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Maceda said that his Order to cancel the Bail Bond referred to the 60,000
1. San Miguel v. Maceda, A.M. No. RTJ-03-1749, 3 April 2007, 520 Bail Bond, not the 120,000 Bail Bond, hence, the right to bail of San
SCRA 205 Miguel was not impaired. Maceda said that San Miguel could've posted
Prepared by Manalang bail for 120,000 or move for the lifting of his warrant, but he did neither.
Furthermore, three days before his assailed Order, an information
FACTS: against San Miguel on the crime of murder was filed-- since the
Complainant San Miguel and another person named Osorio were charged complainant was already detained and murder is non-bailable, the
with violation of RA 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Act). San Miguel was cancellation is in order.
arrested for illegally selling and distributing half gram of
methamphetamine (Shabu), which is punishable by prision correccional. The complaint was also submitted to the Office of the Court
San Miguel jumped bail, so Judge Alumbres (a different judge), issued a Administrator for filing of Administrative Complaint. OCA recommended
bench warrant and cancelled the 60,000 bail bond, and increased it to 5,000 fine and a warning.
Six years after, Judge Maceda manifested his willingness to submit the
The prosecution moved to Cancel Recommended Bail since San Miguel is case for resolution based on the pleadings, but the notice to San Miguel
seriously considering flight from prosecution. The hearing was set on was returned unserved with notation of "RTS-Deceased."
September 19, but on September 17, San Miguel filed a motion to oppose
the prosecution. On the same day, (two days before the hearing), Judge ISSUE:
Maceda granted the Motion of the Prosecution to Cancel the Bail. On the W/N San Miguel is entitled to Bail? YES
day of the actual hearing, Judge Maceda considered San Miguel's motion W/N the Judge committed Gross Ignorance of the Law, etc., for denying
for reconsideration and required Prosecution's reply, but didn't do him of such RIght to Bail? NO
anything until two months later when he issued an Order Clarifying his
Order in September 17. In his Clarificatory Order, he said that what was HELD: Court adopted the recommendation of OCA.
cancelled was the 60,000 Bail Bond, not the 120,000 Bail Bond. 1) San Miguel's charge was punishable by prision correccional, and hence,
his bail is a matter of right.
San Miguel went to court to charge Judge Maceda for Gross Ignorance of
the Law, Manifest Partiality, Gross Misconduct, Grave Abuse of Basis: Section 13 of Article III of the Constitution provides that all
Authority, Evident Bad Faith and Gross Inexcusable Negligence relative persons are entitled to bail except those who are charged with offenses
to his Order to grant a motion to cancel complainant's bail in a criminal punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment when the
action. evidence of guilt is strong. Section 4 of Rule 114 also states that if the
offense is not punishable by death, RP, LI, bail is a matter of right.
San Miguel said that by Canceling his Bail Bond two days before the Section 15, Article III of RA 6452 punishes the selling of .5 grams of
hearing, he was deprived of his right to due process. He also alleged that marijuana with prision correccional.
since the crime charged to him was punishable by mere prision
correccional, and not reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, his right to The defense of Maceda that he granted the motion to cancel the 60,000
bail is a constitutional right and not a mere privilege, subject to judicial Bail Bond, and not the 120,000 one is untenable. The prayer of the
determination. Prosecution was clear-- they moved to cancel the provisional liberty

allowed since there was belief on their part that San Miguel is seriously Prepared by Solco
considering flight. The grant of the prayer was clear in the Order. It was
only two months after the said hearing with Motion for Reconsideration FACTS: Manolet Lavides was arrested on April 3, 1997 for child abuse
of San Miguel that Maceda issued an Order clarifying that what he under R.A. No. 7610 (an act providing for stronger deterrence and special
cancelled was the 60,000 Bail Bond, and that San Miguel could’ve posted protection against child abuse, exploitation and discrimination, providing
120,000 Bail, but he didn't. Maceda’s use of Osorio (a co-accused of San penalties for its violation, and other purposes). His arrest was made
Miguel in the Criminal Case who was able to post bail) as an example without a warrant as a result of an entrapment conducted by the police.
was misplaced since the bail was only posted five days after the It appears that on April 3, 1997, the parents of complainant Lorelie San
Clarificatory Order. Miguel reported to the police that their daughter, then 16 years old, had
been contacted by petitioner for an assignation that night at petitioner’s
Court said that OCA was correct in saying that Maceda issued it as an room at the Metropolitan Hotel in Diliman, Quezon City. Apparently, this
afterthought. Indeed, how can the judge cancel 60,000 Bail when it was was not the first time the police received reports of petitioner’s activities.
already forfeited by San Miguel's jumping of bail. His cancellation had When petitioner opened the door, the police saw him with Lorelie, who
deprived San Miguel of his right to bail for 2 months. was wearing only a t-shirt and an underwear, whereupon they arrested
him. Based on the sworn statement of complainant and the affidavits of
Even if San Miguel was charged with murder three days before his Order, the arresting officers, which were submitted at the inquest, an
the decision would still be untenable. The grant of bail when a person is information for violation of Art. III, §5(b) of R.A. No. 7610 was filed
charged with murder is possible, subject to judicial determination of against petitioner. petitioner filed an "Omnibus Motion (1) For Judicial
whether the evidence of guilt is strong. Since no evidence was adduced in Determination of Probable Cause; (2) For the Immediate Release of the
the September 19 hearing, bail bond could still have been set for San Accused Unlawfully Detained on an Unlawful Warrantless Arrest; and (3)
Miguel. In the Event of Adverse Resolution of the Above Incident, Herein Accused
be Allowed to Bail as a Matter of Right under the Law on Which He is
The Court held that the proper remedy was not to cancel the Bail Bond Charged. nine more informations for child abuse were filed against
but to increase it to assure the presence of San Miguel during the trial. petitioner by the same complainant, Lorelie San Miguel, and by three
Excessive bail is not required. other minor children No bail was recommended. Nonetheless, petitioner
filed separate applications for bail in the nine cases.
2) The Court held that a mere administrative sanction is sufficient.
Absent the proof showing that there was fraud, dishonesty, or corruption TRIAL COURT: 2. The accused is entitled to bail in all the above case. He
in the issuance of the Order, the action shouldn't be subject to is hereby granted the right to post bail in the amount of P80,000.00 for
disciplinary action even though Maceda's act was erroneous. His error each case or a total of P800,000.00 for all the cases under the following
should've been conscious and with deliberate intent to show arbitrariness. conditions: a) The accused shall not be entitled to a waiver of appearance
His mistake, is not gross or flagrant or out of measure. during the trial of these cases. He shall and must always be present at
the hearings of these cases; b) In the event that he shall not be able to do
Decision: 5,000 fine + warning so, his bail bonds shall be automatically cancelled and forfeited, warrants
for his arrest shall be immediately issued and the cases shall proceed to
trial in absentia; c) The hold-departure Order of this Court dated April
2. Lavides v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 129670, 1 February 2000, 10, 1997 stands; and d) Approval of the bail bonds shall be made only
324 SCRA 321 after the arraignment to enable this Court to immediately acquire

jurisdiction over the accused; Petitioner filed a motion to quash the because until his motion to quash can be resolved, his arraignment
informations against him. Pending resolution of his motion, he asked the cannot be held, and (2) foregoing the filing of a motion to quash so that he
trial court to suspend the arraignment scheduled on May 23, 1997. He can be arraigned at once and thereafter be released on bail.
filed a motion in which he prayed that the amounts of bail bonds be
reduced to P40,000.00 for each case and that the same be done prior to These scenarios certainly undermine the accused’s constitutional right
his arraignment. the trial court, in separate orders, denied petitioner’s not to be put on trial except upon valid complaint or information
motions to reduce bail bonds, to quash the informations, and to suspend sufficient to charge him with a crime and his right to bail. The condition
arraignment. Accordingly, petitioner was arraigned during which he imposed in the trial court’s order of May 16, 1997 that the accused cannot
pleaded not guilty to the charges against him and then ordered him waive his appearance at the trial but that he must be present at the
released upon posting bail bonds in the total amount of P800,000.00, hearings of the case is valid and is in accordance with Rule 114. For
subject to the conditions in the May 16, 1997 order and the "hold- another condition of bail under Rule 114, §2(c) is that "The failure of the
departure" order of April 10, 1997. The pre-trial conference was set on accused to appear at the trial without justification despite due notice to
June 7, 1997. The Court of Appeals declared conditions (a) and (b) invalid him or his bondsman shall be deemed an express waiver of his right to be
but declined to pass upon the validity of condition (d) on the ground that present on the date specified in the notice. In such case, trial shall
the issue had become moot and academic. Petitioner takes issue with the proceed in absentia." Jjsc Art. III, §14(2) of the Constitution authorizing
Court of Appeals with respect to its treatment of condition (d) of the May trials in absentia allows the accused to be absent at the trial but not at
16, 1997 order of the trial court which makes petitioner’s arraignment a certain stages of the proceedings, to wit: (a) at arraignment and plea,
prerequisite to the approval of his bail bonds. His contention is that this whether of innocence or of guilt, (b) during trial whenever necessary for
condition is void and that his arraignment was also invalid because it identification purposes, and (c) at the promulgation of sentence, unless it
was held pursuant to such invalid condition. is for a light offense, in which case the accused may appear by counsel or
representative. At such stages of the proceedings, his presence is required
ISSUE: WON the condition is void and the arraignment invalid. and cannot be waived. IT DOES NOT FOLLOW THAT THE
HELD: CONDITION IS VOID. INVALID. Contrary to petitioner’s contention, the arraignment did not
emanate from the invalid condition that "approval of the bail bonds shall
Bail should be granted before arraignment, otherwise the accused may be be made only after the arraignment." Even without such a condition, the
precluded from filing a motion to quash. For if the information is quashed arraignment of petitioner could not be omitted. In sum, although the
and the case is dismissed, there would then be no need for the condition for the grant of bail to petitioner is invalid, his arraignment and
arraignment of the accused. In the second place, the trial court could the subsequent proceedings against him are valid.
ensure the presence of petitioner at the arraignment precisely by
granting bail and ordering his presence at any stage of the proceedings, 3. Trillanes IV v. Pimentel, G.R. No. 179817, 27 June 2008, 556
such as arraignment. Under Rule 114, §2(b) of the Rules on Criminal SCRA 471
Procedure, one of the conditions of bail is that "the accused shall appear Prepared by Nicki Capuchino
before the proper court whenever so required by the court or these Rules,"
while under Rule 116, §1(b) the presence of the accused at the All persons, except those charged with offenses punishable by reclusion
arraignment is required to condition the grant of bail to an accused on his perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before conviction, be
arraignment would be to place him in a position where he has to choose bailable by sufficient sureties, or be released on recognizance as may be
between (1) filing a motion to quash and thus delay his release on bail provided by law.

The Constitution provides: All persons, except those charged with
FACTS: offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is
On July 27, 2003, more than 300 heavily armed soldiers led by junior strong, shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, or be
officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) stormed into the released on recognizance as may be provided by law. The Rules also state
Oakwood Premier Apartments in Makati City and publicly demanded the that no person charged with a capital offense, or an offense punishable by
resignation of the President and key national officials. After a series of reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, shall be admitted to bail when
negotiations, military soldiers surrendered that evening. evidence of guilt is strong, regardless of the stage of the criminal action.
That the cited provisions apply equally to rape and coup d’état cases, both
In the aftermath of such event dubbed as the Oakwood Incident, being punishable by reclusion perpetua, is beyond cavil. Within the class
petitioner Antonio F. Trillanes IV was charged with coup d’état before the of offenses covered by the stated range of imposable penalties, there is
Regional Trial Court of Makati. Four years later, Trillanes remained in clearly no distinction as to the political complexion of or moral turpitude
detention and won a seat in the Senate. Before starting his term, involved in the crime charged.
Trillanes filed with RTC an Omnibus Motion for Leave of Court to be
Allowed to Attend Senate Sessions and Related Requests. In the present case, it is uncontroverted that petitioner's application for
bail and for release on recognizance was denied. The determination that
Trillanes requested to be allowed to attend senate sessions and fulfill his the evidence of guilt is strong, whether ascertained in a hearing of an
functions as senator. The RTC however denied his motion. Thus, he filed application for bail or imported from a trial court's judgment of
Petition for Certiorari with the Supreme Court to set aside orders of the conviction, justifies the detention of an accused as a valid curtailment of
RTC. his right to provisional liberty. This accentuates the proviso that the
denial of the right to bail in such cases is "regardless of the stage of the
ISSUES: criminal action."
1.Whether or not Trillanes‘ case is different from that of the Jalosjos case
2.Whether or not Trillanes‘ election as senator provides legal justification Such justification for confinement with its underlying rationale of public
to allow him to work and serve his mandate as senator self-defense applies equally to detention prisoners like Trillanes or
3.Whether or not there are enough precedents that allows for a liberal convicted prisoners-appellants like Jalosjos. The Court in People v. Hon.
treatment of detention prisoners who are held without bail Maceda said that all prisoners whether under preventive detention or
serving final sentence can not practice their profession nor engage in any
HELD: business or occupation, or hold office, elective or appointive, while in
detention. This is a necessary consequence of arrest and detention.
No distinction between Trillanes’ case and that of Jalosjos case
Trillanes’ election as Senator not a legislative justification to
The distinctions cited by petitioner were not elemental in the allow him to serve his mandate
pronouncement in Jalosjos that election to Congress is not a reasonable
classification in criminal law enforcement as the functions and duties of The case against Trillanes is not administrative in nature. And there is
the office are not substantial distinctions which lift one from the class of no "prior term" to speak of. In a plethora of cases, the Court categorically
prisoners interrupted in their freedom and restricted in liberty of held that the doctrine of condonation does not apply to criminal cases.
movement. Election, or more precisely, re-election to office, does not obliterate a
criminal charge. Petitioner's electoral victory only signifies pertinently

that when the voters elected him to the Senate, "they did so with full 4. Andres v. Beltran, A.M. No. RTJ-00-1597, 20 August 2001, 363
awareness of the limitations on his freedom of action [and] x x x with the SCRA 371
knowledge that he could achieve only such legislative results which he Prepared by Ian Benitez
could accomplish within the confines of prison. Facts:
Andres (complainant) was charged with murder in RTC-Tugegarao City
It is opportune to wipe out the lingering misimpression that the call of presided by then Judge Abraham Prinsipe. Andres was granted bail by
duty conferred by the voice of the people is louder than the litany of Judge Prinsipe.
lawful restraints articulated in the Constitution and echoed by
jurisprudence. The apparent discord may be harmonized by the Judge Orlando Beltran took over the case as the presiding judge. Andres
overarching tenet that the mandate of the people yields to the filed a motion to dismiss by way of demurrer to evidence.
Constitution which the people themselves ordained to govern all under
the rule of law. The performance of legitimate and even essential duties Case was then set for hearing. Andres attended, but his counsel failed to
by public officers has never been an excuse to free a person validly in attend. Respondent judge then issued an order cancelling the bail bond of
prison. The duties imposed by the "mandate of the people" are Andres and ordered his detention due to his counsel’s failure to appear,
multifarious. The accused-appellant asserts that the duty to legislate together with the reason that the presentation of evidence for defense had
ranks highest in the hierarchy of government. The accused-appellant is been delayed for almost a year now.
only one of 250 members of the House of Representatives, not to mention
the 24 members of the Senate, charged with the duties of legislation. Issue:
Congress continues to function well in the physical absence of one or a w/n the judge erred in cancelling the bail bond?
few of its members. x x x Never has the call of a particular duty lifted a
prisoner into a different classification from those others who are validly Held:
restrained by law. No. The bail should not be cancelled since it is not disputed that the
accused violated the conditions of the bail as he was present at the
Trillanes’ case fails to compare with the species of allowable scheduled hearing. His counsel’s failure to appear for the accused at the
leaves scheduled hearing is not a valid ground for cancellation of bail. The
alleged delay in the presentation of evidence by the defense is likewise
Emergency or compelling temporary leaves from imprisonment are not substantiated. The postponements were due also to SC’s order of
allowed to all prisoners, at the discretion of the authorities or upon court change of venue.
orders. That this discretion was gravely abused, petitioner failed to
establish. In fact, the trial court previously allowed petitioner to register 5. Leviste v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 189122, 17 March 2010, 615
as a voter in December 2006, file his certificate of candidacy in February SCRA 619
2007, cast his vote on May 14, 2007, be proclaimed as senator-elect, and Prepared by
take his oath of office on June 29, 2007. In a seeming attempt to bind or Facts:
twist the hands of the trial court lest it be accused of taking a complete Jose Antonio Leviste was charged with the crime of murder but was
turn-around, petitioner largely banks on these prior grants to him and convicted by the RTC for the lesser crime of homicide. He appealed the
insists on unending concessions and blanket authorizations RTC's decision to the CA then he field an application for admission to bail
pending appeal, due to his advanced age and health condition, and
claiming the absence of any risk or possibility of flight on his part.

5. that there is undue risk that he may commit another crime
The CA denied his application on the ground that the discretion to extend during the pendency of the appeal.
bail during the course of appeal should be exercised with grave caution That bail is expressly declared to be discretionary pending
and only for strong reasons. That bail is not a sick pass for an ailing or appeal and it cannot be said that CA committed grave abuse of
aged detainee or a prisoner needing medical care outside the prison discretion. After conviction by the trial court, the presumption of
facility. innocence terminates and, accordingly, the constitutional right to bail
ends, from then on the grant of bail is subject to judicial discretion.
On this matter, Levisete questioned the ruling of the CA and averred that
the CA committed grave abuse of discretion in the denial of his DISSENT
application for bail considering that none of the conditions justifying PERALTA, J.
denial of bail under the Sec. 5 (3) Rule 114 of the Rules of Court was “The Philippine Constitution itself emphasizes the right of an accused to
present. That when the penalty imposed by the trial court is more than bail with the sole exception of those charged with offenses punishable by
six years but not more than 20 years and the circumstances in the above- reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong. Cases, like in the
mentioned provision are absent, bail must be granted to an appellant present case, when an accused is charg8ed with Murder but was
pending appeal. convicted with Homicide, mean only one thing, that the lower court found
the evidence for the crime charged not strong, hence, the accused's
Issue/Held conviction of a lesser offense. Therefore, the denial of the same accused's
Whether or not the CA committed grave abuse of discretion in denying application for bail pending appeal on the ground that the evidence of his
the application for bail of Leviste. NO guilt for the crime charged is strong, would unintentionally be suggestive
of the outcome of the appealed decision of the lower court. The discretion
RATIO: Under Sec 5 of Rule 114 bail is discretionary, upon conviction by whether to grant the application for bail or not is given to the CA in cases
the RTC of an offense not punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or life such as the present one, on the reason that the same appellate court can
imprisonment. Under par. 3 of the same rule if the penalty impose is review the factual findings of the lower court. However, this will no
more than 6 years the accused shall be denied bail, or his bail be longer be the case if a Petition for Certiorari is filed with this Court as it
cancelled upon a showing by the prosecution, with notice to the accused, is not a trier of facts. Hence, the existence of those queries brought about
of the following or other circumstances: by the majority opinion casts confusion rather than an enlightenment on
the present case”
1. that he is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual delinquent, or
has committed the crime aggravated by the circumstance of The CA should have applied the provisions of Section 5, Rule 114 of the
reiteration; Rules of Court, wherein the appellate court is given the discretion to
2. that he has previously escaped from legal confinement, evaded grant bail to the petitioner after considering the enumerated
sentence, or violated the conditions of his bail without a valid circumstances, the penalty imposed by the trial court having exceeded six
justification; years. Although this Court has held that the discretion to extend bail
3. that he committed the offense while under probation, parole, or during the course of the appeal should be exercised with grave caution
conditional pardon; and for strong reasons, considering that the accused has been in fact
4. that the circumstances of his case indicate the probability of flight convicted by the trial court, the set of circumstances succinctly provided
if released on bail; or in Section 5, Rule 114 of the Rules of Court should be considered.

Therefore, applying the provisions of Section 5, Rule 114 of the 2000 ● CA subsequently granted Fitzgerald’s application to bail on the
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure and after a careful perusal of the ground that he is of old age and not in the best of health. Thus,
records and a learned consideration of the arguments of the parties, this appellant was GRANTED temporary liberty premised not on
Court finds no reason to deny petitioner his application for bail pending the grounds stated in his Motion for Bail but in the higher
appeal. Petitioner is indisputably not a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or interest of substantial justice and considering the new trial
habitual delinquent, or has he committed the crime aggravated by the granted in this case
circumstance of reiteration. He has also not previously escaped from legal ● Petitioner argues that the CA erred in granting respondent
confinement, evaded sentence, or violated the conditions of his bail Fitzgerald's Motion for Bail despite the fact that the latter was
without a valid justification. He did not commit the offense charged while charged with a crime punishable by reclusion perpetua and the
under probation, parole, or conditional pardon. Lastly, as shown by his evidence of his guilt is strong.
previous records and pointed out by petitioner, considering his conduct ● respondent counters that the grant of new trial negated the
while out on bail during the trial of his case, his advanced age, and his previous findings of the existence of strong evidence of his guilt;
current health condition, the probability of flight is nil and there is no and justifies his provisional release on humanitarian grounds,
risk that he may commit another crime during the pendency of the citing as an extraordinary circumstance his advanced age and
appeal. deteriorating health
6. People v. Fitzgerald, G.R. No. 149723, 23 October 2006, 505
SCRA 573 ISSUE - W/N Fitzgerald should be granted bail due to his physicial
Prepared by Enzo Agcaoili condition

● Fitzgerald accused of coercing AAA, a minor of 13 years into ● Fitzgerald should not be granted bail
prostitution ● The right to bail emanates from of the right to be presumed
● He applied for bail with RTC which was denied because he was innocent. It is accorded to a person in the custody of the law who
deemed to be a flight risk may, by reason of the presumption of innocence he enjoys, be
● Fitzgerald filed motion for new trial on ground that new and allowed provisional liberty upon filing of a security to guarantee
material evidence had surfaced. Motion was granted, directed to his appearance before any court, as required under specified
RTC of Olongapo conditions.
● Here, it was found that the maximum imposable penalty in ● Rule 114 Sec. 4 provides that bail is a matter of right to an
accordance with Republic Act 7610 otherwise known as the accused person in custody for an offense not punishable by death,
Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse, Exploitation reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, but a matter of
and Discrimination Act is reclusion perpetua. As it is, the discretion on the part of the court, concerning one facing an
evidence of guilt is strong, hence, We hold that his motion accusation for an offense punishable by death, reclusion perpetua
for bail cannot be granted at this point. or life imprisonment when the evidence of his guilt is strong
● With regard to Fitzgerald’s alleged physical condition, let ● As for an accused already convicted and sentenced to
it be stressed that accused-appellant is not precluded from imprisonment term exceeding six years, bail may be denied based
seeking medical attention if the need arises provided the on prosecution evidence as to existence of any of the
necessary representations with the proper authorities are CIRCUMSTANCES (recidivist, escaped/evaded sentence, etc.)

● It will be recalled that herein respondent was charged with offense, or an offense punishable by reclusion perpetua or life
violation of Section 5, par. (a), sub-paragraph (5), Article III of imprisonment, shall be admitted to bail when evidence of guilt is strong,
R.A. No. 7610, a crime which carries the maximum penalty of regardless of the stage of the criminal prosecution.”
reclusion perpetua. He was later convicted by the RTC for a lesser
crime of 8 years (Prision Mayor) to 16 years (RT). Facts:
● In sum, the circumstances of the case are such, that for
respondent, bail was not a matter of right but a mere privilege On June 5, 2014, Petitioner Juan Ponce Enrile was charged with plunder
subject to the discretion of the CA to be exercised in accordance in the Sandiganbayan on the basis of his purported involvement in the
with the stringent requirements of Sec. 5, Rule 114. And Sec. 5 Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) Scam. Initially, Enrile in
directs the denial or revocation of bail upon evidence of the an Omnibus Motion requested to post bail, which the Sandiganbayan
existence of any of the circumstances enumerated therein such as denied. On July 3, 2014, a warrant for Enrile's arrest was issued, leading
those indicating probability of flight if released on bail or undue to Petitioner's voluntary surrender.
risk that the accused may commit another crime during the
pendency of the appeal. Petitioner again asked the Sandiganbayan in a Motion to Fix Bail which
● Bail is not a sick pass for an ailing or aged detainee or prisoner was heard by the Sandiganbayan. Petitioner argued that: (a) Prosecution
needing medical care outside the prison facility. A mere claim of had not yet established that the evidence of his guilt was strong; (b) that,
illness is not a ground for bail. because of his advanced age and voluntary surrender, the penalty would
● In this particular case, the CA made no specific finding that only be reclusion temporal, thus allowing for bail and; (c) he is not a flight
respondent suffers from an ailment of such gravity that his risk due to his age and physical condition. Sandiganbayan denied this in
continued confinement during trial will permanently impair his its assailed resolution. Motion for Reconsideration was likewise denied.
health or put his life in danger. It merely declared respondent not
in the best of health. Issues:
1) Whether or not bail may be granted as a matter of right unless the
crime charged is punishable byreclusion perpetua where the evidence of
7. Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 213847, 18 August 2015, 767 guilt is strong.
SCRA 282 a. Whether or not prosecution failed to show that if ever petitioner would
Prepared by Abalos be convicted, he will be punishable by reclusion perpetua.

Doctrines: b. Whether or not prosecution failed to show that petitioner's guilt is

Primary objective of bail – The strength of the Prosecution's case, albeit a
good measure of the accused's propensity for flight or for causing harm to 2. Whether or not petitioner is bailable because he is not a flight risk.
the public, is subsidiary to the primary objective of bail, which is to
ensure that the accused appears at trial. Held:
1. YES.
Bail is a right and a matter of discretion – Right to bail is afforded in Sec.
13, Art III of the 1987 Constitution and repeted in Sec. 7, Rule 114 of the Bail as a matter of right – due process and presumption of
Rules of Criminal Procedure to wit: “No person charged with a capital innocence.

Article III, Sec. 14 (2) of the 1987 Constitution provides that in all Should the court grant the application, the accused may be allowed to
criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the continue on provisional liberty during the pendency of the appeal under
contrary is proved. This right is safeguarded by the constitutional right to the same bail subject to the consent of the bondsman.
be released on bail.
If the penalty imposed by the trial court is imprisonment exceeding six
The purpose of bail is to guarantee the appearance of the accused at trial (6) years, the accused shall be denied bail, or his bail shall be cancelled
and so the amount of bail should be high enough to assure the presence of upon a showing by the prosecution, with notice to the accused, of the
the accused when so required, but no higher than what may be following or other similar circumstances:
reasonably calculated to fulfill this purpose.
(a) That he is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual delinquent, or has
Bail as a matter of discretion committed the crime aggravated by the circumstance of reiteration;
Right to bail is afforded in Sec. 13, Art III of the 1987 Constitution and
repeated in Sec. 7, Rule 114 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure (b) That he has previously escaped from legal confinement, evaded
sentence, or violated the conditions of his bail without valid justification;
The general rule: Any person, before conviction of any criminal offense,
shall be bailable. (c) That he committed the offense while under probation, parole, or
conditional pardon;
Exception: Unless he is charged with an offense punishable with
reclusion perpetua [or life imprisonment] and the evidence of his guilt is (d) That the circumstances of his case indicate the probability of flight if
strong. released on bail; or

Thus, denial of bail should only follow once it has been established that (e) That there is undue risk that he may commit another crime during the
the evidence of guilt is strong.Where evidence of guilt is not strong, pendency of the appeal.
bail may be granted according to the discretion of the court.
The appellate court may, motu proprio or on motion of any party, review
Thus, Sec. 5 of Rule 114 also provides: the resolution of the Regional Trial Court after notice to the adverse
party in either case.
Bail, when discretionary. — Upon conviction by the Regional Trial Court
of an offense not punishable by death,reclusion perpetua, or life Thus, admission to bail in offenses punished by death, or life
imprisonment, admission to bail is discretionary. The application for bail imprisonment, or reclusion perpetua subject to judicial discretion. In
may be filed and acted upon by the trial court despite the filing of a notice Concerned Citizens vs. Elma, the court held: “[S]uch discretion may be
of appeal, provided it has not transmitted the original record to the exercised only after the hearing called to ascertain the degree of guilt of
appellate court. However, if the decision of the trial court convicting the the accused for the purpose of whether or not he should be granted
accused changed the nature of the offense from non-bailable to bailable, provisional liberty.” Bail hearing with notice is indispensable (Aguirre vs.
the application for bail can only be filed with and resolved by the Belmonte). The hearing should primarily determine whether the evidence
appellate court. of guilt against the accused is strong.

The procedure for discretionary bail is described in Cortes vs. Catral:

decide without delay on the legality of the detention and order
1. In all cases, whether bail is a matter of right or of discretion, notify the their release if justified. In other words, the Philippine
prosecutor of the hearing of the application for bail or require him to authorities are under obligation to make available to every
submit his recommendation (Section 18, Rule 114 of the Rules of Court as person under detention such remedies which safeguard their
amended); fundamental right to liberty. These remedies include the right to
be admitted to bail. (emphasis in decision)
2. Where bail is a matter of discretion, conduct a hearing of the
application for bail regardless of whether or not the prosecution refuses to Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of discretion
present evidence to show that the guilt of the accused is strong for the Sandiganbayan arbitrarily ignored the objective of bail to ensure the
purpose of enabling the court to exercise its sound discretion; (Section 7 appearance of the accused during the trial and unwarrantedly
and 8, supra) disregarded the clear showing of the fragile health and advanced age of
Petitioner. As such the Sandiganbayan gravely abused its discretion in
3. Decide whether the guilt of the accused is strong based on the denying the Motion to Fix Bail.It acted whimsically and capriciously and
summary of evidence of the prosecution; was so patent and gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty [to
allow petitioner to post bail].
4. If the guilt of the accused is not strong, discharge the accused upon the
approval of the bailbond (Section 19, supra) Otherwise petition should be Leonen DISSENT (important):
Justice Leonen criticized the decision for having a very weak legal basis –
2. YES. the grant of bail over mere humanitarian grounds. He also claims that
the court has no authority to use humanitarian grounds. Leonen argues
Petitioner's poor health justifies his admission to bail that “[Petitioner's] release for medical or humanitarian reasons was not
The Supreme Court took note of the Philippine's responsibility to the the basis for his prayer in his Motion to Fix Bail before the
international community arising from its commitment to the Universal Sandiganbayan,” nor were these grounds raised in the petition in the
Declaration of Human Rights. We therefore have the responsibility of Supreme Court.
protecting and promoting the right of every person to liberty and due
process and for detainees to avail of such remedies which safeguard their “Bail for humanitarian considerations is neither presently provided in
fundamental right to liberty. Quoting fromGovernment of Hong Kong our Rules of Court nor found in any statute or provision of the
SAR vs. Olalia, the SC emphasized: Constitution.”

x x x uphold the fundamental human rights as well as value the worth Leonen theorized that the Supreme Court only granted bail as a special
and dignity of every person. This commitment is enshrined in Section II, accomodation for the petitioner and he goes on to criticize the decision to
Article II of our Constitution which provides: “The State values the wit:
dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human
rights.” The Philippines, therefore, has the responsibility of [This decision] will usher in an era of truly selective justice not based on
protecting and promoting the right of every person to liberty and their legal provisions, but one that is unpredictable, partial and solely
due process, ensuring that those detained or arrested can grounded on the presence or absence of human compassion.
participate in the proceedings before a court, to enable it to

Procedure for granting bail Petitioner then came to know that respondent was not a licensed
Petitioner in this case, insisted that the Sandiganbayan grant his bail stockbroker but only a telephone clerk at Bernard Securities, Inc.
without any hearing for the purpose of determining whether the evidence Immediately, she caused the filing of an information for estafa against
of guilt is strong. At the Motion to Fix Bail, the prosecution had no him with the Regional Trial Court. During arraignment, respondent
opportunity to present any evidence because of the prematurity of pleaded not guilty. After defense and prosecution presented their
Petitioner's Motion [to Fix Bail]. Thus, the dissent asserts that the evidence, trial court set a date for promulgation to January 26, 1999.
Sandiganbayan was correct in denying the Motion based on prematurity However, the respondent and his counsel failed to appear so they moved
it to Feb 1, 1999. Again, respondent and counsel failed to appear, so the
Medical or humanitarian grounds inappropriate RTC rendered its decision finding respondent guilty of estafa. On the
Petitioner did not ask for bail to be granted based on humanitarian same day prosecution filed motion for cancellation of bail because
reasons at the Sandiganbayan. Neither petitioner nor the prosecution respondent might flee or commit another crime. On Feb 13, 1999,
were able to develop their arguments as to this point to establish legal respondent filed MR for judgment of conviction. Two days later, there was
and factual basis for this kind of bail. a hearing of the motion for cancellation of bail. The prosecution presented
a Record Check Routing Form issued by the Bureau of Immigration
Reliance on HK vs Olalia misplaced showing that respondent has an Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)
The reliance of the majority on the case of Government of Hong Kong and Immigrant Certificate of Residence (ICR). During that hearing,
SAR vs. Olalia is misplaced because this case referred to extradition respondent admitted using the names "Mark Tan" and Tong Wai Fat" as
cases, hence its increased emphasis on international law. As applied to aliases. On May 28, 1999, RTC issued Omnibus Order (a) denying
crimes charged under Philippine law, the remedies under the Universal respondent’s motion for reconsideration of the judgment of conviction; (b)
Declaration of Human Rights must be qualified by the Constitution's canceling his bail; and (c) giving him five (5) days from notice within
rules regarding bail. which to appear before the trial court, otherwise he would be arrested.
Respondent then interposed an appeal to the CA from the RTC’s Order
Furthermore, in the above case, the SC disposed of it by remanding the insofar as it denied MR for his conviction. Also, respondent filed with CA
case back to the lower court for factual determination of whether or not petition for certiorari with application for TRO and writ of preliminary
the accused was a flight risk. injunction assailing RTC’s Omnibus Order. On June 25, 1999, RTC issued
warrant of arrest against respondent for failure to appear. However, it
was returned unserved because he couldn’t be found at his given address.
On July 27, 1999, CA issued TRO against RTC from implementing
8. Chua v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 140842, 12 April 2007, 520 Omnibus Order cancelling respondents bail. On Sept 20, 1999, CA issued
SCRA 729 writ of preliminary injunction against the Omnibus Order, saying that
Prepared by Ong respondent should not be deprived of his liberty pending resolution of his
appeal as the offense for which he was convicted is a non-capital offense;
FACTS: and that the probability that he will flee during the pendency of his
Petitioner, Rufina Chua, met private respondent, Chiok, who represented appeal is merely conjectural. Petitioner then filed MR with CA but it was
himself to be a licensed stockbroker. She, upon Chiok’s prodding, then denied. Hence this petition for certiorari
invested a lot of money for shares of stocks. Then in 1995, she entrusted
Chiok with Php 9 million. Respondent ended up spending the money, and ISSUE:
when petitioner asked to pay her back, issued two checks that bounced.

