Tableau Vs QlikView Vs Power BI SelectHub

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Table of Contents

Benefits of Business Intelligence Tableau Server ............................................. 17

Software ....................................................... 3

Get Valuable Insights into Your Business 4 Cost of Ownership …................................ 17

Visualize Important Information ............... 4 Pricing Details .......................................... 18

Data Mining ….......................................... 5 Product Limitations .................................. 19

Establish Benchmarking .......................... 5 QlikView ……................................................ 20

Performance Management ...................... 6 Cost of Ownership …................................ 20

Sales Intelligence ..................................... 6 Pricing Details .......................................... 21

Streamline and Trim Operations .............. 7 Product Limitations .................................. 22

Eliminate Guesswork ............................... 7 Microsoft Power BI ...................................... 23

Improve Inventory Management .............. 7

Cost of Ownership …................................ 23
Get a Competitive Edge ........................... 8
Pricing Details .......................................... 24
Capabilities Overview ................................. 10
Product Limitations .................................. 25
Advantages and Disadvantages ................ 11
Tableau vs QlikView vs Power BI .............. 26
Data Visualization .................................... 11
Tableau vs QlikView ................................. 26
Analytics .................................................. 11

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) ...... 12 Power BI vs Tableau ................................ 27

Document Management .......................... 13 QlikView vs Power BI ............................... 28

Decision Services .................................... 13 Advantage Summary .................................. 30

Integrations ….......................................... 14

Big Data Integrations …............................ 15

The Benefits of
Business Intelligence Software
You’ve probably heard the saying, “work smarter, not harder.” That turn of phrase might
as well have been invented for BI tools. Business intelligence software (BI) is comprised
of a range of data analytics tools designed to analyze and manage data related to your
business operations. So what are the benefits of business intelligence software? Some
business intelligence benefits include rich visualization capabilities that allow businesses
to monitor sales, logistics and even productivity. It also provides extensive data analysis
using richly visualized, intuitive reports.

By presenting your data in an easy to understand format, BI software helps you to have a
better understanding of your business’ strengths and weaknesses while providing
actionable insights into KPIs and other important metrics. This makes it a critical tool to
ensure competitiveness and profitability.

In the next few pages we give you 10 key operational benefits of business intelligence
Benefits of Business Intelligence Software
1. Get Valuable Insights into Your

Business intelligence software benefits and

functionality constantly collect and analyze
data in order to deliver actionable insights for
your business. Professionals can generate
reports on a variety of data sets like
expenses, operations processes, staffing and
customer service.

There are numerous types of reports you can

create using BI tools. All BI platforms will offer
pre-formatted reporting capabilities that
collect data for common KPIs. Businesses Tableau offers powerful data visualization capabilities
can also generate customized or self-service
BI reports, applying BI’s excellent visuals to
2. Visualize Important Information
unique, organization-specific data sets. If
neither of these options give you what you
Operational reports can be difficult to
need, users can run an ad-hoc report, which
interpret, reducing an organization’s ability to
is put together entirely by users and usually
recognize and act on key metrics. One of the
focuses on a very specific KPI that can’t be
key benefits of BI software is that it provides
targeted by other types of reports.
excellent data visualization capabilities,
allowing users to create intuitive data visuals

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Another unique benefit of business
that are easy to understand and simple to
intelligence reports is the relevance of
information. Because reports contain relevant
data collected within your business
Charts, graphs, videos, animations and
operations, businesses are better able to act
infographics are more engaging ways to
based on the information contained in BI
transmit information than blocks of numbers
reports. Plus, you don’t have to be a data
or spreadsheets. This is partly because the
scientist to use BI tools — the data
human brain is hardwired to process cognitive
visualizations generated by these tools are
information — information that takes more
easy to understand and explain. In
than a glance to interpret and digest — much
SelectHub’s recent survey of organizations in
slower than visual information. Of those
the market for BI software, 48 percent of
surveyed in SelectHub’s recent survey, 81
buyers listed reporting as a desired feature.
percent of respondents expected visualization
features from their BI platform. 4
Benefits of Business Intelligence Software
decision-making processes that businesses
might otherwise miss.

Because BI software is able to

instantaneously analyze incoming data, it
helps companies catch fleeting opportunities
that they might otherwise miss. With the
customized reports produced by BI connected
to a data warehouse, companies can more
easily pick up on trends in company
spending, staffing, operations, client
development and more.

4. Establish Benchmarking

QlikView unifies data sources for a complete view. Fast thinking and effective decision-making is
important in achieving success in a business
3. Data Mining endeavor. Often, those in charge of running a
business don’t have the time to conduct a
BI analytics tools are exceptionally well-suited large-scale research project and a particular
for powerful data mining. Data mining is the industry development or product release.
process of seeking patterns in data in order to Using business intelligence software is like
identify trends and draw insights. It can be constantly having an in-depth research
broken into five steps: collection, warehousing project in progress that’s compiling

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

and storage, organization, analysis, and information for groundbreaking
presentation. Some BI platforms can perform decision-making.
all of these steps for an organization,
although others require support from business Benchmarking is a valuable data analysis tool
analytics tools, Big Data analytics systems or businesses use to gauge their productivity,
data warehousing platforms. revenue and overall success relative to that of
their competitors. Organizations often
BI analyzes, processes and renders vast struggle with benchmarking, but BI simplifies
amounts of data that cannot be managed with the process, providing actionable information
weaker programs. It integrates with data and reports that are easily understood. That’s
warehousing solutions, in-house databases why benchmarking is one of the core BI
(e.g. SQL servers), as well as both structured requirements users look for in a BI platform.
and unstructured data. This allows easy
access to valuable information and enhanced Benchmarking reports offer accurate, timely
data that allow businesses to evaluate their
Benefits of Business Intelligence Software
performance against individual KPIs or trends
over time, providing valuable insight into the
organization’s current state. With predictive
analytics capabilities, users can take these
benchmarks and implement them proactively,
getting ahead of their competitors instead of
chasing behind them.

