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1. Ifa says that this person will be blessed with all the good
things of life that he/she is looking for. All these ire of life will
be given to him/her by his/her Egbe. Ifa also says that
he/she shall experience something frightening. It is caused
by his/her Egbe. There is no need for this person to panic.
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with three roosters, three
hens and money. He/she also needs to feed Egbe as
prescribed by Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Dia fun Abogunde obegi
Agbe baba awon isona
Eyi ti nlo s’oko alero l’odun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Abogunde e ma ge oriri
Aje nbe loriri
Abogunde e ma ge oriri
Aya nbe loriri
Abogunde e ma ge oriri
Omo nbe loriri
Abogunde e ma ge oriri
Ile nbe loriri
Abogunde e ma ge oriri
Ire gbogbo nbe loriri

He cast Ifa for Abogunde the tree cutter
The farmer is the father of the sculptors
When going on annual farm cultivation
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Abogunde do not fell the Oriri tree
There is financial success in Oriri tree
There is spouse in Oriri tree
There are children in Oriri tree
There are properties in Oriri tree
There are all ire of life in Oriri tree
2. Ifa says that this person is doing something that is a taboo
for him/her to do. Doing this will only bring trouble and
failure to this person. This person needs to offer ebo with
two roosters, two hens and money. He/she also needs to
feed Obatala as prescribed by Ifa. There is also a pregnant
woman who had not been honest to her partner. The
woman needs to offer ebo with one matured she-goat and
money. she also needs to feed Obatala as prescribed by Ifa.
On these, Ifa says:

Obasa npuro
Obasa nmemu
Obasa kii memu
Eewo Oosa ‘Gbodaji ni e
Dia fun Leje
Ti nlo sode Ikija
Obasa npuro
Obasa nmemu
Obasa kii memu
Eewo Oosa ‘Gbodaji ni e
Dia fun Ojele
Tii somo Alakija
Tii saya Oosa Gbodaji
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Won gbebo won rubo
Nje mo do Ojele re
Orisa fi jin
Obasa is lying
Obasa is consuming palm-wine
Obasa must not consume palm-wine
It is a taboo of Obatala
Ifa’s message for Leje
When going to Ikija land
Obasa is lying
Obasa is consuming palm-wine
Obasa must not consume palm-wine
It is a taboo of Obatala
Ifa’s message for Ojele
The daughter of Alakija
And the wife of Obatala
They were advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
I had once made love to Ojele
Orisa please forgive me

3. Ifa says that a woman is suffering from the problem of Abiku.

It is caused by the taboo that this person is consuming.
There is the need for this person to identify this taboo and
abstain from it. It is a taboo for this person to wear a
masquerade costume. It is also a taboo for this person to
carry wood or carved images on his head. Ifa advises this
person to offer ebo with four guinea-fowls, four pigeons, four
roosters and money. on this, Ifa says:

Oyeere ega
Dia fun Abogunde Otun Imale
Osi Isona
Eyi ti ngbe’gi
Ti ko tun ruu mo
Omo wa ri Kundi-kundi lagbo
Pele omo agbe-maru
Oo maa rora se o
Are, o pagi da
O sogi dotooto eeyan
Are oponna
Omo aburoko sowo
Gbigbe ni ki e gbe
Ki e ma tun kuu mo
Omo olomo o, nii see rugi o

Oyeere Ega
He cast Ifa for Abogunde, the second in command of the
Imale people
The third in command of the sculptors
He who carved wood
Who must never carry the wood again
The children were so plentiful in the garden
Gently, he who carved but who must not carry
Please act gently
He who transformed wood
And turned wood into human form
Are Oponna, the sculptor
He who turns Iroko tree into means of financial success
Just continue to carve wood
Do not carry it in form of masquerade
Let other people children carry the wood

4. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo in order to overcome

crisis and uprising. Ifa assures this person that he/she will
overcome the crisis. However, there is the need to urgently
offer the ebo. Ebo materials: two roosters, two hens and
money. There is also the need to feed Ifa with four rats and
four fish.

