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1. Ifa says that when you are coming from heaven you chose
as part of your destiny prestige, honour, progress and
success. All these you shall surely get. You however need
to note that your success will come from outside of where
you were born. Ifa says that when you get to the strange
land, state, province or locality. The indigenes of that locality
will try to conspire against and they will insult you. You do
not need to bother your head about all these because it is in
midst of the indigenes of the strange land that you will
succeed. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two roosters, two
hens, two pigeons and money. There is also the need for
you to feed Ifa with two rats and two fish. On this, Ifa says:

Onile nii san’wo

Ki alejo o too san’wo
Dia fun Ogo
Ti nsawo rele Iseyin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ogo kii sara Iseyin
Awo lo se de’be o

The host needs to wash his hand first
Before the guest wash his own hand
Ifa’s message for Ogo
When going on Ifa mission to Iseyin land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ogo is not an indigene of Iseyin land
It was business that brought him there

2. There are many people who are yearning for the blessing of
the fruit of the womb around you. ifa says that each of this
women needs to feed Egbe as appropriate. Ifa however
advises each of them to offer ebo with two pigeons, two
guinea-fowls and money. Each of them also needs to feed
Egbe with all fruits available at that time, honey, kolanuts,
bitterkola, liquor, palm-oil, and money. Please note: your
own type of Egbe must be consecrated Idi tree. That is
where your own Egbe normally reside.

Owonrin nwosa
Osa nwoosa miran
Dia fun won n’Iseeyin omo Abedi moko
Won feyinti moju ekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje pele o, ara Iseyin
Omo a bo Idin moko o

Owonrin is looking up to Osa
And Osa is looking up to other Orisa
Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of Iseyin
The offspring of those who feed Idi tree before they copulate
with their husbands.
When they were lamenting their inability to have their own
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Gently, indigenes of Iseyin
Offsprings of those who propitiate Idi tree before they
copulate with their husbands

3. Ifa says that there is the need for you to offer ebo against six
evil principalities. Ifa says that these principalities are death,
ailments, contention, loss, affliction of Obaluaye and the
Elders of the Night. Ifa advises you to procure six stream
crabs, 6 roosters, 6 medium size bottle of palm-oil and 6 clay
plates and money. Each of the crabs will be placed inside
each of the clay plate and a lot of palm-oil will the pour into
it. These items will be placed into where Ifa recommends.
Doing this will chase away all evil principalities from you. on
this, Ifa says:

Kini kan nbe ninu ogan

O ndun mahuru-mahuru
Kini kan nbe ninu ogan
O ndun mahuru-mahere
Bi o panije, ko panije
Bi o sib a si panije
Ko ye dun’hun-u mahuru-mahere leni lori mo
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nbe laarin ota mefa
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Iku gbakan o maa lo o, ogbakan-ngbekan
Arun gbakan o maa lo o, ogbakan-ngbekan
Ejo gbakan o maa lo o, ogbakan-ngbekan
Ofo gbakan o maa lo o, ogbakan-ngbekan
Obaluwaye gbakan o maa lo o, ogbakan-ngbekan
Eyin Iya mi gbakan o maa lo o, ogbakan-ngbekan

There is something inside the anthill
That is making terrifying noise
There is something inside the anthill
That is making frightening sound
If he intends to kill one, let it do so
If it does not want to kill one
He should stop making terrifying noise henceforth
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he was in the midst of six enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Death took one crab and left
Ailments took one crab and left
Contention took one crab and left
Loss took one crab and left
Affliction of Obaluaye took one crab and left
The Elders of the Night took one crab and left

4. Ifa says that whenever you are encountering problems in

your life it is because you have bad Egbe following you from
heaven to this world and they had being your companion
ever since. There is the need for you to chase away all
these bad Egbe so that the good ones who are suppose to
be your companion will have chance to stay with you. First
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one rooster, one pigeon, 20
kolanuts and money. After this, you need to procure a bottle
calabash, you will pour alcohol into the calabash until it is fill
into the brim. You will then go to the center of the three
cross road. You will wave the calabash over your head
three times and you will be telling the bad egbe to depart
from you as you are doing this. After this, you will smash the
calabash on the ground with all your power and you will
return home. When you get home, you will then propitiate
your egbe comprehensively and all the good Egbe will from
that day be your companions. On this, Ifa says:

Akisa ponnaku idi elegbo

Olomo waape-waape
Dia fun Omoleyo
Ti egbe re ntoleyin kaakiri aye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Omoleyo, o ba loti o lobi o fi fa’lawo
Ki ajogun orun o peyinda