5. Performance Management

BI also helps track, manage and implement

performance goals. With BI tools, businesses A sales analytics dashboard from Power BI
can input data-based goals such as sales
goals or target delivery time, then track
progress on a daily basis. This tracking 6. Sales Intelligence
mechanism is known as performance
management, and it provides some of the One of the most important BI benefits is that it
most effective and easily implemented goal enhances awareness. Those who design
management available. business intelligence software know
companies can’t take advantage of
BI applications make information readily opportunities they’re not aware of. They
accessible that would ordinarily take hours or therefore design software to make those
weeks to track down and organize. Another fleeting opportunities noticeable and provide
business intelligence benefit is that by using the details that allow companies to make the
most of them.

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

dashboards and real-time data, users can
easily organize important information and get
moment-to-moment updates. This makes for The reports and data produced by business
a great deal of time savings and allows you to intelligence systems are great when you need
deal with problems immediately. to backup your claims with hard data when
negotiating with potential clients. It can also
With BI’s intuitive visual analytics capabilities, be helpful to make quick sales decisions with
professionals can track goal fulfillment and real-time data and mobile BI reports. A
use that information to gauge overall business intelligence system might just turn
organizational productivity. When properly out to be the most powerful tool you have
implemented, BI tools can boost your when you’re trying to convince clients,
performance significantly. vendors or suppliers of the potentials and
capabilities offered by your company’s
products and services
Benefits of Business Intelligence Software
When it comes to sales, this type of software error. It also allows users to identify how well
is not only effective at supporting your the organization is doing with the current staff
arguments. It also helps you identify trends in so you can grow or downsize accordingly.
customer preferences so you’ll be the first in
your industry to know what to offer customers BI systems can identify waste in your overall
in order to maximize sales. Plus, nothing tops operations as well. It does this by pinpointing
off a pitch like a beautiful visualization of data pain points, bottlenecks and inefficiencies in
— BI has your back. manufacturing, operations and sales. With
predictive analysis features, BI will even offer
7. Streamline and Trim Operations suggestions to alleviate these problem areas.

A lesser-praised advantage of business 8. Eliminate Guesswork

intelligence software is its ability to cut down
waste. Anything that doesn’t add value to Without business intelligence software,
your company can be considered waste: this companies are basically forced to gamble
includes operational and administrative work when making many important decisions
that can be automated with a BI system. BI regarding management, finances, marketing
does the work that data entry employees or efforts and more. With business intelligence
data analysts would typically get saddled with software, the decisions made by company
like data organization, de-duplication and leaders are more data-driven and often result
other repetitive tasks. in a competitive advantage for your
This benefits business intelligence: first,
employees can devote their time to more BI implements a data structure to encourage

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

intensive tasks, increasing productivity. It can data-driven decision-making and helps you
also save time, money and reduce human know the best plan — not just guess at it. This
business resource will not only lead to greater
profitability, but it will take a great deal of the
stress and uncertainty out of running a

9. Improve Inventory Management

The advantages of business intelligence

systems can even extend into purchasing,
procurement and inventory management.
Users can generate reports detailing
stockroom needs to determine when to
Tableau allows non-technical users to identify trends in data 7
purchase new inventory. BI also tracks
Benefits of Business Intelligence Software
inventory going out, so you can better
prepare for future buying trends and reduce
inventory waste.

10. Get a Competitive Edge

The number of businesses utilizing BI is only

increasing. According to Forbes, 53 percent
of companies they interviewed use some form
of BI — up from only 17 percent in 2015. It’s
not unreasonable to predict that in the next 10
to 20 years BI adoption will be the norm. This
is especially true as the BI market gains
increasing pervasiveness and traction. The
future is bright for BI.

Business intelligence gives organizations a

tangible competitive edge in an
ever-increasingly competitive market. Making
quick decisions in the business world is part
of the job, but knowing those decisions are
based soundly in data-driven insights offers
another level of security and confidence.
Zero in on the best Business Intelligence
systems for your company.

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

BI even offers fraud monitoring and risk
management features! By tracking patterns
Unlike some ratings, SelectHub product
and monitoring data behavior, BI can identify
ratings are taken from multiple sources
how likely it is that a transaction, person or
including top analysts and actual buyers of
network is fraudulent. The same data mining
human resource management
feature that can give sales teams insight into
software—ideal for your shortlist.
customer desires can be used to make risk
assessments and predictions, protecting your
Over 100 BI systems evaluated!

View Leaderboard Report



Power BI
“Analytics is the primary enabler to derive truth and meaning from data that drives
the business growth” – Hugo Moreno via Forbes.

Companies rely on data more than ever before, as almost all information is completely
digitized. Business intelligence software makes sense of the modern data landscape. The
best BI systems offer features that analyze and report data for streamlined presentation.
Some of the top tools in the industry are Tableau, QlikView and Microsoft Power BI.