Oloburo lo kun osun si ese mejeeji

O da reberebe oju si
Dia fun Gbongbon rinrin
Ti nsawo rode Ejigbo
O ni ki won rubo ogun
Won febo salo
Ogun wa ka won mole
Won wa rubo
Nje Gbongbonrinrin awo Elejigbo gba’ni o
Ogun ko de ja wa o l’Ejigbo
Gbongbonrinrin awo Elejigbo gba’ni o

Oloburo bird painted its two feet with camwood
But spared its face
Ifa’s message for Gbongbonrinrin
When going on Ifa mission to Ejigbo land
Ifa’s message for the inhabitants of Ejigbo land
When they were advised to offer ebo against uprising
They delayed in offering the ebo
Crisis overwhelmed them
They later went to offer the ebo
Now Gbongbonrinrin the awo of Elejigbo
Please come to our rescue
There is no more uprising in Ejigbo land
Now Gbongbonrinrin the awo of Elejigbo
Please come to our rescue

5. Ifa says that one of the major weaknesses of this person is

that he/she never listens to advice or warning. Ifa advises
this person to change his/her attitude and to feed Sango in
order to avoid everlasting regret. Ifa also warns this person
not to rely on charm or any special device. Ebo materials:
two roosters, two hens and money. He/she also needs to
feed Sango with one rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Ti oti ba kun’nu aho

Oti a maa pa’ni
Boogun bap o lapoju
A somo di were
Baaba loba laniiju
Iwin nii sin won
Dia fun Sango
Ti nran Oyo loo roogun nile Ipoti
Ka di fun ni ka fe
Ka soro fun ni ka gba
Eni ti o gbo
Yoo fowo ajari bomi
Dia fun Eliri-Onigbadi
Tii s’olotan Sango
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse Ogun
Ajase Ogun lawa wa

If a container is filled with alcohol
The alcohol will intoxicate
If one has excessive charm
It will turn insane
If one is excessively connected
One will become lunatic
Ifa’s message for Sango
When sending Oya to go and purchase charms at Ipoti land
To advice one for one to accept
And to counsel one for one to agree
Does who refused to accept
Will live to regret
Ifa’s message for Eleri Onigbadi
Who was a relation of Sango
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory

6. Ifa warns somebody who is stubborn and who doesn’t like to

hear the truth to be careful and desist from such act. Ifa
says that this person plans to do something now and what
he/she plans to do will lead him/her into serious trouble. It is
therefore in this person interest to listen and change his/her
attitude. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with three
roosters, three hens and money. He/she also needs to feed
Esu with one rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Aja taa ba wi fun ti ko gbo

Nii d’aja Elegbara
Agbo taa ba wi fun ti ko gba
Nii d’agbbo mole
Otooto eeyan taa wi fun ti ko gbo
Nii fowo ajari bomi
Dia fun Alawiigbo
Nijo to nlo ko oko a kii koo
Won niko ma koo
O ni oun o koo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Ero Ipo ati Ofa
Eni gbe’bo nibe ko rubo

The dog that was warned but which refuse to heed warning
Will become the dog of Esu
The ram that was advised but who refused to heed warning
Such dog will become the dog of the Imole
And human being that we advised who refuse to listen will
regret his action
Ifa’s message for a self conceited person
When he was going to cultivate the farm that was a taboo to
He was advised not to do so
He refused to comply
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa land
Let those advised to offer ebo do so accordingly

7. Ifa warns this person to desist from doing what it forbidden to

him/her to do. He/she also needs to desist from arguing
excessively. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one
matured she-goat, three rooster, three hens and money.
He/she also needs to feed Esu with one rooster.

