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1. Ifa says that when you are coming from heaven what you
demanded for as of utmost priority for you in your life is the
protection against enemies, crises, and disaster. Ifa as
assured you that you will not the problem of disaster in your
life. Ifa says that any home that you live in shall never
witness accident, crises or upheavals. Ifa advises you to
offer ebo with one matured he-goat, four bottles of palm-oil
and money. You also need to feed Ifa with one matured she-
goat. There is the need for all the Awo present to pray for
you against witnessing any form of disaster were you live.
They also need to pray for you so that evil spirit will not enter
and reside in your home. On this, Ifa says:

Pepe nsebirun
Irin were n tagbede o
Ewura singin-singin won kii lade elewure lo o
Dia fun ela
Tii somo alaworo igbahun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ela waa de, omo alaworo igbahun
Ile talawo gbe n jeun
Ile talawo gbe n mu
Aluba o ni wo be

Kolanuts are consume in bits and pieces
The black smith is known for his usage of beads and bits
and pieces of iron
No water yam will ever venture to go to the frontage of the
she-goat owners
Ifa’s messages for Ela
The offspring of Alaworo of old
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Here comes Ela the offspring of Alaworo of old
The home where an Awo eats
The home where an Awo drinks
Disaster must never enter such home

2. Ifa says that your reputation shall spread over the whole
world. You shall be known everywhere. Ifa will bless you
with prestige and honour. There is nothing that you are
looking for in your life that Ifa will not give you. Ifa advises
you to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two pigeons, two
hens, two guinea-fowls, two ducks, two roosters, and money.
On this, Ifa says:

A kesin lode
Ogo o re n yo nile
A kesin nile
Ogo o ro nyo lode
Eyin o mo wipe esin ko niyen
Eefin lo n je
Dia fun amoka aye
A bu fun torun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Amoka laa m’oorun
Amoka laa m’osupa
Amoka ni won o mo wa ni nore o

We rode on a horse inside the house
Its hair appears outside
We rode on the horse outside
Its hair was felt showing up inside the house
Don’t you know that
That is not a horse
It is a smoke
Ifa’s message for she who is known all over the world
And also for he who is known all over the heaven
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
She who is known everywhere is the Moon
And he who is known everywhere is the Sun
We shall be known and respected everywhere

3. Ifa says that if you plan to go to anywhere your destiny is in

support of your movement. If you go, you will succeed
wherever you go to. Ifa says that if you are going to start a
new business venture or you are going to settle down in a
new location, you shall succeed. The significance of this is
that you stand a good chance of succeeding where you were
born and even in foreign places. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with two hens, two pigeons, two roosters and money. On
this, Ifa says:

Eyi ti a wi ree
A ni ki atiro o mo bo bata
Oun o bo bata
Atiro bo bata tan
Tiwaju gbo, teyin o gbo
Dia fun Dendere
Ti nreti oya loo r’oko
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

This is what we are saying
We advised a limping man not to wear sandals
He insisted on wearing a sandal
After wearing the sandal
The front part of the sandal wore off
But the heel part did not wear off
Ifa’s message for Dendere
When going to the bank of Oya River to farm
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied

4. ifa says that it foresees the Ire of accomplishment for you.

You also be financially successful in life. You will have cause
to celebrate. You will also be blessed with peace of mind.
Ifa says that in this year your prayers shall be answered by
Olodumare. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two pigeons,
two hens, two guinea-fowls and money. On this, Ifa says:

kukuru jogbo
ojo ruku kugbo
dia fun Onyagbe
abeeni oko tien rere
igbati nsunkun oun o laje
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Isu ma ma nta loko
Agbe n k’obe bodi
Isu ma ma nta loko
Agbe n k’ada bodi

kukuru jogbo
ojo ruku kugbo
they cast Ifa for the farmer
the owner of fast expanse of farm land
when lamenting his inability to have the blessing of financial
he was advised to offer ebo
he complied
the yam germinates in the farm
the farmer is using is cutlass to scratch is backside in
the yam germinates in the farm
the farmer is using is knife to scratch is backside in

