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Global Human Resources

Using Time and Labor

This guide also applies to on-premise

Release 9 implementations
Oracle® Global Human Resources Cloud Using Time and Labor

Part Number E55695-01

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Authors: Lakshmi Venkat, Phid Simons, Suzanne Kinkead

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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Using Time and Labor


Preface i

1 Overview 1
Using Time and Labor: Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1

2 Time Reporting 3
Reporting Time: Points to Consider .......................................................................................................................... 3

3 Time and Labor Integrations 4

Using Time and Labor with Absence Management: Points to Consider ..................................................................... 4
Using Time and Labor with Payroll: Points to Consider ............................................................................................. 6
Using Time and Labor with Project Costing: Points to Consider ............................................................................... 8

4 Time Card Approval and Transfer 12

Time Card Approvals: Explained ............................................................................................................................. 12
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Time Transfer: Explained ....................................................................................... 13

5 Date Effectivity 15
Date-Effective Objects in Time and Labor: Explained .............................................................................................. 15
Date Effectivity: Explained ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Correcting Date-Effective Objects: Examples .......................................................................................................... 16
Updating Date-Effective Objects: Examples ............................................................................................................ 18
FAQs ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19

6 Layout Sets 20
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Configuring the Various Time Entry Layouts: Worked Example ................................................................................ 21
Configuring a Calendar Entry Layout: Worked Example .......................................................................................... 26
FAQ ........................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Using Time and Labor

7 Time Rules 29
Rule Set Components: How They Work Together .................................................................................................. 29
Input Parameters and Rule Outputs: Explained ....................................................................................................... 31
Time Calculation Rule Set Processing Order: Explained .......................................................................................... 32
Creating a Time Entry Rule: Worked Example ......................................................................................................... 33
Creating a Time Entry Rule Set: Worked Example .................................................................................................. 34
Creating a Time Calculation Rule: Worked Example ................................................................................................ 36
Creating a Time Calculation Rule Set: Worked Example ......................................................................................... 37
Analyzing Rule Processing Details: Explained .......................................................................................................... 38
FAQ ........................................................................................................................................................................ 39

8 Groups 40
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Group Membership: How It Is Evaluated ................................................................................................................ 41
Defining Groups: Worked Example ......................................................................................................................... 43
FAQ ........................................................................................................................................................................ 46

9 Setup Profiles 47
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Configuring Time Card Access Settings: Procedure ................................................................................................ 48
Worker Profile: How It Is Derived ............................................................................................................................ 48
Troubleshooting Time Card Profile Assignment: Explained ...................................................................................... 50
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Preface
Using Time and Labor

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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Preface
Using Time and Labor

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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Preface
Using Time and Labor

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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Time and Labor Overview

1 Overview

Using Time and Labor: Overview

Ongoing Time and Labor business process activities include reporting, approving, and transferring time, as well as
maintaining time card configuration and analyzing processing details.
The following figure shows the time management cycle of time entry, approval, and transfer, along with administrative
maintenance and analysis of time cards.

Report Time
Workers report time in a calendar or by creating or editing time cards. HR specialists, Time and Labor managers, and any
administrator or manager with the Time and Labor Manager role can also report or adjust workers' time.

Approve Time Cards

Line managers approve time submitted to payroll consumers. Project managers approve time submitted to Oracle Fusion
Project Costing.

Transfer Time
Time and Labor administrators troubleshoot time transfers initiated by time consumers. They can review incomplete transfer
processes and resolve time cards with transfer failures.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Time and Labor Overview

Analyze Time
Time and Labor administrators view the processing details of time entry and time calculation formulas, rules, and rule sets,
and make necessary adjustments.

Maintain Time Card Configuration

After initial implementation, Time and Labor administrators maintain time card layouts, time entry and calculation rules, group
definitions, and profile assignments.

Work Areas
To manage Time and Labor, start from the pages listed in the following table.

Role Work Area Navigation

Workers Time (for time card) My Information


Workers Time (for calendar) Home page


Approvers Notifications Home page


HR Specialists and Time and Labor Time Management Workforce Management menu in
Administrators   the Navigator

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Time and Labor Time Reporting

2 Time Reporting

Reporting Time: Points to Consider

Workers report time by creating a time card or a calendar entry. A Time and Labor administrator can report time for all
workers in an enterprise.

Time Work Area for Workers

Open the Time work area by clicking Time in My Information from the Navigator.
Use the different views to perform these time entry tasks:

Task Description

Manage Time Cards Using tasks in the task pane and toolbars, you can
  search, edit, create, and delete time cards.

Create Time Card Create a time card for any time card period as allowed
  by the worker time entry profile. The application selects
the time card period that intersects with that date.

Search Time Cards View time cards in the descending order, from most
  recent time card period to the oldest time card period.

Report Time in Calendar • Enter time with payroll time and absence types
• View rejected time cards

• Maintain absence records

In the calendar, different color bars represent absence,

public holidays, and time cards.

Time Management Work Area for Administrators

Use the Manage Time Card task in the Time Management work area to create, edit, or submit time cards for all workers.
Search for a person and select an existing time card to edit, or create a time card for the person.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Time and Labor Time and Labor Integrations

3 Time and Labor Integrations

Using Time and Labor with Absence Management: Points

to Consider
Using Oracle Fusion Absence Management with Oracle Fusion Time and Labor enables workers to report absences and view
accrual balances in the time card.
Considerations for using Absence Management with Time and Labor include:

• Prerequisite absence setup

• Absence entry configuration

• Absence entry

• Auto population of absence

• Absence validation configuration

• Absence approvals

• Absence transfer

Prerequisite Absence Setup

To report absence types from the time card, you must:

• Ensure that a work schedule exist for the primary assignment of the worker.

• Configure the units of measure of the absence type to either hours or calendar days.

• Enable the absence type for time card entry.

• Enroll the worker in any absence accrual plans that are associated with the absence type. Ensure that the plan
balances are up to date

Absence Entry Configuration

Use the following tasks in the Define Time and Labor task list to generate time card fields. These tasks are available in the
Setup and Maintenance work area.

• Generate Data Dictionary Attributes: Creates data dictionary time attributes for a selected time consumer that
categorizes time or defines time card fields.

• Generate Time Card Fields: Creates multiple-attribute time card fields using data dictionary time attributes, for the
specified legislative data group. Select the option to include absences.

Use the Manage Time Card Fields task to display absence data in various ways for time entry:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Time and Labor Time and Labor Integrations

Time Card Field Options Time Card Field Description Task

Absence Type Create a time card field with a Manage Time Card Field task.
  single time attribute, which displays Create a single attribute.
only the absence type.  

Payroll and Absence Time Type Create a multiple attribute time card Run the Generate Time Card Field
  field, which combines absence process. Or use the Manage Time
types and payroll time types. These Card Field task to create a multiple
time types can have different attribute time card field with two
display names for time entry than time attribute segments. Then
they have in payroll or absence manually populate the values and
management. the time attribute.

Reason Code or Comment Configure the Reason Code as Manage Time Card Field task.
  a dependent time card field that Create a single or multiple attribute
is displayed in the Additional time card field with a dependent
Attributes and Daily Details dialogs time card field for absence reason.
of the time card.  

Use the Manage Layout Sets task to specify the time entry format to support absence types and payroll time type entries.
Absence entries resolve according to the worker's schedule.

• Workers with time-based schedule enter absence in the time card.

• Workers with elapsed or duration schedule enter absence hours in the time card.

Absence Entry
Workers can enter absences by time card entry in the Time work area.

Auto Population of Absence

Any future absences automatically appear on the time card for that period. Deleting a time card doesn't delete the relevant
absence hours. The worker must delete the absence in the Time work area.

