02 Conditions of Tendering

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1. The whole of the Works set forth in the Tender Documents exhibited on the Tender
Table (hereinafter referred to as the “ Tender Table Documents “) will be set on

2. (a) The Tender Documents may be collected in person at the office as stated in
the Tender Notice and from the date as stated in the Tender Notice during
normal office hours.

(b) The Tender Deposit as stated in the Tender Notice shall be refunded in full to
bona fide tenderers (unsuccessful Tenderers) upon return of all Tender
Documents in a good conditions and submittion of tender.

(c) Each tenderer must submit, enclosed and sealed in a envelope as

stipulated in the Instructions To Tenderers, a genuine tender on the Form of
Tender provided, together with the priced Preliminaries and Generally,
Summary of Tender and Schedules of Rates duly filled in a signed. Form of
Tender which is incomplete or unsigned shall be disqualified.

(d) Each tenderer shall enter, in the space provided on the Form of Tender, the
time he will require to complete the Works (if not so stated by the MAJLIS

(e) The tenderer shall, wherever required in the Tender Documents, price the
Schedule of Rates which shall be duly filled in ink and signed. The rates in
these Schedule of Rates shall be scrutinized and adjusted (if necessary) by
the Quantity Surveyor as to their reasonableness.

3. If the tenderer shall:

(a) Submits a non-conforming tender, or

(b) Withdraw his tender before the expiry of the Tender Validity Period or any
extended period thereof, or

(c) Impose additional terms, conditions or stipulations after the final date fixed
for the submission of tenders (in which case it shall be deemed to be a
withdrawal of this tender), or

(d) In the event the tender having been accepted, refuse and fail to execute
the formal Contract Agreement or to deposit the Performance Bond or fail to
proceed with the works;


then, in any such event, the Employer, without prejudice to any other rights he
may possess, reserves the right to forfeit the Tender Deposit submitted together
with the Tender.

4. No unauthorized alterations or addition shall be made to the Form of Tender or

any other Tender Documents.

5. (a) Tenders and documents in connection therewith as specified above, must

reach the office as stated in the Tender Notice not later than the time and
date as stated in the Tender Notice for submission of Tenders.

(b) In the case of a tender not being delivered by hand, the tenderer must
arrange for his tender and other documents to be posted in time to reach
the stipulated place not later than the stipulated time.

(c) Any tender delivered after the stipulated time, from whatever cause arising,
will not be considered.

(d) In no case will any expenses incurred by a tenderer in the preparation of his
tender be allowed.

6. In the event that the tenderer being supplied at his request, with copies of any of
the Tender Documents, it shall be at the sole responsibility of the tenderer to
scrutinize such copies and satisfy himself that they are exact copies of those
included in the Tender Table Documents. In the event of any difference or
discrepancy being found between any such copies supplied to the tenderer and
those in the Tender Table Documents or between any documents included
therein, it shall be the sole responsibility of the tenderer to apply in writing to the
Quantity Surveyor, to have the difference or discrepancy rectified, not later than
seven (7) days before the final date fixed in the Tender Notice for the submission of
tender. Any reply the Quantity Surveyor may make to such application shall be by
way of a tender Memorandum which win be sent to all tenderers. Such Tender
Memorandum shall become part of the Tender Documents explanations,
modification or extension to the original document that they contain.

7. The tenderer shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its
surroundings and to have satisfied himself before submitting his tender as to the
nature of the ground and sub-soil, the form and nature of the Site, the extent and
nature of the work, the means of communication with and access to the Site, the
accommodation he may require and in general to have obtained for himself all
necessary information as to risks, contingencies and all circumstances influencing
and affecting his tender.


8. Tender shall remain valid for a period of one hundred and One Hundred Eighty
(180) days from the final date for submission of tender stipulated in the Tender
Notice (herein referred to as the "Tender Validity Period") and such period may by
mutual agreement be extended as and when necessary.

9. “MAJLIS BANDARAYA IPOH (MBI)” shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any
tender, not to assign any reason for the rejection of the tender.

10. The successful tenderer (if any) shall be notified of his tender by a letter (referred to
as "Letter of Acceptance of Tender") within the Tender Validity Period or any
extended period thereof. The said tenderer shall as soon as is practicable but
before the commencement of the Works deposit with the Superintending Officer
the following:-

(a) Retention Sums amounting to five per cent (5%) of the Contract Sum;

(b) Performance Bond amounting to five per cent (5%) of the Contract Sum;

(c) Insurance Policies for Public Liability (i.e. Insurance against injury to persons
or damage to property) or Cover Notes together with receipts of premium
paid in respect thereof;

(d) Registration numbers under the Employee's Social Security (SOCSO)

Scheme; and/or

(e) Insurance Policy for Workmen’s Compensation or the Cover Notes together
with receipts of premium paid in respect thereof;

(f) Insurance Policy for the Insurance of the works or Cover Notes together with
receipts of premium paid in respect thereof;

The said tenderer shall also within a reasonable time thereafter execute the formal
Contract Agreement.

11. All schedules and particulars attached to the Tender Documents shall be
completed and submitted by the Tenderer together with his tender.

12. Every notice to be given to a tenderer may be posted to the tenderer's address
given in the tender and such posting shall be deemed good service of such


13. The words "successful tenderer" shall mean that the tenderer whose tender has
been approved and accepted by MAJLIS BANDARAYA IPOH (MBI).

14. The words “tenderer” in these Conditions shall be deemed to include two or more

15. Non-compliance with the above conditions in any respect shall render the tender
liable to rejection.

16. The Employer reserves the right to award the works in whole or in parts and will not
reimburse the tenderer for any loss incurred to comply with this condition.

17. These Conditions of Tendering, in so far as they may affect the execution of the
Contract, shall be deemed to form part of the Contract.

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