5. ifa says that you will never have the problem of getting a
compartible spouse. Ifa says that you are someone who
knows how to use tricks and persuasions to win the heart of
a woman. It is with such trick that both of you will become
man and wife. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured
he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ona gb’orita meta poruuruu

Dia fun kondo-niwe, omo olofin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Agba to sun lodede
Ko ma s’afara idi
Nitori i kondoniwe, omo olofin

The road becomes confusing at the three cross road
Ifa’s message for Kondo-niwe the child of Olofin
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Those who sleep in the parlour
Be mindful of the way you sleep
All because of Kondoniwe the child of Olofin

6. Ifa says that you shall be honoured outside where you were
born. Ifa says that your success will begin outside the place
of your birth before it extends to your home land. It is
therefore advisable for you to travel in search of success. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with 8 guinea-fowls, 8 pigeons, 8
hens and money. You also need to feed your Ori with one
guinea-fowl, one pigeon and one hen. On this, Ifa says:

Ori gan laaso

Pitipiti lagoo mesilala
Apo esuru lo bale, n lo roo tamutamu
Dia fun otosi igbore
Eyi ti won nlo mu joba lode ijebu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Orii mi wa dori efun ado o
Eni to rori ni
Kasai yo mo mi lori poroporo

Ori gan laaso
Pitipiti lagoo mesilala
Apo esuru lo bale, n lo roo tamutamu
And they cast Ifa for the poor of Igbore land
Who shall eventually be installed as the Oba in Ijebu land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
My Ori has turned to the Ori of honour and respect
Does who see my Ori and destiny
They shall not but rejoice with my Ori

7. Ifa says that there is an annual ceremony in your family that

you need to celebrate very well. Ifa says that the more you
celebrate this ceremony, the better your success chances in
life. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two pigeons, two
guinea-fowls, two hens, two roosters and money. On this Ifa

Ofun rin won rin won agbigbo

Dia fun won n’ife e komodun
Igbati won nsunkun awon o nire
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ofun rin won rin won agbigbo
Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of Ife
Where they do not recognize the value of their annual
When they were lamenting their inability to secure any Ire in
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied

8. Ifa assures you that there is nothing in this world that you are
looking for which you will not secure. Ifa says that there are
boundless blessings for you in life but you must exercise
patience in order to secure all this blessings. All those things
which you lack today shall become yours in future. There is
no hurry for you. Only patience is what will help you to attain
your highest potentials. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four
pigeons, four guinea-fowls, four roosters, the pounded yam
prepared yesterday, the yam flour meal prepared yesterday,
the corn meal prepared yesterday and money. On this, Ifa

Sedun wuruku awo eba ona

Dia fun orunmila
Won ni ko rubo kire ilee baba a re mabaa lo moo lowo
Aya ilee baba a mi
Duro ki n ni o o
Iyan ale, kasai duro dobe
Omo ilee baba a mi
Duro ki n ni o o
Iyan ale, kasai duro dobe
Aje ilee baba a mi
Duro ki n ni o o
Iyan ale, kasai duro dobe
Omo ilee baba a mi
Duro ki n ni o o
Amala ale, kasai duro dobe
Ire gbogbo ilee baba a mi
Duro ki n ni o o
Eko ale, kasai duro dobe
The crooked axe wood, the Awo of the road side
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
He was advised to offer ebo
So that all the blessings in is father household will not
disappear from him
He complied
The wealth in my father’s household
Wait for me to acquire you
The pounded yam prepared yesternight cannot but wait for
the soup
The children in my father’s household
Wait for me to acquire you
The yam flour meal prepared yesternight cannot but wait for
the soup
All Ire of life in my father’s household
Wait for me to acquire you
The corn meal prepared yesternight cannot but wait for the