Absence Validation Configuration

Validations ensure, for example, that workers enter absences only for absence types that they are eligible for.
Clicking Next, to review and submit the time card, always validates absence time entries.
This table describes the default processing associated with time card Next, Save, and Submit buttons.

Time Card Button Automatic Validation Description

Next Yes When the worker user clicks Next,

    the following processing runs
before opening the Time Card
Review page:

• Validates absence, payroll,

and project time entry

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Time and Labor Time and Labor Integrations

Time Card Button Automatic Validation Description

• Applies time entry rules

• Applies time calculation rules

• Generates calculated time

Save No Using the Manage Time

    Consumer Sets task, you can
configure the validations to also run
when the worker clicks the Save

Submit Yes Clicking the Submit button on the

    Time Card Review page updates
the time card to Submitted status
and triggers the approval flow for
the time card.

Absence Approvals
Absence approvals are automatic.
A worker :

• Submits an approval flow by entering an absence using the self-service absence management application, if
approvals are configured for that absence type.
• Initiates the Time Card Approval task by entering the absence directly in the time card.

Absence Transfer
Time and Labor doesn't transfer the absence time entries to any time consumer.
Absence Management:

• Generates the absence entries into Absence Plan Detail results for payment.

• Processes the hours to update accrual balances.

Using Time and Labor with Payroll: Points to Consider

You can integrate Oracle Fusion Global Payroll applications with Oracle Fusion Time and Labor to validate, approve, and
transfer reported time to payroll for payment.
Consider the following when using Time and Labor with Global Payroll:

• Prerequisite payroll setup

• Time attributes setup

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Time and Labor Time and Labor Integrations

• Time entry configuration

• Time period considerations
• Payroll validation configuration
• Payroll transfer process
• Transfer error resolution

Prerequisite Payroll Setup

Create elements in payroll to capture payroll time types in the time card and pass time to payroll or a third â party payroll
system for processing.
To use a third-party payroll provider, implement Oracle Fusion Global Payroll Interface to extract the payroll data for your
payroll provider.

Time Attributes Setup

After the payroll administrator sets up the payroll element and runs the Create Time Card Calculation Component process,
run the following two processes on the time card data:

• Generate Data Dictionary Time Attributes: Creates data dictionary time attributes for a selected time consumer that
categorizes time or defines time card fields.
• Generate Time Card Fields: Creates time card fields using data dictionary time attributes, for the specified legislative
data group.

These tasks are available in the Define Time and Labor task list, in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Time Entry Configuration

Payroll time entries on the time cards contain predefined payroll time card fields, such as pay time type and assignment

• Use the Manage Time Card Fields task to create a new time card field, enabling layout set overrides.
• Use the predefined payroll layout set if you don't need to make changes to the delivered time card fields or labels.
• Use the Manage Time Layout Sets task to create a new payroll layout based on predefined payroll layout. Customize
the time card fields displayed on all time entry, review, and approval pages.

These tasks are available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Time Period Considerations

Time periods for reporting and approving time can be weekly or biweekly. Approval periods match the reporting period.
Therefore, time cards are submitted for approval as soon as they are submitted.
Your payroll periods can be weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, or monthly. To align payroll periods with time card periods,
organize your workers into easily identifiable HCM Groups. Assign these groups to the correct worker time processing profile
containing a weekly or biweekly time card period.

Payroll Validation Configuration

Clicking Next, to review and submit the time card, always validates absence time entries.
This table describes the default processing associated with time card Next , Save , and Submit buttons:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Time and Labor Time and Labor Integrations

Time Card Button Automatic Validation Description

Next Yes When the worker clicks Next, the

    following processing runs before
opening the Time Card Review

• Validates absence, payroll,

and project time entry.

• Applies time entry rules.

• Applies time calculation rules.

• Generates calculated time.

Save No Using the Manage Time Consumer

    Sets task, you can configure the
validations to also run when the
worker clicks the Save button.

Submit Yes Clicking the Submit button on the

    Time Card Review page updates
the time card to Submitted status
and triggers the approval flow for
the time card.

Payroll Transfer Process

The payroll administrator uses the Load Time Card Batches process to retrieve time. Only approved time is transferred.

Transfer Error Resolution

Use the Time Management work area to monitor and troubleshoot transfer processes:
• View the time entries that failed during the transfer process in the Resolve Time Cards with Transfer Failures section
of the Overview page.
• Monitor time transfer processes that failed or were terminated abruptly in the Incomplete Time Transfer Processes
section of the Overview page.
◦ When the payroll administrator notifies of a failed process, reset the status to Unprocessed for the time entries
that weren't transferred successfully.
◦ The transfer process retrieves these unprocessed time entries the next time it runs.

Using Time and Labor with Project Costing: Points to

Use Oracle Fusion Time and Labor to bill customers for time worked on a project:
• Validate reported time entries

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Time and Labor Time and Labor Integrations

• Transfer validated entries to Oracle Fusion Project Costing

Consider the following when using Time and Labor with Project Costing:

• Prerequisite department classification

• Prerequisite project data setup
• Project time entry configuration
• Time entry display filters
• Validation configuration
• Time transfer process
• Transfer error resolution

Prerequisite Department Classification

To enable the worker to submit time cards, the department in the time reporter's Employment record must be an expenditure
organization. To classify a department as an expenditure organization, the projects administrator can:

1. Search for the Manage Project Organization Classifications task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Edit each
department by selecting the Classify as project expenditure organization check box.
2. Search for the Submit Process to Denormalize Organization Hierarchy task and run the process.

Prerequisite Project Data Setup

Predefined time card fields for use on the time card are:

• Project Name for Project Team Members

• Project Name
• Project Number
• Task Number
• Project Unit
• Expenditure Type
• Expenditure Type Name
• Project Unit
• Organization
• Expenditure Type Class (System Linkage Function)
• Billable
• Work Type
• Optional Expenditure Type
• Optional Expenditure Type Name
• Optional Project Name
• Optional Project Name for Project Team Members

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Time and Labor Time and Labor Integrations

• Optional Project Number

• Optional Project Number for Project Team Members
• Optional Task Number
• Optional Task Number for Project Team Members

Project tables in Oracle Fusion Project Foundations must be populated so that values are available for these time card fields.
When Project Foundation tables contain values, those values can be displayed in the time card choice lists. The choice lists
use value sets, which show the value and description.

Project Time Entry Configuration

Project time entries on the time cards contain:

• Predefined project time card fields, such as project, task, and expenditure type.
• Optional time card field values, such as billable indicator and work type.

Use the following tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area to configure project time entries:

Task Description

Manage Time Card Field Configure time card fields by using different column
  labels and value sets.

Manage Layout Set Duplicate and create a new project layout set based on
  the predefined project layout set.

Time Entry Display Filters

This table describes how project values are derived in the time card:

Data to Display Derivation

Projects that are correct for the person Business unit defined in Human Resources for the

Tasks that are correct for the person Entry of the project name or number in the time card

Correct expenditure types Entry of the project, which derives the project unit. The
  project unit derives the correct list of expenditure types

Validation Configuration
Clicking Next, to review and submit the time card, always validates project time entries.
This table describes the default processing associated with time card Next, Save, and Submit buttons:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Time and Labor Time and Labor Integrations

Time Card Button Automatic Validation Description

Next Yes When the time card user clicks

    Next, the following processing
runs before opening the Time Card
Review page:

• Validates absence, payroll,

and project time entry

• Applies time entry rules

• Applies time calculation rules

• Generates calculated time

Save No Using the Manage Time Consumer

    Sets task, you can configure
the validations to also run when
the time reporter clicks the Save

Submit Yes Clicking the Submit button on the

    Time Card Review page updates
the time card to Submitted status
and triggers the approval flow for
the time card.