W/N CA acted with grave abuse of discretion for issuing writ of WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition. The assailed Resolutions dated
preliminary injunction against arrest of respondent September 20, 1999 and November 16, 1999 of the Court of Appeals in
CA-G.R. SP No. 53340 are SET ASIDE. Respondent Wilfred N. Chiok’s
HELD: petition for certiorari in CA-G.R. SP No. 53340 is DISMISSED. The
YES. TRO and writ of preliminary injunction is not the proper remedy to Omnibus Order dated May 28, 1999 issued by the Regional Trial Court,
assail Omnibus Order cancelling his bail. Proper remedy is filing with CA Branch 165, Pasig City in Criminal Case No. 109927 canceling
a motion to review of the said order in regular appeal proceedings. CA’s respondent’s bail is AFFIRMED.
granting of writ of prelim injunction is bereft of factual or legal basis. To
be entitled to an injunctive writ, the applicant must show that:
(1) he has a clear existing right to be protected; and 9. Esteban v. Alhambra, G.R. No. 135012, 7 September 2004, 437
(2) the acts against which the injunction is to be directed are in violation SCRA 560
of such right. Prepared by So
The first requisite is absent. Respondent has no right to be freed on bail
pending his appeal from the trial court’s judgment. His conviction carries Facts:
a penalty of imprisonment exceeding 6 years (to be exact, 12 years of Gerardo Esteban is the accused in these criminal cases. His sister-in-law,
prision mayor, as minimum, to 20 years of reclusion temporal, as Anita Esteban, petitioner, posted cash bail of P20,000.00 in each case for
maximum) which justifies the cancellation of his bail pursuant to the his temporary liberty. While out on bail and during the pendency of the
third paragraph of Section 5 (b), (d) and (e) of Rule 114. Moreover, he four criminal cases, Gerardo was again charged with another crime. Fed
failed to appear despite notice during the promulgation of judgment on up, petitioner filed an application for the cancellation of the cash bonds
January 26, 1999. His inexcusable non-appearance not only violated the by surrendering the accused who is now in jail.
condition of his bail that he "shall appear" before the court "whenever
required" by the latter or the Rules, but also showed the probability that Respondent Judge denied petitioner’s application because his arrest and
he might flee or commit another crime while released on bail. detention for another criminal case does not affect the character of the
Rule 120, Sec 6. Promulgation of Judgment - xxx If the judgment is for cash bail of the 4 previous cases.
conviction and the failure of the accused to appear was without justifiable
cause, he shall lose the remedies available in these Rules against the Petitioner raises Sec. 22 off rule 114 stating that “upon application of the
judgment and the court shall order his arrest. Within fifteen (15) days bondsmen, with due notice to the prosecutor, the bail may be cancelled
from promulgation of judgment, however, the accused may surrender and upon surrender of the accused or proof of his death.”
file a motion for leave of court to avail of these remedies. He shall state
the reasons for his absence at the scheduled promulgation, and if he Issue: W/N cancellation of bail was done when Petitioner submitted
proves that his absence was for a justifiable cause, he shall be allowed to accused to jail?
avail of said remedies within fifteen (15) days from notice.
Held: Petitioners submission is misplaced.
Since respondent has not shown any right to be protected, the second
requisite for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction is obviously The first paragraph of Section 22 contemplates a situation where the
absent. As such, the Court of Appeals clearly acted with grave abuse of surety or bondsman surrenders the accused to the court that ordered the
discretion in issuing its assailed resolution. latter’s arrest. Thereafter, the court, upon application by the surety or
bondsman, cancels the bail bond.

We hold that the cash bail cannot be cancelled. Petitioner did not
surrender the accused, charged in the four criminal cases, to the trial
court. The accused was arrested and detained because he was charged in
a subsequent criminal case.

Moreover, the bail bond posted for the accused was in the form of cash
deposit which, as mandated by Section 14 of Rule 114, shall be applied to
the payment of fine and costs, and the excess, if any, shall be returned to
the accused or to any person who made the deposit.

The Rule thus treats a cash bail differently from other bail bonds. A cash
bond may be posted either by the accused or by any person in his behalf.
However, as far as the State is concerned, the money deposited is
regarded as the money of the accused. Consequently, it can be applied in
payment of any fine and costs that may be imposed by the court.

VII. RULE 115 - RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED contents of his first Answer to the administrative case filed against him
by the audit team. He claimed it was prepared without the assistance of
Cases: counsel and that at the time of its preparation and submission, he was
not in peak mental and physical condition, having been stricken with
1. Perez v. People, G.R. No. 164763, 12 February 2008, 544 SCRA diabetes mellitus.
532 Petitioner rested his case on October 20, 1990 and a decision was
Prepared by Fradejas rendered on September 2003 convicting him of malversation

An audit team conducted a cash examination on the account of petitioner, WON petitioner’s right to speedy disposition of his case was
who was then the acting municipal treasurer of Tubigon, Bohol. In the violated when the Sandiganbayan rendered its decision 13 years
course of the audit, the amount of P21,331.79 was found in the safe of after petitioner rested his case? - NO
petitioner. The audit team embodied their findings in the Report of Cash WON the law upon which the petitioner was convicted and the
Examination, which also contained an inventory of cash items. Based on sentence imposed is cruel and violated Sec 19, Art 3 of the
the said audit, petitioner was supposed to have on hand the total amount Constitution? - NO
of P94,116.36, instead of the P21,331.79, incurring a shortage of
P72,784.57. Petitioner was present when the auditor counted the money HELD
in his vault and he signed on a document confirming the amount counted Petitioner was correctly convicted of malversation. Shortage of accounts
by the auditor. Two demand letters were sent by the auditor to the constitute a prima facie evidence that a public official misappropriated
petitioner asking to return the money. When asked by the auditing team such funds. Although it is only prima facie, petitioner was unable to
as to the location of the missing funds, petitioner verbally explained that present a clear and convincing evidence to rebut such evidence. The
part of the money was used to pay for the loan of his late brother, another evidence was established by the testimony of Arlene and petitioner’s first
portion was spent for the food of his family, and the rest for his medicine. Answer. The Court was not convinced on the sudden turnaround because
it was executed just to exonerate himself. The argument by the
As a result of the audit, Arlene R. Mandin prepared a memorandum petitioner that his first Answer was inadmissible because he was
dated January 13, 1989 addressed to the Provincial Auditor of Bohol not assisted by counsel is untenable. Jurisprudence is clear that
recommending the filing of the appropriate criminal case against assistance of counsel is not indispensable to administrative
petitioner. proceedings. It is not an absolute right and may be invoked or rejected
in a criminal proceeding and, with more reason, in an administrative
Petitioner was charged before the Sandiganbayan with malversation of inquiry. The right to counsel is not imperative in administrative
public funds, defined and penalized by Article 217 of the Revised Penal investigations because such inquiries are conducted merely to determine
Code. whether there are facts that merit disciplinary measures against erring
Petitioner was able to return the money by intallment (6), from January public officers and employees, with the purpose of maintaining the
to April 1989 as evidenced by the receipts. dignity of government service. More than that, petitioner’s first Answer
Pretrial was set on June4-5, 1990. Petitioner moved to postpone the may be taken against him, as he executed it in the course of the
pretrial but it was denied and the pretrial was dispensed and administrative proceedings below. This is pursuant to Rule 130, Section
presentation of evidence by the prosecution proceeded because the 26 of the Rules of Court which provides that the "act, declaration or
witness, the auditor, came all the way from Bohol. Petitioner denied the omission of a party as to a relevant fact may

has identified three such interests: (i) to prevent oppressive
Due process of law as applied to judicial proceedings is interpreted as “a pretrial incarceration; (ii) to minimize anxiety and concern of the
court that hears before it condemns”. Petitioner was given due process accused; and (iii) to limit the possibility that the defense will be
when he was given a trial and allowed to present his evidence. There is impaired. Of these, the most serious is the last, because the inability of
also no merit in the contention that petitioner’s sickness affected the a defendant adequately to prepare his case skews the fairness of the
preparation of his first Answer. He presented no convincing evidence that entire system. If witnesses die or disappear during a delay, the prejudice
his disease at the time he formulated that answer diminished his is obvious. There is also prejudice if defense witnesses are unable to recall
capacity to formulate a true, clear and coherent response to any query. accurately events of the distant past.
Petitioner has not filed a single motion or manifestation which could be
On the issue of violation of his right to speedy disposition of case. The construed even remotely as an indication that he wanted his case to be
Court cited two approaches: the fixed-time period where the defendant dispatched without delay. Petitioner may have truly lived in suspicion
is offered a trial within a specified time period and the demand-waiver and anxiety for over twelve years. However, any prejudice that may have
rule which provides that a defendant waives any consideration of his been caused to him in all those years was only minimal and is more
right to speedy trial for any period for which he has not demanded trial. imagined than real.
The fixed-time approach was rejected because there was no constitutional
basis for holding that the speedy trial can be quantified into a specific On the issue of cruel punishment, although there is no exact definition of
number of days or months. The second rule was also rejected because it a law being cruel, earlier decisions point out to the definition that it is
was inconsistent with the Court’s pronouncements on waiver of akin to resulting to torture. The Court has ruled in Echagaray case that
constitutional rights. The Court adopted a middle ground which is the even execution by lethal injection is not cruel and degrading. The
balancing test based on four factors: 1. Length of the delay; 2. definition of what is cruel is not fastened to the obsolete but may acquire
Reason for the delay; 3. Defendant’s assertion of his right; and 4. meaning as public opinion becomes enlightened by jumane justice.
Prejudice to the defendant. The first two are closely related and a Petitioner argues that the sentence imposed was cruel since there was no
deliberate attempt to delay the trial in order to hamper the defense damage on the part of the government. The Court rejected this because
should be weighed heavily against the government. Here, petitioner damage is not a requisite of the crime of malversation and payment or
failed to prove first two factors. The strength of his efforts will be reimbursement is not a defense and only a mitigating circumstance. The
affected by the length of the delay, to some extent by the reason Court also said that there is a strong presumption of constitutionality
for the delay, and most particularly by the personal prejudice, accorded to statutes and petitioner was unable show why such law on
which is not always readily identifiable, that he experiences. The malversation is cruel, unusual, or inhumane.
more serious the deprivation, the more likely a defendant is to complain. The Court affirmed his conviction finding two mitigating circumstances:
The defendant’s assertion of his speedy trial right, then, is entitled to 1. the return of the money akin to a voluntary surrender; and 2. He
strong evidentiary weight in determining whether the defendant is being committed the crime because he was impelled by the genuine love for his
deprived of the right. Failure to assert the right will make it brother and family.
difficult for a defendant to prove that he was denied a speedy
2. Benares v. Lim, G.R. No. 173421, 14 December 2006, 511 SCRA
A fourth factor is prejudice to the defendant. Prejudice, of course, 100
should be assessed in the light of the interests of defendants Prepared by Rinah Lae Cabusora
which the speedy trial right was designed to protect. This Court

Petitioner Oscar Beñares was accused of estafa arising from two RTC: MeTC Order dismissing the case for failure to prosecute "had the
contracts of sale executed in 1976 where he sold two parcels of land to effect of an acquittal" which is "a bar to another prosecution for the
respondent Josephine Lim. Records show that after respondent had fully offense charged."
paid the amortizations and after the deed of absolute sale was issued,
petitioner mortgaged the same parcels of land to the BPI. When CA: Reversed the RTC Decision. There was no double jeopardy
respondent demanded the delivery of the properties, petitioner obviously because the order dismissing the case for failure to prosecute had not
failed to comply. Thus, respondent filed a case for estafa against become final and executory due to the timely MR filed by respondent.
petitioner. Petitioner's right to speedy trial was not violated when respondent
failed to formally offer her evidence within the period required by the
Trial ensued. After the prosecution presented its last witness, it was trial court. Thus, CA ordered the MeTC to set the case for further trial.
given 15 days to formally offer its evidence. However, the prosecution did
not make any formal offer of evidence. Petitioner then filed a motion ISSUE/HELD: WON the MeTC's Order dismissing the case for
praying that the prosecution's submission of formal offer of evidence be failure to prosecute amounted to an acquittal which gave
deemed waived and the case be dismissed for lack of evidence. petitioner the right to invoke double jeopardy. (NO)

(4 Dec 2001 – Hearing on the motion) Respondent and her counsel failed RATIONALE:
to attend the hearing. Double jeopardy1 attaches only:
1. upon a valid indictment
(28 Jan 2002) MeTC issued an Order giving the prosecution another 15 2. before a competent court
days within which to formally offer its evidence which petitioner opposed. 3. after arraignment
4. when a valid plea has been entered, and
(7 Feb 27 2002) MeTC issued another Order which states that for having 5. when the defendant was convicted or acquitted, or the case was
failed to file their formal offer of evidence despite the extension given dismissed or otherwise terminated without the express consent of the
them, said court now denies the submission of their formal offer of accused.
evidence. Respondent then filed an MR and prayed for the admission of
Formal Offer of Documentary Exhibits claiming that she had difficulty In this case, there is no question as to the presence of the first four
securing documents from the court which were marked during trial. elements. As to the last element, there was yet no conviction, nor an
Petitioner opposed the motion invoking his right against double jeopardy. acquittal on the ground that petitioner's guilt has not been proven beyond
reasonable doubt, but the dismissal of the case was based on failure
(11 June 2002) MeTC issued an Order stating: “[I]n line with the long to prosecute.
standing policy of the Courts to decide issues based on the substantial
merits of the case and not simply dismiss cases on technical defects, the 1Section 7, Rule 117 of the Rules of Court:
Court finds Merit in the Motion for Reconsideration filed by the Former conviction or acquittal; double jeopardy.—When an accused has been convicted or
Prosecution.” In order words, MeTC with respect to the MR decided acquitted, or the case against him dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express
consent by a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a valid complaint or information or other
to allow the respondents to present their evidence.
formal charge sufficient in form and substance to sustain a conviction and after the accused
had pleaded to the charge, the conviction or acquittal of the accused or the dismissal of the
case shall be a bar to another prosecution for the offense charged, or for any attempt to
commit the same or frustration thereof, or for any offense which necessarily includes or is
necessarily included in the offense charged in the former complaint or information.

A dismissal with the express consent or upon motion of the accused does 3. People v. Baloloy, G.R. No. 140740, 12 April 2002, 381 SCRA 31
not result in double jeopardy, except in two instances, to wit: Prepared by Annabelle Jalandoni
1. the dismissal is based on insufficiency of evidence or
2. the case is dismissed for violation of the accused's right to On August 3, 1996, the body of Genelyn Camacho was found at the
speedy trial. waterfalls of Barangay Inasagan, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur. The body
was discovered by Juanito Baloloy.
Prosecution’s delay in filing its formal offer of evidence did not violate
petitioner’s right to a speedy trial since there was justifiable reason for Juanito was charged with the crime of rape with homicide.
the delay, i.e., the documents which were previously marked in court were
misplaced. A black rope was found at the scene of the crime. It was handed over to
Brgy. Cap. Ceniza. When she asked those present as to who owned the
Indeed, delay is not a mere mathematical computation of the time rope, Juanito admitted ownership. With further prodding, JUANITO told
involved. Each case must be decided upon the facts peculiar to it. The Ceniza that his intention was only to frighten GENELYN, not to molest
following factors must be considered and balanced: the length of the and kill her. When GENELYN ran away, he chased her then raped her.
delay, the reasons for such delay, the assertion or failure to assert Thereafter, he threw her body into the ravine.
such right by the accused, and the prejudice caused by the delay.
In the instant case, the totality of the circumstances excuses the delay After such confession, Ceniza examined his body and found a wound on
occasioned by the late filing of the prosecution's formal offer of evidence. his right shoulder, as well as abrasions and scratches on other parts of his
Since the delay was not vexatious or oppressive, it follows that petitioner's body. Ceniza then turned over JUANITO to a policeman for his own
right to speedy trial was not violated, consequently he cannot properly protection and JUANITO was forthwith brought to the police
invoke his right against double jeopardy. headquarters.

Petitioner’s reliable on the doctrine that when a judge dismisses a case Presiding Judge Celestino V. Dicon of the MTC of Aurora, Zamboanga del
for failure to prosecute, the termination amounts to an acquittal as the Sur, testified that when he arrived in his office several people, including
prosecution will fail to prove the case when the time therefor comes. In Barangay Captain Ceniza, were already in his courtroom. He learned
the instant case, testimonial evidence were presented against petitioner. that they came to swear to their affidavits before him. After reading the
Thus, even without documentary evidence, his guilt or innocence may be affidavit of Ceniza, he asked Ceniza whether her statements were true.
proven. Second, petitioner appears to have admitted the genuineness and Ceniza answered in the affirmative and pointed to JUANITO as the
due execution of respondent's documentary evidence, thus the culprit. Judge Dicon turned to JUANITO and asked him whether the
prosecution need not even present such documents in view of his charge against him was true. JUANITO replied in the dialect:
admission. With or without these documents, therefore, the prosecution [N]apanuwayan ko, sir (I was demonized). While Judge Dicon realized
has enough evidence left for the trial court's determination of his guilt. that he should not have asked JUANITO as to the truthfulness of the
allegations against him, he felt justified in doing so because the latter
PETITION IS DENIED. The formal offer of evidence is allowed. was not under custodial investigation. This admission by Juanito was
corroborated by Albano, a process server in the court of Judge Dicon.
NOTE: Delay was only 6 months.

During his investigation by the police officers and by Judge Dicon, he was After admitting ownership of the black rope JUANITO voluntarily
never assisted by a lawyer. narrated to Ceniza that he raped GENELYN and thereafter threw her
body into the ravine. This narration was a spontaneous answer, freely
ISSUES: and voluntarily given in an ordinary manner. It was given before he was
W/N the court gravely erred in admitting the alleged confession of arrested or placed under custody for investigation in connection with the
Juanito to witnesses Brgy Cap Ceniza and Judge Dicon as evidence commission of the offense.
against the accused. Moreover, JUANITO did not offer any evidence of improper or ulterior
motive on the part of Ceniza, which could have compelled her to testify
W/N on account of the inadmissibility of the accused’s alleged confession, falsely against him. Where there is no evidence to show a doubtful reason
the court gravely erred in convicting the accused based on mere or improper motive why a prosecution witness should testify against the
circumstantial evidence. accused or falsely implicate him in a crime, the said testimony is
As to the 1st error, JUANITO maintains that the trial court violated However, there is merit in JUANITOs claim that his constitutional rights
Section 12(1) of Article III of the Constitution when it admitted in during custodial investigation were violated by Judge Dicon when the
evidence his alleged extrajudicial confession to Barangay Captain Ceniza latter propounded to him incriminating questions without informing him
and Judge Dicon. According to him, the two failed to inform him of his of his constitutional rights. It is settled that at the moment the accused
constitutional rights before they took it upon themselves to elicit from voluntarily surrenders to, or is arrested by, the police officers, the
him the incriminatory information. custodial investigation is deemed to have started. So, he could not
thenceforth be asked about his complicity in the offense without the
In his second assigned error, JUANITO asserts that the prosecution assistance of counsel. Judge Dicon’s claim that no complaint has yet been
miserably failed to establish with moral certainty his guilt. He points to filed and that neither was he conducting a preliminary investigation
the contradicting testimonies of the witnesses for the prosecution deserves scant consideration. The fact remains that at that time
concerning the retrieved rope owned by him. JUANITO was already under the custody of the police authorities, who
had already taken the statement of the witnesses who were then before
It has been held that the constitutional provision on custodial Judge Dicon for the administration of their oaths on their statements.
investigation does not apply to a spontaneous statement, not elicited Records reveal that JUANITO was in fact arrested.
through questioning by the authorities but given in an ordinary manner
whereby the suspect orally admits having committed the crime. Neither Juanito’s extrajudicial confession before Judge Dicon made without the
can it apply to admissions or confessions made by a suspect in the advice and assistance of counsel may be treated as a verbal admission of
commission of a crime before he is placed under investigation. What the the accused, which could be established through the testimonies of the
Constitution bars is the compulsory disclosure of incriminating facts or persons who heard it or who conducted the investigation of the accused.
confessions. The rights under Section 12 of the Constitution are
guaranteed to preclude the slightest use of coercion by the state as would Juanito’s defense of alibi is futile because of his own admission that he
lead the accused to admit something false, not to prevent him from freely was at the scene of the crime. As to the inconsistencies on the recovery of
and voluntarily telling the truth. the black rope, the same are irrelevant and trite and do not impair the
credibility of the witnesses. Minor inconsistencies and honest lapses
strengthen rather than weaken the credibility of witnesses, as they erase

doubts that such testimonies have been coached or rehearsed. What and she informed the police that it was the husband Hilarion
matters is that the testimonies of witnesses agree on the essential fact who was the driver
that JUANITO was the owner of the black rope and the perpetrator of the o Milagros and the other barangay tanod wrote down the partial
crime. plate number of the jeep and identified also some of the jeeps
key features (maroon paint, green reflector paint and lights
Guilt may be established through circumstantial evidence provided that on the bumper) on the night that the body was found
the following requisites concur: (1) there is more than one circumstance; o Another sworn statement was made that Hilarion apparently
(2) the inferences are based on proven facts; and (3) the combination of all requested his aunt to bring money to bribe a barangay tanod,
circumstances produces a conviction beyond reasonable doubt of the guilt This was turned down. The barangay tanods also noted that
of the accused. All these requisites are present in the case at bar. during the funeral of his wife, Hilarion did not look sad but
only worried. Teresita also before her death was able to
4. People v. Teves, G.R No. 141767, 2 April 2001, 356 SCRA 14 confide with her aunt about their marital problems (Hilarion
Prepared by Hanston Balonan was no longer happy about their marriage since Teresita was
constantly embarrassing him because of her jealousy over
Facts: Hilarion’s dalaga and binata friends). Hilarion wanted to live
- The lifeless body of Teresita was found by a group of barangay separately and sell their house and lot
tanods in Sta Rosa Laguna - Defense’s Evidence:
o Strangled and stabbed o Hilarion stayed at their house and helped his wife do the
- During investigation of the case, barangay tanods identified laundry and his kids with their school work. He left to
Hilarion, husband of Teresita, as the driver of a jeepney they chanced proceed with his job. Teresita also left to meet with someone
upon before finding the body and she boarded a tricycle. When Hilarion returned Teresita
- It was also stated that the spouses had marital problems prior to was not yet home. He looked for her and then heard the news
the death of Teresita that a body of a woman was found and it was later on
- Hilarion was charged with the crime of parricide confirmed that it was Teresita who was said to had been a
o Pleaded not guilty victim of gang rape. He was investigated by the police and he
- Prosecution’s Evidence: found out that he was being accused for the death of his wife
o 4 barangay tanods on board a patrol vehicle patrolled a seldom o 3 of the barangay tanods who allegedly saw Hilarion during
visited stretch of dirt road bound by an irrigation canal and a the night of the discovery of the body were brought to identify
rice field on the other side him but they failed to do so
o They subsequently they met a passenger jeep coming from the o Hilarion was then asked to sit in his jeep and wave. This was
opposite direction in order to suggest to the barangay tanods that he was the
o the patrol car advance and they found the body culprit. When the barangay tanods later on agreed, Hilarion
o They reported the what they found to the Laguna Police was arrested
Station - Hilarion claims that there was failure to identify him as the one
o A medico-legal examined the body and identified the body as who committed the crime
Teresita who died from strangulation o Barangay tanods failed to identify him and his vehicle
o Milagros (one of the barangay tanods) was invited by the PNP - The testimonies made regarding his marital problems were
provincial director to identify the driver of the passenger jeep merely suspicions

- Medico-legal even suggested that the crime may have been done · One of the barangay tanods during the
by multiple people investigation also stated that she couldn’t
- To prove its case of parricide against the appellant, the identify the driver because he did not have a
prosecution relied on circumstantial evidence. In order to convict an plate number at the rear of his vehicle and the
accused based on circumstantial evidence, it is necessary that: 1) lights inside the jeep were turned off
there is more than one circumstance; 2) the facts from which the · It was also contrary to human experience that
inferences are derived are proven; and 3) the combination of all the Hilarion would confess his guilt to the aunt of
circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable Teresita
doubt. · The claims regarding marital problems were
only suspicion and was rendered doubtful
Issue: Whether or not circumstantial evidence presented was when the victim’s daughter testified that they
sufficient to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt had a normal and happy family
· Their neighbor for 17 years also testified that
Held: No the relationship of the spouses were generally
- SC, the identification of the accused was done in an irregular smooth
o Hilarion was made to pose sitting and waving on his jeep 5. People v. Musa, G.R. No. 170472, 3 July 2009, 591 SCRA 619
which was suggestive Prepared by Danielle Olan
o Hilarion was already a suspect for the death of his wife and
was more importantly alone without presence of his counsel A civilian informer gave the information that Mari Musa was engaged in
o The identification during the night of the discovery according selling marijuana in Zamboanga. Sgt. Ani was instructed by Sgt. Belarga,
to Milagros’ testimony was very unlikely NARCOTICS COMMAND (NARCOM) leader to conduct test buy on
§ It was shown that after backing up to accommodate the Musa. Ani was able to buy one news-paper wrapped dried marijuana for
passage of the passenger jeepney allegedly driven by P10.
Hilarion, the patrol car and the jeep were 36 feet
apart making it impossible to clearly identify the The next day, a buy-bust was planned with Ani was assigned as the
driver even in broad daylight poseur buyer. He went to Musa’s house, while the NARCOM team
§ The testimony made by Milagros to the police also positioned themselves about 90-100 meters away.
failed to make any mention of the identity and facial
features of the accused Ani gave Musa the P20 marked money. Musa gave Ani 2 newspaper
· It was only during the custodial investigation wrappers containing dried marijuana. Ani opened it and inspected the
of Hilarion where Milagros claimed in her contents. Convinced that they were marijuana, he gave the signal to the
subsequent affidavit that she had seen the team. The NARCOM teams moved in and inspected the house. Belarga
passenger and identified him as Hilarion frisked Musa in the living room. The agents moved in to the kitchen
· Testimonies of the other 3 barangay tanods were where they found a plastic bag containing dried marijuana. They
not acquired to corroborate the claims of asked Musa about its contents but failed to get a response. So they
Milagros opened it and found marijuana inside. Musa was arrested and brought to
the NARCOM office. All submitted specimens were examined and gave

positive results for marijuana.
For the warrantless seizure to be valid, it must be immediately apparent
RTC found the accused Musa guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Now, to the officers that the items may be evidence of a crime, contraband, or
appellant Musa contends that his guilt was not proved beyond reasonable otherwise subject to seizure.
doubt and impugns the credibility of the prosecution witnesses.
(Musa used Ker v. California (US case) - brick of marijuana in the
Musa assails the seizure and admission as evidence of the plastic bag kitchen; valid warrantless seizure based on "plain view"; inapplicable to
containing marijuana which the NARCOM agents found in the his this case)
kitchen. Agents found a "cellophane colored white and stripe hanging at
the corner of the kitchen." They asked the Musa about its contents but 2) None. The exclusion of this particular evidence does not, however,
failing to get a response, they opened it. During trial, Musa questioned its diminish, in any way, the damaging effect of the other pieces of evidence
admissibility. presented by the prosecution to prove that the appellant sold marijuana,
in violation of Dangerous Drugs Act.
1) Is the plastic bag containing dried marijuana leaves admissible The Court holds that by virtue of the testimonies of Sgt. Ani and Sgt.
in evidence? (NO) Belarga and the two wrappings of marijuana sold by the appellant to Sgt.
2) If not, does its inadmissibility have any effect on the innocence Ani, among other pieces of evidence, the guilt of the appellant of the
of Musa? (NO) crime charged has been proved beyond reasonable doubt.


1) No. It constituted unreasonable search and seizure; thus, it may not be
admitted as evidence. OTHER NOTES (just in case):

Although Rule 126 authorizes a warrantless search and seizure DEFENSE: 3 NARCOM agents did not ask permission to enter the house
incidental to a lawful arrest, the "plain view" doctrine does not apply but simply announced that they were NARCOM agents. The agents
under the circumstances of the case. searched Musa's house did not show their search warrant. They found a
plastic bag whose contents, Musa said, he did not know. Musa was then
The plastic bag was not within their "plain view" when they arrested the handcuffed and was told it was for purposes of clarification.
appellant as to justify its seizure. They arrested the accused in the
living room and moved into the kitchen in search for other In the NARCOM Office, Musa was investigated by a NARCOM agent
evidences where they found the plastic bag. The NARCOM agents which investigation was reduced into writing. The document stated that
could not have known the contents of the bag had they not the marijuana belonged to Musa and he was asked to sign it. Musa
forcibly opened it. Even assuming that the NARCOM agents refused to sign because the marijuana did not belong to him. Musa said
inadvertently came across the plastic bag because it was within their he was not told that he was entitled to the assistance of counsel, although
"plain view," what may be said to be the object in their "plain view" he himself told the agents he wanted to be assisted by counsel.
was just the plastic bag and not the marijuana. The incriminating
nature of the contents of the plastic bag was not immediately apparent Musa said he was maltreated (4 bullets between his fingers and
from the "plain view" of said object. squeezed, punched him) by the NARCOM agents When the fiscal asked

him if he owned the marijuana, he said "no." After that single question, owned by an Igorot (“Arnold”). After resp was shown a sample, she agreed
Musa was brought to Jail. to go with them to a pawnshop in Tondo. She was told that it was
genuine. However, she told the three that she had no money.
In his appeal, Musa had other arguments: Pet and Garganta went back to the house of resp the following day. The
two convinced her to go with them to Angeles City, Pampanga to meet
1. Sgt. Ani’s testimony is not credible because Musa could not have Arnold and see the gold bar. They arrived 2:30 p.m. and met Arnold who
transacted with him since they do not know each other showed them the gold bar. Arnold informed her that it was worth
P60,000. After resp informed them again she had no money, pet continued
- Court: The day before the buy-bust, Ani conducted a test-buy to press her that buying the gold bar would be good investment. The
and he successfully bought a wrapper of marijuana from Musa. three left and went home.

2. it was impossible for the Musa to sell marijuana while his wife, Mar. 16, 1991 - pet, Garganta, and Adeling returned to the house of
cousin and manicurist were in the house. respondent. Again, they failed to convince her to buy the gold bar.