If you’re evaluating Tableau vs QlikView vs Microsoft Power BI, read on. We highlight the
key pros and cons of each and include a comprehensive business intelligence tools
leaderboard showing how each stacks up across key business and functional
Capabilities Overview
Our comparison of Tableau. QlikView and Microsoft Power BI considers the

visualizations, analytics, OLAP, document management, decision services and

integration features of the three systems. Tableau is the superior visualization
tool and QlikView holds the advantage in analytics, but Power BI tops the
competition for its decision services and integration capabilities.

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages
Data Visualization visualization applications, provides an
uncomplicated experience that results in
Tableau leads the industry in data visually appealing and informative reports.
visualization software. The company is Microsoft Power BI utilizes many of the same
investing heavily in advanced data federated, functions available in Excel, so users with
clustering, segmentation and more powerful experience in the Office staple will be able to
analytics functions. The user-friendly interface adapt to this visualization tool. Creating
allows non-technical users to quickly and reports through Microsoft Power BI results in
easily create customized dashboards to data portraits that can be shared across
provide insight into a broad spectrum of teams and accessed on any device.
business information. The drag-and-drop
capabilities of the solution, paired with its Tableau surpasses its competitors in the
extensive data source connections, make category of data visualization. With its intuitive
Tableau a front-runner in the realm of data interface, customizable presentation options
visualizations. and real-time analytics, Tableau provides an
all-inclusive and user-friendly data
Along with standard report creation features visualization experience.
— visualization templates, customizable
views, configurable graphics — QlikView’s Analytics
data visualizations factor in real-time,
interactive analysis as reports are made. Tableau is committed to providing a tool to
When the system is in use, all relevant enterprises that reflects their urgent analytics
visualizations and data sets are displayed for requirements. This is evident in the
quick reference. Qlik’s product strengths enhancements to data federation, streamlined

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

include an in-memory engine capable of interfaces, advanced analytics and
visualizing patterns and producing associative improvements to mobile exploration and
analytics that isn’t achievable using SQL authoring. Tableau reflects the needs of
alone. The in-memory engine is scalable organizations that want to move beyond the
enough to integrate with many different types data visualization aspects of their applications
of data sources, creating a unified dashboard and get more advanced analytics work done.
showing analytics, metrics and key Support for more complex data federation
performance indicators (KPIs) of interest. workflows, making data mashups more
reusable and making improvements to mobile
Microsoft Power BI hosts one of the most app development to support all mobile screen
user-friendly data visualization tools in the sizes is available in the software.
business intelligence market. The
drag-and-drop functionality of the software, Unlimited data sources can be combined in
along with access to over 85 data QlikView without the need for initial
preparation. Qlik relies on sophisticated
Advantages and Disadvantages
analytics that enables data discovery using such as SQL Server Geospatial, BING and
an in-memory engine to analyze data for Esri ArcGIS.
patterns not visible via SQL data structures or
queries. The system’s Social Media Analytics In the comparison of QlikView vs. Tableau
function analyzes data from social channels and Microsoft Power BI, QlikVIew has the
including Twitter, Foursquare and Disqus, and best analytic features. The software boasts a
QlikMaps provides location analytics. flexible analytics platform that allows
QlikView promises “speed of thought” businesses to customize guided analytics
automatic analysis and insights as users applications that update during use.
interact with their data. The software’s guided
analytics features provide a path through data Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
and point users in the direction of insights,
helping employees of all skill levels perform Tableau can connect to OLAP cubes as a
analytics. means of exploring layers of data at the
deepest level. Drill-down features, along with
As stated in the aforementioned Forbes filtering abilities and time-series
article, “Data analytics skills gaps persist auto-generation, serve as the tools needed to
across the enterprise, as 27 percent of dive into these multidimensional datasets and
analytics professionals surveyed cite this access the insights they provide.
skills gap as a major impediment in their data
initiatives.” QlikView’s guided analytics help Access to online analytical processing
with some of these skill gaps. through QlikView provides encapsulated data
views. With this software, users can analyze
The accessibility of a familiar Microsoft the depths of OLAP data and relate insights

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

platform ensures an easy-to-learn, low-cost back to their own findings. The QlikView
Power BI experience. The analytics interface OLAP Connector extracts data from large
of Power BI closely resembles Excel, databases and data exploration features like
assuring recognizable functionality. Microsoft drill-down capabilities provide access to the
Power BI creates complex data analyses that deepest levels of data cubes. Diverse
include premise-based data sources and databases provide a full view of analyses,
integration points. Data prep, data discovery viewing the layers of data cubes through
and interactive dashboards are all included in multiple perspectives.
the Power BI Suite and Power BI Desktop.
Measurement, organizational and predictive Microsoft Power BI connects to OLAP cubes
features allow for simple data management via SQL servers for multidimensional data
and trend interpretation. Besides the tools for analysis, information extraction, pattern
standard data analysis, Power BI hosts observation and data mining. Predictive
integration with location-based data programs analytics features forecast potential future
trends. The software provides a list of data
Advantages and Disadvantages
measures to display in the report. The These three business intelligence solutions
selected dimensions are featured alongside are equivalent in the category of document
visualization options during report creation. management. All of the programs are able to
As a typical OLAP platform, Power BI convert reports into multiple formats with
includes drill-down and other data exploration ease.
Decision Services
Tableau, QlikView and Microsoft Power BI
share OLAP capability; the programs all Tableau’s consulting services provide a
feature standard OLAP functionality on the resource for assistance in data analysis
same level. interpretation and decision making. Fraud
detection tools embedded in the software
Document Management serve as a robust security measure. Included
as part of this focus on broader analytics
Tableau has included support for publishing support are improvements to self-service data
analytics content on a variety of publishing preparation, more control over data
platforms. Options available for report governance and metadata management, and
formatting include PDFs, spreadsheets, additions to embedded advanced analytics.
images and crosstabs. Users can view all
stages of a report’s creation with a feature QlikView’s financial services and banking
that archives all past versions to be viewed tools provide accurate knowledge and
later. analysis that leads to informed decision
making, while security measures minimize
QlikView users can convert reports into XLS, fraud risk. Necessary regulations and policies