Time Transfer Process

The project costing administrator initiates the retrieval of the time using the Transfer Time Service, which is invoked from the
Import and Process Cost Transaction process.
Only approved time cards with no errors from validations, time entry, or time calculation rules are transferred.

Transfer Error Resolution

Use the Time Management work area to monitor and troubleshoot transfer processes:

• View the time entries that failed during the transfer process in the Resolve Time Cards with Transfer Failures section
of the Overview page.

• Monitor time transfer processes that failed or were terminated abruptly in the Incomplete Time Transfer Processes
section of the Overview page.

◦ When the Project Costing administrator notifies of a failed process, reset the status to Unprocessed for the
time entries that were not transferred successfully.

◦ The transfer process retrieves these unprocessed time entries the next time it runs.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Time and Labor Time Card Approval and Transfer

4 Time Card Approval and Transfer

Time Card Approvals: Explained

The Manage Time and Labor business process includes delivered approval workflow tasks that route payroll-related time
entries or project-related time entries to the appropriate approvers. Typically, you route payroll-related time to the line
manager and project-related time to a project manager. You can customize these tasks to meet your business needs.
Important aspects of time card approval flow include:

• Approval periods
• Approval groups
• Approval tasks and rules
• Approval flow

Approval Periods
Use the Manage Repeating Time Periods task to define approval periods, for each time consumer. The approval period is the
same as the time card period. When the approval period is met, the time card is ready to be routed for approval.

Approval Groups
Approval groups are defined lists of approvers used to define the approval routing within the approval rules of the approval
task. Configure approval groups using the BPM worklist.

Time Card Approval Tasks and Rules

Approval tasks define event-driven configurations and approval rules define configurations that determine the routing.
To view and modify the Time Card approval tasks and rules, do one of the following:

• Use the BPM worklist application.

• Search for the Define Approval Management for Human Capital Management task list and use the Manage Approval
Rules and Notifications for Human Capital Management task.
This table lists the predefined approval tasks and task rules for payroll and project costing time entry approvals:

Delivered Approval Task and Task and Rule Description Additional Routing

Time Card Approval Routes payroll time entries that Time entries less than 40 hours are
  contain payroll time types to the approved automatically
line manager if the total hours for a  
time card exceed 40 hours.

Project Time Card Approval Routes time entries that contain If the project manager can't be
  a reported project, task, and found or derived, then routes the
expenditure type to the appropriate time entries to the worker's line
project manager. manager.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Time and Labor Time Card Approval and Transfer

Approval Flow
These points summarize the normal approval flow:

• A time card is approved when all approvers approve the time card.

• A time card is rejected when any of the approvers reject the time card.

• The worker receives notification when the time card has been approved or rejected.

You can define approval rules to override this normal approval flow.
Use the Manage Worker Time Entry Profiles task to control when the worker can update the time card during the approval
process. This task is available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Time Transfer: Explained

Time consumers control the retrieval of time based on their scheduling requirements. The time and labor administrator
monitors transfer processes, resolves errors, and resets process status.

Monitoring Time Transfers

Monitor transfer process completion and troubleshoot time transfers on the Overview page in the Time Management work
The following table shows the time consumer transfer processes and the roles that run them:

Transfer Process Process Initiator

Load Time Card Batches Payroll administrator


Import and Process Cost Transaction Project administrator


Resolving Time Cards with Transfer Failures

Only approved time cards without errors from validations, time entry, or time calculation rules transfer to either Oracle Fusion
Global Payroll or Oracle Fusion Project Costing.
Use the Failed Time Cards Requiring Attention section of the Time Management work area to:

1. View the time entries that failed during the transfer process.

2. Correct the erroneous time entries by clicking the time card period.

3. Resubmit the time card for approval and transfer.

Reviewing and Resetting Incomplete Time Transfer Processes

Use the Incomplete Time Transfer processes section of the Time Management work area to monitor time transfer processes
that are still in progress, failed or terminated abruptly.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Time and Labor Time Card Approval and Transfer

Whenever the time transfer process fails and returns an error:

1. The time consumer administrator provides the time and labor administrator with the job number of the failed

2. The time and labor administrator resets the failed job, which sets the status to Unprocessed for the time entries that
weren't transferred successfully.

3. The transfer process retrieves these unprocessed time entries the next time it runs.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Time and Labor Date Effectivity

5 Date Effectivity

Date-Effective Objects in Time and Labor: Explained

The following Time and Labor setup objects retain history as they change over time, using date-effectivity:

• Time Entry Rule Set

• Time Calculation Rule Set
• Worker Time Processing Setup Profile
• Worker Time Entry Setup Profile

Date Effectivity: Explained

Most object attributes change over time. For example, grade rates may increase or an address may change. Date-effective
objects keep a history of such changes. Professional users can retrieve and edit past and future versions of an object.
Many Human Capital Management (HCM) objects, including person names, assignments, benefits plans, grades, jobs,
locations, payrolls, and positions are date-effective.

Logical and Physical Records

Date-effective objects include one or more physical records. Each record has effective start and end dates. One record is
current and available to transactions. Others are past or take effect in the future. Together, these records constitute the
logical record or object instance.
This table shows changes to the department manager attribute in a department business object. Each row represents a
single physical record.

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Department Manager

4 18 January, 2011 C. Woods


3 15 October, 2010 17 January, 2011 A. Chan


2 13 June, 2009 14 October, 2010 T. Romero


1 22 March, 2007 12 June, 2009 G. Martin


The physical record number doesn't appear in the record.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Time and Labor Date Effectivity

Effective End Dates in Physical Records

Every physical record except the last has an effective end date. The update process adds this date, which is the day before
the effective start date of the next record, whenever you update the object.

Object End Dates

You can enter a final effective end date for some date-effective objects. For example, terminating an assignment adds a final
effective end date to the assignment. Alternatively, the End Date action may be available. If you end date a date-effective
object, then it isn't available to transactions after that date. However, the object's history is retrievable.

Status Values in Date-Effective Objects

Some date-effective objects, such as grades and jobs, have both effective dates and status values. When the object status
is Inactive, the object isn't available to transactions, regardless of its effective dates. Setting the status to Inactive makes
objects unavailable to transactions. If you can't enter an effective end date for an object, then changing its status has the
same effect.

Future-Dated Changes
For date-effective objects, you can enter future changes. For example, you enter the following worker promotion on 25
October, 2011 to take effect on 18 January, 2012.

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Grade

2 18 January, 2012 IC2


1 14 October, 2010 17 January, 2012 IC1


Physical record 2 becomes current on 18 January, 2012. From 14 October, 2010 until 17 January, 2012 physical record 1
is current and available to transactions. Users who can access the object history can see physical record 2 before it takes
When future-dated changes exist, other actions may be limited. For example, to end this worker's assignment before the
promotion takes effect, you must first delete the promotion.

Date-Enabled Objects
Some objects, such as work relationships, are date-enabled rather than date-effective. They have start and end dates that
define when they're available, but they have no history of changes. New attribute values overwrite existing attribute values.

Correcting Date-Effective Objects: Examples

You can correct most attributes of date-effective objects, regardless of whether they occur in current, past, or future physical
If you correct the effective start date of an object's first physical record, then the revised date must be before the current
effective start date. For the second and subsequent records, the revised date must be between the record's current effective
start and end dates.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Time and Labor Date Effectivity

Correcting a Current Error

On 11 March, 2011 you create a location definition but enter the wrong phone. On 21 March, 2011, you search for the
definition and select the Correct action. Before correction, the object history is as follows.