- Court: Place of the commission of the crime of selling prohibited On the next day, the three returned, this time they told respondent that
drugs not crucial; presence of other people will not necessarily the price was reduced to P10,000. She agreed to go with them to Angeles
prevent the consummation of the illegal sale. City to meet Arnold once more. Arnold pretended to refuse the P10,000
offer and insisted on P50,000.
3. Since Sgt. Belarga was about 90m away, he could not have
possibly witnessed the sale. Thus, the uncorroborated testimony On pet’s insistence, on March 18, 1991, the two went to Angeles City and
of Sgt. Ani cannot stand as basis for his conviction. bought the gold bar for PhP 50,000.

- Court: Belarga did not say he saw Musa hand over marijuana. Mar. 19, 1991 - resp had the gold bar tested and she was informed that it
What he said was that there was an exchange of certain articles. was fake. Resp then proceeded to pet’s house to inform the latter that the
It was not impossible for Sgt. Belarga to have seen, from a gold bar was fake. Pet replied that they had to see Garganta, and that
distance of 90m, a transaction of “something”. she had nothing to do with the transaction.
- The testimony of the poseur-buyer is sufficient to prove the
consummation of the sale of the prohibited drug. Mar. 27, 1991 - resp brought pet to NBI-NCR in the presence of Atty.
Tolentino where pet amicably promised respondent they would locate
Garganta, and the document they both signed would be disregarded
6. Aquino v. Paiste, G.R. No. 147782, 25 June 2008, 555 SCRA 255 should they locate Garganta.
Prepared by Chris Paredes
April 6, 1991, petitioner brought Garganta to the house of respondent. In
Facts: the presence of Barangay Chairperson Pablo Atayde and a police officer,
Mar. 14, 1991, 9:00AM - pets. Juanita Aquino, Elizabeth Garganta, and respondent pointed to Garganta as the person who sold the fake gold bar.
another woman (“Adeling”), went to the house of resp. Teresita Paiste Garganta was brought to the police station where there was a demand
(611 Peñalosa St., Tondo, Manila.) The children of resp. and pet. were against Garganta alone.
grade school classmates. Pet started to convince resp to buy a gold bar

Subsequently, resp filed a criminal complaint from which an Information
against Garganta (pet), and 3 others for estafa filed before the Manila Ratio:
RTC. The Information reads: (1) When petitioner was brought by respondent before the NBI-NCR on
March 27, 1991 to be investigated, she was already under custodial
That on or about March 18, 1991, in the City of Manila, Philippines, the investigation and the constitutional guarantee for her rights under the
said accused conspiring and confederating together with three others, Miranda Rule has set in. Since she did not have a lawyer then, she was
whose true names, real identities and present whereabouts are still provided with one in the person of Atty. Uy. the custodial investigation on
unknown and helping one another, did then and there willfully, the inquiry or investigation for the crime was either aborted or did not
unlawfully and feloniously defraud Teresita B. Paiste in the following push through as the parties, petitioner, and respondent agreed to
manner to wit: the said accused, by means of false manifestations and amicably settle. Thus, the amicable settlement with a waiver of right to
fraudulent representations which they made to the said Teresita B. counsel appended was executed with both parties affixing their
Paiste to the effect that a certain Arnold, an Igorot is selling a gold bar for signatures on it in the presence of Atty. Uy and NBI agent Atty. Ely
P50,000.00, and by means of other similar deceits, induced and succeeded Tolentino
in inducing the said Teresita B. Paiste to buy the said gold bar and to give
and deliver to said accused the total amount of P50,000.00, the herein First, she was provided with counsel (Atty. Uy). Presumption that Atty.
accused well knowing that their manifestations and representations were Uy is a competent and independent counsel whose interests are not
all false and untrue and were made only for the purpose of obtaining, as adverse to petitioner has not been overturned. Petitioner has merely
in fact they did obtain the said amount of P50,000.00, which once in their posed before the CA and SC that Atty. Uy may not be an independent and
possession, they thereafter willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with competent counsel without any shred of evidence.
intent to defraud, misappropriated, misapplied and converted to their
own personal use and benefit, to the damage and prejudice of the said Second, pet emphasized that Atty. Uy was not presented as witness by
Teresita B. Paiste in the aforesaid amount of P50,000.00, Philippine the prosec and that what pet and Atty. Uy supposedly conferred about
Currency. was likewise not presented. Consultation and information between
counsel and client is privileged communication and the counsel may not
Accused Garganta and the others remained at large; only petitioner was divulge these without the consent of the client. A party in a case has full
arraigned and entered a plea of not guilty. discretion to choose whoever it wants as testimonial witnesses to bolster
its case. Furthermore, pet could have asserted its right “to have
Trial ensued with the prosecution presenting the testimonial evidence of compulsory process to secure the attendance of witnesses,” for which she
private complainant, herein respondent, Yolanda Pomer, and Ely could have compelled Atty. Uy to testify. She did not.
Tolentino. For her defense, petitioner testified along with Barangay
Chairperson Atayde, Jose Aquino, and SPO1 Roberto Cailan. The Third, petitioner never raised any objection against Atty. Gordon Uy’s
prosecution presented as documentary evidence three (3) documents, one appointment during the time she was in the NBI and thereafter, when
of which is the amicable settlement signed in the NBI, while the defense she signed the amicable settlement. As this Court aptly held in People v.
relied solely on its testimonial evidence. Jerez, when "the accused never raised any objection against the lawyer’s
appointment during the course of the investigation and the accused
Relevant Issue / Held: thereafter subscribes to the veracity of his statement before the swearing
(1) Whether the amicable settlement executed in the NBI is officer" the accused is deemed to have engaged such lawyer. Verily, in the
admissible as evidence. – YES, admissible. instant case, petitioner is deemed to have engaged Atty. Uy when she

conferred with him and thereafter signed the amicable settlement with would be affirmed as conspiracy was duly proven by other pieces of
waiver of right to counsel in his presence. We do not see how the answer evidence.
of NBI agent Atty. Tolentino upon cross-examination about the
petitioner’s counsel in the NBI, could be evasive when the NBI agent
merely stated the fact that an independent counsel, Atty. Uy, was 7. People v. Serzo, G.R. No. 118435, 20 June 1997, 274 SCRA 553
provided petitioner. Prepared by Luigi Bonoan
Fourth, when pet engaged Atty. Uy as lawyer, she undoubtedly executed
the amicable settlement. She was provided with an independent counsel FACTS: August 22, 1990: Alfredo and his wife Adelaida Alcantara were at
and such “right to counsel is intended to preclude the slightest coercion as home watching TV when at around 11:30pm, Susana Serzo (mother of the
would lead the accused to admit something false. The lawyer, however, accused) and one Epifania Bentilacion came knocking at their doorstep
should never prevent an accused from freely and voluntarily telling the and pleaded for help in order to bring out her grandchildren who were
truth.” An amicable settlement is not and does not partake of the being held inside their house by her son. The couple went with them to
nature of an extrajudicial confession or admission but is a contract their house across their residence. The spouses were able to rescue the
between the parties within the parameters of their mutually recognized grandchildren and to bring them to a safer place. When returning to their
and admitted rights and obligations. Thus, the presence of Atty. Uy house, Alfredo Alcantara was stabbed at his back by the Mario Serzo
safeguarded petitioner’s rights even if the custodial investigation did not (accused), forcing the him to scamper. However, the accused overpowered
push through and precluded any threat of violence, coercion, or him causing his fall in the canal and was repeatedly stabbed. Adelaida
intimidation. Alcantara shouted for help but was attacked by the accused as she was
only half-meter away from her husband. However, Adelaida was able to
Moreover, pet’s Miranda rights were not violated. The infractions of hold the hand of the accused and persistently fought him. The commotion
Miranda rights render inadmissible "only the extrajudicial confession had already caught the attention of the residents within the vicinity who
or admission made during custodial investigation. The responded to help her thereby causing the accused to flee. The victim was
admissibility of other evidence, provided they are relevant to the issue confirmed dead upon arrival in the hospital. The Medico-legal Officer
and is not otherwise excluded by law or rules, is not affected even if testified in Court that the victim sustained 3 stab wounds, two at the
obtained or taken in the course of custodial investigation." An back and one in his chest, which caused the victim’s death.
admission is an act, declaration or omission of a party as to a relevant
fact, while confession is a declaration of an accused acknowledging his January 8, 1991: During arraignment, which appellant appeared without
guilt of the offense charged, or of any offense necessarily included therein. counsel, the trial court appointed Atty. Wilfredo Lina-ac as counsel de
oficio for the arraignment only. Appellant, however, moved that the
Fifth, granting arguendo that the amicable settlement is in the nature of arraignment be reset and that he be given time to engage a counsel of his
an admission, the document petitioner signed would still be own choice, which the trial court granted.
admissible since none of her constitutional rights were violated.
Petitioner’s allegations of threat, violence, and intimidation remain but February 11, 1991: Appellant appeared without a counsel de parte. He
bare allegations. Allegations are not proof. was nonetheless arraigned with the assistance of Counsel de oficio
Wilfredo Lina-ac and pleaded not guilty. Pre-trial was waived and trial
In fine, we agree with the courts a quo that even assuming arguendo that was set on April 22, May 6 and 13, 1991 for the reception of the
the amicable settlement is not admissible, still the conviction of petitioner prosecution evidence and June 3 and 17, 1991 for the defense.

The hearings scheduled on April 22, 1991 and May 6, 1991 were cancelled days, after which the case would be submitted for decision. Atty. Garcia
on motion of the Public Prosecutor. On both dates, appellant appeared was further ordered to manifest within the same period whether
with Atty. Lina-ac. On May 13 and June 3, 1991, trial proceeded with the appellant would change his mind and cooperate with her. No
testimonies of prosecution witnesses. On behalf of appellant, Atty. Lina-ac memorandum or manifestation was ever filed by appellant.
cross-examined the said witnesses.
Appellant wrote Judge Angeles three times within the period beginning
June 17, 1991: Trial was again cancelled as appellant appeared without December 16, 1992 until April 2, 1993, seeking legal advice and the early
counsel. resolution of the case.
The Branch Clerk of Court replied to him twice, informing him that
August 13, 1991: The prosecution rested its case. Judge Angeles was prohibited by law from giving legal advice to litigants
in cases pending in his court and that a decision was forthcoming.
November 4 and 11, 1991: Presentation of evidence for the defense was
reset as appellant was not ready to testify and he manifested his July 13, 1994: Appellant wrote the Deputy Court Administrator asking
intention to secure the services of a counsel de parte. for the early resolution of his case. The latter referred said letter to Judge
Angeles for appropriate action.
On March 3, 1992: Atty. Lina-ac was relieved as counsel de oficio in view
of appellants manifestation and refusal to cooperate with said counsel. August 23, 1994: The assailed Decision convicting appellant of murder
was promulgated.
On April 6, 1992 appellant appeared without counsel, forcing the trial
court to appoint another counsel de oficio, Bella Antonano. Counsels for RTC: Convicted appellant on the basis of the evidence presented by the
both parties agreed to reset the trial, but appellant refused to sign the prosecution. Appellant was positively identified as the assailant by the
minutes of the proceedings. widow, Adelaida Alcantara, who survived his attack. Not satisfied with
the RTC’s Decision, appellant through Counsel Carmelo L. Arcilla
April 27, 1992: Over vehement objection from the prosecution, hearing appealed.
was reset for the last time as appellant was still looking for a counsel de ISSUE: W/N the trial court did not give him enough time to
parte. engage a counsel de parte, effectively depriving him of the
chance to present evidence in his defense.
August 25, 1992: Appellant appeared without counsel; thus, the trial
court appointed Atty. Garcia of the Public Attorneys Office (PAO) as HELD: Appellant’s claim: That he was not given sufficient time to engage
appellants counsel de oficio. Again, trial was postponed. a counsel de parte, thereby preventing him from presenting evidence in
his defense. In his Brief he adds, but without giving particulars or proof,
September 1 and October 19, 1992: Trial was postponed on motion of Atty. that allegedly his counsels de oficio did not exert their utmost efforts in
Garcia. Appellant again refused to sign the minutes of the proceedings for representing him.
both trial dates.
The Solicitor General’s Brief: Appellant had been given ample time to
November 5, 1992: Appellant refused to cooperate with Atty. Garcia by secure the services of a counsel de parte, but his subsequent appearances
declining to take the witness stand, forcing the defense to rest its case. in court without such counsel and his act of allowing this situation to
Both parties were ordered to submit their respective memoranda in ten continue until the presentation of his evidence betrays his lack of

intention to do so. It even appears that he was merely delaying his own From this testimony, it appears that appellant waited for the victim and
presentation of evidence on purpose to the prejudice of the offended party, his wife and pounced on them swiftly and without warning. The victim
the trial court and the orderly administration of justice. and his wife were already on their way home after transferring
appellants children to a safe place. They were unarmed as they had
Furthermore, appellant did not demonstrate in what way the services of absolutely no idea that appellant would attack them right then and from
his counsels de oficio were unsatisfactory. He did not cite any instance behind. The manner of the attack tended directly and especially to insure
substantiating his claim that he was not effectively represented. It taxes the execution of the crime without risk to appellant and virtually no
the mind to think that, almost two years since appellant first invoked his chance for the victim to defend himself. Even Adelaidas life would have
right to be represented by counsel de parte, he still could not find one who been mortally threatened were it not for the timely intervention of her
would suit his needs and desires. Neither did he cooperate with his court- neighbors.
named lawyers.
DISPOSITIVE: Actual and moral damages require the presentation of
The facts of this case do not constitute a deprivation of appellant’s proof before they can be awarded by the trial court. According to
constitutional right to counsel because he was adequately represented by Adelaida, burial expenses in the amount of P2,000.00 were incurred. This
three court-appointed lawyers: Atty. Lina-ac, Atty. Antonano and Atty. is separate and distinct from civil indemnity awarded under prevailing
Garcia. Courts are not required to await indefinitely the pleasure and jurisprudence, which is granted without further proof beyond the fact of
convenience of the accused as they are also mandated to promote the death and the accused’s responsibility therefor. Moral damages were not
speedy and orderly administration of justice. Nor should they discussed at all in Adelaidas testimony. Hence, without any factual basis,
countenance such an obvious trifling with the rules. Indeed, public policy the award of moral damages is not justified.
requires that the trial continue as scheduled, considering that appellant
was adequately represented by counsels who were not shown to be WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision is hereby AFFIRMED, but the
negligent, incompetent or otherwise unable to represent him. award of moral damages is DELETED. Instead, appellant is ORDERED
TO PAY the amount of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity and actual damages
No reason to reverse the conviction of appellant. In a case of murder or of P2,000.00 as burial expenses.
homicide, it is enough that the death of the victim and the responsibility
of the person who caused such death are proven beyond reasonable doubt.
Both elements were duly established by the prosecution witnesses. The 8. Dela Cruz v. People, G.R. No. 200748, 23 July 2014, 730 SCRA 655
medico-legal testified to the fact of death while Widow Adelaida Prepared by Abbey Perez
Alcantara positively identified the appellant as the assailant.
Based on the facts established by the prosecution which remain Facts
uncontested, the Court affirms the trial court’s appreciation of the Agents and special investigators of the NBI, received a Complaint from
qualifying circumstance of treachery. To constitute treachery, two Corazon and Charito. The complainants claimed that Ariel, the live-in
conditions must concur: (1) the employment of means of execution that partner of Corazon and son of Charito, was picked up by several unknown
gives the person attacked no opportunity to defend himself or to retaliate male persons believed to be police officers for allegedly selling drugs. The
and (2) deliberate or conscious adoption of the means of execution. The complainants were instructed to proceed to the Gorordo Police Office
manner of the attack itself is proof enough of alevosia. Widow Adelaida where they met "James" who demanded from them 100k, later lowered to
vividly described the stabbing. 40k, in exchange for the release of Ariel.

After the meeting, the complainants proceeded to NBI to file a complaint already in custody, he is not compelled to make a statement or testimony
and narrate the circumstances of the meeting to the authorities. While at against himself. Extracting urine from one's body is merely a mechanical
the NBI, Charito even received calls supposedly from "James" instructing act, hence, falling outside the concept of a custodial investigation."
her to bring the money as soon as possible.
The special investigators at the NBI verified the text messages received Whether the drug test conducted upon the Dela Cruz is legal – No
by the complainants. A team was immediately formed to implement an
entrapment operation. The officers were able to nab Dela Cruz by using a Rationale
pre-marked 500P bill dusted with fluorescent powder, which was made The following are the elements of Section 15 of RA 9165:
part of the amount demanded by "James" and handed by Corazon. Dela (1) the accused was arrested; (2) the accused was subjected to drug test;
Cruz was later brought to the forensic laboratory. There, Dela Cruz was and (3) the confirmatory test shows that he used a dangerous drug.
required to submit his urine for drug testing. It later yielded a positive
result for presence of dangerous drugs as indicated in the confirmatory The drug test in Section 15 does not cover persons apprehended or
test result. arrested for any unlawful act, but only for unlawful acts listed under
Article II of R.A. 9165.
Dela Cruz was charged with violation of Section 15 (R.A.) 9165, or the
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act in an Information which states that First, "[a] person apprehended or arrested" cannot literally mean any
he, a public officer, Police Officer 2 of PNP, was found positive for use of person apprehended or arrested for any crime. The arrested or
Shabu. When arraigned, Dela Cruz pleaded not guilty to the charge. apprehended for unlawful acts listed under Article II of the law. Hence, a
drug test can be made upon persons who are apprehended or arrested for,
Dela Cruz denied the charges and testified that while eating at the said among others, the "importation", "sale, trading, administration (and other
Jollibee branch, he was arrested allegedly for extortion by NBI agents. acts) of dangerous drugs.
He claimed that when he was required to extract urine for drug
examination, he refused saying he wanted it to be done PNP Crime Lab It would be more in keeping with the intent of the law to file charges
and not by the NBI. His request was, however, denied. He also requested under Sec. 15 instead in order to rehabilitate first time offenders of drug
to be allowed to call his lawyer prior to the taking of his urine sample, to use, provided that there is a positive confirmatory test result as required
no avail. under Sec. 15.

RTC found the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt. CA found the In the case at bench, the presence of dangerous drugs was only in the
appeal devoid of merit and affirmed the ruling of the RTC. Dela Cruz form of residue on the drug paraphernalia, and the accused were found
argued that the CA positive for use of dangerous drugs. Granting that the arrest was legal,
overlooked prevailing jurisprudence, which states that drug testing the evidence obtained admissible, and the chain of custody intact, the law
conducted under circumstances similar to his would violate a person's enforcers should have filed charges under Sec. 15, R.A. No. 9165 or for
right to privacy. use of dangerous drugs and, if there was no residue at all, they should
have been charged under Sec. 14 (Possession of Equipment, Instrument,
Disregarding Dela Cruz's objection regarding the admissibility of the Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs During
evidence, the lower court also reasoned that "a suspect cannot invoke his Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings).
right to counsel when he is required to extract urine because, while he is

Furthermore, making the phrase "a person apprehended or In the instant case, a urine sample is not material to the charge of
arrested" in Section 15 applicable to all persons arrested or extortion. The RTC and the CA, therefore, both erred when they held that
apprehended for unlawful acts, not only under R.A. 9165 but for all the extraction of Dela Cruz's urine for purposes of drug testing was
other crimes, is tantamount to a mandatory drug testing of all "merely a mechanical act, hence, falling outside the concept of a custodial
persons apprehended or arrested for any crime. investigation."

To impose mandatory drug testing on the accused is a blatant attempt to The situation in Gutang (case cited) was categorized as falling among the
harness a medical test as a tool for criminal prosecution, contrary to the exemptions under the freedom from testimonial compulsion since what
stated objectives of RA 6195. Drug testing in this case would violate a was sought to be examined came from the body of the accused. The
person's right to privacy guaranteed under Sec. 2, Art. III of the circumstances in Gutang are clearly different from the circumstances of
Constitution. Worse still, the accused persons are veritably forced to Dela Cruz in the instant case. First, Gutang was arrested in relation to a
incriminate themselves. drug case. Second, he volunteered to give his urine. Third, there were
other pieces of evidence that point to his culpability for the crimes
The drug test is not covered by allowable non-testimonial charged. In the present case, though, Dela Cruz was arrested for
compulsion (self-incrimination). extortion; he resisted having his urine sample taken; and finally, his
urine sample was the only available evidence that was used as basis for
Dela Cruz never raised the alleged irregularity of his arrest before his his conviction for the use of illegal drugs.
arraignment and raises the issue only now before this tribunal; hence, he
is deemed to have waived his right to question the validity of his arrest The drug test was a violation of Dela Cruz's right to privacy and right
curing whatever defect may have attended his arrest. However, "a waiver against self-incrimination. Dela Cruz refused to have his urine extracted
of an illegal warrantless arrest does not mean a waiver of the and tested for drugs. He also asked for a lawyer prior to his urine test. He
inadmissibility of evidence seized during an illegal warrantless arrest." was adamant in exercising his rights, but all of his efforts proved futile,
because he was still compelled to submit his urine for drug testing under
There are allowable exceptions to such proscription. Such exceptions, those circumstances.
however, that the pieces of evidence obtained were all material to the
principal cause of the arrest. The constitutional right of an accused The pertinent provisions in Article III of the Constitution are clear:
against self-incrimination proscribes the use of physical or moral Section 2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
compulsion to extort communications from the accused and not the papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of
inclusion of his body in evidence when it may be material. Purely whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable…
mechanical acts are not included in the prohibition as the Section 17. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.
accused does not thereby speak his guilt, hence the assistance
and guiding hand of counsel is not required.

The essence of the right against self-incrimination is testimonial

compulsion, that is, the giving of evidence against himself through a
testimonial act.

○ Mother of the victim and prosecutor agreed and he got 10
years each.
● Daughter Magat revived case saying punishment too light.
● Magat arraigned again and pleaded not guilty on both
● Magat later on pleaded guilty after being told what it would
○ Sentenced to death for both counts.
● Magat’s defense argues that having been convicted earlier on
guilty plea means judgment cannot be set aside for trial again.
○ Also argues that trial court did not follow procedure in
pleading guilty of a heinous crime.
ISSUE: WON plea of guilty in earlier arraignment attaches first
HELD: NO. Plea bargaining as envisioned by the law is a plea of guilt to
a lesser offense in exchange for a lesser penalty. Here Magat pleaded
guilty to rape and not a lesser offense for a lower penalty. This judgment
is void. Procedural defect was rectified when Magat was arraigned again
and he didn’t question it the first time so it was waived.

Magat also says that Rule 116 s3 was not followed which says court
should a) conduct searching inquiry into voluntariness, b) require
prosecution to present evidence, and c) ask accused if he desires
to present evidence. The courts actually did fulfill these requirements.
Courts explained to Magat what a guilty plea would mean, and
VIII. RULE 116 - ARRAIGNMENT AND PLEA prosecution actually presented enough evidence to convict him anyway.

1. People v. Magat, G.R. No. 130026, 31 May 2000, 332 SCRA 517
Prepared by Luigi Ocampo 2. People v. Ulit, G.R. No. 131799-901, 23 February 2004, 423 SCRA
● Magat raped his daughter twice, once when she as 17 and again 374
when she was 19. Prepared by
● 2 informations for rape filed against him.
● Upon arraignment Magat pleaded guilty but bargained for a Facts:
lesser penalty for each case. Ulit was charged with qualified rape. He initially pleaded not guilty.

that the accused has been coerced or placed under a state of duress either
After the prosecution rested its case, Ulit’s counsel manifested that Mr. by actual threats of physical harm coming from malevolent or avenging
Ulit will be changing his plea from Not Guilty to Guilty. The trial court quarters.
then suspended the proceedings and gave the appellant forty-five
minutes to confer with his counsel. When trial resumed, the appellant (2) Ask the defense counsel a series of questions as to whether he had
reiterated his earlier manifestation. When told by the court that he could conferred with, and completely explained to, the accused the meaning
be sentenced to death for the rape charges, the appellant stood pat on his and consequences of a plea of guilty.
decision to plead guilty.
(3) Elicit information about the personality profile of the accused, such as
He was CONVICTED and sentenced to suffer the penalty of DEATH and his age, socio-economic status, and educational background, which may
indemnify the victim the amount of P50,000 as moral damages. serve as a trustworthy index of his capacity to give a free and informed
plea of guilty.
Issue: WON the trial court was correct in accepting Ulit’s plea of guilty?
(4) Inform the accused the exact length of imprisonment or nature of the
Held: NO. penalty under the law and the certainty that he will serve such sentence.
When the appellant informed the trial court of his decision to change his Not infrequently indeed an accused pleads guilty in the hope of a lenient
plea of not guilty to guilty, it is necessary for the trial court to conduct a treatment or upon bad advice or because of promises of the authorities or
searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full comprehension of the parties of a lighter penalty should he admit guilt or express remorse. It is
consequences of his plea as mandated by Section 6, Rule 116 of the the duty of the judge to see to it that the accused does not labor under
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. In People vs. Camay, this Court these mistaken impressions.
enumerated the following duties of the trial court under the rule:
(5) Require the accused to fully narrate the incident that spawned the
1. The court must conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and charges against him or make him reenact the manner in which he
full comprehension [by the accused] of the consequences of his plea; perpetrated the crime, or cause him to supply missing details or
2. The court must require the prosecution to present evidence to prove the
guilt of the accused and precise degree of his culpability; and In People vs. Ostia, the trial court is also required to probe thoroughly
3. The court must require the prosecution to present evidence in his into the reasons or motivations, as well as the facts and circumstances for
behalf and allow him to do so if he desires. a change of plea of the accused and his comprehension of his plea; explain
to him the elements of the crime for which he is charged as well as the
In People vs. Aranzado, these are the guidelines as to how the trial court nature and effect of any modifying circumstances attendant to the
may conduct its searching inquiry: commission of the offense, inclusive of mitigating and aggravating
circumstances, as well as the qualifying and special qualifying
(1) Ascertain from the accused himself (a) how he was brought into the circumstances, and inform him of the imposable penalty and his civil
custody of the law; (b) whether he had the assistance of a competent liabilities for the crime for which he would plead guilty to.
counsel during the custodial and preliminary investigations; and (c)
under what conditions he was detained and interrogated during the In this case, the trial court failed to make a searching inquiry into the
investigations. These the court shall do in order to rule out the possibility appellant’s voluntariness and full comprehension of his plea of guilty.

justify its approval. Likewise, it denied petitioner's Motion for
(I suggest reading the stenographic notes) Reconsideration.

Office of the Special Prosecutor: Granted Plea

Sandiganbayan: Denied Plea
3. Daan v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 163972-77, 28 March 2008, 550
SC: Granted Plea
SCRA 233
Prepared by Beeya Echauz
FACTS: W/N the the petitioner may plead guilty to a lesser offense of falsification of a
Petitioner, together with Mayor Kuizon were charged for three counts of public document by a private individual because it is necessary included in
malversation of public funds by falsifying the time book and payrolls for the crime of falsification of public document by a public officer and the lesser
given period making it appear that some laborers worked on the construction offense of Failure to Render Account by an Accountable Officer because it is
of the new municipal hall building of Bato, Leyte. In addition to the charge necessary included in the crime of Malversation of Public Funds –– YES.
for malversation, the accused were also indicted for three counts of
falsification of public document by a public officer or employee. RATIO:
Plea bargaining in criminal cases is a process whereby the accused and the
In the falsification cases, the accused offered to withdraw their plea of not prosecution work out a mutually satisfactory disposition of the case subject
guilty and substitute the same with a plea of guilty, provided, the mitigating to court approval. It usually involves the defendant's pleading guilty to a
circumstances of confession or plea of guilt and voluntary surrender will be lesser offense or to only one or some of the counts of a multi-count
appreciated in their favor. In the alternative, if such proposal is not indictment in return for a lighter sentence than that for the graver charge.
acceptable, said accused proposed instead to substitute their plea of not
guilty to the crime of falsification of public document by a public officer or The lesser offenses of Falsification by Private Individuals and Failure to
employee with a plea of guilty, but to the lesser crime of falsification of a Render Account by an Accountable Officer are necessarily included in the
public document by a private individual. On the other hand, in the crimes of Falsification of Public Documents and Malversation of Public
malversation cases, the accused offered to substitute their plea of not guilty Funds, respectively, with which petitioner was originally charged.
thereto with a plea of guilty, but to the lesser crime of failure of an
accountable officer to render accounts. An offense may be said to necessarily include another when some of the
essential elements or ingredients of the former as alleged in the complaint or
Insofar as the falsification cases are concerned, the prosecution found as information constitute the latter. And vice versa, an offense may be said to be
acceptable the proposal of the accused to plead guilty to the lesser crime of necessarily included in another when the essential ingredients of the former
falsification of public document by a private individual for it will strengthen constitute or form part of those constituting the latter (Art. 171 vis-a-vis Art.
the cases against the principal accused, Mayor Kuizon who appears to be the 172).
mastermind of these criminal acts. However, the Sandiganbayan denied
petitioner’s Motion to Plea Bargain, despite favorable recommendation by
the prosecution, on the main ground that no cogent reason was presented to

Under Article 171, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code, for the crime of custody of local government funds, not to mention that petitioner has already
Falsification of Public Documents through an untruthful narration of facts restituted the amount of P18,860.00 involved in this case.
to be established, the following elements must concur:
(a) the offender makes in a document untruthful statements in a narration
of facts;
(b) the offender has a legal obligation to disclose the truth of the facts
(c) the facts narrated by the offender are absolutely false; and
(d) the perversion of truth in the narration of facts was made with the
wrongful intent of injuring a third person.

Falsification by Private Individuals penalized under Article 172, paragraph

1 of the Revised Penal Code has the following elements:
(a) the offender is a private individual or a public officer or employee who
did not take advantage of his official position;
(b) the offender committed any of the acts of falsification enumerated under
Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code; and
(c) the falsification was committed in a public or official or commercial

In this case, the allegations in the Informations filed against petitioner are
sufficient to hold petitioner liable for the lesser offenses. In the charge for
Falsification of Public Documents, petitioner may plead guilty to the lesser
offense of Falsification by Private Individuals inasmuch as it does not
appear that petitioner took advantage of his official position in
allegedly falsifying the timebook and payroll of the Municipality of Bato,
Leyte. In the same vein, he may plead guilty for rendering account by an
accountable officer instead of malversation of public funds.