The rag used by someone with festering sore

It is dirty and stinking
Ifa’s message for Omoleyo
Whose Egbe is following him the world over
He was advised to offer ebo
Omoleyo, please procure liquor and kolanuts and give them
to an Awo
This will enable all Ajogun of heaven to depart from you

5. Ifa advises you to offer ebo now because a time will come
when you will give birth to a child who will be having an
incessant ailment. This ailment is coming from the Elders of
the Night who are using this as punishments against you. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with one matured female sheep and
money. You also need to propitiate the Elders of the Night
as appropriate. On this, Ifa says:

Owonrin nwosa
Osa nworisa miran
Dia fun Ohun tii somo Olorin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
E ma gbaa loo mi o
E ma gbaa loo mii
Ohun omo Olorin
E ma gbaa loo mii

Owonrin is looking up to Osa
And Osa is looking up to other Orisa
Ifa’s message for Ohun
The child of Olorin
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Please don’t take her away from me
Please don’t snatch her away from me
Ohun the child of Olorin
Don’t take her away from me

6. Ifa says that if you are married and your wife is having the
problem of childbearing it is because the tradition in her
paternal lineage is giving her problems. This may be
because she had not being participating in matters of
traditionalism in her paternal lineage. Ifa advises her to offer
ebo with two matured rams and money. One of the rams will
be used to propitiate Oro on behave of her paternal

Oye nii ta funfun kari aye

Olorun pajuba iwa kale
Dia fun Iye omo
A bu fun Akanke
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Akanke ma mi jo o
Oro mi lu
Omo ni se’hun baba re

The harmattan is it that spread white chalk all over
The heaven constructed a makeshift hut
Ifa’s message for the mother of the child
And for Akanke
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Akanke is dancing
And Oro is drumming
The child is doing what her personal ancestors demanded

7. Ifa says that you have a male child there is the need for you
to initiate the child as soon as possible. Ifa says that this
child will become great in life. You also need to feed Osu for
this child. This is because this child will face several
oppositions and difficulties in life. It is in your best interest to
fortify this child ahead of these challenges. Ifa advises you
to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money. You also
need to feed Ifa with four rats and four fish. You also need
to feed Osu with one rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Kinni kan nbe ninu ogan

O ndun mahururu mahururu
Kinni kan nbe ninu ogan
O ndunhun-u maherere-maherere
Dia fun Adagudu
Tii somo bibi inu Agbonniregun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Adagudu, omoo ni nii se o
O ba te osu siwaju
O ma te seyin
Adagudu omoo mi nii se o

There is something inside the anthill
That is making terrifying noise
There is something inside the anthill
That is making frightening sound
Ifa’s message for Adagudu
The child of Agbonniregun
When he was in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Adagudu is my child
Please use your Osu to step the ground in front
And not at your back
Adagudu is my child

8. Ifa assures you that Obatala had promised that you shall not
lack the blessing of childbearing in your life. Come what me,
Obatala will provide you with children that will make you
happy and proud. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two
guinea-fowls, two hens, two pigeons and money. You also
need to feed Obatala with 16 Efun and 16 land snails.

Owonrin nwosa
Osa nwowonrin
Dia fun Osaala Oseremagbo
O nsunkun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje Alalaade omoo mi ni
Talabai omoo mi nii
Salako o de, omo Orisa

Owonrin is looking up to Osa
And Osa is looking up to Owonrin
Ifa’s message to Oosanla Oseremagbo
When lamenting his inability to have his own baby
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Alalade is my child
Talabi is also my child
Here comes Salako, the child of Orisa

9. Ifa promises that you will be blessed with many Ire of life.
You will also be blessed with peace and tranquility. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with two guinea-fowls, two pigeons
and money. You also need to feed Ifa with four rats, four
fish and honey. On this, Ifa says:

Ekuya nla abidi gbodo

Ewu arugbo lewu ire
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti nsawo rele Aseyin Amokun
Aye oun le toro lo n dafa si
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje aye e mi di aye Ajitoro o segi
Tale-tale, Iwa oba ko sai toro

The big Ekuya tree with broad base
It is only the gray hair in the head of an old person that is
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going on Ifa mission to the home of Aseyin Amokin
He wanted to know if his life will be peaceful
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
My life has become as peaceful as that of the blue coral
Before night time, my destiny shall be rewarding and
10. Ifa says that again if your wife is having child bearing
challenges, there is the need for you to go and feed Idi tree
for her and she will be blessed with her own babies.