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

HTML, XML, QVX and PDF formats — with are monitored with QlikView Governance
the help of a PDF Report Distribution add-on. Dashboard compliance tools. QlikView Logs
The software supports QlikView script files provide data on CPU, RAM, Disk, Process,
(qvw) to allow for simplified tracking and User, Document and Reload information. The
comparison of binary files. QlikView’s version vast range of QlikView’s BI tools can be
control tool can track fluctuations in data. learned quickly using their online tutorials and
learning systems. The product comes
Reports generated in Microsoft Power BI can bundled with numerous tutorials, how-to
be exported as PDF, TIFF, HTML and guides and other self-help resources, as well
Microsoft Office files. Power BI files include as a team of QlikView experts. Qlik’s
desktop files (pbix) and templates (pbit). With consultants can assist with each step of
Microsoft as the engine behind Power BI, learning the system’s capabilities, from
report exporting and document access is beginner lessons to pulling data insights and
simple. However, Power BI does not directly creating applications.
support version control.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Microsoft Power BI can be used as a financial less reliant on customized programming.
analysis tool with fraud protection, compliance Tableau’s integration support, through the
monitoring and additional security features. use of APIs, allows for streamlined
Regulatory compliance is managed through a collaboration with programs such as Google
data residency model that focuses on Analytics, SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft Office,
compliance requirements, including those of enterprise resource planning software and
the Free Trade Association and European social media channels. Security system
Union. Analysis functions display trends and integrations with programs such as Active
offer insights through consulting services. Directory, Kerberos and OAuth add an extra
Power BI consultants give users a support level of protection to the software’s built-in
system for all inquiries concerning the security measures.
software’s functions. Not only serving as a
guide to the software’s functions, consulting Qlik has one of the most advanced
services through Microsoft Power BI offer Application Programming Interface (API)
insight into the analyses provided by the command sets in the analytics industry and
system. Additional services include financial has continually been improving its
analytics, fraud prevention and security functionality over the last several years.
measures, and compliance monitoring. QlikView’s API provides seamless integration
Microsoft has also collaborated with with other tools and the data housed within
companies like Dell, Avanade Inc. and them. With many enterprises requesting API
Bismart for the Power BI partner program — a support, Qlik has also provided APIs to
team of over 300 organizations bringing control functions previously accessible only
solutions and expertise to users. And with the through the user interface. The result has
Power BI partner search engine, businesses been rapid adoption of the Qlik Analytics

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

can use filters to find the right solution for Platform (QAP), which is being used today by
their location, industry and company size. developers to embed analytics queries into
reporting and analytics apps. QlikView has
When considering Power BI vs Tableau or the ability to extract data from standard open
Power BI vs QlikView, the partner companies database connectivity (ODBC) and OLE
of Microsoft Power BI place the program’s connections and non-standard, unstructured
decision services above the others. Power BI sources like text files and XML files.
partners provide an extensive source of Integration with web services, security tools,
know-how unmatched by competitors. legacy systems and metadata is offered
through QlikView as well. The software
Integrations advertises coordination with Excel,
Salesforce, SAP Netweaver and Microsoft
Tableau includes improved support for REST SharePoint.
APIs and JavaScript, making integration
across analytics platforms more efficient and Microsoft Power BI possesses the advantage
of Microsoft’s familiarity and connections to
Advantages and Disadvantages
assorted applications. Users of Microsoft its relationships. A benefit of QlikView is that
Power BI can mine data from programs such it can plug into almost any data source,
as Microsoft Excel, Google Analytics, MySQL, making it the most versatile of the modern
Oracle, Salesforce, MailChimp, Facebook and intelligence tool offerings. The software uses
Zendesk, with new data sources added every its Qlik Connectors application to pull data
month. The Microsoft foundation of this from various sources. The Qlik DataMarket is
analytic tool ensures a smooth meshing of a resource that offers users a place to acquire
Power BI with the existing work base of a external data sources. The extensive
business. One of the more innovative features databases provided by the Qlik DataMarket
of Microsoft Power BI is the ability to use open businesses to new tools for managing
browser- and desktop-based authoring with data.
apps and platforms that are both on-premise
and in the cloud. This hybrid integration In conjunction with other Microsoft offerings,
strategy is based on the Microsoft Azure including Azure, SQL Server Analysis,
Cloud APIs. real-time data streaming and R-analytics,
Power BI provides a broad analytics
The Microsoft backing of the Power BI landscape. Connect Power BI to in-house
platform ensures simple integration with a data sources or external sources like Hadoop,
number of external applications. Nearly every Azure HDInsight and Spark for a full range of
program that works with Microsoft can data access. Open database connectivity
integrate with Power BI, offering an expansive integration provides access to big data
library of possible collaboration options. sources. Users can visualize, analyze, report
and share data pulled from ODBC sources.
Big Data Integration

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

The simplicity of Microsoft Power BI’s big data
Tableau can connect to nearly any data integrations places the solution above
repository, ranging from MS Excel to Hadoop Tableau and QlikView. Power BI presents
clusters. The program opens up data source databases in a menu view where users can
integration to a broad range of relational simply select their data source of choice,
databases, Hadoop distributions and NoSQL. connect to the data and begin the process of
Additionally, support for IBM SPSS, SAS and analysis and reporting. If big data integration
open source R data files is included in the is one of your key business intelligence
product. There is also a Web Connector that requirements, consider this when evaluating
supports integration to Marketo, SQL and Tableau vs Power BI or Power BI vs
other enterprise systems. QlikView.