Therefore, that some of the essential elements of offenses charged in this case
likewise constitute the lesser offenses, then petitioner may plead guilty to
such lesser offenses.
Moreover, petitioner is not an accountable officer in that the nature of his
duty as foreman/timekeeper does not permit or require possession or

IX. RULE 117 - MOTION TO QUASH - For jeopardy to attach, the ff. requisites must concur:
Cases: o There is a complaint or information or other formal charge sufficient
in form and substance to sustain a conviction;
1. Antone v. Beronilla, G.R. No. 183824, 8 December 2010, 637 SCRA 615 o The same is filed before a court of competent jurisdiction;
Prepared by Paolo Dizon o There is a valid arraignment or plea to the charges;
o The accused is convicted or acquitted or the case is otherwise
FACTS dismissed or terminated without his express consent.
- Antone executed an affidavit-complaint for bigamy against Beronilla before the - 3RD AND 4TH requisites are clearly wanting in the instant case.
OCP of Pasay City. o Beronilla has not yet entered his plea to the charge when he filed the
o The marriage with Beronilla in 1978 had not yet been legally dissolved when he Motion to Quash;
contracted a second marriage with Cecile Maguillo in 1991. o The case was dismissed not merely with his consent but at his instance.
- Prosecution filed an Information before the RTC, Pasay City; raffled to Branch - Jeopardy does not attach in favor of the accused on account of an order
115. sustaining a motion to quash. The granting of a motion to quash anchored on the
- Pending the setting of the case for arraignment, Beronilla moved to quash ground that the facts charged do not constitute an offense is not a bar to another
the information on the ground that the facts charged do not constitute prosecution for the same offense.
an offense.
o He informed the court that his marriage with Antone was declared Issue 2:
null and void by the RTC of Naval, Biliran; and that such decree has W/N the trial court acted with grave abuse of discretion – YES
already been registered with the Municipal Civil Registrar on April - A motion to quash is the mode by which an accused assails the validity of a
2007. criminal complaint of Information filed against him for insufficiency on its face in
o Since the marriage had been declared null and void from the point of law, or for defects which are apparent in the face of the Information.
beginning, there was actually no first marriage to speak of. Absent a - This motion is a hypothetical admission of the facts alleged in the Information,
first valid marriage, the facts alleged in the Information do not for which reason, the court cannot consider allegations contrary to those
constitute a crime of Bigamy. appearing on the face of the information.
- Prosecution, through Antone: Marriage in 1978 has not yet been severed - There are no apparent defects in the allegations in the Information in the case
when he contracted a second marriage in 1991. For which reason, bigamy at bar. The accusatory portion sufficiently constitute an offense. It contained all
has already been committed before the court declared the first marriage null the element of the crime of Bigamy.
and void. - The documents presented by Beronilla showing the decree of nullity and that it
- TC quashed the Information: First element of Bigamy was missing which is final and executory and duly registered with the registrar are pieces of evidence
contemplates that the first marriage must at least be annullable or voidable but that seek to establish a fact contrary to that alleged in the Information. This
not void. should not have been considered at all because matters of defense cannot be
o Prosecution moved for reconsideration. Moreover, a declaration of the absolute raised in a motion to quash.
nullity of a marriage is now explicitly required either as a cause of action or a - The issue on the declaration of nullity of the marriage between Antone and
ground for defense. Beronilla only after the latter contracted the subsequent marriage is immaterial
o MR denied, CA dismissed the petition for certiorari. MR denied or lack of merit. for the purpose of establishing that the facts alleged in the information for
Hence, the Petition. Bigamy does not constitute an offense.
-RTC and CA Orders are set aside. Case is remanded to the trial court for further
Issue 1: proceedings.
W/N the filing of the present petition is in violation of Beronilla’s right
against double jeopardy on the theory that he has already been
practically acquitted when the trial court quashed the Information – NO

He argued that the acts imputed against him do not constitute an
offense because:
2. People v. Romualdez, G.R. No. 166510, 23 July 2008, 559 SCRA (a) the cited provision of the law applies only to public officers charged
492 with the grant of licenses, permits, or other concessions, and the act
Prepared by charged receiving dual compensation is absolutely irrelevant and
unrelated to the act of granting licenses, permits, or other concessions;
The Office of the Ombudsman (Ombudsman) charged Romualdez before and
the Sandiganbayan with violation of Section 3 (e) of (R.A. 3019) or the (b) there can be no damage and prejudice to the Government considering
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. The Information states that from that he actually rendered services for the dual positions of Provincial
1976-Feb 1986 in the City of Manila Benjamin “Kokoy” Romualdez who Governor of Leyte and Ambassador to foreign countries.
was then the Provincial Governor of Leyte willfully, unlawfully and
criminally with evident bad faith, cause undue injury to the Government The People opposed the motion to quash asserting that Section 3 (e) of
without abandoning said position, and using his influence with his R.A. 3019 does not apply to him when Section 2 (b) of the law states that
brother-in-law, then President Ferdinand E. Marcos, had himself corrupt practices may be committed by public officers who include
appointed and/or assigned as Ambassador to foreign countries, "elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent or temporary,
particularly the People's Republic of China (Peking), Kingdom of Saudi whether in the classified or unclassified or exempt service receiving
Arabia (Jeddah), and United States of America (Washington D.C.), compensation, even nominal, from the government." On the issue of
knowing fully well that such appointment and/or assignment is in prescription, the People argued that Section 15, Article XI of the
violation of the existing laws as the Office of the Ambassador or Chief of Constitution provides that the right of the State to recover properties
Mission is incompatible with his position as Governor of the Province of unlawfully acquired by public officials or employees, from them or from
Leyte, thereby enabling himself to collect dual compensation from both their nominees or transferees, shall not be barred by prescription, laches
the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Provincial Government of or estoppel, and that prescription is a matter of technicality to which no
Leyte in the amount of US $276,911.56 (P5,806,709.50). one has a vested right.

Romualdez moved to quash the information on two grounds, namely: The Sandiganbayan granted Romualdez' motion to quash in the
(1) that the facts alleged in the information do not constitute the offense first Resolution (Resolution 1) stating that the allegation of damage and
with which the accused was charged; and prejudice to the Government is without basis, absent a showing that the
(2) that the criminal action or liability has been extinguished by accused did not actually render services for his two concurrent positions.
prescription. He posited that the 15-year prescription under Section 11 of To receive compensation for actual services rendered would not come
R.A. 3019 had lapsed since the preliminary investigation of the case for within the ambit of improper or illegal use of funds or properties of the
an offense committed from 1976 to February 1986 commenced only in government; nor would it constitute unjust enrichment tantamount to the
May 2001 after a Division of the Sandiganbayan referred the matter to damage and prejudice of the government. The accused may have been
the Office of the Ombudsman. There was no interruption of the inefficient as a public officer by virtue of his holding of two concurrent
prescriptive period for the offense because the proceedings undertaken positions, but such inefficiency is not enough to hold him criminally liable
under the 1987 complaint filed with the PCGG were null and void under the Information charged against him.
pursuant to the Supreme Court's ruling in Cojuangco, Jr. v. PCGG and
Cruz, Jr.

The Information does not sufficiently aver how the act of receiving dual Held: Motion to Quash: Invalid
compensation resulted to undue injury to the government so as to make
the accused liable for violation of Section 3 (e) of R.A. No. 3019. GAD Issue: Sandiganbayan acted with GAD
Romualdez' motion to quash that gave rise to the present case was
The Sandiganbayan found no merit in Romualdez' prescription argument. anchored on Section 3 (a) of Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of Court. The
The People moved to reconsider the SB’s Resolution, citing "reversible legal provision under which Romuldez stands charged is Corrupt
errors", which the SB denied (Resolution 2) restating its first resolution practices by public officers. Reduced to its elements, a violation under this
and concluded that that there could be no damage and prejudice to the provision requires that:
government "in the absence of any contention that receipt of such was 1. The accused must be a public officer discharging administrative,
tantamount to giving unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference to judicial or official functions;
any party and to acting with manifest partiality, evident bad faith or 2. He must have acted with manifest partiality, evident bad faith or
gross excusable negligence.". Romualdez also moved for a partial inexcusable negligence in the discharge of his functions; and
reconsideration of the Resolution's ruling on prescription which the court 3. His action caused undue injury to any party, including the
eventually granted. government, or gave a private party unwarranted benefits,
advantage or preference.
Petitioner filed a Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65, imputing grave
abuse of discretion on the part of the Sandiganbayan in quashing the The Sandiganbayan's actions grossly violated the defined
subject information. Private respondent responded with a Motion to standards. Its conclusions are based on considerations that
Dismiss with Comment Ad Cautelam, wherein he argued that the proper either not appropriate in evaluating a motion to quash; are
remedy to an order granting a motion to quash a criminal information is evidentiary details not required to be stated in an Information;
by way of appeal under Rule 45 since such order is a final order and not are matters of defense that have no place in an Information; or
merely interlocutory. are statements amounting to rulings on the merits that a court
cannot issue before trial.
The People asserted that while a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
may be availed of only when there is no appeal or any plain, speedy, and An Information only needs to state the ultimate facts constituting the
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, or that certiorari is not a offense, not the finer details of why and how the illegal acts alleged
substitute for the lost remedy of an appeal, the rule may be relaxed when amounted to undue injury or damage. Whether or not compensation has
the issue raised is purely legal, when public interest is involved, and in been earned through proper and commensurate service is a matter in
case of urgency. It also argued that certiorari may also be availed of excess of the ultimate facts the Information requires and is one that
where an appeal would be slow, inadequate, and insufficient; and that it Romualdez, not the Information, should invoke or introduce into
is within this Court's power to suspend or exempt a particular case from the case as a matter of defense.
the operation of the rules when its strict application will frustrate rather
than promote justice. Thus, the People asked for a review of the case In the context of ruling on a motion to quash, the allegation that services
based on substantial justice and the claimed merits of the instant were not rendered that the Sandiganbayan wished to require,not being a
petition. fact material to the elements of the offense, is an extraneous matter
that is inappropriate for the Sandiganbayan to consider for
Issue: WON the SB acted with GAD? YES. inclusion in the Information. That the Sandiganbayan has a fixation on
this approach is patent from a reading of the second assailed Resolution
when the Sandiganbayan, following the same line of thought, once more

insisted that "receiving compensation is an incident of actual services arrived at when it quashed the Information against Romualdez, to the
rendered, hence it cannot be construed as injury or damage to the point of acting outside its jurisdiction through the grave abuse of
government." Thus again, the Sandiganbayan grossly erred in the same discretion that attended its actions. Its errors are so patent and gross
manner it did in the first Resolution. as to amount to action outside the contemplation of law. Thus, the
declaration of the nullity of the assailed Sandiganbayan Resolutions is in
For the Sandiganbayan to assume, too, and to conclude, that there was no order.
damage and prejudice since there was no illegality in being compensated
for actual services rendered, is to pass upon the merits of the case - a task Other Main Issue not directly pertinent but he might ask:
premature for the Sandiganbayan to undertake at the motion-to-quash
stage of the case. In so doing, the Sandiganbayan prematurely The Threshold Issue: Rule 65/45
ruled on at least two matters. The appeal, as Romualdez correctly maintains, is through Section 7 of
Presidential Decree No. 1606 (as amended by Section 5 of Republic Act
Worse than the premature ruling was a patent speculation that the No. 8249), which provides that decisions and final orders of the
Sandiganbayan undertook in considering "inefficiency" and arriving at its Sandiganbayan are appealable to the Supreme Court by petition for
conclusion. Still much worse was its misreading of what a violation of review on certiorari raising pure questions of law in accordance with Rule
Section 3(e), R.A. 3019 involves. Correctly understood, it is not the 45.The People asks the SC to relax the application of the rules on the
holding of two concurrent positions or the attendant efficiency in the modes of review and posits that this requirement does not foreclose the
handling of these positions, but the causing of undue injury to the use of a Rule 65 petition for certiorari premised on grave abuse of
government that is at the core of a Section 3(e) violation. discretion when the issue is purely legal, when public interest is involved,
or in case of urgency.
The Sandiganbayan fared no better and similarly gravely abused its
discretion in the second Resolution when it. That no allegation of "giving Rule 45 provides for the broad process of appeal to the Supreme Court on
unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference to any party" appears in pure errors of law committed by the lower court. Rule 65, on the other
the Information is due obviously to the fact that this allegation is not hand, provides a completely different basis for review through the
necessary. In short, the Information is complete solely on the basis of the extraordinary writ of certiorari. The writ is extraordinary because it
"undue injury" allegation. solely addresses lower court actions rendered without or in excess of
jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
Even a cursory examination of the Information would show that an jurisdiction.;certiorari is not allowed when a party to a case fails to appeal
allegation of "evident bad faith" was expressly made, complete with a a judgment or final order despite the availability of that remedy; a
statement of how the bad faith was manifested Whether this allegation petition for certiorari cannot likewise be a substitute for a lost appeal.
can be successfully proven by evidence or established through an analysis
of the nature of the power of appointment remains to be seen after trial, In the spirit embodied in this constitutional provision and in the interest
not at the motion-to-quash stage of the case. At this earlier stage, all of substantial justice, we will not hesitate to deviate from the strict
that is required is for this allegation to be an ultimate fact directly application of our procedural rules when grave abuse of discretion
providing for an element of the offense. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction is properly and substantially
alleged in a petition filed after the lapse of the period for appeal under
In light of all these, it is concluded that the Sandiganbayan grossly and Rule 45 but prior to the lapse of the period for filing a Rule 65 petition .
egregiously erred in the considerations it made and in the conclusions it Conceptually, no major deviation from the rules in fact transpires in

doing this. The ruling's jurisdictional defect and the demands of of official functions to Mobil Link Enterprises causing the purchase of
substantial justice that we believe should receive primacy over the strict 1 computer unit costing P120,000.
application of rules of procedure, require that we so act.

Issue1: W/N there is a denial of procedural due process on the

part of the petitioners when the SP filed the Amended
3. Perez v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 166062, 26 September 2006, Information without authority from or the approval of the
503 SCRA 252 Ombudsman; W/N the Amended Information is valid in the
Prepared by Rosario Reyes absence of such authority or approval of the Ombudsman under
FACTS the circumstances – YES
- Ombudsman resolved to file charges of violation of Section 3(e) of RA - The delegation of the power to authorize the filing of information was
3019 against petitioners Mayor Perez (San Manuel, Pangasinan) and only made to Deputy Ombudsman, and not to Special Prosecutor. All that
Municipal Treasurer Juanita Apostol. was delegated to the SP was the discretional authority to review and
o They caused the purchase of 1 computer unit costing P120,000 modify the Deputy Ombudsmen-authorized information, but even this is
acquisition by personal canvass in violation of Sections 362 and RA 7160 subject to the condition that such modification must be “without
- Petitioners filed with the Sandiganbayan (SB) a Motion for Leave of departing from, or varying in any way, the contents of the basic
Court to File MR alleging discovery of new evidence which will change Resolution, Order or Decision”
the outcome of the case if presented and appreciated [reassessment by
the COA auditors difference between the subject computer and that Issue2: Is there an implied delegation of the power to prosecute
canvassed by COA is not really that material. under RA 6770 such that the Special Prosecutors are presumed to
o Motion initially denied, but later granted petitioners 10 days from have been delegated such power in the absence of a prohibition
receipt of the current Resolution within which to formalize their MR in from the Ombudsman – NO
the Office of the Ombudsman. - Petitioners claim that the doctrine of qualified political agency does not
- Office of the Special Prosecutor conducted a reinvestigation. Asst. apply to the Office of the Ombudsman, since the latter is an apolitical
Special Prosecutor Galisanao prepared a Memorandum recommending agency, and is far different form the bureaucracy to which said doctrine
the withdrawal of the Information. However, in the portion of the applies.
Memorandum earmarked for the Special Prosecutor’s action, SP Dennis - Petitioners are correct. The SP is not an alterego of the Ombudsman. In
M. Villa-Ignacio chose the action “DO NOT CONCUR” and wrote a any case, the Ombudsman could very well make a general delegation of
marginal note recommending further fact finding and an administrative powers to the SP, if it is so desired. Based on the office orders issued by
case filed against Apostol, after withdrawing the Information for violation the Ombudsman, there is no such intention to do so.
of RA 3019. - The Ombudsman would be severely hampered from exercising his power
- Supplemental Memorandum. ASP Galisanao recommended an of control if we are to allow the SP to authorize the filing of informations
amendment of the Information instead of a withdrawal in the first instance.
o Approved by SP Villa-Ignacio. o While the Ombudsman has full discretion to determine whether or
o Galisanao filed a Motion for Leave to File Amended Information not a criminal case should be filed in the Sandiganbayan, once the
- Amended Information charges Perez and Apostol for violation of Section case is filed with said court, it is the Sandiganbayan which has full
3(e) of RA 3019. control of the case so much so that informations may not be
o Give unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference in the discharge

dismissed without the court’s approval. therefor, his Banco Filipino check for the same amount. His check was
- When the law entails a specific procedure to be followed, unwarranted undated.
shortcuts lead to the violation of the sacred right to due process.
Petition granted. Amended information is set aside. When Lolita Hizon arrived from her trip, she asked Soriano why his
check bore no date. Soriano told her to date it "July 18, 1984" so he would
have sufficient time to fund it. When Hizon deposited the check on that
date, the drawee bank dishonored it because Soriano's account with it
had been closed as of July 10, 1984, or one week before the due date of the
4. People v. Laggui, G.R. No. 76262-63, 16 March 1989, 171 SCRA check.
Prepared by Karla During the trial on the merits, Soriano admitted that when he issued the
check he did not have enough funds in the bank, and that he failed to
FACTS: deposit the needed amount to cover it. He alleged that he issued the
The accused Eliseo F. Soriano is a minister of the "Church of God in Jesus check as "a temporary receipt for what he had received". Despite repeated
Christ, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth in the Philippines." He first demands to make good his check, or to replace it with cash, Soriano did
met the offended party Lolita 0. Hizon in July or August, 1983, when her neither.
godson, Arcadio Malla who is a member of Soriano's congregation,
introduced the latter to her. Hizon became interested in Soriano's Trial Court: Ruled that the accused could not be convicted of a violation
religious group and became a member. of the Bouncing Checks Law, B.P. Blg. 22, because the information failed
to allege that he knew, when he issued the check, that he would not have
In the second week of August 1983, Soriano confided to Hizon his worries sufficient funds for its payment in full upon its presentment to the
about his indebtedness of P 250,000 to Dr. and Mrs. Zoilo Pangilinan. The drawee bank.
obligation was secured by a mortgage on the congregation's property
which would mature on October 4, 1983. Hizon offered to help. She In this petition for certiorari and mandamus, the State alleges that the
agreed to lend P250,000 in cash to Soriano who would issue a post-dated information is sufficient, hence, respondent Judge committed an error of
check to her for the same amount. law, and/or gravely abused his discretion, in dismissing the case.

To raise the P 250,000, Hizon borrowed against her time deposit at the ISSUE: WON Information in Criminal Case No. 2934 is fatally defective
Unity Savings and Loan Association, Inc. (USLA). Since she and her
husband were leaving for the United States on a short trip in August HELD
1983, she signed the necessary papers for the loan before their departure.
She also executed a special power of attorney authorizing her daughter, The elements of the offense are:
Rose Anne Hizon, to receive from USLA the P250,000 check representing 1. the making, drawing and issuance of any check to apply to account or
the proceeds of her loan and to endorse and deliver it to Soriano upon for Value,
Soriano's issuing to her a post-dated check for the same amount of
P250,000. Accordingly, on October 4, 1983, Rose Anne got the P250,000 2. the maker, drawer or issuer knows at the time of issue that he does not
check from the USLA endorsed it to Soriano who issued, in exchange have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment of
such check in full upon its presentment, and

However, although its decision is erroneous, that decision may
3. the check is subsequently dishonored by the drawee bank for not be annulled or set aside because it amounted to a judgment of
insufficiency of funds or credit or would have been dishonored for the acquittal. It became final and executory upon its promulgation.
same reason had not the drawer, without any valid reason, ordered the The State may not appeal that decision for it would place the
bank to stop payment. accused twice in jeopardy of punishment for the offense in
violation of his constitutional right against double jeopardy (Art.
The "defect" which respondent Judge perceived in the information was III, Sec. 21, 1987 Constitution).
the failure to allege that the accused, as maker or drawer of the check at
the time of issue, knew of the insufficiency of his funds in the bank for This case is somewhat similar to the case of US vs. Yam Tung Way, 21
payment of the check in full "upon its presentment". In the court's Phil. 67, where this Court ruled that the defendant, after having been
opinion, it was not enough for the information to have alleged that the discharged by a competent court, cannot again be put on trial for the
accused knew when he issued the check that he then did not have same offense "whether his discharge be the result of formal acquittal or of
sufficient funds in the bank; the information should have alleged that the a ruling of the court upon some question of law arising at the trial; no
accused knew that he would not have sufficient funds in the bank to pay appeal lies in such case on behalf of the government." The accused
the check in full "upon its presentment". It believed that the absence of an therein was charged with infringement of literary rights. After trial, he
allegation that the accused foresaw or had foreknowledge of the moved for the dismissal of the information on the ground that the
insufficiency of his bank account upon presentment of the check for evidence of the Government did not establish the commission of the
payment, was fatal to the information. offense charged. The Court reserved its judgment on the motion and
required the defendant to submit his evidence. Afterwards, it discharged
The interpretation is erroneous. him on the ground that no copyright law existed then in the Philippines.
The Government appealed. The Supreme Court held that the
The presence of the first and third elements of the offense constitutes Government had no right to appeal.
prima facie evidence that the second element exists. The maker's
knowledge of the insufficiency of his funds is legally presumed from the Since in the present case the accused Eliseo Soriano had been
dishonor of his check for insufficiency of funds. arraigned, pleaded "not guilty," and was tried upon a valid and
sufficient information (although the lower court erroneously
thought otherwise) and the case against him was dismissed by
Since the information in Criminal Case No. 2934 did allege that the decision of the trial court (hence, without his consent and not
accused, for value received, unlawfully and feloniously issued the upon his motion), he has been placed in jeopardy or danger of
postdated check "knowing fully well that he had no funds and/or punishment for the offense charged. For this Court to re-assess
insufficient funds in the bank . . . and when the said check was presented the evidence against him pursuant to the Government's appeal,
for encashment, said check was dishonored and returned with the would place him twice in jeopardy of punishment for the same
information that the said check is drawn against 'CLOSE ACCOUNT' offense.
the information satisfies the legal definition of the offense under Section
1, B.P. Blg. 22. It is sufficient. The trial court erred in dismissing it. Although the dismissal of the information against him may
constitute a miscarriage of justice, the erroneous dismissal by the
[Dismissal; Double Jeopardy] trial court may not be disturbed for it would violate his basic
constitutional right to be exempt from double jeopardy.

1. Jane Honrales was fatally shot by her husband, respondent Jonathan
WHEREFORE, the petition for review of the trial court's decision Honrales on the neck and head. An information charging the husband
dismissing the information in this case is denied. with Parricide was filed in the RTC of Manila, and a warrant of
arrest was issued.
2. Accused moved for the reconsideration of the information with Office
of the City Prosecutor.
5. People v. Honrales, G.R. No. 182651, 182657, 25 August 2010, 629 3. Assistant City Prosecutor moved for the RTC to defer the proceedings
SCRA 423 (SUPER procedural, he might ask about it so check the long in view of the MR and Accused filed a motion to recall the warrant of
version if you have time) arrest.
Prepared by Alyanna 4. RTC deferred the proceedings but denied the recall for the warrant of
arrest, since Deferment of Proceedings does not impair the validity of
Short version of facts the information or otherwise render the same defective. It doesn’t
Accused was charged with Parricide in RTC after shooting his wife. After affect the jurisdiction of the RTC, which found probable cause for the
Reinvestigation of the Information, Prosecutor recommended he be issuance of the arrest warrant
charged with Reckless Imprudence resulting to Parricide in MeTC, in 5. Assistant City Prosecutor Biglang-Awa (aka ACP 2), filed a motion for
light of a new witness saying that it was an accident and accused was leave to conduct a reinvestigation in light of a new witness that will
merely playfully poking the gun to his wife when the gun was prove that the shooting was not intentional. (Witness Luna posits
accidentally fired. that the accused removed the bullets of the gun and playfully poked
his maid and his wife and children with the gun; it was then that
A Motion to Withdraw the Information on Parricide was filed in the RTC, accused accidentally shot his wife)
but remained to be not acted upon due to Victim’s heir’s Motion for 6. RTC granted leave for the motion for reinvestigation.
Reconsideration on the downgrading of the offense pending with the 7. Heirs (Petitioners), moved with the Office of the City Prosecutor to
Secretary of Justice, Office of the President, and eventually, the CA. inhibit ACP 2 from conducting reinvestigation, and prayed it be
remanded for trial
The Info on Reckless Imprudence was filed in the MeTC and accused 8. OCP reassigned the case to Rebagay (aka ACP 3), and set hearings
plead guilty and was convicted. The RTC case was re-raffled to a new for the reinvestigation
judge after Accused moved for it due to “bias” of the old judge in favor of 9. OCP denied the Heir’s petition to inhibit the reinvestigation
the Heirs as evidenced by her inaction in the Motion to Withdraw. The 10. Heirs moved for the reconsideration of OCP’s denial to inhibit the
new judge granted the Motion to Withdraw Information due to Double reinvestigation with the DOJ.
Jeopardy. 11. In reinvestigation hearing, Heirs moved to postpone due to #10, but
Accused wanted to proceed since their new witness Luna was present.
OSG and Heirs appealed RTC decision, saying that there was no Double Hearing proceeded.
Jeopardy since MeTC did not acquire competent jurisdiction on the case 12. Heirs moved to cancel the Hearing in #11
of Reckless Imprudence and that RTC judge did not use independent 13. Accused moved for resolution or clarificatory hearing
judgement when he granted the motion to withdraw. 14. ACP 3 denied the motion for resolution and set another hearing
15. ACP 3 issued a resolution (even though he denied the motion as per
Long version of facts: #14), recommending withdrawal of the information on parricide and

instead the file an information of reckless imprudence resulting in 35. Heirs filed an MR for the Grant to Withdraw the Information, but
parricide. was not acted upon since the MR was filed without intervention of
16. ACP 3 filed with the RTC a motion to withdraw the information. Public Prosecutor
17. While the Motion to Withdraw was pending with the RTC, an 36. Heirs filed with the CA assailing the Grant of Motion to Withdraw by
information on Reckless Imprudence resulting in Parricide was filed RTC judge. They argue that the judge granted the Motion on grounds
in the MeTC against accused. other than his personal and independent findings and the judge
18. Heirs wanted accused to be convicted of Parricide, so they moved for shouldn’t have granted to Motion knowing that an appeal under #32
reconsideration of ACP 3’s resolution with the DOJ. was pending with the CA. They also impleaded the OSG.
19. Heirs filed a motion to defer proceedings in RTC pending the MR 37. CA dismissed the petition, but found that Judge Barrios failed to
with DOJ make an independent assessment of the merits of the case and acted
20. DOJ dismissed the MR. DOJ agreed with ACP3 finding probable as a mere surrogate of DOJ when it granted the Motion to
cause for Reckless Imprudence resulting to Parricide Withdraw.CA dismissed the remand to RTC as it will be a violation of
21. Heirs filed a MR with DOJ Accused’s right to double jeopardy.
22. RTC is waiting for the DOJ decision on the MR 38. OSG and Heirs appealed it to SC.
23. DOJ dismissed the MR, and it became final
24. Accused went to RTC to resolve the Motion to Withdraw Information ISSUE: W/N the Accused’s right against double jeopardy will be
25. Heirs appealed to the Office of the President violated if the case on parricide is remanded back to RTC?
26. RTC waited to decide on the Motion to Withdraw pending the appeal
to Office of the President HELD: NO. SC granted the petition of the OSG and the Heirs.
27. In the MeTC, accused was arraigned— he plead guilty to reckless
imprudence resulting to parricide and was convicted RTC acted with GAD when it granted the withdrawal of the Information
28. Accused again went to RTC to dismiss the parricide charge against and recall of the warrant when it did not independently assess the merits
him, citing MeTC arraignment and conviction of the case and evidence on the record. It shouldn’t merely rely on the
29. Heirs filed a Motion to Nullify the MeTC proceedings as they were Resolution of the Secretary of Justice.
denied due process and the agreed date of arraignment was
supposedly week after the accused was actually arraigned. On the issue of Double Jeopardy,
30. Office of the President denied the Heir’s MR on lowering the offense.
31. Accused moved for the Judge in the RTC to be inhibited due to his Section 7 of Rule 117 of Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, the double
alleged bias, as shown by her continued inaction on the Motion to jeopardy will attach only if the first conviction was by a court with
Withdraw competent jurisdiction. The MeTC not having proper jurisdiction when it
32. Heirs went to CA under Rule 43 under 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure arraigned and convicted the accused of reckless imprudence resulting to
to assail decision of the Office of the President parricide, no double jeopardy would attach.
33. RTC Judge inhibited herself from the case and it was re-raffled to
Judge Barrios The requisites of Double Jeopardy are:
34. New Judge granted the Motion to Withdraw the Information on 1. First Jeopardy attached prior to the second
Parricide and recalled the Accused’s warrant of arrest a. After valid indictment
b. Before a competent court
c. After arraignment

d. Valid plea has been entered
e. Accused has been acquitted or convicted or case was The petitioners asserted that the private respondents failed to adduce
dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express evidence to support a finding of probable cause against them. They also
consent alleged that their act of refusing to turn over STRADEC’s stock and
2. First Jeopardy was validly terminated transfer books to the private respondents was not punishable under the
3. Second Jeopardy is for the same offense Corporation Code.

MeTC has no jurisdiction because it has been held in jurisprudence that On May 8, 2006, the MTC denied the motion insofar as it prayed for the
once jurisdiction is acquired by the court in which the information was dismissal the second criminal case. The first criminal case was, however,
filed, it is there retained. Since, the offense of reckless imprudence dismissed. The petitioners moved for partial reconsideration, but the
resulting to parricide was included in the charge of intentional parricide MTC denied the motion in its Order dated August 16, 2006.
pending before RTC, MeTC clearly has no jurisdiction over the criminal
case before it, RTC having retained the jurisdiction. In the same Order, the court set the arraignment of the petitioners on
October 9, 2006. Subsequently, the petitioners filed a Petition for
Certiorari (with application for issuance of a Temporary Restraining
6. Quiambao v. People, G.R. No. 185267, 17 September 2014, 735 Order and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction) docketed as SCA No. 3047
SCRA 345 with the RTC of Pasig, Branch 154, seeking the partial annulment of the
Prepared by Bryan MTC’s Orders dated May 8, 2006 and August 16, 2006.

Facts: Petioners Quiambao and Pilapil are the President and the The petitioners were arraigned on January 29, 2007. In an Order dated
Corporate Secretary, respectively, of Strategic Alliance Development June 4, 2007, the RTC-Branch 154, through Judge Abraham B. Borreta
Corporation (STRADEC), a domestic corporation duly organized and granted the Petition holding that there was no probable cause to hold the
existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. petitioners for trial. Consequently, it directed the MTC to dismiss
Criminal Case No. 89724 for want of probable cause.
On August 12, 2005, the private respondents, Bonifacio C. Sumbilla and
Aderito Z. Yujuico, both directors and officers of STRADEC, filed before The private respondents thereafter sought reconsideration but it was
the Office of the City Prosecutor (OCP) of Pasig City a criminal complaint denied by the RTC-Branch 154. Thus, they brought an appeal to this
for violation ofSection 74 of B.P. 68, against the petitioners and a certain Court via a petition for review on certiorari (docketed as G.R. No. 180416)
Giovanni Casanova, then accountant of STRADEC. raising pure questions of law.

After preliminary investigation, the petitioners were charged under two While G.R. No. 180416 remains pending before this Court, the MTC
(2) Informations for violation of Section 74 of B.P. 68. The first criminal dismissed Criminal Case No. 89724 on June 18, 2007 (Order of
information was docketed as Criminal Case No. 89723; while the second, Dismissal), pursuant to the RTC-Branch 154’s Order.
was docketed as Criminal Case No. 89724. These cases were raffled to
Branch 69 of the MTC of Pasig City, presided by Judge Jacqueline J. The private respondents thereafter filed a motion for reconsideration,
Ongpauco-Cortel. On the same date, the petitioners filed an Urgent which the MTC granted. Upon learning that a petition for certiorari had
Motion for Judicial Determination of Probable Cause and to Defer the been filed before this court, the MTC issued an Order dated September
Issuance of Warrants of Arrest Pending Determination with the MTC. 17, 2007 (Order of Revival) recalling the Order of Dismissal and

reinstating the criminal information in Criminal Case No. 89724. It The MTC acted without jurisdiction when it issued the Order of
further ordered the suspension of the proceedings in G.R. No. 180416 to Dismissal dated June 18, 2007 In the present case, the MTC’s Order of
await the final outcome of the pending case. Dismissal is a jurisdictional error that must be struck down as flawed for
having been issued without jurisdiction. It amounts to a premature
The petitioners moved for reconsideration but its motion was denied. execution which tended to render moot the issue raised in the order
They thereafter filed a Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus appealed from and would render ineffective any decision which might
docketed as SCA Case No. 3193 with the RTC-Branch 161. eventually be made by this Court.

The RTC-Branch 161, in a decision dated June 26, 2008, dismissed the Moreover, the jurisdiction over the issue of probable cause in Criminal
petition for lack of merit. It found that the MTC did not commit grave Case No. 89724 had already been acquired by this Court. From the
abuse of discretion when it revived and archived Criminal Case No. moment the case had been elevated to us, the MTC no longer had
89724. Since the RTC Branch 154’s Order dated June 4, 2007 has not yet authority to further act on the issue which was pending review. In fact, at
attained finality in view of the pendency of G.R. No. 180416, the MTC the time the MTC issued the Order of Dismissal, even the RTC had lost
cannot be considered to have acted with grave abuse of discretion when it jurisdiction. Thus, inasmuch as the case had already come under our
issued the assailed orders. exclusive appellate jurisdiction, the MTC acted without jurisdiction when
it issued the Order of Dismissal.
Likewise, the RTC ruled that the Order of Revival was pursuant to
Section 5(g) of Rule 135 of the Revised Rules of Court, which provides for The MTC’s Order of Revival is also void Like the Order of Dismissal, the
the inherent power of the courts to amend and control its process and Order of Revival that followed should be declared null and void. While
orders so as to make them conformable to law and justice. The motion for said order merely sought to correct the previous Order of Dismissal, it
reconsideration that followed was denied in an Order dated October 23, suffers from the same infirmity of having been issued without
2008. Hence, the petitioners filed the present petition. jurisdiction.