Owonrin wosa nlota o

Owonrin wosa nlogi
Oogun pinpin nimu eni ti yoo gbeje
Dia fun Agan-o-ri-bi
Tii se aremo Aseyin Arolu
To nmenu sunrahun tomo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje pele o
Omo abo idi ka too moko o

Owonrin wosa nlota o
Owonrin wosa nlogi
Oogun pinpin nimu eni ti yoo gbeje
Ifa’s message for Agan-o-ribi, the barren woman
When lamenting her inability to have her own baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Now gently,
She who propitiates Idi tree before making love with her

11. Ifa says that women will be running after you at a stage
in your life. Your discretion is very important here. You do
not need to turn yourself into a womanizer because of this.
Ifa however advises you to offer ebo so that you are going to
meet with favour of the female folks throughout your life.
Ebo material: two guinea-fowls, two pigeons and money.
You also need to feed Ifa with one matured she-goat.

Oju alaro won o tole aro

Oju amokoko won o tole ikoko
Oju iponti won o tole adiro
Oju aboyun won o tole iyamopo abee re o
Dia fun Akinlaja
Ti n sunkun alailobinrin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Onipele n pe mi
Alabaja n pe mi
Onigonbo n pe mi
Akinlaja, iwo ni n o fee dandan o

The dye maker cannot see the bottom of her dye
And the pot maker cannot see the bottom of the pot
Also the alcohol producer cannot see the bottom of the
And a pregnant woman cannot see her own genitals by
Ifa’s message for Akinlaja
When lamenting his inability to have a compatible
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The woman with Pele marks is calling me
The one with Agbaja marks is summoning me
And the one Gombo marks is inviting me
They are all saying
Akinlaja you are the one I will marry

12. Ifa says that as good as you are in character, your

problem is your anger. Whenever you are angry, you don’t
normally consider the possible outcome of whatever action
you want to take. This is an area that needs serious review
so that you will not do what you will regret for the rest of your
life. Ifa also says that the anger is traceable to your father
because he also has very high temper. You however need
to feed Obatala with one matured he-goat cooked inside
gbegiri, bean soup and if your father has passed on, you
need to use the same soup to feed his father on top of his
grave. Ifa says that there is the tendency for you to beget at
least four children. On no condition must you curse or swear
on your children. On this, Ifa says:

Ologbon nii jiwo

Olumoran a si jobi
Marumaje ibe nii jawusa
Dia fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo
Yoo se baba Otaribiduro
Yoo se baba Agunmata
Yoo se baba Adooribi-dasi
Yoo se baba Teteregun
Eji ti yoo binu ojo kan
Ti yoo fa awo omo e leku lowo
Pamo nigbe fun mi kii denu olomo o
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti yoo gbomo Orisa sile lowo iku
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Oba nla a maa binu ojo o
Orisanla a maa roe dun osun
A kii ma maa binu ojo kan
Ka pomo eni o

The wise person is he who eats bitter kolas
The understanding one eats kolanuts
The greedy one among them eats walnuts
Ifa’s message for Oosanla Oseeremagbo
Who will be the father of Otaribiduro
And be the father of Agunmate
And be the father of Adooribi-dasi
And also be the father of Teteregun
When he would in a state of anger
Hand over his children to death
Beat my child for me
Does not come with sincerity from the parent
Ifa’s message to Orunmila
When he would rescue all Orisa children from death
He was advised to offer ebo
Obanla please do not be angry on any matter in one
Orisanla do not show anger on any issue in just one
One cannot show anger on any issue that happened in
just one day
And then kill all one’s children

13. Ifa says that you and two of your siblings shall succeed
together. Ifa says that you may be having financial problems
at the present time. If this is the case, Ifa recommends that
the three of you needs to travel to strange lands and you
need to go to three different lands. That is where your
success is. Ifa advises each of you to offer ebo with three
pigeons and money. on this, Ifa says:

Isu oro bale ko modemode
Dia fun Opara, ti nsawo re Sabee
Da fun Ibayin, O nsawo rode Onko
Dia fun Ogba, ti nsawo re’Seyin Oro, omo Abedi-moko
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Opera de Sabee
O di onile
Won ni pele o, omo oni Sabee, omo Opara
Ibayin de Onko, o di onile
Won n pe pele o
Onko omo Ibayin
Ogba de Iseyin, o di onile
Won n pe pele o
Iseyin Arolu omo Abodi moko
Omo Ogba to la ile Iseyin ja

Isu oro bale ko modemode
They cast Ifa for Opara
When going on Ifa mission to Sabee land
And for Ibayin
When going on Ifa mission to Onko land
And for Ogba when going on Ifa mission to Iseyin Oro
Offspring of those who feed Idi tree before making love
with their husband
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
When Opara got to Sabee
He became a land owner
People greet him saying gently Opara
And they greet the indigenes of Sabee as children of
When Ibayin got to Onko
They greeted him saying, gently Ibayin
And they greet the indigenes of Onko saying Onko the
children of Ibayin
When Ogba got to Iseyin
They greeted him by saying gently Ogba
And they greeted the indigene of Iseyin by saying Iseyin
Offsprings of those who feed Idi tree before making
love with their husbands
Children of Ogba who spreads across Iseyin land