QlikView can pull data from many sources to

ensure a complete portrait of information and
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Tableau Server

Tableau server empowers everyone in your organization to see and understand their data. It is at
the centre of your business intelligence. It ensures a user can explore and share data in a trusted
and secure environment that scales to meet your organization's demands. It naturally fits within the
fabric of your business to provide the governance, your business needs, this means your team can
connect to and manage data on-premises or in the cloud from spreadsheets databases, big data
and cloud applications

It also enables to analyze in Tableau desktop and securely share your results to Tableau Server in
seconds, create beautiful visualizations to highlight opportunities in your business, empower
everyone to drag and drop and explore data to see patterns and quickly spot trends without limiting
them to predefined questions, wizards or chart types bring meaning to your data and find answers
in minutes. Tableau server visual tools help you manage and monitor everything from user
permissions to data source connectivity and the status of the server.

Cost of Ownership

License/Subscription Cost Based on number of users.

Subscription costs allow users to access Tableau over a set

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

time-frame on both on-premise and cloud.

Maintenance Cost An additional cost over and above the upfront cost has to be
paid for ongoing support and maintenance

Installation/Implementation Cost ● On-Premise: Typically charged over and above the

license cost
● Cloud-based/SaaS: Included in the monthly
subscription cost

Tableau Server

Cost of Ownership

Installation/Implementation Cost Custom version cannot be requested - rather users can do

limited customizations on their own, such as:
● User can change the server name that appears in the
browser tab, tooltips, and messages
● User can change the logos that appear in different
server page contexts
● User can control the language used for the server user
interface and the locale used for views
● Custom fonts can be installed for different clients
● Administrators and project leaders can also add
images to projects

Data Migration Cost/Change Data Migration is possible in Tableau Servers and can be
Management/Upfront Switching Cost done with the following tools - Tabcmd Script, REST API,
TabMigrate and Enterprise Deployment Tool by InterWorks

Training Cost ● Two types of training can be obtained – in-person or

virtual. In-person training takes 2 days whereas Virtual
classes take 4 days
● Training costs $1,400 per person for each type of

Recurring/Renewal Costs Renewal cost is equivalent to the fees paid annually, based on
the number of users

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Pricing Details

Category Description Price/Details

Tableau Server ● On-premises or on public cloud with Amazon On- premise / Cloud
On-Premise/Public Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google based –$35 per user per
Cloud Cloud Platform month
● Centrally manage data sources and workbooks
● Explore analytics from any browser or mobile
● Author in your browser and subscribe to
workbook updates

Tableau Server

Pricing Details

Category Description Price/Details

Tableau Online Fully ● SaaS form of Tableau Server with $42 per user per month
Hosted maintenance, upgrades, and security fully
managed by Tableau
● Centrally manage data sources and workbooks
● Explore analytics from any browser or mobile
● Author in your browser and subscribe to
workbook updates

Deployment Options What options are available for product deployment? Cloud-based/SaaS

Pricing Model What is the pricing model? Subscription-based

Minimum Commitment Is there a minimum monthly or yearly commitment Minimum commitment of

required for purchase? one year is required

Custom Quote Is there an option of requesting custom quote? Not Available

Free Trial Does the vendor provide a free trial option? Yes

Product Limitations

Some of the product limitations include:

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

● Tableau Server does not support data encryption
● Does not provide multi-location support
● The solution is not user-friendly, especially the report-builder
● Does not allow users to share datasets, and requires a separate subscription package
● Requires IT support for integrations and other high-end tasks. Users cannot do this using
tutorials or self-help videos on their own


QlikView, a product of Qlik is rapidly growing as one of the fastest BI and data visualization
software. It is gaining popularity among companies as the product can be deployed quickly, can be
used and learned easily. It is known for its powerful data discovery and interactive guided analysis.
The product is the leader in the market for its data discovery feature.

In the current highly competitive market, QlikView to meet the demands such as management and
scalability needs of most enterprises has developed a highly advanced enterprise-class
architecture. To ensure the quality of interactive data discovery, it provides a highly scalable,
secure, and manageable environment. No matter where the data is located, data is file-based,
on-premise, in the cloud, or in big data sources, it can access, combine and load the data from
their exact location.

Cost of Ownership

License/Subscription Cost Based on a combination of server, user, document and

application-based licensing

Maintenance Cost ● For On-Premise solution, maintenance cost is over and

above the upfront fee

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

● Standard support services are charged at 20% of the
license cost
● Premium (24X7) support services are charged at 23%
of the license cost

Installation/Implementation Cost Implementation services are provided by QlikView Consulting

or through an implementation partner at an additional cost

Customization Cost Will vary depending on the functional requirements or services


Data Migration Cost/Change Dependent on your current software, amount of data to be

Management/Upfront Switching Cost migrated, availability of migration tools, complexity of data and
gaps between the existing system and the new system.