As discussed above, the MTC no longer had the authority to dismiss

ISSUES: Criminal Case No. 89724 because the jurisdictionto act on and entertain
the case had already been acquired by this Court. Hence, it naturally
W/N RTC-Branch 161 correctly determined that the MTC did not commit follows that all the issuances and/or orders issued by the lower court
grave abuse of discretion in ordering the reinstatement of Criminal Case relative to the issue pending review will become null and void.
No. 89724? NO (RTC is wrong)
There is no double jeopardy because the MTC, which ordered the
W/N MTC’s dismissal of Criminal Case No. 89724 operate as an acquittal dismissal of the criminal case, is not a court of competent jurisdiction.
of the petitioners for the crime charged (NO) Since the MTC clearly had no jurisdiction to issue the Order of Dismissal
and the Order of Revival, there can be no double jeopardy. Thus, double
W/N the reinstatement or revival of Criminal Case No. 89724 jeopardy exists when the following requisites are present: (1) a first
place the petitioners in double jeopardy (NO) jeopardy attached prior to the second; (2) the first jeopardy has been
validly terminated; and (3) a second jeopardy is for the same offense as in
HELD: the first. A first jeopardy attaches only (a) after a valid indictment; (b)
before a competent court; (c) after arraignment; (d) when a valid plea has

been entered; and (e) when the accused has been acquitted or convicted,
orthe case dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express
7. Villalon v. Chan, G.R. No. 196508, 24 September 2014, 736 SCRA
In this case, there is no question that the first four requisites are present 450
in the case at bar. However, in view of the nullity of the Order of Prepared by Nicki Capuchino
Dismissal and the Order of Revival, the fifth requisite – that the accused
be acquitted or convicted, or the case dismissed or otherwise terminated Respondent Amelia Chan married to Leon Basilio Chua in a civil ceremony
without his express consent – is absent. solemnized by then judge Cancio C. Garcia of the City court of caloocan. The
respondent claimed that her husband Leon Basilio Chua and present
As held in Paulin v. Gimenez: Void judgment for want of jurisdiction is no petitioner Leonardo A. Villalon are one and the same person.
judgment at all. It cannot be the source of any right nor the creator of any
obligation. No legal rights can emanate from a resolution that is null and During the subsistence of his marriage to Amelia, Leon Basilio Chua, this
void. time under the name of Leonardo A Villaon, allegedly contracted a second
marriage with erlinda Talde that took place on june 2, 1993. This marriage
was solmnized by Judge Ruth C. Santos of the MTC.
In the subsequent case of People v. Albano (163 SCRA 511 [1988]), this
Court reiterated its previous ruling in the Bocar case, holding that the
Amelia who was then living in the United States and could not personally file
trial court exceeded its jurisdiction and acted with grave abuse of
a case for bigamy in the Phils, requested Benito Yao Chua and Wilson Go to
discretion, tantamount to lack of jurisdiction, when it pre-emptively
commence the criminal proceedings against the petitioners. On sept 13,
dismissed the case and as a consequence thereof, deprived the 2003, a verified complaint affidavit alleging the commission of the crime of
prosecution of its right to prosecute and prove its case, thereby violating bigamy was filed with the office of the prosecutor.
its fundamental right to due process. With such violation, its orders are,
therefore null and void and cannot constitute a proper basis for a claim of During the pretrial Atty. Atencia appeared in behalf of Amelia the provate
double jeopardy offended party.

Since the MTC did not have jurisdiction to take cognizance of the case Leonardo Filed an omnibus motion seeking to diqualify Atty. Atencia. He
pending this Court's review of the RTC Order, its order of dismissal was a argued that Amelia could not be represented in the bigamy case, because she
total nullity and did not produce any legal effect. Thus, the dismissal was not a party to the case, as she did not file the complain Affidavit. He also
neither terminated the action on the merits, nor amounted to an argued that Amelia has already waived her right to file a civil and criminal
acquittal. The same can be said of the Order of Revival. Since both orders case against him and his co defendant Erlinda.
cannot be the source of any right nor create any obligation, the dismissal
and the subsequent reinstatement of Criminal Case No. 89724 did not RTC – Granted the omnibus resolution of Leonardo. (March 3, 2006
effectively place the petitioners in double jeopardy. resolution)

WHEREFORE, we hereby GRANT the present petition. RTC Branch Amelia filed a petition for certiari and prohibition with the CA, Amelia
161’s Decision REVERSED. MTC Orders declared NULL and VOID; it is alleged grave abuse of discretion on the part of the RTC when it issued its
hereby DIRECTED to await the resolution of G .R. No. 180416 before March 3, 2006 resolution and proceeded with the bigamy case withoit
taking any action on the criminal proceedings. permitting the participation of Atty. Atencia as private prosecutor.

CA- Granted Amelia’s Petition and annulled the RTC’s March 3, 2006 and effect and would not serve as basis for the petitioners claim that their
resoltuion disqualifying Atty. Atencia from participating hthe case. right against double jeopardy has been violated.

CA ruled that a crime of bigamy, being public in natur, can be demounced by 2. NO. The respondent's failure to implead the "People of the Philippines" as
anyone, not only by the offended party, before the prosecuting authorities a party-respondent is not a fatal defect warranting the outright dismissal of
without the offended pary losing her right to recover damages. her petition for certiorari and prohibition before the CA because: (1) a
petition for certiorari and prohibition under Rule 65 is directed against any
Atty. Atemcoa’s appearance as a private prosecutpr is proof enough of tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions
Amelia’s determination to enforce her calim for damages in the bigamy case. alleged to have acted without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction and (2)
ISSUES: the petition for certiorari and prohibition filed by the respondent is a special
1) W/N CA gravely transgresses the petitioner’s constitutional civil action separate and independent from the bigamy case filed against the
rughts to due process of law, apart from being violative of the legal petitioners. For these reasons, the "People of the Philippines" need not be
poscription against DOUBLE JEOPARDY. impleaded as a party in a petition for certiorari and prohibition.
2)W/N failed to implead People of the Philippines as a party
respondent in the case is a fatal defect causing the case to dismiss 8. People v. De Grano, G.R. No. 167710, 5 June 2009, 588 SCRA 550
outright. Prepared by Ian Benitez

HELD: An information for murder of Emmanuel Mendoza through gunshot was

1. NO. the petitioners are mistaken, the review by the CA on whther the filed with the RTC-Tanauan, Batangas against Joven De Grano (former
RTC committed GADALEJ encompassed not only the issuance of the March mayor of Laurel, Batangas, Armando de Grano, Estanislao Lacaba
3, 2006 resolution, but all proceedings in the bigamy case thereafter. this is together with Leonides Landicho, Domingo Landicho, and Leonardo
apparent from the words used by respondent in her certiorari: Genil, who were at large.
“the hearing sof the bigamy case wherein the participation of the private They were charged for an alleged murder of Mendoza, a hit man, whom
prosecutor is expressly prohibited are with grave abuse of discretion
they hired to kill another over a land dispute decades back.
amounting to lack of jusrisdiction”.
Joven, Armando, and Estanislao were all duly arraigned and pleaded not
guilty. Thereafter, they filed motion for bail claiming that the
Evidently CA’s review is not limited to the RTC’s resoltion but also included
prosecution’s evidence was not strong.
other proceedings in the bigamy case. Inlcuding sep 5, 2006 order that was
still subject for review of this court, has not attained finality and the CA’s The case was transferred and re-raffled to RTC-Manila because one of the
assailed order of remanding and re-rraffling the bigamy case to another trial accused is an incumbent mayor of Laurel, Batangas. Hearing for
could not violate the petitioner’s right against double jeorpardy. application for bail ensued, which was granted finding that the
prosecution’s evidence was not strong. People filed a petition for certiorari
RTC issued its Sept. 5, 2006 order in defiance of the TRO issued by the CA. to CA – denied; then to SC – granted, thereby reversing CA and RTC’s
the records shows that the CA issued TRO on April 19, 2006 which should Order of granting bail. RTC was also ordered to issue warrant of arrest
have prohibited the RTC for further proceedings on the case. But the RTC against the accused. Estanislao was re-arrested, but Joven and Armando
instead, continued with the presentation of the prosecution evidence and were not. MR was then filed by the accused, SC issued a Resolution to
issued the assailed order. Therefore, sept, 5, 2006 order was without force remand the case back to RTC for further proceedings. RTC ruled that
Joven, Armando, Domingo, and Lacaba – guilty of murder qualified by

treachery. RTC-Manila heavily relied on the testimony of the wife of the jurisdiction of the court, he is deemed to have waived any right to
victim. As for Leonides and Leonardo, still at-large, archived cases. Only seek relief from the court.
Estanislao was present at the promulgation despite due notice to the the
other respondents. Thus, Joven, Armando, and Domingo, were not placed in double
jeopardy because, from the very beginning, the lower tribunal had
Respondents then filed a Joint MR. RTC downgraded Domingo and acted without jurisdiction. Verily, any ruling issued without
Estanislao’s conviction from murder to homicide. Further, Armando and jurisdiction is, in legal contemplation, necessarily null and void
Joven were acquitted on the basis of reasonable doubt. and does not exist. In criminal cases, it cannot be the source of an
People filed an MR tying to revive the case to CA; dismissed because of
double jeopardy and it was not endorsed by OSG. 2. No. OSG instructed the private prosec to secure the necessary
endorsement from the DOJ. OSG also filed its Comment on the
Issues: MR filed by the respondents. Thus, OSG participated in the
1. W/N the dismissal is proper due to double jeopardy? case.
2. W/N the dismissal is proper for it not having filed or
instituted by OSG? 3. No. The signature by the counsel is sufficient. Liberal application
3. W/N the dismissal on the ground that the verification and of the rule.
certification attached to the petition was signed by the
private counsel and not by the offended party? Petition Granted. CA decision reversed and set aside. RTC decision
convicting Domingo Landicho; acquitting Armando de Grano and Joven
de Grano - annulled and deleted.
1. No. Judgment of acquittal in a criminal case may be assailed in a OCA directed to investigate Judge Soriaso.
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, but
only upon a clear showing by the petitioner that the lower court, 9. Suero v. People, G.R. No. 156408, 31 January 2005, 450 SCRA 350
in acquitting the accused, committed not merely reversible errors Prepared by
of judgment but also grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
or excess of jurisdiction, or to a denial of due process, thus FACTS:
rendering the assailed judgment void. petitioner must clearly and Petitioner was earlier accused, together with another accused [Aquilina
convincingly demonstrate that the lower court blatantly abused B. Granada], of the crime of Falsification of Public Document and was put
its authority to a point so grave and so severe as to deprive it of on trial.
its very power to dispense justice.
Petitioner was arraigned sometime on June 20, 1997.
Being at large, Joven and Domingo have not regained their
standing in court. Once an accused jumps bail or flees to a foreign The RESPONDENT CITY PROSECUTOR commenced the trial, but the
country, or escapes from prison or confinement, he loses his trial was later suspended when the Court granted the Joint Motion to
standing in court; and unless he surrenders or submits to the Suspend further Proceedings, filed jointly by the Accused and

We hold that the instant case does not constitute double jeopardy, for
Reason for motion to suspend was because the two accused in the instant which the following requisites must concur: (1) the first jeopardy must
case charged for falsification of a public document are the same accused have attached prior to the second; (2) the first jeopardy must have been
who are likewise charged before the Sandiganbayan for violation of Sec. validly terminated; and (3) the second jeopardy must be for the same
3(e) of RA No. 3019 Anti Graft and Corruption. offense as that in the first.
The Sandiganbayan, which is a collegial court, it is preferred that the Third requisite missing.
Sandiganbayan takes precedence over all other cases including the A comparison of the elements of the crime of falsification of a public
instant case involving the same accused similarly situated. document, provided for in Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code, and
those of violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019 shows that there is neither
So the case for Falsification was suspended and the case before the identity nor exclusive inclusion between the offenses. For falsification of a
Sandiganbayan continued – to which the accused was acquitted. public document to be established, the following elements must concur:

Thereafter RESPONDENT wrote a letter to the Clerk of Court of the 1. That the offender is a public officer, employee, or notary public;
RESPONDENT JUDGE, expressing their decision in refiling the herein 2. That he takes advantage of his official position;
enclosed information and request that the same be entered in the docket 3. That he falsifies a document by committing any of the following acts:
of the criminal case with a new case number assigned to it x x x,
attaching thereto the Criminal Information. (So basically they wanted to On the other hand, to hold a person criminally liable under Section 3(e) of RA
refile the case that they previously suspended. 3019, the following elements must be present:
(1) That the accused are public officers or private persons charged in
New information was filed. conspiracy with them;
Petitioner filed a motion to quash the information and/or dismiss the (2) That said public officers commit the prohibited acts during the
case before RTC. performance of their official duties or in relation to their public positions;
(3) That they cause undue injury to any party, whether the Government or a
RTC denied. The dismissal in Sandiganbayan did not bar the re-filing of
private party;
the questioned Information for falsification of a public document.
(4) That such injury is caused by giving unwarranted benefits, advantage or
The offenses are two separate and distinct criminal offenses, such that preference to such parties; and
the dismissal of one would not constitute double jeopardy in the other (5) That the public officers have acted with manifest partiality, evident bad
case. faith or gross inexcusable negligence.

ISSUE: It is undisputed that the two charges stem from the same transaction.
(1) Whether the prosecution of petitioner for falsification of a However, it has been consistently held that the same act may give rise to two
public document would place him twice in jeopardy; and or more separate and distinct offenses. No double jeopardy attaches, as long
(2) Whether the ombudsman is barred from re-filing the criminal as there is a variance between the elements of the offenses charged.
information for falsification of a public document.
HELD: NO The Joint Motion to Suspend filed by the accused and the respondent
ombudsman cannot be deemed an admission on the part of the latter with
FIRST ISSUE: respect to the so-called primordial legal issue involved in both cases. Much

less can the filing thereof amount to double jeopardy. As discussed above, upon to render such judgment as law and justice dictate, whether
the Court has already noted the required elements of both crimes. favorable or unfavorable to the appellant. Thus, appellant could not have
been placed twice in jeopardy when the CA modified the ruling of the
PETITIONER LOST RTC by finding him guilty of robbery with homicide as charged in the
Information instead of murder.
10. People v. Torres, G.R. No. 189850, 22 September 2014, 735
SCRA 687 Based on the facts, it is clear that the primordial intention of appellant
Prepared by Enzo Agcaoili and his companions was to rob Espino. Had they primarily intended to
kill Espino, they would have immediately stabbed him to death. However,
FACTS the fact that Ronnie initially wrestled with appellant for possession of the
Accused charged with special complex crime of robbery with homicide belt-bag clearly shows that the central aim was to commit robbery
committed against victim Espino. Prosecution claims that while Espino against Espino.
was driving along CM Recto, one of the accused (Ronnie) blocked his path
and tried to grab his belt-bag. Espino refused, so the other accused 11. Torres v. Aguinaldo, G.R. No. 164268, 28 June 2005, 461 SCRA
approached him, all brandishing bladed weapons. They all took turns 599
stabbing him, and thereafter took his belt-bag along with his wallet and Prepared by Abalos
Ruling of RTC - crime of robbery not having been indubitably established, Spuses Edgardo and Nelia Aguinaldo filed before the OCP a complaint
accused cannot be convicted of imputed crime. It held him guilty of the against Torres for Falsification of a Public Document, through a forged
crime of murder only. Accused appellant Bobby Torres appealed to CA in deed of sale over their properties. Torres denied the allegations and
the hopes of a more favorable judgment. claimed the Aguinaldos sold to him the subject properties.

Ruling of CA - Found accused guilty of robbery with homicide. It found OCP recommended filing an Information before the MTC, where Torres
that primary intention was to rob Espino and that killing was incidental. moved for reconsideration but was denied. On Appeal the DOJ Sec.
reversed the findings of the investigating prosecutor and ordered the
ISSUE - W/N acquittal of the accused of the robbery charged should be withdrawal of the Information, and the motion for reconsideration of the
left undisturbed as being final and executory. Aguinaldos was denied. A motion to withdraw the Information was filed
before the MTC and was granted - it should be noted that petitioner had
HELD - Guilty of robbery with homicide not yet been arraigned. Aguinaldo filed before the CA a petition for
certiorari which was granted, Torres motion for reconsideration was
In an appeal by the accused, he waives his right not to be subject to denied hence, the instant petition for review on certiorari.
double jeopardy. His appeal is not limited to the conviction of the murder ISSUES
charge. (1) WON the order of MTC Manila granting the motion to
withdraw rendered moot the petition for certiorari by Sps
[W]hen an accused appeals from the sentence of the trial court, he waives Aguinaldo, reinstating the resolution of the OCP of
the constitutional safeguard against double jeopardy and throws the Manila, whether the rule on provisional dismissal applies
whole case open to the review of the appellate court, which is then called

HELD SC also found that CA erred in relying solely on affidavit complaint and
NO. Torres contends that the order granting withdrawal of the NBI report disregarding counter affidavit and documentary evidence of
information rendered moot the petition for certiorari filed before the CA - petitioner, since Sec 3 of Rule 112 not only requires the submission of the
that an order dismissing a case without prejudice is final if no motion for complaint and the affidavits of the complainant and his witnesses, as well
reconsideration or appeal is timely filed. The SC said this is untenable as other supporting documents, but also directs the respondent to submit
because, while both a motion to dismiss and motion to withdraw put his counter-affidavit and that of his witnesses and other supporting
an end to an action in court, their legal effect varies. documents relied upon for his defense

An order granting withdrawal of the information, attains finality after 15

days from receipt thereof, without prejudice to refiling of the information 12. Co v. New Prosperity Plastic Products, G.R. No. 183994, 30
upon reinvestigation. This does not fall within the ambit of Sec 8 Rule June 2014, 727 SCRA 503
117, hence it has no time bar. Motion to withdraw is part of the PI Prepared by Ong
(executive process) and not judicial.
FACTS: Respondent New Prosperity Plastic Products, represented by Elizabeth
An order granting a motion to dismiss attains finality after 15 days of Uy, filed a complaint for violation of B.P. 22 against petitioner William Co. In the
receipt, with prejudice to refiling of the same case. Falls within the ambit absence of Uy and the private counsel, the cases were provisionally dismissed on
of Sec 9 Rulee 117, hence it has a time bar, and it must be made with June 9, 2003 in open court pursuant to Section 8, Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of
Criminal Procedure. Uy received a copy of the June 9, 2003 Order on July 2, 2003,
express consent of accused and notice to the offended party.
while her counsel-of-record received a copy a day after. On July 2, 2004, Uy,
through counsel, filed a Motion to Revive the Criminal Cases which was granted.
A motion to withdraw the information was filed in the case at bar, so Co filed a petition challenging the revival of the criminal cases. He argues that
there was no provisional dismissal, and no jeopardy can attach; a second the June 9, 2003 Order provisionally dismissing the criminal cases should be
Information can be filed. considered as a final dismissal on the ground that his right to speedy trial was
denied. Assuming that the criminal cases were only provisionally dismissed, Co
However, the SC held the Sec of Justice did not commit GAD and further posits that such dismissal became permanent one year after the issuance
reinstated the order for the Motion to Withdraw. (not so pertinent but just of the June 9, 2003 Order, not after notice to the offended party. He also insists
in case sir asks) that both the filing of the motion to revive and the trial court's issuance of the
order granting the revival must be within the one-year period. Even assuming
that the one-year period to revive the criminal cases started on July 2, 2003 when
There is basis in DOJ Sec’s finding that no probable cause exists. The Uy received the June 9, 2003 Order, Co asserts that the motion was filed one day
complaint and the 1979 Deed of Sale do not connect petitioner with the late since year 2004 was a leap year.
crime of falsification. While the NBI report showed that the 1979 Deed of
Sale was falsified, there is no showing that petitioner was the author ISSUE: Whether or not the provisional dismissal of the criminal case has
thereof. We cannot discern direct and personal participation by the become permanent (NO)
petitioner in the alleged forged deed. While a finding of probable cause
rests on evidence showing that, more likely than not, a crime has been HELD: The essential requisites of the first paragraph of Section 8, Rule 117 of
committed and was committed by the accused, the existence of such facts the Rules of Court, which are conditions sine qua non to the application of the
and circumstance must be strong enough to create a rational and logical time-bar in the second paragraph thereof are: (1) the prosecution with the express
nexus between the acts and omissions and the accused. conformity of the accused or the accused moves for a provisional (sin perjuicio)
dismissal of the case; or both the prosecution and the accused move for a
provisional dismissal of the case; (2) the offended party is notified of the motion

for a provisional dismissal of the case; (3) the court issues an order granting the prosecutor Los Baos, moved to reopen the case. Accused alleged that the
motion and dismissing the case provisionally; (4) the public prosecutor is served case has already been quashed therefore the court cannot reopen the
with a copy of the order of provisional dismissal of the case. In this case, there is case.
no notice of any motion for the provisional dismissal or of the hearing which was
served on the private complainant at least 3 days before said hearing as
Issue: W/N Section 8, Rule 117 is applicable to the case, as the CA
mandated by Section 4, Rule 15 of the Rules. Furthermore, the second paragraph
of the new rule should be construed to mean that the order of dismissal shall found? If it applies, then the CA ruling effectively lays the matter to
become permanent one year after service of the order of dismissal on the public rest. If it does not, then the revised RTC decision reopening the case
prosecutor who has control of the prosecution without the criminal case having should prevail.
been revived. Correlatively, when a party is represented by a counsel, notices of
all kinds emanating from the court should be sent to the latter at his/her given Held:
address pursuant to Section 2, Rule 13 of the Rules. The public prosecutor cannot In People v. Lacson, we ruled that the time-bar is an essence of the given
be expected to comply with the timeline unless he is served with a copy of the right or as an inherent part thereof, so that the lapse of the time-bar
order of dismissal. Also, the contention that both the filing of the motion to revive operates to extinguish the right of the State to prosecute the accused.
the case and the court order reviving it must be made prior to the expiration of
the one-year period is not found in the Rules. Further, the fact that year 2004 was
a leap year is inconsequential to determine the timeliness of Uy's motion to revive Motion to Quash Provisional Dismissal
the criminal cases. Even if the Court will consider that 2004 is a leap year and
that the one-year period to revive the case should be reckoned from the date of Sec. 3, Rule 117 Sec. 8, Rule 117
receipt of the order of provisional dismissal by Uy.
Mode by which an accused assails, A case shall not be provisionally
before entering his plea, the validity dismissed except with the express
13. Los Baños v. Pedro, G.R. No. 173588, 22 April 2009, 586 SCRA of the criminal complaint or the consent of the accused and with notice
303 criminal information filed against him to the offended party. The provisional
Prepared by So for insufficiency on its face in point of dismissal of offenses punishable by
law, or for defect apparent on the face imprisonment not exceeding six (6)
The accusation was based on the Omnibus Election Code after the of the Information. years or a fine of any amount, or both,
shall become permanent one (1) year
Marinduque PNP caught Pedro illegally carrying his firearm at a
after issuance of the order without the
checkpoint at Boac, Marinduque. The Boac checkpoint team stopped a case having been revived.
silver-gray Toyota Hi-Ace with plate number WHT-371 on the national
highway, coming from the Boac town proper. When Pedro (who was A motion to quash does not result in a The provision on provisional dismissal
seated at the rear portion) opened the window, Arevalo saw a gun carry provisional dismissal to which Section is found within Rule 117 (entitled
case beside him. Pedro could not show any COMELEC authority to carry 8, Rule 117 applies. Motion to Quash)
a firearm when the checkpoint team asked for one.
Grounds for motion to quash are Section 8 does not state the grounds
The Boac election officer filed a criminal complaint against Pedro for specified under Section 3. that lead to a provisional dismissal.
violating the election gun ban.
The consent of the accused to a A dismissal under Section 8 i.e., one
dismissal relates directly to what with the express consent of the
The RTC quashed the Information and ordered the police and the Section 3(i) and Section 7 provide, i.e., accused is not intended to lead to
prosecutors to return the seized articles to Pedro. The petitioner, private the conditions for dismissals that lead double jeopardy as provided under

to double jeopardy. Section 7, but nevertheless creates a of the offense has set in.
bar to further prosecution under the
special terms of Section 8.
Held: Thus, we conclude that Section 8, Rule 117 does not apply to the
When a motion to quash is No dismissal under sec 6 reopening of the case that the RTC ordered and which the CA reversed;
meritorious the governing rules are the reversal of the CAs order is legally proper.
the terms of Section 6
Nevertheless, (the SC still decided on the initial quashal of RTC and
when a dismissal is pursuant to a Merely provides a time-bar that stated that), the RTC erred in its initial ruling that a quashal of the
motion to quash under Section 3, uniquely applies to dismissals other Information was in order. Pedro, on the other hand, also misappreciated
Section 8 and its time-bar does not than those grounded on Section 3
the true nature, function, and utility of a motion to quash. As a
consequence, a valid Information still stands, on the basis of which Pedro
invariably filed by the accused to a case may be provisionally dismissed should now be arraigned and stand trial.
question the efficacy of the complaint at the instance of either the
or information filed against him or her prosecution or the accused, or both

the form and content of a motion to these requirements do not apply to a

quash are as stated under Section 2 of provisional dismissal
Rule 117;

assails the validity of the criminal a provisional dismissal may be

complaint or the criminal information grounded on reasons other than the
for defects or defenses apparent on defects found in the information
face of the information

allowed before the arraignment only allowed even when the trial proper of
the case is already underway provided
that the required consents are present

an information that is quashed stays impermanent until the time-bar

quashed until revived; the grant of a applies, at which time it becomes a
motion to quash does not per se carry permanent dismissal
any connotation of impermanence,
and becomes so only as provided by
law or by the Rules

In re-filing the case, what is there can be no re-filing after the

important is the question of whether time-bar, and prescription is not an
the action can still be brought, i.e., immediate consideration.
whether the prescription of action or

X. RULE 118 -PRE-TRIAL guilty. Specifically, they sought to withdraw, first, Stipulation 1(b)
which states that Both the accused admit the disbursement of the
1. Bayas v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 143689-91, 12 November 2002, amount of P510,000.00 and P55,000.00; and second, Exhibits 1 to 8-
391 SCRA 415
a. They invoked their constitutional right to be presumed innocent until
proven guilty.
• SB: denied motion to withdraw stipulation of facts because there was
3 informations were filed against Petitioners Ernesto T. Matuday and
no vitiation of consent through fraud or mistake of a serious character
Sixto M. Bayas charging them with malversation through falsification
and the fact that the stipulation of facts leaves less or no room for the
penalized under Article 217, in relation to Article 171, of the Revised
accused to defend himself is not a ground for setting aside a pre-trial
Penal Code in their capacities as municipal mayor and municipal
treasurer of Kabayan, Benguet. They pleaded not guilty during
• Pretrial on October 15, 1999 - cancelled because the counsel for the
W/N pretrial stipulations may be unilaterally withdrawn by the accused
accused, Atty. Molintas was not prepared
because allegedly, they are not binding until after the trial court has
• November 5, 1999 - cancelled because of the absence of the counsel due
issued a pretrial order approving them. -NO
to flu. Nonetheless, the Sandiganbayan urged the accused to discuss with
their counsel the stipulation of facts drafted by Ombudsman Prosecutor II
Evelyn T. Lucero.
a. NO. Rules on Criminal Procedure mandate parties to agree on matters
• December 10, 1999 - parties submitted a Joint Stipulation of Facts and
of facts, issues and evidence. Such stipulations are greatly favored
Documents, which had been duly signed by the two accused (herein
because they simplify, shorten or settle litigations in a faster and more
petitioners), Atty. Molintas and Prosecutor Lucero (this was supposedly
convenient manner. They save costs, time and resources of the parties
the day the pre-trial should resume so they could pass upon all other
and, at the same time, help unclog court dockets.
matters). The Joint stipulation of facts and documents contain the COA
report, COA memorandum(1B), disbursement vouchers, checks issued,
Once validly entered into, stipulations will not be set aside unless for
resolution of the sangguniang bayan, minutes of the meeting of the
good cause. They should be enforced especially when they are not false,
sangguniang bayan, signature of both Matuday and Bayas, page of
unreasonable or against good morals and sound public policy. When made
journal entry of the sangguniang bayan, and statement of the result of
before the court, they are conclusive. And the party who validly made
them can be relieved therefrom only upon a showing of collusion, duress,
• Jan 14, 2000 - Atty. Molintas was again absent; rescheduled to Feb 14.
fraud, misrepresentation as to facts, and undue influence; or upon a
• Feb 7, 2000 - Att. Molintas moved to withdraw as counsel for the
showing of sufficient cause on such terms as will serve justice in a
accused. Granted on Feb 14, 2000, pretrial rescheduled to March 31.
particular case. Moreover, the power to relieve a party from a stipulation
• March 31 - new counsel (Atty. Cinco) moved to withdraw joint
validly made lies in the courts sound discretion which, unless exercised
stipulation of facts specifically when they admitted disbursement of
with grave abuse, will not be disturbed on appeal.
funds. Invoked constitutional right to be presumed innocent until proven

Validity of joint stipulation: They wanted to be relieved of it without e. Necessity of a pretrial order: Not necessary. Section 2 of Rule 118 a. for
alleging falsity, fraud, mistake. They did not even dispute the finding of a pretrial agreement to be binding on the accused, it must satisfy the
the SB of no vitiation of consent. In fact, they admitted that they freely following conditions: (1) the agreement or admission must be in
gave their consent in signing the joint stipulation of facts. writing, and (2) it must be signed by both the accused and their
counsel. Such approval is necessary merely to emphasize the supervision
They blame incompetence of previous counsel; he failed to consider their by the court over the case and to enable it to control the flow of the
legal interests. To be a ground for relief against a stipulation, a proceedings. Once the stipulations are reduced into writing and signed by
mistake must be one of fact not, as in this case, a mere lack of full the parties and their counsels, they become binding on the parties who
knowledge of fact because of failure to exercise due diligence in made them. They become judicial admissions of the fact or facts
ascertaining it. stipulated. Even if placed at a disadvantageous position, a party may
not be allowed to rescind them unilaterally; it must assume the
Hornbook doctrine applies: parties are bound by the action or the inaction consequences of the disadvantage. If the accused are allowed to plead
of their counsel. To all intents and purposes, the acts of a lawyer in the guilty under appropriate circumstances, by parity of reasoning, they
defense or the prosecution of a case are the acts of the client. The rule should likewise be allowed to enter into a fair and true pretrial
extends even to the mistakes and the simple negligence committed by the agreement under appropriate circumstances.
Moreover, SB could not be faulted for not approving the stipulations as
Presumption of innocence: However, the Rules were amended in 1985, the pretrial was rescheduled 6 times.
precisely to enable parties to stipulate facts. The amendment was carried
over to the 2000 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure. The acceptability Role of Lawyers in pretrial: The Rules provide that if the counsel for the
of stipulating facts has long been established in our jurisprudence. There accused and/or the prosecutor do not appear at the pretrial and do not
is nothing irregular or unlawful in stipulating facts in criminal cases. The offer an acceptable excuse for their lack of cooperation, the court may
policy encouraging it is consistent with the doctrine of waiver, which impose proper sanctions or penalties.
recognizes that x x x everyone has a right to waive and agree to waive the
advantage of a law or rule made solely for the benefit and protection of Attorneys must make a full disclosure of their positions as to what the
the individual in his private capacity, if it can be dispensed with and real issues of the trial would be. They were the ones who validly and
relinquished without infringing on any public right and without voluntarily entered into the joint stipulation. If the Court allows it to be
detriment to the community at large. In this case, there could have been withdrawn, there would be no end to litigations. Lawyers can wiggle in
no impairment of petitioners’ right to be presumed innocent, right to due and out of agreements the moment they are disadvantaged. No bad faith
process or right against self-incrimination because the waiver was or malice was or can be imputed to the anti-graft court for failing to
voluntary, made with the assistance of counsel and is sanctioned by the immediately act upon the Joint Stipulation. The delay was due, not to its

deliberate evasion of its duty, but to the continued absence of petitioners

XI. RULE 119 - TRIAL ● Prosecution did not present another witness or inform the court of
its desire to summon other witnesses;
Additional readings: ● Case was reset to 9 Oct 2003 and another subpoena was sent to
- Judicial Affidavit Rule the accused upon the motion of the prosecution;
- Sec. 8-15, AM 12-11-2-SC, 1 May 2014
(9 Oct 2003)
- Sec. 11-17, Rules on Summary Procedure
● Return of the subpoena indicated that the accused changed
1. Visbal v. Vanilla, A.M. No. MTJ-06-1651, 7 April 2009, 584 SCRA address without informing the court;
11 ● Thus, court issued a warrant for the arrest of the accused for his
Prepared by RL Cabusora failure to appear;
● NO setting of the hearing in the meantime, for it was not
Respondent Judge Wenceslao B. Vanilla was charged with grave known when the accused would be arrested and, for
misconduct and gross ignorance of the law for ordering a criminal practical purposes, he ordered that the case be archived to
case (People of the Philippines v. Rodelio Abayon y Benter) archived. be revived upon the arrest of the accused.
Complaint was sent to the Office of Court Administrator (OCA). The
allegation was that at the time the respondent judge ordered the criminal OCA Report and Recommendation
case archived, the witnesses for the Prosecution were able, ready, and ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
willing to testify, with due notice to the accused after he had been Respondent's order archiving the case is patently erroneous.
arrainged. The first witness Prosecutor Robert Visbal, the complainant Administrative Circular No. 7-A-92 provides that a criminal case can
himself, had already testified. He maintained that the respondent's act be archived if after the issuance of the warrant of arrest, the accused
seriously violated Paragraph 2, Sections 14 and 16 Article III of the remains at large for 6 months from delivery of the warrant to the proper
Constitution and Section 2, Rule 119 of the Revised Rules on peace officer. However, the court may motu propio or upon motion of any
Criminal Procedure. party, archive a criminal case when proceedings therein are ordered
suspended for an indefinite period because of the following reasons:
The OCA required the respondent to comment on the complaint within 10 (a) the accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental
days from receipt of the indorsement. condition which effectively renders him unable to fully
understand the charge against him and to plead intelligently, or to
Respondent’s narration of what transpired in criminal case he archived: undergo trial, and he has to be committed to a mental hospital;
(23 June 2003) (b) a valid prejudicial question in a civil action is invoked during
● Order issued that the court reset the hearing to 27 Aug 2003 on the pendency of the criminal case unless the civil and criminal
motion of the public prosecutor because of the absence of the cases are consolidated;
second witness and of the accused (c) an interlocutory order or incident in the criminal case is
(27 Aug 2003) elevated to and is pending resolution/decision for an indefinite
● Subpoena served on the accused was returned and showed that period before a higher court which has issued a temporary
he had not been properly notified; restraining or a writ of preliminary injunction; and