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Location Phone

1 11 March, 2011 650.555.0175


After correction, the object history is as follows.

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Location Phone

1 11 March, 2011 650.555.0176


Because you corrected the object, no change history exists.

Correcting a Past Error

A worker's assignment history is as follows.

Physical Record Effective Start Effective End Job Working at

Date Date Home

4 20 October, 2010 Line Manager No


3 18 August, 2010 19 October, 2010 Senior No


2 10 May, 2010 17 August, 2010 Senior Yes


1 25 July, 2009 9 May, 2010 Administrator Yes


You learn that the worker's job was actually Project Leader from 10 May to 19 October, 2010. As this period spans physical
records 2 and 3, you must correct both.
To retrieve physical record 2, you set the effective as-of date in the person search to any date between 10 May and 17
August, 2010. You select the assignment from the search results and make the correction.
You then retrieve physical record 3 and make the same correction.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Time and Labor Date Effectivity

Updating Date-Effective Objects: Examples

When you update a date-effective object, you insert a physical record in the object's history. Typically, the inserted record
follows the current record and the effective start date is today. However, you can also enter future-dated changes and update
past records.

Entering Future-Dated Changes

The grade EC3 exists from 17 June, 2009. Its ceiling step changes from 1 January, 2012. On 30 November, 2011, you
change the grade's ceiling step and enter an effective start date of 1 January, 2012. This change creates a physical record in
the grade definition, as shown in this table.

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Ceiling Step

2 1 January, 2012 4

1 17 June, 2009 31 December, 2011 3


From 1 January, 2012 physical record 2 is in effect. Until then, physical record 1 is in effect.

Applying Historical Updates to Later Records

Jennifer Watts has one assignment, as follows:

Physical Record Effective Start Effective End Grade Location

Date Date

2 18 September, A1 Area Office


1 10 April, 2010 17 September, A1 HQ


You promote Jennifer to grade A2 from 1 July, 2010. You update her assignment with an effective start date of 1 July, 2010
and enter grade A2. This update:

• Inserts a physical record between existing records 1 and 2

• Sets the effective end dates of physical record 1 to 30 June, 2010 and of the inserted record to 17 September, 2010

You also correct existing physical record 2 to change the grade from A1 to A2.
Jennifer's assignment history is now as follows:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Time and Labor Date Effectivity

Physical Record Effective Start Effective End Grade Location

Date Date

3 18 September, A2 Area Office


2 1 July, 2010 17 September, A2 HQ


1 10 April, 2010 30 June, 2010 A1 HQ



What's the effective as-of date?

A date value that filters search results. For any date-effective object that matches the other search criteria, the search
results include the physical record for the specified effective as-of date. The effective as-of date is one of the search criteria.
Therefore, objects with effective dates that don't include the specified date don't appear in the search results. By default, the
effective as-of date is today's date.

What's the difference between updating and correcting a date-

effective object?
When you update an object, you insert a physical record in the object's history. Typically, the inserted record follows the
current physical record, and the effective start date is today's date. However, you can edit the object history or create a
future-dated change by setting an appropriate effective start date.
When you correct a date-effective object, you edit the information in an existing physical record. You don't create a physical

What happens when I end date an object?

The date that you enter becomes the final effective end date for the object. If physical records exist for the object beyond the
effective end date, either they're deleted automatically or you delete them.
The object's history remains available. For example, the object may appear in search results if the search criteria include an
effective as-of date that's within the object's effective dates.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets

6 Layout Sets
Use the Manage Time Layout Sets task to create a collection of layouts that determine the appearance of the time entry,
review, and approval pages of the time card.
Additional configuration includes:
• Associate time card fields with layout sets.
• Configure the arrangement of various time entry options.
• Assign a layout set to multiple worker time entry profiles.
Configure these options and aspects of layout sets:
• Layouts
• Layout types
• Time Card matrix
• Row level details
• Comments
• Entry level details

Layout sets apply to a selected time consumer or combination of time consumers. Creating and saving a layout set creates a
set of predefined layouts for the specified consumers.
• You can customize all predefined layouts in the newly created layout set by overriding those default time card field
properties that permit override.
• You can't delete layouts from a layout set.
The predefined layout sets available for use in a worker time entry profile are:
• Projects and Payroll Layout Set
• Projects Team Membership and Payroll Layout Set
• Projects Layout Set Filtered by Project Team Members
• Payroll Layout Set
• Projects Layout Set

Layout Types
The following table lists the layouts in the layout set with corresponding Time entry pages:

Layout Time Entry Page

Time Entry Layout Create Time Card


Time Review Layout Review Time


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets

Layout Time Entry Page

Time View Layout View Time Card


Time Approval Notification Layout Approve Time Card


Calendar Entry Layout Report Time


Calendar Time View Layout View Time Card: The page for viewing the time card in
  the calendar.

Time Card Matrix

In the time entry pages, the time card matrix is the table that displays time attributes, days, and dates that contain hours or
time entries.

Row Level Details

The time card fields that you add in the Row Level Details page appear in the Additional Attributes dialog box.
Click the icon on each time entry row to open the dialog box that displays these dependent fields of entered time.
Example: Configure a payroll layout to display the Input Value time card field in the Additional Attributes dialog box,
whenever the Regular time card field is selected in the time card.

You can display the comments column on the time card.

Entry Level Details

The time card fields that you add in the Entry Level Details page appear in the Daily Details dialog box.
If you don't display the comments column on the time card, then you can display comments in the Entry Level Details dialog
box. Set the date entry format for the date field displayed on the Daily Details dialog box.

Configuring the Various Time Entry Layouts: Worked

This example demonstrates how to create a layout set for the payroll time consumer and configure the following layouts in
that layout set:

• Time Entry Layout

• Time Review Layout
• Time View Layout
• Time Approval Notification Layout

The following table summarizes the key decisions common to all layouts:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets

Decisions to Consider Time Entry, Time Review, Time View, and Time
Approval Notification Layouts

Who is the time consumer? Payroll


Do you want to display time card fields on the Create Yes

Time Card, Review Time, View Time Card, and Approve  
Time Card pages? Job, Hours Type

Do you want to change any default time card field labels Yes
on the time matrix section of the Create Time Card,  
Review Time, View Time Card, and Approve Time Card For Hours Type Time Card Field: Type of Hours

Do you want to display time card fields on the Additional Yes

Attributes dialog box of the Create Time Card, Review  
Time, View Time Card, and Approve Time Card pages? Absence Reason, Absence Type

Do you want to display the time card field name on the Yes
Additional Attributes dialog box of the Create Time Card,  
Review Time, View Time Card, and Approve Time Card For Absence Reason time card field: Reason of Absence

Do you want to replace the Additional Attributes label Yes

on both the Additional Attributes dialog and on the  
Additional Attributes column of the Create Time Card, Additional Payroll Attributes
Review Time, View Time Card, and Approve Time Card  

Display row level comments on the time card or on the Daily Details page
Daily Details page?  

Do you want to replace the Comments label on the Yes

Comments dialog box?  
  Daily Comments

Do you want to display time card field on the Daily Yes

Details dialog box of the Create Time Card, Review  
Time, View Time Card, and Approve Time Card pages? Rate Multiplier

Do you want to replace the Daily Details label on both Yes

the Daily Details dialog box and Daily Details column of  
the Create Time Card, Review Time, View Time Card, Payroll Daily Details
and Approve Time Card pages?  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets

The following table summarizes the key decisions that are different:

Decision to Time Entry Time Review Time View Time Approval

Consider Layout Layout Layout Notification

Allow the time No NA NA NA

card user to enter        
negative hours
when reporting

What is the format Display start and Display start and Display start and NA
for reporting and end time end time end time  
displaying time?      