9. Ifa says that you need to perform the annual rite of your
family very well. Ifa says that you are a delegate of the
Irunmole from heaven. The more you perform the
assignment of the Irunmole the better your life will be. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, four hens,
four guinea-fowls, four pigeons, four ducks, four roosters and
money. You also need to feed all the Orisa and Irunmole in
your household as appropriate. On this, Ifa says:

Eyi winniwinni laso eya

Eyi winniwinni laso ekun
Afokun-sokun laso agbonrin
Dia fun Edan
A bu fun Alaworo
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo
Edan waa de o, Edan Alaworo
Ojise Irunmole nbo
The skin of the tiger is spotted
And the skin of the leopard is also with spots
That of the deer is decorated with stripes
Ifa’s messages for Edan
And also for Alaworo
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Here comes Edan, Edan and Alaworo
The delegates of Irunmole are coming

10. Ifa says that you are eating your meals without soup now.
Ifa says that with time you will begin to eat what you want
and with abundant soup in your life. Ifa urges you to be
patient because it is just a matter of time before you become
a highly successful person. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with
four pigeons and money. You also need to feed Ifa with
pounded yam. On this, Ifa says:

Mo sanyan-sanyan mo feeeku
Dia fun orunmila
Tifa a di olobe lola
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Oba Alade wa dolobe na o
Gbudugbada, nla o maa yo fun ikin

I ate pounded yam without soup for so long that I nearly died
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who will become the soup owner tomorrow
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The crown king now becomes the owner of soup
Let everyone come and celebrate with Ifa
11. Ifa says that for you, there is no half measure in your service
to Ifa and Irunmole. You cannot pay lip service to Ifa. This is
totally against your destiny. Ifa says that you must
completely dedicated to the service of Irunmole. Ifa advises
you to offer ebo with two pigeons, two guinea-fowls and
money. You also need to feed Ifa with eight rats, eight fish,
plenty of palm-oil and alcohol. On this, Ifa says:

Aja lawo arun-ungun

Aguntan lawo ajegboro-dagba
Orile-die okoko lawo aruugbado lagboro kirikiri
Dia fun orunmila
Nijo oun akapo o re jo nsegbenu
Be o se tifa, e se tifa
Eni ti o se tifa ko fi tope sile
Gbogbo eni ti yoo sowo edu
Ki e yee se iye meji

The dog is the Awo that eats bones
The Ewe is the Awo that roams the streets
The hen is the Awo that consumes corn grains abouts
Ifa’s messages for Orunmila
When he and his Akapo were not in good terms with each
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
If you want to serve Ifa, do so diligently
Those who are not ready to do so, should leave Ifa alone
All those who want to be Ifa devotees
Do not have doubt or double mind

12. Ifa says that there is the need for you to offer ebo together
with your spouse. Ifa warns you never to allow your spouse
to dissuade you from offering ebo whenever you are asked
to do so. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two roosters and
money. You also need to feed Oro with one rooster. On this,
Ifa says:
Ewe amuyan-an nii bo juu, bo juu laarinigbe
Dia fun oyeepolu-agbe
A bu fun ojiyan ayaa re
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Oro gb’ojiyan aya re
Oro gb’ojiyan aya re
Oyeepolu o de mo yeee
Oro gbojiyan aya re
Baba oro wa n so wipe
O gb’aya re si
O gb’aya re si
Oro gbe onijomo o

The Amuyan tree uses its leaves to create a big shade in the
Ifa’s message for Oyepolu-agbe
And also for Ojiyan is wife
They were advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
Now, Oro took away Ojiyan his wife
And Oyepolu too did not return
He took away his wife too
Oro took away Onijomu

13. Ifa warns you never to use any clothe that you receive as
legacy from a deceased person. You also need to avoid
using any dress that you purchased as second hand. This is
because using such dresses may lead to your untimely
death. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with three roosters and
money. On this, Ifa says:

Ona dorita-meta poruu ruu

Dia fun ojonnaki
Ti yoo kaso oku lori
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Ojonnaki, oku mama nrannii pe o lorun
Ojonnaki, oku lohun o fun o logun oun je o

The road becomes confusing at the three cross road
Ifa’s message for Ojonnaki
Who will be wearing a dead man’s dress
He was advised to offer ebo
Ojonnaki, the deceased is sending someone to come and
call you from heaven
Ojonnaki, the deceased says that he is not prepared to give
you his property.