(d) when the accused has jumped bail before arraignment and DIGESTER’S NOTE: Essentially, SC just maintained the reasoning of the
cannot be arrested by his bondsman. OCA in convicting respondent. OCA decision is one between the dashes
The 9 Oct 2003 Order directing the case to be archived was issued on the
same day respondent ordered the issuance of the warrant of arrest in RATIONALE:
violation of the 6-month period required under the Circular. Neither does (1) Respondent violated Administrative Circular No. 7-A-92, which
the case fall under the circumstances where the court may archive the allows the archiving of a criminal case if, after the issuance of the
case motu propio. warrant of arrest, the accused remains at large for six (6) months from
delivery of the warrant to the proper peace officer.
Respondent should have proceeded with the trial pursuant to Article III,
Section 14 (2) of the Constitution which authorizes trials in absentia *read OCA Report and Recommendation especially the part on
provided the following requisites are present: Administrative Circular No. 7-A-92 and trial in absentia requirements.
(a) that accused has been arraigned;
(b) that he has been notified; and (2) OTHER ISSUE
(c) that his failure to appear is unjustified. Canon 1.01, Code of Judicial Conduct. A judge must be the embodiment of
competence, integrity and independence.
All the requisites are present in the case. Accused was arraigned on
January 28, 2003. He is deemed to have received notice of the hearings A judge is called upon to exhibit more than just a cursory acquaintance
considering that he has not notified the court of a change in address. The with statutes and procedural rules; it is imperative that he be conversant
inability of the court to notify him did not prevent it from continuing with with basic legal principles and be aware of well-settled authoritative
the trial because accused has waived his right to present evidence and to doctrines. He owes to the public and to this Court the duty to be
confront and cross-examine the witnesses who testify against him. proficient in the law. He is expected to keep abreast of laws and
(People vs. Salas; People vs. Nazareno). prevailing jurisprudence. Judges must not only render just, correct, and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- impartial decisions, resolutions, and orders, but must do so in a manner
free of any suspicion as to their fairness, impartiality, and integrity, for
ISSUES – HELD: good judges are men who have mastery of the principles of law and who
(1) WON respondent judge correctly archived the criminal case. – discharge their duties in accordance with law.
(2) WON respondent was guilty of grave misconduct and gross Under Section 8 of A.M. No. 01-8-10-SC amending Rule 140 of the Rules
ignorance of the law. – YES (Non-CrimPro ISSUE) of Court on the Discipline of Justices and Judges, which took effect on
October 1, 2001, gross ignorance of the law is classified as a serious
charge punishable by either dismissal from service, suspension of more
than one year or a fine of more than P20,000.00 but not exceeding

P40,000.00. In this case, considering that no malice or bad faith has been Respondents then filed a Joint MR. RTC downgraded Domingo and
established and that this is the respondent judge's first administrative Estanislao’s conviction from murder to homicide. Further, Armando and
offense, we deem it just and reasonable to impose upon him a fine of Joven were acquitted on the basis of reasonable doubt.
People filed an MR tying to revive the case to CA; dismissed because of
double jeopardy and it was not endorsed by OSG.
2. People v. De Grano, G.R. No. 167710, 5 June 2009, 588 SCRA 550
Prepared by President So Issues:
(1) W/N there was a valid trial in absentia?
An information for murder of Emmanuel Mendoza through gunshot was (2) W/N RTC had a valid jurisdicition?
filed with the RTC-Tanauan, Batangas against Joven De Grano (former
mayor of Laurel, Batangas, Armando de Grano, Estanislao Lacaba (you can use the old digest for the other issues but this is the only
together with Leonides Landicho, Domingo Landicho, and Leonardo relevant aspect here)
Genil, who were at large.
They were charged for an alleged murder of Mendoza, a hit man, whom (1) No. Section 14(2), Article III of the Constitution, authorizing
they hired to kill another over a land dispute decades back. trials in absentia, allows the accused to be absent at the trial but
not at certain stages of the proceedings, to wit: (a) at arraignment
Joven, Armando, and Estanislao were all duly arraigned and pleaded not and plea, whether of innocence or of guilt; (b) during trial,
guilty. Thereafter, they filed motion for bail claiming that the whenever necessary for identification purposes; and (c) at the
prosecution’s evidence was not strong. promulgation of sentence, unless it is for a light offense, in which
case, the accused may appear by counsel or representative. At
The case was transferred and re-raffled to RTC-Manila because one of the such stages of the proceedings, his presence is required and
accused is an incumbent mayor of Laurel, Batangas. Hearing for cannot be waived.
application for bail ensued, which was granted finding that the
prosecution’s evidence was not strong. People filed a petition for certiorari Thus, the accused who failed to appear without justifiable cause
to CA – denied; then to SC – granted, thereby reversing CA and RTC’s shall lose the remedies available in the Rules against the
Order of granting bail. RTC was also ordered to issue warrant of arrest judgment.
against the accused. Estanislao was re-arrested, but Joven and Armando
were not. MR was then filed by the accused, SC issued a Resolution to (2) When the Decision dated April 25, 2002 was promulgated, only
remand the case back to RTC for further proceedings. RTC ruled that Estanislao Lacaba was present. Subsequently thereafter, without
Joven, Armando, Domingo, and Lacaba – guilty of murder qualified by surrendering and explaining the reasons for their absence, Joven,
treachery. RTC-Manila heavily relied on the testimony of the wife of the Armando, and Domingo joined Estanislao in their Joint Motion
victim. As for Leonides and Leonardo, still at-large, archived cases. Only for Reconsideration. In blatant disregard of the Rules, the RTC
Estanislao was present at the promulgation despite due notice to the the not only failed to cause the arrest of the respondents who were at
other respondents. large, it also took cognizance of the joint motion.

The RTC clearly exceeded its jurisdiction when it entertained the

joint Motion for Reconsideration with respect to the respondents presented its evidence, the same appears insufficient to support a conviction, the trial
who were at large. It should have considered the joint motion as a court may at its own initiative or on motion of the accused dispense with the second
motion for reconsideration that was solely filed by Estanislao. stage and dismiss the criminal action. There is no point for the trial court to hear the
Being at large, Joven and Domingo have not regained their evidence of the accused in such a case since the prosecution bears the burden of
standing in court. Once an accused jumps bail or flees to a foreign proving his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The order of dismissal amounts to an
country, or escapes from prison or confinement, he loses his acquittal.
standing in court; and unless he surrenders or submits to the · But because some have in the past used the demurrer in order to delay the
jurisdiction of the court, he is deemed to have waived any right to proceedings in the case, the remedy now carries a caveat. When the accused files a
seek relief from the court. demurrer without leave of court, he shall be deemed to have waived the right to
present evidence and the case shall be considered submitted for judgment
- Cabador points out that the motion to dismiss is soley based on his right to speedy
3. Cabador v. People, G.R. No. 186001, 2 October 2009, 602 SCRA
trial as shown by the consistent delays and extensions requested by the prosecution
and its failure comply with the written formal offer
Prepared by Balonan
- SC held that the additional statements by Cabador alleging the lack of evidence to
be added and the failure of the witnesses to point his part in the crime were merely
made to strengthen the fact that after 5 years of waiting, the prosecution was ill
- Antonio Cabador accused of murdering, in conspiracy with others, Atty. Jun Valerio
- Prosecution only presented 5 witnesses over 5 years of intermittent trial
· Cabador did not make any mention of any evidence of the prosecution that
- RTC declared the end of prosecution’s presentation of evidence and required to
lacked essential elements to convict him
make written and formal offer of documentary evidence within 15 days from notice.
· Nor did he make mention any of the testimonies of the witnesses
- Prosecution asked 3 extensions, but prosecution still did not make any written offer
- Cabador filed a motion to dismiss, invoking his right to speedy trial · Nor did he cite any documentary evidence
- Demurrer of evidence can only be filed when prosecution rests
· Also that the prosecution had nothing more to add to the evidence
· The motion to dismiss was filed before prosecution rested
· Witnesses did not have knowledge of his part in the crime
o the trial court still needed to give him an opportunity to object to the admission of
- Prior to Cabador’s motion to dismiss and unknown to him RTC granted another
extension to the prosecution those exhibits. It also needed to rule on the formal offer. And only after such a ruling
- RTC treated Cabador’s motion to dismiss as demurrer of evidence that was filed could the prosecution be deemed to have rested its case.
without leave of court
· Meaning, Cabador according to RTC waived his right to present evidence for
his defense and submitted for decision 4. Salazar v. People and J.Y. Brothers Marketing, G.R. No. 151931,
- Cabador filed motion for reconsideration, RTC denied. Cabador files the same to 23 September 2003, 411 SCRA 598
CA, CA denies. Cabador files certiorari in SC Prepared by Dani

Issue: WON Cabador’s motion to dismiss is equivalent to demurrer of evidence filed Petitioner Anmer Salazar and Nena Timario were charged with estafa
without leave of court before the RTC Legazpi City.

Held: No, The estafa case allegedly stemmed from the payment of a check worth
- criminal case usually has two stages: P214,000 to private respondent J.Y. Brothers Marketing (JYBMC) for the
· first, the prosecutions presentation of evidence against the accused and, second, purchase of 300 bags of rice. The check was dishonored by drawee
the accused’s presentation of evidence in his defense. If, after the prosecution has Prudential Bank as it is drawn against a closed account. Salazar replaced

said check with a new one, this time drawn against Solid Bank. It was that the act or omission from which the civil liability may arise did not
again dishonored for being drawn against uncollected deposit. exist.

Trial ensued. After the prosecution presented its evidence, Salazar filed a If the trial court grants the demurrer and acquits accused, but also
demurrer to evidence with leave of court, which RTC granted. renders judgment on his civil liability, said judgment on the civil aspect
would be a nullity since the right of the accused to due process is violated.
RTC later acquitted Salazar, but ordered her to remit to JYBMC
P214,000. RTC ruled that the evidence of the prosecution failed to This is so because when the accused files a demurrer to evidence, accused
establish the existence of conspiracy beyond reasonable doubt between has not yet adduced evidence on the criminal and civil aspects of the case.
the Salazar and the issuer of the check, Timario. As a mere endorser of The only evidence on record is the prosecution’s. What the trial court
the check, Salazar's breach of warranty was a good one and did not should do is to issue an order or partial judgment granting the demurrer
amount to estafa under Article 315(2)(d) of the RPC. Timario remained at to evidence and acquitting the accused; and set the case for continuation
large. of trial for the petitioner to adduce evidence on the civil aspect of the
case, then complainant presents rebuttal evidence, etc (Sec. 11, Rule
Salazar filed a motion for reconsideration on the civil aspect of the 119).
decision with a plea to be allowed to present evidence. RTC denied the
motion. In this case, the civil action arising from the delict was impliedly
instituted since there was no waiver nor a reservation by the offended
She then filed petition for review on certiorari with the SC, alleging she party. Neither did he file a civil action before the institution of the
was denied due process, since the RTC did not give her the opportunity to criminal action.
adduce evidence to controvert her civil liability.
Salazar was granted leave of court to file a demurrer to evidence. RTC
ISSUE: W/N Salazar was denied due process? (YES) granted the demurrer on its finding that the liability of accused was only
civil, not criminal. However, RTC rendered judgment on the civil aspect of
RATIO: the case and ordered Salazar to pay for her purchases ant even before she
Salazar should have been given by RTC the chance to present her could adduce evidence thereon. Thus, she was denied due process.
evidence as regards the civil aspect of the case.
5. Cabarles v. Maceda, G.R. No. 161330, 20 February 2007, 516
The demurrer to evidence partakes of a motion to dismiss the case for the SCRA 303
failure of the prosecution to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. If Prepared by Chris Paredes
the accused files a demurrer to evidence without leave of court (waiving
his right to present evidence and submitting the case for decision on the Rene Cabarles seeks to annul Order of Judge Bonifacio Sanz Maceda in
basis of the prosecution's evidence), he has the right to adduce evidence Criminal Case for murder with Las Pinas RTC. Said Order cancelled the
not only on the criminal aspect, but also on the civil aspect of the case if scheduled promulgation of judgment and reopened the case for reception
the demurrer is denied by the court. of evidence from two prosecution witnesses who were not presented during
If the demurrer is granted and the accused is acquitted, accused has the
right to adduce evidence on the civil aspect unless the court also declares

Info: “...25...April, 1999...Las Pinas...and within the jurisdiction of this Cabarles, with leave of court, filed demurrer to evidence but was denied
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, without justifiable motive by Judge Maceda. Two witnesses called for the defense, accused Cabarles
with intent to kill and by means of treachery and evident premeditation, and Luisito Javier, a fisherman.
did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault,
and stab with a deadly weapon (fan knife) one Antonio Callosa, which Before promulgation of judgment, Judge Maceda motu proprio issued
directly caused his death.” questioned order reopening the case. He noted prosecution may not
have been given its day in court resulting in miscarriage of justice
Cabarles pleaded not guilty. Trial court scheduled hearing, pre-trial, because of mix-up in dates in the subpoena and actual hearing dates.
presentation of prosec’s evidence, and presentation of defense evidence. According to Judge Maceda, since the prosecution was not able to present
its evidence on the first four hearing dates and there was either no return
Prosec issued subpoenas to witnesses: Flocerfina Callosa (mother); on the subpoenas subsequently issued or there was no subpoena issued at
Imelda Pedrosa (eyewitness); Carlos Callosa (brother); and Dr. Romeo T. all to Pedrosa and Dr. Salen, the prosecution should have been given a
Salen, Police Senior Inspector of SPD Crime Lab to testify on the contents last chance to present the alleged eyewitness and the doctor.
of death certificate.
Judge Maceda denied Cabarles’ MR and set the case to hear testimonies
Prosec, without fault, unable to present evidence on first four hearings. of Pedrosa and Dr. Salen. Subpoena issued to Pedrosa for that hearing
Instead, trial on the merits began when prosec called (brother) to witness was duly served, but service upon Dr. Salen failed since the doctor was no
stand. Since defense counsel agreed to stipulate that Carlos would testify longer assigned to the SPD Crime Laboratory. Prosecution still failed to
on matters in his Sinumpaang Salaysay, testimony dispensed with. present a witness during a hearing. Nonetheless, Judge Maceda, upon
motion, again decided to extend to the prosecution another
2nd prosec witness, Police Inspector Prudencio Parejos, presented in chance, giving the People 2 additional hearing dates.
court. Testimony also dispensed with after defense counsel agreed to
stipulate that witness testify on what was in the spot report of stabbing Finally, Pedrosa took witness stand and completed her direct
incident. Prosec said it would offer its evidence and rest its case should examination. Thereafter, Cabarles filed present petition questioning
People fail to present witness next scheduled hearing. Judge Macedas order, alleging that it was issued with grave abuse of
discretion. Since trial in the lower court continued, on July 3, 2003, the
Prosec failed to present a witness. Neither Pedrosa nor Dr. Salen Public Attorneys Office conducted its cross-examination of Pedrosa.
appeared. 4 subpoenas issued to Pedrosa. 3 subpoenas issued to Dr.
Salen. No evidence that subpoenas were issued to these two requiring Defense counsel agreed on facts in death certificate, thus testimony of Dr.
their attendance for June 27, 2001 hearing, which would explain why Salen dispensed with. Thereafter, Judge Maceda set the date for
they were absent. Taking into consideration the absence of a subpoena reception of evidence on the civil aspect of the criminal case, when
issued to the two and notwithstanding objection of Cabarles, Judge brother, was recalled to witness stand. Cabarles given chance to adduce
Maceda gave the prosecution a last chance with warning that whether evidence.
subpoena is actually issued and served or not, will not relieve prosec to
make formal offer of evidence should prosec fail to present witness next
hearing. With no witness for the August 1, 2001 hearing, the prosecution ISSUE / HELD:
rested its case and formally offered its evidence. 1. Did Judge Maceda act with GAD in issuing motu proprio the
Order reopening the case, before judgment was rendered, to

receive the testimonies of two prosecution witnesses after both offer of evidence taken after the case was reopened, Cabarles
parties had rested their case? - YES, Maceda acted with GAD. objected to its admission on the ground that the same was
inadmissible having been received by the court after Maceda
2. Did the said order violate Cabarles’ right to due process and issued the questioned order
speedy disposition of his case? - YES, Cabarles’ right violated.
2. Reopening case for reception of further evidence largely matter of
RATIO: discretion of trial court judge. This judicial action must not be
1. A motion to reopen a case to receive further proofs was not in the done whimsically, capriciously and/or unreasonably. Prosec given
old rules but it was nonetheless a recognized procedural recourse, ample opportunity to present witnesses but failed. Failure to take
deriving validity and acceptance from long, established usage. full advantage of opportunities does not change the fact that it
This lack of a specific provision covering motions to reopen was was accorded such opportunities. Prosec was not deprived of its
remedied by the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure which took day in court.
effect on December 1, 2000.
While it may be true that due to some confusion with the trial
The Order was issued under the Revised Rules. Sec. 24, Rule 119 courts calendar, some of the trial dates assigned to the
and existing jurisprudence stress the following requirements for prosecution did not push through and some of the subpoenas
reopening a case: issued to Pedrosa and/or Dr. Salen pertained to hearing dates
(1) reopening must be before finality of judgment of conviction; which were different from those assigned for reception of
(2) order issued by judge on his own initiative or upon motion; prosecutions evidence, still the prosecution had a total of 4
(3) order issued only after hearing is conducted; hearing dates when it was given the chance to prove its case.
(4) order intends to prevent miscarriage of justice; and Presence of prosec witnesses in court is the responsibility of the
(5) presentation of additional and/or further evidence terminated public prosec and it is incumbent upon him to take the initiative of
within thirty days from issuance of order. ensuring the attendance of his witnesses at the trial.

While Maceda is allowed to reopen the case before judgment is Since Judge Maceda issued questioned order without complying
rendered, Sec. 24 requires that a hearing must first be conducted. with the third requirement of Sec. 24, that there be a hearing
Judge Maceda issued the April 1, 2003 Order without conducted before the order to reopen is issued, then the assailed
notice and hearing and without giving the prosecution and order must be annulled and set aside for having been issued
accused an opportunity to manifest their position on the contrary to law and consequently with grave abuse of discretion.
6. Go v. People, G.R. No. 185527, 18 July 2012, 677 SCRA 213
Although the defense counsel cross-examined Pedrosa and Prepared by Bono
participated in proceedings case was reopened by Maceda, the
same does not amount to a waiver of Cabarles’ objection to the Facts: Petitioners Harry Go, Tonny Ngo, Jerry Ngo and Jane Go were
Order. To be effective, a waiver must be certain and charged before the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Manila for Other
unequivocal. Here, Cabarles filed the present petition seeking Deceits under Article 318 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC).
for a writ of certiorari against Maceda before Pedrosa was cross-
examined. Also, when asked to comment on the prosec’s formal

The prosecution's complaining witness, Li Luen Ping, a frail old administer oaths at any time or place within the Philippines; or before
businessman from Laos, Cambodia, traveled from his home country back any Philippine consular official, commissioned officer or person
to the Philippines in order to attend the hearing held on September 9, authorized to administer oaths in a foreign state or country, with no
2004. However, trial dates were subsequently postponed due to his additional requirement except reasonable notice in writing to the other
unavailability. party.

The private prosecutor filed with the MeTC a Motion to Take Oral But for purposes of taking the deposition in criminal cases, more
Deposition of Li Luen Ping, alleging that he was being treated for lung particularly of a prosecution witness who would foreseeably be
infection at the Cambodia Charity Hospital in Laos, Cambodia and that, unavailable for trial, the testimonial examination should be made before
upon doctor's advice, he could not make the long travel to the Philippines the court, or at least before the judge, where the case is pending as
by reason of ill health. required by the clear mandate of Section 15, Rule 119:

The MeTC granted the motion after the prosecution complied with the SEC. 15. Examination of witness for the prosecution. – When it
directive to submit a Medical Certificate of Li Luen Ping. Petitioners satisfactorily appears that a witness for the prosecution is too sick or
sought its reconsideration which the MeTC denied, prompting petitioners infirm to appear at the trial as directed by the court, or has to leave the
to file a Petition for Certiorari before the RTC. Philippines with no definite date of returning, he may forthwith be
conditionally examined before the court where the case is pending. Such
Upon denial by the RTC of their motion for reconsideration through an examination, in the presence of the accused, or in his absence after
Order dated March 5, 2006, the prosecution elevated the case to the CA. reasonable notice to attend the examination has been served on him shall
the CA denied petitioners' motion for Reconsideration. be conducted in the same manner as an examination at the trial. Failure
or refusal of the accused to attend the examination after notice shall be
Issue: W/N CA erred in sustaining the judicial legislation considered a waiver. The statement taken may be admitted in behalf of or
committed by the MeTC in applying the ruled on deposition- against the accused.
taking in civil case to criminal cases.
Certainly, to take the deposition of the prosecution witness elsewhere and
Held: The examination of witnesses must be done orally before a judge in not before the very same court where the case is pending would not only
open court. This is true especially in criminal cases where the deprive a detained accused of his right to attend the proceedings but also
Constitution secures to the accused his right to a public trial and to meet deprive the trial judge of the opportunity to observe the prosecution
the witnesses against him face to face. The requirement is the “safest and witness' deportment and properly assess his credibility, which is
most satisfactory method of investigating facts” as it enables the judge to especially intolerable when the witness' testimony is crucial to the
test the witness' credibility through his manner and deportment while prosecution's case against the accused. This is the import of the Court's
testifying. It is not without exceptions, however, as the Rules of Court ruling in Vda. de Manguerra where we further declared that – While we
recognizes the conditional examination of witnesses and the use of their recognize the prosecution's right to preserve the testimony of its witness
depositions as testimonial evidence in lieu of direct court testimony. in order to prove its case, we cannot disregard the rules which are
designed mainly for the protection of the accused's constitutional rights.
The procedure under Rule 23 to 28 of the Rules of Court allows the taking The giving of testimony during trial is the general rule. The conditional
of depositions in civil cases, either upon oral examination or written examination of a witness outside of the trial is only an exception, and as
interrogatories, before any judge, notary public or person authorized to such, calls for a strict construction of the rules.

Finally, the Court takes note that prosecution witness Li Luen Ping had Innocent civilians were massacred in Municipality of Ampatuan,
managed to attend the initial trial proceedings before the MeTC of Maguindanao Province. Among the principal suspects was Ampatuan,
Manila on September 9, 2004. At that time, Li Luen Ping's old age and then the Mayor of the Municipality.
fragile constitution should have been unmistakably apparent and yet the Inquest proceedings were conducted against him at General Santos
prosecution failed to act with zeal and foresight in having his deposition before he was flown to Manila and detained at the main office of the NBI.
or testimony taken. In fact, it should have been imperative for the Secretary of Justice Devanadera constituted a Special Panel of
prosecution to have moved for the preservation of Li Luen Ping's Prosecutors to conduct the preliminary investigation. The DOJ resolved
testimony at that first instance given the fact that the witness is a non- to file the corresponding informations for murder against petitioner, and
resident alien who can leave the Philippines anytime without any definite to issue subpoenae to several persons.
date of return. Obviously, the prosecution allowed its main witness to
leave the court's jurisdiction without availing of the court procedure Several informations for murder were also filed against petitioner in RTC
intended to preserve the testimony of such witness. The loss of its cause Cotabato. The following month, Secretary of Justice transmitted her
is attributable to no other party. letter to Chief Justice Puno requesting the transfer of the venue of the
trial of the Maguindanao massacre from Cotabato to Metro Manila to
Still, even after failing to secure Li Luen Ping's conditional examination prevent a miscarriage of justice. This request was granted.
before the MeTC prior to said witness' becoming sick and unavailable, the
prosecution would capitalize upon its own failure by pleading for a liberal In the joint resolution, the Panel of Prosecutors charged 196 individuals
application of the rules on depositions. It must be emphasized that while with multiple murder in relation to the Maguindanao massacre. In
the prosecution must provide the accused every opportunity to take the issuing this joint resolution, the Panel of Prosecutors partly relied on the
deposition of witnesses that are material to his defense in order to avoid twin affidavits of one Kenny Dalandag.
charges of violating the right of the accused to compulsory process, the
State itself must resort to deposition-taking sparingly if it is to guard Petitioner pleaded not guilty to each of the informations for murder when
against accusations of violating the right of the accused to meet the he was arraigned.
witnesses against him face to face. Great care must be observed in the
taking and use of depositions of prosecution witnesses to the end that no Dalandag was then admitted into the Witness Protection Program of the
conviction of an accused will rely on ex parte affidavits and deposition. DOJ. QC RTC issued its amended pre-trial order, wherein Dalandag was
listed as one of the Prosecution witnesses.
Thus, the CA ignored the procedure under the Revised Rules of Criminal
Procedure for taking the deposition of an unavailable prosecution witness Petitioner, through counsel, wrote to respondent Secretary of Justice
when it upheld the trial court's order allowing the deposition of Leila De Lima and Assistant Chief State Prosecutor Richard Fadullon to
prosecution witness Li Luen Ping to take place in a venue other than the request the inclusion of Dalandag in the informations for murder
court where the case is pending. This was certainly grave abuse of considering that Dalandag had already confessed his participation in the
discretion. massacre through his two sworn declarations. Secretary De Lima denied
petitioner's request.
7. Ampatuan v. De Lima, G.R. No. 197291, 3 April 2013, 695 SCRA
159 Accordingly, petitioner brought a petition for mandamus in the RTC in
Prepared by Abbey Perez Manila seeking to compel respondents to charge Dalandag as another

accused in the various murder cases undergoing trial in the QC RTC. (The Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Act).
With this, the RTC in Manila issued a subpoena to Dalandag, care of the
Witness Protection Program of the DOJ, requiring him to appear and Under Section 17, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court, the discharge by the
testify on the Civil Case. Respondents moved to quash the subpoena but trial court of one or more of several accused with their consent so that
petitioner opposed. they can be witnesses for the State is made upon motion by the
Prosecution before resting its case. The trial court shall require the
Issue Prosecution to present evidence and the sworn statements of the
Whether respondents may be compelled by writ of mandamus to proposed witnesses at a hearing in support of the discharge. The trial
charge Dalandag as an accused for multiple murder in relation to court must ascertain if the following conditions fixed by Section 17 of
the Maguindanao massacre despite his admission to the Witness Rule 119 are complied with, namely: (a) there is absolute necessity for the
Protection Program of the DOJ – NO testimony of the accused whose discharge is requested; (b) there is no
other direct evidence available for the proper prosecution of the offense
Rationale committed, except the testimony of said accused; (c) the testimony of said
Courts should not interfere in the conduct of preliminary investigations. accused can be substantially corroborated in its material points; (d) said
It should allow the Executive Department, through DOJ, exclusively to accused does not appear to be most guilty; and (e) said accused has not at
determine what constitutes sufficient evidence to establish probable any time been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude.
cause for the prosecution of supposed offenders. By way of exception,
however, judicial review may be allowed where it is clearly established Section 10 of Republic Act No. 6981 provides:
that the public prosecutor committed grave abuse of discretion. The Section 10.State Witness. – A person…shall be admitted into the Program
records in this case are bereft of any showing that the Panel of whenever the following circumstances are present:
Prosecutors committed grave abuse of discretion in identifying the 196 a.the offense in which his testimony will be used is a grave felony as
individuals to be indicted for the Maguindanao massacre. defined under the Revised Penal Code or its equivalent under special
Dalandag’s exclusion as an accused from the informations did not at all b.there is absolute necessity for his testimony;
amount to grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Panel of c.there is no other direct evidence available for the proper prosecution of
Prosecutors whose procedure in excluding Dalandag as an accused was the offense committed;
far from arbitrary. Section 2, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court, which d.his testimony can be substantially corroborated on its material points;
requires that "the complaint or information shall be . . . against all e.he does not appear to be most guilty; and
persons who appear to be responsible for the offense involved," albeit a f.he has not at any time been convicted of any crime involving moral
mandatory provision, may be subject of some exceptions, one of which is turpitude.
when a participant in the commission of a crime becomes a state witness.
Save for the circumstance covered by paragraph (a) of Section 10, supra,
The two modes by which a participant in the commission of a crime may the requisites under both rules are essentially the same. An accused
become a state witness are, namely: discharged from an information by the trial court pursuant to Section 17
(a) by discharge from the criminal case pursuant to Section 17 of Rule 119 of Rule 119 may also be admitted to the Witness Protection Program of
of the Rules of Court; and the DOJ provided he complies with the requirements of Republic Act No.
(b) by the approval of his application for admission into the Witness 6981.
Protection Program of the DOJ in accordance with Republic Act No. 6981

A participant in the commission of the crime, to be discharged to become Prepared by Ocampo
a state witness pursuant to Rule 119, must be one charged as an accused ● Montero, employee of BSJ company owned by Jimenez, confessed
in the criminal case. The discharge operates as an acquittal of the to the killing of Ruby Rose.
discharged accused and shall be a bar to his future prosecution for the ○ Named Jimenez among others as co-conspirators.
same offense, unless he fails or refuses to testify against his co- accused ● Montero’s confession was given credit because he described the
in accordance with his sworn statement constituting the basis for his steel drum her body was found in as well as identified where it
discharge. could be found.
● Information for murder filed against Jimenez and the co-
The discharge is expressly left to the sound discretion of the trial court. conspirators.
Such discretion is not absolute and may not be exercised arbitrarily, but ● Montero and prosecutor both motioned to have Montero
with due regard to the proper administration of justice. discharged as a state witness.
○ Jimenez opposed both motions.
There is no requirement under Republic Act No. 6981 for the Prosecution ● RTC dismissed the motion saying the prosecution failed to comply
to first charge a person in court as one of the accused in order for him to with requirement of R119 s17.
qualify for admission into the Witness Protection Program. The ○ Prosecution failed to prove that Montero was not the most
admission as a state witness under Republic Act No. 6981 also operates guilty, or better yet the least guilty.
as an acquittal, and said witness cannot subsequently be included in the ○ Also failed to comply with the requirement of proving a
criminal information except when he fails or refuses to testify. The possible conviction against Jimenez.
immunity for the state witness is granted by the DOJ, not by the trial ● Montero and prosecution both filed a motion for reconsideration
court. (MR).
● Judge Docena, a newly appointed judge, approved the MR.
The admission of Dalandag into the Witness Protection Program of the ○ Said that without Montero’s confession the crime would
Government as a state witness since August 13, 2010 was warranted by have gone unnoticed.
the absolute necessity of his testimony to the successful prosecution of the ○ Also said that the principals by inducement (ie. Jimenez
criminal charges. All the conditions prescribed by Republic Act No. 6981 and co.) are more guilty than that of direct participation
were met in his case. as Montero only committed the crime on their orders.
○ Montero also not previously convicted of a crime of moral
That he admitted his participation in the commission of the Maguindanao turpitude.
massacre was no hindrance to his admission into the Witness Protection ● During pendency of MR Jimenez moved to have Judge Docena
Program as a state witness, for all that was necessary was for him to inhibit himself.
appear not the most guilty. Accordingly, he could not anymore be charged ● Judge Docena denied Jimenez’s motion, but suspended
for his participation in the Maguindanao massacre, as to which his proceedings as Jimenez’s inclusion in information still pending
admission operated as an acquittal, unless he later on refuses or fails to with OP.
testify in accordance with the sworn statement that became the basis for ● Jimenez filed certiorari against Judge Docena.
his discharge against those now charged for the crimes. ● CA ruled in favor of Judge Docena and agreed that Montero could
be discharged as a state witness.
8. Jimenez v. People, G.R. No. 209195, 17 September 2014, 735 ● Jimenez argued that Montero is actually the most guilty and the
SCRA 596 lack of a hearing concerning Montero’s discharge is fatal.