What is the format Display hours and Display hours and Display hours and Display hours and
for displaying times times times times
calculated time?        

Enter or display 2 NA NA NA
hours to how        
many decimal

How many rows 5 NA NA NA

for entering time        
must be displayed
on the time
reporting pages?

What is the format Month Date, Day Month Date, Day Month Date, Day NA
for displaying date        
on the time matrix
section of the
Create Time Card,
Review Time, and
View Time Card

What is the format Month Date, Day Month Date, Day Month Date, Day NA
for displaying date        
in the Entry Level
Details section of
the Create Time
Card, Review
Time, and View
Time Card pages?

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets


1. Create time card fields Job and Hours Type.

Summary of the Tasks

1. Create a layout set for the Payroll Time Consumer Set.

2. Configure the time entry layout to customize the Create Time Card page.

3. Configure the time review layout to customize the Review Time page.

4. Configure the time view layout to customize the View Time page.

5. Configure the approval notification layout to customize the Approve Time page.

Creating a Layout Set

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for Manage Layout Sets and click Go to Task.

2. Click Create.

3. On the Generate Layout Set page, select Payroll as the Time Consumer.

4. Click Generate Layout Set.

5. Complete the fields, as shown in the table.

Field Value

Name Payroll Layout Set


Description Payroll layout set that includes the displayed

assignment number and payroll time card fields.

6. Click Save.

Configuring the Time Entry Layout

1. On the Edit Layout Set page, select Time Entry Layout and click Configure Layout.

2. Click Edit Layout to edit the display of time entry fields on the time card.

3. In the Time Card Matrix dialog box, delete the time card fields: Assignment Number and Payroll Time Type.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets

4. Click Add two times to add the time card fields: Job and Hours Type.

5. Change the display label of the Hours Type time card field to Work Hours Type.

6. In the Time Entry Properties section, complete the values, as shown in this table. Use default values for fields unless
the steps specify other values.

Field Value

Time Entry Format Display start and end time


Date Format January 4, Monday


7. Click Next.

8. In the Row Level Details dialog box, click Add two times to add two time card fields.

9. Complete the fields for the two time card fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value for the first Time Card Value for the second Time
Field Card Field

Time Card Field Absence Reason Absence Type


Display Label Reason of Absence NA


10. In the Display Properties section, enter Additional Payroll Attributes in the Label on the Time Card field.

11. Click Next.

12. In the Comments dialog box, select In the entry level detail page in the Comments Column Display field.

13. In the Display Properties section, enter Daily Comments in the Label on the Time Card field.

14. Click Next.

15. In the Entry Level Details dialog box, click Add to add a time card field. Select Rate Multiplier in the Time Card Field

16. In the Display Properties section, complete the values, as shown in this table:

Field Value

Label on the Time Card Payroll Daily Details


Date Format January 4, Monday


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets

17. Click Save and Close.

Configuring the Time Review, Time View, and Approval Notification

1. On the Edit Layout Sets page, select the required layout and click Configure Layout.
2. In the Reported Time section, click Edit Layout to edit the display of time entry fields on the time card.
3. Repeat steps 3 through 17 of the task: Configuring the Time Entry Layout.
4. In the Calculated Time section, click Edit Layout to edit the display of time entry fields on the time card.
5. Repeat steps 3 through 5 of the task: Configuring the Time Entry Layout.
6. In the Time Entry Properties section, complete the values, as shown in this table. Use default values for fields unless
the steps specify other values.

Field Value

Time Entry Format Display hours and times


Date Format January 4, Monday


7. Repeat steps 7 through 17 of the task: Configuring the Time Entry Layout.

Configuring a Calendar Entry Layout: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to configure a calendar entry layout.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario:

Decisions to Consider In this Example

Do you want to display time card fields on the Report Yes

Time page?  
  Projects, Task

Do you want to replace the time card field name in the Yes
Report Time page?  
  Projects Number, Task Number

Can the time card user enter negative hours on the No

Report Time page?  

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets

Decisions to Consider In this Example

What is the format for reporting time? Display start and end time

Enter or display hours to how many decimal place? 2


Do you want to display time card fields in the Drag to Yes

Report Time section of the Time page?  
  Expenditure Type, Project Unit, Expenditure Type Class

Summary of the Tasks

1. Create a layout set with Projects as the Time Consumer Set.

2. Configure the calendar entry layout to customize the report time page.

Creating a Layout Set

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for Manage Layout Sets and click Go to Task.

2. Click Create.

3. On the Generate Layout Sets page, select Projects as the Time Consumer.

4. Click Generate Layout Set.

5. Complete the Define Layout Sets section, as shown in this table:

Field Value

Name Projects Layout Set


Description Using this layout, workers can enter time against a

selected project, task, and expenditure type.

6. Click Save.

Creating a Calendar Entry Layout

Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values.

1. On the Edit Layout Set page, select Calendar Entry Layout and click Configure Layout.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Time and Labor Layout Sets

2. Click the Edit Layout button to edit the display of time card fields on the Report Time page.

3. In the Time Card Field dialog box, edit the display labels of Project and Task time card fields, as shown in this

Field Value for the first Time Card Value for the second Time
Field Card Field

Name Projects Task


Display Label Project Number Task Number


4. Select Display start and end time in the Time Entry Format field.

5. Click Next.

6. On the Drag and Drop Values page, click Add three times to add three time card fields - Expenditure Type, Project
Unit, and Expenditure Type Class.

7. Enter Type of Expenditure as the Display Label for the Expenditure Type time card field.

8. Click Save.


Why can't I edit some layout sets?

You can't edit predefined layout sets, such as Projects Layout Set and Payroll Layout Set. However, you can duplicate these
layouts to make the required modifications.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

7 Time Rules

Rule Set Components: How They Work Together

Use rule templates to create time entry and time calculation rules based on formulas. Group rules of the same type into a rule
set and assign rule sets to a worker or group of workers using the worker time processing profile.
The following figure shows the relationship between formula, rule templates, rules, and rule sets.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

The delivered formulas associated with rule templates are created using Oracle Fusion Fast Formula.
Use the Manage Fast Formulas task to create your own formulas, which you can attach to rule templates.
Example: A rounding formula attached to a template enables you to define a variety of rounding rules with specific values,
such as the nearest quarter hour.
You can attach a formula to more than one rule template.

Rule Templates
A rule template contains predefined combinations of input parameters and output values for the underlying formula.
Use rule templates to create time entry and time calculation rules that contain the actual values for formula parameters
available in the template. Use the same template to create more than one rule.
Create two types of rule templates:

Rule Template Type Description

Time Entry Rule Template Contains configurations to define time entry rules that
  check the entered time and issue a business message,
error, or warning.
Example: Define a time entry rule template to display
an error message whenever the reported time entries
exceed a maximum hours value.

Time Calculation Rule Template Contains configurations to define time calculation rules
  that convert the calculated time entries into processed
Example: Create a time calculation rule template that
takes the time entries reported for a week as input and,
based on a threshold parameter, classifies the entries
into calculated results. This template converts the hours
above the threshold value into a separate pay time type,
such as Overtime. Hours under the threshold value
remain the same pay time type, such as Regular.

Create two types of rules:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

Rule Type Description

Time Entry Rule Time entry rules validate the entered time and display a
  business message, error, or warning.
Example: Write rules to ensure that the worker hasn't
entered more than a specified number of hours per

Time Calculation Rule Time calculation rules convert entered time into
  processed and calculated time.
Example: Create different rules to calculate overtime
according to variations in legislated requirements in
different jurisdictions.