Aase ile aye nii gbe

A kii see, ile aye nii gbe
Taa ba see, kinnii tidii ree da
O nde nidena Orun
Dia fun Aremo Elejigbo
To ni oun o su iya oun lopo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Won ni ko ma suu
O ni oun o suu
Nje o ti moo o see
Owonrin Elejigbo
O ti moo o see

It can be done, it is in this world that he lives
It is not to be done, it is in this world that he lives
If we do it what is the possible consequence
That is in the boundary of heaven
Ifa’s message for the first son of Elejigbo
When he insisted that he was going to enter into levirate
marriage with his mother
He was advised not to do so
He refused to comply
Since you know that it is wrong
Why did you do it
Owonrin Elejigbo
Why did you engage in a wrong act

8. There is the need to steer clear of a woman where this Odu

is revealed. This woman is not appropriate for marriage or
for any casual relationship. The woman is too promiscuous
and anyone who plans to marry her will regret such action.
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four roosters, four
guinea-fowls, four pigeons and money. He/she also need to
feed Ifa with eight rats, and eight fish. On this, Ifa says:
Dia fun won ni ilu Bantata
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nibi won gbe nfowo paya alaya lara
Oferefere, eyin o rina Ifa kan njo won o

Ifa’s message for the inhabitants of Bantata land
Where they were caressing other people’s wives
They were advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
With intensity
Can’t you see the fire of Ifa as it consumes them
With intensity

9. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of victory for this person. Ifa
advises this person to offer ebo with four tortoises, 200
pebbles and money. The tortoises will be used to feed
Sango. On this, Ifa says:

Oloburo lo kosun sese mejeeji roki-roki-roki

Dia fun Olukoso lalu
Jenrola omo arigba ota segun
Eyi ti yoo firi woowoo sete
Nigb ti nbe nigbatemo ogun araye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Talo nperi Oba?
Too! Emi o perii re Alado!

The Oloburo bird painted its two feet with camwood
Ifa’s message for Olukoso lalu
Jenrola he who has 200 pebbles to overcome enemies
And uses heavy dew to overcome conspiracies
When he was in the midst of uprising and conspiracies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Now who is speaking ill of the Oba
No! I am not speaking ill of you Alado

10. Ifa warns a woman here not to be excessive excitement

over little thing lest she will cause serious harm for her man.
Ebo material: one matured he-goat, two roosters and money.
She also needs to feed Esu with one rooster.

Egbesi ni o ta kokooko jana

Dia fun Elejigbo
Ti yoo soko Orere
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Ile yii o je ki n ri Elejigbo oko o mi
Ng o to Elejigbo oko o mi lo
Eyin yii o je ki n ri Elejigbo oko o mi
Ng o to Elejigbo okoo mi lo o

Egbesi tree branch does not spread across the road
Ifa’s message for Elejigbo
When going to become the husband of Orere
They were both advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
This house does not allow me to see Elejigbo my
Am going to Elejigbo my husband
This pointed teeth do not allow me to see Elejigbo my
Am going to Elejigbo my husband

11. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of financial success for
this person. This person will turn Aje the deity of prosperity
into his/her slavery. Esu will ensure that this person
succeed beyond his/her dreams. Ifa advises this person to
offer ebo with four pigeons and money. He/she also needs
to feed Esu with one matured he-goat. On this, Ifa says:
Owonrin betula
Dia fun Atamajuubara, aya Agbede
Ti ngbe oko lo ree ta loja Ejigbomekun
Nibi ti aa na
Ti a kii bo fere
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni wowo aje

Owonrin betula
Ifa’s message for Atamajuubara
The wife of the black smith
When carrying hoes for sale at Ejigbomekun market
Where people go to transact business
But they do not come back on time
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of financial success

12. Ifa warns this person never to draw money from debtors
with force. Doing so may lead to disaster for him/her. Ebo
materials: three roosters, one cutlass and money.

Ohunto se onile
Ko nii fi olojo sile
Dia fun Gbongbo
Ti nlo ree gba Oniyan lodo isu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Ipin aisebo egba aiteru
Eyin o rifa ojo hun nni bo tin se

The disaster that befalls the owner of the house
Will never spare the visitor
Ifa’s message for Gbongbo the root
When going to draw money by force in the home of Isu
the yam
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
Refusal to comply with the instruction of the awo
Can’t you see how the prediction of Ifa has come to

13. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of sound health.

He/she also needs to offer ebo in order to ensure that other
people’s ailments was not transfer to him. Ebo materials:
one matured he-goat and the clothe that this person uses to
cover himself/herself.