ISSUE: WON Montero could be discharged as a state witness?
HELD: YES. Rule 119 s17 provides the requisites for discharge as a state
witness. 1) Two or more accused 2) motion filed before prosecution
rests 3) evidence and sworn statement of proposed state witness
supporting discharge 4) consent of potential state witness 5) trial
court has to be satisfied that a) absolute necessity b) no other direct
evidence aside from testimony c) testimony can be corroborated
on material points d) accused not the most guilty e) no previous

a+b) In this case, Montero is actually the only person who can provide
direct evidence. While it is possible that the prosecution could use
Montero’s confession even without discharging him, it is still the
prosecution’s decision WON to discharge. Court can only deny if the
requirements aren’t complied with.

c) The testimony could be corroborated with. The only reason they found
the body in the first place was because of the testimony. Even though
some of the information doesn’t line up exactly (“busal” in RR’s mouth, no
mention of packaging tape, death by “lubid” instead of asphyxiation) it’s
pretty obvious that Montero got the relevant details right.

d) “Most Guilty” looks at degree of culpability and not imposable penalty.

CA however is not 100% correct when it said that principal by
inducement is always the most guilty. You still have to look at the actual
actions they both took. SC agreed with CA that Jimenez is more guilty
than Montero though.

Lack of hearing not fatal to discharge either. The previous judge that
dismissed didn’t hold a hearing but Jimenez didn’t care. In fact Jimenez
actually participated by submitting a memorandum of authorities and
opposing both motions.

Finally, even though Montero gave a notice withdrawing his consent, this
is not the proper venue. Montero already confessed anyway. This notice
does not defeat the previous testimony because anyone who says
something stupid could just withdraw his consent later on if that were
the case.

XII. RULE 120 - JUDGMENT People filed an MR tying to revive the case to CA; dismissed because of
double jeopardy and it was not endorsed by OSG.

1. People v. De Grano, G.R. No. 167710, 5 June 2009, 588 SCRA 550 Issues:
Prepared by President So (3) W/N the absence during promulgation of sentence
amounted to waiver of remedies?
An information for murder of Emmanuel Mendoza through gunshot was (4) W/N RTC had a valid jurisdicition?
filed with the RTC-Tanauan, Batangas against Joven De Grano (former
mayor of Laurel, Batangas, Armando de Grano, Estanislao Lacaba (you can use the old digest for the other issues but this is the only
together with Leonides Landicho, Domingo Landicho, and Leonardo relevant aspect here)
Genil, who were at large.
They were charged for an alleged murder of Mendoza, a hit man, whom (3) Yes. Section 14(2), Article III of the Constitution, authorizing
they hired to kill another over a land dispute decades back. trials in absentia, allows the accused to be absent at the trial but
not at certain stages of the proceedings, to wit: (a) at arraignment
Joven, Armando, and Estanislao were all duly arraigned and pleaded not and plea, whether of innocence or of guilt; (b) during trial,
guilty. Thereafter, they filed motion for bail claiming that the whenever necessary for identification purposes; and (c) at the
prosecution’s evidence was not strong. promulgation of sentence, unless it is for a light offense, in which
case, the accused may appear by counsel or representative. At
The case was transferred and re-raffled to RTC-Manila because one of the such stages of the proceedings, his presence is required and
accused is an incumbent mayor of Laurel, Batangas. Hearing for cannot be waived.
application for bail ensued, which was granted finding that the
prosecution’s evidence was not strong. People filed a petition for certiorari According to Sec 6, Rule 120:
to CA – denied; then to SC – granted, thereby reversing CA and RTC’s If the judgment is for conviction and the failure of the accused to
Order of granting bail. RTC was also ordered to issue warrant of arrest appear was without justifiable cause, he shall lose the remedies
against the accused. Estanislao was re-arrested, but Joven and Armando available in these Rules against the judgment and the court shall
were not. MR was then filed by the accused, SC issued a Resolution to order his arrest. Within fifteen (15) days from promulgation of
remand the case back to RTC for further proceedings. RTC ruled that judgment however, the accused may surrender and file a motion
Joven, Armando, Domingo, and Lacaba – guilty of murder qualified by for leave of court to avail of these remedies. He shall state the
treachery. RTC-Manila heavily relied on the testimony of the wife of the reasons for his absence at the scheduled promulgation and if he
victim. As for Leonides and Leonardo, still at-large, archived cases. Only proves that his absence was for a justifiable cause, he shall be
Estanislao was present at the promulgation despite due notice to the the allowed to avail of said remedies within fifteen (15) days from
other respondents. notice.

Respondents then filed a Joint MR. RTC downgraded Domingo and Thus, the accused who failed to appear without justifiable cause
Estanislao’s conviction from murder to homicide. Further, Armando and shall lose the remedies available in the Rules against the
Joven were acquitted on the basis of reasonable doubt. judgment.

(4) When the Decision dated April 25, 2002 was promulgated, only
Estanislao Lacaba was present. Subsequently thereafter, without ISSUE: WON Rimando still has civil liability coming from the Estafa
surrendering and explaining the reasons for their absence, Joven, case. YES.
Armando, and Domingo joined Estanislao in their Joint Motion
for Reconsideration. In blatant disregard of the Rules, the RTC RATIO:
not only failed to cause the arrest of the respondents who were at Rimando’s civil liability did not arise from any purported act constituting
large, it also took cognizance of the joint motion. the crime of estafa as the RTC clearly found that Rimando never
employed any deceit on Sps. Aldaba to induce them to invest money in
The RTC clearly exceeded its jurisdiction when it entertained the Multitel. Rather, her civil liability was correctly traced from being an
joint Motion for Reconsideration with respect to the respondents accommodation party to one of the checks she issued to Sps. Aldaba on
who were at large. It should have considered the joint motion as a behalf of Multitel. In lending her name to Multitel, she, in effect, acted as
motion for reconsideration that was solely filed by Estanislao. a surety to the latter, and as such, she may be held directly liable for the
Being at large, Joven and Domingo have not regained their value of the issued check.Verily, Rimando’s civil liability to Sps. Aldaba in
standing in court. Once an accused jumps bail or flees to a foreign the amount of ₱500,000.00 does not arise from or is not based upon the
country, or escapes from prison or confinement, he loses his crime she is charged with, and hence, the CA correctly upheld the same
standing in court; and unless he surrenders or submits to the despite her acquittal in the estafa case.
jurisdiction of the court, he is deemed to have waived any right to
seek relief from the court. Further, while a BP 22 case and an estafa case may be rooted from an
identical set of facts, they nevertheless present different causes of action,
2. Rimando v. Aldaba, G.R. No. 203583, 13 October 2014, 738 SCRA which, under the law, are considered "separate, distinct, and
232 independent" from each other. Therefore, both cases can proceed to their
Prepared by Calo final adjudication – both as to their criminal and civil aspects – subject to
the prohibition on double recovery.28 Perforce, a ruling in a BP 22 case
FACTS: concerning the criminal and civil liabilities of the accused cannot be given
any bearing whatsoever in the criminal and civil aspects of a related
Rimando was charged with Estafa. A charge for violation of B.P 22 was estafa case, as in this instance.
also filed by Spouses Aldaba in the MTC.
3. Suero v. People, G.R. No. 156408, 31 January 2005, 450 SCRA 350
Rimando was acquitted by the MTC of the B.P 22 charge on the ground of (Supra)
reasonable doubt, with a declaration that the act or omission from which Prepared by President So
liability may arise does not exist.
The RTC also acquitted Rimando of Estafa but was found civilly liable Petitioner was earlier accused, together with another accused [Aquilina
because Rimando, as an accommodation party, should be liable to Spouses B. Granada], of the crime of Falsification of Public Document and was put
Aldaba. on trial.

Rimando argued that her acquittal from the B.P 22 charge should bar the Petitioner was arraigned sometime on June 20, 1997.
Spouses Aldaba from claiming civil liability coming from the Estafa case.

The RESPONDENT CITY PROSECUTOR commenced the trial, but the Sec 5, Rule 120: An offense charged necessarily includes that which is
trial was later suspended when the Court granted the Joint Motion to proved, when some of the essential elements or ingredients of the former,
Suspend further Proceedings, filed jointly by the Accused and as this is alleged in the complaint or information, constitute the latter.
RESPONDENT OMBUDSMAN. And an offense charged is necessarily included in the offense proved,
when the essential ingredients of the former constitute or form a part of
Reason for motion to suspend was because the two accused in the instant those constituting the latter.
case charged for falsification of a public document are the same accused
who are likewise charged before the Sandiganbayan for violation of Sec. We hold that the instant case does not constitute double jeopardy, for
3(e) of RA No. 3019 Anti Graft and Corruption. which the following requisites must concur: (1) the first jeopardy must
have attached prior to the second; (2) the first jeopardy must have been
The Sandiganbayan, which is a collegial court, it is preferred that the validly terminated; and (3) the second jeopardy must be for the same
Sandiganbayan takes precedence over all other cases including the offense as that in the first.
instant case involving the same accused similarly situated.
Third requisite missing.
So the case for Falsification was suspended and the case before the
Sandiganbayan continued – to which the accused was acquitted. A comparison of the elements of the crime of falsification of a public
document, provided for in Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code, and
Thereafter RESPONDENT wrote a letter to the Clerk of Court of the those of violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019 shows that there is neither
RESPONDENT JUDGE, expressing their decision in refiling the herein identity nor exclusive inclusion between the offenses. For falsification of a
enclosed information and request that the same be entered in the docket public document to be established, the following elements must concur:
of the criminal case with a new case number assigned to it x x x,
attaching thereto the Criminal Information. (So basically they wanted to 1. That the offender is a public officer, employee, or notary public;
refile the case that they previously suspended. 2. That he takes advantage of his official position;
3. That he falsifies a document by committing any of the following acts:
New information was filed.
On the other hand, to hold a person criminally liable under Section 3(e) of
Petitioner filed a motion to quash the information and/or dismiss the case RA 3019, the following elements must be present:
before RTC. (1) That the accused are public officers or private persons charged in
conspiracy with them;
RTC denied. (2) That said public officers commit the prohibited acts during the
performance of their official duties or in relation to their public positions;
ISSUE: (3) That they cause undue injury to any party, whether the Government
(1) Whether the prosecution of petitioner for falsification of a or a private party;
public document would place him twice in jeopardy; and (4) That such injury is caused by giving unwarranted benefits, advantage
or preference to such parties; and
HELD: NO (5) That the public officers have acted with manifest partiality, evident
bad faith or gross inexcusable negligence.

It is undisputed that the two charges stem from the same transaction. ‒ All of Sevilla’s claims were backed up by the testimony of Edilberto
However, it has been consistently held that the same act may give rise to Torres, a former city councilor saying that he saw Mendoza that day
two or more separate and distinct offenses. No double jeopardy attaches, preparing the PDS of Sevilla in his [Torres] office and even used the
as long as there is a variance between the elements of the offenses typewriter there.
charged. PETITIONER LOST ‒ Sandiganbayan found that Sevilla made an untruthful statement in
4. Sevilla v. People, G.R. No. 194390, 13 August 2014, 732 SCRA 687 his PDS, which is a public document and that he took advantage of
Prepared by Beeya Echauz his official position since he would not have accomplished the PDS if
not for his being a City Councilor.
FACTS: ‒ Nevertheless, Sandiganbayan opined that Sevilla cannot be convicted
‒ Former councilor of Malabon City, Venancio Sevilla was charged with of falsification of public document under Article 171 (4) of the RPC
the felony of falsification of public documents under Art, 171(4) of the since he did not act with malicious intent to falsify the
RPC. aforementioned entry in his PDS.
‒ Sevilla entered a plea of not guilty; thereafter, trial on the merits ‒ However, considering that Sevilla's PDS was haphazardly and
ensued. recklessly done, which resulted in the false entry therein, the
‒ The prosecution alleged on July 2, 2001, the first day of his term as Sandiganbayan convicted Sevilla of falsification of public
councilor of Malabon, Sevilla made a false narration in his Personal document through reckless imprudence under Article 365 11
Data Sheet (PDS) by checking the box that answers “no” with regard of the RPC.
the question whether there is a pending criminal case against him. ‒ Sevilla asserts that the Sandiganbayan erred in finding him guilty of
‒ Sevilla had a pending criminal case against him for assault upon an the felony of falsification of public documents through reckless
agent of a person in authority before the MTC of Malabon. imprudence.
‒ Based on the same facts, an administrative complaint was filed ‒ He claims that the Information that was filed against him specifically
against Sevilla. charged him with the commission of an intentional felony,i.e.,
‒ The Office of the Ombudsman found Sevilla administratively liable falsification of public documents under Article 171 (4) of the RPC.
for dishonesty and falsification of official document and dismissed ‒ He could not be convicted of falsification of public document through
from the service which the Court affirmed in the case Sevilla v. reckless imprudence under Article 365 of the RPC, which is a
Gervacio. culpable felony, lest his constitutional right to be informed of the
‒ Sevilla admitted that the box corresponding to the “no” answer was nature and cause of the accusation against him be violated.
indeed marked but he averred that he did not intend to falsify his
‒ He further claimed that on his first day he did not have an office yet W/N Sevilla can be convicted of falsification of public document through
and that it was Editha Mendoza, a member of his staff, was the one reckless imprudence notwithstanding that the charge against him in the
who prepared his PDS. Information was for the intentional felony of falsification of public
‒ Mendoza informed Sevilla around 2pm on that day that the PDS was document under Article 171 (4) of the RPC. –– NO. (appeal is dismissed
needed to be submitted by 5pm on that day. for lack of merit)
‒ After the PDS was filled up and delivered to him by Mendoza, Sevilla
claims that he just signed the same without checking the veracity of RATIO:
the entries therein.
‒ He failed to notice that the “no” box was the one marked.

‒ The Sandiganbayan convicted Sevilla of reckless imprudence, convicted of the offense proved which is included in the offense charged,
punished under Article 365 of the RPC, which resulted into the or of the offense charged which is included in the offense proved.
falsification of a public document. ○ Sec. 5. When an offense includes or is included in another. — An
‒ However, the Sandiganbayan designated the felony committed as offense charged necessarily includes the offense proved when some of
the essential elements or ingredients of the former, as alleged in the
"falsification of public document through reckless
complaint or information, constitute the latter. And an offense charged
is necessarily included in the offense proved, when the essential
‒ The foregoing designation implies that reckless imprudence is not a ingredients of the former constitute or form part of those constituting
crime in itself but simply a modality of committing it. the latter.
‒ Quasi-offenses under Article 365 of the RPC are distinct and separate ‒ Accordingly, in case of variance between the allegation and proof, a
crimes and not a mere modality in the commission of a crime. defendant may be convicted of the offense proved when the offense
‒ It was held in the cases of Ivler v. Modesto-San Pedro and RRTC v. charged is included in or necessarily includes the offense proved.
People: ‒ There is no dispute that a variance exists between the offense alleged
● Under Article 365 of the Revised Penal Code, criminal negligence "is against Sevilla and that proved by the prosecution — the Information
treated as a mere quasi offense, and dealt with separately from willful
charged him with the intentional felony of falsification of public
document under Article 171 (4) of the RPC while the prosecution was
● It is not a question of classification or terminology.
● In intentional crimes, the act itself is punished; in negligence or able to prove reckless imprudence resulting to falsification of public
imprudence, what is principally penalized is the mental attitude or documents.
condition behind the act, the dangerous recklessness, lack of care or ‒ The question that has to be resolved then is whether reckless
foresight, the imprudencia punible. imprudence resulting to falsification of public document is necessarily
● Much of the confusion has arisen from the common use of such included in the intentional felony of falsification of public document
descriptive phrase as 'homicide through reckless imprudence', and the under Article 171 (4) of the RPC.
like; when the strict technical sense is, more accurately, 'reckless ‒ The case of Samson v. CA ruled in the affirmative:
imprudence resulting in homicide'; or 'simple imprudence causing ● While a criminal negligent act is not a simple modality of a willful
damages to property'. crime, but a distinct crime in itself, designated as a quasi-offense, in
‒ The proper designation of the felony should be reckless imprudence our Penal Code, it may however be said that a conviction for the former
resulting to falsification of public documents and not falsification of can be had under an information exclusively charging the commission
public documents through reckless imprudence. of a willful offense, upon the theory that the greater includes the
lesser offense.
[DECISION ON JUDGMENT] ● In other words, the information alleges acts which charge willful
‒ Sevilla's appeal is anchored mainly on the variance between the falsification but which turned out to be not willful but negligent. This
is a case covered by the rule when there is a variance between the
offense charged in the Information that was filed against him and
allegation and proof, and is similar to some of the cases decided by this
that proved by the prosecution. The rules on variance between Tribunal.
allegation and proof are laid down under Sections 4 and 5, Rule 120 of ‒ Thus, Sevilla's claim that his constitutional right to be informed of
the Rules of Court, viz.: the nature and cause of the accusation against him was violated
○ Sec. 4. Judgment in case of variance between allegation and proof. — when the Sandiganbayan convicted him of reckless imprudence
When there is variance between the offense charged in the complaint or
resulting to falsification of public documents, when the Information
information and that proved, and the offense as charged is included in
or necessarily includes the offense proved, the accused shall be only charged the intentional felony of falsification of public
documents, is untenable.

‒ To stress, reckless imprudence resulting to falsification of public
documents is an offense that is necessarily included in the willful act ISSUE:
of falsification of public documents, the latter being the greater W/N the case should be directly forwarded to the Supreme Court
offense. by virtue of the Constitutional provision on automatic appeal
‒ As such, he can be convicted of reckless imprudence resulting to where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua, life
falsification of public documents notwithstanding that the imprisonment, or death?
Information only charged the willful act of falsification
No. The case is REMANDED and the records are forwarded to the
XIV. POST-JUDGMENT REMEDIES Court of Appeals for appropriate action.
Up until now, the Supreme Court has assumed the DIRECT
- Rules 121-125; 127 APPELLATE REVIEW over all criminal cases in which the
penalty imposed is death, reclusion perpetua or life
1. People v. Mateo, G.R. No. 147678-87, 7 July 2004,433 SCRA 640 imprisonment.
Prepared by Paolo Dizon The practice finds justification in the 1987 Constitution Article VIII,
Section 5. The Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
LANDMARK CASE: CASES THAT INVOLVE CAPITAL OFFENSES “(2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or certiorari, as
MUST GO THROUGH CA BEFORE SC. (If you don’t have time just the law or the Rules of Court may provide, final judgments and orders of
read everything in BOLD, it will suffice) lower courts in:
“(d) All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua
FACTS: or higher.”
10 Informations, one count for each rape, was filed against the The same constitutional article has evidently been a thesis for
accused, Efren Mateo (Mateo). He pleaded not guilty during Article 47 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Section 22 of
arraignment. Rosemarie and Mateo started to live together without the Republic Act No. 7659, as well as procedural rules contained in
benefit of marriage when Imelda was only 2 years old. Imelda narrated Section 3 of Rule 122, Section 10 of Rule 122, Section 13 of Rule
that the 10 incidents of rape took place when her mother, Rosemarie, was 124 and Section 3 of Rule 125 of the Rules of Court. It must be
not around. According to her, she never reported the incidents of rape to stressed, however, that the constitutional provision does not
anybody due to the fact the Mateo threated to kill her and her mother if prevent the Court, in the exercise of its rule-making power, from
she told anyone. adding an intermediate appeal or review in favor of the accused.
During the deliberations of the Court, there has been a marked absence
At the conclusion of the trial, the court a quo found appellant of unanimity of the point of guilty of the accused, some are convinced
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of 10 counts of rape, imposing on there is enough evidence to prove his guilt, while some agree with the
him the penalty of reclusion perpetua for each count. The records Solicitor General. The occasion demonstrates the typical dilemma, the
showed that the case was handled by 3 different judges. Although determination factual matters, which the Supreme Court has had to face
the change in the presiding judges would not invalidate the proceedings, with in automatic review cases, however, it is the Court of Appeals that
it did deny the deciding magistrate the opportunity to observe the has aptly been given the direct mandate to review factual issues. While
demeanor of the witness which could be crucial in the decision-making the Fundamental Law requires a mandatory review by the Supreme
process. Court of cases where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua, life

imprisonment, or death, nowhere, however, has it proscribed an ● Private respondent Ovalles was charged in the RTC with the
intermediate review.If only to ensure utmost circumspection before crime of Parricide. The information states that around 1AM in
the penalty of death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment is Occidental Mindoro Ovalles pushed his wife Alma, causing her to
imposed, the Court now deems it wise and compelling to provide fall and hitting her head on the floor which caused her death.
in these cases a review by the Court of Appeals before the case is ● Assistant Prosec Salcedo recommended a 200K bail but a copy of
elevated to the Supreme Court. Where life and liberty are at stake, all the information shows a cancellation of such amount with an
possible avenues to determine his guilt or innocence must be accorded an annotation “no bail”. The RTC Judge Pagayatan (Judge) issued
accused, and no care in the evaluation of the facts can ever be overdone. an order of arrest with the same information (with the
A prior determination by the Court of Appeals on, particularly, annotation). The warrant was unserved so the Judge issued an
the factual issues, would minimize the possibility of an error of alias order of arrest. Ovalles was later arrested that day and
judgment. If the Court of Appeals should affirm the penalty of death, committed in jail.
reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, it could then render judgment ● Ovalles filed a motion to quash (MQ) praying that if it won't be
imposing the corresponding penalty as the circumstances so warrant, granted, it be treated as an application for bail.
refrain from entering judgment and elevate the entire records of the case ● On the hearing, Atty Aglipay, representing the victim’s sister
to the Supreme Court for its final disposition. Under the Constitution, the (Pobre) wanted to re-set the hearing but the Judge pushed
power to amend rules of procedure is vested in the Supreme Court - through and treated it as Ovalles’ motion to fix bail. The bail was
Article VIII, Section 5. The Supreme Court shall have the following set at 40K and approved Ovalles’ property bond.
powers: ● Ovalles was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Atty. Aglipay filed
“(5) Promulgate rules concerning the protection and enforcement of an omnibus motion contesting that the order granting bail and
constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts.” wanted the Judge and the Prosec to inhibit themselves, the case
Procedural matters fall more within the rule-making prerogative of the be re-raffled and the information amended.
Supreme Court than the law-making power of Congress. The rule on ● The case was re-raffled but the bail decision was sustained. The
allowing for an intermediate review by the Court of Appeals, a case was temporarily deferred due to the impending retirement
subordinate appellate court, before the case is elevated to the of the judge assigned to the new court, to be resumed only after
Supreme Court on automatic review, is a procedural matter. the designation of a new judge.
Pertinent provisions of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, ● Pobre filed for Certiorari with the CA regarding the bail decision
more particularly Section 3 and Section 10 of Rule 122, Section 13 issued by Judge Pagayatan. It was dismissed for late filing. MR
of Rule 124, Section 3 of Rule 125, and any other rule insofar as was also denied for being 83 days late. Thus this case.
they provide for direct appeals from the Regional Trial Courts to Issue:
the Supreme Court in cases where the penalty imposed is death, WON the CA erred in dismissing her appeal because it was filed
reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, as well as the resolution out of time. -- NO but the court retroactively applied a newer rule which
of the Supreme Court en banc, dated 19 September 1995, in invalidates the CA’s decision.
"Internal Rules of the Supreme Court" in cases similarly involving
the death penalty, are to be deemed modified accordingly. Held:
● Petitioner argues that a null and void order granting bail cannot
2. Pobre v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 141805, 8 July 2005, 463 reach finality any time during the stage of the criminal
SCRA 50 prosecution and may be questioned on appeal or petition for
Facts review even if filed beyond the reglementary period.

● The court held that under Rule 114, Sec. 7 of the Rules of Court, ● However, with the issuance of A.M. No. 00-2-03-SC on September
an accused charged with a capital offense is not entitled to bail at 1, 2000, amending Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, to wit: SEC. 4.
any time during trial when the evidence of guilt is strong. It does When and where petition filed. – The petition shall be filed not
not mean however that since the accused is not entitled to bail at later than sixty (60) days from notice of the judgment, order or
any stage of the trial, a grant thereof can be questioned any time resolution. In case a motion for reconsideration or new trial is
and without regard to the period of filing provided by the Rules of timely filed, whether such motion is required or not, the sixty (60)
Court. day period shall be counted from notice of the denial of said
● An order granting bail is an interlocutory order. The word motion.
interlocutory refers to something intervening between the ● The petition shall be filed in the Supreme Court. No extension of
commencement and the end of a suit which decides some point or time to file the petition shall be granted except for compelling
matter but is not a final decision of the whole controversy. In that reason and in no case exceeding fifteen (15) days.
sense, it does not attain finality since there leaves something else ● The petition filed before the CA should now be considered as
to be done by the trial court with respect to the merits of the case. timely filed. The court ruled in a previous case that A.M. No. 00-
If and when the trial court issued such interlocutory order 2-03-SC, being a curative statute should be retroactively applied.
without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of ● The Omnibus Motion filed by Atty. Aglipay contesting the grant of
discretion and when the assailed interlocutory order is patently bail, is, in effect, a motion for reconsideration of the June 29, 1998
erroneous, then a special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65. order of Judge Pagayatan. This was denied by the trial court per
● However, Rule 65, Section 4 of the Rules of Court, as amended, Order dated September 28, 1998. Petitioner received a copy
prescribes a period of 60 days within which to file a special civil thereof on October 12, 1998. Taking into account A.M. No. 00-2-
action for certiorari. The 60-day period was specifically set to 03-SC, the petition filed on December 11, 1998, or on the 60th day
avoid any unreasonable delay that would violate the should then be considered filed on time.
constitutional rights of parties to a speedy disposition of their ● Case is remanded to the CA.
case. Such right to a speedy disposition of the case pertains not
only to a private complainant in a criminal case, but to an 3. Tamayo v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 147070, 17 February 2004,
accused as well. 423 SCRA 175
● It is noted that the petition was filed late by 13 days, not 83 days Prepared by
as computed by the CA. Petitioner received the Order dated June ● Tamayo was convicted of arson and sentenced to reclusio
29, 1998 on July 17, 1998, and a motion contesting, among others, temporal maximum.
the grant of bail, was filed by her on July 30, 1998. During this ● Tamayo filed a notice of appeal with the CA.
period, 13 days had already passed. Given that petitioner received ● June 30, 1999 the CA required an appellant’s brief from Tamayo.
a copy of the Order dated September 28, 1998 denying her motion ○ Tamayo failed to submit.
for reconsideration on October 12, 1998, she had 47 days ● CA treated this as an abandonment of the appeal pursuant to
therefrom, or until November 28, 1998 within which to file the Rule 124 s8.
petition. Since the petition was filed with the CA only on ● Tamayo moved for reconsideration saying it was not his fault, but
December 11, 1998, 13 days had lapsed.
his counsel who abandoned him.
● Thus, strictly speaking, the CA did not err in dismissing the
● CA said no again as 41 days after the filing of the motion for
special civil action for certiorari for having been filed out of time.
reconsideration there was no brief filed.