Cost of Ownership

Training Cost ● E-learning or self-learn modules are available free of

cost on
● All other trainings are charged based on volume. Live
classroom training or online (virtual classroom) training
is charged at $700 per person per day or $3,500 for a
dedicated course (1 company) for up to 10 people

Recurring/Renewal Costs Renewal costs includes software update license and support

Pricing Details

Category Description Price/Details

QlikView Client ● Personal Edition ● Personal Edition: Free

License Pricing ● Named User License ● Named User License: $1,350
● Document License per named user
● Concurrent License ● Document License: $350 per
named user, per document
● Concurrent License: $15,000
per concurrent user

QlikView Server ● Enterprise Edition Server ● Enterprise Edition Server:

License Pricing ● Small Business Edition Server (up to $35,000 per server
25 named users) ● Small Business Edition

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

● Test Servers Server(up to 25 named
● QlikView Publisher users): $8,400 per server
● PDF Report Distribution Service ● Test Servers: 50% of server
● Connector to SAP NetWeaver® license cost
● Connector to ● QlikView Publisher: $21,000
● Connector to Informatica per server
● PDF Report Distribution
Service: $21,000 per server
● Connector to SAP
NetWeaver®: $22,500 per
● Connector to Free
● Connector to Informatica:


Pricing Details

Category Description Price/Details

QlikView Extranet & ● Extranet ● Extranet Server: $18,000 per

Other Products ● Extranet Server server
● Extranet Server Concurrent License ● Extranet Server Concurrent
● Other products License: $3,000 per server
● Information Access Server ● Other products
● QlikView Workbench 5 ● Information Access Server:
● Web parts for Microsoft SharePoint $70,000
● QlikView Workbench 5:
$4,200 per server
● Web parts for Microsoft
SharePoint: $4,200 per

Deployment Options What options are available for product On Premise


Pricing Model What is the pricing model? Licensing

Minimum Is there a minimum monthly or yearly Typically, a minimum commitment of

Commitment commitment required for purchase? 1-3 years is required for license
based solutions

Custom Quote Is there an option of requesting custom Available


SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Free Trial Does the vendor provide a free trial option? Yes

Product Limitations

Some of the product limitations include:

● Does not support online analytical processing (OLAP)

● Users cannot predict the profitability of projects or departments using QlikView
● The solution does not help users identify patterns within data
● Lacks ad hoc reporting functionality
● Does not allow users to schedule receiving BI reports at specific times in a particular format

Microsoft Power BI

MS Power BI is a business intelligence service provided by Microsoft. The BI tool can be broken
down into several tools such as Power Query which is used to extract and transform data; Power
Pivot is mainly used to model and analyze data and Power View and Map tool is used to visualize
data. It provides interactive visualizations and self-service business intelligence capabilities which
enables users to create reports and dashboards by themselves, without the support of IT or
database and system administrators.

It provides a cloud-based BI service which is known as "Power BI Services", also providing a

desktop based interface which is known as "Power BI Desktop". It offers data warehouse
capabilities such as data preparation, data discovery and interactive dashboards. It is also popular
for its ability to load custom visualizations.

Cost of Ownership

License/Subscription Cost Based on number of users for Power BI Pro and

Capacity-based pricing for Power BI Premium (refer pricing
section for more details)

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Maintenance Cost Included in the subscription cost

Installation/Implementation Cost Included in the subscription cost. Additional charges may apply
for data migration during implementation, maintaining
on-premise data sources and building dashboards and reports

Customization Cost Dependent on your current software, amount of data to be

migrated, availability of migration tools, complexity of data and
gaps between the existing system and the new system.

Data Migration Cost/Change ● Dependent on the type of training opted by an

Management/Upfront Switching Cost Organization, whether it is end-user training or
group/department training or video/self-training or
training the trainer.
● Self-guided trainings are available free of cost whereas
self-paced and online classroom training can be
charged between $175 to $300 for a Power BI course
Microsoft Power BI

Cost of Ownership

Recurring/Renewal Costs Renewal cost is equivalent to the fees paid monthly or


Pricing Details

Category Description Price/Details

Power BI Desktop ● Connect to hundreds of data sources Free

Author ● Clean and prepare data using visual
● Analyze and build stunning reports
with custom visualizations
● Publish to the Power BI service
● Embed in public websites

Power BI Pro Share ● Build dashboards that deliver a $9.99 per month per user
and Collaborate 360-degree, real-time view of the
● Keep data up-to-date automatically,
including on-premises sources
● Collaborate on shared data
● Audit and govern how data is
accessed and used
● Package content and distribute to
users with apps

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Power BI Premium ● Gain dedicated capacity you allocate, ● $4,995 per node per month
For large scale, and control ● Approx. $24,975 per month
deployments ● Distribute and embed content without for 5000 users with 3 nodes
purchasing per-user licenses (Power BI Premium cost will
● Publish reports on-premises with be $14,895 + $9,900 for 100
Power BI Report Server BI pro users)
● Unlock more capacity and higher ● Power BI pro licenses need
limits for your Pro users to be purchased for Power BI
premium subscription for
content authoring

Deployment Options What options are available for product Cloud - based/SaaS

Pricing Model What is the pricing model? Subscription and Capacity-based

Microsoft Power BI

Pricing Details

Category Description Price/Details

Minimum Is there a minimum monthly or yearly Minimum annual commitment is

Commitment commitment required for purchase? required for purchase

Custom Quote Is there an option of requesting custom Available


Free Trial Does the vendor provide a free trial option? Yes

Product Limitations

Some of the product limitations include:

● No integration available for services like Vend POS, Shopify directly

● Graphical visualization is fairly limited as compared to other BI tools
● Does not support SQL queries
● Comparatively difficult to work with huge data sets on Power BI
● Does not let users build scheduled reports, personalized user views, personalized
notifications, personalized security views, or customizable reports

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Tableau vs Qlikview vs Power BI
Comparing Tableau vs QlikView Tableau on this aspect of embedded
analytics. Both Qlik and Tableau are evenly
Qlik’s reputation for developing matched on their support for SmartData
enterprise-level products that deliver excellent Discovery as well. Overall, however, Tableau
customer experiences is accelerating as dominates the analysis and content creation
QlikView continues to attract new customers feature set comparison of these two
to the company and extend Qlik’s market companies.
growth. Qlik Sense continues to be the
company’s lead product, further strengthening Tableau’s depth of expertise and feature
their market position in the data discovery, richness are evident in how advanced their
stand-alone and embedded analytics interactive visual exploration, analytics
markets. Over the year, Qlik has also grown dashboards and support for mobile-based
its global partner network, which is also exploration and authoring are. Analytics
accelerating Qlik’s overall market adoption. supported across visual exploration,
dashboards and supporting with mobile
Qlik’s product strengths include an in-memory authoring all reside in the cloud, providing
engine capable of visualizing patterns and enterprises with 6exibility in reporting and
producing associative analytics that isn’t analysis.
achievable using SQL alone. The in-memory
engine is scalable enough to integrate with Enterprise Data Management Components
many different types of data sources, creating – Qlik’s architecture has been designed to
a uni/ed dashboard show analytics, metrics support self contained ETL and data storage,
and key performance indicators (KPIs) of making this series of features a strength
interest. Many of Qlik’s enterprise customers versus Tableau. Both Qlik and Tableau are

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

say QlikView and Qlik Sense are easy to use evenly matched on self-service data
and their dashboards and intuitive and easy preparation, an area both companies have
to understand. A few are using NPrinting for publicly stated they are investing a signi/cant
reporting and have had good results. amount of their R&D budgets in this year.
Both Qlik and Tableau are also evenly
Tableau and Qlik are comparable and matched on metadata management, an area
share many of the same strengths and both have designed into the core components
weaknesses. The following is an analysis of their applications and data platforms.
of how each compares:
Features That Support Publishing
Analysis and Content Creation – Tableau Findings – Qlik is more advanced than
excels at advanced embedded analytics, and Tableau at embedding analytic content, while
is a solid leader in the analytics and BI market Tableau has the edge when it comes to
on this feature. Qlik lags behind embedding advanced analytics content
across all platforms. Qlik has a more
Tableau vs Qlikview vs Power BI
streamlined approach to publishing, sharing Microsoft is pricing Power BI at nearly
and collaborating with data than Tableau. one-third the license cost of a typical three
Qlik’s emphasis on delivering an excellent year BI license and is also offering one of the
user experience is what makes them a lowest subscription pricing programs in the
stronger contender in this area. market today. The Power BI Suite is delivered
on the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform, with
Support For Infrastructure Components – the Power BI Desktop provided on-premise as
regarding administrative tasks, security, and a stand-alone option.
architecture, Qlik has the lead over Tableau.
Qlik’s infrastructure is designed to scale in Microsoft Power BI Desktop is also popular
enterprises more e:ciently by providing IT with with power users who are creating complex
the needed support, tools and if needed, data analyses that include premise-based
partner support, to get up and running fast. data sources and integration points. Data
On infrastructure integration, Tableau has a Prep, data discovery, and interactive
slight edge given the popularity, stability and dashboards are all included in the Power BI
overall maturity of its APIs. Qlik also has Suite and Power BI Desktop.
extensive integration options and expertise,
yet Tableau has been able to capitalize on Tableau and Microsoft Power BI are both
their market momentum and gain more considered superior at intuitive design
integration partners and support. Cloud BI is and ease of use, with Microsoft having an
also a component of infrastructure, and both edge on infrastructure support and
Tableau and Qlik are comparable on this components, and Tableau being the leader
feature. on ease of use. The following is an
analysis of how each compares:

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Bottom line: Qlik and Tableau are
well-matched on all aspects of analytics and Analysis and Content Creation – Tableau’s
BI, with Tableau having the edge on platform expertise in these areas of analytics and BI
work integration and ease of use and visual application development are evident in how
appeal.For enterprises that rely on a wide advanced their embedded advanced analytics
variety of data integration points, Qlik has the are relative to Power BI. Tableau is a
edge given the depth and breadth of its generation ahead of many competitors in the
options in this area. fields of advanced embedded analytics.