Epa o ta nibi esin wala

Dia fun Owon
Ti nlo ree wo Otura
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Asebo seru ka ba ni laruufin ebo

The peanut does not germinate easily in the spot where
it germinated the previous year
Ifa’s message for Owon
When going to treat Otura
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Let us offer ebo in order to receive blessing and victory

14. Ifa says that this person must never engage in poultry
business and must never be rearing chicken in his/her
house. This is in order to avoid contagious diseases. Ifa
says that if this person has any fowl that is laying eggs or
hibernating. The fowl must be used to feed ifa and the egg
must be cooked to feed Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Ki sile ise o si
Ti ilee won lo peleke
Dia fun Ajagunna
Tii sologun lode Ejigbo
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Nje gami-gbami olori ilu soro
Ajaguna gba mi o, Ajaguna
Ifa gba mi ara iko Awusi
Ajagunna gba mi o, Ajagunna

There is no where that there are no peculiarities
The once in their home are too excessive
Ifa’s message for Ajagunna
The head of the warriors in Ejigbo land
He was advised to offer ebo
Come to my rescue
It is difficult to be a leader
Ajagunna please come to my rescue
Ifa please come to my rescue the inhabitant of Iko-
Ajagunna please come to my rescue Ajagunna

15. Ifa says that this person is about to face disgrace and
humiliation from women because of money matter. Ifa says
that this person needs to go and look for a work to do that is
the only time that he will not face disgrace.

Sokoto penpe o jobinrin loju

Dia fun Elejigbo
Ti nrenu igbe loo kaje wale
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba nib a jebut aje suurusu
A knicker does not impress a woman
Ifa’s message for Elejigbo
When going to the forest to bring money back home
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long not too far
Join us in the midst of financial success

16. This person life very comfortable to him/her. Ifa says

that his/her matter will turn to joy. His/she is going to receive
a visitor very soon and he/she needs to take proper care of
this visitor. It is a strange visitor that he/she will have. Ebo
materials: plenty of black eye peas and money.

Arere ni o leto
Egbesi ni o ta kokooko jana
Dia fun Igbin
To loun o joye Olukoro
Dia fun Alabahun Ajapa
To loun o joye Olukumoro
Dia fun Agbawin-solojo
To loun o joye Olukumoro
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Arere tree has no thorn
Egbesi tree does not spread across the road
Ifa’s message for igbin the land snail
When going to receive the title of Olukumoro
And for Alabahun Ajapa the tortoise
When going to receive the title of Olukumoro
And for Ajagbawin Solojo
When going to receive the title of Olukumoro
They were all advised to offer ebo
Only Agbawin Solojo complied
Behold the snail has no home
The tortoise has no place of his own
Only Agbawin Solojo has a good place where people
can visit

Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa – for direction, guidance, protection, victory, elevation,
success and overall wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, protection, direction, support,
contentment and self actualization
3. Esu-Odara – for sanctuary, support, victory, success,
elevation, progress, and overall well-being
4. Egbe – for comradeship, leadership, support, progress,
elevation, bictory and overall well-being
5. Sango – for victory over enemies and leadership.
6. Ogun – for victory over enemies, leadership and overall
7. Obatala – for leadership, progress and overall well-being



WRATH OF Obatala
2. Must never engage in adultery – to avoid humiliation and
3. Must never fell oriri tree – to avoid the wrath of Egbe
4. Must never be over-excited over trivial things – to avoid
inflicting serious damage on your loved ones
5. Must never put on masquerade costume – to avoid
unconsummated fortunemust never act in a recalcitrant
manner – to avoid everlasting regret and unconsummated
6. Must never draw debt with force – to avoid disaster and
unconsummated fortune


1. Ifa/Orisa priest/Priestess
2. Agriculture- both arable and pastoral
3. Story teller, commentator, teacher, historian.
1. Adeyeri-the crown befits the head
2. Ifafimisomo – Ifa adopts me as his child
1. Ifagbamila – Ifa comes to my rescue
2. Egbeyemi – Egbe befits me.

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