14. Ifa assures you that you will be given the Ire of
prosperity honour and title in your life. Ifa advises you to
offer ebo with three pigeons, three guinea-fowls, three
roosters, and money. on this, Ifa says:

Jeje mo jokoo mi jeje-ijeje

Bee ni n o mok, bee ni n o mokan
Won fade owo, won fi le mi lori itete-itete
Jej mo jokoo mi jeje-ijeje
Bee ni n o mokan, bee ni n o mokan
Won fejigba ileke, bo mi lorun ipere-ipere
Jeje mo jokoo mi ijeje-ijeje
Bee ni n o mokan, bee ni n o mokan
Won fi mi ledu oye, mo yi gbirigidi
Dia fun Aseyin Aroju
Omo ase tii mu’mi kikan
Eyi ti yoo lalaala
Ti yoo gbegba ola doja gberegede
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna

Quietly did I sit down
I knew nothing
And I understood nothing
They placed the crown of wealth on my head gingerly
Quietly did I sit down
I knew nothing
And I understood nothing
They put Ejigba beads round my neck in a befitting
Quietly did I sit down
I knew nothing
And I understood nothing
They installed me as a title and I rolled on the ground
with joy
Ifa’s message for Aseyin Aroju
Offspring of the Swifter that drinks sour water
He who will be so successful
And will carry the container of prosperity to the market
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life

15. Ifa warns you never to take any alcohol that had been
opened before. If you must take a bottle of beer, you must
make sure that it was opened in your presence. If you
cannot finish it at a time, you must not drink it again if you
had already left it. This is a very serious taboo for you. This
is just for you to avoid being a victim of food or drink poison.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with three matured roosters and
money. on this, Ifa says:
E ma fi orenbete ebitihan majesin
Dia fun Aseyin Aroju
Omo ase kii mumi kikan
Omo amuti jiwo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Iba tete mo
Iba wa fowo sarufin ebo o

Do not show a delicate deadfall trap to a youth
Ifa’s message for Aseyin Aroju
Offspring of the filter that drinks sour water
He who will drink alcohol and drink poison with it
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
Had he known in time
He would have spent his money to offer the ebo

16. Ifa says that you will be blessed with children and your
children will be useful to you and to the community. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens
and money. on this Ifa says:

Pankere nii diri haahaaha wogbo

Bere gberu nile, Awo ile Olusikan
Dia fun Obe Sagada
Ti nsunkun omo rode Isalu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni latole omo

Pankere nii diri haahaaha wogbo
Bere gberu nile the resident awo of Onisikan
They cast Ifa for Obe Sagada
When going to Isalu land in lamentation of his inability
to have his own babies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of many children
N.B. there is the tendency that the first woman who will
become pregnant for you may not want to give the child to
you. If this has happened then there is the need for you to
feed Idi tree and to propitiate Oro with one matured ram

Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa – for guidance, support, protection, progress, elevation,
longevity and general wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, elevation, contentment, peace
of mind, protection, sanctuary and self actualization
3. Esu odara – for protection, support, guidance, and victory
4. Oro – for ancestral support, childbearing, protection,
elevation and general well being
5. Egbe – for support, progress, comradeship, elevation and
self actualization
6. Obatala – for child bearing, leadership, support, protection,
and sanctuary
7. Osu – for protection against ill health


1. Must never drink any alcohol that has already being opened
– to avoid food or drink poison
2. Must never leave you ancestral practices – to avoid
unconsummated for fortune and problem of child bearing
3. Must never consume or use any of the monkey family – to
avoid the wrath of your ancestors
4. Must never be a womanizer – to avoid making wrong choice
5. Must never consume land snail – to avoid the problem of
unconsummated fortune
6. Must never consume walnut – to avoid the problem of
excessive anger
7. Must never encourage or instruct any woman to undergo
abortion – to avoid problem of child bearing
8. Must never break and anthill - to avoid the problem of
making a wrong choice partner
9. Must never work in the locality where you were born – to
avoid the problem of unconsummated fortune


1. Adagudu – the child of Orunmila who performs wonders
2. Akinlaja – bravery settles matters
3. Ifasola – Ifa makes me prosperous
1. Omoleyo – one’s child is one’s source of joy
2. Akanke – she who deliberately pampered
3. Ifasola – Ifa makes me prosperous

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