You can control when the rule is applied.

Example: You can apply the rules on save, on submit, or on resubmit of the time card.

Rule Sets
Create a collection of rules or rule sets of the same type. Assign rule sets to groups of workers with similar vacation and time
processing requirements.

Input Parameters and Rule Outputs: Explained

A formula contains predefined combinations of input and output parameters that are values passed into and returned from
the formula.
When creating a:

• Rule template, specify a user-friendly display name and the order in which these parameters are displayed on the
rules definition page.

• Rule, provide actual values for these input and output parameters.

Input Parameters
Rule input configuration options on the Rule Parameters page include:

• Define the display order of the input parameters on the rule page. Lower number denotes a higher priority.

• Specify an alternate name for the rule parameter name to display on the rule definition page.

• Select the parameter type that determines the values that the administrator using the template can enter for a
specific parameter.

Examples of the effects of parameter type:

• The Exclude parameter type doesn't allow the template user to enter or see any parameter values.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

• The Value Set parameter requires a parameter type.

Rule Outputs
Rule output configuration option on the Rule Outputs page includes:

• Select the type of output message.

• Specify an alternate name for the output name to display on the rule definition page.

When creating time calculation rule templates, you can add time attributes and associate them with predefined rule outputs.
For example, the Weekly Time Calculation Rule template based on the formula -
WFM_THRESHOLD_TIME_CALCULATION_RULE has the following two outputs:



On the Outputs page, add two time attributes as output: OUT_PAY_UNDER and OUT_PAY_OVER. Use the Grouping
Structure option to associate these two attributes with the outputs OUT_MEASURE_UNDER and OUT_MEASURE_OVER

Time Calculation Rule Set Processing Order: Explained

The time calculation rules execute in a defined processing order in the rule set. Processing order one processes first.
The following example shows the processing order for a rule set that incorporates two other rule sets.
Rule set A definition:

Processing Order Rule Member

1 Rule 1

2 Rule 2

Rule set B definition:

Processing Order Rule Member

1 Rule 3

2 Rule 4

Rule set C definition:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

Processing Order Rule Member

1 Rule 5

2 Rule set B

3 Rule 6

4 Rule set A

The order of processing rules in Rule Set C is as follows:

1. Rule 5
2. Rule 3
3. Rule 4
4. Rule 6
5. Rule 1
6. Rule 2

Creating a Time Entry Rule: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to use a rule template to create a time entry rule that requires workers to enter at least eight
hours per day. The rule validates all payroll time entries upon save, submit, or resubmit, and produces an error message if
time is insufficient.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario:

Decision to Consider In This Example

What is the rule template name? Minimum Hours Per Day Template

What is the severity of the output message? Error


1. Create a time entry rule template named Minimum Hours Per Day Template.

Creating a Time Entry Rule

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for Manage Rules and click Go to Task.
2. Click Create.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

3. On the Create Rule page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Minimum 8 Hours Per Day


Template Type Time entry rule


Rule Template Name Minimum Hours Per Day Template


4. Click Continue.
5. On the Create Rule: Minimum Hours Per Day Rule page, enter a description, such as: Requires workers to enter at
least eight hours per day.
6. In the Time Card Events that Trigger Rule section, verify that the default values from the template match the
requirements for this rule scenario. .
7. In the Rule Parameters section, enter the parameter values, as shown in this table.

Display Name Value

Minimum number of hours 8


Message displayed when the minimum hours HWM_ FF_ TER_ PERIOD_ LS_MIN_ERR
parameter isn't met  

Time category that defines the hour entries All Payroll Entries
that amount to work time  

8. In the Outputs section, for the OUT_MSG output parameter, select Error in the Message Severity option.
9. Click Save and Close.

Creating a Time Entry Rule Set: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create a time entry rule set that requires workers to report at least 8 hours a day, but not
more than 40 hours a week. The rule set validates all payroll entries and displays an error message when time is below the
daily minimum or above the weekly maximum.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario:

Decision to Consider In This Example

What are the rule members of the rule set? Two rules:
• Maximum 40 Hours Per Week

• Minimum 8 Hours Per Day

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

Decision to Consider In This Example

What time category determines whether the rules apply? All Payroll Entries

1. Create the following rules: Maximum 40 Hours Per Week and Minimum 8 Hours Per Day

Creating a Time Entry Rule Set

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for Manage Rule Sets and click Go to Task.
2. Click Create.
3. Enter Hours Worked in the Name field.
4. Select Time entry rule as the rule type.
5. Click Continue.
6. In the Basic Information section, enter a description, such as: Maximum 40 hours per week and minimum 8 hours
per day.

Display Name Value

Description Contains rules where the worker can't work more

than 40 hours in a week and where they need to
work a minimum of 8 hours for day.

7. In the Rule Set Members section, click Add twice to add two rule members.
8. Complete the fields for the two rule members, as shown in this table.

Field Value for the First Rule Value for the Second Rule

Processing Order 1 2

Member Type Rule Rule


Name Minimum 8 Hours Per Day Maximum 40 Hours Per Week


Time Category Condition All Payroll Entries All Payroll Entries


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

9. Click Save and Close.

Creating a Time Calculation Rule: Worked Example

You require a time calculation rule to compare the reported hours with a threshold value. If the reported hours exceed the
threshold value, the hours under the threshold value are classified as Regular Hours and the hours above the threshold value
are classified as Overtime Hours.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario:

Decision to Consider In this Example

What is the template name? Daily Threshold Hours Template


What are the actual values for the rule parameters • Daily overtime threshold value: 8
configured in the template?
  • Time category that defines the hour entries that
amount to the calculated time: Worked Hour Entry

What are the actual values for the output parameters? • Pay Time Type value that are below the threshold
  value: Regular Hours

• Pay Time Type value that are above the threshold

value: Overtime Hours

1. Create a time category named Worker Hour Entry.

2. Create a time calculation rule template named Daily Threshold Hours Template.

Creating a Time Calculation Rule

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for Manage Rules and click Go to Task.

2. Click Create.

3. On the Create Rule page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Daily threshold 8 Hours Update TCR


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

Field Value

Template Type Time calculation rule


Rule Template Name Daily Threshold Hours Template


4. On the Basic Definition page, enter the following description for the Rule: Rule that takes time entries reported for a
day and based on a threshold parameter, splits the entries into calculated results.
5. In the Rule Parameters section, complete the fields, as shown in the table.

Display Name Value

Threshold number of hours before overtime is 8


Time category that defines the hour entries Worked Hour Entry
that amount to the threshold value  

6. In the Outputs section, complete the fields, as shown in the table:

Output Display Name Value

Pay Time Type value that is below the Regular Hours

threshold value  

Pay Time Type value that is above the Overtime Hours

threshold value  

7. Click Save and Close.

Creating a Time Calculation Rule Set: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create a time calculation rule set that classifies any reported time that is more than 40
hours a week or 8 hours a day as overtime.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario:

Decision to Consider In This Example

What are the contents of the rule set? Two time calculation rules:
• Weekly threshold rule

• Daily threshold rule

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

1. Create two time calculation rules: Weekly threshold rule and Daily threshold rule.

Creating a Time Calculation Rule Set

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for Manage Rule Sets and click Go to Task.