● Tamayo says it was not his fault as he did not even know if his asked what happened. Pedro allegedly told Joseph that Elgin asked to be
appeal would be approved. brought to the hospital.
○ Appeal has to be approved or else brief would be useless.
On their way, Elgin told Pedro to stop because he wanted to answer the
ISSUE: WON Tamayo should be given the chance to appeal? call of nature. After Elgin relieved himself, instead of boarding at the
back of the motorcycle, he stabbed Pedro and escaped on board the
HELD: YES. Tamayo’s mistake was forgivable. Tamayo did not fail to file
motorcycle. "When a passenger jeepney passed by, Pedro was loaded and
the appeal, he failed to file the brief within the period provided in the brought to Claveria Hospital. When they passed by a police station, the
rules. conductor of the passenger jeep reported the stabbing incident. Due to
inadequate medical facilities at Claveria
Failure to file the appeal at all means CA cannot acquire Hospital, the doctor thereat advised Gina Payla, wife of Pedro, to bring
jurisdiction and decision is final. Failure to file brief is only final if Pedro to CDO.
there is no reconsideration.
Gina was able to converse with him. Again, Pedro pointed to appellant as
his assailant and further narrated the circumstances surrounding his
In this case, the CA dismissed because Tamayo was allegedly in delay for stabbing. SPO1 Victorino Busalla arrived at the hospital and then
not filing a brief 41 days after he submitted his motion. It could not be proceeded to take the ante-mortem statement of Pedro. Pedro could not
Tamayo’s fault as there was never any order to file a brief, nor was his write because of his injuries; hence, he placed his thumb mark using his
motion approved. Tamayo was waiting for the approval so he could file own blood in lieu of his signature on the said statement. The same
the brief. It’s not Tamayo’s fault no brief was ever filed as he had no way statement was signed by Gina Payla who was present when the
statement was taken. Pedro died.
of knowing for sure that it was needed pending decision.
"The (blue) motorcycle driven by Pedro is owned by Kagawad Caabay.
Generally speaking, these periods to file should not be ignored. The SC olor blue. It was Kagawad Caabay who had an arrangement with Pedro
held that these rules should not be interpreted in a vacuum and should regarding the use of the motorcycle to transport passengers."The
safeguard petitioner’s rights especially in criminal cases. motorcycle was recovered but was already cannibalized.
4. People v. Latayada, G.R. No. 146865, 18 February 2004, 423
SCRA 237 After the prosecution rested its case on June 21, 2002, appellant
Prepared by Cera escaped from prison which is evidenced by a Notice of Escape
submitted to the court a quo. He has remained at large."
Latayada was convicted by the RTC with carnapping with homicide.
· Apellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of carnapping with
Pedro Playa (victim) arrived at the house of Cordino in Misamis Oriental.
Playa allegedly told Vicenta 'Don't be afraid, Nang, I am the son of Lucia
· Held as part of the res gestae were Pedro Payla's statements uttered
Payla, I was stabbed by Elgin Latayada, bring me to the hospital.'
before his death to his wife, Gina; and to Prosecution Witnesses Joseph
Vicenta, who was already old, then called her neighbor Joseph Tion for
Tion and Vicenta Cordino that it was appellant who had stabbed him. His
help and the latter responded. Joseph treated the wounds of Pedro and

Statement taken by a police officer a day after the incident and on the When an appellant escapes detention pending appeal, the appeal is
same dayhe died, was admitted by the court a quo as a dying declaration. normally dismissed, and the lower court's judgment thus becomes final
It admitted these pieces of prosecution evidence as exceptions to the and executory. However, this Court has held in People v. Esparas, People
hearsay rule. v. Prades, and People v. Raquino that this rule does not apply to
death cases, in which an automatic review is mandated by law
· The lower court also ruled that circumstantial evidence indicated even if appellant has absconded. (Footnote: For a discussion, see
that appellant was responsible for the disappearance of the motorcycle. Panganiban, Battles in the Supreme Court, 1998 ed., pp. 68-71; and
Leadership by Example, 1999 ed., pp. 96-97. The herein ponente (CJ
· Upheld Joseph Tion's testimony that on the pretext of wanting to Panganiban) is duty-bound to follow the ruling in these Decisions and to
answer the call of nature, the accused had asked Payla to stop the decide this case accordingly, although he dissented from them, and
motorcycle and, without any warning or provocation, stabbed the latter although he still believes that the review of death cases should be
on the back. Finding treachery to have qualified the killing, the made by the Court only after appellant (who is at large) is
lower court imposed on the accused the supreme penalty of apprehended and placed under the jurisdiction of the Court.)
Digester’s Note: This is the application of Rules 124,Sec. 8 and 122 Sec
Hence, this automatic review 2 (d)

Rule 124 Sec 08:

Dismissal of appeal for abandonment or failure to prosecute. -The Court
[CRIMPRO ISSUE] of Appeals may, upon motion of the appellee or motu proprio and with
(1)WON the accused is still entitled to an automatic appeal even if he notice to the appellant in either case, dismiss the appeal if the appellant
absconded. -YES fails to file his brief within the time prescribed by this Rule, except where
the appellant is represented by a counsel de officio. The Court of Appeals
[Non Crimpro Issues] may also, upon motion of the appellee or motu proprio, dismiss the
(2)WON the Trial Court erred in convicting the appellant the crime of appeal if the appellant escapes from prison or confinement,
carnapping with homicide - YES jumps bail or flees to a foreign country during the pendency of
the appeal.
(3)WON the Trial Court gravely erred in imposing the penalty of death
upon the accused appellant when treachery was not alleged in the Rule 122 Sec 2 (d)
Information either as a qualifying or as a generic aggravating
circumstance. – YES (d) No notice of appeal is necessary in cases where the death penalty is
imposed by the Regional Trial Court. The same shall be automatically
HELD reviewed by the Supreme Court as provided in section 10 of this
(1)Effect of Appellant's Escape
Doctrine: Section 8 of Rule 124 of the Rules of Court which, inter alia,
authorizes the dismissal of an appeal when the appellant jumps bail, has

no application to cases where the death penalty has been imposed. In carnapped motor vehicle is killed or raped in the course of the commission
death penalty cases, automatic review is mandatory. This is the text and of the carnapping or on the occasion hereof."
tone of section 12, Rule 122, which is the more applicable rule. No
litigant can repudiate this power which is bestowed by the Constitution. In the present case, the prosecution had the burden of proving that 1)
The power is more of a sacred duty which we have to discharge to assure appellant took the motorcycle; 2) his original criminal design was
the People that the innocence of a citizen is our concern not only in crimes carnapping; 3) he killed Payla; and 4) the killing was perpetrated "in the
that slight but even more, in crimes that shock the conscience. This course of the commission of the carnapping or on the occasion thereof.
concern cannot be diluted. (People v. Esparas)-footnote cited by this case
It is undisputed that the motorcycle driven by Payla had been taken
__________________ without his consent on and recovered days later in a cannibalized
Non-Crimpro Issues condition. The elements of taking and intent to gain were thus
established. The prosecution also proved it was appellant who had killed
him. It failed, however, to discharge its burden of proving the two
(2) Apellant is guilty of homicide only. other requisites of carnapping.
The circumstantial evidence in the instant case is not sufficient to show
Elements of Carnapping with Homicide that appellant is
guilty of carnapping.
The charge filed against appellant for which he was convicted —
carnapping with homicide — is punishable under Section 2, in relation to First, there is no mention in the purported antemortem
Section 14 of RA 6539 12 as amended by RA 7659. 13 Under Section 2 of Statement 22 of Payla or in his statement to his wife and the
RA 6539, carnapping is the taking, with intent to gain, of a motor vehicle other prosecution witnesses that appellant carnapped his
belonging to another without the latter's consent; or by means of violence motorcycle.
against or intimidation of persons; or with the use of force upon things.
On the other hand, Section 14 of the same act, as amended by RA 7659, Payla merely stated that appellant had stabbed him twice in the back
provides: and once in the face. In fact, the former did not know why he had been
stabbed, as he said in response to a query from his wife and from Joseph
"SEC. 14. Penalty for Carnapping. — Any person who is found guilty of Tion. If appellant had wanted to carnap the motorcycle, Payla would have
carnapping, as this term is defined in Section Two of this Act, shall, pointed this out as the reason for the attack. Yet, the records show that
irrespective of the value of the motor vehicle taken, be punished by the former intended only to kill the latter.
imprisonment for not less than fourteen years and eight months and not
more than seventeen years and four months, when the carnapping is Second, still according to Tion's testimony, appellant followed
committed without violence or intimidation of persons, or force upon Payla for about 30 meters from where the motorcycle stood, then
things, and by imprisonment for not less than seventeen stabbed the latter, who then ran to Vicenta Condino's house for
years and four months and not more than thirty years, when the help.
carnapping is committed by means of violence against or intimidation of
any person, or force upon things; and the penalty of reclusion perpetua to There is no evidence showing that appellant went back to take the
death shall be imposed when the owner, driver or occupant of the motorcycle; hence, there is no basis for concluding that he stole it. On
crossexamination,Tion wavered on whether it was his neighbor — herein

appellant — whom he had seen with the motorcycle when the former deemed abandoned due to their failure to submit themselves to the
tried to retrieve it. It is likewise unclear from the testimony of Tion authorities during the pendency of their appeal.
whether the motorcycle was already missing at the time. As the
carnapping by appellant was not proved beyond reasonable doubt, it Petitioner through counsel said he didn’t know he had to surrender and
cannot be said that the killing of Payla was an incident thereof, or that it asked for an extension to surrender himself and to file his brief.
was committed "in the course of the carnapping or on the occasion
thereof." The provisions of the Anti-Carnapping Act are therefore The extension lapsed and the petitioner didn’t submit himself, nor filed
inapplicable. The killing of Payla is punishable under the Revised Penal his brief. CA dismissed his appeal.
Code, either as homicide or as murder.
Two months after, Petitioner through his counsel filed a Motion For
Proof of Homicide Sufficient Leave of Court to File Appellant’s Brief stating that his failure to
surrender himself to the authorities was because he is in a remote farm
Verily, the utterances of Payla to Condino were instinctively made at a in Mindoro, and that he has no means to go to Metro Manila. CA denied
time when he had no since the RTC decision was already final and executory.
more opportunity to concoct a fabricated version of the startling event;
hence, the words Issue: W/N the RTC decision was already final and executory?
he spoke were credible. YES

(2) A perusal of the Information in this case readily reveals that Section 8 of Rule 124 states that the CA may dismiss the appeal if the
treachery was not alleged as an aggravating or a qualifying circumstance appellant fails to file his brief within the time prescribed by this Rule or if the
in the commission of the crime charged. Consistent with the new Rules, appellant escapes from prison or confinement, jumps bail or flees to a foreign
country during the pendency of the appeal.
treachery may not be appreciated, because it was not alleged in the
Accused considered to have abandoned his appeal where her fails to properly
prosecute his appeal and when he refused to submit himself to the
jurisdiction of the authorities.

5. Vitto v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 134981, 18 June 2003, 404 Since Vitto asked for an extension to surrender and to file his brief, but had
SCRA 307 failed to do so, his appeal is considered to have been abandoned and
Prepared by Manalang consequently, dismissed. CA correctly ruled on Vitto’s Motion For Leave of
Court to File Appellant’s Brief, since Vitto submitted such 2 months after
Vitto along with Pizarro and Pajaron were charged with Homicide in the the finality of the Resolution dismissing the appeal.
RTC. All three weren’t in jail as they posted bail. RTC rendered a decision
finding all three of them guilty of homicide. All three remained at large Vitto’s excuses were untenable. He was facing a serious charge and it is
and failed to post bail on appeal. incumbent upon him to inform his lawyer where he was and to inquire
the status of the case.
All three appealed to the CA the conviction, but the CA issued a
resolution requiring them to explain why their appeal should not be

The law cannot protect a party who sleeps on his rights or does some acts On April 25, 2000, Assistant City Prosecutor Esteban A. Tacla, Jr. issued
inconsistent with its prosecution. a Resolution finding probable cause against petitioner Quesada,
Camacho, and Corgado, and recommending the filing of the
6. Quesada v. Department of Justice, G.R. No. 150325, 31 August corresponding Information.
2006,500 SCRA 454
Prepared by Bryan Solco Consequently, an Information for estafa against petitioner Quesada,
Camacho, and Corgado was filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in
On March 1, 2000, Clemente M. Teruel, (respondent), filed with the Office Mandaluyong. In the meantime, petitioner filed with the Department of
of the City Prosecutor, Mandaluyong City, an affidavit-complain t Justice a Petition for Review challenging the April 25, 2000 Resolution of
charging Edgardo V. Quesada (petitioner), Ramon P. Camacho, Jr., and the Investigating Prosecutor finding probable cause.The Secretary of
Rodolfo Corgado with the crime of estafa under Article 315 (par 2 and 3.) Justice issued a Resolution dismissing the petition. Petitioners motion for
The affidavit-complaint alleges that on June 13, 1998 at, EDSA Shang,, reconsideration was also denied.
Quesada, Camacho, and Corgado represented themselves to Teruel as the
president, vice-president/treasurer, and managing director, respectively, While the RTC was hearing the criminal case, petitioner filed with this
of VSH Group Corporation; that they offered to him a telecommunication Court the instant Petition for Certiorari alleging that the Secretary of
device called Star Consultant Equipment Package which provides the Justice, in dismissing his Petition for Review acted with grave abuse of
user easy access to the internet via television; that they assured him that discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Petitioner contends
after he pays the purchase price of P65,000.00, they will immediately that the element of fraud or deceit in the crime of estafa is not present
deliver to him two units of the internet access device; that relying on and that there is no evidence which will prove that the accused promise
their representations, he paid them P65,000.00 for the two units; and to deliver the purchased items was false or made in bad faith.
that despite demands, they, did not deliver to him the units.
It was only petitioner Quesada who filed a counter-affidavit. He alleged 1. W/N hierarchy of courts violated? Yup
that he, Camacho, and Corgado are Star Consultant Trainers of F.O.M. 2. Did secretary of justice act w/ GADELEJ? Nope
Philippines, Inc., a corporation engaged in the business of selling and
marketing telecommunication products and technologies; that they HELD:
formed the VSH Group as a corporation for the principal purpose of
pooling the commissions they will receive as Star Consultant Trainers 1. A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
and then dividing said commissions among themselves according to their Procedure, as amended, must be filed with the Court of Appeals whose
agreement; that while he admitted that the two units of internet access decision may then be appealed to this Court by way of a petition for
devices purchased by herein respondent Teruel were not delivered to him, review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the same Rules. A direct
however, this was not due to their alleged fraudulent representations recourse to this Court is warranted only where there are special and
since they merely acted as sales agents of F.O.M. Phils., Inc.; and that compelling reasons specifically alleged in the petition to justify such
they found out too late that the said company could not cope with its action. Such ladder of appeals is in accordance with the rule on hierarchy
commitment to them as it ran short of supplies of telecommunication of courts.
The Supreme Court is a court of last resort, and must so
remain if it is to satisfactorily perform the functions

assigned to it by the fundamental charter and immemorial Investigating Prosecutors finding that there exists a probable cause is
tradition. Its original jurisdiction to issue the so-called tainted with grave abuse of discretion.
extraordinary writs should be exercised only where
absolutely necessary or where serious and important The issue of whether the element of fraud or deceit is present is both a
reasons exist therefor. Where the issuance of an question of fact and a matter of defense, the determination of which
extraordinary writ is also within the competence of the is better left to the trial court after the parties shall have adduced their
Court of Appeals or a Regional Trial Court, it is in either of respective evidence. It bears stressing that a preliminary investigation is
these courts that the specific action for the writs merely an inquiry or proceeding to determine whether there is sufficient
procurement must be presented. This is and should ground to engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been
continue to be the policy in this regard, a policy that committed and that the respondent is probably guilty thereof, and
courts and lawyers must strictly observe. should be held for trial. It does not call for the application of rules and
standards of proof that a judgment of conviction requires after trial on
This Courts original jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari is not the merits. As implied by the words probably guilty, the inquiry is
exclusive. It is also shared by this Court, and by the Regional concerned merely with probability, not absolute or moral certainty. At this
Trial Court, with the Court of Appeals. This concurrence of stage, the complainant need not present proof beyond reasonable doubt. A
jurisdiction is not, however, to be taken as according to parties preliminary investigation does not require a full and exhaustive
seeking any of the writs an absolute, unrestrained freedom of presentation of the parties evidence. As ruled by the Investigating
choice of the court to which application therefor will be directed. Prosecutor and affirmed by the Secretary of Justice, petitioner's
There is, after all, a hierarchy of courts. That hierarchy is representation and assurance to respondent Teruel that the
determinative of the venue of appeals, and should also serve as a telecommunication equipment would be delivered to him upon payment
general determinant of the appropriate forum for petitions for of its purchase price was the compelling reason why he parted with his
the extraordinary writs. A direct invocation of the Supreme money. Such assurance, the Investigating Prosecutor added, is actually a
Courts original jurisdiction to issue these writs should be misrepresentation or deceit.
allowed only when there are special and important reasons
therefor, clearly and specifically set out in the petition. This is
established policy. It is a policy that is necessary to prevent 7. Yu v. Samson-Tatad, G.R. No. 170979, 9 February 2011,642 SCRA
inordinate demands upon the Courts time and attention which 421
are better devoted to those matters within its exclusive Prepared by Nicki Vine Capuchino
jurisdiction, and to prevent further over-crowding of the Courts
docket. FACTS:
Based on the complaint of Spouses Sergio and Cristina Casaclang, an
The case must be dismissed outright because there is no compelling information for estafa against the petitioner was filed with the RTC.
reason for the SC to take jurisdiction of the case. In a May 26, 2005 decision, the RTC convicted the petitioner as charged.
It imposed on her a penalty of three (3) months of imprisonment (arresto
2. (Not Important). Even assuming that the petition can be filed directly mayor), a fine of P3,800,000.00 with subsidiary imprisonment, and the
with this Court, the same must fail. Petitioner contends that the element payment of an indemnity to the Spouses Casaclang in the same amount
of fraud or deceit as an element of the crime of estafa is absent. as the fine.
Consequently, the affirmance by the Secretary of Justice of the

Fourteen (14) days later, or on June 9, 2005, the petitioner filed a motion that [t]he period for appeal from final orders, resolutions, awards,
for new trial with the RTC, alleging that she discovered new and material judgments, or decisions of any court in all cases shall be fifteen (15) days
evidence that would exculpate her of the crime for which she was counted from the notice of the final order, resolution, award, judgment, or
convicted. decision appealed from. Ubi lex non distinguit nec nos distinguere
debemos. When the law makes no distinction, we (this Court) also ought
In an October 17, 2005 order, respondent Judge denied the petitioners not to recognize any distinction.
motion for new trial for lack of merit.

On November 16, 2005, the petitioner filed a notice of appeal with the
RTC, alleging that pursuant to our ruling in Neypes v. Court of Appeals, 8. Macapagal v. People, G.R. No. 193217, 26 February 2014, 717
she had a fresh period of 15 days from November 3, 2005, the receipt of SCRA 425
the denial of her motion for new trial, or up to November 18, 2005, within Prepared by Ian Benitez
which to file a
notice of appeal. Corazon Macapagal is found guilty of estafa for unreturned jewelries
worth P800k. She received the decision on 13 Jan 2009, then timely filed
ISSUE: an MR which was denied. She then filed a Notice of Appeal on 3 Aug
W/N the fresh period rule enunciated in Neypes applies to 2009, which was also denied on 29 Jun 2010 for being filed out of time.
appeals in criminal cases. - YES
She directly filed a Petition for Review on certiorari to the SC (Rule 45)
HELD: assailing conviction for estafa, denial of MR, and denial of Notice of
The raison d’tre for the fresh period rule is to standardize the appeal Appeal.
period provided in the Rules and do away with the confusion as to when
the 15-day appeal period should be counted. Thus, the 15-day period to Petition dismissed for complete disregard of procedural rules:
appeal is no longer interrupted by the filing of a motion for new trial or 1. Corazon availed the wrong mode of appeal. She should have
motion for reconsideration; litigants today need not concern themselves gone to CA for special civil action under Rule 65. Rule 45 is a
with counting the balance of the 15-day period to appeal since the 15-day mode of appeal of lower court’s decision or final order. The RTC
period is now counted from receipt of the order dismissing a Order denying her notice of appeal is not a decision or final order,
motion for new trial or motion for reconsideration or any final and ROC provide that it cannot be appealed.
order or resolution. 2. Violation of hierarchy of courts - direct filing to SC is only
allowed if there are special, important, and compelling reasons
While Neypes involved the period to appeal in civil cases, the Courts clearly and specifically spelled out in the petition, which are not
pronouncement of a fresh period to appeal should equally apply to present in this case.
the period for appeal in criminal cases under Section 6 of Rule 3. Failure to attach a clearly legible duplicate original, or a
122 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure, for the ff reasons: CTC of Order convicting her of estafa and denial of her
MR. Under Rule 45 of ROC, a petition for review on certiorari
First, BP 129, as amended, the substantive law on which the Rules of must contain a CTC or duplicate original of the assailed issuance.
Court is based, makes no distinction between the periods to appeal in a Failure to comply with the requirement shall be sufficient ground
civil case and in a criminal case. Section 39 of BP 129 categorically states for the dismissal of the petition.

4. Failure to comply with rules and court’s lawful orders. No Respondents added that the notice of appeal was signed by the public
attached affidavit of service to RTC and OSG. No notarized NFS. prosecutor and therefore valid; and that jurisprudence shows that the
No counsel’s contact details. They constantly gave excuses. conformity of the OSG is not required when grave errors are committed
Consequently, the counsel withdrew from the case after efforts to by the trial court or where there is lack of due process.
contact client proved futile. SC even contacted Macapagal
directly, but to no avail, she still did not comply with rules. OSG then commented that the remedy of appeal is appropriate however
such is void for not in conformity with the law – which states that it is
Petition denied. only the OSG that should represent the People in criminal cases.

CA – Dismissed case due to reasoning of OSG.

9. People v. Piccio, G.R. No. 193681, 6 August 2014, 732 SCRA 254
(Supra) ISSUE/HELD: W/Npetitioners, being mere private complainants,
Prepared by Remollo may appeal an order of the trial court dismissing a criminal case
even without the OSG’s conformity. NO.
Jessie John P. Gimenez, President of the Philippine Integrated
Advertising Agency – the advertising arm of the Yuchengco Group of
Companies (a part of Malayan Insurance Co.), filed a Complaint-Affidavit RATIO:
for libel before the Office of the City Prosecutor of Makati City against a Accordingly, jurisprudence holds that if there is a dismissal of a criminal
group called the Parents Enabling Parents Coalition, Inc. (PEPCI) for case by the trial court or if there is an acquittal of the accused, it is only
posting on the website an article entitled "Back to the Trenches: A Call to the OSG that may bring an appeal on the criminal aspect representing
Arms, AY/HELEN Chose the War Dance with Coalition." the People. The rationale therefor is rooted in the principle that the party
Such publication was said to be highly defamatory and libelous against affected by the dismissal of the criminal action is the People and not the
the Yuchengco family and their company. petitioners who are mere complaining witnesses.

The Office of the City Prosecutor of Makati City found probable cause to The private complainant or the offended party may, however, file an
indict 16 trustees, officers and/or members of PEPCI, one of which was appeal without the intervention of the OSG but only insofar as the civil
respondent Piccio. liability of the accused is concerned. He may also file a special civil action
for certiorari even without the intervention of the OSG, but only to the
Private respondents moved to quash the information, reasons being the end of preserving his interest in the civil aspect of the case.
criminal information failed to allege where the article was printed and Here, it is clear that petitioners did not file their appeal merely to
first published or where the offended parties reside. RTC granted. preserve their interest in the civil aspect of the case. Rather, by seeking
the reversal of the RTC’s quashal of the information in the Criminal case
Private Complainants (also petitioners), through private and public and thereby seeking that the said court be directed to set the case for
prosecutor filed a Notice of Appeal, WITHOUT going through the OSG. arraignment and to proceed with trial, it is sufficiently clear that they
sought the reinstatement of the criminal prosecution of respondents for
Therefore the respondents filed a motion to dismiss the appeal on the libel.
ground that the appeal was not supported by the OSG.

10. Cajipe v. People, G.R. No. 203605, 23 April 2014, 723 SCRA 615
Prepared by Enzo Agcaoili ISSUE
W/N the CA erred in granting the OSG's petition for certiorari under Rule
FACTS 65, given that the RTC's order of dismissal is final and appealable?
Lilian filed complaint before DOJ charging several PNP Highway Patrol
Group officers (herein petitioners) of multiple murder. Another group HELD - CA erred in granting OSG’s petition
consisted of police officers from PNP SAF
The RTC judge was within his powers to dismiss the case against
Lilian contended that the SAF and HPG groups conspired in carrying out petitioner HPG officers. Section 6, Rule 112 of the Rules of Criminal
a plan to kill her husband and their 7 yr old daughter. She was supposed Procedure provides that the judge "may immediately dismiss the case if
to meet her family in Pasay but they did not show up. She called her the evidence on record clearly fails to establish probable cause." The CA
househelper only to find out that there had been a shooting incident, should have denied the People's petition for special civil action of
which her husband and daughter had been involved in. She was advised certiorari that assails the order of dismissal since Section 1 of Rule 65
to go to the hospital. She learned that her daughter had been shot in the provides that such action is available only when "there is no appeal, or
head and died. Her husband had been found dead near a passenger any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law."
jeepney as well.
The fact, however, is that Section 1, Rule 122 of the same rules provides
Witnesses testified that husband and daughter were riding in his Isuzu that an appeal may be taken in a criminal action from a judgment or final
Crosswind van when police officers wearing Regional SAF vests suddenly order like the RTC's order dismissing the case against petitioner HPG
fired at the van. Husband got out, went to the passenger side, and tried to officers for lack of probable cause. It is a final order since it disposes of
carry daughter out to safety as she had been wounded. The police officers the case, terminates the proceedings, and leaves the court with nothing
went after Husband and shot him on the head. further to do with respect to the case against petitioner HPG officers. CA
clearly erred in not denying the petition for being a wrong remedy.
DOJ issued a resolution after preliminary investigation finding probable
cause to indict all the police officers involved in the police action that led Furthermore, even assuming the propriety of the filing of a special civil
to the shooting of Husband Jun and Daughter Lia for two counts of action of certiorari against the RTC's order of dismissal, the People had
murder. sixty days from receipt of such order within which to file the action. Here,
the People filed its petition for certiorari 112 days from receipt of the
RTC dismissed the case against petitioner HPG officers for lack of dismissal order by the city prosecutor of Parañaque, clearly beyond the
probable cause against them, given that the witnesses made no mention 60-day period allowed for such action. Therefore, not only was a special
of seeing anyone from the HPG group taking part in the shooting and civil action for certiorari the wrong remedy, it has also prescribed.
killing of Jun and his daughter. Instead, the RTC found that the evidence
tends to show that petitioner HPG officers were requested and acted 11. World Wide Web vs People
merely as blocking force in a legitimate police operation. By Jc Abalos

Some 6 moths later, OSG filed petition for certiorari under Rule 65 before Facts:
the Court of Appeals alleging grave abuse of discretion on the RTC's part. - Police Chief Inspector villegas filed applications for warrants
CA granted petition, ruling that RTC gravely abused its discretion. before QC RTC to search the premises of World Wide Web

Corporation and Planet Internet Corporation. - Further, petitioners acted in gross violation of Memorandum
Circular No. 6-2-92 of the National Telecommunications
- The applications alleged that petitioners were conducting illegal Commission prohibiting the use of customs premises equipment
toll bypass operations, which amounted to theft and violation of without rst securing type approval license from the latter. PLDT
P.D. No. 401 (Penalizing the Unauthorized Installation of Water, computed a monthly revenue loss of P764,718.09. They alleged
Electrical or Telephone Connections, the Use of Tampered Water that petitioners deprived it of foreign exchange revenues, and
or Electrical Meters and Other Acts), to the damage and prejudice evaded the payment of taxes, license fees, and charges, to the
of the PLDT prejudice of the government.
- The trial court conducted a hearing on the applications for search
warrants. The applicants Rivera and Gali of the Alternative - Three warrants were issued against the o ce premises of
Calling Pattern Detection Division of PLDT testi ed as witnesses petitioners, authorizing police o cers to seize various items in the
- Basically, WWC and Planet Internet were able to provide premises of WWC and Planet Internet
international long distance call services to any part of the world - Over a hundred items were seized.
by using PLDT’s telephone lines, but bypassing its IGF. - including 15 CPUs, 10 monitors, numerous wires, cables,
- Gali claimed that a phone number serviced by PLDT and diskettes and les, and a laptop computer. Planet Internet
registered to WWC was used to provide a service called notes that even personal diskettes of its employees were
GlobalTalk, "an internet-based international call service, which con scated; and areas not devoted to the transmission of
can be availed of via prepaid or billed/post-paid accounts." During international calls, such as the President’s O ce and the
a test call using GlobalTalk, Gali dialed the local PLDT telephone Information Desk, were searched. Voltage regulators, as
number 6891135, the given access line. After a voice prompt well as reserve and broken computers, were also seized.
required him to enter the user code and PIN provided under a - Petitioners led their respective motions to quash the search
GlobalTalk prepaid account, he was then requested to enter the warrants, citing basically the same grounds: (1) the search
destination number, which included the country code, phone warrants were issued without probable cause, since the acts
number and a pound sign. The call was completed to a phone complained of did not constitute theft; (2) toll bypass, the act
number in Taiwan. However, when he checked the records, complained of, was not a crime; (3) the search warrants were
it showed that the call was only directed to the local general warrants; and (4) the objects seized pursuant thereto
number 6891135. This indicated that the international test were "fruits of the poisonous tree."
call using GlobalTalk bypassed PLDT’s IGF. - The RTC granted the motions to quash since the warrants
- Gali further alleged that because PLDT lines and equipment had issued were in the nature of general warrants.
been illegally connected by petitioners to a piece of equipment - PLDT moved for reconsideration, but its motion was denied on
that routed the international calls and bypassed PLDT’s IGF, they the ground that it had failed to get the conformity of the City
violated P.D. No. 401 as amended, on unauthorized Prosecutor prior to ling the motion, as required under Section 5,
installation of telephone connections Rule 110 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure. PLDT appealed to
- Gali also alleged petitioners committed theft thru the misuse of the CA which reversed and set aside the RTC Resolutions
PLDT lines/numbers, with clear intent to gain, depriving PLDT of and declared the search warrants valid and effective.
revenue - by ‘piggy backing’ on PLDT’s multi-million facilities. - Petitioners separately moved for reconsideration of the CA ruling.
Among the points raised was that PLDT should have led a
petition for certiorari rather than an appeal when it questioned

the RTC Resolution before the CA. The appellate court denied the - Thus, the CA correctly ruled that is this case, the applications for
Motions for Reconsideration. search warrants were instituted as principal proceedings and not
Issues/Held as incidents to pending criminal actions. When the search
- (1) WON conformity of the public prosecutor is necessary prior warrants issued were subsequently quashed by the RTC, there
filing a motion for reconsideration to question an order quashing was nothing left to be done by the trial court. Thus, the quashal of
search warrants. NO the search warrants were nal orders, not interlocutory, and an
appeal may be properly taken therefrom.
- (2) WON an order quashing a search warrant issued - (3) The assailed search warrants were issued upon
independently prior to the filing of a criminal action is deemed a probable cause. Trial judges determine probable cause in
final order that can be the subject of an appeal. YES the exercise of their judicial functions. A trial judge’s
- (3) WON the assailed search warrants were issued upon probable finding of probable cause for the issuance of a search
cause, considering that the acts complained of allegedly do not warrant is accorded respect by reviewing courts when the
constitute theft. YES finding has substantial basis.
- (4) WON the assailed search warrants were general warrants. - Sec 2 Article III of Consti
RATIO - In the issuance of a search warrant, probable cause requires such
- (1) An application for a search warrant is not a criminal facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonably prudent
action, therefore, conformity of the public prosecutor is man to believe that an o ense has been committed and the objects
not necessary to give PLDT personality to question the sought in connection with that o ense are in the place to be
motion to quash granted by the RTC. searched.
- A search warrant is obtained, not by the ling of a complaint or an - There is no exact test for the determination of probable cause in
information, but by the ling of an application therefor. the issuance of search warrants. It is a matter wholly dependent
- An application for a search warrant is a special criminal process, on the nding of trial judges in the process of exercising their
rather than a criminal action. judicial function. They determine probable cause based on
- The requisites, procedure and purpose for the issuance of a search evidence showing that, more likely than not, a crime has been
warrant are completely di erent from those for the institution of a committed and that it was committed by the offender.
criminal action. - A magistrate’s determination of probable cause for the issuance of
- A warrant, such as a warrant of arrest or a search warrant, a search warrant is paid great deference by a reviewing court, as
merely constitutes process. A search warrant is in the nature of a long as there was substantial basis for that determination.
criminal process akin to a writ of discovery. It is a special and Substantial basis means that the questions of the examining
peculiar remedy, drastic in its nature, and made necessary judge brought out such facts and circumstances as would lead a
because of a public necessity. CA ruling sustained. reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that an o ense
- (2) An order quashing a search warrant, which was issued has been committed, and the objects in connection with the o ense
independently prior to the ling of a criminal action, is not sought to be seized are in the place sought to be searched. -
merely an interlocutory order. It partakes of a final order - According to PLDT, toll bypass enables international calls to
and can be the proper subject of an appeal. Therefore, PLDT was appear as local calls and not overseas calls, thus e ectively
correct when they assailed the quashal orders via an appeal evading payment to the PLDT of access, termination or bypass
rather than a petition for certiorari. charges, and accounting rates; payment to the government of
taxes; and compliance with NTC regulatory requirements. PLDT

concludes that toll bypass is prohibited, because it deprives may produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched
legitimate telephone operators, of the compensation which it is and the persons or things to be seized.
entitled to had the call been properly routed through its network.
As such, toll bypass operations constitute theft, because all of the - In furtherance of this constitutional provision, Sections 3 and 4,
elements of the crime are present therein. Rule 126 of the Rules of Court, amplify the rules regarding the
- For theft to be committed in this case, the following elements following places and items to be searched under a search warrant:
must be shown to exist: (1) the taking by petitioners (2) of PLDT’s
personal property (3) with intent to gain (4) without the consent - SEC. 3. Personal property to be seized. — A search warrant may
of PLDT (5) accomplished without the use of violence against or be issued for the search and seizure of personal property:
intimidation of persons or the use of force upon things.
- It is the use of these communications facilities without the - a) Subject of the offense;
consent of PLDT that constitutes the crime of theft, which is the - b) Stolen or embezzled and other proceeds, or fruits of the o ense;
unlawful taking of the telephone services and business. - c) Used or intended to be used as the means of committing an
- Furthermore, toll bypass operations could not have been offense
accomplished without the installation of telecommunications
equipment to the PLDT telephone lines. Thus, petitioners may - SEC. 4. Requisites for issuing search warrant. — A search
also be held liable for violation of P.D. 401 warrant shall not issue except upon probable cause in connection
- Prision correccional minimum period or a fine ranging with one specific offense to be determined personally by the judge
from 2k pesos or both after examination under oath or a rmation of the complainant
- (4) Assailed search warrants not general warrants. and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing
- A general warrant is de ned as a search or arrest warrant that is the place to be searched and the things to be seized which may be
not particular as to the person to be arrested or the property to be anywhere in the Philippines.
seized. It is one that allows the seizure of one thing under a
warrant describing another and gives the officer executing the - The things to be seized must be described with particularity.
warrant the discretion over which items to take. Technical precision of description is not required. It is only
- Such discretion is abhorrent, as it makes the person, against necessary that there be reasonable particularity and certainty as
whom the warrant is issued, vulnerable to abuses. Our to the identity of the property to be searched for and seized, so
Constitution guarantees our right against unreasonable searches that the warrant shall not be a mere roving commission. Indeed,
and seizures, and safeguards have been put in place to ensure the law does not require that the things to be seized must be
that people and their properties are searched only for the most described in precise and minute detail as to leave no room for
compelling and lawful reasons. doubt on the part of the searching authorities. If this were the
- Section 2, Article III of the 1987 Constitution: The right of the rule, it would be virtually impossible for the applicants to obtain a
people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and e ects warrant/ Any description of the place or thing to be searched that
against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature will enable the offocer making the search with reasonable
and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no such search certainty to locate such place or thing is sufficient.
warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable - A search warrant fulfills the requirement of particularity in the
cause to be determined personally by the judge after examination description of the things to be seized when the things described
under oath or a rmation of the complainant and the witnesses he

are limited to those that bear a direct relation to the offeense for
which the warrant is being issued.
- PLDT was able to establish the connection between the items to
be searched as identi ed in the warrants and the crime of theft of
its telephone services and business. Prior to the application for
the search warrants, Rivera conducted ocular inspection of the
premises of petitioners and was able to confirm that they had
utilized various telecommunications equipment consisting of
computers, lines, cables, antennas, modems, or routers,
multiplexers, PABX or switching equipment, and support
equipment such as software, diskettes, tapes, manuals and other
documentary records to support the illegal toll bypass operations.



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