and fairy tales.
2. I (do, does, don’t) want to wake up late in the morning.
3. Every book and magazine (has, have, had) been clearly marked.
4. No one (appears, appear, appeared) interested to go home after the program.
5. Mr. and Mrs. Ramos (exercise, exercises, exercised) every day to stay fit.
6. Where (do, does, don’t) your parents live?
7. My family (goes, go, went) to see the games as much as possible.
8. The football players (run, runs, ran) five miles every day.
9. Each of the girls (observe, observes, observed) all the regulations.
10. Margo and her parents (visit, visits, visited) each other often.

Activity 2: Differentiated Group Assessment

Group I – Approaching/Fast Learner
Direction: Form a sentence using the following pair of words.
1. Vern and Fred - need
2. children - play
3. Karla - prays
4. She - cooks
5. They - do

Group II – Developing/Average Learner

Direction: Analyze the sentences. On the line before the number, put a check mark ( ) if
the verb agrees with the subject and put a cross mark (X) if otherwise, then give the correct
________ 1. My brother loves to read poems.
________ 2. The committee work hard for better schools.
________ 3. Everybody was asked to be quiet.
________ 4. Louise don’t want to drive that long distance.
________ 5. We are excited that we get to go on a field trip next week.

Group 3 – Struggling/ Slow Learners

Instruction: Underline correct verb in the parentheses that agrees with the subject.
1. Pet owners (treat, treats) their pets well.
2. Before the advent of motor vehicles, the horse (was, were) the fastest means of transportation
on land.
3. In some parts of the country, horse drawn rig (seem, seems) to be still a common means of
4. Marionne (drive, drives) a banca.
5. Mr. and Mrs. Del Fonso (tend, tends) to travel around the Philippines every summer.

D. Reflection:
 What form of verb are we going to use if the subject is singular?
 If the subject is plural?
 When do we use the verb DO? When do we use the verb DOES?
 What form of verb are we going to use if it is a compound subject?
 What form of verb are we going to use if the subject is preceded by EACH and EVERY?

E. Closure
Direction: Underline the correct verb in the parentheses to complete the sentence.
1. Miss Castro (teach, teaches) her pupils well.
2. We all (live, lives) in a world full of wonders.
3. Sheila does, do) her chores without being told.
4. The Grade VI pupils (love, loves) to sing the songs.
5. No one (appears, appears) interested to go home after the program.
6. My pupils (is, are) excited to visit the National Museum.
7. James and Nadine (visit, visits) the orphanage.
8. The children (does, do) their research in the library.
9. He (drive, drives) his own car to work.
10. Each boy and girl (was, were) given medals.

Prepared by:
Teacher III

Head Teacher III

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