2. Click Create.

3. Enter Overtime Hours in the Rule Name field.

4. Select Time calculation rule as the template type.

5. Enter 6/14/13 in the Effective Start Date field.

6. Click Continue.

7. In the Basic Information section, enter a description.

8. In the Rule Set Members section, click Add twice to add two rule members.

9. Complete the fields for the two rule members, as shown in this table.

Field Value for the First Rule Value for the Second Rule

Processing Order 1 2

Member Type Rule Rule


Name Daily threshold rule Weekly threshold rule


10. Click Save and Close.

Analyzing Rule Processing Details: Explained

Use the Analyze Rule Processing Details task to select a worker's time card and view the formulas, rules, and rule sets
processed on that time card.
Analyze the rule and rule set processing logs to diagnose any errors. Correct the errors by navigating to the relevant Time and
Labor task. Example: If you detect errors in the processing of a rule template, use the Manage Rule Template task to search
for the required rule template and fix the error.
The following table describes specific aspects of worker's time card that you can view on the Rule Processing Details page:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Using Time and Labor Time Rules

Information Description

Rule Details Click the Rule Definition icon to view details of the time
  entry or time calculation rule that includes the input and
output parameters.

Rule and Rule Set Processing Logs Click the Rule Processing Log and Rule Set Processing
  Log icons to view the processing logs that help to
diagnose processing issues.

Formula Details Click the Formula Details icon to view details of the
  formula associated to the rule templates.


Why can't I edit some rules?

You can't edit rules that have been used to generate time card entries, regardless of whether these rules are associated with
a worker time processing profile or not.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Using Time and Labor Groups

8 Groups
Use the Manage HCM Groups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to define groups of people with similar
characteristics. A group might have a fixed number of people or the members might be updated on a defined basis. A worker
can belong to more than one group.
This topic describes:
• Defining membership conditions
• Including or excluding individuals or other groups
• Setting embedded group priority
• Evaluating and refreshing membership
• Viewing group membership
• Locking membership

Defining Membership Conditions

Use personal and employment criteria to define conditions that must be satisfied for persons to be included in or excluded
from a group.
Some examples of personal criteria include:
• Person Type
• Date of Birth
• Full Name
Employment criteria include:
• Assignment Status
• Department Name
• Job Name
Example: To create a group called Associate Marketing Reps, which consists of hourly workers that belong to the Marketing
department, define these conditions:
Condition 1
• Evaluation Criteria: Department Name
• Operator: Equal to
• Value: Marketing
• Logical Operator: AND
Condition 2
• Evaluation Criteria: Job Name
• Operator: Equal to
• Value: Associate Marketing Rep

Including or Excluding Individuals or Other Groups

You can determine the group membership by adding individual workers and other groups with either Include or Exclude
membership statuses.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Using Time and Labor Groups

Example: To create a larger group that includes the hourly workers in the Marketing department, add the Hourly Marketing
group with membership status equal to Include.

Setting Embedded Group Priority

When you embed groups within another group, a worker can exist in more than one group. In such a case, the priority
number assigned to the embedded groups determines the group membership. The lowest number has the highest priority.
Example: Joe Smith is a member of the following two groups that are embedded in the Marketing group, with the following
membership statuses:

Priority Group Name Status

1 Promotions Exclude

2 Advertising Include

Joe Smith would be excluded from the Marketing group because the Promotions group, his top priority embedded group, is

Evaluating and Refreshing Membership

After defining the group, click the Refresh Group Membership button on the Manage HCM Groups page to evaluate group
membership and update the list of members. You can schedule regular refreshes using advanced options.

Viewing Group Membership

Specify a date within a range of dates to view the group membership as of that date.

Locking Membership
Select Yes in the Locked option to prevent refreshing of the group definition as of a specific date.
Example: You can lock all members of a group, senior managers, as of 12-June-2013 so that the same set of workers would
always be processed.
Locking the group membership is a permanent action and can't be reversed.

Group Membership: How It Is Evaluated

A group definition can include or exclude a person in multiple ways. The application evaluates the group definition in a specific
order to determine the final membership status of each person as of a particular date.

Settings That Affect Group Membership

The following conditions affect the group membership:
• Individual inclusion or exclusion status of the person
• Inclusion or exclusion status of a defined group of persons that is embedded in the group definition
• Priority number of each embedded group
• Eligibility for selection criteria

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Using Time and Labor Groups

How the Group Membership Is Evaluated

The Evaluate Group Membership process evaluates the membership of a group in the following order:
1. When you individually include or exclude a worker, then the associated include or exclude membership status
determines the final membership status of the worker.
2. When you include or exclude a group, then the include or exclude membership status of the group determines the
membership of all workers in that group.
3. When a worker is a member of multiple groups with different inclusion or exclusion membership statuses, the
priority numbers assigned to the groups determine membership. The group having the lowest status number takes
4. When you add evaluation criteria using attributes, relational, and logical operators, the filtered results returned by the
different conditions determine the group membership.
The following figure illustrates that individual membership status has the highest priority in determining group membership.
Embedded group status has a higher priority than eligibility criteria.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Using Time and Labor Groups

Defining Groups: Worked Example

You want to create a group for workers who are trained to complete the end of year financial accounts. In addition to the
normal accounting workers, you train a group of borrowed workers to be part of the year end processing group.
No other borrowed workers are eligible for training and to work on year end tasks.
This example demonstrates how to create two groups, Accounting Workers and Borrowed Workers, and embed those first
two groups into the third, Year End Processing Group.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario:

Decisions to Consider Accounting Workers Borrowed Workers Year End Processing


How is the group For a date range As of run date For a date range
definition evaluated?      

What is the condition Department Name Equal Not applicable Not applicable
that is used to build the to Accounting    
selection criteria for the  

What is the group that Not applicable Not applicable Accounting Workers and
you want to include in     Borrowed Workers
this group definition?  

What are the members Not applicable Members to Include: Not applicable
that you want to include   Tate Scott, Veronica  
or exclude from this Adriano, Fen Lee,
group definition? Marsha Able, and Priya

Should the group Yes No Yes

membership be      

Summary of the Tasks

Create three groups and embed the first two groups into the third.

1. Create two groups, one by adding selection condition and the other by including members explicitly.

2. Create the third group by including the first two groups.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Using Time and Labor Groups

Defining a Group by Creating Group Criteria

Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values.

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for Manage HCM Groups and click Go to Task.
2. Click Create.
3. On the Create Group page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Accounting Workers


Description Only workers who work for the accounting


Evaluation Period For a date range. Number of Days Before

Evaluation Date: 30 and Number of Days

4. In the Evaluation Criteria region, click Create.

5. In the Evaluation Criteria dialog box, select the fields for the criteria, as shown in this table.

Field Criteria

Attribute Department Name


Operator Equal to

Value Accounting

6. In the Evaluation Criteria dialog box, click Save and Close.

7. On the Create Group page, click Save and Close.
8. On the Manage Groups page, click Refresh Group Membership.
9. On the Refresh Group Membership page, select Accounting Worker in the Group name choice list.
10. Select the Evaluation Date as the current date.
11. Select Submit.

Defining a Group by Including Members Explicitly

Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values.

1. On the Create Group page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Using Time and Labor Groups

Field Value

Name Borrowed Workers


Description Workers who support accounting workers.


2. In the Include or Exclude Members section, click Add Members to Include.

3. Select Support Analyst in the Job option and click Search.

4. Select the members Tate Scott, Veronica Adriano, Fen Lee, Marsha Able, and Priya Krishnan. Click OK. The
members are added with the include status.