14. Ifa says that anytime your father dies, you must always
propitiate your father as prescribed. If your father is dead
already then your deceased father is asking for something
from you. You must identify what your father wants and give
it to him accordingly. On this, Ifa says:

Ojo paro ma dahun

Dia fun ologbo o koto
Tii se baba pepeye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
A ri baba wa loju ala o
A ri baba a wa o
Ojo p’aro ma dahun
A ri baba a wa o

Ojo paro ma dahun
Ifa’s message for the cat inside the grave
Who is the father of Pepeye the Duck
He was advised to offer ebo
We have seen our father in our dream
We have seen our father
Ojo paro ma dahun
We have seen our father
15. Ifa says that there is the need for you to be very careful in
order for you to avoid a situation were a woman will take you
away completely from all your loved ones and you won’t be
able to do anything about it. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with
one matured he-goat and money. You must also avoid
eating snails. On this, Ifa says:

Akuko gagaraga
Dia fun laarogan
Ti n lo oko alero lodun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Obinrin-binrin lgbe laarogan so sigbaa rook

Akuko gagaraga
Ifa’s message for Laarogan
When going on annual farm cultivation
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
Behold it was a woman who carried Laarogan in a basket to
the farm

16. ifa says that there is the need for you to warn your wife
against excessive greed. Ifa says that this greed may lead
to disaster for her. Ifa advises you to offer ebo for your wife
with one matured he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says:

Otu peyin
Oro peyin winniwinni
Dia fun otupo
Tii s’obinrin ode
Ebo ki okanjua ma paa ni won ni ko se
O koti ogbonyin sebo

Otu peyin
Oro peyin winniwinni
Ifa’s message for Otupo, the Cockroach
The wife of the hunter
She was advised to offer ebo so that avarice will not kill her
She refused to offer ebo

Aboru Aboye

1. Ifa – for success, victory, elevation, guidance and direction

2. Esu-Odara – for protection, victory and sanctuary
3. Ori – for actualization of destiny, elevation and direction
4. Edan Ogboni – for fulfillment of destiny
5. Ogun – for victory and direction
6. Oro – for protection against disasters and untimely death
7. Egbe – for leadership and overall wellbeing
8. Sango – for victory, success and leadership
9. Oya – for consummation of fortune
10. Egungun – for success, family progress and ancestral


1. Must never eat rooster – to avoid unconsummated fortune

and being subservient to a woman
2. Must never be argumentative – to avoid disaster and
untimely death
3. Must never use any dress that had being used by someone
else before – to avoid untimely death and disaster
4. Must never be in her hurry to acquire wealth – to avoid
unconsummated fortune, disappointment and anguish
5. Must never eat water yam – to avoid the anger of the
6. Must never pay leave service to the service of Ifa and
Irunmole – to avoid unconsummated fortune
7. Must never send your own child to go and procure your
money for you – to avoid disaster for the child
8. You must never be boastful – to avoid unconsummated
9. Must never allow the annual festival in your family to go into
ruins – to avoid unconsummated fortunes
10. Must never be avaricious – to avoid unconsummated fortune
and disaster


1. Ifa/Irunmole/Orisa Priest
2. Farming
3. Medical/Paramedical Officer
4. Military/Paramilitary


1. Ifasero – Ifa brings peace

2. Ifagbami – Ifa spears my life
3. Ifafimihan – Ifa brings me into the lime light

Aboru Aboye

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