Comparing Power BI vs Tableau Also, Tableau is superior to Microsoft Power

BI when it comes to creating and keeping
When comparing Power BI vs. Tableau, real-time dashboards current with real-time
Microsoft continues to emphasize ease of use data integration. Microsoft Power BI and
and price when competing against Tableau. Tableau are comparable on interactive visual
Conversations with enterprise buyers indicate and mobile exploration and authoring.
Tableau vs Qlikview vs Power BI
Enterprise Data Management Components exceed the depth of support Microsoft has on
– Tableau and Microsoft Power BI are these infrastructure components. Overall,
comparable on the three core areas of Microsoft Power BI has a more dominant
enterprise data management. Both provide infrastructure platform than Tableau.
above-average self-contained ETL and data
storage, and both provide self-service data Bottom line: Tableau excels at providing a
preparation. Microsoft Power BI’s strength in highly interactive, intuitive series of
self service data preparation is evident in how visualization tools and dashboard options that
the user experience is designed to guide capitalize on the strong base of data
novice users yet provide power users with the connectors the company has created over the
tools they need to complete data presentation last two years. Microsoft’s leadership position
tasks quickly. Both Tableau and Microsoft on infrastructure components including
Power BI are evenly matched in the area of administration, security, and architecture is
metadata management as well. understandable given Microsoft Power BI
being offered on the Azure Cloud Platform
Features That Support Publishing and on-premise.
Findings – Microsoft Power BI’s ability to
embed analytics content is superior to Comparing QlikView vs Power BI
Tableau and is used pervasively in business
analytics and BI reporting workflows across Qlik continues to invest heavily in intuitive,
enterprises. Tableau has more effective easy-to use product features and workflows,
features for publishing, sharing and which is a significant competitive advantage
collaborating with visualizations and data versus Microsoft Power BI. Qlik’s embedded
analysis completed. analytics capability is superior to Microsoft

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

Power BI as well. QlikView and Microsoft
Support For Infrastructure Components – Power BI are comparable and share many of
Microsoft Power BI is superior to Tableau the same strengths and weaknesses. The
when it comes to data source connectivity following is an analysis of how each
given Microsoft’s API and Web Service compares:
expertise on Azure Cloud and on-premises
integration options. Based on conversations Analysis and Content Creation – Microsoft
with enterprise users, Microsoft’s Power BI dominates this area of the comparison with
Azure instance support is exceptionally fast their greatest strengths being interactive
and also considered better than Tableau’s visual exploration and mobile exploration and
cloud BI support. authoring. Microsoft has a commanding lead
from a feature perspective in each of these
Microsoft’s extensive administration, security two years. Both Qlik and Microsoft Power BI
and infrastructure support is also exceptional. also support embedded advanced analytics, 28
Only Oracle, SAP, SAS and Domo meet or with Microsoft having delivered proven results
Tableau vs Qlikview vs Power BI
to enterprises with this feature in use by experiences using each and from
business analysts globally. conversations with business analysts at
enterprises who have adopted each, it’s clear
Microsoft Power BI also is more effective at that Qlik has a commanding lead in this area.
SmartData Recovery when compared with
Qlik’s products. Qlik and Microsoft Power BI Support For Infrastructure Components –
are evenly matched on support for advanced With Microsoft generating a signi/cant amount
analytics dashboards. of revenue from infrastructure and platform
platforms, it’s a reasonable assumption that
Enterprise Data Management Components Microsoft Power BI would dominate this highly
– Qlik dominates the market with its competitive area of analytics and BI
self-contained ETL and data storage applications. In reality, many competitors
capabilities, outdistancing Microsoft on this have just as good if not better infrastructure
aspect of data management. Qlik is one of applications and tools compared to Microsoft.
the best vendors providing analytics and BI
solutions today with SiSense being the only Qlik is at a competitive parity with Microsoft in
other vendor at this level of performance. the areas of administration, security, and
architecture. Microsoft has a slight lead over
Qlik and Microsoft are evenly matched on Qlik in the area of data source connectivity,
self-service data preparation and embedded and Microsoft leads on the Cloud BI feature
advanced analytics. Microsoft has more set due to its depth of expertise on Microsoft
expertise delivering embedded advanced Azure to Power BI support to the platform
analytics, but Qlik is gaining momentum in level.
this area due to its focus on usability and

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019

delivering greater customer experiences in Bottom line: Microsoft Power BI has greater
their products. platform workflow integrations, more
advanced platform support for Cloud BI due
Features That Support Publishing to its depth of expertise on Azxure, and has
Findings – With the goals of providing the an easy to use interface. Due to these three
best usability possible and excelling at factors, Microsoft Power BI is superior to Qlik.
delivering intuitive, easy to use applications, With a core competitive strength in usability
Qlik dominates this area of features. Qlik and application design, Qlik needs to build
guides users through how to embed analytic out its platform strategy while strengthening
content and according to enterprise users are its SmartData Discovery and Embedded
more intuitive to use compared to Microsoft. Advanced Analytics feature sets.

Qlik is also the superior solutions for

publishing, sharing and collaborating using
content as well. Based on personal
Advantage Summary
Tableau, QlikView and Power BI are all solid BI tools. Which one is the best fit for your company
depends on your analysis needs. If connecting to existing internal databases, data warehouses
and other data sources is critical to your operations, you must individually analyze these solutions
against those requirements and configurations.

If visualizations are your core focus, Tableau is far and away the best answer. There is a reason
the company and product are consistently top-ranked in intelligence visualizations.

QlikView is highly adaptable and provides wide-ranging deep analytics. It also provides
integration with Deltek products, so if you use Deltek for time and expense or earned value
management (EVM) reporting, QlikView is a natural choice. Overall, QlikView also continues to
have one of the industry’s highest customer satisfaction ratings.

Microsoft’s Power BI is inexpensive and plugs in seamlessly with MS Office. It is a solid option if
you need quick access to specific analytics or intensive reporting (and have personnel who are
skilled in MS-based data queries). Microsoft Power BI is the only one of these three data
visualization and analytics apps that have extensive R and big data-related integrations, ensuring
this apps’ scalability for larger projects.

Overall, Microsoft Power BI emerges as the most comprehensive solution among these three
tools. Microsoft provides integration abilities that are simply unmatched by competitors, resulting
in one of the most user-friendly, data-connected business intelligence systems available.

SelectHub BI Comparison Report 2019


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