5. Click Save and Close.

6. On the Manage Groups page, click Refresh Group Membership .

7. On the Refresh Group Membership page, select Borrowed Workers in the Group name choice list.

8. Select the Evaluation Date as the current date.

9. Select Submit.

10. In the Search Results region, select the Borrowed Workers group and select edit from the Actions menu.

11. Select Yes in the Locked choice list.

Defining a Group by Embedding a Group

1. On the Create Group page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Name Year End Processing


Description Contains workers who would work on the year end


Locked No

Evaluation Period For a date range. Number of Days Before

Evaluation Date: 30 Number of Days After
Evaluation Date: 30

2. In the Include or Exclude Groups section, click Add twice.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Using Time and Labor Groups

3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value 1 Value 2

Priority 1 2

Name Accounting Workers Borrowed Workers


Condition Include Include


4. Click Save and Close.

5. On the Manage Groups page, click Refresh Group Membership.

6. On the Refresh Group Membership, select Year End Processing in the Group name choice list.

7. Select Evaluation Date as the current date.

8. Select No in Remove Future-Dated Group Members choice list.

9. Select Submit.


Why can't I edit some groups?

You can't edit predefined groups and groups that are associated with a worker time entry profile.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Using Time and Labor Setup Profiles

9 Setup Profiles

Setup profiles associate workers with a set of configurable time card layouts and rules for time entry and time processing.
Assign profiles either to an individual worker or a group of workers
Use the Define Time and Labor Setup Profiles task list to configure and assign time entry profiles and time processing profiles.
This topic discusses the following aspects of setup profiles:

• Types of setup profiles

• Group Assignment
• Profile Priority
• Default Profile

Types of Setup Profile

Time entry profiles and time processing profiles help you assign the correct layouts and validations to diverse sets of workers,
such as:
• Workers who report only exceptions to the normal work schedule
• Workers who report time against projects and tasks

The following table shows how two profile type assignments help you vary the time reporting experience for diverse groups:

Profile Type Profile Contents

Worker time entry profile • Layouts for reporting time

• Rules for time card actions that control when
workers can enter, update, and delete their time

Worker time processing profile • The time card period

• Time entry and time calculation rule sets

• Consumer set, validation, approval, and transfer


Group Assignment
Use start and end dates to manage the assignment of a profile to groups.
You can assign a single profile to more than one group of workers at a time. Example: Assign the USA_Workers time entry
profile to:

• Full_Time_USAWorkers group

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Using Time and Labor Setup Profiles

• Part_Time_USAWorkers group
However, you can't associate a single group with more than one profile of the same type at any given time. Example: The
Full_Time_USAWorkers group can't have both the USA_Workers time entry profile and UK_Workers time entry profile
assigned to it.

Assign each setup profile a unique priority number with reference to other profiles of the same profile type. The priority
number determines the profile used to create the time card if a worker is eligible for more than one profile.
Number one is the highest priority. Example: A single worker is a member of two groups:
• Group A: Time entry profile priority = 5
• Group B: Time entry profile priority = 3
The time entry profile with priority 3 is used for that worker.

Default Profile
By default, all workers in an organization are members of a delivered group that has a profile assigned to it. A worker who
isn't eligible for any setup profile through either individual or group assignment is assigned the default profile.

Configuring Time Card Access Settings: Procedure

Use the Manage Worker Time Entry Profile task to specify the layout set and configure when workers can create, view, edit,
and delete time cards.
To configure time card access, on the Profile Values page:
1. Select the date on which the access settings become effective.
2. For each time entry action, enable the time card statuses in which users can access the time card to perform that
3. You can enter the number of days into the past or future that a worker can take the action in each enabled status.
Workers can edit the entire time card that includes that day in the past or future and all time cards between that
date and the current date.
If you don't enter the number of days, then the time card user has unlimited access to perform the action on the
time card in the enabled status.
Example: Enable workers to change any entered, saved, or submitted time cards up to five days before the current
date. If that day falls in a prior time card period, then workers can edit both the current and previous time cards.

Worker Profile: How It Is Derived

Through group membership, a worker can be eligible for multiple time entry and time processing profiles. However, the
application derives only one profile of each type for each worker.
These setup profiles determine the following:
• Time Card period
• Rules
• Time Card access privilege
• Layouts

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Using Time and Labor Setup Profiles

Settings that Affect Profile Assignment

Profile assignment settings resolve to a final profile assignment through the priority sequence shown in the following table.

Setting Processing Description

Individual Assignment Individual assignment of a worker to a setup profile

  takes highest priority and overrides any group profile

Group Assignment When multiple group memberships make the worker

  eligible for more than one profile of the same type, the
profile with the lowest priority number is used.

Default Group Assignment Catches workers who don't have any individual or group
  profile assignments. Ensures that all workers have a
profile and can report time.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Using Time and Labor Setup Profiles

How the Worker Profile is Derived

The following figure shows resolving a worker's profile assignment through the priority sequence.

Troubleshooting Time Card Profile Assignment: Explained

When the time card layout or processing rules aren't as expected for a worker or group, use the Manage Setup Profiles task
to investigate and correct the profile assignment.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Using Time and Labor Setup Profiles

Comparing Profiles
Compare a worker's setup profile values from both individual and group assignments. Use the comparison to decide if the
worker must be assigned a new profile that overrides any profile associations based on group memberships.
To compare profiles, click the Troubleshoot button:

1. Select a worker.

2. Specify the profile evaluation date.

3. Click Evaluate to list the setup profiles that are assigned to the worker effective on that date.

4. Select up to three of the worker's setup profiles and view the various time entry values for those profiles.

Overriding Group Profile

If a worker's group membership results in incorrect time card or processing, you can use the Assign Profile to Person option
to individually assign a profile to the worker.
This individual profile assignment overrides all profile associations based on group memberships.

Disassociating a Profile Assigned to an Individual

Disassociate a profile that is assigned to a person using the Delete Override option.
In such a case,

• If there are multiple setup profiles that have been individually assigned to a person, then the individual profile with the
lowest priority number takes priority.

Example: You assign the worker to profiles A and B and profile A has a higher priority than B. Based on a worker's
change in job responsibility, profile A is no longer accurate for the worker. To disassociate profile A, click the Delete
Override option. The application automatically assigns profile B to the worker.

• If there are no other individual setup profile assignments, then the group profile with lowest priority number takes

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Using Time and Labor

A set of information, including job, position, pay, compensation, managers, working hours, and work location, that defines a
worker's or nonworker's role in a legal employer.

ceiling step
Highest step within a grade that a worker may progress to.

date-effective object
An object with a change history. Professional users can retrieve the object as of a current, past, or future date.

effective as-of date

A date used for filtering search results for date-effective objects. For objects that match the search criteria, the search results
include the physical record in effect on the specified date.

effective end date

For a date-effective object, the end date of a physical record in the object's history. A physical record is available to
transactions between its effective start and end dates.

effective start date

For a date-effective object, the start date of a physical record in the object's history. A physical record is available to
transactions between its effective start and end dates.

A component of the employment model that defines the level of compensation for a worker.

grade rate
Used to define pay values for grades in a legislative data group.

A generic role that is independent of any single department or location. For example, the jobs Manager and Consultant can
occur in many departments.

logical record
One or more physical records that constitute a date-effective object.

physical record
A single record, with effective start and end dates, in the history of a date-effective object. Each physical record is a row in a
database table.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Using Time and Labor

A specific occurrence of one job that is fixed within one department. It is also often restricted to one location. For example,
the position Finance Manager is an instance of the job Manager in the Finance Department.

work relationship
An association between a person and a legal employer, where the worker type determines whether the relationship is a
nonworker, contingent worker, or employee work relationship.

worker time entry profile

A collection of layout specifications that determine the appearance of the time card and rules that control when workers can
take action on their time card.

worker time processing profile

A collection of the time card period and the time entry and time calculation rule sets for both the worker and the time


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